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Minutes for HB2816 - Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources

Short Title

Prohibiting entering or remaining on and knowingly making false statements to gain access to animal facilities and field crop production areas, providing penalties therefor and removing the intent to destroy property in the farm animal and field crop and research facilities protection act.

Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 6, 2024

Chairperson Rahjes opened the hearing on HB 2816 and requested Revisor Hamilton to provide an overview of the bill. (Attachment 9) There were no questions.

Chairperson Rahjes requested Jackie Garagiola, Associate Counsel, Kansas Livestock Association, to offer proponent testimony on HB 2816. (Attachment 10)  Ms. Garagiola answered questions from Committee members.

The following individuals submitted written-only proponent testimony on HB 2816:

Janet Bailey, CEO, Kansas Dairy Association (Attachment 11)

Tim Stroda, President-CEO, Kansas Pork Association (Attachment 12)

Claudia Hissong, Kansas Farm Bureau (Attachment 13)

Ashley Brinkman, Director of Government Affairs, Pet Advocacy Network (Attachment 14)

Randy Stookey, SVP Government Affairs and General Counsel, on behalf of Kansas Grain and Feed Association, Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association, and Renew Kansas Biofuels Association (Attachment 15)

No other testimonies were presented to the Committee.

Chairperson Rahjes closed the hearing on HB 2816.