75-4331. Memorandum of understanding; financial report; consideration and action; rejection. If agreement is reached by the representatives of the public agency and the recognized employee organization, they jointly shall prepare a memorandum of understanding and, within fourteen (14) days, present it to the appropriate governing body or authority for determination. The governing body or authority, as soon as practicable after receiving a report from the chief financial officer for the agency of the fiscal effect the terms of such memorandum will have upon the agency, shall consider the memorandum and take appropriate action. If the public employer is a taxing subdivision subject to the provisions of K.S.A. 79-4401, et seq., such financial report shall also include information as to the impact of such memorandum on the subdivision's aggregate tax levy and operating expense limitations. If a settlement is reached with an employee organization and the governing body or authority, the governing body or authority shall implement the settlement in the form of a law, ordinance, resolution, executive order, rule or regulation. If the governing body or authority rejects a proposed memorandum, the matter shall be returned to the parties for further deliberation. |