AN ACT concerning crimes, punishment and criminal procedure; relating to crimes against the public peace; creating the crime of interference with the conduct of a healthcare facility; increasing the criminal penalty for battery of a healthcare provider; relating to crimes involving controlled substances; adding the placing of controlled substances into pills into the definition of manufacture; excluding materials used to detect the presence of fentanyl, ketamine or gamma hydroxybutyric acid from the definition of drug paraphernalia; increasing the criminal penalties for manufacturing fentanyl-related controlled substances; creating a special sentencing rule for manufacturing fentanyl-related controlled substances; relating to crimes involving property; adding domestic battery and violation of a protection order to the list of crimes a person has intent to commit for the crimes of burglary and aggravated burglary; relating to interference with law enforcement; increasing criminal penalties when the violation involves fleeing from a law enforcement officer; authorizing the attorney general to prosecute any crime that is part of an alleged course of criminal conduct that occurred in two or more counties; amending K.S.A. 75-702 and K.S.A. 2022 Supp. 21-5413, 21-5701, 21-5703, 21-5807, 21-5904 and 21-6805 and repealing the existing sections; also repealing K.S.A. 2022 Supp. 21-5701b.