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Legislative Deadlines
Feb. 12, 2025
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2024 Statute

Section Number

19-1505d - Validation of certain proceedings and bonds for county buildings.
19-1510 - Courthouses in counties of more than 110,000 population; exceptions; bonds.
19-1511 - Plans and specifications for courthouse; bids; contracts; bond of contractor; time for action to restrain.
19-1512 - Bonds; levies.
19-1513 - Courthouse and jail in county of more than 120,000 population.
19-1544 - Exchange of courthouse property for fairgrounds.
19-1545 - Deed for exchange.
19-1546 - Lease for lands acquired by exchange.
19-1547 - Free fairs on grounds exchanged for unused courthouse property; tax levy, use of proceeds.
19-1561 - Site, buildings, equipment; tax levy, use of proceeds; election required; condemnation proceedings.
19-1561a - Donations.
19-1561b - 4-H buildings and furnishings; additional equipment, repair of buildings; premiums and rewards; tax levy, use of proceeds; report to county of premiums and rewards awarded.
19-1561c - Control and management of buildings; appointment of board; terms.
19-1561d - Tax levies voted under K.S.A. 19-1561.
19-1561e - No-fund warrants; limitation; payment; cash basis and budget laws inapplicable.
19-1561f - Maximum levies not made.
19-1561g - No-fund warrants for certain expenditures; limitation; redemption.
19-1562 - Validation of certain county jail bonds.
19-1572c - Construction of courthouse or jail in certain counties; enlarging or remodeling; tax levy, use of proceeds; adoption and publication of resolution; protest petition and election.
19-1572d - Contracts; issuance of bonds, when.
19-1573 - Courthouses in certain counties; remodeling, refurnishing; tax levy, use of proceeds.
19-1574 - Tax levies for courthouse fund in certain counties; warrants.
19-1576a - Sale of certain property in certain counties of less than 10,000 population.
19-1576b - Resolution for sale of certain property in certain counties; appraisal; disposition of proceeds.
19-1577 - Bonds for combination courthouse and memorial building or courthouse, jail and memorial building in certain counties; election.
19-1578 - Management of combination courthouse and memorial building; trustees.
19-1579 - Certain counties of less than 5,000 population; courthouse, jail or sheriff quarters.
19-1580 - Bonds for courthouse jail and sheriff's quarters; election.
19-1581 - Certain counties with a population between 12,000 and 13,000.
19-1582 - Warrants for improving courthouse.
19-1583 - Tax levies to pay warrants for improving courthouse in certain counties; surplus funds.
19-1584 - Cash basis and budget laws not to apply under this act.
19-1585 - Certain counties of more than 50,000 population; additional bonds for site and the building and equipping of courthouse or jail; resolution.
19-1586 - Site at place other than county seat; contracts; limitation; resolution.
19-1587 - Bond election.
19-1588 - Federal or state aid; issuance and retirement of bonds.
19-1590 - Counties with a population between 50,000 and 80,000; bonds for courthouse improvements, acquisition of sites, additions, equipment and maintenance.
19-1594 - Counties of more than 175,000 population; repairs and improvements to county buildings; replacing of equipment; plan; limitation; resolution; publication; bonds; election, when.
19-1595 - Issuance of bonds; limitations.
19-1596 - Counties acquiring voting machines; building for storing and servicing and for other uses; resolution; plans and specifications; acquisition of site; costs; bonds.
19-1597 - Publication of resolution regarding acquisition of voting machines; bids; protest petition; election.
19-1598 - Bond requirements; outside debt limitations.
19-1599 - Improvement of courthouse property in counties of more than 250,000 population; leasing of old site, conditions.
19-15,100 - Same; preliminary plan; resolution; survey and cost estimate; improvements, laws applicable.
19-15,101 - Same; costs; no-fund warrants authorized; limitations; tax levies.
19-15,102 - No-fund warrants for additional revenue for construction, repair and equipment of courthouse or courthouse and jail in counties between 35,000 and 40,000.
19-15,103 - Same; tax levies to pay warrants; cash basis and budget laws inapplicable.
19-15,104 - Same; application of act.
19-15,105 - No-fund warrants for courthouse funds in certain counties with a population between 10,000 and 13,000; limitation; conditions.
19-15,106 - Same; tax levies to pay warrants; cash basis and budget laws inapplicable.
19-15,107 - Purchase of abandoned U.S. post office building for county office space; resolution; limitation; bonds for remodeling and equipping.
19-15,108 - Urban area counties; acquisition of sites for county buildings, parking and improvements; bonds, limitation.
19-15,109 - Resolution for acquisition of sites in urban area counties; protest petition; election.
19-15,110 - Disposition of improvements on acquired sites in urban area counties.
19-15,111 - Bond provisions for urban area counties.
19-15,114 - Definitions.
19-15,115 - Acquisition and construction of county public buildings; improvements; exercise of authority jointly with other municipalities.
19-15,116 - Financing of costs for county public buildings; issuance of bonds, procedure; tax levy, use of proceeds; adoption and publication of resolution; protest petition and election; no-fund warrants.
19-15,117 - Lease of county public buildings, when; terms and conditions.
19-15,118 - Sale of county public buildings and site; terms; use of moneys.
19-15,120 - Counties designated urban areas; acquisition of building sites; general obligation bonds; limitations.
19-15,121 - Courtrooms and facilities in urban area counties; general obligation bonds; limitations.
19-15,122 - General obligation bonds for court facilities in urban area counties; resolution; publication; petition; election.
19-15,123 - Additional courtrooms and facilities for probate and juvenile matters in counties of more than 300,000 population; no-fund warrants or general obligation bonds; tax levies.
19-15,124 - Courthouses and jails in certain counties; site and building; tax levy, use of proceeds.
19-15,125 - Use of proceeds from tax levies and sale of bonds for courthouses and jails in certain counties.
19-15,126 - General obligation bonds for courthouses and jails in certain counties; issuance where authorized prior to repeal of authorizing statute; limitations.
19-15,127 - Issuance of general obligation bonds for courthouses and jails where formerly authorized by supplemental resolution; outside bond debt limitation.
19-15,128 - Issuance of general obligation bonds for courthouses and jails where special tax levy authorized under former law; limitations; validation of certain levies; election.
19-15,135 - Sale of county farm or home property in certain counties with a population between 35,000 and 50,000; election.
19-15,136 - Disposition of moneys received from sale of county farm or home property; use; budget law inapplicable.
19-15,137 - Transfer of balance in certain fund to special county hospital and home for aged fund in certain counties with a population between 3,600 and 4,500 authorized.
19-15,138 - Issuance of bonds for remodeling and restoration of courthouses in certain counties.
19-15,138a - Bonds issued for construction and furnishing of jail and law enforcement center in certain counties exempt from limitations on bonded indebtedness.
19-15,139 - Civic centers in certain counties; acquisition, construction, operation.
19-15,140 - General obligation bonds for civic centers in certain counties; election.
19-15,141 - Bonds for civic centers in certain counties not subject to debt limitations, exception.
19-15,142 - Coliseums in certain counties; operation and maintenance; tax levy, use of proceeds; adoption and publication of resolution; protest petition and election.
19-15,143 - Bond limitation exemption; Geary county jail and law enforcement center.
19-15,144 - Shawnee county jail; issuance of bonds to finance purchase of land and certain improvements, furnishing and equipping.
2025. Powered by KLISS. Rendered: 2025-02-12T21:02:34. Head Rev No: 817960(I)