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Feb. 14, 2025
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2024 Statute

Section Number

75-2701 - State historical society; acquisition and disposition of property; executive director; Kansas state historical society, inc., board of directors, executive committee, distinction between entities; fees for admittance to property.
75-2702 - Same; collection and maintenance of historical materials; publication of journal and materials; public records; expenditures.
75-2703 - State publications for exchange purposes.
75-2704 - Removal of records from state historical society prohibited; exceptions.
75-2705 - Certified copy of documents as evidence; fees, approval, disposition.
75-2711 - Acceptance and control of Pike's Pawnee Indian village.
75-2713 - Microfilm division; duties; technician.
75-2714 - Preservation of historic character of certain property; state historical society authorized to make agreements; limitation on use of eminent domain; remedies.
75-2715 - Historic preservation declared policy of state.
75-2716 - Historic preservation; definitions.
75-2717 - Historical society designated as state historic preservation agency; secretary to act as historic preservation officer.
75-2718 - Appointment by secretary of necessary staff.
75-2719a - State historic sites board of review; establishment; qualifications of members; terms; compensation; previous board abolished.
75-2720 - State historic sites board of review; powers and duties.
75-2721 - Historical society; historic preservation powers and duties.
75-2722 - Same; authority to enter into certain contracts; federal assistance; local governments, private parties.
75-2723 - Same; official state agency to administer federal assistance under federal act; powers as administrative agency; availability of funds for state's share required.
75-2724 - Historic preservation; development projects; threat to historic property, procedure for determining; factors; judicial review; penalty, failure to follow procedures; delegation to cities, counties or state board of regents or educational institutions.
75-2725 - Action to enforce act or protect historic property.
75-2725a - Historic property designation; effect on agricultural land.
75-2725b - Citation of act.
75-2726 - Acquisition of historic property for purposes of historic preservation.
75-2727 - Conveyance of land to Riley county for museum purposes.
75-2728 - Insurance for loss or damage to historical collections or personal property; receipts credited to insurance collection replacement/reimbursement fund.
75-2729 - Heritage trust fund; historic preservation project grants; conditions and requirements, award; amounts transferred from state general fund.
75-2730 - World War II veterans' experience history project grants; award, criteria.
75-2731 - Conveyance of property located in Wabaunsee county to Audubon of Kansas.
75-2732 - Competitive grant program for partnership historic sites; eligibility; use of moneys; selection process; reports; rules and regulations; partnership historic sites grant fund.
75-2741 - Title of act.
75-2742 - Legislative findings; purpose of act.
75-2743 - Definitions.
75-2744 - Board; administration, composition, terms, compensation, expenses, offices.
75-2745 - Same; powers and duties.
75-2746 - Registry.
75-2747 - Permits.
75-2748 - Prohibited acts; criminal and civil penalties.
75-2749 - Notice of violations or discovery of remains; penalties.
75-2750 - Inspection warrant.
75-2751 - Duties of attorney general.
75-2752 - Civil enforcement of act.
75-2753 - Cemetery for reburial of remains.
75-2754 - Severability.
75-2755 - Conveyance of property located in Doniphan county to the Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska.
75-2756 - Conveyance of property located in Johnson county to the Shawnee Tribe.
2025. Powered by KLISS. Rendered: 2025-02-14T06:14:05. Head Rev No: 817960(I)