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Sept. 14, 2024
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Minutes for HB2082 - Committee on Local Government

Short Title

Authorizing counties to create a code inspection and enforcement fund and a municipalities fight addiction fund, and expanding the scope of county equipment reserve fund to include other technology expenses.

Minutes Content for Mon, Jan 30, 2023

Revisor Jason Long briefed the Committee on the bill (Attachment 1) . He explained that the bill would enact provisions regarding three local county funds.

Jim Howell, Commissioner - Fifth District, Board of County Commissioners, Sedgwick County, Kansas, testified as an proponent for the bill (Attachment 2). He stated by creating segregation of funds, there will be more transparency and accountability in reporting to the public. He explained that the bill would provide carryover opportunities in technology implementation and upgrades and counties would be able to create special revenue funds for opioid settlements.

Jim Howell responded to members' questions.


Jay Hall, Deputy Director, Kansas Association of Counties, also presented as an proponent for the bill (Attachment 3). He explained that the bill would allow counties, at their discretion, to create two new funds. One would help with reporting and auditing, the other would allow counties to comply with the requirements of the Kansas Fights Addiction Act. He also stated it would address the issue relating to an existing fund, the equipment reserve fund.

Jay Hall responded to member's questions.

The hearing on HB2082 was closed.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:27 a.m. 

The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 1st.