House Status:
Senate Status:
Senate Status:
House Bills
- HB2001 - Defining grounds for impeachment of justices of the supreme court and certain judges of the district court.
- HB2002 - Providing countywide retailers' sales tax authority for Dickinson and Grant counties, providing for a sales tax exemption for area agencies on aging and purchases made by Kansas suicide prevention HQ, inc., providing that the secretary of revenue file a release of warrant in the county where such warrant is docketed, granting authority to the director of property valuation to develop qualifying courses and providing that certain tax notices and statements may be transmitted by electronic means by the county treasurer and county appraiser if consented to by the taxpayer.
- HB2003 - Authorizing the Kansas state high school activities association to establish a school classification system based on student attendance and other factors.
- HB2004 - Establishing the EV energy equity road repair tax act and providing for a road repair tax on electricity distributed from a public charging station for electric vehicles.
- HB2005 - Creating a traffic infraction for operating a vehicle while fatigued.
- HB2006 - Making the use of artificial light for the purpose of spotting, locating or taking wildlife unlawful and restricting rule and regulation authority.
- HB2007 - Prohibiting the secretary of health and environment from requiring a COVID-19 vaccination for care at a child care facility or attendance at a school.
- HB2008 - Providing membership in the KP&F retirement system for certain security officers of the department of corrections and allowing certain service credit purchases of previous KPERS security officer service for purposes of KP&F retirement benefits.
- HB2009 - Providing for sales tax exemption for feminine hygiene products and diapers.
- S Sub for HB2010 - Senate Substitute for HB 2010 by Committee on Judiciary - Updating a statutory cross reference to provide proper jury instruction in cases when a defendant lacks the required mental state to commit a crime; increasing the penalty for certain violations of criminal discharge of a firearm when a person was present in the dwelling, building, structure or motor vehicle at which the offender discharged a firearm; enacting the reduce armed violence act to increase the criminal penalties for certain violations of criminal possession of a weapon by a convicted felon that involve firearms; providing that the service of postrelease supervision period shall not toll except as otherwise provided by law; and allowing certain nondrug offenders to participate in a certified drug abuse treatment program.
- HB2011 - Providing a Kansas income tax subtraction modification for certain amounts received as compensation for members of the armed forces.
- HB2012 - Requiring offenders on probation, parole or postrelease supervision to complete a citizenship curriculum.
- HB2013 - Requiring a runoff election between the top two candidates whenever a candidate for a statewide office fails to receive a majority of the votes cast at a general or special election.
- HB2014 - Designating a portion of United States highway 69 in Crawford county as the Robert Lessen memorial highway.
- HB2015 - Authorizing the designee of an employing agency or entity to petition the court for an order requiring infectious disease testing.
- S Sub for HB2016 - Senate Substitute for HB 2016 by the Committee on Judiciary - Enacting the act against abusive access litigation to create a civil action for determining whether litigation that alleges any access violation under the Americans with disabilities act or similar law constitutes abusive litigation and authorize penalties for such abusive litigation.
- HB2017 - Enacting the uniform family law arbitration act.
- HB2018 - Permitting a will or a copy of a will filed within six months after the death of the testator to be admitted to probate at any time.
- HB2019 - Implementing additional reporting requirements for information technology projects and state agencies, requiring additional information technology security training and status reports, requiring reporting of significant cybersecurity audits and changing the membership requirements, terms of members and the quorum requirements for the information technology executive council.
- HB2020 - Providing that the employment status of a driver of a motor carrier does not change as a result of the inclusion of safety improvements on a vehicle and establishing conditions for when a driver is an independent contractor for a transportation network company.
- HB2021 - Requiring the secretary for children and families to assess certain children and the secretary of corrections to provide certain services to juveniles in detention, changing the criteria used to refer and admit juveniles to a juvenile crisis intervention center, allowing evidence-based program account money to be used on certain children, requiring the department of corrections to build data systems and allowing for overall case length limit extensions for certain juvenile offenders.
- HB2022 - Providing for the appointment of the superintendent of the Kansas highway patrol by the attorney general, not the governor; transferring the duties of governor relating to the Kansas highway patrol to the attorney general; granting jurisdiction of the Kansas highway patrol to the attorney general, a division to be known as the Kansas highway patrol.
- HB2023 - Creating the crime of interference with the conduct of a healthcare facility, providing criminal penalties for violation thereof and increasing the criminal penalties for battery of a healthcare provider.
- HB2024 - Expanding legal surrender of an infant to include newborn safety devices, requiring a referral of an alleged victim of child abuse or neglect for an examination as part of an investigation, creating a program in the department of health and environment to provide training and payment for such examinations, enacting the Representative Gail Finney memorial foster care bill of rights, applying the federal Indian child welfare act to certain actions under the revised Kansas code for care of children.
- HB2025 - Authorizing a self-funded cost-of-living adjustment retirement benefit option for certain KPERS members.
- Sub Bill for HB2026 - Senate Substitute for HB 2026 by Committee on Assessment and Taxation - Requiring political subdivisions to adopt a budget that remains at or below revenue neutral and use funds to reduce property tax in order to receive local ad valorem tax reduction fund (LAVTRF) distributions, providing for one annual transfer to the fund, eliminating the county and city revenue sharing fund and discontinuing certain transfers to the special city and county highway fund.
- HB2027 - Creating a procedure to prevent distribution of a decedent's assets to a person charged with the felonious killing of the decedent until criminal proceedings are completed.
- HB2028 - Requiring certain records to be automatically expunged from a person's criminal record.
- HB2029 - Increasing the time of an initial restraining order and possible extensions issued in a protection from abuse order or a protection from stalking, sexual assault or human trafficking order.
- HB2030 - Authorizing nonpublic school students to participate in activities regulated by the Kansas state high school activities association and allowing nonpublic school students who enroll part time in a public school to participate in nonpublic school activities.
- HB2031 - Enacting the reduce armed violence act to increase the criminal penalties for certain violations of criminal possession of a weapon by a convicted felon that involve firearms.
- HB2032 - Allowing persons with felony drug convictions to receive benefits under the food assistance program.
- HB2033 - Changing the criteria used to refer and admit juveniles to a juvenile crisis intervention center.
- HB2034 - Requiring a referral of an alleged victim of child abuse or neglect for an examination as part of an investigation, creating a program in the department of health and environment to provide training and payment for such examinations.
- HB2035 - Requiring the secretary of state to submit an annual report to the legislature on voter registration procedures.
- S Sub for HB2036 - Senate Substitute for HB 2036 by Committee on Assessment and Taxation - Modifying income tax rates for individuals, exempting all social security benefits from Kansas income tax, increasing the Kansas standard deduction and the Kansas personal exemption, decreasing the privilege tax normal tax, establishing a 0% state rate for sales and use taxes for food and food ingredients on July 1, 2024, and modifying the percent credited to the state highway fund, increasing the extent of property tax exemption for residential property from the statewide school levy, decreasing the rate of ad valorem tax imposed by a school district, abolishing the local ad valorem tax reduction fund and the county and city revenue sharing fund and providing for certain transfers to the state school district finance fund.
- HB2037 - Requiring verification of residential addresses of registered voters and creating the crime of falsifying a residential address for purposes of voter registration.
- HB2038 - Requiring postsecondary educational institutions to indicate when a student's identification issued by such institution cannot be used for voting purposes.
- HB2039 - Designating Lehigh Portland state park and exempting disabled veterans from certain requirements and fees relating to hunting and fishing licenses.
- HB2040 - Revising the Kansas school equity and enhancement act to provide per-student education funding based on student enrollment in the current school year.
- HB2041 - Providing a sales tax exemption for purchases by a not-for-profit corporation operating a community theater.
- HB2042 - Authorizing towing by self-storage unit operators of motor vehicles, watercraft or trailers for nonpayment of rent or abandonment and providing for notice to occupants, a right of redemption prior to towing and liability protection for operators.
- HB2043 - Requiring that discharged inmates be offered the opportunity to register to vote and requiring the secretary of state to develop a voter registration program that offers voter registration services through certain state agencies and at each accredited high school.
- HB2044 - Amending the definition of "race" in the Kansas act against discrimination to include traits historically associated with race, including hair texture and protective hairstyles.
- HB2045 - Increasing the statutory limit for charges assessed on loans made by pawnbrokers.
- HB2046 - Requiring all persons to be 18 years of age to be eligible to give consent for marriage and eliminating exceptions to such requirement.
- S Sub for HB2047 - Senate Substitute for HB 2047 by Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources - Requiring approval of livestock brand applications by the animal health commissioner, increasing the maximum amount for brand registration and renewal fees, prohibiting entering or remaining on and knowingly making false statements to gain access to animal facilities and field crop production areas, providing penalties therefor and removing the intent to destroy property in the farm animal and field crop and research facilities protection act.
- HB2048 - Providing additional student eligibility under the tax credit for low income students scholarship program and increasing the amount of the tax credit for contributions made pursuant to such program.
- HB2049 - Changing the length of the nurse aide course required for unlicensed employees in adult care homes to 75 hours.
- HB2050 - Updating income eligibility requirements for the state children's health insurance program.
- HB2051 - Establishing the advisory commission on Asian-American Pacific Islander affairs.
- HB2052 - Requiring correction of voter registration lists when notice is provided by a court that a person is disqualified from jury service due to not being a citizen of the United States.
- S Sub for HB2053 - Senate Substitute for HB 2053 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs - Providing for a presidential preference primary election on March 19, 2024, and establishing voter registration and voting procedures for such election.
- HB2054 - Modifying the deadline for requesting a recount after an election.
- HB2055 - Prohibiting third parties from mailing advance voting ballot applications to registered voters.
- Sub Bill for HB2056 - Senate Substitute for HB 2056 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs - Clarifying the eligibility requirements to obtain a license to carry a concealed handgun under the personal and family protection act.
- HB2057 - Regulating the use of remote ballot boxes for the return of advance voting ballots.
- S Sub for HB2058 - Senate Substitute for HB 2058 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs - Authorizing any gaming compact regarding sports wagering to include provisions governing sports wagering outside the boundaries of Indian lands and crediting tax revenue generated from wagers on historical horse races to the horse breeding development fund and the horse fair racing benefit fund.
- HB2059 - Exempting charitable raffle prizes of alcoholic liquor and cereal malt beverages from the Kansas liquor control act, the club and drinking establishment act and the Kansas cereal malt beverage act; amending the spirits, wine and beer distributors law regulating samples; requiring monthly remittance of gallonage taxes regarding special order shipping of wine; allowing businesses to sell cereal malt beverage by the drink on Sundays without requiring that 30% of the gross receipts of such businesses be derived from the sale of food; permitting food establishments to allow dogs in outside areas on the premises and food establishments that are microbreweries to allow dogs in outside and inside areas on the premises notwithstanding certain provisions of the Kansas food code; amending the common consumption area law to permit rather than require roads be blocked and allowing designation of such areas by signage.
- S Sub for HB2060 - Senate Substitute for HB 2060 by Committee on Education - Authorizing payments from the state safety fund to community colleges for the provision of driver's education, authorizing the provision of tools, supplies and examinations to AO-K career pathway program participants and including high school equivalency credentials in performance-based payments for postsecondary educational institutions.
- HB2061 - Providing an income tax rate of 5% for individuals and corporations, decreasing the surtax for entities subject to the privilege tax and providing that future income tax rate decreases be contingent on exceeding revenue estimates.
- HB2062 - Discontinuing the excise tax on rental and leased motor vehicles and imposing property tax on such vehicles.
- HB2063 - Limiting current workers compensation benefit reductions that are based on the receipt of retirement benefits to reductions only to permanent disability compensation and only when retirement benefits begin after the accident.
- HB2064 - Establishing the Kansas employee emergency savings account (KEESA) program to allow eligible employers to establish employee savings accounts, providing an income and privilege tax credit for certain eligible employer deposits to such employee savings accounts and providing a subtraction modification for certain employee deposits to such savings accounts.
- HB2065 - Allowing a court to change a spouse's name to a name that is different than a maiden or former name during a divorce proceeding.
- HB2066 - Providing for a property tax exemption for up to two motor vehicles for volunteer firefighters and volunteer emergency medical service providers.
- HB2067 - Increasing the felony loss thresholds for certain property crimes to match the crime of theft.
- HB2068 - Modifying how certain prior convictions are counted for the special sentencing rule related to possession of a controlled substance and providing concurrent or consecutive sentencing for persons convicted of new crimes while on release for a felony.
- S Sub for HB2069 - Senate Substitute for HB 2069 by Committee on Judiciary - Prohibiting conveyance of certain real property in this state to foreign adversaries.
- S Sub for HB2070 - Senate Substitute for HB 2070 by Committee on Judiciary - Establishing the office of the child advocate as an independent state agency, making orders granting custody for adoption subject to the federal Indian child welfare act, directing the secretary for children and families to consider foster parents as prospective adoptive parents in certain circumstances and authorizing appeal of any order of placement of a child.
- HB2071 - Extending terminal medical release to inmates in the custody of the department of corrections with a condition likely to cause death within 120 days.
- HB2072 - Reducing the criminal penalties for most severity level 5 drug crimes and increasing the penalties for offenders in criminal history category 5-I.
- HB2073 - Prohibiting fines and fees from being assessed against a juvenile or a juvenile's parent, guardian or custodian in a case pursuant to the revised Kansas juvenile justice code.
- HB2074 - Allowing courts to prohibit possession of a firearm in a temporary custody order pursuant to the care and treatment act for mentally ill persons.
- HB2075 - Providing for the publication of signed statements of fair campaign practices and a cause of action for violations of such statement.
- HB2076 - Repealing the adoption protection act.
- Sub HB2077 - Substitute for HB 2077 by the Committee on Appropriations - Implementing additional reporting requirements for information technology projects and state agencies, requiring additional information technology security training and status reports, requiring reporting of significant cybersecurity audits and changing the membership requirements, terms of members and the quorum requirements for the information technology executive council.
- HB2078 - Changing the membership requirements, terms of members and the quorum requirements for the information technology executive council.
- HB2079 - Establishing a statutory white-tailed deer firearm hunting season and requiring the Kansas department of wildlife and parks to provide resident hunting license holders certain permits free of charge.
- HB2080 - Authorizing students enrolled in a virtual school to take virtual state assessments.
- HB2081 - Creating the aspiring future teacher of the year scholarship program; such scholarships based on the recipients of the Kansas teacher of the year award backgrounds and attributes; making and concerning appropriations for the program for fiscal years ending June 30, 2024, June 30, 2025, June 30, 2026, June 30, 2027, and June 30, 2028, for the department of education for such scholarships.
- HB2082 - Authorizing counties to create a code inspection and enforcement fund and a municipalities fight addiction fund, and expanding the scope of county equipment reserve fund to include other technology expenses.
- HB2083 - Creating the Kansas vacant property act to prohibit municipalities from imposing any fees or registration requirements on the basis that property is unoccupied.
- HB2084 - Enacting the kratom consumer protection act, defining kratom as a food product, prohibiting the sale of kratom that is adulterated, requiring persons to be at least 18 years of age for the purchase of such product, establishing civil fines for violations of the act and requiring the secretary of agriculture to adopt rules and regulations for the administration of the act.
- HB2085 - Including juvenile corrections officers in the definition of "security officer" for purposes of the KPERS correctional employees group.
- HB2086 - Amending statutes concerning election procedures and election officials.
- HB2087 - Directing political parties to have procedures for the selection of presidential electors.
- HB2088 - Directing the capitol preservation committee to develop and approve plans for a mural honoring the 1st Kansas (Colored) Voluntary Infantry regiment.
- HB2089 - Modifying the requirement to report individuals who solicit memberships on behalf of prepaid service plans from semi-annually to annually and upon application for registration and discontinuing payment of annual registration fees for such plans.
- HB2090 - Authorizing the commissioner of insurance to set the amount of certain fees, specifying permissible uses of information obtained from background checks, fingerprinting and criminal history records checks; discontinuing annual registration fees for prepaid service plans and modifying reporting requirements related to such plans; and decreasing the premium tax rate imposed on surplus lines insurance.
- HB2091 - Requiring the secretary of agriculture to establish a division of sustainable agriculture that shall apply for federal grant funds under the greenhouse gas reduction fund to assist farmers in converting to renewable energy and sustainable agriculture practices.
- HB2092 - Reapportioning the districts of certain members of the Washburn university board of regents who are appointed by the city of Topeka.
- HB2093 - Discontinuing payments to certain group-funded insurance pools, refunding existing balances thereof and abolishing such funds and establishing the group-funded pools refund fund; adjusting the basis upon which certain premium tax calculations are made, requiring such premium taxes to be paid 90 days after each calendar year and basing such premium taxes upon the gross premiums collected for the previous calendar year; and adding fire districts to the definition of "municipality" for purposes of the the payment of COBRA premiums under certain circumstances.
- HB2094 - Requiring work registrants ages 50-59 to complete an employment and training program to receive food assistance, establishing periods of ineligibility for child care subsidy based on cooperation with child support services and requiring the secretary to conduct reviews of cooperation with child support.
- HB2095 - Changing the required number of employees contained in the definitions of "large employer" and "small employer" for purposes of coverage of autism spectrum disorder.
- HB2096 - Establishing the veterans' valor property tax relief act providing for an income tax credit or refund for eligible individuals, increasing the tax credit amount for household and dependent care expenses, modifying the definition of household income and increasing the appraised value threshold for eligibility of seniors and disabled veterans related to increased property tax claims and citing the section as the homeowners' property tax freeze program, providing a property tax rebate for certain business property operated in competition with property owned or operated by a governmental entity, providing property tax exemptions for certain personal property including watercraft, marine equipment, off-road vehicles, motorized bicycles and certain trailers, excluding internal revenue code section 1031 exchange transactions as indicators of fair market value, providing for certain exclusions from the prohibition of paying taxes under protest after a valuation notice appeal and providing four prior years' values on the annual valuation notice.
- HB2097 - Enacting the Kansas film and digital media industry production development act, providing a tax credit, sales tax exemption and loans and grants to incentivize film, video and digital media production in Kansas, establishing a program to be administered by the secretary of commerce for the purpose of developing such production in Kansas, requiring the secretary of commerce to issue reports on the economic impact, providing sales tax exemptions for purchases by a certain community theaters and purchases and sales made by the friends of cedar crest association and establishing an income, privilege and premium tax credit for employers that employ members of the Kansas army and air national guard and establishing an income tax credit for employees that are members thereof.
- HB2098 - Providing a deduction from sales or compensating use tax when selling and buying different motor vehicles within 120 days, providing an exemption for certain purchases by disabled veterans of the armed forces of the United States, excluding manufacturers' coupons from the sales or selling price for sales tax purposes, providing sales tax exemptions for custom meat processing services and purchases for the construction or repair of buildings used for human habitation by the Kansas state school for the blind and the Kansas state school for the deaf, providing sales tax exemptions for certain purchases by doorstep inc., exploration place, inc., Kansas children's discovery center, inc. and the Kansas fairgrounds foundation and providing for a sales tax exemption for sales of property and services used in the provision of communications services.
- HB2099 - Discontinuing certain exemptions from the pharmacy benefits manager licensure act.
- HB2100 - Enacting the Kansas public investments and contracts protection act concerning environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria, prohibiting the state and political subdivisions from giving preferential treatment to or discriminating against companies based on such ESG criteria in procuring or letting contracts, requiring KPERS fiduciaries to act solely in the financial interest of the participants and beneficiaries of the system, indemnifying KPERS with respect to actions taken in compliance with such act, restricting state agencies from adopting ESG criteria or requiring any person or business to operate in accordance with such criteria and providing for enforcement of such act by the attorney general.
- HB2101 - Regulating contract for deed transactions, authorizing recording of contract for deeds or affidavits of equitable interest, listing deceptive practices constituting violations of the consumer protection act, requiring notice to the buyer of default and allowing buyers to cure such default.
- HB2102 - Making appropriations for FY 2023 for the state treasurer for the repurchase of certain KPERS pension obligation revenue bonds.
- Sub HB2103 - Substitute for HB 2103 by Committee on Financial Institutions and Pensions - Eliminating the statutory 15% alternative investment limit for the KPERS fund and requiring the KPERS board to establish an alternative investment percentage limit.
- HB2104 - Defining options for early discharge from probation for certain offenders and limiting the maximum term of supervision on probation.
- HB2105 - Prohibiting postsecondary educational institutions from taking certain actions regarding admission applicants, applicants for employment and faculty concerning diversity, equity or inclusion, exceptions, providing for civil remedies and penalties, submitting a report to the legislature and posting information on the board of regents website.
- HB2106 - Providing a sales tax exemption for sales of property and services used in the provision of communications services and a deduction from sales or compensating use tax when selling and buying different motor vehicles within 90 days.
- HB2107 - Increasing the income limit to qualify for the income tax subtraction modification for social security income.
- HB2108 - Providing a back-to-school sales tax holiday for sales of certain school supplies, computers and clothing.
- HB2109 - Increasing the income limit for the income tax subtraction modification for social security income and providing that all social security benefits qualify for the subtraction modification commencing in tax year 2026.
- HB2110 - Allowing single sales factor apportionment of business income for certain taxpayers.
- HB2111 - Establishing a 0% state rate for sales and use taxes for food and food ingredients, providing a sales tax exemption for children's diapers and feminine hygiene products, establishing the STAR bonds food sales tax revenue replacement fund, altering the calculation for STAR bond districts and discontinuing the food sales income tax credit.
- HB2112 - Enacting the Representative Gail Finney foster care bill of rights.
- HB2113 - Prohibiting denial of a petition for expungement due to the petitioner's inability to pay outstanding costs, fees, fines or restitution, providing that the waiting period for expungement starts on the date of conviction or adjudication and authorizing expungement of a juvenile adjudication if the juvenile has not committed a felony offense in the previous two years.
- HB2114 - Renaming the joint committee on corrections and juvenile justice oversight in honor of Representative J. Russell (Russ) Jennings and requiring the committee to monitor the implementation of juvenile justice reforms.
- HB2115 - Prohibiting the use of restraints during hearings under the revised Kansas juvenile justice code unless deemed appropriate by the court.
- HB2116 - Requiring the secretary of state to join the electronic registration information center (ERIC) to aid state and local officials in keeping voter registration rolls current.
- HB2117 - Requiring the secretary of state to revise the information collected from persons registering to vote to ensure that the state may utilize the systematic alien verification of entitlements program (SAVE) to delete non-citizens from voter registration rolls.
- HB2118 - Requiring the secretary of state to enter into agreements with the Kansas department of aging and disability services, the Kansas department of children and families and the Kansas department of health and environment to cross-check various welfare recipient data to ensure the state's voter registration rolls are current.
- HB2119 - Requiring precinct committeemen and committeewomen to provide the county clerk with their address, phone number and email address.
- HB2120 - Requiring the secretary of state to periodically review state voter registration rolls to investigate when multiple voters utilize the same residential area address and when there are persons with discrepancies in the spelling of names at that address.
- Sub HB2121 - Substitute for HB 2121 by the Committee on Judiciary - Extending the suspension of statutory speedy trial time limitations and providing that time during the COVID-19 public health emergency shall not be assessed against the state.
- HB2122 - Requiring a witness to each signature on an advance voting ballot envelope and limiting the witness to not more than 10 advance voting ballot envelopes.
- HB2123 - Establishing the office of entrepreneurship within the department of commerce, encouraging that 5% of state contracts and certain incentive funding go toward Kansas businesses that have been in operation for less than five years, encouraging the elimination of first-year business fees and requiring the office of entrepreneurship to submit an annual report to the legislature.
- S Sub for HB2124 - Senate Substitute for HB 2124 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs - Permitting beer and hard cider sales by microbreweries to retailers, public venues, clubs, drinking establishments, holders of temporary permits and caterers and allowing such sales at special events to consumers.
- HB2125 - Providing for charitable event permits and demonstration permits for body art services, authorizing cease and desist orders against unlicensed providers of body art services and requiring related administrative actions to be in accordance with the Kansas administrative procedure act and reviewable under the Kansas judicial review act and exempting adult care homes from statutes governing cosmetology and barbering facilities.
- HB2126 - Authorizing the over-the-counter purchase of ivermectin tablets and hydroxychloroquine tablets.
- S Sub for HB2127 - Senate Substitute for HB 2127 by Committee on Judiciary - Permitting a prosecution for childhood sexual abuse to be commenced at any time, extending the time to file civil actions against an individual perpetrator or an entity for recovery of damages caused by childhood sexual abuse and providing exceptions in the Kansas tort claims act for claims arising from such abuse.
- HB2128 - Creating definitions of "intimate partner" and "intimate partner violence" in the Kansas criminal code and requiring certain considerations be made in determining bond when a crime is committed against an intimate partner.
- HB2129 - Requiring defendants who petition the court for forensic DNA testing to notify the court when such testing is complete and request a hearing based on whether the evidence is favorable or unfavorable.
- HB2130 - Permitting a copy of a will to be filed and admitted to probate, increasing certain dollar amounts in the Kansas probate code, adjusting time requirements linked to notice by publication and mailing in the Kansas probate code and clarifying how property held under a transfer-on-death deed is distributed when one beneficiary predeceases the grantor.
- HB2131 - Providing that the mission of the judicial council is to study the administration of justice in Kansas and make recommendations for improvements therefor.
- HB2132 - Expanding the eligible fields of study and establishing a maximum scholarship amount for certain private postsecondary educational institutions in the Kansas promise scholarship act.
- HB2133 - Providing that fiduciary financial institutions shall be overseen, supervised and examined by the office of the state bank commissioner as a chartered trust company, allowing a fiduciary financial institution to refer to itself as a trust company in legal or regulatory filings or disclosures to existing or prospective customers or investors and authorizing a fiduciary financial institution to exercise fiduciary powers and full trust powers and to engage as a trust company under state and federal law.
- HB2134 - Providing a deduction from sales or compensating use tax when selling a wrecked or damaged salvaged vehicle and purchasing a subsequent motor vehicle.
- HB2135 - Establishing an income, privilege and premium tax credit for contributions to eligible charitable organizations operating pregnancy centers or residential maternity facilities.
- HB2136 - Providing an income tax subtraction modification for sales of property subject to eminent domain.
- HB2137 - Authorizing taxing subdivisions to send notices required to exceed the revenue neutral rate if the county clerk fails to send such notice and providing for reimbursement of printing and postage costs.
- S Sub for HB2138 - Senate Substitute for HB 2138 by Committee on Education - Requiring school districts to provide separate accommodations for students of each biological sex on overnight school district sponsored trips, requiring contracts for exclusive broadcasts of state high school activities association activities to permit certain local broadcasts and providing for administrative review of resolutions to permanently close a school building of a school district.
- HB2139 - Creating the crime of abuse of a sports official and providing criminal penalties therefor.
- HB2140 - Increasing the age range of able-bodied adults without dependents required to complete an employment and training program to receive food assistance.
- HB2141 - Requiring custodial and non-custodial parents to cooperate with child support enforcement programs for food assistance eligibility and disqualifying such parents from food assistance for being delinquent in support payments.
- HB2142 - Creating the get the lead out of school drinking water act to require schools to comply with legal limits on lead content in school drinking water.
- HB2143 - Establishing requirements for school district bullying policies and procedures for investigating complaints.
- S Sub for HB2144 - Senate Substitute for HB 2144 by Committee on Judiciary - Creating the crimes of encouraging suicide and organized retail crime, providing criminal penalties for violation thereof, including organized retail crime in the definition of racketeering activity under the Kansas racketeer influenced and corrupt organization act and authorizing the attorney general to prosecute specified crimes that are part of an alleged course of criminal conduct that occurred in two or more counties.
- HB2145 - Extending voting franchise in city elections to qualified electors living in areas subject to extraterritorial zoning or subdivision regulations.
- HB2146 - Increasing penalties for operating a vehicle at a speed in excess of 30 miles per hour over the speed limit.
- HB2147 - Requiring a person providing wrecker or towing service or agency to provide a certification of compliance to a purchaser upon the sale and transfer of an abandoned or towed vehicle, prohibiting the manufacture, importation, distribution, sale, offer for sale, installation or reinstallation of a counterfeit supplemental restraint system component or nonfunctional airbag and providing for criminal penalties for violation thereof and expanding permitted lighting equipment on vehicles to include all ground effect lighting.
- HB2148 - Increasing certain registration and title fees on vehicles for services provided by county treasurers and the division of vehicles, decreasing certain fees related to administrative costs and disposition of such fees and eliminating the division of vehicles modernization surcharge.
- HB2149 - Allowing distinctive license plates to be personalized license plates.
- HB2150 - Repealing the zoning and planning authority for cities in the three-mile area extending from the city boundaries.
- HB2151 - Requiring the secretary of corrections to notify judges, prosecutors, nonexpert witnesses and lead investigators when an inmate is released from custody.
- HB2152 - Requiring the display of the national motto in public schools, colleges and universities.
- HB2153 - Authorizing the attorney general to coordinate training regarding a multidisciplinary team approach to intervention in reports involving alleged human trafficking for law enforcement agencies and requiring training on human trafficking awareness and identification for certain child welfare agencies, juvenile justice agencies, mental health professionals and school personnel.
- HB2154 - Providing for the statewide election of commissioners of the state corporation commission, establishing the utilities regulation division in the office of the attorney general, requiring such division to represent and protect the collective interests of utility customers in utility rate-related proceedings and exempting the state corporation commission from the open meetings act.
- HB2155 - Requiring the state corporation commission to review the regional rate competitiveness of an electric utility's rates in electric utility rate proceedings.
- HB2156 - Authorizing public utilities subject to the jurisdiction of the state corporation commission to establish rates that benefit low-income residential customers.
- HB2157 - Creating the campus intellectual diversity act to establish an office of public policy events at each public postsecondary educational institution.
- HB2158 - Creating the campus free speech act to require each public postsecondary educational institution to adopt a policy of free expression.
- HB2159 - Providing for additional sources of revenue for the water program management fund and creating additional fees for the regulation of underground injection control wells.
- HB2160 - Exempting the transport of cotton bales from the secured load requirements under certain conditions.
- HB2161 - Enacting the patient right to visitation act to require patient care facilities to adopt visitation rules to allow certain relatives and other persons, including clergy, to visit terminally ill patients and other patients making major medical decisions.
- HB2162 - Providing for sales tax exemption for hygiene products.
- HB2163 - Requiring statutory due process procedures for a school district's non-renewal or termination of a teacher contract.
- HB2164 - Creating the crime of elector fraud to make it a crime to falsify presidential elector certificates.
- HB2165 - Amending the campaign finance and governmental ethics statutes to extend the time frame for hearings before the governmental ethics commission and making technical amendments.
- HB2166 - Expanding the elections crime of corrupt political advertising to be consistent with the campaign finance act and clarifying the scope of its application.
- HB2167 - Amending the campaign finance act to regulate and limit the use of cryptocurrency and to prohibit the use of any political funds collected by a candidate or candidate committee for a candidate for federal office.
- Sub Bill for HB2168 - Substitute for HB 2168 by Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources - Amending the commercial industrial hemp act to reduce maximum license and registration fee amounts to $500.
- HB2169 - Permitting a prosecution for childhood sexual abuse to be commenced at any time, permitting victims of childhood sexual abuse to bring a civil action for recovery of damages caused by such abuse at any time and reviving claims against any party for such damages that occurred on or after July 1, 1984.
- S Sub for HB2170 - Senate Substitute for HB 2170 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs - Creating the donor intent protection act to provide enforcement of donor-imposed restrictions on philanthropic gifts of endowment funds or to endowment funds.
- HB2171 - Providing that peer review privilege for healthcare providers does not apply to factual information.
- HB2172 - Enacting the uniform trust decanting act, authorizing modification of a noncharitable irrevocable trust to provide that the rule against perpetuities is inapplicable, providing that the Kansas uniform statutory rule against perpetuities is inapplicable to trusts under certain circumstances and modifying the definition of resident trust in the Kansas income tax act.
- HB2173 - Ensuring that refrigerants that are approved for use under federal law may be used in Kansas.
- HB2174 - Authorizing the Kansas human rights commission or any city or county to remove an unlawful restrictive covenant by recording a redacted plat or declaration.
- HB2175 - Providing for future decreased income tax rates contingent on retention of a 7.5% state general fund ending balance.
- HB2176 - Creating the Arkansas city area public library district act and the Udall area public library district act, requiring an election for the creation of such district and authorizing unified school districts No. 470 and 463 to levy a tax on behalf of such library district.
- HB2177 - Removing statutory provisions that require marriage to be between two parties of the opposite sex.
- HB2178 - Amending the Kansas act against discrimination to include sexual orientation, gender identity or expression and status as a veteran.
- HB2179 - Establishing periods of ineligibility for child care subsidy based on cooperation with child support services and requiring the secretary to conduct reviews of cooperation with child support.
- HB2180 - Increasing good time and program credit for certain offenders and removing liability protection for wrongful acts committed by the department of corrections in making good time and program credit calculations.
- HB2181 - Prohibiting abortion procedures and creating the crimes of unlawful performance of an abortion and unlawful destruction of a fertilized embryo.
- HB2182 - Enacting the Kansas film and digital media industry production development act, providing a tax credit, sales tax exemption and loans and grants to incentivize film, video and digital media production in Kansas and establishing a program to be administered by the secretary of commerce for the purpose of developing such production in Kansas.
- HB2183 - Removing the cap on damages that may be awarded in wrongful death actions.
- HB2184 - Making and concerning appropriations for fiscal years 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027 and 2028 for various state agencies.
- HB2185 - Permitting short form notification service and alternative methods of service under the protection from abuse act and the protection from stalking, sexual assault or human trafficking act and clarifying precedence of child-related orders issued under the protection from abuse act.
- HB2186 - Modifying the criminal penalties for unlawful voluntary sexual relations and excluding juveniles adjudicated for the offense from offender registration requirements.
- HB2187 - Adding members to the commission on peace officers' standards and training and requiring the new members to be appointed with a preference to increase diversity.
- HB2188 - Regulating the sale and distribution of kratom products, requiring the secretary of agriculture to adopt rules and regulations and requiring licensure of kratom product dealers.
- Sub Bill for HB2189 - Substitute for HB 2189 by Committee on Child Welfare and Foster Care - Granting jurisdiction to the court to extend custody of non-minor dependents and allow the secretary for children and families to provide reentry services to an eligible young adult.
- HB2190 - Expanding certain election crimes and creating new ones, eliminating the criminal prosecutorial authority of the secretary of state and defining special elections.
- HB2191 - Authorizing the children's cabinet to form a 501(c)(3) for fundraising for the Dolly Parton imagination library book gifting program.
- HB2192 - Concerning state agencies; requiring the secretary of administration to include on the Kansas taxpayer transparency act website certain information concerning grants, grant awardees and grant applications.
- HB2193 - Concerning the investment of state moneys; reestablishing the provisions of law authorizing the state treasurer to certify and transfer a portion of state moneys, equivalent to the aggregate net amount received for unclaimed property, available for investment to the KPERS board of trustees.
- HB2194 - Enacting the Representative Gail Finney memorial foster care bill of rights.
- HB2195 - Increasing the amount of retirant compensation subject to the statutory employer contribution rate to the first $50,000 of compensation earned by a retirant in a calendar year and for a period commencing July 1, 2023, and ending December 31, 2024, requiring participating employers to pay only the statutory employer contribution rate on all compensation of a retirant employed in a covered position.
- HB2196 - Providing membership affiliation in the Kansas police and firemen's retirement system for certain law enforcement officers and employees of the Kansas department of wildlife and parks, expanding deferred retirement option program (DROP) membership to all Kansas police and firemen's retirement system members and extending the expiration date on DROP.
- HB2197 - Providing a procedure for the distribution of a first-time home buyer savings account balance upon the death of an account holder, changing the term "transfer on death" to "payable on death" and resolving a conflict when beneficiaries differ on a financial institution's account records and tax forms required by the secretary of revenue.
- HB2198 - Providing membership affiliation in the Kansas police and firemen's retirement system for certain law enforcement officers and employees of the Kansas department of wildlife and parks.
- HB2199 - Authorizing disabled veterans to receive a sales tax exemption for the purchase of up to two motor vehicles.
- HB2200 - Establishing a property tax exemption for retired and disabled veterans.
- Sub Bill for HB2201 - Senate Substitute for HB 2201 by Committee on Assessment and Taxation - Decreasing the corporate income tax rate and eliminating certain unused tax credits.
- HB2202 - Providing a sales tax exemption for sales of over-the-counter drugs.
- HB2203 - Providing a sales tax exemption for purchases made by sleep in heavenly peace, inc.
- HB2204 - Establishing a state tax credit for family caregivers of disabled veterans.
- HB2205 - Creating the Udall area public library district act, requiring an election for the creation of such district and authorizing unified school district No. 463 to levy a tax on behalf of the library district.
- HB2206 - Amending the campaign finance act's definition of expressly advocating for a candidate by adding a reasonable person standard to the definition.
- HB2207 - Expanding the election crime of corrupt political advertising to include messages sent using text messaging devices.
- HB2208 - Authorizing the state historical society to convey certain real property to the Shawnee Tribe.
- HB2209 - Providing that national guard members receive benefits under the workers compensation act.
- HB2210 - Eliminating the senate confirmation requirement from the appointment of national guard officers.
- HB2211 - Establishing the office of homeland security within the adjutant general's office and prescribing powers and duties thereof.
- HB2212 - Eliminating offender registration requirements for certain juvenile offenders.
- HB2213 - Authorizing offenders subject to offender registration to register at one location, creating a mechanism for fees to be waived and creating a mechanism to seek relief from registration requirements for violent offenders.
- HB2214 - Changing the name of the Larned correctional mental health facility to the Larned state correctional facility and removing references to facilities that no longer exist.
- HB2215 - Creating the crime of utilizing a drug-masking product and providing criminal penalties therefor.
- HB2216 - Removing the mandatory term of imprisonment as a penalty for driving with license that is canceled, suspended or revoked for failure to pay fines.
- HB2217 - Requiring that a criminal sentence be presumptive imprisonment if a person felony was committed against a person based on that person's actual or perceived race, color, religion, ethnicity, national origin or sexual orientation.
- HB2218 - Establishing the Sunflower education equity act to provide education savings accounts for qualified students in Kansas.
- HB2219 - Allowing an itemized deduction for certain wagering losses for individual income tax purposes.
- HB2220 - Establishing a five-year property tax exemption for city, county and township property used for business incubator purposes.
- HB2221 - Expanding the eligible uses for the 0% state rate for sales tax for certain utilities and the levying of sales tax on such sales by cities and counties and authorizing cities and counties to exempt such sales from such city or county taxes.
- HB2222 - Prohibiting the enforcement of federal rules or regulations and the promulgation of state rules and regulations to carry out such enforcement without legislative approval.
- HB2223 - Removing the sunset for the high-density at-risk student weighting under the Kansas school equity and enhancement act.
- HB2224 - Increasing the number of school days and hours that must be provided by school districts for each school year.
- HB2225 - Limiting cost recovery for certain electric public utilities' transmission-related costs.
- HB2226 - Extending the time period for notice of excavations and permitting use of virtual whitelining for excavations.
- HB2227 - Authorizing certain power purchase agreements with renewable energy suppliers, exempting the sales of electricity pursuant to power purchase agreements from public utility regulation and requiring electric public utilities to enter into parallel generation contracts with certain customers of the utility.
- HB2228 - Applying the requirements of net metering to electric cooperatives and municipal electric utilities, increasing the utility system-wide capacity limitation of net-metered systems, removing the load-size limitations on net-metered systems and requiring such systems to be appropriately sized based on a customer's load.
- HB2229 - Providing a deduction from sales or compensating use tax when selling and buying different motor vehicles within 180 days.
- HB2230 - Updating statutes related to the Kansas army and air national guard and providing for the appointment of a state judge advocate.
- HB2231 - Providing a property tax exemption for residential property where a day care facility is operated.
- Sub Bill for HB2232 - Senate Substitute for HB 2232 by Committee on Assessment and Taxation - Allowing income tax net operating loss carryback from the sale of certain historic hotels.
- HB2233 - Eliminating the annual cap on tax credits for restoration and preservation of certain commercial structures under the historic Kansas act.
- HB2234 - Increasing and changing the measure of the cost threshold when state construction projects require a negotiating committee and the selection of professional services from a list of qualified firms.
- HB2235 - Authorizing the division of printing to print for local governments and schools.
- HB2236 - Establishing parents' right to direct the education, upbringing and moral or religious training of their children including the right to object to harmful and inappropriate educational materials.
- HB2237 - Authorizing certain telecommunications and video service providers to operate within county public right-of-way.
- HB2238 - Creating the fairness in women's sports act to require that female student athletic teams only include members who are biologically female.
- HB2239 - Allowing for exemptions from continuing education requirements for work experience.
- HB2240 - Requiring the clerk of the district court to give notice of qualified residential treatment program placement.
- HB2241 - Increasing the amount charged per annum on closed end credit consumer loans.
- HB2242 - Providing restrictions, lender reporting and other requirements for alternative small installment loans made under the UCCC.
- HB2243 - Enacting the protect vulnerable adults from financial exploitation act.
- HB2244 - Providing a permanent exemption for postsecondary educational institutions from the public buildings requirements under the personal and family protection act.
- HB2245 - Creating the gun violence restraining order act to authorize the issuance of protective orders prohibiting the acquisition and possession of firearms by certain individuals.
- Sub HB2246 - Substitute for HB 2246 by Committee on Judiciary - Establishing requirements for the involuntary discharge or transfer of a resident in an adult residential care facility and authorizing the secretary to investigate and assess a penalty for violations.
- S Sub for HB2247 - Senate Substitute for HB 2247 by Committee on Financial Institutions and Insurance - Modifying certain terms, definitions, deadlines and provisions contained in the uniform consumer credit code and transferring mortgage provisions from the uniform consumer credit code to the Kansas mortgage business act.
- HB2248 - Requiring school districts to adopt policies to ensure parents may review educational materials and records pertinent to their child.
- HB2249 - Creating the defend the guard act to establish when the Kansas national guard may be released into active duty combat.
- HB2250 - Enacting the supported decision-making agreements act to provide a statutory framework for adults who want decision-making assistance.
- HB2251 - Authorizing the department of education to contract with a private vendor to install and operate school bus cameras.
- HB2252 - Providing a postretirement cost-of-living adjustment for certain KPERS retirants.
- HB2253 - Establishing a state employment preference for persons with disabilities and expanding the state employment preference for veterans.
- HB2254 - Amending the definition of land devoted to agricultural use for property tax purposes to include properties used as part of registered agritourism activities.
- HB2255 - Requiring municipalities and housing authorities to implement work requirements for public housing assistance.
- HB2256 - Decreasing the state rate for sales and use taxes for sales of food, food ingredients and prepared food and modifying the percent credited to the state highway fund from revenue collected.
- HB2257 - Providing for the licensure and regulation of music therapists by the state board of healing arts and establishing the music therapy advisory committee.
- HB2258 - Prohibiting certain licensed individuals from using conversion therapy on minors.
- HB2259 - Providing that certain mental health medications be available without prior authorization to treat medicaid recipients and abolishing the mental health medication advisory committee.
- HB2260 - Increasing the number of medical student loan agreements that may be provided by the university of Kansas school of medicine and prohibiting impediments to switching between residency programs.
- HB2261 - Authorizing boards of education of school districts to compensate board members for the duties and obligations of board members.
- HB2262 - Allowing six months of an embalmer apprenticeship to be completed prior to an individual attending mortuary science school
- HB2263 - Authorizing pharmacy technicians to administer certain vaccines, creating a civil cause of action against a physician and requiring revocation of a physician's license who performs a childhood gender reassignment service.
- HB2264 - Requiring notification to patients that the effects of a medication abortion may be reversible and revising the definition of "abortion" to clarify procedures that are excluded from such definition.
- HB2265 - Providing for the regulation of supplemental nursing services agencies by the secretary for aging and disability services.
- HB2266 - Defining non-covered benefits under dental benefit plans.
- HB2267 - Allowing adult care homes to apply for disability special license plates.
- HB2268 - Prohibiting certain restrictions of residential solar energy devices.
- HB2269 - Amending the Kansas cigarette and tobacco products act to raise the minimum age to 21 years old for the sale, purchase or possession of cigarettes, electronic cigarettes or tobacco products.
- HB2270 - Requiring the names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of precinct committeemen and precinct committeewomen to be provided to the county election officer and requiring the county election officer to report such information to the secretary of state.
- HB2271 - Authorizing any nonresident student whose parent or guardian is employed by a school district to enroll in and attend such school district.
- HB2272 - Establishing a KPERS working after retirement exemption for retirants employed by a community developmental disability organization in a licensed professional nurse, licensed practical nurse or direct support position.
- Sub HB2273 - Substitute for HB 2273 by Committee on Appropriations - Making and concerning certain supplemental appropriations for fiscal years 2024 and 2025 and appropriations for fiscal years 2025 and 2026 for various state agencies.
- HB2274 - Making and concerning supplemental appropriations for fiscal years 2023 and 2024 for various state agencies.
- HB2275 - Increasing the maximum amount of yearly income tax credits available for purchases under the disability employment act from qualified vendors, continuing in existence such credits beyond tax year 2023 of eligible purchases available for such credit and further defining qualifying vendors and employees eligible for the credit, establishing a grant program to facilitate transitions by employers to minimum wage employment for persons with disabilities and creating the Kansas sheltered workshop transition fund.
- HB2276 - Prohibiting pelvic, rectal, or prostate exams on unconscious patients without informed consent.
- HB2277 - Concerning state agencies; relating to the employee award and recognition program; authorizing hiring, recruitment and retention bonuses; increasing the limitation on such award or bonus to $10,000; eliminating the secretary of administration's authority to adopt rules and regulations; and requiring such secretary to submit an annual report to certain legislative committees concerning such awards and bonuses.
- HB2278 - Requiring audits of safe and secure schools plans for all school districts including staggered on-site inspections.
- HB2279 - Requiring groundwater management districts to submit annual written reports to the legislature and to provide water conservation and stabilization action plans to the chief engineer.
- HB2280 - Requiring a person convicted of driving under the influence to pay child support for any child of a person killed during the offense giving rise to such conviction.
- HB2281 - Providing a sales tax exemption for certain purchases by disabled veterans.
- HB2282 - Exempting all social security benefits from Kansas income tax.
- HB2283 - Enacting the ensuring transparency in prior authorization act to impose requirements and limitations on the use of prior authorization in healthcare.
- HB2284 - Providing an income tax rate of 5.25% for individuals, exempting all social security benefits from Kansas income tax, increasing the standard deduction by a cost-of-living adjustment, increasing the Kansas personal exemption, decreasing the privilege tax normal tax, establishing a 0% state rate for sales and use taxes for food and food ingredients on April 1, 2024, and increasing the extent of property tax exemption for residential property from the statewide school levy.
- HB2285 - Requiring the secretary of health and environment to study drug overdose death cases and providing for the confidentiality of related records, restricting the authority of the secretary of health and environment and local health officers to control the spread of infectious or contagious diseases, repealing the authority of the secretary to quarantine individuals and impose penalties for violations thereof and prohibiting the secretary of health and environment from requiring COVID-19 vaccination for children attending a child care facility or school.
- HB2286 - Prohibiting motorcycle profiling by law enforcement agencies.
- HB2287 - Imposing certain health insurance coverage requirements for screening and diagnostic examinations for breast cancer.
- HB2288 - Enacting the counseling compact to provide for interstate practice privileges for professional counselors.
- HB2289 - Limiting the power of the governmental ethics commission to issue subpoenas to when a verified complaint has been filed and the commission has found probable cause exists.
- HB2290 - Authorizing the affiliation of northwest Kansas technical college and north central Kansas technical college with Fort Hays state university.
- HB2291 - Permitting food establishments to allow dogs in outside areas and microbreweries to allow dogs in outside and inside areas, allowing microbreweries to sell beer with a limited alcohol content as cereal malt beverage.
- HB2292 - Promoting Kansas workforce development by enacting the Kansas apprenticeship act to expand apprenticeships with businesses, healthcare organizations and nonprofit organizations through tax credits and grants and to develop teaching apprenticeships with public schools through scholarships for professional teaching degrees and by establishing a program to provide matching grants to public and private professional engineering schools for engineering scholarships and program development costs.
- HB2293 - Requiring prosecutors to disclose their intent to introduce testimony from a jailhouse witness and to forward related information to the Kansas bureau of investigation.
- HB2294 - Increasing the required age to 21 to purchase or possess cigarettes and tobacco products including electronic cigarettes and establishing unlawful acts under the Kansas cigarette and tobacco products act and penalties for violations thereof.
- HB2295 - Requiring people who live with offenders on probation, parole or postrelease supervision to report when such offender is not home during required hours.
- HB2296 - Providing for the knights of Columbus license plate.
- HB2297 - Expanding the scope of uses of campaign contributions to include family caregiving services.
- HB2298 - Designating a portion of interstate 435 as the Officer Donald Burton Gamblin Jr memorial highway and a portion of United States highway 69 as the Robert Lessen memorial highway.
- HB2299 - Directing the secretary for children and families to consider foster parents as prospective adoptive parents under certain circumstances.
- HB2300 - Requiring a duly ordained minister of religion to report certain abuse and neglect of children except when reporting would violate the penitential communication privilege.
- HB2301 - Requiring commercial entities that produce material harmful to minors on the internet to require age verification for access to such internet sites and establishing a civil cause of action against such commercial entities by persons harmed to recover actual and punitive damages, court costs and attorney fees.
- S Sub for HB2302 - Senate Substitute for HB 2302 by Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources - Making appropriations for the state treasurer for fiscal year 2023 and fiscal year 2024, providing for a transfer of moneys from the state general fund to the state water plan fund for fiscal year 2024, establishing the water technical assistance fund and the water projects grant fund for water-related infrastructure projects.
- HB2303 - Enacting the community defense and human trafficking reduction act to regulate sexually oriented businesses and human trafficking and to impose criminal penalties.
- HB2304 - Standardizing firearms safety programs in school districts.
- HB2305 - Amending statutes regulating the practice of barbering regarding licensure, examinations and fees.
- HB2306 - Providing a sales tax exemption for purchases made by Kansas suicide prevention HQ, inc.
- HB2307 - Providing a sales tax exemption for purchases made to establish and maintain Kansas war memorials and providing a property tax exemption for property with Kansas war memorials.
- HB2308 - Establishing a hunting outfitter task force that shall study the hunting outfitter industry in the state of Kansas and may make recommend changes to the law and rules and regulations.
- HB2309 - Making the 911 coordinating council subject to the Kansas governmental operations accountability law and reducing the fees imposed on telecommunications services and prepaid wireless services under the Kansas 911 act.
- HB2310 - Increasing the number of commissioners on the state corporation commission subject to gubernatorial appointment and senate confirmation and prohibiting the appointment and confirmation of any person who has a conflict of interest.
- HB2311 - Amending the Kansas amusement ride act relating to inspections of amusement rides and inflatable devices, training regarding the operation of amusement rides and inflatable devices and establishing an annual permit fee for inflatable devices.
- HB2312 - Exempting certain political party committee treasurers from liability for certain violations under the campaign finance act.
- HB2313 - Creating the born-alive infants protection act to provide legal protections for infants who are born alive regardless of the intent of the delivery.
- HB2314 - Prohibiting the use of the social media platform TikTok on state-owned devices and on any state network.
- HB2315 - Requiring school districts to offer instruction on life skills for middle school and high school students.
- HB2316 - Allowing income tax net operating loss carryback from the sale of certain historic hotels.
- Sub Bill for HB2317 - Senate Substitute for HB 2317 by Committee on Assessment and Taxation - Providing a sales tax exemption for sales of over-the-counter drugs.
- HB2318 - Decreasing the state rate for sales and compensating use tax to 6.15%.
- HB2319 - Providing a property tax exemption for business property that operates in competition with property owned or operated by a governmental entity.
- HB2320 - Enacting the commercial property assessed capital enhancement or C-PACE act, requiring the department of commerce to designate or establish a C-PACE board, providing for assessment contracts between C-PACE lenders and property owners and establishing rights, duties and responsibilities of mortgage lenders.
- HB2321 - Enacting the Kansas work and save program act, allowing certain individuals to contribute to individual retirement accounts and providing administrative duties and powers of the state treasurer regarding such program.
- HB2322 - Revising the definition of "children with disabilities" for purposes of providing special education to replace emotional disturbance with emotional disability.
- HB2323 - Providing for the detachment and transfer of fire district property annexed by a city.
- HB2324 - Removing the publication of notice requirement before a landlord can sell a tenant's property that has been abandoned.
- HB2325 - Amending the definition of "healthcare provider" for purposes of the healthcare provider insurance availability act to include maternity centers and not include facilities where elective abortions are performed.
- HB2326 - Extending the sunset date on the scrap metal theft reduction act and clarifying that catalytic converters are covered by the act.
- HB2327 - Discontinuing property tax exemption for new qualifying pipeline property that experiences a spill or leak and providing for recoupment of certain property taxes.
- HB2328 - Excluding tests to detect the presence of fentanyl, ketamine or gamma hydroxybutyric acid in a substance from the definition of drug paraphernalia.
- HB2329 - Increasing the additional prison time for the special sentencing rule related to possessing a firearm during the commission of a drug felony.
- HB2330 - Increasing the amount of state moneys distributed to local health departments.
- HB2331 - Designating Lehigh Portland state park.
- HB2332 - Updating references and corresponding changes related to 2021 Executive Reorganization Order No. 48 and the transfer of the division of tourism from the department of wildlife and parks to the department of commerce.
- HB2333 - Providing for disqualification from employment security benefits for failing to attend a job interview without giving notice to the prospective employer or for failing to respond to a job offer.
- HB2334 - Extending the deadline for project agreements under the attracting powerful economic expansion act, enhancing incentives for qualified suppliers and adding a new employee relocation reimbursement incentive for qualified suppliers, limiting the corporate income tax rate reduction provision to two rate reductions and permitting qualified firms and qualified suppliers to participate in other economic development programs for new projects.
- HB2335 - Authorizing loans or grants for qualified track maintenance in the rail service improvement program and increasing the transfer from the state highway fund to the rail service improvement fund.
- HB2336 - Increasing bonding authority and simplifying the approval process for public airport construction and improvement projects under the surplus property and public airport authority act and increasing the cost threshold for state construction projects when the convening of a negotiating committee to obtain professional services is required.
- HB2337 - Defining in-state and interstate practitioners under the Kansas telemedicine act, establishing certain standards of care, requiring certain insurance coverage of in-state telemedicine services and establishing the Kansas telehealth advisory committee.
- HB2338 - Designating sickle cell disease awareness week and requiring KDHE to study and report on topics related to sickle cell disease.
- HB2339 - Requiring the Kansas bureau of investigation to establish a Kansas voluntary do-not-sell firearms list to prevent the purchase of firearms by any person who voluntarily registers to be placed on the list.
- HB2340 - Requiring the behavioral sciences regulatory board to process applications within a certain time, decreasing the years of practice required for reciprocity licensure of certain behavioral sciences professions, extending the license period for temporary licenses, establishing new license categories and decreasing continuing education requirements related to diagnosis and treatment.
- HB2341 - Declaring Juneteenth National Independence Day to be a legal public holiday and closing state offices for certain legal public holidays.
- HB2342 - Establishing the pet animal board of veterinarians within the Kansas department of agriculture, transferring all Kansas pet animal act powers, duties and functions to such board, limiting procedures relating to the seizure of animals, eliminating no-contact inspection provisions, requiring a license for animal rescues, authorizing a single license fee for all license categories and changing the membership of the Kansas pet animal advisory board.
- HB2343 - Authorizing legal publications to be made on internet websites selected by the governing body of a city, county or school district.
- S Sub HB2344 - Senate Substitute for HB 2344 by Committee on Commerce - Establishing child care licensing requirements relating to license capacity and staff-to-child ratios, eliminating certain license fees and training requirements, creating a process for day care facility licensees to apply for a temporary waiver of certain statutory requirements and authorizing the secretary to develop and operate pilot programs to increase child care facility availability or capacity.
- HB2345 - Enacting the supported decision-making agreements act to provide a statutory framework for adults who want decision-making assistance.
- HB2346 - Providing for the back the blue license plate and the city of Topeka distinctive license plate and allowing distinctive license plates to be personalized license plates.
- HB2347 - Providing price limits and other requirements for health benefits covering prescription insulin drugs and establishing the insulin affordability program for the uninsured.
- HB2348 - Restoring local government control over wages, compensation and benefits for construction projects.
- HB2349 - Abolishing the death penalty and creating the crime of aggravated murder.
- HB2350 - Creating the crimes of human smuggling and aggravated human smuggling and providing penalties therefor.
- HB2351 - Increasing the maximum rate paid to appointed counsel for an indigent person.
- HB2352 - Requiring the plaintiff's attorney to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that property is subject to forfeiture under the Kansas standard asset seizure and forfeiture act.
- HB2353 - Increasing the amount of time a person may be held for treatment and adding criteria for when continued treatment may be ordered under the care and treatment act for mentally ill persons.
- HB2354 - Requiring involuntary commitment proceedings to be commenced for a defendant who is awaiting a competency determination.
- HB2355 - Removing sodomy between consenting members of the same sex from the crime of criminal sodomy.
- HB2356 - Creating a presumption that joint legal custody and maximized parenting time in temporary parenting plans are in the best interests of a child and defining related terms under the Kansas family law code.
- HB2357 - Requiring that appointees to the supreme court be determined to be qualified by the senate.
- HB2358 - Relating to the uniform vital statistics act; regarding certification of individual causes of death; permitting cause of death certifiers to provide certification.
- HB2359 - Establishing the sunflower teacher-student mentor program within certain school districts to encourage students to pursue a teaching career.
- HB2360 - Eliminating the requirement to include a county designation on license plates.
- HB2361 - Limiting when the court is required to give preference to a relative for the custody for adoption of a child in need of care.
- HB2362 - Removing state fire marshal approval as a requirement for licensure or renewal of licensure for disability service providers and facilities.
- HB2363 - Releasing any person convicted of a drug offense involving marijuana from such person's sentence and providing for the expungement of any associated records.
- HB2364 - Increasing the extent of property tax exemption from the statewide school levy for residential property to $65,000 of such property's appraised valuation.
- HB2365 - Terminating the KPERS 3 cash balance plan and transferring the members of such plan to the KPERS 2 plan.
- HB2366 - Providing for transfers to the local ad valorem tax reduction fund.
- HB2367 - Creating the adult use cannabis regulation act to regulate the cultivation, manufacturing, possession and sale of cannabis in this state.
- HB2368 - Enacting the making work pay act to increase the Kansas minimum wage.
- HB2369 - Enacting the Kansas indian child welfare act.
- HB2370 - Defining consent in the Kansas criminal code for sexual offenses.
- HB2371 - Limiting the number of children in out-of-home placement cases assigned to case managers.
- HB2372 - Regulating the land application of swine manure and wastewater.
- HB2373 - Establishing by statute when fireworks may be sold by seasonal retailers and expanding the time period for such sales.
- HB2374 - Changing the legal public holiday of Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day.
- HB2375 - Establishing the temporary candidacy baccalaureate and masters social work licenses and providing requirements and fees therefor.
- HB2376 - Prohibiting the recording of any restrictive covenant that violates the Kansas act against discrimination and authorizing the removal of such covenants from existing documents, and prohibiting city or county laws prohibiting discrimination that are more restrictive than state law.
- HB2377 - Directing the office of vital statistics to provide birth or death certificates to the Kansas department for children and families and exempt the department from fees for such certificates.
- HB2378 - Authorizing the secretary of administration on behalf of the Kansas department for aging and disability services to convey lands in Shawnee county to the Kansas commission on veterans affairs.
- HB2379 - Requiring protection from abuse and protection from stalking, sexual assault and human trafficking orders to restrain the plaintiff from contacting the defendant.
- HB2380 - Requiring a criminal conviction for civil asset forfeiture, remitting proceeds from civil asset forfeiture to the state general fund, increasing the burden of proof required to forfeit property, making certain property ineligible for forfeiture, providing persons involved in forfeiture proceedings representation by counsel and the ability to demand a jury trial and allowing a person to request a hearing on whether forfeiture is excessive.
- HB2381 - Requiring the court to appoint an attorney to represent a child who is the subject of child in need of care proceedings and allowing for the optional appointment of a guardian ad litem.
- HB2382 - Establishing the school district board of education member free speech and transparency act.
- HB2383 - Allowing certain persons to take the examination to be certified by the supreme court as qualified to be a district magistrate judge.
- HB2384 - Increasing the Kansas standard deduction by a cost-of-living adjustment for income tax purposes.
- HB2385 - Creating an inference of an intent to distribute a controlled substance based on the quantity of the substance possessed instead of a rebuttable presumption.
- HB2386 - Prohibiting a state or local governmental employee from entering or remaining on private property and providing exceptions.
- HB2387 - Providing funding for STAR bond districts to replace lost food sales tax revenue, authorizing renovation and construction costs for historic theaters and major amusement parks, including amusement rides, as eligible STAR bond project costs, extending the deadline for the STAR bond report to certain legislative committees, and increasing the financing limit for pay-as-you-go funding for rural redevelopment projects.
- HB2388 - Requiring that licensing bodies provide paper-based and verified electronic credentials to credential holders, including military servicemembers and others receiving Kansas credentials based on their credentials from other jurisdictions, that the secretary of administration develop and implement an electronic license verification system, that centralized electronic credential data management systems be established with instant verification systems operated by licensing bodies and excepting the certification of law enforcement officers from all provisions of the amended section.
- HB2389 - Applying real estate broker licensure provisions to trusts, authorizing the Kansas real estate commission to issue cease and desist orders and providing that dealing in real estate transactions involving assignable contracts requires licensure.
- S Sub for HB2390 - Senate Substitute for HB 2390 by Committee on Public Health and Welfare - Requiring the secretary of health and environment to study drug overdose death cases and providing for the confidentiality of acquired and related records, restricting the authority of the secretary of health and environment and local health officers to prevent the introduction and spread of infectious or contagious diseases and repealing the authority of the secretary to quarantine individuals and impose associated penalties.
- Sub HB2391 - Substitute for HB 2391 by Committee on Elections - Amending the act establishing the governmental ethics commission, relating to campaign finance, establishing a five-year statute of limitations for bringing actions before the commission, limiting the commission's subpoena power, allowing respondents to transfer a hearing before the commission to a hearing officer under the office of administrative hearings.
- HB2392 - Providing for the 1st Infantry Division and the armed services occupation medal distinctive license plates and relating to the definition of veteran and disabled veteran in certain statutes.
- HB2393 - Directing the secretary for children and families to review and compare data for public assistance program eligibility.
- HB2394 - Creating an energy assistance program and a program for unhoused individuals to secure affordable housing and establishing eligibility for such programs.
- HB2395 - Continuing in existence certain exceptions to the disclosure of public records under the open records act.
- HB2396 - Requiring a criminal conviction for civil asset forfeiture and proof beyond a reasonable doubt that property is subject to forfeiture, remitting proceeds to the state general fund and requiring law enforcement agencies to make forfeiture reports more frequently.
- HB2397 - Prohibiting conveyance of certain real property in this state to foreign adversaries.
- HB2398 - Adding the placing of controlled substances into pills into the definition of manufacture, increasing the criminal penalties for manufacturing fentanyl and creating a special sentencing rule to make sentences for distributing fentanyl presumptive imprisonment.
- HB2399 - Enacting the freelance isn't free act to provide protections for freelance workers, authorizing the secretary of labor to investigate alleged violations and the attorney general to enforce orders against violators, establishing a private cause of action for freelance workers against violators and establishing an assistance program for freelance workers to be administered by the secretary of labor.
- HB2400 - Enacting the Kansas adult learner grant act to facilitate workforce development by providing grants and workforce retention incentive tax credits to adults who pursue baccalaureate degrees from eligible postsecondary educational institutions in certain fields of study.
- HB2401 - Defining "benefit year" and "temporary unemployment" in the employment security law, allowing the extension of temporary unemployment; requiring electronic report filing by certain employers, permitting discretion in appointments and terms for the temporary employment security board of review, delaying new account formation after certain business acquisitions, requiring the new unemployment insurance system to allow employer reports regarding claimant compliance and authorizing the legislative coordinating council to extend new system implementation deadlines.
- HB2402 - Prohibiting new self-service storage facilities from being located within 1,000 feet of a child care facility or school.
- HB2403 - Creating the crime of unlawful storage of any firearm including a rifle, shotgun or machine gun or stun guns and the crime of unlawful storage of a large magazine capacity rifle or shotgun or machine gun where a minor has access.
- HB2404 - Enacting the Kansas protection of pensions and businesses against ideological interference act, relating to ideological boycotts involving environmental, social or governance standards, requiring KPERS to divest from and prohibiting state contracts or the deposit of state moneys with entities engaged in such boycotts as determined by the state treasurer and prohibiting discriminatory practices in the financial services industry based on such boycotts.
- HB2405 - Establishing the Kansas legal tender act and providing for an income tax subtraction modification for sales of specie.
- HB2406 - Prohibiting persons in charge of a building from requiring off-duty police officers carrying a concealed handgun from providing certain personal information or wearing anything identifying such persons as a law enforcement officer or as being armed.
- HB2407 - Creating conditions for the administration of certain tests, questionnaires, surveys and examinations and eliminating the parental consent requirements.
- HB2408 - Exempting certain services provided in an adult care homes from the provisions of the acts regulating cosmetologists and barbers.
- HB2409 - Enacting the Kansas uniform parentage act (2017).
- HB2410 - Increasing the taxable income amounts by a cost-of-living adjustment for determining Kansas income tax owed.
- HB2411 - Decreasing the penalties for employer failing to timely remit employee withholding income taxes.
- HB2412 - Removing state agency fees for concealed-carry licenses.
- HB2413 - Requiring firearms and stun guns to be stored in locked containers, establishing crimes for failure to store such weapons where a person under 18 years of age has access to such weapons and creating more severe penalties for firearms with large-capacity magazines.
- Sub HB2414 - Substitute for HB 2414 by Committee on Commerce, Labor and Economic Development - Developing postsecondary engineering programs, providing scholarships for engineering students at certain public and private institutions of higher education by establishing a matching grant program to be administered by the secretary of commerce and creating the engineering graduate incentive fund.
- HB2415 - Establishing the KanCare bridge to a healthy Kansas program to expand Medicaid eligibility.
- Sub Bill for HB2416 - Senate Substitute for HB 2416 by Committee on Assessment and Taxation - Enacting the adoption savings account act, allowing individuals to establish adoption savings accounts with certain financial institutions, providing eligible expenses, requirements and restrictions for such accounts and establishing addition and subtraction modifications for contributions to such accounts under the Kansas income tax act.
- HB2417 - Creating the medical cannabis regulation act to regulate the cultivation, processing, distribution, sale and use of medical cannabis.
- HB2418 - Abolishing the study commission for the consolidation of Kansas City, Kansas, and Wyandotte county, consolidation commission of Topeka, Kansas, and Shawnee county, study commission for the consolidation in Greeley county, state emergency response commission, transportation vision task force, Persian Gulf war veterans health initiative act, Kansas export finance act, community strategic planning assistance act, natural and scientific areas advisory board, public finance transparency board, Kansas film services commission, Kansas bioscience authority, KAN-ED act and department of health and environment advisory committees.
- HB2419 - Establishing an income tax credit for expenses incurred for the care of cats and dogs.
- HB2420 - Establishing tax withholding requirements when certain employees work in multiple states.
- HB2421 - Providing countywide retailers' sales tax authority for Grant county.
- Sub Bill for HB2422 - Senate Substitute for HB 2422 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs - Exempting certain gaming suppliers from the certification requirement of the Kansas expanded lottery act when such suppliers do not contract with the state or the lottery gaming facility manager.
- HB2423 - Enacting the act against abusive access litigation to create a civil action for determining whether litigation that alleges any access violation under the Americans with disabilities act or similar law constitutes abusive litigation and authorizing penalties for such abusive litigation.
- HB2424 - Establishing a refundable income, privilege and premium tax credit for direct payments made by employers to student loans on behalf of a qualified employee.
- HB2425 - Establishing a refundable income tax credit for tuition payments made to postsecondary educational institutions.
- HB2426 - Authorizing appeals from certain decisions related to a citizen-initiated grand jury.
- HB2427 - Requiring school districts to provide separate accommodations for students of each biological sex on overnight school sponsored trips.
- HB2428 - Providing membership in the Kansas police and firemen's retirement system for certain security officers of the department of corrections and for certain law enforcement officers and employees of the Kansas department of wildlife and parks.
- HB2429 - Establishing the alternatives to abortion program to provide resources and promote childbirth to women facing unplanned pregnancies.
- HB2430 - Providing for requirements for use of funds allocated to agencies for the purpose of supporting unhoused individuals and creating penalties for unauthorized camping on government-owned land.
- HB2431 - Allowing vessels that operate upon the Perry reservoir to be licensed as clubs and drinking establishments.
- HB2432 - Providing postsecondary tuition assistance to certain children of qualifying public school teachers.
- HB2433 - Allowing a taxpayer to elect the taxable year in which a subtraction modification for contributions to a qualified tuition program would be applied.
- HB2434 - Crediting tax revenue generated from wagers made on historical horse races to the horse breeding development fund and the horse fair racing benefit fund.
- HB2435 - Decreasing the sales and use tax rate, establishing a 0% state rate for sales and use taxes for food and food ingredients, providing a sales tax exemption for children's diapers and feminine hygiene products, establishing the STAR bonds food sales tax revenue replacement fund and altering the calculation for STAR bond districts.
- Sub Bill for HB2436 - Senate Substitute for HB 2436 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs - Creating the crime of coercion to obtain an abortion and providing enhanced criminal penalties for offenses committed with the intent to coerce a woman to obtain an abortion.
- HB2437 - Updating certain terms, requirements and fees contained in the Kansas pet animal act.
- HB2438 - Eliminating the instructor-coordinator's certificate requirement associated with the teaching of emergency medical services courses.
- HB2439 - Requiring notification to patients that the effects of a medication abortion may be reversible.
- HB2440 - Requiring public utilities to report certain data.
- HB2441 - Creating the anti-red flag gun seizure act to prohibit the enforcement of any law, regulation or order that prohibits the possession of a firearm in violation of amendment II to the constitution of the United States.
- HB2442 - Creating the Kansas gun rights preservation act to prohibit the infringement of Kansas citizens' constitutional right to keep and bear arms by the federal government.
- HB2443 - Establishing the office of the child advocate.
- HB2444 - Establishing the school district mental health intervention team program in statute to provide coordinated mental health services for students among school districts and community mental health centers.
- HB2445 - Providing for additional income tax rate brackets.
- HB2446 - Prohibiting cities and counties from regulating plastic and other containers designed for the consumption, transportation or protection of merchandise, food or beverages.
- HB2447 - Prohibiting cities and counties from banning the sale of products or services otherwise allowed by state law.
- HB2448 - Creating the legislative compensation commission and prescribing powers and duties of the commission and the legislature.
- HB2449 - Providing that all members of statutory boards or commissions who are authorized by statute to receive compensation shall receive the amount of per diem compensation paid to legislators.
- Sub HB2450 - Substitute for HB 2450 by Committee on Commerce, Labor and Economic Development - Providing a sales tax exemption for the construction or remodeling of a qualified data center in Kansas and the purchase of data center equipment, eligible data center costs, electricity and certain labor costs to qualified firms that commit to a minimum investment of at least $600,000,000 and meet new Kansas jobs and other requirements.
- HB2451 - Specifying the delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration amount for final hemp products and allowing certain hemp products to be manufactured, marketed, sold or distributed.
- HB2452 - Eliminating the requirement that the state employees health care commission offer long-term care insurance and indemnity insurance.
- HB2453 - Enacting the dentist and dental hygienist compact to provide interstate practice privileges for dentists and dental hygienists.
- HB2454 - Providing a sales tax exemption for purchases of construction materials by a contractor for a not-for-profit corporation operating a theater.
- HB2455 - Updating the Kansas general corporation code, the business entity transactions act, the business entity standard treatment act, the Kansas revised uniform limited partnership act and the Kansas uniform partnership act.
- HB2456 - Imposing requirements for reapportionment legislation.
- HB2457 - Providing an income tax rate of 4.95% for individuals and decreasing the normal tax for corporations, increasing the income limit for the income tax subtraction modification for social security income and providing that all social security income qualifies for the subtraction modification commencing in tax year 2026, increasing the Kansas standard deduction for individuals and further increasing the standard deduction by a cost-of-living adjustment, discontinuing the food sales tax credit, decreasing the privilege tax surtax, establishing a 0% state rate for sales and use taxes for food and food ingredients on July 1, 2023, and increasing the extent of property tax exemption for residential property from the statewide school levy.
- HB2458 - Authorizing the state board of education to establish a new unified school district, if necessary, for the attachment of territory of a school district disorganized via voter petition and providing for administrative and judicial review of resolutions to permanently close a public school building.
- HB2459 - Prohibiting the change of the point of diversion of a water right if such change causes the safe yield of the source of water supply to be exceeded.
- Sub Bill for HB2460 - Substitute for HB 2460 by Committee on Higher Education Budget - Prohibiting postsecondary educational institutions from taking certain actions regarding admission applicants, applicants for employment and faculty concerning diversity, equity or inclusion, exceptions, providing for civil remedies and penalties, submitting a report to the legislature and posting information on the board of regents website.
- HB2461 - Authorizing the Kansas development finance authority to issue bonds for the construction and equipment of the NIAR technology and innovation building on the innovation campus of Wichita state university.
- HB2462 - Authorizing the Kansas development finance authority to issue bonds for the construction and renovation of a new department of nursing and student wellness center on the campus of Emporia state university.
- HB2463 - Authorizing the Kansas development finance authority to issue bonds for the renovation and equipment of the university stadium on the campus of Wichita state university.
- HB2464 - Increasing the dollar amount of state scholarships for students attending a postsecondary educational institution who have established financial need.
- HB2465 - Enacting the adoption savings account act allowing individuals to establish adoption savings accounts with certain financial institutions, providing eligible expenses, requirements and restrictions for such accounts and establishing addition and subtraction modifications for contributions to such accounts under the Kansas income tax act, increasing the income tax credit amount for adoption expenses, establishing an income, privilege and premium tax credit for contributions to eligible charitable organizations operating pregnancy centers or residential maternity facilities and providing for a sales tax exemption for purchases by pregnancy resource centers and residential maternity facilities.
- HB2466 - Excluding registered agritourism locations from building permit requirements or building codes.
- HB2467 - Revising the definition of "abortion" to clarify procedures that are excluded from such definition.
- HB2468 - Concerning state of disaster emergencies, appointing the incident commander by the adjutant general for weather-related disasters, establishing coordinating duties of the division of emergency management and establishing the disaster contingency fund for use by the state finance council to match federal grants and funds to respond to such weather-related disaster.
- HB2469 - Changing the order of succession for the office of governor to provide that the speaker of the house of representatives shall become governor if the office of both the governor and lieutenant governor are vacant rather than the president of the senate.
- HB2470 - Extending the period of time to file for property tax homestead claims.
- HB2471 - Establishing the transformation of passenger and freight vehicle industry program to attract businesses engaged in electric motor vehicle and hydrogen-powered vehicle production by offering qualified companies that meet certain requirements an investment tax credit, retention of a percentage of total payroll tax, reimbursement of a percentage of eligible employee training and education expenses and a sales tax exemption for construction costs of the qualified company’s qualified business facility.
- HB2472 - Authorizing the governor to submit a budget report to the legislature that increases the total expenditures for the ensuing fiscal year by not more than 2% of the total expenditures from the immediately preceding fiscal year.
- HB2473 - Reconciling multiple amendments to certain statutes.
- HB2474 - Making and concerning appropriations for FY 23 and FY 24 for the department of administration for an income tax rebate to certain Kansas resident taxpayers.
- HB2475 - Prohibiting the commencement of the school term prior to Labor Day.
- HB2476 - Requiring legislative approval of any national heritage area or national historic trail in the state of Kansas and prohibiting state funding of any national heritage area or national historic trail unless such funding is first approved by the legislature of the state of Kansas.
- HB2477 - Increasing the maximum reimbursement from the Kansas agricultural remediation fund from $200,000 to $300,000 for an eligible person and from $400,000 to $600,000 when both a buyer and a seller or a lessee and a lessor are responsible for remediation and increasing the amount available to the Kansas agricultural remediation board for administrative overhead expenses from $150,000 to $175,000.
- HB2478 - Adding "maternity center" to the definition of "healthcare provider" for purposes of the healthcare provider insurance availability act.
- HB2479 - Permitting the direct sales of vehicles by certain vehicle manufacturers and distributors.
- HB2480 - Requiring each school district to employ an attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder specialist.
- HB2481 - Designating portions of K-96 highway as the PFC Henry Lee Fisher memorial highway and the 96th Infantry Division memorial highway, a portion of United States highway 69 as the Ken W Brock memorial highway, a portion of United States highway 81 as the Merle Miller memorial highway and a portion of United States highway 281 as the first responders memorial highway, redesignating a current portion of the American Legion memorial highway for United States highway 281 and redesignating a current portion of the Frank Carlson memorial highway for United States highway 81, designating bridge No. 160-96-293.72 in Sumner county as the SrA Derek Scott Martin memorial bridge and designating the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe #3415 as the official state steam locomotive and the Abilene & Smoky Valley Railroad as the official state heritage railroad.
- HB2482 - Providing for the 1st Infantry Division and the armed services occupation medal distinctive license plates.
- HB2483 - Eliminating the requirement to conduct a recurring 911 implementation audit, a recurring KPERS audit and certain economic development incentive audits.
- HB2484 - Enacting the social work licensure compact to provide interstate practice privileges for social workers.
- HB2485 - Requiring enrollment under the Kansas school equity and enhancement act to be determined using the current school year or the preceding school year and requiring any district that closed a school building in the preceding school year to use the current year enrollment count.
- HB2486 - Removing the definition of lead-free and an exception for leaded joints in the public water supply system law and updating terminology relating to hazardous waste generated by certain persons.
- HB2487 - Providing immunity from prosecution for certain drug crimes when persons seek or provide medical assistance related to the use of a controlled substance.
- HB2488 - Adding the conduct of intentionally advising or encouraging another person to commit or attempt to commit suicide in the crime of assisting suicide.
- HB2489 - Limiting the legislative option to purchase school district buildings to buildings that were formerly used as attendance centers.
- HB2490 - Providing for evaluation of a juvenile offender's academic record, dyslexia screening and reading level assessment and limiting overall juvenile offender case length limit extensions to two extensions and 60 days per extension.
- HB2491 - Abolishing the law enforcement training center fund; all liabilities of such fund are transferred to and imposed on the state general fund; moneys previously credited to such fund shall be credited to the state general fund.
- HB2492 - Prohibiting abortion procedures except when necessary to save the life of the pregnant woman and providing a private cause of action for civil enforcement of such prohibition.
- HB2493 - Requiring rural water districts to award certain contracts through a public letting process.
- Sub HB2494 - Substitute for HB 2494 by Committee on Education - Establishing policy requirements for cardiac emergency response plans for school districts and providing a grant program for the implementation of such policy.
- HB2495 - Making and concerning appropriations for fiscal years 2024 and 2025, for state agencies; increasing expenditure limitations to the foregoing; funding of the fiscal year 2024 salary increase for certain state employees.
- HB2496 - Enacting the interstate compact on the agreement among the states to elect the president by national popular vote.
- HB2497 - Prohibiting district magistrate judges from issuing search warrants.
- HB2498 - Increasing the transfer from the state highway fund to the public use general aviation airport development fund.
- HB2499 - Prohibiting the use of a mobile telephone while operating a vehicle in a school or construction zone or by individuals less than 18 years of age.
- HB2500 - Providing for the delta waterfowl distinctive license plate.
- HB2501 - Requiring railroads operating in Kansas to maintain minimum distances from the near-edge of railroad crossings to the storage of certain rolling stock on sidings.
- HB2502 - Designating the Abilene & Smoky Valley Railroad as the official state heritage railroad.
- HB2503 - Requiring drivers to proceed with due caution when passing stationary vehicles displaying hazard warning lights and providing a penalty for violation thereof.
- HB2504 - Requiring that only physical paper ballots be reviewed when conducting election audits.
- HB2505 - Permitting vehicle dealers to sell vehicles on consignment contracts under certain conditions.
- HB2506 - Authorizing students enrolled in virtual schools to participate in activities that are regulated by the Kansas state high school activities association at such student’s resident school district without a minimum enrollment requirement in such resident school district.
- HB2507 - Designating a bridge in Sumner county as the SrA Derek Scott Martin memorial bridge.
- HB2508 - Authorizing a transfer of state general fund moneys to the local ad valorem tax reduction fund in fiscal year 2025 and all fiscal years thereafter, requiring political subdivisions to credit all such moneys to residential property taxpayers in the form of a rebate and providing a formula for such rebate amount.
- HB2509 - Providing reimbursement payments for the cost of career technical education assessments to school districts under the career technical education credential and transition incentive for employment success act.
- HB2510 - Authorizing a party to obtain discovery of the existence and content of an agreement for third-party funding of litigation under the code of civil procedure.
- HB2511 - Allowing nonpartisan candidates to include such candidate's political party affiliation on the ballot with such candidate's name.
- Sub HB2512 - Substitute for HB 2512 by Committee on Elections - Relating to advance voting ballots; requiring county election officers to provide at least four hours of advance voting in-person on the Saturday before an election; providing after January 1, 2025, such ballots cast in-person be received in the county election office by 7:00 p.m. on the Sunday proceeding the election; exception to allow voting in-person until 12:00 noon on Monday for good cause.
- HB2513 - Changing the time period for the transmittal and return of advance voting ballots and requiring such ballots be returned by the day of the election.
- HB2514 - Revising school district open enrollment procedures and requirements to prioritize students who are residents of Kansas over students who are residents of another state, providing for continued enrollment of students who attended a school district of nonresidence in school year 2023-2024, authorizing school districts to deem students as not in good standing prior to enrollment and requiring publication of nonresident student transfer policies on the school district website.
- HB2515 - Creating a civil cause of action against any healthcare provider who injures a child during an attempted abortion.
- HB2516 - Raising the number of signatures required for nomination petitions for independent candidates for statewide office and eliminating the option for such candidates to pay a filing fee in lieu of such petitions.
- HB2517 - Amending the campaign finance act regarding the crime of corrupt political advertising to delete the requirement of listing the treasurer of organizations sponsoring the political advertising.
- HB2518 - Authorizing the secretary of state, after consultation with county election officers, to adopt rules and regulations for the use of remote ballot boxes.
- Sub HB2519 - Substitute for HB2519 by Committee on Elections - Deleting from the general election crime of corrupt political advertising coverage of advertisements for constitutional amendments; adding coverage of advertising for constitutional amendments to the crime of corrupt political advertising which is part of the campaign finance act.
- HB2520 - Increasing the extent of property tax exemption from the statewide school levy for residential property to $100,000 of such property's appraised valuation.
- HB2521 - Requiring the state board of education to authorize teaching licenses for individuals who complete an alternative teacher certification program.
- HB2522 - Requiring the secretary of corrections to prepare inmates for release from custody and assist with gathering identification documentation.
- HB2523 - Allowing farm permit holders beginning at age 15 to drive to and from religious activities held by any religious organization.
- HB2524 - Eliminating certain camp site and cabin fees for senior citizens at Kansas state parks.
- HB2525 - Providing for additional sources of revenue for the water program management fund and creating additional fees for the regulation of underground injection control wells.
- HB2526 - Authorizing the chief engineer to adopt rules and regulations under the watershed district act and concerning fees and inspections of dams.
- HB2527 - Authorizing electric public utilities to recover certain depreciation and construction work in progress expenses and limiting the time that such recovery may be implemented, authorizing the provision of economic development electric rates for certain large electric customers and limiting the time that such rates may be implemented, extending the timeline for the state corporation commission to issue an order in ratemaking treatment proceedings, authorizing electric public utilities to retain certain generating facilities in the utilty's rate base, prohibiting the commission from authorizing the retirement of certain generating facilities unless certain requirements are met, increasing the capacity limitation for the total amount of net metering facilities that may operate in the service territory of an investor-owned electric public utility, requiring net metering facilities to be appropriately sized based on the customer's average load and establishing requirements for exporting power from a net metering system to a utility.
- HB2528 - Restricting residential homestead property taxes to not more than the established base year amount for individuals 65 years of age and older.
- HB2529 - Decreasing the individual income tax rates.
- HB2530 - Relating to the wildlife and parks commission, granting appointment authority to multiple state officers and authorizing the election of the chairperson thereof.
- HB2531 - Establishing the Kansas purple alert plan to provide public notice of missing persons 18 years of age or older who have been diagnosed with an intellectual disability and are in certain dangerous circumstances.
- HB2532 - Regarding the distribution of the tax on parimutuel wagering on historic horse races; providing 1/3 of the amount collected shall be credited to the Kansas horse breeding development fund and 2/3 of the amount collected shall be credited to the horse fair racing benefit fund.
- HB2533 - Requiring that per diem amounts, expenses and funding for examinations be reasonable and establishing a tiered fee structure for examinations of insurance companies and societies based on gross premiums.
- HB2534 - Providing a Kansas income tax subtraction modification for certain amounts received as compensation for members of the armed forces.
- HB2535 - Prohibiting the use of cryptocurrency for campaign finance contributions and removing the prohibition on the use of political funds subject to reporting under the campaign finance act for the campaign of a candidate for federal elective office.
- HB2536 - Establishing the SOUL family legal permanency option for children 16 years of age or older.
- HB2537 - Mandating that certain contractual provisions be incorporated in all city and county contracts, including the provisions of form DA-146a, with certain exceptions.
- HB2538 - Continuing the reimbursement from the taxpayer notification costs fund for printing and postage costs of county clerks through calendar year 2028.
- HB2539 - Removing the Kansas residency requirement for eligibility for a Kansas promise scholarship and modifying the definition of part-time student under such program.
- HB2540 - Exempting the practice of hair removal by sugaring from the definition of cosmetology.
- HB2541 - Establishing the state conservation fund, the working lands conservation fund, the wildlife conservation fund and the Kansas outdoors fund, providing for the use of moneys from such funds, requiring certain reports to the governor and the legislature and authorizing certain transfers to and from such funds.
- Sub HB2542 - Substitute for HB 2542 by Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources - Amending the Kansas pet animal act to require the Kansas department of agriculture to maintain records of inspections for not less than five years and removing the requirement that the commissioner only apply federal rules and regulations to United States department of agriculture licensed animal distributors and animal breeders.
- HB2543 - Requiring approval of livestock brand applications by the animal health commissioner and increasing the maximum amount for brand registration and renewal fees.
- HB2544 - Establishing an income, privilege and premium tax credit for employers that employ members of the Kansas army and air national guard and establishing an income tax credit for employees that are members thereof.
- HB2545 - Providing for the sale of property not retrieved by an occupant after notice, allowing electronic signatures and delivery for rental agreements, defining property that has no commercial value, providing for the deemed effectiveness of rental agreements not signed or delivered by an owner or occupant and specifying custody of abandoned or towed property under the self-service storage act.
- HB2546 - Reducing the state rate for sales and use taxes for sales of food and food ingredients and modifying the percent credited to the state highway fund from revenue collected.
- HB2547 - Pertaining to the regulation of certain drugs, authorizing schools to maintain stock supplies of emergency medication kits for certain life-threatening conditions and adding and removing certain substances in schedules I, II, IV and V of the uniform controlled substances act and making conforming changes to the criminal code definition of fentanyl-related controlled substances.
- HB2548 - Enacting the no patient left alone act to require facilities to allow in-person visitation to certain patients at hospitals, adult care homes and hospice facilities.
- HB2549 - Changing the lists of persons who are required to be given notice of the hearing on a petition for an independent or stepparent, private agency or public agency adoption and limiting a petition to terminate parental rights to adoption proceedings and setting requirements for such petitions filed separately from petitions for adoption.
- HB2550 - Allowing victims of childhood sexual abuse to bring a civil action for recovery of damages suffered as a result of such abuse at any time and reviving claims against any party for such damages that occurred on or after July 1, 1984.
- HB2551 - Making and concerning appropriations for fiscal years 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027 and 2028 for various state agencies; constituting the omnibus reconciliation spending limit bill for the 2024 regular session; payment of certain claims against the state.
- HB2552 - Prohibiting the secretary for children and families from using federal benefits of a child in need of care for the care and custody of the child and requiring the secretary to create and maintain an account of such benefits received for such child.
- HB2553 - Establishing procedures for law enforcement agencies and the secretary for children and families to follow and use when a child in custody of the secretary is reported missing and requiring the secretary to obtain a nondrivers' identification card for such reports.
- HB2554 - Directing the secretary for children and families to identify relatives and persons with whom a child in custody of the secretary has close emotional ties for placement and send notice of custody to the persons when identified.
- HB2555 - Authorizing schools to maintain emergency albuterol kits and administer such medication in emergency situations.
- HB2556 - Expanding medical assistance eligibility and enacting the cutting healthcare costs for all Kansans act.
- HB2557 - Expanding the definition of "peer support counseling session" in the rules of evidence.
- HB2558 - Providing for the armed services occupation medal distinctive license plate.
- HB2559 - Relating to the crime of corrupt political advertising; regulating the use; of generative artificial intelligence; requiring disclosure that an image or speech has been manipulated ; making it a crime to create false representations of candidates in campaign media or of state officials; providing that liability shall rest solely with the advertiser and not with any broadcaster or media platform.
- HB2560 - Enacting the Kansas money transmission act and the Kansas earned wage access services act, providing when applications under the state banking code are considered abandoned or expired, allowing an originating trustee to have such trustee's principal place of business outside of Kansas, authorizing any person to become a depositor or lessor of a safe deposit box, providing methods in which bank deposits may be withdrawn by a depositor and prohibiting banks from requiring a cosigner for an account of a child in the custody of the secretary for children and families, secretary of corrections or a federally recognized Indian tribe.
- HB2561 - Authorizing domestic credit unions to operate outside of the state, providing civil penalties for certain violations, allowing the administrator to enter into informal agreements, removing requirements regarding duplicate filings, establishing appeals procedures for suspended credit and supervisory committee members and requiring the members of a merged credit union to approve such merger.
- HB2562 - Enacting the protect vulnerable adults from financial exploitation act, authorizing the real estate commission to issue cease and desist orders in under certain circumstances and regulating contract for deed transactions.
- HB2563 - Authorizing a postretirement benefit payment to certain KPERS retirants.
- HB2564 - Establishing a farm to food bank program to expand the availability of Kansas agricultural food products for the state of Kansas' emergency food system.
- HB2565 - Updating certain provisions of the Kansas dental practices act relating to dentist information requested by patients, in-person practice requirements in dental office using licensee's name, unprofessional conduct and patient complaints.
- HB2566 - Providing for origin sourcing for certain sales.
- HB2567 - Establishing the Kansas national guard educational master's for enhanced readiness and global excellence (EMERGE) program.
- HB2568 - Prohibiting fines and fees from being assessed against a juvenile or a juvenile's parent, guardian or custodian in a case pursuant to the revised Kansas juvenile justice code.
- HB2569 - Requiring the secretary of health and environment to not renew contracts to provide childcare licensing services and replace such services with state employees and to conduct surveys of childcare providers on the department's provision of childcare licensing services.
- Sub HB2570 - Substitute for HB 2570 by Committee on Commerce, Labor and Economic Development - Defining benefit year, temporary unemployment, wages and other terms in the employment security law, requiring electronic filing for certain employers, establishing qualifications for employment security board of review candidates, extending the deadline for new accounts following business acquisitions, making certain changes to the employer rate schedules and lowering rates for new employers, enabling employers to report claimant work search issues, confirming legislative coordinating council oversight for the new unemployment insurance information technology system implementation, authorizing the secretary to grant additional temporary unemployment in certain circumstances, requiring the secretary to publish certain information, abolishing the employment security interest assessment fund and providing relief for negative account balance employers.
- HB2571 - Requiring that all advance voting ballots deposited in a remote ballot box be considered provisional ballots until verified by the county election office.
- HB2572 - Imposing personal delivery restrictions on individuals delivering advance voting ballots on behalf of other voters.
- HB2573 - Requiring certain libraries that have budgets approved by taxing subdivisions to be subject to the revenue neutral rate independent of the taxing subdivision.
- HB2574 - Establishing term limits for members of the board of education for unified school district No. 207, Fort Leavenworth.
- HB2575 - Designating a portion of K-96 highway as the 96th "Deadeye" Infantry Division memorial highway.
- HB2576 - Requiring the publication of signed statements of fair campaign practices and providing a cause of action for violations of such statements.
- HB2577 - Providing discretionary authority to the state treasurer to transfer moneys certified as equivalent to the aggregate net amount received for unclaimed property to the KPERS board and to liquidate such moneys for further investment by the pooled money investment board or for necessary payments to owners of unclaimed property.
- HB2578 - Providing that programs and treatments provided by a certified community behavioral health clinic be granted a renewal certification if such programs and treatments have been previously certified or accredited.
- HB2579 - Authorizing the board of emergency medical services to distribute non-prescription over-the-counter medications.
- HB2580 - Including mental, emotional and behavioral health treatment to medical services that may be provided to a child alleged or adjudicated to be a child in need of care.
- HB2581 - Eliminating the court's requirement to order child support be paid to the secretary when custody of a child is awarded to the secretary.
- HB2582 - Increasing the membership of the Kansas wildlife and parks commission from seven to nine, granting membership appointment authority to multiple state officers and providing certain requirements for the members of such commission.
- HB2583 - Increasing the criminal penalties for harming or killing certain dogs and horses and requiring restitution for such offense to include certain expenses.
- HB2584 - Imposing sales and compensating use tax on digital property and subscription services and providing for the decrease in sales and compensating use tax rates in certain circumstances.
- HB2585 - Excluding from sales taxation services for installing or applying tangible personal property for the reconstruction, restoration, remodeling, renovation, repair or replacement of a building or facility.
- HB2586 - Increasing the extent of property tax exemption for residential property from the statewide school levy, decreasing the normal rate of privilege tax, increasing the household and dependent care expenses income tax credit amount, exempting all social security benefits from Kansas income tax, increasing the Kansas standard deduction, providing for an annual sales tax holiday for certain sales of school supplies, computers and clothing, providing sales tax exemptions for children's diapers and feminine hygiene products and reducing the state rate of tax on sales of food and food ingredients to 0% on April 1, 2024.
- HB2587 - Authorizing the board of directors for a drainage district to hold a meeting in executive session in accordance with the open meetings act.
- HB2588 - Authorizing certain telecommunications and video service providers to operate in county public right-of-way and limiting the fees and costs that a county may impose upon such providers for such activities.
- HB2589 - Authorizing public utilities and law enforcement agencies to enter into utility pole attachment agreements to allow for the installation of law enforcement equipment on structures located within the public right-of-way and exempting public utilities from civil liability relating thereto.
- HB2590 - Updating the maximum penalties that may be imposed by the state corporation commission for pipeline safety violations to comply with requirements of the federal pipeline and hazardous materials safety administration.
- HB2591 - Exempting the state corporation commission from the open meetings act and prohibiting ex parte communications in all commission proceedings.
- HB2592 - Requiring the use of age-verification technology to permit access to internet websites containing material that is harmful to minors.
- HB2593 - Amending the uniform arbitration act of 2000 to make certain agreements to arbitrate in contracts of insurance invalid and creating exceptions therefor.
- HB2594 - Establishing the education funding task force and abolishing the special education and related services funding task force.
- HB2595 - Mandating insurance coverage for certain allergen introduction dietary supplements for infants under the state health care benefits program and requiring the Kansas state employees health care commission to submit an impact report on such coverage to the legislature.
- HB2596 - Adding and removing certain substances in schedules I, II, IV and V of the uniform controlled substances act and making conforming changes to the criminal code definition of "fentanyl-related controlled substances."
- HB2597 - Extending the timelines for the state corporation commission to make a determination regarding rate-making treatment for electric generating or transmission facilities.
- Sub HB2598 - Substitute for HB 2598 by Committee on Commerce, Labor and Economic Development - Authorizing the Kansas real estate commission to issue cease and desist orders, prohibiting dealing in assignable contracts for certain residential real estate and providing that certain violations thereof are subject to the Kansas consumer protection act, regulating contract for deed transactions, authorizing recording of contract for deeds or affidavits of equitable interest, listing deceptive practices constituting violations of the consumer protection act, requiring notice to the buyer of default and allowing buyers to cure such default.
- HB2599 - Prohibiting charges for electronic copies and determinations of whether a record exists and limiting charges for employee time required to make records available under the Kansas open records act.
- HB2600 - Establishing a feminine hygiene product grant program and grant fund to award moneys to qualifying title I schools to provide feminine hygiene products to students at no cost.
- HB2601 - Requiring certain persons on a third or subsequent conviction of driving under the influence to participate in a multidisciplinary model of services for substance use disorders.
- HB2602 - Authorizing the court to grant expungement of a juvenile adjudication if the person has not been convicted or adjudicated of an offense in the past two years.
- HB2603 - Establishing the citizens' election oversight board to review, investigate and report on citizen complaints on the conduct of elections and election procedures.
- HB2604 - Increasing the dollar amount for a small claim to $10,000.
- HB2605 - Increasing the maximum rate paid to appointed counsel for an indigent person.
- HB2606 - Specifying that certain drug offenses do not give rise to forfeiture under the Kansas standard asset seizure and forfeiture act, requiring courts to make a finding that forfeiture is not excessive, restricting actions prior to commencement of forfeiture proceedings, requiring probable cause affidavit filing and review to commence proceedings, increasing the burden of proof required to forfeit property to clear and convincing evidence and authorizing courts to order payment of attorney fees and costs for certain claimants.
- HB2607 - Amending the Kansas pesticide law to expand the applicability of civil and criminal penalties and update requirements for training and supervision, proof of financial responsibility, pesticide applications in the sodium cyanide predator control category and record retention by government agencies.
- HB2608 - Authorizing the animal health commissioner to adopt rules and regulations to administer the poultry disease control act and to establish an annual participation fee not to exceed $50 for participation in the national poultry improvement plan, a certification fee not to exceed $50 for persons performing testing and diagnostic services and a testing fee not to exceed $100 per visit to each location participating in the plan.
- Sub Bill for HB2609 - Substitute for HB 2609 by Committee on Taxation - Providing a property tax exemption for new electric generation facilities and new pollution control devices and additions constructed or installed at electric generation facilities and discontinuing property tax exemptions for certain existing electric generation facilities.
- HB2610 - Providing an income tax subtraction modification for sales of property subject to eminent domain.
- HB2611 - Increasing the membership appointed by the governor on the council on travel and tourism and updating the house committee assignment required for house members from the committee on agriculture and natural resources to the committee on commerce, labor and economic development; reducing the required allocation of funds from the department of commerce's matching grant program for the promotion of tourism by public and nonprofit entities and removing the restriction on the percentage of such funds granted to a single entity.
- HB2612 - Requiring school districts to be in compliance with all state laws and rules and regulations to be accredited and requiring the state board of education to establish a process to challenge determinations of such compliance.
- HB2613 - Creating the statewide drug abuse resistance education (D.A.R.E.) program educator position, establishing the drug abuse resistance education fund and providing funding for such fund by annual transfer of state moneys.
- HB2614 - Requiring county election officers to record the names of individuals delivering advance voting ballots on behalf of another voter and report violations of the laws governing such delivery and removing the requirement to specify the treasurer of a sponsoring organization in political advertising.
- HB2615 - Providing for the publishing, printing and distributing of state laws and administrative rules and regulations.
- HB2616 - Prohibiting the disqualification of certain individuals as election poll workers by county election officers on the basis of residency or registered voter status.
- HB2617 - Prohibiting members of the legislature from voting on any legislative matter in which such member has a special interest.
- HB2618 - Prohibiting the use of funds provided by the United States government for the conduct of elections and election-related activities unless approved by the legislature and requiring specific intent as an element of the crime of false representation of an election official.
- HB2619 - Expanding the deferred retirement option program (DROP) membership to all KPERS members.
- HB2620 - Establishing a rebuttable presumption against retirement of fossil fuel-fired electric generating units, requiring the state corporation commission to report on such retirements and extending the timelines for the commission to make a determination regarding rate-making treatment for generating or transmission facilities.
- HB2621 - Prohibiting public utilities from exercising eminent domain for the siting or placement of solar facilities.
- HB2622 - Amending the Kansas indoor clean air act to prohibit smoking on the gaming floor of a lottery gaming facility or racetrack gaming facility.
- HB2623 - Updating the veterans claims assistance program to include references to veterans affairs medical centers and cross-accreditation requirements.
- HB2624 - Requiring that federal disability determinations for veterans be probative.
- HB2625 - Prescribing documentation requirements to determine eligibility for any benefit derived from a service-connected disability.
- HB2626 - Authorizing the disorganization of the Clearwater cemetery district and the transfer of all property and the care and maintenance of such cemetery.
- HB2627 - Organizing requirements for public assistance program sections within the statute.
- HB2628 - Requiring the secretary for children and families to release certain information related to a child fatality when criminal charges are filed alleging that a person caused such fatality.
- HB2629 - Requiring the secretary for health and environment to provide a death certificate of a child to the state child death review board, increasing the number of board members, allowing for compensation and providing for the disclosure of certain records to certain persons for securing grants.
- HB2630 - Amending the rules of evidence to allow history of previous domestic violence offenses to be admitted during a prosecution of a domestic violence offense.
- HB2631 - Directing the Kansas turnpike authority to establish a toll exemption program for current members of the armed forces whose orders direct a permanent place of duty within Kansas.
- HB2632 - Expanding membership of the law enforcement memorial advisory committee to include a representative of the Kansas chapter of concerns of police survivors to be appointed by the governor.
- HB2633 - Providing for additional sources of revenue for the water program management fund and requiring water supply system and wastewater treatment facility operator certification examination fees to not exceed the costs for such exams.
- HB2634 - Providing an additional corrective control provision for the chief engineer to consider when issuing orders of designations for local enhanced managements areas and intensive groundwater use control areas.
- HB2635 - Establishing a property tax exemption for disabled veterans.
- HB2636 - Including homestead renters as eligible to participate in certain homestead property tax refund claims.
- HB2637 - Expanding eligibility for rural emergency hospital licensure to facilities that meet criteria at any point after 2015.
- HB2638 - Prohibiting conveyance of certain real property in this state to foreign adversaries.
- HB2639 - Prohibiting the use of restraints during hearings under the revised Kansas juvenile justice code unless restraints are deemed appropriate by the court.
- HB2640 - Concerning research at Kansas public postsecondary educational institutions, creating the Kansas strategic research act, establishing the Kansas strategic research fund, making transfers to such fund, prescribing guidelines for expenditure of moneys credited thereto and the powers, duties, and functions of the state board of regents, requiring annual reports to certain committees of the legislature.
- HB2641 - Requiring school districts to prohibit the use of privately owned electronic communication devices during school hours.
- HB2642 - Amending provisions of the Kansas dental practice act relating to disciplinary action for making a diagnosis without examination and prohibiting dental service contracts that limit a patient's ability to file a complaint with the Kansas dental board.
- HB2643 - Creating the laser hair removal act to restrict the performance of laser hair removal to certain medical professionals.
- HB2644 - Establishing uniform interest rate provisions for service scholarships administered by the Kansas board of regents that have repayment obligations as a part of the terms and conditions of such scholarship and authorizing the Kansas board of regents to recover the costs of collecting such repayment obligations and charge fees to cover the costs of administering such scholarship programs.
- Sub Bill for HB2645 - Senate Substitute for HB2645 by Committee on Education - Removing limits on the number and amount of awards under the nursing service scholarship program, modifying the interest rate terms for repayment obligations under such program, abolishing the nursing service scholarship review committee and modifying the financial limitations on awards under the Kansas hero's scholarship act and broadening the eligibility requirements for such awards.
- Sub Bill for HB2646 - Senate Substitute for HB 2646 by Committee on Education - Transferring teachers from the KPERS 3 cash balance plan to the KPERS 2 plan and defining teachers for purposes of KPERS.
- HB2647 - Concerning rural communities in Kansas, creating the Kansas rural downtown revitalization act, establishing the rural downtown revitalization fund, making transfers to such fund, prescribing guidelines for the expenditure of moneys credited thereto and the duties of the department of commerce and requiring annual reports to certain committees of the legislature.
- HB2648 - Requiring the director of the budget to independently determine costs of compliance and implementation for all proposed rules and regulations and authorizing the director of the budget to disapprove proposed rules and regulations.
- HB2649 - Requiring the attorney general to submit an annual report to certain legislative committees relating to coordinated law enforcement agency training regarding missing and murdered indigenous persons.
- HB2650 - Requiring each school district to establish an at-risk student accountability plan and to show academic improvement in certain student subgroups and students identified as eligible for at-risk programs, prohibiting the state board of education from revising the curriculum standards in English language arts and mathematics until 75% of all students achieve proficiency and requiring school districts to comply with all state laws and rules and regulations to maintain accreditation.
- HB2651 - Requiring a third party that causes damage to crops or land to notify the landowner of such damage, request documentation of existing tenants of such land and to reimburse such landowner and any such tenant in accordance with the existing land lease agreement.
- HB2652 - Requiring that the national motto be displayed in every public building.
- HB2653 - Providing for child support orders for unborn children from the date of conception.
- HB2654 - Excluding certain types of incarceration time from being included in the allowance for time spent incarcerated when calculating a criminal defendant's sentence.
- HB2655 - Requiring automated expungement of certain records from a person's criminal record to seal such records from public view and limit disclosure thereof.
- HB2656 - Creating the crime of engaging in a street stunt, providing criminal penalties therefor and adding the new offense as a method of committing fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer.
- HB2657 - Requiring at least one member of the Kansas state fair board to be a resident of Reno county.
- HB2658 - Authorizing school districts to require a student to attend virtual school when such student is returning to school after having been expelled.
- HB2659 - Transferring teachers from the KPERS 3 cash balance plan to the KPERS 2 plan and defining teachers for purposes of KPERS.
- HB2660 - Modifying requirements related to certain business entity filings with the secretary of state, authorizing a change of registered office address by a current occupant under the business entity standard treatment act and changing the information required in an amendment to the articles of incorporation for a cooperative.
- HB2661 - Requiring vacancies in county commissioner districts created by an increase in the number of commissioner districts be filled at the next general election and providing for staggered terms for such newly elected county commissioners.
- HB2662 - Providing a sales tax exemption for purchases of construction materials by a contractor for the Kansas fairgrounds foundation.
- HB2663 - Allowing title insurance agents to submit escrow, settlement or closing funds through certain real-time or instant payment systems.
- HB2664 - Providing appropriations for and establishing a grant program for home-based child care.
- HB2665 - Increasing criminal penalties for a driver who leaves the scene of a vehicular accident when the accident results in the death of any person or more than one person, if the driver knew or reasonably should have known that such accident resulted in injury or death.
- HB2666 - Increasing the criminal penalties for certain violations of fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer when the person has prior convictions of the offense.
- HB2667 - Concerning the lottery operating fund, increasing transfers to the community crisis stabilization centers fund and the clubhouse model program fund of the Kansas department for aging and disability services.
- HB2668 - Requiring job search instead of a 20-hour work week for child care subsidy eligibility, allowing food assistance funds for advertising food assistance programs and modifying penalties for non-cooperation for all assistance programs.
- HB2669 - Codifying the mental health intervention team program administered by the Kansas department for aging and disability services in state statute.
- HB2670 - Requiring the department of health and environment to develop and publish educational information regarding the use of nonopioids.
- HB2671 - Requiring the nonresident hunting license fee be refunded to any person who enters the deer permit draw and does not acquire a white-tailed deer permit for the applicable hunting license year.
- HB2672 - Establishing transferable landowner appreciation permits for the hunting of white-tailed deer and allowing one landowner appreciation permit for every contiguous 80 deeded acres of land owned, up to two permits, for a fee of not to exceed $25.
- HB2673 - Directing the secretary for children and families to request a waiver from supplemental nutrition assistance program rules and prohibit the purchase of candy and soft drinks with food assistance.
- HB2674 - Prohibiting the secretary for children and families from participating in the summer electronic benefits transfer for children program.
- HB2675 - Enacting the uniform nonparent visitation act;
- Sub Bill for HB2676 - Substitute for HB 2676 by Committee on Judiciary - Creating the crime of encouraging suicide and providing criminal penalties therefor.
- HB2677 - Authorizing the sale of wine by cereal malt beverage retailer licensees.
- HB2678 - Extending the period for how long a groundwater right can be deposited in a water bank, requiring withdrawn water to be authorized by a water bank on or before December 1, requiring an evaluation of the central Kansas water bank by an independent consultant before July 1, 2025 and establishing a maximum length for a water bank charter extension.
- HB2679 - Authorizing the director of vehicles to waive the knowledge and skills test for driving a commercial vehicle for an applicant that provides evidence that such applicant qualifies for the military even exchange program for commercial driver's licenses.
- HB2680 - Creating a traffic infraction for leaving a child eight years of age or younger unattended in a motor vehicle and providing penalties for violations therefor and requiring the division of vehicles to disseminate information related to the danger of leaving children unattended in vehicles in driver's education materials.
- HB2681 - Updating the definition of commercial motor vehicle to include gross vehicle weight and defining leaving the scene of an accident in the Kansas uniform commercial drivers' license act.
- HB2682 - Authorizing the director of vehicles to adopt rules and regulations for participation in the federal motor carriers safety administration's drug and alcohol clearinghouse and disqualifying a person's commercial vehicle driving privileges when such person has violated or is noncompliance with the requirements of the clearinghouse.
- HB2683 - Modifying deadlines for mailing property tax statements to taxpayers and certification of tax levies to the director of property valuation to earlier than current deadlines and providing for the county clerk's use of the previous year's budget when a taxing subdivision fails to timely file its budget.
- HB2684 - Authorizing cities to propose an earnings tax for ballot question.
- HB2685 - Providing a sales tax exemption for registered charitable organizations.
- HB2686 - Requiring a prescriber discuss the risks of certain addictive controlled substances and alternatives to such substances with a patient before issuing a prescription for such subtances.
- HB2687 - Establishing a child income tax credit.
- HB2688 - Providing a sales tax exemption for exploration place, inc. and the Kansas children's discovery center, inc.
- HB2689 - Requiring that certain health insurance plans impose no-cost sharing requirement on insured individuals for diagnostic breast examinations for breast cancer.
- HB2690 - Abolishing the 911 coordinating council and establishing the state 911 board; abolishing the 911 operations fund, 911 state fund and 911 state grant fund outside of the state treasury and establishing the state 911 operations fund, state 911 fund and state 911 grant fund in the state treasury; increasing the minimum county distribution of 911 moneys; and authorizing counties to contract with other counties for the provision of 911 PSAP services.
- HB2691 - Requiring landowners whose land is taken by eminent domain for electric transmission lines to be compensated at not less than fair market value multiplied by 150%.
- HB2692 - Providing an exception to criminal liability when a defendant has a mental disease or defect so as not to know the nature of the act or that such act was wrong.
- HB2693 - Enacting the uniform partition of heirs property act to prescribe procedures and requirements for partition of certain real property.
- HB2694 - Providing for an increased amount of income tax credit for individuals of certain ages for the selective assistance for effective senior relief credit and setting the maximum amount or credit.
- HB2695 - Allowing a majority of eligible voters in a groundwater management district or an area for a proposed extension or reduction of a district to petition the chief engineer to extend or reduce the territory in a groundwater management district.
- HB2696 - Allowing a groundwater management district the opportunity to provide a written comment rather than a recommendation to the chief engineer for a proposed water conservation area and management plan.
- HB2697 - Allowing groundwater management districts boards to provide relevant information rather than advice and assistance regarding groundwater management and other appropriate matters of concern of a district.
- HB2698 - Allowing juvenile offenders in the custody of the secretary of corrections to leave the juvenile correctional facility for certain programming and educational opportunities when approved by the secretary.
- HB2699 - Creating the crimes of home invasion and aggravated home invasion and providing criminal penalties for violation thereof.
- HB2700 - Establishing the school library rating system task force to develop a rating system for materials available to students in public school libraries and requiring school districts to implement such rating system.
- HB2701 - Expanding the income tax credit for school and classroom supplies to increase the tax credit to $500 with an annual adjustment for the cost of inflation and to allow additional school employees to claim the credit.
- HB2702 - Specifying the eligibility requirements to participate in activities governed by the Kansas state high school activities association for students enrolled in a nonpublic school.
- HB2703 - Including placement in foster care as a criteria for a student to be eligible for at-risk programs and services.
- HB2704 - Creating the no-impact home-based business act, limiting the ability of municipalities to regulate such businesses and prohibiting certain types of activities by such businesses.
- HB2705 - Authorizing the state board of regents to sell and convey certain real property in the city of Manhattan, Riley county, Kansas, on behalf of Kansas state university.
- HB2706 - Providing for model year license plate decals to be displayed on antique trucks and motorcycles.
- HB2707 - Modifying automobile insurance policy uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage liability limitations for bodily injury or death.
- HB2708 - Eliminating the cap on nonpecuniary loss in a wrongful death action when the action is brought against a person convicted of murder and extending the statute of limitations for wrongful death actions from two years to five years.
- HB2709 - Establishing fentanyl poisoning awareness week for public middle schools and high schools to educate students on the abuse of and addiction to fentanyl and other opioids.
- HB2710 - Imposing an excise tax on each transaction by a money transmitter by wire, establishing an income tax credit for excise taxes paid, allowing the state bank commissioner to assess penalties for the nonpayment of such excise tax, providing for the distribution of such excise tax and penalty moneys, establishing the criminal litigation fund, wire transfer fee fund and prosecutor and law enforcement grant fund and creating a misdemeanor crime of unlawful transmission of a wire transfer and providing criminal penalties therefor.
- HB2711 - Enacting the countries of concern divestment act, increasing the statutory alternative investment percentage limitation for the KPERS trust fund, increasing the amount of KPERS retirant compensation subject to the statutory employer contribution rate to the first $40,000 earned in a calendar year, providing a KPERS working after retirement exemption for retirants employed by a community developmental disability organization or a community service provider in a licensed professional nurse, licensed practical nurse or direct support position and increasing the working after retirement earnings limit for members of the Kansas police and firemen's retirement system.
- HB2712 - Prohibiting dental health insurance contracts from limiting the fee a dentist may charge for a noncovered service, disallowing an otherwise covered service or preventing a dentist from billing and collecting for a service that is a dental necessity.
- HB2713 - Enacting the ensuring transparency in prior authorization act to impose requirements and limitations on the use of prior authorization in healthcare.
- HB2714 - Reducing the number of appointed board members on certain insurance-related governing boards and the frequency of meetings of the committee on surety bonds and insurance.
- HB2715 - Authorizing the commissioner of insurance to set the amount of certain fees and requiring the publication of such fees in the Kansas register.
- HB2716 - Expanding the duties of the secretary of health and environment when investigating maternal deaths to include promoting continuity of care, helping develop performance measures and establishing an external review committee to study cases and make recommendations to prevent maternal deaths.
- HB2717 - Establishing requirements for the determination of virtual school state aid for adult students.
- HB2718 - Eliminating school district open enrollment requirements and authorizing school districts to determine nonresident student enrollment.
- HB2719 - Extending the time that school districts may provide notice to parents of the administration of any nonacademic test, questionnaire, survey or examination and requiring school districts to contact parents if any such test, questionnaire, survey or examination indicates concerns.
- HB2720 - Permitting beekeepers who meet certain requirements to sell packaged honey and honeycombs without holding a food establishment or food processing plant license under the Kansas food, drug and cosmetic act.
- HB2721 - Allowing victims of childhood sexual abuse to bring a civil action for recovery of damages suffered as a result of such abuse at any time and reviving claims against any party for such damages that occurred on or after July 1, 1984.
- HB2722 - Enacting the second amendment financial privacy act, prohibiting financial institutions from using a firearms code to engage in certain discriminatory conduct and surveilling, reporting or tracking the purchase of firearms and ammunition, authorizing the attorney general to investigate and enforce violations of such act and providing a civil penalty for violations thereof.
- HB2723 - Making appropriations for the department for aging and disability services for FY 2025 and creating a program for cities to improve and develop infrastructure for homeless shelters.
- HB2724 - Permitting a fireworks retailer to sell fireworks at any time during the calendar year.
- HB2725 - Establishing a state employment preference for persons with disabilities.
- HB2726 - Requiring school districts to provide timely implementation of an individualized education program and advanced enrollment for certain children who are new to such school district.
- HB2727 - Requiring all public schools and public postsecondary educational institutions to make feminine hygiene products available at no cost to students and establishing a state grant program for such purpose.
- HB2728 - Requiring that comparable sales of residential property occur within the subdivision or township or closest located subdivision or township where such property is located for valuing real property.
- HB2729 - Enacting the Kansas specie legal tender act and the Kansas bullion depository act, authorizing the state treasurer to approve electronic currencies backed by specie legal tender and establish, administer or contract for the administration of bullion depositories and allowing for state moneys to be deposited in such bullion depositories and invested in specie legal tender.
- HB2730 - Expanding the tax credit for low income students scholarship program act to allow students enrolled in underperforming school districts to be eligible for a scholarship.
- HB2731 - Requiring the state board of education to submit annual reports to the legislature on certain statistics of students who take the statewide assessments.
- HB2732 - Authorizing school districts to employ or accept chaplains as volunteers.
- HB2733 - Requiring homeowners' associations to conduct certain home repairs in accordance with applicable codes and standards and providing for enforcement by civil penalties in an action brought by the attorney general.
- HB2734 - Imposing a five-year expiration on all improvement districts and community improvement districts if no improvements are carried out within the five-year period.
- HB2735 - Establishing a task force on missing women and girls who are black, indigenous and people of color.
- HB2736 - Prohibiting the closure of an electric generation facility without a reliable and readily dispatchable replacement and notification of such closure.
- HB2737 - Creating the abolish abortion Kansas act to make all abortions subject to criminal prosecution for violation of Alexa's law and to remove the exceptions to the wrongful cause of death action for lawful abortions.
- HB2738 - Revising the special education state aid statewide excess costs calculation to count additional funding, requiring the state board of education to determine each school district's excess costs and to establish a special education state aid equalization distribution schedule to distribute certain amounts of special education state aid and requiring school districts to transfer amounts attributable to the special education weighting from their supplemental general funds to their special education funds.
- HB2739 - Enacting the countries of concern divestment and procurement protection act, requiring state-managed funds to divest from investments with countries of concern with exceptions, prohibiting investments, deposits or contracts with any bank or company domiciled or with a principal place of business in a country of concern, indemnifying state-managed funds with respect to actions taken in compliance with such act and providing an expiration date for such act.
- HB2740 - Increasing the criminal penalty for a third or subsequent conviction of domestic battery and creating a mandatory minimum sentence for aggravated domestic battery.
- HB2741 - Updating the general terms of supervision for offenders on probation and postrelease supervision.
- HB2742 - Requiring the secretary for children and families to reimburse hospitals when a child in custody of the secretary remains at such hospital and is no longer receiving medical services.
- HB2743 - Prohibiting suspension of a person's driving privileges or driver's license due to nonpayment of fines or court costs from traffic citations.
- HB2744 - Establishing the transformation of passenger and freight vehicle industry act program to attract businesses engaged in electric motor vehicle and hydrogen-powered vehicle production by offering qualified companies that meet certain requirements an investment tax credit, retention of a percentage of total payroll tax, reimbursement of a percentage of eligible employee training and education expenses and a sales tax exemption for construction costs of the qualified company's qualified business facility.
- HB2745 - Providing that military spouses of active military servicemembers shall be exempted from all occupational licensing, registration and certification fees.
- HB2746 - Updating requirements for receiving and renewing a license under the dietitians licensing act.
- HB2747 - Expanding the pharmacist scope of practice to include initiation of therapy for HIV post-exposure prophylaxis.
- HB2748 - Establishing the personal hygiene fund and program within the Kansas department of children and families and providing an individual income tax credit for taxpayer contributions to the personal hygiene fund.
- HB2749 - Requiring medical care facilities and providers to report the reasons for each abortion performed at such facility or by such provider to the secretary of health and environment.
- HB2750 - Permitting the use of expedited partner therapy to treat a sexually transmitted disease.
- HB2751 - Authorizing the Kansas department for aging and disability services to condition or restrict a disability service provider license, granting the secretary authority to grant regulation waivers unrelated to health and safety and authorizing correction orders and civil fines to be appealed to the secretary.
- HB2752 - Establishing the dental loss ratio act.
- HB2753 - Creating the crime of aggravated sexual extortion, providing criminal penalties for violations thereof and adding making a demand for money or other thing of value to the elements of sexual extortion.
- HB2754 - Authorizing counties to use home rule powers to exempt from conducting school sanitary inspections.
- HB2755 - Requiring compensated sureties who post bond in municipal court to comply with certain requirements, requiring a minimum bond premium in district court and providing reasons for suspending or terminating authorization of a compensated surety.
- HB2756 - Enacting the art therapist licensure act to provide for the regulation and licensing of professional art therapists.
- HB2757 - Enacting the adoption savings account act, allowing individuals to establish adoption savings accounts with certain financial institutions, providing eligible expenses, requirements and restrictions for such accounts and establishing addition and subtraction modifications for contributions to such accounts under the Kansas income tax act.
- HB2758 - Updating the definition of armed forces and updating such definition to include the space force.
- HB2759 - Modifying the definition of veteran and disabled veteran to create a common definition for each term and clarifying disability evaluations for benefits granted to disabled veterans.
- HB2760 - Prescribing documentation requirements to determine eligibility for any benefit derived from a service-connected disability, requiring that federal disability determinations for veterans be probative, establishing the Kansas office of veterans services, updating references and corresponding changes relating to the transfer of powers and duties from the Kansas commission on veterans affairs office to the Kansas office of veterans services, updating the veterans claims assistance program to include references to veterans affairs medical centers and cross-accreditation requirements, modifying the definition of veteran and disabled veteran, clarifying disability evaluations for benefits granted to disabled veterans and updating the definition of armed forces to include the space force.
- HB2761 - Prohibiting certain conduct and improper collection of veterans benefits fees.
- HB2762 - Providing for digital proof of driver's license and digital proof of identification card and regulating the use thereof.
- HB2763 - Providing an income tax credit for the sale and distribution of ethanol blends for motor vehicle fuels.
- HB2764 - Establishing a tax credit for contributions to eligible charitable organizations operating pregnancy centers or residential maternity facilities and establishing a child tax credit, increasing the tax credit amount for adoption expenses and making the credit refundable and providing a sales tax exemption for pregnancy resource centers and residential maternity facilities.
- HB2765 - Providing a sales tax exemption for period products, diapers and incontinence products.
- HB2766 - Creating the Kansas land and military installation protection act to prohibit foreign principals from countries of concern from holding any interest in certain real property in this state.
- HB2767 - Requiring agencies and other entities subject to the administrative procedure act to confirm receipt of service of an order or notice prior to the imposition of fines or penalties.
- HB2768 - Providing a property tax exemption for certain new electric generation facilities and sunsetting current property tax exemptions for such facilities removing certain requirements relating to the state corporation commission's determinations of cost recovery and prudent investments.
- HB2769 - Requiring public schools and school districts to participate in federal meal programs and providing for reimbursement for free meals at all public schools and school districts.
- HB2770 - Creating the Kansas food and financial literacy grant program for local food security service providers to develop food and financial literacy materials and training for food assistance applicants and recipients.
- HB2771 - Creating the healthy food site grant program to award grants for food retail or food system enterprises within one mile of a school in a designated food desert in an urban area.
- HB2772 - Establishing the Kansas Indian child welfare act and providing additional requirements for child custody proceedings involving an Indian child.
- HB2773 - Providing a sales tax exemption for certain purchases by the boys' and girls' club of Topeka.
- HB2774 - Creating the Kansas workforce pathway act, establishing the office of workforce pathways within the department of commerce and the Kansas council on workforce pathways, providing for a system for linking and analyzing data and statistics concerning Kansas workforce for the benefit of the public, legislature and state agencies and a free, searchable public online registry of educational and occupational credentials.
- HB2775 - Changing the fee charged by the department of commerce for applications for certain economic development programs from a flat fee to a certain percentage of the total economic development incentive program package as determined by the secretary of commerce within a specified percentage range.
- HB2776 - Providing workers compensation act coverage for the Kansas national guard, limiting benefit reductions for retirement benefits, increasing dependents death benefits, reducing certain functional impairment requirements, increasing compensation for certain disability categories and for treatment without authorization, raising the evidentiary standard for future medical treatment, limiting certain procedures for post-award medical benefit claims, allowing benefit payment by funds transfer or payment cards, establishing procedures for neutral healthcare examinations, exchanges and admission of medical reports, extending employee injury notification deadlines, eliminating the deadline for motions to avoid dismissal for lack of prosecution, providing for expedited settlement and digital recording of hearings and other changes to the workers compensation act.
- HB2777 - Prohibiting an employee of the office of the state fire marshal from wearing or operating a body camera during an on-site inspection at a licensed care facility.
- HB2778 - Enacting the dietician licensure compact to provide interstate practice privileges for dieticians.
- HB2779 - Updating certain provisions of the optometry law relating to scope of practice, definitions and credentialing requirements.
- HB2780 - Requiring persons who file lawsuits for wrongful conviction compensation to prove additional information, changing the compensation rates to daily rates instead of yearly rates and limiting housing assistance offered to such persons.
- HB2781 - Allowing compensation from the crime victims compensation board to be awarded for criminally injurious conduct, and increasing the amount that can be transferred from the crime victims compensation fund to the crime victims assistance fund in each fiscal year.
- HB2782 - Authorizing the secretary of corrections to use hypoxia for the purpose of carrying out a sentence of death and requiring the district court to issue a warrant to the secretary of corrections to carry out a sentence of death.
- HB2783 - Concerning motor vehicles; prohibiting any state agency, city or county from regulating or restricting the use or sale of motor vehicles based on the energy source used; allowing state agencies and local governments to establish purchase policies regarding the energy source for vehicles.
- HB2784 - Prohibiting the state fire marshal from wearing or operating a body camera during an on-site inspection at a licensed facility, transferring authority for certification of continuing care retirement communities to the Kansas department for aging and disability services, authorizing the secretary of aging and disability services to grant certain regulation waivers to providers of disability services, adding a definition of day service provider and providing for expanded certification of certified community behavioral health clinics after February 1, 2027.
- HB2785 - Transferring certain child care programs to the Kansas office of early childhood and separating licensing duties between the secretary for health and environment and the executive director of early childhood.
- HB2786 - Establishing the Kansas-Ireland trade commission to advance, promote and encourage business and other mutually beneficial activities between Kansas and Ireland and creating the Kansas-Ireland trade commission fund.
- HB2787 - Updating certain definitions, terms, conditions and provisions related to the Kansas insurance guaranty association act and Kansas life and health insurance guaranty association act.
- HB2788 - Requiring cities and counties to report local economic development incentive program information to the secretary of commerce and providing that such information be posted on the department of commerce economic development incentive program database, requiring certain changes to that database regarding the presentation of search results, providing for a summary report by the secretary of commerce on certain economic development incentive program data and requiring the secretary of administration to include on the Kansas taxpayer transparency act website certain information concerning grants.
- HB2789 - Establishing the pregnancy compassion program to provide resources and promote childbirth to women facing unplanned pregnancies, establishing the pregnancy compassion awareness program to promote public awareness of available resources; appropriating $4,000,000 per year from the state general fund toward such program and establishing a fee on the In God We Trust and the choose life license plates and using such fees to provide additional revenue for such program.
- HB2790 - Transferring registration requirements and related compliance oversight and enforcement authority for professional employer organizations from the commissioner of insurance to the secretary of state effective January 1, 2025, granting the secretary responsibility over the professional employer organization fee fund and ensuring that welfare benefit plans offered by professional employer organizations to employees and covered employees are treated as a single employer welfare benefit plan for purposes of state law.
- HB2791 - Enacting the forbidding abuse child transitions act, restricting use of state funds to promote gender transitioning, prohibiting healthcare professionals from treating children whose gender identity is inconsistent with the child's sex, authorizing a civil cause of action against healthcare professionals for providing such treatments, authorizing professional discipline against a physician who performs such treatment, prohibiting professional liability insurance from covering damages for healthcare providers that provide gender transition treatment to children and adding violation of the act to the definition of unprofessional conduct for physicians and nurses.
- HB2792 - Prohibiting gender transition surgery on minors, authorizing professional discipline against a physician who performs such surgeries and adopting a standard of care for gender transition care services.
- HB2793 - Prohibiting healthcare providers from performing healthcare services on minors without parental consent.
- HB2794 - Providing a sales tax exemption for purchases of personal property and services, sales of personal property and purchases by contractors for not-for-profit animal shelters and rescue network managers licensed under the Kansas pet animal act.
- HB2795 - Requiring notices required to exceed the revenue neutral rate to be sent on forms provided by the director of accounts and reports, granting taxing subdivisions the option to hold hearings on the same day and at the same location as other taxing subdivisions within a county and excluding the state mandated 20 mills levied by a school district from the revenue neutral rate.
- HB2796 - Providing for the apportionment of business income by the single sales factor and requiring the use of single sales factor pursuant to the multistate tax compact.
- HB2797 - Providing for full transferability of tax credits for investments in certain qualified business facilities.
- HB2798 - Providing for the apportionment of business income by the single sales factor and the apportionment of financial institution income by the receipts factor, deductions from income when using the single sales factor and receipts factor and the decrease in corporate income tax rates.
- HB2799 - Designating a portion of United States highway 281 in Russell county as the first responders memorial highway and redesignating a portion of the American Legion memorial highway.
- HB2800 - Increasing the cap and matching basis for division of conservation moneys disbursed to conservation districts based on amounts allocated by the board of county commissioners to such conservation districts.
- HB2801 - Requiring a manufacturer of electronic cigarettes to certify annually under penalty of perjury that the manufacturer has received marketing authorization from the United States food and drug administration for the electronic cigarettes, establishing annual fees, requiring the department of revenue to maintain a website directory containing a list of all electronic cigarette manufacturers and certified electronic cigarettes and establishing civil and criminal penalties for violations.
- HB2802 - Making and concerning certain supplemental appropriations for fiscal years 2024 and 2025 and appropriations for fiscal years 2025 and 2026 for various state agencies.
- HB2803 - Creating the Kansas gun rights preservation act to prohibit the commandeering of state resources to enforce federal gun control against law-abiding citizens.
- HB2804 - Providing for the preceptor income tax incentive act, establishing an income tax credit for physicians and physician assistants that serve as a community-based faculty preceptor by providing personalized instruction, training and supervision for students.
- HB2805 - Continuing in existence certain exceptions to the disclosure of public records under the open records act.
- HB2806 - Authorizing certain telecommunications and video service providers to operate in county public right-of-way and limiting the fees and costs that a county may impose upon such providers for such activities.
- HB2807 - Providing for the appointment of delegates to a convention under article V of the constitution of the United States and prescribing the duties and responsibilities therefor.
- HB2808 - Creating the crimes of causing harm to a public transportation employee and; aggravated causing harm to a public transportation employee and the crime of abuse of a sports official; providing penalties thereof.
- HB2809 - Creating the every mom matters act to require the state treasurer to contract with eligible organizations to provide information and support services to pregnant women and parents considering adoption.
- HB2810 - Amending the Kansas life and health guaranty association act to include health maintenance organizations as member insurers and broadening the assessment base for long-term care insurance insolvencies.
- HB2811 - Directing the department of corrections to establish a correctional center nursery for incarcerated expectant mothers and their child to allow certain expectant mothers to care and bond with their child for up to 36 months while incarcerated.
- HB2812 - Modifying certain terms, definitions, deadlines and provisions contained in the uniform consumer credit code and transferring certain mortgage provisions from the uniform consumer credit code to the Kansas mortgage business act.
- HB2813 - Creating the crime of reproductive coercion that includes coercion to obtain an abortion or to gain control over the reproductive autonomy of another person by force; providing penalties.
- HB2814 - Establishing the Kansas ultrasound act, requiring that an obstetric ultrasound be performed on a woman prior to an abortion, permitting a woman to avert her eyes from the ultrasound images, establishing civil and criminal penalties and providing an emergency exception to requirements of the act.
- HB2815 - Abolishing the local ad valorem tax reduction fund and the county and city revenue sharing fund, discontinuing certain transfers to the special city and county highway fund and decreasing rate of ad valorem tax imposed by a school district.
- HB2816 - Prohibiting entering or remaining on and knowingly making false statements to gain access to animal facilities and field crop production areas, providing penalties therefor and removing the intent to destroy property in the farm animal and field crop and research facilities protection act.
- HB2817 - Removing the maximum fee amount for controlled shooting area operator licenses and allowing the secretary of wildlife and parks to adjust such license fee amount on an annual basis to cover any projected loss of revenue caused by enactments concerning wildlife fees by the legislature.
- HB2818 - Providing for a legislative review process and criteria when considering bills that propose new or additional occupational regulation, requiring the joint committee on administrative rules and regulations to review such bills and authorizing the joint committee to direct regulatory entities or to contract with a consulting firm to provide a report to the legislature to inform the legislature's consideration of such bill.
- S Sub for HB2819 - Senate Substitute for HB 2819 by Committee on Assessment and Taxation - Providing a sales tax exemption for exploration place, inc.
- HB2820 - Prohibiting the acquisition of critical components of drone technology from countries of concern and requiring the divesture of such technology.
- HB2821 - Creating the regulatory relief division within the office of the attorney general and establishing the general regulatory sandbox program to waive or suspend state statutes and rules and regulations for program participants.
- HB2822 - Extending restrictions on fees charged for records by state agencies under the open records act to include fees charged for records by political and taxing subdivisions.
- HB2823 - Creating an expedited process for the eviction of unauthorized persons occupying a rental dwelling unit and amending the residential landlord tenant act to require rental agreements to include a list of all persons who will occupy the rental dwelling unit.
- HB2824 - Mandating insurance coverage for pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome (PANS) and pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections (PANDAS).
- HB2825 - Enacting consumer protection related to hospital price transparency act.
- HB2826 - Making amendments to the elevator safety act concerning the definition of elevator, licensure requirements, inspection and testing requirements and adoption of rules and regulations.
- HB2827 - Delaying the enforcement of the elevator safety act until at least July 1, 2025.
- HB2828 - Providing countywide retailers' sales tax authority for Marshall county for the purpose of financing the costs of constructing or remodeling and furnishing a jail facility.
- HB2829 - Clarifying the definition of armed forces and updating the definition thereof to include the space force.
- HB2830 - Prescribing documentation requirements to determine eligibility for any benefit derived from a service-connected disability.
- HB2831 - Requiring that federal disability determinations for veterans be probative.
- HB2832 - Providing for transferability of Kansas housing investor tax credits from the year that the credit was issued.
- HB2833 - Modifying the definition of veteran and disabled veteran to create a common definition for each term and clarifying disability evaluations for benefits granted to disabled veterans.
- HB2834 - Transferring officers, employees, powers, duties and functions relating to the state health care benefits program from the division of the state employee health benefits plan of the department of administration to the insurance department, establishing the commissioner of insurance as the chairperson of the Kansas state employees health care commission, providing that all management functions of such commission be administered by the commissioner of insurance and eliminating a pilot program regarding employer contributions for certain children.
- HB2835 - Requiring cities of the first class and counties that have cities of the first class to adopt, by ordinance or resolution, respectively, law enforcement vehicle pursuit protocols and requiring chiefs of police and county sheriffs to propose such protocols for adoption or amendment.
- HB2836 - Clarifying the determination of taxable income and providing for the passing through of tax credits to electing pass-through entity owners for purposes of the salt parity act.
- HB2837 - Simplifying income tax rates for individuals, increasing the the Kansas personal exemption, increasing the income limit for an income tax subtraction modification for social security income, increasing the extent of property tax exemption for residential property from the statewide school levy, decreasing the privilege tax normal tax rate and establishing a 0% state rate for sales and use taxes for sales of food and food ingredients on July 1, 2024.
- HB2838 - Authorizing the director of alcoholic beverage control to issue licenses for the sale of alcoholic liquor to persons convicted of a felony if such conviction is more than 10 years old.
- HB2839 - Establishing a blueprint for literacy to create a literacy advisory committee, appoint a director of literacy education, require the state board of regents and the state board of education to collaborate on a literacy micro-credential and professional development, authorize the state board of regents to recommend diagnostic and formative literacy assessments, authorize university presidents and deans of education oversight over postsecondary literacy courses and require a plan to establish centers of excellence in reading.
- HB2840 - Authorizing governmental units to utilize a public moneys pooled method of securities to secure the deposit of public moneys in excess of the amount insured or guaranteed by the federal deposit insurance corporation and requiring the state treasurer to establish procedures therefor and banks, savings and loan associations and savings banks to make certain reports upon the request of a governmental unit.
- HB2841 - Providing for an increased amount of income tax credit for individuals of certain ages for the selective assistance for effective senior relief credit and setting the maximum amount or credit.
- HB2842 - Transferring all information technology services under the chief information technology officer of each branch of government, creating chief information security officers within the judicial and legislative branches, requiring a chief information security officer to be appointed by the attorney general, secretary of state, state treasurer and insurance commissioner and requiring the chief information security officers to implement certain minimum cybersecurity standards, making and concerning appropriations for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2025, and June 30, 2026, for the office of information technology, Kansas information security office and the adjutant general, authorizing certain transfers and imposing certain limitations and restrictions, and directing or authorizing certain disbursements and procedures for all state agencies and requiring legislative review of state agencies not in compliance with this act.
- HB2843 - Establishing a scholarship task force to study scholarship programs and creating the Kansas academic excellence scholarship program to replace the Kansas ethnic minority scholarship program.
- HB2844 - Modifying income tax rates for individuals, increasing the standard deduction and the Kansas personal exemption, increasing the income limit for an income tax subtraction modification for social security income, increasing the extent of property tax exemption for residential property from the statewide school levy, decreasing the privilege tax normal tax rate, abolishing the local ad valorem tax reduction fund and the county and city revenue sharing fund and decreasing the rate of ad valorem tax imposed by a school district.
- HB2845 - Allowing an itemized deduction for certain unreimbursed employee business expenses.
- HB2846 - Providing an income tax credit for contributions to a child care provider or intermediary.
2025. Powered by KLISS. Rendered: 2025-02-09T15:39:24. Head Rev No: 817959(I)