12-831. Extension of plants or lines; signed agreements; election required. No extensions to said plant or plants shall be made by any board of commissioners until there shall be applications made for and agreements signed by persons along the proposed extension in sufficient number so that the revenue from said proposed extension will in the judgment of said board be ample to justify making such extension, nor shall any extensions, mains or lines be constructed by said board for political reasons or on account of any combination between such board and any other city official; and should such board extend any mains or lines for political reasons, or by entering into a combination with any other city official to do so, or shall refuse to extend said mains or lines when it is shown that the same will be profitable to said plant or plants, for such offense, said board shall be removed from office: Provided, That the provisions of this act shall not apply to any city until submitted to a vote of the people and receive a majority of all the votes cast at such election. |