Rep. Alcala
Rep. Alford
Rep. Anthimides
Rep. Ballard
Rep. Barker
Rep. Barton
Rep. Becker
Rep. Billinger
Rep. Boldra
Rep. Bollier
Rep. Bradford
Rep. Bruchman
Rep. Burroughs
Rep. Campbell
Rep. Carlin
Rep. Carmichael
Rep. W. Carpenter
Rep. B. Carpenter
Rep. Claeys
Rep. Clark
Rep. Clayton
Rep. Concannon
Rep. Corbet
Rep. Curtis
Rep. E. Davis
Rep. DeGraaf
Rep. Dierks
Rep. Doll
Rep. Dove
Rep. Edmonds
Rep. Esau
Rep. Estes
Rep. Ewy
Rep. Finch
Rep. Finney
Rep. Francis
Rep. Frownfelter
Rep. Gallagher
Rep. Garber
Rep. Gartner
Rep. Goico
Rep. Gonzalez
Rep. Grosserode
Rep. Hawkins
Rep. Hedke
Rep. Helgerson
Rep. Hemsley
Rep. Henderson
Rep. Henry
Rep. Hibbard
Rep. Highberger
Rep. Highland
Rep. Hildabrand
Rep. Hill
Rep. Hineman
Rep. Hoffman
Rep. Houser
Rep. Houston
Rep. Huebert
Rep. Hutchins
Rep. Hutton
Rep. Jennings
Rep. Johnson
Rep. D. Jones
Rep. K. Jones
Rep. Kahrs
Rep. Kelley
Rep. Kelly
Rep. Kiegerl
Rep. Kleeb
Rep. Kuether
Rep. Lewis
Rep. Lunn
Rep. Lusk
Rep. Lusker
Rep. Macheers
Rep. Mason
Rep. Mast
Rep. McPherson
Rep. Merrick
Rep. Moxley
Rep. O'Brien
Rep. Osterman
Rep. Ousley
Rep. F. Patton
Rep. Pauls
Rep. Peck
Rep. Phillips
Rep. R. Powell
Rep. Proehl
- Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources Budget
- Committee on Appropriations
- Committee on Calendar and Printing
- Committee on Children and Seniors
- Committee on Commerce, Labor and Economic Development
- Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice
- Committee on Education
- Committee on Education Budget
- Committee on Elections
- Committee on Energy and Environment
- Committee on Federal and State Affairs
- Committee on Financial Institutions
- Committee on General Government Budget
- Committee on Health and Human Services
- House Committee on Special Committee on All Day Kindergarten
- Committee on Insurance
- Committee on Insurance and Financial Institutions
- Committee on Interstate Cooperation
- Committee on Judiciary
- Committee on Legislative Budget (House)
- Committee on Local Government
- Committee on Pensions and Benefits
- Committee on Rules and Journal
- Committee on Social Services Budget
- Committee on Taxation
- Committee on Transportation
- Committee on Transportation and Public Safety Budget
- Committee on Utilities and Telecommunications
- Committee on Veterans, Military and Homeland Security