Senate Status:
2017 Statute
8-2118. (a) A person charged with a traffic infraction shall, except as provided in subsection (b), appear at the place and time specified in the notice to appear. If the person enters an appearance, waives right to trial, pleads guilty or no contest, the fine shall be no greater than that specified in the uniform fine schedule in subsection (c) and court costs shall be taxed as provided by law. (b) Prior to the time specified in the notice to appear, a person charged with a traffic infraction may enter a written appearance, waive right to trial, plead guilty or no contest and pay the fine for the violation as specified in the uniform fine schedule in subsection (c) and court costs provided by law. Payment may be made in any manner accepted by the court. The traffic citation shall not have been complied with if the payment is not honored for any reason, or if the fine and court costs are not paid in full. When a person charged with a traffic infraction makes payment without executing a written waiver of right to trial and plea of guilty or no contest, the payment shall be deemed such an appearance, waiver of right to trial and plea of no contest. (c) The following uniform fine schedule shall apply uniformly throughout the state but shall not limit the fine which may be imposed following a court appearance, except an appearance made for the purpose of pleading and payment as permitted by subsection (a). The description of offense contained in the following uniform fine schedule is for reference only and is not a legal definition. Description of Offense Statute Fine Refusal to submit to a prelim- 8-1012 $105 inary breath test Unsafe speed for prevailing 8-1557 $75 conditions Exceeding maximum speed 8-1558 1-10 mph over the limit; or speeding in zone to limit, $45 posted by the state depart- 8-1560 11-20 mph over the ment of transportation; or 8-1560a limit, $45 plus $6 speeding in locally posted or per mph over 10 zone 8-1560b mph over the limit; 21-30 mph over the limit, $105 plus $9 per mph over 20 mph over the limit; 31 and more mph over the limit, $195 plus $15 per mph over 30 mph over the limit; Disobeying traffic control de- 8-1507 $75 vice Violating traffic control signal 8-1508 $75 Violating pedestrian control 8-1509 $45 signal Violating flashing traffic sig- 8-1510 $75 nals Violating lane-control signal 8-1511 $75 Unauthorized sign, signal, 8-1512 $45 marking or device Driving on left side of road- 8-1514 $75 way Failure to keep right to pass 8-1515 $75 oncoming vehicle Improper passing; increasing 8-1516 $75 speed when passed Improper passing on right 8-1517 $75 Passing on left with insuffi- 8-1518 $75 cient clearance Driving on left side where 8-1519 $75 curve, grade, intersec- tion railroad crossing,or obstructed view Driving on left in no-passing 8-1520 $75 zone Unlawful passing of stopped 8-1520a $75 emergency vehicle Driving wrong direction on 8-1521 $75 one-way road Improper driving on laned 8-1522 $75 roadway Following too close 8-1523 $75 Improper crossover on di- 8-1524 $45 vided highway Failure to yield right-of-way 8-1526 $75 at uncontrolled intersection Failure to yield to approach- 8-1527 $75 ing vehicle when turning left Failure to yield at stop or 8-1528 $75 yield sign Failure to yield from private 8-1529 $75 road or driveway Failure to yield to emergency 8-1530 $195 vehicle Failure to yield to pedestrian 8-1531 $105 or vehicle working on roadway Failure to comply with re- 8-1531a $45 strictions in road con- struction zone Disobeying pedestrian traffic 8-1532 $45 control device Failure to yield to pedestrian 8-1533 $75 in crosswalk; pedestrian suddenly entering road- way; passing vehicle stopped for pedestrian at crosswalk Improper pedestrian crossing 8-1534 $45 Failure to exercise due care in 8-1535 $45 regard to pedestrian Improper pedestrian move- 8-1536 $45 ment in crosswalk Improper use of roadway by 8-1537 $45 pedestrian Soliciting ride or business 8-1538 $45 on roadway Driving through safety zone 8-1539 $45 Failure to yield to pedestrian 8-1540 $45 on sidewalk Failure of pedestrian to yield 8-1541 $45 to emergency vehicle Failure to yield to blind pe- 8-1542 $45 destrian Pedestrian disobeying bridge 8-1544 $45 or railroad signal Improper turn or approach 8-1545 $75 Improper "U" turn 8-1546 $75 Unsafe starting of stopped 8-1547 $45 vehicle Unsafe turning or stopping, 8-1548 $75 failure to give proper sig- nal; using turn signal un- lawfully Improper method of giving 8-1549 $45 notice of intention to turn Improper hand signal 8-1550 $45 Failure to stop or obey 8-1551 $195 road crossing signal Failure to stop at railroad 8-1552 $135 crossing stop sign Certain hazardous vehicles 8-1553 $195 failure to stop at railroad crossing Improper moving of heavy 8-1554 $75 equipment at railroad crossing Vehicle emerging from alley, 8-1555 $75 private roadway, building or driveway Improper passing of school 8-1556 $315 bus; improper use of school bus signals Improper passing of church 8-1556a $195 or day-care bus; improper use of signals Impeding normal traffic 8-1561 $45 by slow speed Speeding on motor-driven 8-1562 $75 cycle Speeding in certain vehicles 8-1563 $45 or on posted bridge Improper stopping, standing 8-1569 $45 or parking on roadway Parking, standing or stopping 8-1571 $45 in prohibited area Improper parking 8-1572 $45 Unattended vehicle 8-1573 $45 Improper backing 8-1574 $45 Driving on sidewalk 8-1575 $45 Driving with view or driving 8-1576 $45 mechanism obstructed Unsafe opening of vehicle 8-1577 $45 door Riding in house trailer 8-1578 $45 Unlawful riding on vehicle 8-1578a $75 Improper driving in defiles, 8-1579 $45 canyons, or on grades Coasting 8-1580 $45 Following fire apparatus too 8-1581 $75 closely Driving over fire hose 8-1582 $45 Putting glass, etc., on high- 8-1583 $105 way Driving into intersection, 8-1584 $45 crosswalk, or crossing without sufficient space on other side Improper operation of snow- 8-1585 $45 mobile on highway Parental responsibility of 8-1586 $45 child riding bicycle Not riding on bicycle seat; 8-1588 $45 too many persons on bicycle Clinging to other vehicle 8-1589 $45 Improper riding of bicycle on 8-1590 $45 roadway Carrying articles on bicycle; 8-1591 $45 one hand on handlebars Improper bicycle lamps, 8-1592 $45 brakes or reflectors Improper operation of mo- 8-1594 $45 torcycle; seats; passen- gers, bundles Improper operation of mo- 8-1595 $75 torcycle on laned road way Motorcycle clinging to other 8-1596 $45 vehicle Improper motorcycle handle- 8-1597 $75 bars or passenger equipment Motorcycle helmet and eye- 8-1598 $45 protection requirements Unlawful operation of all-ter- 8-15,100 $75 rain vehicle Unlawful operation of 8-15,101 $75 low-speed vehicle Littering 8-15,102 $115 Disobeying school crossing 8-15,103 $75 guard Unlawful operation of micro 8-15,106 $75 utility truck Failure to remove vehicles in 8-15,107 $75 accidents Unlawful operation of golf 8-15,108 $75 cart Unlawful operation of work- 8-15,109 $75 site utility vehicle Unlawful display of license 8-15,110 $60 plate Unlawful text messaging 8-15,111 $60 Equipment offenses that are 8-1701 $75 not misdemeanors Driving without lights when 8-1703 $45 needed Defective headlamps 8-1705 $45 Defective tail lamps 8-1706 $45 Defective reflector 8-1707 $45 Improper stop lamp or turn 8-1708 $45 signal Improper lighting equipment 8-1710 $45 on certain vehicles Improper lamp color on cer- 8-1711 $45 tain vehicles Improper mounting of re- 8-1712 $45 flectors and lamps on cer- tain vehicles Improper visibility of reflec- 8-1713 $45 tors and lamps on certain vehicles No lamp or flag on projecting 8-1715 $75 load Improper lamps on parked 8-1716 $45 vehicle Improper lights, lamps, re- 8-1717 $45 flectors and emblems on farm tractors or slow- moving vehicles Improper lamps and equip- 8-1718 $45 ment on implements of husbandry, road machin- ery or animal-drawn ve- hicles Unlawful use of spot, fog, or 8-1719 $45 auxiliary lamp Improper lamps or lights on 8-1720 $45 emergency vehicle Improper stop or turn signal 8-1721 $45 Improper vehicular hazard 8-1722 $45 warning lamp Unauthorized additional 8-1723 $45 lighting equipment Improper multiple-beam lights 8-1724 $45 Failure to dim headlights 8-1725 $75 Improper single-beam head- 8-1726 $45 lights Improper speed with alter- 8-1727 $45 nate lighting Improper number of driving 8-1728 $45 lamps Unauthorized lights and sig- 8-1729 $45 nals Improper school bus lighting 8-1730 $45 equipment and warning devices Unauthorized lights and de- 8-1730a $45 vices on church or day- care bus Improper lights on highway 8-1731 $45 construction or maintenance vehicles Defective brakes 8-1734 $45 Defective or improper use of 8-1738 $45 horn or warning device Defective muffler 8-1739 $45 Defective mirror 8-1740 $45 Defective wipers; obstructed 8-1741 $45 windshield or windows Improper tires 8-1742 $45 Improper flares or warning 8-1744 $45 devices Improper use of vehicular 8-1745 $45 hazard warning lamps and devices Improper air-conditioning 8-1747 $45 equipment Improper safety belt or 8-1749 $45 shoulder harness Improper wide-based single 8-1742b $75 tires Improper compression re- 8-1761 $75 lease engine braking sys- tem Defective motorcycle head- 8-1801 $45 lamp Defective motorcycle tail 8-1802 $45 lamp Defective motorcycle reflec- 8-1803 $45 tor Defective motorcycle stop 8-1804 $45 lamps and turn signals Defective multiple-beam 8-1805 $45 lighting Improper road-lighting equip- 8-1806 $45 ment on motor-driven cy- cles Defective motorcycle or mo- 8-1807 $45 tor-driven cycle brakes Improper performance abil- 8-1808 $45 ity of brakes Operating motorcycle with 8-1809 $45 disapproved braking sys- tem Defective horn, muffler, mir- 8-1810 $45 rors or tires Unlawful statehouse parking 75-4510a $30 Exceeding gross weight of 8-1909 Pounds Overweight vehicle or combination up to 1000 $40 1001 to 2000 3¢ per pound 2001 to 5000 5¢ per pound 5001 to 7500 7¢ per pound 7501 and over 10¢ per pound Exceeding gross weight on 8-1908 Pounds Overweight any axle or tandem, up to 1000 $40 triple or quad axles 1001 to 2000 3¢ per pound 2001 to 5000 5¢ per pound 5001 to 7500 7¢ per pound 7501 and over 10¢ per pound Failure to obtain proper re- 66-1324 $287 gistration, clearance or to have current cer- tification Insufficient liability insur- 66-1,128 $137 ance for motor carriers or 66-1314 Failure to obtain interstate 79-34,122 $137 motor fuel tax author- ization No authority as private or 66-1,111 $137 common carrier Violation of motor carrier 66-1,129 $115 safety rules and regula- tions, except for viola- tions specified in sub- section (b)(2) of K.S.A. 66-1,130, and amend- ments thereto (d) Traffic offenses classified as traffic infractions by this section shall be classified as ordinance traffic infractions by those cities adopting ordinances prohibiting the same offenses. A schedule of fines for all ordinance traffic infractions shall be established by the municipal judge in the manner prescribed by K.S.A. 12-4305, and amendments thereto. Such fines may vary from those contained in the uniform fine schedule contained in subsection (c). (e) Fines listed in the uniform fine schedule contained in subsection (c) shall be doubled if a person is convicted of a traffic infraction, which is defined as a moving violation in accordance with rules and regulations adopted pursuant to K.S.A. 8-249, and amendments thereto, committed within any road construction zone as defined in K.S.A. 8-1458a, and amendments thereto. (f) For a second violation of K.S.A. 8-1908 or 8-1909, and amendments thereto, within two years after a prior conviction of K.S.A. 8-1908 or 8-1909, and amendments thereto, such person, upon conviction shall be fined 1½ times the applicable amount from one, but not both, of the schedules listed in the uniform fine schedule contained in subsection (c). For a third violation of K.S.A. 8-1908 or 8-1909, and amendments thereto, within two years, after two prior convictions of K.S.A. 8-1908 or 8-1909, and amendments thereto, such person, upon conviction shall be fined two times the applicable amount from one, but not both, of the schedules listed in the uniform fine schedule contained in subsection (c). For a fourth and each succeeding violation of K.S.A. 8-1908 or 8-1909, and amendments thereto, within two years after three prior convictions of K.S.A. 8-1908 or 8-1909, and amendments thereto, such person, upon conviction shall be fined 2½ times the applicable amount from one, but not both, of the schedules listed in the uniform fine schedule contained in subsection (c). (g) Fines listed in the uniform fine schedule contained in subsection (c) relating to exceeding the maximum speed limit, shall be doubled if a person is convicted of exceeding the maximum speed limit in a school zone authorized under subsection (a)(4) of K.S.A. 8-1560, and amendments thereto. |
History: L. 1984, ch. 39, § 1; L. 1986, ch. 40, § 6; L. 1986, ch. 84, § 2; L. 1986, ch. 41, § 2; L. 1987, ch. 48, § 4; L. 1992, ch. 317, § 6; L. 1993, ch. 125, § 2; L. 1994, ch. 220, § 10; L. 1995, ch. 42, § 1; L. 1996, ch. 15, § 9; L. 1996, ch. 220, § 8; L. 1997, ch. 133, § 5; L. 2000, ch. 179, § 24; L. 2001, ch. 184, § 1; L. 2004, ch. 114, § 5; L. 2004, ch. 163, § 2; L. 2006, ch. 133, § 3; L. 2007, ch. 140, § 9; L. 2008, ch. 167, § 8; L. 2009, ch. 6, § 4; L. 2009, ch. 119, § 8; L. 2010, ch. 145, § 1; L. 2011, ch. 91, § 4; July 1. |
Revisor's Note: Section was amended twice in the 2006 session, see also 8-2118a. Section was amended twice in the 2010 session, see also 8-2118b. |