43-164. Same; selection of jury panels; procedure. Whenever it is necessary to secure a panel of jurors, or additional members for a panel of jurors, names shall be drawn from the wheel of the county as herein provided. If such panel of jurors, or additional names for a panel, is to be drawn to serve in the district court, the district judge, or a person appointed by the court for such purpose, shall make such drawing. If such panel, or additional names, are to be drawn for service in a court of the county other than the district court, the judge of any such court, or a person appointed by him for the purpose, shall make such drawing. There shall be drawn from the wheel a number of cards sufficient to make up the panel or to supply additional names of jurors for a panel, as may be directed by the commissioner. The person drawing names from the wheel shall be so situated that he is unable to see the name on any card before it is drawn. |