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Feb. 7, 2025
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Minutes for HB2196 - Committee on Financial Institutions and Pensions

Short Title

Expanding deferred retirement option program (DROP) membership to all Kansas police and firemen's retirement system members.

Minutes Content for Mon, Feb 20, 2023

Chair Hoheisel opened the hearing on HB 2196, recognized David Wiese, Senior Assistant Revisor, who provided an overview on HB 2196. (Attachment8)  A brief question and answer period followed.

Informational - Chair Hoheisel recognized Alan D. Conroy, Executive Director, KPERS, who provided informational testimony on HB 2196(Attachment9) A question and answer period followed.

Proponent - Chair Hoheisel recognized Matt Blassingame, Chief Steward, FOP Lodge #3, Topeka Police Department, who provided testimony in support of HB 2196(Attachment10), followed by Chris Wing, Director, Kansas State Council of Fire Fighters, (Attachment11); and Ed Klumpp, Legislative Liaison, Kansas Association of Chiefs of Police, Kansas Sheriffs Association and Kansas Peace Officers Association, (Attachment12) .  Some questions presented to several of the conferees.

Proponent-written only testimony on HB 2196 was provided by Darrell Atteberry, Chief of Police, Bel Aire, (Attachment13); and Ryan Trader, Captain, Olathe Fire Department and KPERS Board Member, (Attachment14).

Neutral - none

Opponent - none

Chair Hoheisel closed the hearing on HB 2196.