Testimony |
- Presenter: Jill Shelley, Principal Research Analyst
- Organization: Kansas Legislative Research Department
- Topic: 2022 HB2087
Testimony |
- Presenter: Jenna R. Moyer, Assistant Revisor
- Organization: Office of Revisor of Statutes
- Topic: Authority Memo (Atch 1)
Testimony |
- Presenter: Jill Shelley, Principal Research Analyst
- Organization: Kansas Legislative Research Department
- Topic: Draft HB2087 Data Collection Sheet
Testimony |
- Presenter: Jenna R. Moyer, Assistant Revisor
- Organization: Office of Revisor of Statutes
- Topic: HB 2087 Bill Brief (Atch 6)
Testimony |
- Presenter: Patrick Porubsky, Laboratory Operations Manager & Forensic Chemist,
- Organization: Kanas Bureau of Investigations
- Topic: KAR 10-25 (Atch 4)
Testimony |
- Presenter: Brock Roehler, General Counsel
- Organization: Office of the State Bank Commissioner
- Topic: KAR 17-11-24 (Atch 5)
Testimony |
- Presenter: Crystal Puderbaugh, Director of Academic Affairs
- Organization: State Board of Regents
- Topic: KAR 88-28 (Atch 3)
Testimony |
- Presenter: Blake Flanders, President & CEO, Kansas Board of Regents
- Organization: Kansas Board of Regents
- Topic: KAR 88-9a, Kansas Promise Scholarship (Atch 2)