House Status:
Senate Status:
Senate Status:
House Bills
- HB2001 - Creating the crime of sexual extortion and requiring an offender to register under the Kansas offender registration act.
- HB2002 - Enacting the national popular vote interstate compact for electing the president of the United States.
- HB2003 - Providing for county treasurers to establish a payment plan for the payment of delinquent or nondelinquent taxes.
- HB2004 - Creating the right to appeal an involuntary discharge or transfer from an adult residential care facility.
- HB2005 - Excluding hot water supply boilers that have a nominal water capacity not exceeding 120 gallons from the provisions of the boiler safety act; creating the elevator safety act to require safety standards, permit requirements, and insurance coverage for elevator contractors; requiring inspections of elevators and licensure for persons installing, repairing and inspecting elevators; creating an elevator safety advisory board; establishing duties for the state fire marshal.
- HB2006 - Changing the designation of Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day.
- HB2007 - Appropriations for FY 2021, FY 2022, FY 2023 and FY 2024 for various state agencies.
- HB2008 - Providing for the attorney general to coordinate training for law enforcement agencies on missing and murdered indigenous people.
- HB2009 - Removing sodomy between consenting members of the same sex from criminal sodomy.
- HB2010 - Creating a traffic infraction for operating a vehicle while fatigued.
- HB2011 - Removing the authority of the secretary of state to prosecute election crimes.
- HB2012 - Decreasing penalties for certain voting crimes and making amendments to the elements of the substantive offenses.
- HB2013 - Changing the supreme court clerk's information requirements for licensed attorneys and changing procedures related to the supreme court nominating commission and the judicial district nominating commissions.
- HB2014 - Permitting military surplus vehicles to register with the division of vehicles for road use.
- HB2015 - Providing distinctive license plates for current and veteran members of the United States army, navy, marine corps, air force and coast guard.
- HB2016 - Replacing the workers compensation prevailing factor standard with a substantial factor standard.
- HB2017 - Amending the disallowance of workers compensation benefits for fighting or horseplay if not work-related.
- HB2018 - Increasing the minimum wage to $17.25 over 10 years.
- HB2019 - Designating bridges on United States highway 54 in Seward County as the Jack Taylor memorial bridge and Max Zimmerman memorial bridge.
- HB2020 - Requiring the Kansas commission on veterans affairs office to submit an initial application for a VA state veterans home construction grant.
- HB2021 - Authorizing the issuance of bonds for the construction of a state veterans home and expanding educational benefits of tuition and fees waiver for spouses and dependents of public safety officers and personnel who are injured or disabled while performing service-related duties.
- HB2022 - Updating the state corporation commission's authority to regulate and determine responsibility for abandoned oil and gas wells and abolishing the well plugging assurance fund and transferring all assets and liabilities to the abandoned oil and gas well fund.
- HB2023 - Changing to an eight-year simple average when determining values of agricultural land for purposes of property taxation.
- HB2024 - Providing immunity from civil liability for adult care homes for COVID-19 claims.
- HB2025 - Protecting private property from unauthorized access by certain government officials and unauthorized surveillance.
- HB2026 - Creating a drug abuse treatment program for people on diversion and allowing county and district attorneys to enter into agreements with chief judges and community corrections for supervision, clarifying jurisdiction and supervision of offenders in a certified drug abuse treatment program, authorizing the Kansas sentencing commission to change risk assessment cut-off levels for participation in the certified drug abuse treatment program, modifying the criminal penalties for tampering with electronic monitoring equipment and increasing the criminal penalties for riot and incitement to riot in a correctional facility.
- HB2027 - Modifying the criminal penalties for unlawfully tampering with electronic monitoring equipment.
- HB2028 - Aligning the felony loss thresholds for certain property crimes with theft.
- HB2029 - Counting any crime with a domestic violence designation as a prior conviction under domestic battery.
- HB2030 - Extending terminal medical release to inmates in the custody of the department of corrections with a condition likely to cause death within 120 days.
- HB2031 - Increasing good time and program credits for certain offenders.
- HB2032 - Making the use of artificial light for the purpose of spotting, locating, or taking wildlife unlawful.
- HB2033 - Increasing the minimum wage to $15 per hour over a period of 6 years.
- HB2034 - Requiring that purchases of property and construction of buildings by townships are subject to protest petition and election procedure.
- HB2035 - Creating the Dwayne Peaslee technical training center district.
- HB2036 - Authorizing Sedgwick county voters during the 2021 election cycle to vote on election day at any voting place in the county.
- HB2037 - Establishing public school training and instruction standards for identifying child sexual abuse.
- HB2038 - Creating the educator protection act to provide excess professional liability insurance coverage for teachers.
- HB2039 - Requiring administration of a basic civics test as part of the course in United States history and government that is necessary for high school graduation and requiring students to take and pass a personal financial literacy course for high school graduation beginning in school year 2024-2025.
- HB2040 - Changing the workers compensation law presumption of disqualifying drug impairment on the basis of certain drug concentration test levels from conclusive to rebuttable and removing the presumption with respect to marijuana.
- HB2041 - Providing that workers compensation benefits for workers who are receiving social security or retirement benefits at the time of an accident are not reduced due to the receipt of the social security or retirement benefits.
- HB2042 - Enacting the Kansas thrift savings plan act.
- HB2043 - Ending legislator participation in KPERS and establishing an annual salary structure for legislators.
- HB2044 - Increasing KPERS employee contribution rate for school district employees and making appropriations for FY 2022 for the department of education for a pay increase for KPERS covered school district employees.
- HB2045 - Revising two tax credits - first by updating the Kansas angel investor tax credit act with respect to the definition of qualified securities, tax credit limitations and amounts, investor requirements and extending the date that credits may be allowed, and second by increasing the tax credit for expenses incurred to make a residence accessible to persons with a disability.
- HB2046 - Increasing reimbursement rates for providers of home and community-based services under the intellectual or developmental disability waiver, making appropriations for such rates and providing for legislative review of the waiting list for such services.
- HB2047 - Repealing the adoption protection act.
- HB2048 - Extending certain provisions of the governmental response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Kansas and providing certain relief related to health, welfare, property and economic security during this public health emergency.
- HB2049 - Substitute for HB 2049 by Committee on Judiciary - Prohibiting a public agency from charging a fee for records requested for an audit by the legislative division of post audit.
- HB2050 - Removing the requirement that certain entities submit certain documents to the division of post audit.
- HB2051 - Providing for the filling of a vacancy in the offices of state treasurer and the insurance commissioner by statewide district convention.
- HB2052 - Authorizing legislative assistants and committee assistants to accept gifts from legislators.
- HB2053 - Requiring electronic filing of campaign reports by candidates for state office unless an exemption is granted for cause.
- HB2054 - Limiting who may deliver advance ballots, placing limitations on the number of such ballots that a person may deliver and establishing criminal penalties for violations.
- HB2055 - Making the five-day grace period for the late filing notice for lobbyist reports and statements of substantial interest reports to begin when the notice is deposited in the mail.
- S Sub for HB2056 - Senate Substitute for HB 2056 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs - Changing the time period when advance voting ballots can be returned and regulating the use of remote ballot boxes for the return of such ballots.
- S Sub for HB2057 - Senate Substitute for HB 2057 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs – Enacting the Kansas assistance animals in housing act.
- HB2058 - Providing reciprocity for licenses to carry concealed handguns and creating a new class of concealed carry license for individuals 18 to 20 years of age, and creating the Kansas protection of firearm rights act to restore the right to possess a firearm upon expungement of certain convictions.
- HB2059 - Providing reciprocity for licenses to carry concealed handguns and creating two classes of concealed carry licenses.
- HB2060 - Establishing daylight saving time as the permanent standard time for the state of Kansas.
- HB2061 - Increasing the minimum age to purchase or possess cigarettes and tobacco products from 18 to 21, and prohibiting cigarette vending machines and flavored vaping products.
- S Sub for HB2062 - Senate Substitute for HB 2062 by Committee on Public Health and Welfare - Prohibiting boards of county commissioners, boards of trustees or employees from restricting visitors of residents of a county home for the aged or patients in a county hospital and permitting such residents and patients to waive state, city or federal restrictions on the right to receive visitors.
- HB2063 - Providing certain KP&F tier II spousal and children's benefits for death resulting from a service-connected disability and enacting the Michael Wells memorial act.
- HB2064 - Creating the Kansas promise scholarship act to provide postsecondary educational scholarships for certain two-year associate degree programs, career and technical education certificates and other stand-alone programs.
- HB2065 - Including source of income as a protected class with respect to housing under the Kansas act against discrimination.
- HB2066 - Substitute for HB 2066 by Committee on Commerce, Labor and Economic Development - Expanding the military spouse and service members expedited licensure law to all applicants who have established or intend to establish residency in Kansas.
- HB2067 - Requiring the allocation of sufficient school district moneys to improve academic performance of underachieving students.
- HB2068 - Amending the tax credit for low income students scholarship program act to expand student eligibility.
- HB2069 - Enacting the Kansas economic recovery loan deposit program, updating field of membership requirements of credit unions and allowing privilege tax deductions on agricultural real estate loans and single family residence loans.
- HB2070 - Allowing certain private not-for-profit postsecondary educational institutions to recoup credit card fees by permitting a surcharge for credit card transactions in the same manner as municipal universities, community colleges, technical colleges and vocational educational schools.
- HB2071 - Increasing the criminal penalties for stalking a minor.
- HB2072 - Senate Substitute for HB 2072 by Committee on Financial Institutions and Insurance - Providing for the Kansas corporation commission to authorize the securitization of certain public utility generating facilities, qualified extraordinary costs and issuance of securitized utility tariff bonds.
- HB2073 - Limiting utilization review conducted by health plans under certain circumstances involving the treatment of mental illness or substance abuse disorder.
- S Sub for HB2074 - Senate Substitute for HB 2074 by Committee on Financial Institutions and Insurance - Enacting the technology-enabled fiduciary financial institution act, providing requirements, fiduciary powers, duties, functions and limitations for such financial institutions and the administration thereof by the state bank commissioner, creating an income and privilege tax credit for certain qualified distributions from technology-enabled fiduciary financial institutions and the joint committee on fiduciary financial institutions oversight.
- HB2075 - Allowing venue for an adoption when the state is the agency to be where the state agency or its subcontracting agency has an office.
- HB2076 - Clarifying that bond agents seeking discharge as a surety are required to return the person released on bond to the court in the county where the complaint subject to the bond was filed.
- HB2077 - Extending the Kansas closed case task force, providing for staff assistance and renaming the task force the Alvin Sykes cold case DNA task force, extending the Kansas criminal justice reform commission, limiting the commission's scope of study and adding a public defender, and authorizing the crime victims compensation board to waive application time restrictions for certain victims to receive compensation for mental health counseling and adding certain children to the definition of victim.
- HB2078 - Suspending statutory speedy trial rights until May 1, 2023, in all criminal cases, providing guidelines for prioritizing trials and requiring the office of judicial administration to prepare and submit a report to the legislature in 2022 and 2023.
- HB2079 - Transferring duties concerning address confidentiality program (safe at home) and the registration of charitable organizations from the secretary of state to the attorney general, enacting the Kansas fights addiction act to establish a grant program for the purpose of preventing, reducing, treating and mitigating the effects of substance abuse and addiction and requiring posting of a human trafficking awareness notice approved by the attorney general in certain businesses and public places.
- HB2080 - Transferring duties concerning registration for charitable organizations from the secretary of state to the attorney general.
- HB2081 - Modifying how certain prior convictions are counted for the special sentencing rule related to possession of a controlled substance and providing concurrent or consecutive sentencing for persons convicted of new crimes while on release for a felony.
- HB2082 - Authorizing the crime victims compensation board to waive application time restrictions for certain victims to receive compensation for mental health counseling and adding certain children to the definition of victim.
- HB2083 - Requiring legislative members of the sentencing commission to be members of the senate judiciary and the house corrections and juvenile justice committees.
- HB2084 - Allowing earned discharge credit for offenders on probation and limiting the maximum term of supervision on probation.
- HB2085 - Creating the students' right to know act to provide information on postsecondary education options.
- HB2086 - Authorizing schools to maintain emergency medication kits and to administer such medication in emergency situations.
- HB2087 - Limiting the review of certain rules and regulations by the director of the budget and requiring review of rules and regulations every five years.
- HB2088 - Requiring visual observation of an alleged victim of child abuse or neglect as part of an investigation.
- HB2089 - Substitute for HB 2089 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs - Standardizing firearm safety education training programs in school districts.
- HB2090 - Creating a procedure for appointment of acting official when an elected official's military service causes a vacancy.
- HB2091 - Providing a refundable income tax credit for certain purchases of food and discontinuing the nonrefundable food sales tax credit.
- HB2092 - Removing drug offenders from the registration requirements of the Kansas offender registration act and removing the felony penalty for multiple nonpayments of fees under the act.
- HB2093 - Increasing criminal penalties for fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer when operating a stolen vehicle, committing certain driving violations or causing a collision involving another driver and making fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer evidence of intent to commit theft of a vehicle.
- HB2094 - Substitute for HB 2094 by Committee on Appropriations - Expanding educational benefits of tuition and fees waiver for spouses and dependents of public safety officers and personnel who are injured or disabled while performing service-related duties.
- HB2095 - Allowing courts to prohibit possession of a firearm in a temporary custody order pursuant to the care and treatment act for mentally ill persons.
- HB2096 - Authorizing department of corrections employees, local correctional or detention officers, judicial branch employees, municipal court employees and administrative hearing officers to have identifying information restricted from public access on public websites that identify home addresses or home ownership.
- HB2097 - Decoupling the KIT and KIR workforce training programs from the high performance incentive fund program.
- HB2098 - Allowing a court to change a spouse's name to a name that is different than a maiden or former name during a divorce proceeding.
- HB2099 - Permitting taxpayers to attend BOTA hearings by use of audio or video electronic communication.
- HB2100 - Designating a bridge on United States highway 166 in Cowley county as the SGT Tyler A Juden memorial bridge.
- HB2101 - Extending transfers from the expanded lottery act revenues fund to the university engineering initiative.
- HB2102 - Senate Substitute for HB 2102 by Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources - Updating egg repackaging requirements for retailers.
- HB2103 - Establishing the Kansas pesticide waste disposal program and permitting up to $50,000 to be transferred annually from the Kansas agricultural remediation fund to a new Kansas pesticide waste disposal fund.
- HB2104 - Senate Substitute for HB 2104 by Committee on Assessment and Taxation - Extending certain budget due dates for schools and notice and hearing requirements when exceeding the revenue neutral rate for property tax purposes, changing time to request full and complete opinion from the state board tax appeals, requiring the state board of tax appeals to serve orders and notices by electronic means if requested by the party, prohibiting valuation increases of certain property in appeals, requiring appraisal directives to require compliance with uniform standards of professional appraisal practice, providing for notice and opportunity to be heard prior to removal from county appraiser eligibility list, providing notification when person no longer holds office of county appraiser, placing the burden of proof on the county appraiser in certain valuation and classification appeal hearings before the district court, requiring appraisal courses for appraisers to be courses approved by the Kansas real estate appraisal board, extending the time a state board of tax appeals member may continue to serve after such member's term expires and authorizing appointment of a member pro tempore under certain conditions.
- HB2105 - Establishing tax withholding requirements when certain employees work in multiple states.
- HB2106 - Decreasing the state rate for sales and use taxes for sales of food and food ingredients and providing for the levying of taxes by cities and counties and discontinuing the nonrefundable food sales tax credit.
- HB2107 - Regulating funeral processions and creating a violation for not properly yielding to funeral processions.
- HB2108 - Concerning the study and investigation of maternal deaths in the state of Kansas and requiring the secretary of health and environment to establish an external review committee to review black maternal death cases.
- HB2109 - Prohibiting the disclosure of personal information about a person's affiliation with an entity that is exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c) of the federal internal revenue code and continuing in existence certain exceptions to the disclosure of public records under the open records act.
- HB2110 - Requiring insurance coverage for PANS and PANDAS by the state health care benefits program and requiring the state employee health care commission to submit an impact report on such coverage to the legislature.
- HB2111 - Providing membership in the KP&F retirement system for certain security officers of the department of corrections.
- HB2112 - Permitting online advertisement and sales of abandoned property by self-storage rental unit operators; providing for the designation by occupants of an alternate contact and limiting claims for loss or damage of stored property to the property value limit provided in the rental agreement.
- HB2113 - Establishing the advisory commission on Asian-American Pacific Islander affairs.
- HB2114 - Establishing the senior care task force, a definition of financial exploitation and Kansas elder and dependent adult abuse multidisciplinary team coordinator and teams, requiring additional mandatory reporters, increasing investigation days for reports of abuse, neglect and financial exploitation of certain adults and directing the department for children and families to inform certain chief administrative officers of substantiated findings of such reports.
- HB2115 - Establishing the joint committee on child welfare system oversight.
- HB2116 - Exempting the caregiver of a child in state out-of-home placement from the child care assistance 20-hour-per-week work requirement.
- HB2117 - Providing for adjusted income tax rates and sales tax treatment for food and food ingredients and feminine hygiene products.
- HB2118 - Deleting the treasurer's name from candidate political advertisements and requiring clear and obvious attribution in advertisements.
- Sub HB 2119 - Substitute for HB 2119 by Committee on K-12 Education Budget – Making and concerning appropriations for the department of education for fiscal years ending June 30, 2021, June 30, 2022, and June 30, 2023, creating and expanding school choice programs, restricting remote learning and remote enrollment and extending the statewide property tax levy for schools.
- HB2120 - Removing the spousal exception from the crime of sexual battery.
- HB2121 - Increasing the criminal penalty for mistreatment of a dependent adult or elder person when the victim is a resident of an adult care home, adding definitions related to defendants who abscond from supervision in the criminal procedure code and for parole and clarifying that bond agents seeking discharge as a surety are required to return the person released on bond to the court in the county where the complaint subject to the bond was filed, requiring the department of corrections to develop guidance to be used by parole officers when responding to violations of parole and postrelease supervision and that incentivize compliant behavior, and authorizing court services officers and community corrections officers to provide a certification of identification to offenders for use to obtain a new driver's license.
- HB2122 - Enacting the supported decision-making agreements act to provide a statutory framework for adults who want decision-making assistance.
- HB2123 - Establishing the Kansas legal tender act and providing for an income tax modification for sales of specie legal tender.
- HB2124 - Clarifying the authority of healing arts school clinics to provide healing arts services.
- HB2125 - Allowing a copy of a will to be filed and admitted to probate and allowing a will or a copy of a will filed within six months after the death of the testator to be admitted to probate at any time.
- HB2126 - Providing immunity from civil liability for COVID-19 claims for certain covered facilities, including adult care homes, community mental health centers, crisis intervention centers, community service providers and community developmental disability organizations.
- HB2127 - Requiring the department for children and families to release information to the public related to a child fatality caused by abuse or neglect when criminal charges are filed related to the fatality.
- HB2128 - Clarifying jurisdiction and supervision of offenders in a certified drug abuse treatment program.
- HB2129 - Providing for tobacco cessation benefits coverage under the state health care benefits program.
- HB2130 - Providing a tax lid exception for transportation construction projects.
- HB2131 - Making the high-density at-risk student weighting of the Kansas school equity and enhancement act permanent by removing the sunset provision.
- HB2132 - Designating a bridge on United States highway 77 as the PFC Loren H Larson memorial bridge.
- HB2133 - Requiring a law enforcement officer executing a search warrant at residential premises to be uniformed and to knock and announce themselves before entering the property.
- HB2134 - Making appropriations for the Kansas state department of education for FY 2021, FY 2022 and FY 2023; requiring a Kansas foster care children annual academic report card; authorizing limited remote learning; providing the criteria for identification of students eligible to receive at-risk programs and services; requiring boards of education to allocate sufficient school district moneys to improve student academic performance; authorizing school districts to pay tuition and fees for concurrent and dual enrollment programs; expanding student eligibility under the tax credit for low income students scholarship program; extending the high-density at-risk weighting; providing ACT college entrance exams and workkeys assessments to certain nonpublic school students.
- HB2135 - Establishing the securities act victim restitution program.
- HB2136 - Establishing the COVID-19 retail storefront property tax relief act to provide partial refunds to certain businesses impacted by COVID-19-related shutdowns and restrictions, discontinuing the first 15 days of the month sales and compensating use tax remittance requirements for certain retailers, providing countywide retailers' sales tax authority for Atchison county and delaying implementation of the exclusion of separately stated delivery charges from sales or selling price.
- HB2137 - Making amendments regarding licensure to sell alcoholic liquor and cereal malt beverages, authorizing transfers of bulk alcoholic liquor by certain licensees and authorizing the sale of alcoholic liquor and cereal malt beverages on specified days and times and subject to certain conditions by licensees under the Kansas liquor control act and the club and drinking establishment act.
- HB2138 - Providing for the use of electronic poll books in elections and the approval of such books by the secretary of state, requiring all voting systems for elections to use individual voter-verified paper ballots with a distinctive watermark, requiring the secretary of state and local election officers to develop an affidavit to be signed by election workers regarding handling of completed ballots, requiring audits of any federal, statewide or state legislative race that is within 1% of the total votes cast and requiring randomized audits of elections procedures used in four counties in even-numbered years, requiring a county election officer to send a confirmation of address when there is no election-related activity for any four calendar year period and exempting poll workers from certain election crimes.
- HB2139 - Reducing the criminal penalties for most severity level 5 drug crimes and increasing the penalties for offenders in criminal history category 5-I.
- HB2140 - Prohibiting the carrying of a concealed handgun in the state capitol.
- HB2141 - Increasing the Kansas standard deduction for income tax purposes.
- HB2142 - Providing for reimbursement of property taxes from county government for business shutdown or capacity limitation caused by the county.
- HB2143 - Extending the date that the sales tax exemption for certain cash rebates on sales or leases of new motor vehicles for sales tax purposes would apply, increasing the sales tax collection thresholds for payment by retailers, modifying the exemption for construction materials for certain educational institutions, defining nonprofit integrated community care organizations and providing a sales tax exemption therefor and providing a sales tax exemption for friends of hospice of Jefferson county.
- HB2144 - Requiring an offender who raises error in such offender's criminal history calculation for the first time on appeal to show prejudicial error.
- HB2145 - Exempting the retail sale of electricity by public utilities for electric vehicle charging stations from the jurisdiction of the state corporation commission.
- HB2146 - Expanding the number of presumptive probation and border grid blocks in the sentencing grid for drug crimes.
- HB2147 - Allowing early discharge from prison for certain drug offenders.
- HB2148 - Providing a sales tax exemption for purchases by gage park memorial, inc.
- HB2149 - Permitting an internal panel in the department for children and families to permit individuals in certain circumstances who have been convicted of certain crimes to reside, work or regularly volunteer at family foster homes licensed by the secretary.
- HB2150 - Creating a definition of financial exploitation, requiring additional mandatory reporters, increasing investigation days for reports of abuse, neglect and financial exploitation of certain adults and directing the department for children and families to inform certain chief administrative officers of substantiated findings of such reports.
- HB2151 - Creating Kansas elder and dependent adult abuse multidisciplinary teams and a coordinator.
- HB2152 - Clarifying how property held under a transfer-on-death deed is distributed when one beneficiary predeceases the grantor.
- S Sub for HB2153 - Senate Substitute for HB 2153 by Committee on Judiciary - Establishing the office of the child advocate within the office of the attorney general and the joint committee on child welfare system oversight.
- HB2154 - Authorizing the department of education to contract with a private vendor to install and operate school bus cameras.
- HB2155 - Providing for department of health and environment response operations for water and soil pollutant release, discharge or escape.
- HB2156 - Authorizing the on-farm retail sale of raw, unpasteurized milk so long as certain labeling and advertising requirements are met and providing civil penalties for violations of such requirements.
- HB2157 - Establishing restrictions on the use of step therapy protocols by health insurance plans.
- HB2158 - Establishing the joint committee on child welfare system oversight, providing certain exceptions to the confidentiality of state child death review board documents, requiring visual observation of an alleged victim of child abuse or neglect as part of an investigation, exempting the caregiver of a child in state out-of-home placement from the child care assistance 20-hour-per-week work requirement, permitting the secretary for children and families to license certain family foster homes where a former foster care youth with certain juvenile adjudications resides making permanent provisions for the advisory committee on trauma and the statewide trauma system regional council to conduct closed meetings and keep privileged records regarding trauma cases.
- HB2159 - Permitting the administration of certain tests, questionnaires, surveys and examinations regarding student beliefs and practices on an opt-out basis and providing conditions therefor.
- HB2160 - Establishing certification and funding for certified community behavioral health clinics.
- HB2161 - Renaming the Kansas state board of cosmetology, creating new categories of licenses issued thereby and extending the board's enforcement authority to non-licensees.
- HB2162 - Amending and repealing reapportionment census data laws to conform with 2019 amendments to the Kansas constitution and to remove certain obsolete provisions.
- HB2163 - Repealing obsolete election laws relating to the use of census data adjustments, repealing obsolete statutes relating to the 1988 census, the presidential preference primary and certain elections-related corporate contribution restrictions.
- HB2164 - Requiring drivers to proceed with due caution when passing stationary vehicles displaying hazard warning lights and providing a penalty for violation.
- HB2165 - Providing for all vehicles more than 35 years old to qualify as an antique vehicle.
- HB2166 - Substitute for HB 2166 by Committee on Transportation - Providing for the Braden's hope for childhood cancer, proud educator, delta sigma theta, Gadsden flag, love, Chloe foundation and alpha kappa alpha distinctive license plates and providing distinctive license plates for current and veteran members of the United States army, navy, marine corps, air force, coast guard and space force, modifying the requirements to begin production on distinctive license plates, requiring reporting by sponsoring organizations of distinctive license plates, allowing certain license plates issued by the division of vehicles to be personalized license plates and establishing a fee on firefighter distinctive license plates.
- HB2167 - Permitting concrete mixer trucks and requiring dump trucks to display license plates on the front of vehicles.
- HB2168 - Decreasing the plate commitment and cost requirement for new distinctive license plate production.
- HB2169 - Providing for the proud educator license distinctive license plate and decreasing the plate commitment prior to production.
- HB2170 - Amending the Kansas rural housing incentive district act to permit bond funding for vertical residential renovation of older buildings in central business districts.
- HB2171 - Providing for the transferability of high performance incentive fund tax credits.
- HB2172 - Modifying water usage calculations and fees for multi-year flex accounts and permitting alternative base average water use calculations and prorated terms.
- HB2173 - Requiring marketplace facilitators to collect and remit sales, use, transient guest taxes and 911 fees from sales made through their platforms, providing nexus for certain retailers and removing click-through nexus provisions.
- HB2174 - Establishing the rural hospital innovation grant program to assist rural hospitals in serving rural communities.
- HB2175 - Creating the Dwayne Peaslee technical training center district.
- HB2176 - Clarify the vacation or exclusion of territory from city boundaries or release of easements.
- HB2177 - Providing for the dissolution of special districts and the assumption of responsibilities by a city or county.
- HB2178 - Vacating certain blocks in the original town plat set aside for a college and a park in the city of Americus and vesting fee simple title in the city.
- HB2179 - Providing for the licensure of dental therapists.
- HB2180 - Requiring changes to electric rates for transmission costs to be approved through an electric utility's general rate case proceedings.
- HB2181 - Requiring the state corporation commission to provide the legislature with an annual report of the electric rates of electric public utilities in the region.
- HB2182 - Establishing the Kansas promise scholarship act to provide scholarships for students who attend postsecondary educational programs that correspond to high-need career fields, authorizing payment of tuition for students who are dually or concurrently enrolled in high school and postsecondary school and requiring school districts to insure against injury or loss during work-based learning programs.
- S Sub for HB2183 - Senate Substitute for HB 2183 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs - Creating the transparency in revenues underwriting elections act; prohibiting the receipt and expenditure of private moneys by election officials; directing the secretary of state to publish certain registered voter totals; relating to advance voting ballots by requiring signed statements for delivery of such ballots on behalf of a voter; limiting the number of such ballots that can be delivered; prohibiting the altering or backdating of the mailing date on such ballots; requiring a matching signature on such ballots; removing the secretary of state's authority to provide additional time for receipt of such ballots; prohibiting candidates for office from engaging in certain conduct related to advance voting ballots; creating the crime of false representation of an election official; and, expanding the crime of electioneering.
- HB2184 - Creating the Kansas medical marijuana regulation act.
- HB2185 - Enacting the Kansas taxpayer protection act, requiring the signature and tax identification number of paid tax return preparers on income tax returns and authorizing actions to enjoin paid tax return preparers from engaging in certain conduct.
- HB2186 - Allowing single sales factor apportionment of business income for certain taxpayers.
- HB2187 - Enacting the first-time home buyer savings account act.
- HB2188 - Requiring review by the joint committee on information technology of state agency contracts for certain information technology projects.
- HB2189 - Providing restrictions, lender reporting and other requirements for alternative small installment loans made under the UCCC.
- HB2190 - Clarifying successive motions, new evidence and time limitations for habeas corpus claims.
- HB2191 - Increasing criminal penalties for the crimes of riot and incitement to riot when the crime occurs in a correctional facility.
- HB2192 - Authorizing court services officers and community corrections officers to provide a certification of identification to offenders for use to obtain a new driver's license.
- HB2193 - Prohibiting an application fee for drivers' license reinstatements, removing additional suspension period when convicted of driving while suspended and limiting reinstatement fee to one per case.
- HB2194 - Providing for the alpha kappa alpha distinctive license plate.
- HB2195 - Holding reimbursing employers and other employers harmless for fraudulent unemployment insurance claims and reimbursing the unemployment insurance trust fund with moneys from the state general fund for improper benefits payments.
- S Sub for HB2196 - Senate Substitute for Substitute HB 2196 by Committee on Commerce - Changing provisions of the employment security law including creation of the unemployment compensation modernization and improvement council, development of a new unemployment insurance information technology system, provision of tax information to claimants, publication of trust fund data, the maximum benefit period, the charging of employer accounts for benefits paid, employer contribution rate determination and schedules, crediting of employer accounts for fraudulent or erroneous payments, transfer of federal COVID-19 moneys to the unemployment insurance trust fund, emergency expansion of the employment security board of review, providing for the my reemployment plan program and workforce training program availability to claimants, changes to the shared work compensation program and other unemployment trust fund provisions.
- HB2197 - Providing for abatement of property tax for certain buildings or improvements destroyed or substantially destroyed by natural disaster.
- HB2198 - Permitting local eligible employers to affiliate with KP&F with regard to coverage of certain local corrections employees.
- HB2199 - Authorizing sports wagering under the Kansas expanded lottery act.
- HB2200 - Allowing evidence-based program account money to be used on certain children, requiring the department of corrections to build data systems and allowing for overall case length limit extensions for certain juvenile offenders.
- HB2201 - Senate Substitute for HB 2201 by Committee on Transportation - Decreasing the Eisenhower legacy transportation program alternate delivery project threshold, authorizing the usage of federal stimulus funds and KDOT bonding authority.
- HB2202 - Enacting the Kansas death with dignity act.
- HB2203 - Establishing the asbestos remediation fund for fees collected as part of the Kansas asbestos control program.
- HB2204 - Prohibiting the use of identifiable meat terms on labels of meat analogs without either an accompanying disclaimer that the product does not contain meat or the inclusion of the word "imitation" before the name of the meat food product being imitated.
- HB2205 - Authorizing publication of legal notices by a city, county, school district or other board or entity on a designated official website.
- HB2206 - Updating certain definitions, referral to specialty services and coordination of care provisions in the Kansas telemedicine act.
- HB2207 - Prohibiting certain licensed individuals from using conversion therapy on minors.
- HB2208 - Senate Substitute for HB 2208 by Committee on Public Health and Welfare - Establishing certification and funding for certified community behavioral health clinics, enacting the rural emergency hospital act to provide for the licensure of rural emergency hospitals, authorizing telemedicine waivers for out-of-state healthcare providers, reducing certain requirements for licensure by the behavioral sciences regulatory board and expanding out-of-state temporary permits to practice behavioral sciences professions.
- HB2209 - Enacting the psychology interjurisdictional compact to provide for interjurisdictional authorization to practice telepsychology and temporary in-person, face-to-face psychology.
- HB2210 - Making it a crime for a doctor to perform gender reassignment surgery or hormone replacement therapy on minors.
- HB2211 - Requiring law enforcement officers to impound the vehicles of individuals unable to provide proof of financial security under certain circumstances.
- S Sub for HB2212 - Senate Substitute for HB 2212 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs - Enacting the Kansas affordable housing tax credit act and the Kansas housing investor tax credit act to provide tax credits for certain housing projects.
- HB2213 - Requiring that purchases of property and construction of buildings by townships are subject to protest petition and election procedure.
- HB2214 - Authorizing the secretary of administration on behalf of the department of corrections to convey land in Mitchell county to the city of Beloit.
- HB2215 - Allowing persons with felony drug convictions to receive benefits under the supplemental nutrition assistance program.
- HB2216 - Establishing maximum towing rates and standard procedures for wrecker and towing services.
- HB2217 - Excluding the additional 90-day wait period and providing for the elimination and delay of payment for certain fees for restricted driving privileges.
- HB2218 - Updating the membership and responsibilities of the Kansas state employees health care commission and requiring the commission to make certain reports and recommendations to the legislature.
- HB2219 - Enacting the Kansas targeted employment act to provide tax credits for the employment of persons with developmental disabilities.
- HB2220 - Providing an employment preference for persons with a disability for state government positions.
- HB2221 - Amending STAR bonds law by adding rural redevelopment projects and major business facilities, increasing certain project investment and sales requirements, adding a return on investment analysis and other requirements and approvals by the secretary and extending the sunset date.
- HB2222 - Requiring the Kansas bureau of investigation to establish a Kansas voluntary do-not-sell firearms list to prevent the purchase of firearms by any person who voluntarily registers to be placed on the list.
- HB2223 - Amending the crimes of criminal sodomy and sexual battery to make certain conduct unlawful when the victim's consent was obtained through a knowing misrepresentation.
- HB2224 - Expanding the definition of "infectious disease" in certain statutes related to crimes in which bodily fluids may have been transmitted from one person to another.
- HB2225 - Requiring marketplace facilitators to collect and remit sales and compensating use tax and providing nexus for certain retailers that make sales in Kansas.
- HB2226 - Requiring certain criminal convictions to be expunged from an offender's record automatically.
- HB2227 - Allowing the chief justice to suspend certain time limitations during a state of local disaster emergency, suspend certain verification requirements and authorize use of electronic audio-visual communication to expeditiously resolve cases, and extending the chief justice's authority to suspend time limitations during a disaster emergency until June 30, 2022.
- HB2228 - Requiring law enforcement agencies to adopt a policy regarding submission of sexual assault evidence kits and allowing evidence collection at child advocacy centers or other facilities.
- HB2229 - Increasing the criminal penalties for multiple thefts of mail.
- HB2230 - Imposing sales tax on digital property and subscription services.
- HB2231 - Amending the definition of the crime of conducting a pyramid promotional scheme, providing for an exemption and defining key terms.
- HB2232 - Limiting the maximum number of signatures required for certain municipal petitions for proposed ordinances and extending the effective period of such ordinances and providing for narrow construction of certain administrative ordinances.
- HB2233 - Enacting the municipal historic building act.
- HB2234 - Requiring medical directors of emergency medical services to provide medical oversight of such services and emergency medical service providers.
- HB2235 - Requiring lobbyists to wear body cameras while in the statehouse, making such recordings public records and prohibiting any economic benefit or hospitality provided by a lobbyist to a legislator or candidates for the legislature.
- HB2236 - Authorizing exclusion of the sales comparison approach in mortgage financing appraisals of certain unique residential real property in rural counties.
- HB2237 - Enacting the Kansas affordable housing tax credit act, the Kansas housing investor tax credit act, the historic Kansas act, the Kansas rural home loan guarantee act, authorizing certain residential real property appraisals in rural counties to be performed without completing the sales comparison approach to value, allowing the use of bond proceeds under the Kansas rural housing incentive district act for residential vertical development and renovation of certain buildings within economically distressed urban areas and expanding eligibility for the child day care services assistance tax credit and providing a credit for employer payments to an organization providing access to employees for child day care services.
- HB2238 - Eliminating the dollar limitation for acceptance of gifts by donors to school districts or cities, or both, for library purposes.
- HB2239 - Providing tax credits for graduates of aerospace and aviation-related educational programs and employers of program graduates, school and classroom supplies purchased by teachers, contributions to community colleges and technical colleges, qualified railroad track maintenance expenditures of short line railroads and associated rail siding owners or lessees and expanding eligibility, amount and transferability of the research and development tax credit, providing homestead property tax refunds from the income tax refund fund to certain persons based on the increase in property tax over the base year property tax amount, providing for an additional personal income tax exemption for 100% disabled veterans, establishing the salt parity act to allow pass-through entities to elect to pay state income tax at the entity level, establishing a checkoff for contributions to the Kansas historic site fund, establishing a revenue neutral rate complaint process for tax levies, authorizing the county clerk to limit the amount of ad valorem taxes to be levied in certain circumstances, establishing a deadline for budgets to be filed with the director of accounts and reports, requiring roll call votes and publication of information to exceed the revenue neutral rate, classifying certain agritourism activities and zoos as land devoted to agricultural use, classifying land devoted to agriculture that is subject to the federal grassland conservation reserve program as grassland, establishing a property tax exemption for antique utility trailers, allowing for the proration of value when certain personal property is acquired or sold prior to September 1 of any tax year, providing for the exemption of inventory and work-in-progress machinery and equipment for telecommunications machinery and equipment, increasing the extent of exemption for residential property from the statewide school levy, providing for abatement or credit of property tax for buildings and improvements destroyed or substantially destroyed by natural disaster, providing a sales tax exemption for certain fencing and for reconstructing, repairing or replacing certain fencing damaged or destroyed by a wildfire, flood, tornado or other natural disaster, excluding separately stated delivery charges from sales or selling price, removing the expiration on manufacturer cash rebates on motor vehicles, providing countywide retailers' sales tax authority for Wilson county, requiring disclosure of distribution of revenues on countywide retailers' sales tax ballot proposals, validating the election held to approve a retailers' sales tax levy by the city of Latham, extending the time period for eligibility in the loan repayment program and the income tax credit for rural opportunity zones, enacting the Gage park improvement authority act and providing for the creation of the Gage park improvement authority and an election for the imposition of a countywide sales tax sales tax within the boundaries of Shawnee county.
- HB2240 - Excluding U.S.D. No. 207, Fort Leavenworth, from the capital improvement state aid schedule.
- HB2241 - Requiring certain insurance coverage for diagnostic examinations for breast cancer.
- HB2242 - Increasing the percentage amount the state fire marshal may levy on fire insurance company premiums caused by fire business being transacted in Kansas.
- HB2243 - Adjusting the frequency of the KPERS actuarial experience study, providing a moratorium on KPERS death and long-term disability employer contributions, allowing the extension of certain DROP periods and conforming certain KPERS provisions with the federal CARES act.
- HB2244 - Establishing requirements for the effective disposal of industrial hemp and requiring industrial hemp processors to register with the state fire marshal.
- HB2245 - Permitting the division of vehicles to collect emergency contact information for registration purposes and permitting law enforcement agencies to use such information in the case of an emergency.
- HB2246 - Excluding air bags from the definition of cost of repairs for salvage vehicles.
- HB2247 - Designating a portion of K-67 highway as the COII Trenton J Brinkman memorial highway, designating bridges on U.S. highway 54 as the Max Zimmerman memorial bridge and the Jack Taylor memorial bridge, designating a bridge on U.S. highway 77 as the PFC Loren H Larson bridge, designating a bridge on U.S. highway 166 as the Tyler A Juden memorial bridge, designating a portion of U.S. highway 69 as the Senator Dennis Wilson memorial highway, designating a portion of K-7 as the Senator Bud Burke memorial highway and designating a portion of U.S. highway 77 as the CPL Allen E Oatney and SP4 Gene A Myers memorial highway.
- HB2248 - Increasing state financial assistance to local health departments under specified circumstances.
- HB2249 - Setting the protected income level for persons receiving home and community-based services at 150% of federal supplemental security income.
- HB2250 - Expanding newborn screening services and increasing transfers of moneys to the Kansas newborn screening fund.
- HB2251 - Requiring relinquishment of firearms pursuant to certain court orders related to domestic violence.
- HB2252 - Prohibiting the modification of election laws by agreement except as approved by the legislative coordinating council.
- HB2253 - Updating certain provisions of the prescription monitoring program act relating to program data, storage and access, increasing the membership of the advisory committee and providing for setup and annual maintenance fees for program data integration.
- HB2254 - Increasing the monetary cap on irrevocable prearranged funeral agreements to $10,000.
- HB2255 - Enacting the sexual assault survivor information act to require certain entities to provide information to sexual assault survivors.
- HB2256 - Updating scope of practice requirements for advanced practice registered nurses without a supervising physician, imposing requirements therefor and updating certain licensure requirements.
- HB2257 - Permitting physicians to decide based on their medical judgment whether to provide patients with certain information.
- HB2258 - Enacting the right to family planning act to require contraceptives to be available at pharmacies.
- HB2259 - Permitting the use of expedited partner therapy to treat a sexually transmitted disease.
- HB2260 - Prohibiting disparate treatment by pharmacy benefits managers of certain pharmacies and pharmaceutical services providers.
- HB2261 - Enacting the rural emergency hospital act to provide for the licensure of rural emergency hospitals.
- S Sub for HB2262 - Senate Substitute for HB 2262 by Committee on Public Health and Welfare - Updating schedules I, II, IV and V of the uniform controlled substances act.
- HB2263 - Approving the operation and use of electric-assisted bicycles and regulating the use thereof.
- HB2264 - Permitting student athletes at postsecondary educational institutions to receive compensation for the use of their name, image, likeness rights or athletic reputation.
- HB2265 - Providing a sales tax exemption for required textbooks and authorizing a local sales tax on required textbooks.
- HB2266 - Allowing an individual to itemize deductions in Kansas despite not itemizing on their federal return.
- HB2267 - Creating the Kansas youth advisory council.
- HB2268 - Enacting the Kansas rural home loan guarantee act and authorizing the Kansas housing resources corporation to guarantee a certain portion of rural home loans made by financial institutions and report to the legislature regarding such loan guarantees.
- HB2269 - Amending the definition of an at-risk student in the Kansas school equity and enhancement act to require at-risk funding to be determined based on a poverty metric for certain students and proficiency metric for other students.
- HB2270 - Modifying the distribution of the levy on fire insurance business premiums to the state fire marshal fee fund, the emergency medical services operating fund and the fire service training program fund.
- HB2271 - Permitting the court to exercise jurisdiction over children in need of care and adult children in need of care to extend or re-enter custody of the secretary for children and families until 21 years of age.
- HB2272 - Delaying distribution of certain property taxes paid under protest and requiring certain information on protested or exempt property taxes to be provided to local taxing jurisdictions.
- HB2273 - Providing a sales tax exemption for active aging publishing, inc.
- HB2274 - Increasing the criminal penalty for buying sexual relations and removing provisions related to how prior convictions are counted.
- HB2275 - Requiring the department of corrections to develop guidance to be used by parole officers when responding to violations of parole and postrelease supervision and that incentivize compliant behavior.
- HB2276 - Removing opposite sex requirement for unlawful voluntary sexual relations.
- HB2277 - Clarifying the definition of possession in the Kansas criminal code.
- HB2278 - Providing for the publication of signed statements of fair campaign practices and a cause of action and penalties for violations of such statement.
- S Sub for HB2279 - Senate substitute for HB 2279 by committee on public health and welfare - Amending the advanced practice registered nurse authorized scope of practice to permit the prescribing of drugs without a supervising physician.
- S Sub for HB2280 - Senate Substitute for HB 2280 by Committee on Public Health and Welfare - Authorizing the prescribing and dispensing of medications for off-label use to prevent and treat COVID-19 infections and requiring child care facilities and schools to grant religious exemptions from vaccination requirements without inquiring into the sincerity of such religious beliefs.
- Sub HB2281 - Substitute for HB 2281 by Committee on Health and Human Services - Implementing the 988 suicide prevention and mental health crisis hotline in Kansas and imposing a 988 fee on telecommunications and other voice services.
- HB2282 - Allowing the state treasurer to enter into agreements with eligible applicants to guarantee agricultural loans up to 80% and creating a committee to review and approve applications for such guaranteed loans.
- HB2283 - Concerning state benefit requirements and limitations for the temporary assistance for needy families program.
- HB2284 - Reducing certain camp site and cabin fees at Kansas state parks by 50% for senior citizens.
- HB2285 - Creating the campus free speech act to require each public postsecondary educational institution to adopt a policy of free expression.
- HB2286 - Creating the campus intellectual diversity act to establish an office of public policy events at each public postsecondary educational institution.
- S Sub HB 2287 - Senate Substitute for HB 2287 by Committee on Education - Creating the Kansas promise scholarship act to provide postsecondary educational scholarship for certain two-year associate degree programs, career and technical education certificates and other stand-alone programs.
- HB2288 - Decriminalizing the possession of drugs, reducing the criminal penalty for distributing or manufacturing drugs, referring those found in possession of a controlled substance to drug abuse treatment and creating the crime of failure to comply with drug abuse treatment.
- HB2289 - Authorizing the issuance of $1,000,000,000 of pension obligation bonds to finance a portion of the unfunded actuarial liability of KPERS and utilizing the net investment returns on such bonds to provide annual retirant dividend payments to certain retirants.
- HB2290 - Requiring the secretary of health and environment to assess carbon content fees upon certain fuel sales and the secretary of the department of revenue to distribute carbon content dividend payments to Kansans.
- HB2291 - Applying the net metering and easy connection act to electric cooperatives and municipal utilities, increasing compensation to customer-generators, authorizing larger renewable energy systems and increasing the total net metered facility cap.
- HB2292 - Creating exemptions in the open records act for cyber security assessments, plans and vulnerabilities.
- HB2293 - Creating the taxpayer empowerment, accountability and transparency in state contracting act; relating to private service contracts; requiring the department of administration to create a database of private service contract information and to analyze the potential impacts of such contracts; requiring contracting state agencies to obtain the resources needed to monitor the performance of private service contracts before finalizing such contracts.
- HB2294 - Requiring any individual or agency selling an abandoned or towed vehicle to acquire a certificate of title from the division of vehicles before the sale.
- HB2295 - Exempting municipal motor grader vehicle operators from Kansas uniform commercial drivers' license act requirements.
- HB2296 - Permitting the secretary of transportation to contract with the Kansas turnpike authority to enforce toll payments and permitting the secretary of transportation to use tolls to support public transit and other improvements on a toll project.
- HB2297 - Concerning requirements of publication of certain documents by the secretary of state; relating to session laws, the Kansas register, proposed amendments to the constitution of the state of Kansas, and Kansas administrative rules and regulations and guidance documents.
- HB2298 - Changing requirements for service of process on nonresident drivers and clarifying service of process on certain business entities.
- HB2299 - Requiring retention of fingerprints by the Kansas bureau of investigation for participation in the federal rap back program; imposing restrictions on surveillance by certain employees of the Kansas department of wildlife and parks on private property; expanding the jurisdiction and powers of law enforcement officers to include situations when an activity is observed leading the officer to reasonably suspect a person is committing, has committed or is about to commit a crime and reasonably believe that a person is in imminent danger of death or bodily injury without immediate action; allowing a search warrant to be executed within 240 hours from the time of issuance; and directing the Kansas department for children and families to share certain information with investigating law enforcement agencies.
- HB2300 - Abolishing the death penalty and creating the crime of aggravated murder.
- HB2301 - Requiring accredited high schools to provide a course of instruction in personal financial literacy.
- HB2302 - Requiring school districts to provide copies of certain tests, questionnaires, surveys or examinations prior to receiving consent to administer such test, questionnaire, survey or examination.
- HB2303 - Adjusting the credit and income amounts for the income tax credit for purchases of food in this state.
- HB2304 - Increasing income tax credit for expenditures to make a principal dwelling accessible to persons with a disability.
- HB2305 - Allowing cites, counties or other local units of government to raise the minimum wage by ordinance, resolution or law.
- HB2306 - Restoring local control over certain compensation, wage and benefit requirements for construction projects.
- HB2307 - Expanding the definition of compensable personal injury in workers compensation law to include mental injuries suffered from physical injury, emotional shock or after a series of work-related events.
- HB2308 - Allowing investigations of child deaths by coroner before performing an autopsy.
- HB2309 - Requiring manufacturers of electronics-enabled equipment used in agriculture, animal husbandry and ranching to make available to farmers, ranchers and independent repair providers, on fair and reasonable terms, the documentation, parts and tools used to diagnose, maintain and repair such equipment.
- HB2310 - Creating the Kansas healthy soils fund and the Kansas healthy soils initiative for the purpose of promoting healthy soils practices in the state of Kansas.
- HB2311 - Extending workers compensation permanent disability benefits for the lifetime of the injured worker.
- HB2312 - Permitting injured workers to choose a healthcare provider for care under workers compensation law.
- S Sub for HB2313 - Senate Substitute for HB 2313 by Committee on Assessment and Taxation - Providing for reimbursement of property taxes for certain business shutdowns or restrictions, allowing Kansas national guard and reservist members who are in good standing to receive a property tax exemption for up to two motor vehicles, authorizing continuation of the statewide levy for schools and the exemption of a portion of residential property from such levy, authorizing appointment by the governor of a member pro tempore when a vacancy on the state board of tax appeals exists and directing post audit study of the impact of non-profit and governmental entities competing against for-profit businesses.
- HB2314 - Increasing the sales tax collection threshold for certain retailers and the required time frame for payment of tax and then discontinuing the pre-payment of such tax.
- HB2315 - Providing a tax credit for contributions to technical colleges.
- S Sub for HB2316 - Senate Substitute for HB 2316 by Committee on Assessment and Taxation - Expanding the eligible uses for the 0% state rate for sales tax for certain utilities and providing for the levying of such tax by cities, counties and Washburn university of Topeka, authorizing cities and counties to exempt sales of such utilities from such city or county taxes, providing a back-to-school sales tax holiday for sales of certain school supplies, computers and clothing and exempting certain purchases and sales by the Johnson county Christmas bureau association, excluding manufacturers' coupons from the sales or selling price, removing the expiration on manufacturer cash rebates on motor vehicles, discontinuing an Atchison countywide retailers' sales tax, allowing counties to decide whether to apportion revenue received for general purposes between the county and cities located therein, discontinuing the first 15 days of the month remittance requirements for certain retailers and increasing the sales tax collection thresholds relating to time frames for filing returns by certain retailers.
- HB2317 - Providing a tax credit for expenditures for placing a qualified alternative-fuel fueling station into service.
- HB2318 - Providing for early discharge for certain offenders on lifetime postrelease supervision and changing the definition of a persistent sex offender.
- HB2319 - Shortening the deadline for the return of advance voting ballots to 5:00 p.m. the day after the election and providing the deadline cannot be altered by an elected or appointed official or a court.
- HB2320 - Enacting the commercial property assessed clean energy (C-PACE) act, providing financing for certain energy, water, air, health and renewable energy efficiency improvements through assessment contracts between C-PACE lenders and property owners and establishing certain rights, duties and responsibilities for mortgage lenders regarding C-PACE assessments.
- HB2321 - Requiring electric public utilities to notify cities prior to construction of urban electric transmission lines.
- HB2322 - Regulating contract for deed transactions, authorizing recording of contract for deeds or affidavits of equitable interest, listing deceptive practices constituting violations of the consumer protection act, requiring notice to the buyer of default and allowing buyers to cure violations of such default.
- HB2323 - Amending statutes concerning the recognition of marriage and removing the requirement that marriage be between two parties of the opposite sex.
- HB2324 - Establishing a $100 maximum out-of-pocket cost-share per month per covered person for prescription insulin drugs.
- HB2325 - Prohibiting certain billing practices by health insurers and enacting the end surprise medical bills act.
- HB2326 - Requiring precinct committeemen and committeewomen to provide the county clerk with their address, phone number and email address and limiting the disclosure of the phone number and email address to county and state party chairpersons.
- HB2327 - Prohibiting county boards, trustees or employees from restricting visitors of residents of a county home for the aged or patients in a county hospital.
- HB2328 - Providing income tax credits for aerospace and aviation program graduates and their employers.
- HB2329 - Updating the entities who are subject to the pipeline safety program of the state corporation commission.
- HB2330 - Authorizing solar power purchase agreements with renewable energy suppliers and exempting the sales of electricity pursuant to power purchase agreements from public utility regulation.
- HB2331 - Providing for the limited transfer of landowner or tenant deer hunting permits to nonresidents.
- HB2332 - Prohibiting the modification of election laws other than by legislative process, requiring county election officials to maintain residential and mailing addresses for registered voters, requiring identification of the sender on third party solicitations to registered voters to file an application for an advance voting ballot and prohibiting such solicitations by nonresidents of this state, expanding the crime of election tampering and providing for the appointment of elected officials when vacancy is due to military service.
- HB2333 - Prohibiting the acceptance of incomplete applications for advance voting ballots, prohibiting candidates for office from engaging in certain conduct with respect to advance voting ballots and expanding the crime of electioneering.
- HB2334 - Prohibiting the networking of electronic voting machines and providing for recounts of the results tabulated by such machines.
- HB2335 - Creating the Kansas cotton commission and requiring the commission to levy an assessment upon cotton marketed through commercial channels in the state of Kansas at a rate of not more than 10 cents per bale.
- HB2336 - Making it unlawful to take a wildlife simulated device being used by a law enforcement officer for the purpose of enforcing the wildlife laws of this state.
- HB2337 - Creating a misdemeanor for causing an injury to a vulnerable road user.
- HB2338 - Establishing a pilot program in the department for children and families to assist children in the custody of the secretary in obtaining a driver's license.
- HB2339 - Expanding the crime of election tampering to include changing or altering votes cast, manipulating computer hardware or software or vote tabulation methods or producing false vote totals.
- HB2340 - Increasing the minimum age to 21 to purchase or possess cigarettes and tobacco products.
- HB2341 - Permitting vehicle manufacturers to be vehicle dealers, repealing territory restrictions for vehicle dealers and creating an interest rate cap for motor vehicle loans.
- HB2342 - Allowing pharmacists to prescribe and fill prescriptions for self-administered contraceptives.
- HB2343 - Providing for insurance coverage for prescription contraceptives dispensed for three or twelve-month periods.
- HB2344 - Requiring Riley county to elect a county sheriff beginning in the 2022 election cycle and abolishing the Riley county law enforcement agency.
- HB2345 - Establishing the office of the child advocate for children's protection and services.
- HB2346 - Allowing release of defendants to a pretrial supervision entity or program and allowing fees associated with supervision to the nonjudicial salary adjustment fund at the discretion of a chief judge.
- HB2347 - Making changes related to sex offenses including creating the crime of rape during a treatment session, lowering the criminal penalty for attempt, conspiracy and solicitation of certain sex offenses and changing the elements of, reducing criminal penalties and removing registration requirements for unlawful voluntary sexual relations.
- HB2348 - Modifying automobile insurance policy uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage liability limitations for bodily injury or death.
- HB2349 - Creating a mechanism to seek relief from the Kansas offender registration act requirements, decreasing criminal penalties for failure to register, allowing courts to waive fees associated with registration, reducing number of places a person is required to register and eliminating registration for most juvenile adjudications.
- HB2350 - Expanding the number of presumptive probation and border grid blocks in the sentencing grid for nondrug crimes.
- HB2351 - Providing liability protection for businesses, municipalities and educational institutions that participate in high school work-based learning programs and providing that schools are responsible for injuries to students participating in such programs.
- HB2352 - Providing a sales tax exemption for sales of farm products sold at farmers' markets.
- HB2353 - Establishing the Kansas commission for the United States semiquincentennial.
- HB2354 - Providing public employees and professional employees certain rights with respect to withholding of public employee organization and professional employee organization dues.
- HB2355 - Clarifying four election statutes dealing with bond law elections, county election commissioners, deleting the requirement of residing in the county and mail ballots clarification.
- HB2356 - Enacting the uniform partition of heirs property act to prescribe procedures and requirements for partition of certain real property.
- HB2357 - Establishing the property tax relief act and providing expiration of the selective assistance for effective relief credit and the homestead property tax refund.
- HB2358 - Providing a sales tax exemption for nonprofit integrated community care organizations.
- HB2359 - Establishing the nonproficient student weighting in the Kansas school equity and enhancement act.
- HB2360 - Removing recklessly causing fear or evacuation, lock down or disruption in regular, ongoing activities from the crime of criminal threat.
- S Sub for HB2361 - Senate Substitute for HB 2361 by Committee on Judiciary - Removing the requirement that all district court judges in Douglas county serve on the board of trustees of the law library, authorizing the supreme court to adopt rules establishing specialty court programs, creating the specialty court funding advisory committee and the specialty court resources fund, authorizing courts to order defendants to participate in specialty court programs and allowing expungement of certain convictions when defendants complete the requirements of such programs.
- HB2362 - Modifying the elements of and making changes to the criminal penalties of abuse of a child.
- HB2363 - Increasing the maximum rate paid to appointed counsel.
- HB2364 - Defining torturing for the purposes of the crime of cruelty to animals.
- HB2365 - Providing immunity from criminal prosecution for possession of controlled substances or drug paraphernalia if seeking assistance related to substance use.
- HB2366 - Requiring prosecutors to disclose their intent to introduce testimony from a jailhouse witness and to forward information to the Kansas bureau of investigation.
- HB2367 - Authorizing the state corporation commission to regulate certain transmission line wire stringing activities.
- HB2368 - Increasing the motor vehicle liability insurance minimum policy limit for bodily injury.
- HB2369 - Extending the Kansas closed case task force and providing for staff assistance.
- HB2370 - Prohibiting a criminal conviction from acting as a sole disqualification for occupational licensure and creating guidelines to follow when considering criminal convictions of an applicant for occupational licensure.
- HB2371 - Removing cooperation with child support from requirements for food and child care assistance and exempting adults enrolled in school from the 20-hour-per-week work requirement for child care assistance.
- HB2372 - Establishing a medicaid ambulance service provider assessment to be imposed on ground ambulance service providers.
- HB2373 - Requiring the Kansas department for aging and disability services to establish and implement a mobile crisis services program for individuals with intellectual or developmental disability.
- HB2374 - Authorizing the Kansas sentencing commission to change risk assessment cut-off levels for participation in the certified drug abuse treatment program.
- HB2375 - Adding items to the the definitions of a knife and weapon for purposes of the crime of criminal possession of a weapon by a convicted felon.
- HB2376 - Requiring law enforcement agencies to adopt a policy relating to making arrests for violation of a protective order and procedures for separating suspects from the scene for a period of time.
- HB2377 - Revising laws relating to operating an aircraft under the influence, including prescribing criminal and administrative penalties and providing for testing of blood, breath, urine or other bodily substances, and preliminary screening tests of breath or oral fluid; authorizing reinstatement of a driver's license for certain persons with an ignition interlock device restriction; requiring persons with an ignition interlock device restriction to complete the ignition interlock device program before driving privileges are fully reinstated; providing for reduced ignition interlock device program costs for certain persons; providing that the highway patrol has oversight of state certification of ignition interlock manufacturers and their service providers; modifying the criminal penalties for driving a commercial motor vehicle under the influence and driving under the influence; increasing the period of disqualification for certain offenses committed by a person with commercial driving privileges; and prohibiting prosecuting attorneys from concealing certain traffic violations from the CDLIS driver report.
- HB2378 - Creating the Kansas work and save program under the administration of the state treasurer and allowing certain individuals to contribute to individual retirement accounts.
- HB2379 - Enacting the peer-to-peer vehicle sharing act to provide insurance, liability, recordkeeping and consumer protection requirements for peer-to-peer vehicle sharing.
- S Sub for HB2380 - Senate Substitute for HB 2380 by Committee on Ways and Means - Increasing certain registration and title fees on vehicles for services performed by county treasurers and the division of vehicles and decreasing certain fees related to administrative costs and disposition of such fees and eliminating the division of vehicles modernization surcharge.
- HB2381 - Establishing the state energy plan task force to develop a comprehensive state energy plan.
- HB2382 - Making appropriations for the Kansas department for aging and disability services to provide services to individuals waiting to receive intellectual or developmental disability home and community-based services; lapsing state foundation aid and authorizing school districts to expend unencumbered cash balances.
- HB2383 - Providing for enhanced regulation of pharmacy benefits managers and requiring licensure rather than registration of such entities.
- HB2384 - Establishing the advisory committee on harm reduction to advise KDHE on reducing incidents of harm to individuals in the state.
- HB2385 - Expanding the pharmacist's scope of practice to include point-of-care testing for and treatment of certain health conditions.
- HB2386 - Establishing requirements for the payment and reimbursement of dental services by a dental benefit plan.
- HB2387 - Prohibiting the issuance of a request for proposal or entering into a new contract for the administration and provision of benefits under the medical assistance program and removing the authority of the governor to prohibit attending or conducting certain religious services and worship services.
- HB2388 - Requiring health benefit plans to cover certain professional services when performed by pharmacists.
- HB2389 - Authorizing a notice to appear for unlawful possession of marijuana and defining complaint in the Kansas code of criminal procedure to include such notice to appear.
- HB2390 - Making permanent certain exceptions to the disclosure of public records under the open records act, creating exemptions in the open records act for cyber security assessments, plans and vulnerabilities, prohibiting the filing of certain liens or claims against real or personal property and providing for criminal penalties and authorizing local correctional or detention officers and administrative hearing officers to have identifying information restricted from public access on public websites that identify home addresses or home ownership.
- HB2391 - Changing the secretary of state's business filings provisions, including instituting biennial business report filings, authorizing the secretary of state to contract with private entities for printing and binding services, changing publication and price requirements for publications of the secretary of state and repealing certain obsolete statutes including blanket music license filing provisions.
- HB2392 - Providing lifetime combination fishing, hunting and furharvester licenses to any Kansas air or army national guard veteran who served for 20 years and was honorably discharged.
- HB2393 - Providing workers compensation benefits for first responders suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.
- HB2394 - Increasing the amount of the research and development tax credit, expanding eligibility beyond corporate taxpayers and permitting transfer of the credit.
- HB2395 - Requiring marketplace facilitators to collect and remit sales and compensating use taxes, transient guest taxes and prepaid wireless 911 fees and providing nexus for certain retailers that make sales in Kansas.
- HB2396 - Making supplemental appropriations for fiscal years 2021 through 2032 for various state agencies and revising the pooled money investment portfolio repayment schedule.
- S Sub for Sub HB2397 - Senate Substitute for Substitute for HB 2397 by Committee on Ways and Means - Reconciling conflicting amendments to certain statutes.
- HB2398 - Enacting the technology-enabled trust bank act, providing requirements, fiduciary powers, duties, functions and limitations for trust banks and the administration thereof by the bank commissioner and creating an income and privilege tax credit for certain qualified distributions from trust banks.
- HB2399 - Amortizing the state and school KPERS unfunded actuarial liability over a 24-year period and eliminating certain level-dollar employer contribution payments.
- HB2400 - Enacting the massage therapist licensure act, to provide for regulation and licensing of massage therapists.
- HB2401 - Authorizing the secretary of corrections to enter agreements for public-private partnerships for projects for new or renovated buildings at correctional institutions for education, skills-building and spiritual needs programs; establishing a nonprofit corporation to receive gifts, donations, grants and other moneys and engage in fundraising projects for funding such projects for education, skills-building and spiritual needs programs.
- HB2402 - Excluding hypothetical leased fee when determining fair market value for property taxation purposes.
- HB2403 - Establishing the community defense act to regulate sexually oriented businesses and impose criminal penalties for violations.
- HB2404 - Providing a KPERS death and long-term disability employer contribution moratorium.
- HB2405 - Authorizing the issuance of $500,000,000 of pension obligation bonds to finance a portion of the unfunded actuarial liability of KPERS.
- HB2406 - Sunday start time for the sale of alcoholic liquor and cereal malt beverage in retail stores changed from 12 noon to 9 a.m.
- HB2407 - Requiring postsecondary educational institutions to adopt a policy on sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking.
- HB2408 - Authorizing the state historical society to convey certain real property to the Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska.
- HB2409 - Providing a permanent exemption for postsecondary educational institutions from the public buildings requirements under the personal and family protection act.
- HB2410 - Creating the gun violence restraining order act authorizing the issuance of court orders prohibiting the purchase or possession of firearms by a person.
- HB2411 - Authorizing local boards of eduction to choose which professional employees' organization to recognize as the exclusive bargaining unit for negotiations conducted under the professional negotiations act.
- HB2412 - Enacting the Kansas fights addiction act to establish a grant program for the purpose of preventing, reducing, treating and mitigating the effects of substance abuse and addiction.
- HB2413 - Providing a sales tax exemption for friends of hospice of Jefferson county.
- HB2414 - Eliminating the reduction of child day care assistance tax credit in subsequent years and limitations on eligible corporations and providing a credit for employer payments to organizations for child day care services access.
- HB2415 - Providing the state fire marshal with law enforcement powers and requiring an investigation of deaths resulting from fire.
- S Sub for HB2416 - Senate Substitute for HB 2416 by Committee on Judiciary – Requiring compensation for the use, restriction on use, damage, loss or destruction of property as a result of certain governmental actions, authorizing reimbursement of property taxes levied upon businesses shut down or restricted as a result of certain governmental actions related to contagious or infectious disease in humans and establishing the COVID-19 retail storefront property tax relief act to provide partial refunds to certain businesses impacted by COVID-19-related shutdowns and restrictions.
- HB2417 - Allowing clubs and drinking establishments to sell beer and cereal malt beverage for consumption off the licensed premises.
- HB2418 - Establishing an additional quarterly option for time of payment of property taxes for certain persons 65 years of age and older.
- HB2419 - Amendments regarding the licensure and regulation of barbering, including licensure fee amounts.
- HB2420 - Requiring prior year tax information to be included on the classification and appraised valuation notice.
- HB2421 - Providing income tax modifications for global intangible low-taxed income, business interest, capital contributions, FDIC premiums, business meals and payment protection program loans and expenses; expanding the expense deduction availability to income tax taxpayers and calculating the deduction amount; allowing an individual to itemize deductions in Kansas despite not itemizing on their federal return; and exempting from income compensation attributable to unemployment insurance ID fraud.
- HB2422 - Requiring all persons to be 18 years of age to be eligible to give consent for marriage and eliminating exceptions to such requirement.
- HB2423 - Authorizing continuation of the 20 mill statewide property tax levy for schools and the exemption of a portion of residential property from such levy.
- HB2424 - Amending the definition of "race" in the Kansas act against discrimination to include traits historically associated with race, including hair texture and protective hairstyles.
- HB2425 - Requiring a member of the state board of regents to be a student member nominated by the students' advisory committee.
- HB2426 - Authorizing municipalities to issue bonds and warrants in excess of expected revenue in the case of a declared emergency and raising the maximum bond interest rate.
- HB2427 - Requiring registration as a sex offender for certain violations of the crime of breach of privacy.
- HB2428 - Increasing rates of tax of cigarettes and tobacco products, establishing the cigarette and tobacco products cessation fund and providing for adjusted sales tax rate for food and food ingredients.
- HB2429 - Establishing the city utility low-interest loan program, allowing cities to apply to the state treasurer for loans from state unencumbered funds for extraordinary electric or natural gas costs incurred during the extreme winter weather event of February 2021.
- HB2430 - Creating the Kansas cannabis legalization act to authorize the cultivation, manufacture, sale, possession and use of cannabis and cannabis products.
- HB2431 - Expanding the rural opportunity zone program by changing the definition of rural opportunity zone, expanding eligibility for program participants, adding down payment assistance as a benefit under such program, providing for a two-track program and establishing a new rural community building program option.
- HB2432 - Adjusting the rate of sales and compensating use tax on food and food ingredients and implementing additional formulaic adjustments to tax rate.
- HB2433 - Protecting consumers and preventing online retail crime by requiring online marketplaces to verify and authenticate the identity of third parties who sell products on their platforms.
- HB2434 - Requiring business entities and public employers to register and use the e-verify program for employment purposes and disallowing certain income tax deductions.
- HB2435 - Defining emergency responders to include public safety telecommunicators.
- HB2436 - Enacting the Kansas medical marijuana regulation act and enacting the Kansas innovative solutions for affordable healthcare act to expand medical assistance eligibility.
- HB2437 - Creating a state tax credit for family caregivers of disabled veterans.
- HB2438 - Allowing disabled veterans to receive a property tax exemption for up to two motor vehicles.
- HB2439 - Creating the crime of unauthorized disclosure of a child's sexual orientation or gender identity.
- HB2440 - Creating a property tax exemption for retired and disabled veterans.
- HB2441 - Providing for the award of compensation by a governmental entity commandeering or using property under the Kansas emergency management act.
- HB2442 - Providing liability protection for businesses, municipalities and educational institutions that participate in high school work-based learning programs and providing that schools are responsible for injuries to students participating in such programs.
- HB2443 - Providing an employment preference for persons with a disability for state government positions.
- HB2444 - Authorizing sports wagering under the Kansas lottery act.
- HB2445 - Providing for a property tax exemption for health clubs.
- HB2446 - Providing income tax modifications for global intangible low-taxed income, business interest, capital contributions, business meals and payment protection program loans and expenses, expanding the expense deduction availability to income tax taxpayers and calculating the deduction amount, exempting from income compensation attributable to unemployment insurance identity fraud, requiring marketplace facilitators to collect and remit sales, use, transient guest taxes and 911 fees from sales made through their platforms, providing nexus for certain retailers and removing click-through nexus provisions, imposing sales tax on digital property and subscription services, increasing the Kansas standard deduction for income tax purposes and providing a refundable income tax credit for certain purchases of food and discontinuing the nonrefundable food sales tax credit.
- Sub HB2447 - Substitute HB 2447 by Committee on Judiciary - Permitting testimony to be presented using a two-way electronic audio-video communication device during a preliminary hearing.
- S Sub for HB2448 - Senate Substitute for HB 2448 by Committee on Public Health and Welfare - Requiring able-bodied adults without dependents to complete an employment and training program in order to receive food assistance.
- HB2449 - Prohibiting stay-at-home orders and curfews and certain public and private entities from requiring vaccinations, requiring the capitol and legislative meetings be open to the public and protecting the freedom of worship and operation of private businesses.
- HB2450 - Authorizing the Kansas lottery to offer sports wagering with an existing contract provider or to issue a request for proposal for such purpose.
- HB2451 - Directing that tobacco product manufacturer remittances be credited to the Kansas endowment for youth fund rather than deposited into escrow upon certification by the attorney general.
- HB2452 - Sourcing sales of motor vehicles to location of vehicle registration for sales and compensating use tax purposes.
- HB2453 - Authorizing the sale and delivery of cereal malt beverages and beer containing not more than 6% alcohol by volume to patrons under the Kansas cereal malt beverage act.
- HB2454 - Creating additional violations of criminal discharge of a firearm for discharges that are near a school or projectiles that leave the property from which they are discharged.
- HB2455 - Authorizing prison inmates to earn blood donation credit for early discharge from prison.
- HB2456 - Establishing the Kansas kids lifetime combination hunting and fishing license.
- HB2457 - Requiring boards of education of school districts to increase the compensation of classroom teachers based upon annual school district budget increases.
- S Sub for HB2458 - Senate Substitute for HB 2458 by Committee on Transportation - Limiting the liability of optometrists and ophthalmologists who report information to the division of vehicles relating to a person's vision.
- HB2459 - Enacting the Kansas health act and creating a universal single-payer guaranteed healthcare coverage program.
- HB2460 - Mandating coverage of certain diagnostic services for breast cancer and making and concerning appropriations for fiscal years ending June 30, 2023, June 30, 2023 and June 30, 2024.
- HB2461 - Providing for sales tax exemption for hygiene products.
- HB2462 - Removing the standing committee membership requirements for members of the joint committee on state-tribal relations.
- Sub HB2463 - Substitute for HB 2463 by Committee on Health and Human Services - Prohibiting changes to the medical assistance program, authorizing the legislative coordinating council to approve such changes and requiring the extension of the current medical assistance program.
- HB2464 - Providing a sales tax exemption for purchases to reconstruct, repair or replace certain fencing damaged or destroyed by wildfires.
- HB2465 - Reducing the criminal penalties for possessing, cultivating and distributing psilocyn or psilocybin.
- Sub HB2466 - Substitute for HB 2466 by Committee on Education - Establishing the promoting advancement in computing knowledge act to increase the availability of computer science education in Kansas schools and the career technical education credentialing and student transitioning to employment success pilot program; also exempting national assessment providers from the student online personal protection act.
- HB2467 - Providing a Kansas income tax subtraction modification for certain amounts received as compensation for members of the armed forces.
- HB2468 - Enacting the Kansas foster youth bill of rights.
- HB2469 - Enacting the Kansas foster parents bill of rights.
- HB2470 - Providing membership in the KP&F retirement system for certain security officers of the department of corrections and allowing certain service credit purchases of previous KPERS security officer service for purposes of KP&F retirement benefits.
- HB2471 - Prohibiting the use of restraints during hearings under the revised Kansas juvenile justice code and authorizing exceptions if the court holds a hearing and makes certain findings on the record.
- HB2472 - Making and concerning appropriations for fiscal year 2022 for the department of corrections; appropriating moneys that had been lapsed in fiscal year 2021 in the evidence-based programs account.
- HB2473 - Removing the requirement that all district court judges in Douglas county serve on the board of trustees of the law library.
- HB2474 - Allowing a court to change a spouse's name to a name that is different than a maiden or former name during a divorce proceeding.
- HB2475 - Prohibiting the Kansas highway patrol from conducting commercial motor vehicle spot inspections on certain highways unless certain conditions exist.
- HB2476 - Providing for the silver star medal, bronze star medal, city of Hutchinson and daughters of the American revolution distinctive license plates and four distinctive license plates for the Kansas department of wildlife and parks; authorizing the printing of the international symbol of access for disabled veteran distinctive license plates and parking privileges for certain physically disabled veterans; allowing veteran distinctive license plate applicants to provide a DD214 form, DD form 2 (Retired) or a Kansas veteran driver's license as proof of veteran status.
- HB2477 - Renewing certain provisions of law authorizing expanded practice by certain healthcare professionals and suspending certain licensure and other requirements for adult care homes.
- HB2478 - Designating a portion of United States highway 166 as the SGT Evan S Parker memorial highway, a portion of U.S. highway 56 as the PFC Shane Austin memorial highway, a portion of United States highway 69 as the Senator Tom R Van Sickle memorial highway, a certain bridge on K-126 as the Dennis Crain memorial bridge, a portion of United States highway 69 as the AMM2c Walter Scott Brown memorial highway and bridges on K-66 highway as veterans memorial bridge.
- HB2479 - Making unlawful the capture or possession of ornate box turtles.
- HB2480 - Amending the public water supply project loan program's definition of "project" to remove the definition's current exclusion of projects that are related to the diversion or transportation of water acquired through a water transfer.
- HB2481 - Authorizing KP&F participating service credit purchase for certain in-state nonfederal governmental employment.
- HB2482 - Discontinuing the sales tax exemption for vehicles purchased for rental or lease.
- HB2483 - Providing for the daughters of the American revolution distinctive license plate.
- HB2484 - Providing a 0% state rate for sales and use taxes for sales of food and food ingredients, providing for the levying of taxes by cities and counties and discontinuing the nonrefundable food sales tax credit.
- HB2485 - Providing for a sales tax exemption for sales made by student organizations that contract with schools.
- HB2486 - Providing for the use of electronic poll books in elections and the approval of such books by the secretary of state, making fraudulent use of electronic poll books a crime, prohibiting electronic voting systems or electronic poll books from having the capability of connecting to the internet, requiring election judges to check for any such connection and providing a deadline for post-election voting equipment testing and for notice of such testing on county websites.
- HB2487 - Providing a 0% state rate for sales and use taxes for sales of food and food ingredients and providing for the levying of taxes by cities and counties, providing for an exemption from sales and use taxes for sales of farm products sold at farmers' markets, and discontinuing the nonrefundable food sales tax credit.
- HB2488 - Establishing the EV energy equity road repair tax act and providing for a road repair tax on electricity distributed from a public charging station for electric vehicles.
- HB2489 - Amending provisions of the technology-enabled fiduciary financial institutions act relating to out-of-state financial institutions, banks and trust companies conducting fidfin transactions, fees and assessments, examinations, disclosures to consumers and requiring such institutions to be mandatory reporters for purposes of elder abuse.
- HB2490 - Authorizing the state treasurer to determine account owners and designated beneficiaries for an ABLE savings account, adding who may open such an account and requiring compliance with the federal internal revenue code.
- HB2491 - Designating a portion of United States highway 73 as the Col Chuck Rambo memorial highway.
- S Sub for HB2492 - Senate Substitute for HB 2492 by Committee on Ways and Means - Reconciling multiple amendments to certain statutes.
- HB2493 - Establishing certain requirements for property classified for residential purposes and land devoted to agricultural use.
- HB2494 - Providing for sales tax exemption for DCCCA, inc.
- S Sub for HB2495 - Senate Substitute for HB 2495 by Committee on Judiciary - Requiring retention of fingerprints by the Kansas bureau of investigation for participation in the federal rap back program; imposing restrictions on surveillance by certain employees of the Kansas department of wildlife and parks on private property; expanding the jurisdiction and powers of law enforcement officers to include situations when an activity is observed leading the officer to reasonably suspect a person is committing, has committed or is about to commit a crime and reasonably believe that a person is in imminent danger of death or bodily injury without immediate action; allowing a search warrant to be executed within 240 hours from the time of issuance; and directing the Kansas department for children and families to share certain information with investigating law enforcement agencies.
- HB2496 - Enacting the uniform family law arbitration act.
- HB2497 - Enacting the attracting powerful economic expansion act to provide for tax and other incentives for projects in specified industries, or for national corporate headquarters, that involve a significant capital investment, including a refundable tax credit for a portion of the investment, reimbursement of certain payroll costs and training costs, retention of certain payroll withholding taxes, a sales tax exemption for project construction and a property tax incentive for projects located and active in a foreign trade zone program.
- HB2498 - Prohibiting the secretary of health and environment from requiring COVID-19 vaccination for children attending school.
- HB2499 - Providing for a refund of sales and compensating use taxes paid on sales of property used in video, internet access and telecommunications services.
- HB2500 - Providing sales tax authority for Wilson county.
- HB2501 - Creating the defend the guard act to establish when the Kansas national guard may be released into active duty combat and to prohibit COVID-19 vaccination requirements for national guard members.
- HB2502 - Authorizing retail liquor stores to sell and deliver alcoholic liquor and cereal malt beverages to a caterer, public venue, club or drinking establishment located in any county.
- HB2503 - Requiring applicants using a bill of sale for an antique vehicle certificate of title application to be a licensed vehicle dealer unless the applicant provides proof of insurance and applies for vehicle registration and authorizing county sheriffs to perform antique vehicle VIN inspections.
- Sub HB2504 - Substitute for HB 2504 by Committee on Transportation - Allowing the printing of the international symbol of access for disabled veteran distinctive license plates and certain parking privileges for disabled veterans who meet certain physical disability definitions.
- HB2505 - Providing exemptions for college and career readiness assessments under the student data privacy act and the student online personal protection act.
- HB2506 - Including certain uses of recreational off-highway vehicles as farm machinery and equipment for purposes of exemption from property taxation.
- HB2507 - Adding denial of civil rights based on a person's disability to the crime of denial of civil rights.
- HB2508 - Modifying the definition of possession in the Kansas criminal code, modifying the elements of and making changes to the criminal penalties of abuse of a child, requiring a forfeiture of an appearance bond to be set aside in certain circumstances, permitting testimony to be presented using a two-way electronic audio-video communication device during a preliminary hearing, making changes to the process for evaluating and treating people who are undergoing evaluation for competency to stand trial and allowing mobile competency evaluations.
- HB2509 - Expanding deferred retirement option program (DROP) membership to all KP&F members.
- HB2510 - Appropriations for FY 2022, FY 2023, and FY 2024, for various state agencies; 2022 omnibus bill; authorizing certain transfers and capital improvement projects.
- HB2511 - Authorizing certain students to participate in activities regulated by the Kansas state high school activities association and making members of or persons employed by the Kansas state high school activities association mandatory reporters of child abuse and neglect.
- Sub for Sub HB2512 - Substitute for Substitute for HB 2512 by Committee on K-12 Education Budget - Making appropriations for the Kansas state department of education for FY 2022, FY 2023 and FY 2024, establishing requirements relating to academic achievement and third-grade literacy, authorizing credits to be earned through alternative educational opportunities, requiring KSHSAA members and employees to report child abuse and neglect, requiring boards of education of school districts to consider district needs assessments and academic assessments when approving district budgets, authorizing part-time enrollment for certain students, establishing an alternative graduation rate calculation for virtual schools, providing virtual school state aid for credit deficient students and amending the age of initial eligibility for the tax credit for low income students scholarship program.
- HB2513 - Requiring school districts to provide copies of certain tests, questionnaires, surveys or examinations to parents prior to obtaining consent to administer such test, questionnaire, survey or examination and prohibiting collection of personally identifiable student data.
- HB2514 - Authorizing school districts to provide part-time enrollment options for certain students.
- HB2515 - Creating a mechanism to seek relief from the Kansas offender registration act requirements for drug offenders and allowing expungement of offenses when such relief is granted.
- HB2516 - Requiring an offender who raises error in such offender's criminal history calculation for the first time on appeal to show prejudicial error and authorizing the court to correct an illegal sentence while a direct appeal is pending.
- HB2517 - Transferring the responsibility to certify drug abuse treatment providers that participate in the certified drug abuse treatment program from the department of corrections to the Kansas sentencing commission.
- HB2518 - Amending the city general improvement and assessment law dealing with the creation of improvement districts; requiring mailed notice by first class mail to all property owners proposed to be included in an improvement district; eliminating the ability of resident property owners of more than one-half the area proposed to be included in an improvement district to petition to form a district; and requiring disclosure in real estate contracts that the property is subject to special assessments and making such contracts voidable by the buyer if such notice is not included in the contract.
- HB2519 - Proposing congressional redistricting map blue stem.
- HB2520 - Proposing congressional redistricting map sunflower.
- HB2521 - Proposing congressional redistricting map buffalo two.
- Sub HB2522 - Substitute for HB 2522 by Committee on Redistricting - Proposing congressional redistricting map ad astra two.
- HB2523 - Concerning the state board of veterinary examiners and the regulation of licensed veterinarians and registered veterinarian technicians; penalties; fees; investigative and disciplinary proceedings.
- HB2524 - Requiring the secretary for aging and disability services to regulate supplemental nursing services agencies in the state of Kansas.
- HB2525 - Removing non-cooperation with child support from requirements for food and child care assistance eligibility and exempting adults enrolled in school from the 20-hour-per-week work requirement for child care assistance eligibility for a limited time.
- HB2526 - Enacting the Kansas home inspectors professional competence and financial responsibility act and providing for registration for home inspectors with oversight by the attorney general.
- HB2527 - Removing the authority for law enforcement officers to deliver a child in need of care to a court services officer and prohibiting supervision of persons found not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect by court services officers.
- HB2528 - Removing inflatable devices that are owned and operated by a nonprofit organization from the requirements of the Kansas amusement ride act.
- HB2529 - Allowing veteran license plate applicants to use either a DD214 form, a military veteran identification card or veteran health identification card for proof of veteran status.
- HB2530 - Prohibiting the use of identifiable meat terms on the labels of meat analogs when such labels do not include proper qualifying language to indicate that such products do not contain meat.
- HB2531 - Allowing certain persons to use the right-of-way of any county road or township road to install, maintain and operate one or more pipelines for agricultural activities.
- HB2532 - Concerning the state board of veterinary examiners and the regulation of licensed veterinarians and registered veterinarian technicians; relating to penalties, fees and investigative and disciplinary proceedings.
- HB2533 - Proposing congressional redistricting map mushroom rock.
- HB2534 - Proposing congressional redistricting plan prairie dog.
- HB2535 - Enacting the individual liberty preservation act to nullify certain federal COVID-19 vaccine requirements, prohibit enforcement of such requirements and provide criminal penalties for violations.
- HB2536 - Providing sexual assault survivors with certain rights.
- HB2537 - Requiring the insurance department to hold a hearing in cases involving an order under the Kansas administrative procedure act.
- HB2538 - Modifying the time requirement for holding a preliminary hearing and allowing testimony to be presented through two-way electronic audio-visual communication devices.
- HB2539 - Creating the crime of violence in the presence of a child and providing criminal penalties for violation thereof.
- HB2540 - Updating schedules I, II, IV and V of the uniform controlled substances act and excluding FDA-approved drug products from the definition of marijuana.
- HB2541 - Crediting docket fees to the state general fund instead of the judicial branch docket fee fund; crediting marriage license fees and drivers' license reinstatement fees to the state general fund instead of the judicial branch nonjudicial salary adjustment fund.
- HB2542 - Creating the crime of abuse of a sports official and providing criminal penalties therefor.
- HB2543 - Expanding eligibility for Kansas senior care act services to include Kansas residents younger than 60 years of age with younger-onset Alzheimer's disease.
- HB2544 - Excluding persons credentialed in the field of nutrition who are providing related advice from the application of the dieticians licensing act.
- HB2545 - Defining non-covered dental benefits under health insurance plans.
- HB2546 - Requiring health benefits plans that provide dental care services to provide certain information, accept certain claims and not reduce certain payments.
- HB2547 - Authorizing technology-enabled fiduciary financial institution insurance companies within the captive insurance act and providing for the requirements and operations thereof.
- HB2548 - Implementing additional reporting requirements for informational technology projects and state agencies and requiring additional information technology security training and status reports.
- HB2549 - Authorizing municipalities to adopt local zoning regulations that establish a minimum distance between group homes in single family residential zones.
- HB2550 - Establishing the student empowerment act to provide education savings accounts for certain students to use to attend participating private schools.
- HB2551 - Prohibiting the state department of education from enforcing remote learning limitations and providing for the repeal of such limitations.
- HB2552 - Defining in-state and interstate practitioners under the Kansas telemedicine act, establishing certain standards of care, requiring certain insurance coverage of in-state telemedicine services and establishing the Kansas telehealth advisory committee.
- HB2553 - Allowing K-12 students to transfer to and attend school in any school district in the state.
- HB2554 - Converting the conditional charter issued for the pilot program under the technology-enabled fiduciary financial institutions act to a full fiduciary financial institution charter.
- HB2555 - Requiring a county election officer to send a confirmation of address when there is no election-related activity for any four calendar year period.
- HB2556 - Prohibiting denial of a petition for expungement due to the petitioner's inability to pay outstanding costs, fees, fines or restitution.
- HB2557 - Prohibiting the denial of a petition for expungement of a juvenile offense due to the petitioner's inability to pay outstanding costs, fees, fines or restitution and authorizing expungement if the juvenile has not committed an offense in the previous two years.
- HB2558 - Providing a Kansas income tax subtraction modification for contributions to the board of pharmacy as a donation, gift or bequest supporting the prescription monitoring program.
- HB2559 - Creating the Kansas cotton boll weevil program and requiring the program to levy an assessment upon Kansas produced cotton and monitor and mitigate the risk of boll weevils; concerning the Kansas seed law and the commercial industrial hemp act; relating to labeling; seeds treated with certain substances; definitions; labeling; unlawful actions; certain registrations; inspections; live plant dealers; and testing services.
- HB2560 - Extending certain penalties, fees and maximum amounts of fees and the expiration dates of certain programs of the Kansas department of agriculture.
- HB2561 - Making and concerning appropriations for fiscal year 2022 for the department of education to pay the actuarial cost of certain delayed KPERS employer contributions, authorizing certain transfers from the state general fund to the Kansas public employees retirement fund during fiscal year 2022 and eliminating certain level-dollar KPERS employer contribution payments.
- HB2562 - Imposing certain health insurance coverage requirements for screening and diagnostic examinations for breast cancer.
- HB2563 - Concerning the Kansas seed law and the commercial industrial hemp act; relating to labeling; seeds treated with certain substances; definitions; labeling; unlawful actions; certain registrations; inspections; live plant dealers; and testing services.
- HB2564 - Updating the version of risk-based capital instructions in effect.
- HB2565 - Requiring county election officers to provide precinct level election results in machine readable format within 30 days of any final canvas.
- HB2566 - Creating a microwinery license to manufacture and sell wine, and requiring a farm winery licensee to engage in farm-related activities.
- S Sub for HB2567 - Senate Substitute for HB 2567 by Committee on Ways and Means - Making appropriations for the Kansas state department of education for FY 22, FY 23 and FY 24; enacting the every child can read act; authorizing course credits to be earned outside the classroom; making members of the Kansas state high school activities association mandatory reporters of child abuse and neglect; requiring school districts to consider certain assessments when budgeting for the following school year; authorizing part-time school district enrollment; establishing open enrollment requirements for school districts; amending the initial age of eligibility for the tax credit for low income students scholarship program; making changes to the virtual school act and authorizing additional virtual school state aid; removing federal impact aid from the determination of local foundation aid; amending the capital improvement state aid formula; requiring the state department of education to report on student achievement outcomes; amending the Kansas promise scholarship act; establishing requirements for certain nonacademic surveys and questionnaires; increasing educational benefits for relatives of deceased, injured or disabled public safety officers, military personnel and prisoners of war; and authorizing additional education programs under the Jonson county education research triangle authority act.
- HB2568 - Amending the Kansas mortgage business act by providing for mortgage business work at remote locations, license and registration renewal or reinstatement procedures, surety bond requirements and evidence of solvency and net worth and requiring notice when adding or closing branch offices.
- HB2569 - Establishing a new income tax credit for renovation of 50-year-old and older structures and amending the existing income tax credit for historic structures.
- HB2570 - Requiring audits of any federal, statewide or state legislative race that is within 1% of the total votes cast and requiring randomized audits of elections procedures used in four counties in even-numbered years.
- HB2571 - Providing a deduction from sales or compensating use tax when selling and buying different motor vehicles within 180 days.
- HB2572 - Computing income tax rates through the use of formulas.
- HB2573 - Updating income eligibility requirements for the state children's health insurance program and eliminating the waiting period for certain persons to participate in the program.
- HB2574 - Establishing a time limitation for awarding compensation for mental health counseling and increasing certain compensation award amounts by the crime victims compensation board.
- HB2575 - Requiring certain records to be automatically expunged from a person's criminal record.
- HB2576 - Extending the time frame for governmental ethics commission hearings once probable cause is found; allowing federal officials to assist commission investigations.
- HB2577 - Making technical amendments to the campaign finance act, extending the time frame for investigative hearings before the governmental ethics commission, and allowing federal officials to assist commission investigations.
- HB2578 - Lowering petition requirements for recognition of political parties.
- HB2579 - Requiring electronic filing of campaign reports by candidates for state office unless an exemption is granted for cause.
- HB2580 - Authorizing legislators who are law enforcement officers to count legislative service toward continuing law enforcement education or training.
- HB2581 - Creating a mechanism to seek relief from the Kansas offender registration act requirements, decreasing criminal penalties for failure to register, allowing courts to waive fees associated with registration, reducing number of places a person is required to register and eliminating registration for most juvenile adjudications.
- HB2582 - Directing the Kansas department for children and families to share certain information with investigating law enforcement agencies.
- HB2583 - Providing an annual KPERS cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) on the occurrence of certain investment returns and increases to the consumer price index as certified by the KPERS board or executive director as designated by the board.
- HB2584 - Providing a post-retirement cost-of-living adjustment for certain KPERS retirants.
- HB2585 - Requiring all advance voting ballots be returned by 7 pm on election day.
- HB2586 - Enacting the Kansas work and save program act, allowing certain individuals to contribute to individual retirement accounts and providing administrative duties and powers of the state treasurer regarding such program.
- HB2587 - Requiring schools to establish policies and concussion management teams to prevent and manage concussions within school.
- HB2588 - Appropriations for FY 2023, FY 2024 and FY 2025 for various state agencies.
- HB2589 - Making null and void the approval by the state finance council for the renovation of building No. 3, Docking state office building, and the authority to issue bonds for such renovation.
- HB2590 - Repealing the authority of the state finance council to approve an expenditure request of moneys from the federal government for aid for coronavirus relief while the legislature is in session during fiscal year 2022.
- HB2591 - Repealing the state general fund and conservation fee fund transfers to the abandoned oil and gas well fund.
- HB2592 - Making and concerning supplemental appropriations for fiscal years 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025 for various state agencies.
- HB2593 - Reducing the KPERS working after retirement employer contribution rate to only the statutory rate and decreasing the waiting period to 60 days for certain retirants employed by a school district for a period ending June 30, 2024.
- HB2594 - Exempting certain modifications on antique vehicles from vehicle identification number offense seizures and dispositions.
- HB2595 - Making certain antique vehicle titling procedures applicable to vehicles having a model year 60 years old or older.
- HB2596 - Authorizing the board of education of a school district to contract with transportation network companies to provide certain transportation services.
- S Sub for HB2597 - Senate Substitute for HB 2597 by Committee on Assessment and Taxation – Establishing a property tax revenue neutral rate complaint process, authorizing the county clerk to limit the amount of ad valorem taxes to be levied in certain circumstances, establishing a deadline for budgets to be filed with the director of accounts and reports, requiring roll call votes and publication of information, amending the definition of land devoted to agricultural use for property tax purposes to include incidental agritourism activity and zoos, providing for land devoted to agricultural use that is subject to the federal grassland conservation reserve program to be classified as grassland, establishing a property tax exemption for antique utility trailers and allowing for the proration of value for property tax purposes when certain personal property is acquired or sold prior to September 1 of any tax year.
- HB2598 - Authorizing state educational institutions to convey real property given to such institution as an endowment, bequest or gift, following board of regents policies; authorizing the board of regents to adopt such policies.
- HB2599 - Authorizing the state board of regents to exchange and convey certain real property in Douglas county, Kansas, on behalf of the university of Kansas and to accept certain real property in Douglas county, Kansas, from the Kansas university endowment association.
- HB2600 - Authorizing the state board of regents on behalf of Emporia state university to sell certain real property in the city of Emporia, Lyon county, Kansas; the university of Kansas to exchange and convey certain real property in Douglas county, Kansas, and to accept certain real property in Douglas county, Kansas, from the Kansas university endowment association; Kansas state university to sell certain real property in Riley county and Cherokee county, Kansas, and Douglas county, Nebraska; and Pittsburg state university to sell certain real property in the city of Pittsburg, Crawford county, Kansas.
- HB2601 - Authorizing the state board of regents to sell and convey certain real property in Riley county and Cherokee county, Kansas, and Douglas county, Nebraska, on behalf of Kansas state university.
- HB2602 - Providing an alternative calculation of graduation rates for virtual schools based on students' earned credits at the time of enrollment in the virtual school.
- HB2603 - Allowing victims of childhood sexual abuse to bring a civil action for recovery of damages caused by such abuse at any time and reviving claims against any party for such damages that occurred on or after July 1, 1984.
- HB2604 - Prohibiting final hemp products that are intended for food, seed, seed meal and seed oil for consumption from containing any tetrahydrocannabinol.
- HB2605 - Increasing the rural population requirement maximum for the veterinary training program for rural Kansas and creating a food animal percentage requirement that may be fulfilled in lieu thereof.
- HB2606 - Authorizing transfers from the state general fund to the local ad valorem tax reduction fund, county and city revenue sharing fund and special city and county highway fund resuming in fiscal year 2023.
- HB2607 - Clarifying the time limitations for habeas corpus claims, requiring earlier notice of anticipated release from custody of a person who may be a sexually violent predator to the attorney general and a multidisciplinary team and specifying where such person will be detained during civil commitment proceedings.
- HB2608 - Removing provisions authorizing criminal restitution to be enforced as a civil judgment and authorizing judicial districts to contract for collection services for criminal restitution.
- HB2609 - Allowing restricted driver's license holders to drive to and from worship services for any religious organizations at age 15.
- HB2610 - Allowing postsecondary educational institutions to prohibit concealed carry of handguns by persons in buildings but not licensees under the personal and family protection act unless the building has adequate security measures.
- HB2611 - Authorizing home delivery of alcoholic liquor and cereal malt beverage by a licensed retailer, including delivery through a third-party delivery service.
- HB2612 - Authorizing a self-funded cost-of-living adjustment retirement benefit option for certain members of KPERS.
- HB2613 - Providing a permanent exemption for postsecondary educational institutions from the public buildings requirements under the personal and family protection act.
- HB2614 - Creating the gun violence restraining order act authorizing the issuance of court orders prohibiting the purchase or possession of firearms by a person.
- Sub HB2615 - Substitute for HB 2615 by Committee on K-12 Education Budget - Allowing K-12 students to transfer to and attend school in any school district in the state.
- HB2616 - Reducing the rate of sales and compensating use taxes on sales of food and food ingredients.
- HB2617 - Allowing for immediate family members to receive vital statistics records of deceased family members, regardless of adoptive status.
- HB2618 - Establishing a five-year property tax exemption for city, county and township property used for business incubator purposes in counties with a population of 40,000 or less.
- HB2619 - Requiring the total compensation of elected county and city officers be posted on such county's or city's website.
- HB2620 - Creating the crime of interference with the conduct of a hospital, providing criminal penalties for violation thereof and increasing the criminal penalties for battery of a healthcare provider who is employed by a hospital.
- HB2621 - Prohibiting the state school for the deaf from dismissing or transferring any student who gains access to hearing.
- HB2622 - Enacting the motor vehicle financial protection products act and providing definitions, requirements and procedures regarding the offering of such products.
- HB2623 - Enacting the rural remote worker incentive act and providing definitions, requirements, procedures and administrative duties of the secretary of commerce regarding such incentives therefor.
- HB2624 - Increasing the time of an initial restraining order and possible extensions issued in a protection from abuse order or a protection from stalking, sexual assault or human trafficking order.
- HB2625 - Creating the crime of elector fraud to make it a crime to falsify presidential elector certificates.
- HB2626 - Regarding the teacher service scholarship program; making and concerning appropriations for the program for fiscal years ending June 30, 2023, June 30, 2024, June 30, 2025, June 30, 2026, and June 30, 2027, for the state board of regents.
- HB2627 - Establishing the aspiring future teacher of the year scholarship and grant program; such scholarships and grants based on the recipients of the Kansas teacher of the year award backgrounds and attributes; making and concerning appropriations for the program for fiscal years ending June 30, 2023, June 30, 2024, June 30, 2025, June 30, 2026, and June 30, 2027, for the department of education for such scholarships and grants.
- HB2628 - Expanding the definition of reckless driving to include operating a vehicle at a speed of 100 miles per hour or more.
- Sub HB2629 - Substitute for HB 2629 by Committee on Transportation - Removing mandatory jail time for a habitual violator convicted of driving while the driver's license of the person is canceled, suspended or revoked for failure to comply with a traffic citation.
- HB2630 - Establishing fees for the transportation of certain radioactive materials in the state and establishing the radioactive materials transportation operating fund.
- HB2631 - Enacting the career technical education credential and transition incentive for employment success act to provide additional state aid for school districts based on students obtaining a credential.
- HB2632 - Requiring a referral of an alleged victim of child abuse or neglect for a examination as part of an investigation, creating a program in the department of health and environment to provide training and payment and defining child abuse review and evaluation providers, networks, examinations and referrals and child abuse medical resource centers.
- HB2633 - Providing for the city of Hutchinson distinctive license plate.
- HB2634 - Requiring a waiver of extradition proceedings as a condition of bond.
- HB2635 - Adopting the national association of insurance commissioner's amendments to the unfair trade practices act excluding commercial property and casualty insurance producers, brokers and insurers from prohibitions on giving rebates as an inducement to sales.
- HB2636 - Authorizing the state board of regents to sell and convey certain real property in the city of Pittsburg, Crawford county, Kansas, on behalf of Pittsburg state university.
- HB2637 - Establishing an exemption for certain physicians and other providers from certain health maintenance organization preauthorization requirements.
- HB2638 - Adding automobile windshield repair and replacement to services covered by service contracts.
- HB2639 - Increasing the amount of retirant compensation subject to the statutory employer contribution rate and for a period ending June 30, 2023, reducing the employer contribution rate to the statutory rate for all compensation when employing retirants who are retired for one year or more when hired by a participating employer.
- HB2640 - Creating a new process for criminal forfeiture of property with a value of less than $100,000 that is used in the commission of certain crimes or is proceeds derived from certain crimes.
- HB2641 - Prohibiting the state board of regents from fixing a higher rate of tuition, fees and charges for nonresident students.
- HB2642 - Allowing a proposition related to the method of selecting judges of the district court to be submitted to the voters more than once every eight years.
- HB2643 - Prohibiting sexually oriented businesses from obtaining a club and drinking establishment license and prohibiting the sale or consumption of alcohol or cereal malt beverage on such business premises.
- HB2644 - Designating the Sandhill plum as the official state fruit.
- HB2645 - Requiring county election officers to ensure electronic data and digital images of ballots are protected from physical or electronic alteration or destruction and making digital images of ballots open records and searchable by precinct.
- HB2646 - Providing security specifications for paper ballots purchased from vendors and requiring reimbursement of county expenditures needed to comply.
- HB2647 - Adding a parent's history of committing child sexual abuse to the factors the court shall consider in awarding legal custody, residency and parenting time of a child and creating a rebuttable presumption that it is not in the best interest of the child to have parenting time granted to a parent who is subject to certain sex offender registration requirements.
- HB2648 - Requiring a criminal conviction for civil asset forfeiture, remitting proceeds from civil asset forfeiture to the state general fund and removing provisions making motor vehicles with altered vehicle identification numbers contraband.
- HB2649 - Prohibiting virtual schools from offering or providing any financial incentive for a student to enroll in a virtual school.
- HB2650 - Allowing advanced practice registered nurses to sign do not resuscitate orders.
- HB2651 - Allowing a person to petition the court for a payment plan to pay traffic fees, fines and court costs.
- HB2652 - Continuing the governmental response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Kansas by extending the expanded use of telemedicine, the authority of the board of healing arts to grant certain temporary emergency licenses, the suspension of certain requirements related to medical care facilities and immunity from civil liability for certain healthcare providers, certain persons conducting business in this state and covered facilities for COVID-19 claims until January 20, 2023.
- HB2653 - Requiring county election officers provide ballot images to candidates on request.
- HB2654 - Providing guidance to determine how offenders under the supervision of two or more supervision agency can have supervision consolidated into one agency.
- HB2655 - Requiring the secretary of corrections to establish procedures to provide inmates with an opportunity to take a nationally recognized career readiness assessment.
- HB2656 - Requiring law enforcement agencies to adopt policies related to motorcycle profiling and requiring law enforcement officers to participate in training related to motorcycle profiling.
- HB2657 - Enacting the reduce armed violence act to increase the criminal penalties for certain violations of criminal possession of a weapon by a convicted felon that involve firearms.
- HB2658 - Replacing the list of standard conditions of probation and allowing for special conditions of probation.
- HB2659 - Enacting the sudden cardiac arrest prevention act to require school information and policies to address sudden cardiac arrest in school athletic activities.
- HB2660 - Directing the capitol preservation committee to develop and approve plans for a mural honoring the 1st Kansas (Colored) Voluntary Infantry regiment.
- HB2661 - Authorizing a permanent memorial commemorating the Kansas suffragist movement to be placed in the state capitol and establishing the Kansas suffragist memorial fund.
- Sub HB2662 - Substitute for HB 2662 by Committee on K-12 Education Budget - Establishing the parents' bill of rights and academic transparency act, requiring school districts to establish parent transparency portals to provide information on materials that are used or made available in schools, prohibiting schools from non-renewing a teacher's contract for refusing to teach against certain beliefs or practices and establishing requirements for the administration of certain nonacademic tests, questionnaires, surveys and examinations.
- HB2663 - Requiring the secretary for aging and disability services to base nursing facility reimbursement rates upon actual costs.
- HB2664 - Prohibiting banks, trust companies, credit unions and other business entities from discriminating based on certain subjective or arbitrary factors.
- HB2665 - Amending the Kansas act against discrimination to include sexual orientation and gender identity or expression.
- HB2666 - Allowing an individual to have a gender designation of "X" on driver's licenses and allowing an individual to change the gender designation on a driver's license, instruction permit or nondriver's identification card.
- HB2667 - Requiring the state capitol and legislative meetings to be open to the public.
- HB2668 - Prohibiting certain restrictions on freedom of worship by governmental entities and public officials, limiting related state of disaster emergency powers of the governor and state of local disaster emergency powers of counties and cities and limiting related powers of the secretary of health and environment and local health officers.
- HB2669 - Requiring child care facilities and schools to grant religious exemptions from vaccination requirements without inquiring into the sincerity of the religious beliefs.
- HB2670 - Prohibiting certain acts by business entities, governmental entities or public officials based upon a person's vaccination status or possession of an immunity passport, amending the Kansas act against discrimination to define unlawful employment practices related to vaccination status or possession of an immunity passport and limiting powers of the secretary of health and environment and local health officers.
- HB2671 - Requiring statutory due process procedures for a school district's non-renewal or termination of a teacher contract.
- HB2672 - Creating the open borders for Kansas jobs act providing that professionals in certain occupations holding credentials from a state that has substantially equivalent requirements for such credentials as Kansas may be issued Kansas licenses or certifications.
- HB2673 - Expanding the number of presumptive and border grid blocks in the sentencing grid for drug crimes.
- HB2674 - Requiring a forfeiture of an appearance bond to be set aside in certain circumstances.
- HB2675 - Expanding medical assistance eligibility and directing unemployed adults seeking coverage to a work referral program.
- HB2676 - Authorizing counties to create a code inspection and enforcement fund and expanding the scope of the equipment reserve fund to include other computer and electronic technologies.
- HB2677 - Prohibiting persons in charge of a building from requiring off-duty police officers carrying a concealed handgun from providing certain personal information or wearing anything identifying such persons as a law enforcement officer or as being armed.
- HB2678 - Ensuring a right to in-person visitation at medical care facilities and adult care homes, prohibiting certain public health orders related to isolation and quarantine, stay-at-home orders, curfews and face masks, limiting isolation or quarantine orders to recommendations and providing criminal penalties for certain violations, limiting state of disaster emergency powers of the governor and state of local disaster emergency powers of counties and cities related to stay-at-home orders, curfews and face masks and limiting powers of the secretary of health and environment and local health officers.
- HB2679 - Prohibiting certain restrictions on the operation of private businesses by governmental entities and public officials, limiting related state of disaster emergency powers of the governor and state of local disaster emergency powers of counties and cities and limiting related powers of the secretary of health and environment and local health officers.
- HB2680 - Establishing the Kansas employee emergency savings account (KEESA) program to allow eligible employers to establish employee savings accounts, providing an income and privilege tax credit for certain eligible employer deposits to such employee savings accounts and providing a subtraction modification for certain employee deposits to such savings accounts.
- HB2681 - Requiring all forfeited or seized firearms in the possession of a law enforcement agency to be disposed of in accordance with the Kansas code of criminal procedure.
- HB2682 - Validating the election held on November 2, 2021, to approve a retailers' sales tax levy by the city of Latham.
- HB2683 - Providing a sales tax exemption for purchases by crisis pregnancy centers.
- HB2684 - Providing a sales tax exemption for area agencies on aging.
- HB2685 - Establishing the Kansas student achievement accountability act to require students to show grade level proficiency on state assessments before promotion to the next grade level and requiring state assessments to be provided to each grade level in each school year.
- Sub HB2686 - Substitute for HB 2686 by Committee on Water - Requiring groundwater management districts to provide certain reports to the legislature and distributing a portion of the sales and compensating use tax to the state water plan fund.
- HB2687 - Eliminating certain level-dollar KPERS employer contribution payments.
- HB2688 - Requiring that licensed farm wineries be issued a cereal malt beverage retailer license if the statutory requirements for such retailer license are satisfied.
- HB2689 - Limiting cost recovery of replacing coal-fired electric generation facilities in rates, requiring public utilities to purchase certain electricity generated from coal-fired facilities and exempting certain coal-fired electric generation facilities from regulation.
- HB2690 - Establishing the legislative award for excellence in teaching program to provide merit-based bonuses to teachers in certain school districts, establishing the every child can read act to focus on third-grade literacy proficiency and requiring the state department of education to provide summary academic achievement reports.
- HB2691 - Prohibiting any restriction on access to any service or facility related to the selling or renting of property based on certain lawful expressions of personal beliefs in nonprofessional settings.
- HB2692 - Requiring certain appointments to the Kansas commission on peace officers' standards and training to be made with preferences to increase diversity on the commission and be made by the Kansas state conference of NAACP branches and increasing the number of people on the commission.
- HB2693 - Eliminating the division of vehicles modernization surcharge.
- HB2694 - Enacting the third party litigation financing consumer protection act to require regulation of litigation financing.
- HB2695 - Prohibiting smoking in a motor vehicle when persons under the legal age to purchase cigarettes are present.
- HB2696 - Establishing electric generation requirements for certain renewable energy resources that provide baseload generation supply to public utilities.
- HB2697 - Making changes to the process for evaluating and treating people who are undergoing evaluation for competency to stand trial and allowing such evaluation and treatment at various facilities.
- HB2698 - Establishing a legislative joint committee to study pharmacy workplace conditions and the impact of such conditions on patient safety.
- HB2699 - Exempting any skilled nursing care facility for which the secretary for aging and disability services is appointed as receiver from the quality care assessment.
- HB2700 - Requiring the Kansas department for children and families to review certain needs and attachments of a child before giving consent for an adoption and the court to determine such review occurred.
- HB2701 - Allowing the use of bond proceeds under the Kansas rural housing incentive district act for residential development of certain buildings within economically distressed urban areas.
- HB2702 - Making privately contracted school bus drivers eligible for benefits under the employment security law.
- HB2703 - Changing law relating to employment including employment security law provisions regarding the employment security fund status and employer contribution rates and the definition of employment to conform with federal law, making revisions to the department of labor’s my reemployment plan program and enacting the Kansas targeted employment act to facilitate employment of persons with developmental disabilities through a tax credit incentive for employers.
- HB2704 - Making notification to an injured employee by an employer or insurance carrier of any change to workers compensation benefits discretionary, providing that employees seeking workers compensation benefits waive the patient privilege preventing access to medical information, prohibiting infringement of the employer's right to direct medical treatment, requiring that questions by the director of workers compensation to a healthcare provider for an examination ordered by the director be in writing, providing that partial work weeks be counted as full weeks for purposes of computing average wages and excluding expert witness costs from court costs that may be awarded a claimant.
- HB2705 - Removing the rebuttable presumption of an intent to distribute controlled substances and replacing it with a permissive inference.
- HB2706 - Specifying that final hemp products may contain a delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of not more than 0.3% and allowing certain prohibited hemp products to be manufactured, marketed, sold or distributed.
- HB2707 - Expanding the election crime of corrupt political advertising to be consistent with the campaign finance act and clarifying the scope of its application.
- HB2708 - Establishing standards for laboratory licenses that test medical marijuana and requiring the director of alcoholic beverage control to adopt rules and regulations regarding testing laboratories.
- HB2709 - Providing a sales tax exemption for purchases by a not-for-profit corporation operating a community theater.
- HB2710 - Increasing the percentage of alcohol by volume allowed to not more than 16% for domestic table wine and the domestic fortified wine threshold to more than 16% alcohol by volume.
- HB2711 - Reducing the rate of sales and compensating use taxes on all sales and further reducing the rate on sales of food and food ingredients and making the food sales income tax credit refundable.
- HB2712 - Establishing the Kansas commission for the United States semiquincentennial.
- HB2713 - Providing membership in the KP&F retirement system for certain security officers of the department of corrections and for certain law enforcement officers and employees of the Kansas department of wildlife and parks.
- HB2714 - Prohibiting discrimination based on COVID-19 vaccination status under the Kansas act against discrimination.
- HB2715 - Establishing a certification program for county election officials to be developed by the secretary of state and the Kansas county clerks and election officials association.
- HB2716 - Concerning the authorization of educational benefits for spouses and dependents of deceased, injured or disabled public safety officers and employees and certain deceased, injured or disabled military personnel and prisoners of war; definitions; increasing the limitation on reimbursements to Kansas educational institutions.
- HB2717 - Prohibiting any municipality from preventing the enforcement of federal immigration laws, requiring municipal law enforcement agencies to provide written notice to each law enforcement officer of the officer's duty to cooperate with state and federal agencies in the enforcement of immigration laws and requiring any municipal identification card to state on its face that it is not valid for state identification.
- HB2718 - Providing a sales tax exemption for certain purchases and sales by the Johnson county Christmas bureau association.
- HB2719 - Providing that the telecommunications machinery and equipment property tax exemption includes inventory and work-in-progress machinery and equipment.
- HB2720 - Reducing the rate of sales and compensating use taxes on sales of food.
- HB2721 - Providing a sales tax exemption for sales of over-the-counter drugs.
- HB2722 - Creating a procedure for appointment of delegates to a convention under article V of the constitution of the United States and prescribing duties and responsibilities therefor.
- HB2723 - Authorizing the animal health commissioner to impose a civil penalty for violations related to transporting animals into the state.
- HB2724 - Excluding the required 20 mills for school districts from the notice and public hearing requirements to exceed the revenue neutral rate for property tax purposes.
- HB2725 - Creating a presumption that joint legal custody in temporary parenting plans are in the bests interests of a child and defining related terms under the Kansas family law code.
- HB2726 - Imposing sales tax on vehicles purchased for rental or lease.
- HB2727 - Increasing the income limit for the income tax subtraction modification for social security income.
- HB2728 - Establishing a tax credit for contributions to a nonprofit organization for the purpose of installing qualified accessibility modification projects.
- HB2729 - Establishing a property tax exemption for 50% of the first $200,000 in assessed value of homesteads of individuals 65 years of age and older and establishing the property tax refund fund.
- HB2730 - Prohibiting certain restrictions on freedom of worship by governmental entities and public officials, limiting related state of disaster emergency powers of the governor and state of local disaster emergency powers of counties and cities, limiting related powers of the secretary of health and environment and limiting local health officers to making recommendations.
- HB2731 - Requiring online marketplaces to obtain certain information from and to require the disclosure of certain information by third parties that sell products on their platforms.
- HB2732 - Enacting the Gage park improvement authority act providing for the creation of a Gage park improvement authority and a Gage park improvement authority sales tax within Shawnee county to be administered by the authority for the purpose of supporting Gage park, the Topeka zoo and the Kansas children's discovery center.
- HB2733 - Enacting the pharmacy benefits manager licensure act and requiring licensure rather than registration of such entities.
- HB2734 - Reinstating the social worker applicant option for board-approved postgraduate supervised experience and allowing master's and clinical level licensees to take the baccalaureate addiction counselor test.
- HB2735 - Providing three years of income tax incentives to new businesses, requiring the secretary of administration to submit a report to the legislature concerning contracts awarded to new businesses and establishing the office of entrepreneurship within the department of commerce.
- HB2736 - Limiting the liability of optometrists and ophthalmologists who report information to the division of vehicles relating to a person's vision.
- Sub HB2737 - Substitute for HB 2737 by Committee on Redistricting - Proposing state representative redistricting plan free state 3f.
- HB2738 - Discontinuing an Atchison County countywide retailers' sales tax and allowing counties to decide whether to apportion revenue between the county and cities located in the county.
- HB2739 - Providing a sales tax exemption for friends of the mentally ill foundation, inc.
- HB2740 - Authorizing sports wagering under the Kansas expanded lottery act.
- HB2741 - Authorizing establishment of city or county child death review boards and permitting disclosure of records and information related to child deaths.
- HB2742 - Providing a post-retirement dividend payment to certain retirants and making appropriations for KPERS for fiscal year 2023 for such payment.
- HB2743 - Enacting the covert firearms act and establishing criminal penalties for the possession, manufacture, distribution, transportation, shipping or receiving of certain firearms or components.
- HB2744 - Enacting the Kansas sunset act to establish the Kansas sunset advisory commission to review state agencies and the funding and utilization thereof.
- HB2745 - Characterizing separation from Kansas national guard service due to non-compliance with a COVID-19 vaccine requirement as a general discharge under honorable conditions.
- HB2746 - Creating the crimes of unlawful performance of an abortion and unlawful destruction of a fertilized embryo, except when necessary to save the life the mother, and restricting the use of fetal tissue.
- HB2747 - Adding other programming for approved research and education programs of the Johnson county education research triangle.
- HB2748 - Enacting the no patient left alone act to require certain healthcare facilities to allow in-person visitation of patients or residents.
- HB2749 - Enacting the Kansas film production industry act, providing a tax credit and a sales tax exemption to incentivize film, video and digital production in Kansas and establishing a program to be administered by the secretary of commerce for the purpose of developing such production in Kansas.
2025. Powered by KLISS. Rendered: 2025-03-06T20:11:39. Head Rev No: 893617(E)