House Status:
Senate Status:
Senate Status:
Senate Bills
- SB1 - Authorizing the state fair board to use moneys in the state fair capital improvements fund for general operations for fiscal years 2021 and 2022.
- SB2 - Allowing consumption of beer, wine or other alcoholic liquor on the Kansas state fairgrounds; increasing the number of temporary permits an applicant may receive from four to 12 permits per year; limiting what cities, counties or townships may charge for a temporary permit to not more than $25 per day; crediting a portion of moneys collected from the liquor drink tax and the liquor enforcement tax to the state fair capital improvements fund; requiring that licensed farm wineries be issued a cereal malt beverage retailer license if the statutory requirements for such retailer license are satisfied; authorizing retail liquor stores to sell and deliver alcoholic liquor and cereal malt beverages to a caterer, public venue, club or drinking establishment located in any adjacent county any county with a comer located within two miles measured along the adjacent county boundary; Increasing the percentage of alcohol by volume allowed to not more than 16% for domestic table wine and the domestic fortified wine threshold to more than 16% alcohol by volume.
- SB3 - Creating a drug abuse treatment program for people on diversion and allowing county and district attorneys to enter into agreements with chief judges and community corrections for supervision.
- SB4 - Authorizing court services and community corrections officers to issue an identification certificate for use to obtain a replacement driver's license; increasing the criminal penalties for riot and incitement to riot in a correctional facility; modifying the criminal penalties for tampering with electronic monitoring equipment; clarifying supervision of offenders participating in the certified drug abuse treatment program; and authorizing the sentencing commission to determine risk levels for participation in the certified drug abuse treatment program.
- SB5 - Aligning the felony loss thresholds for certain property crimes with theft.
- SB6 - Counting any crime with a domestic violence designation as a prior conviction under domestic battery.
- SB7 - Extending terminal medical release to inmates in the custody of the department of corrections with a condition likely to cause death within 120 days.
- SB8 - Increasing good time and program credits for certain offenders.
- SB9 - Requiring newly certified law enforcement officers to attend diversity meetings organized by the Kansas commission on peace officers' standards and training.
- SB10 - Enacting the right to earn a living act to minimize unnecessary occupational licensing and regulation.
- SB11 - Prohibiting the altering or backdating of the postmarks of advance mail ballots.
- SB12 - Requiring the Kansas department for children and families to implement performance-based contracts.
- SB13 - Establishing notice and public hearing requirements prior to approval by a governing body to exceed its revenue neutral rate for property tax purposes and discontinuing the city and county tax lid, prohibiting valuation increase of real property solely as the result of normal repair, replacement or maintenance of existing structure, establishing a payment plan for the payment of delinquent or nondelinquent property taxes and establishing the taxpayer notification costs fund.
- SB14 - Extending certain provisions of the governmental response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Kansas and providing certain relief related to health, welfare, property and economic security during this public health emergency.
- SB15 - Enacting the Kansas economic recovery loan deposit program, updating field of membership requirements of credit unions and allowing privilege tax deductions on agricultural real estate loans and single family residence loans.
- SB16 - Removing the requirement that certain entities submit certain reports to the division of post audit.
- SB17 - Prohibiting a public agency from charging a fee under the open records act for records requested for an audit by the legislative division of post audit.
- SB18 - Permitting United States and NATO country military surplus vehicles to register with the division of vehicles for road use.
- H Sub for SB19 - House Substitute for SB 19 by Committee on Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications - Implementing the 988 suicide prevention and mental health crisis hotline in Kansas.
- SB20 - Designating a portion of United States highway 69 as the Senator Dennis Wilson Memorial Highway.
- SB21 - Approving election for sales tax authority for Cherokee county.
- SB22 - Providing income tax modifications for global intangible low-taxed income, business interest, capital contributions, FDIC premiums, business meals, payment protection program loans and expenses, social security benefits and amounts received from employer-sponsored retirement plans, expanding the expense deduction availability to income tax taxpayers and calculating the deduction amount, allowing an individual to itemize deductions in Kansas despite not itemizing on their federal return, exempting from income compensation attributable to identity fraud and increasing the Kansas standard deduction.
- SB23 - Providing for abatement of property tax for certain buildings or improvements destroyed or substantially destroyed by natural disaster.
- SB24 - Prohibiting municipalities from imposing restrictions on customer's use of energy based upon source of energy.
- SB25 - Prohibiting the use of a mobile telephone while operating in school or road construction zone or by individuals less than 18 years of age.
- SB26 - House Substitute for SB 26 by Committee on Transportation - Updating motor carrier laws and the regulation of motor carriers by the state corporation commission.
- SB27 - Amending the Kansas storage tank act to extend the sunsets of certain funds and to increase certain liability and reimbursement amounts.
- H Sub for SB28 - House Substitute for SB 28 by Committee on Insurance and Pensions - Enacting the pharmacy benefits manager licensure act and requiring licensure rather than registration of such entities.
- SB29 - Providing for short-term, limited-duration health plans.
- SB30 - Establishing the securities act victim restitution program.
- SB31 - Excluding U.S.D. No. 207, Fort Leavenworth and virtual school students from the capital improvements state aid determination.
- SB32 - Authorizing school districts to pay the tuition for a student's dual or concurrent enrollment in a postsecondary educational institution and requiring a tuition waiver for foster children who are dually or concurrently enrolled.
- SB33 - Providing for display show licenses under the vehicle dealers and manufacturers licensing act.
- Sub SB34 - Substitute for SB 34 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs - Prohibiting governmental entities and public officials from taking certain actions related to a contagious or infectious disease, limiting powers of the governor and other governmental entities under the Kansas emergency management act to require face masks, requiring judicial review of certain emergency actions to occur without unreasonable delay and limiting powers of the secretary of health and environment related to enforcement of quarantine and student inoculation requirements.
- SB35 - Removing the option of extension of the time for receipt of advance mail ballots after the third day following an election.
- SB36 - Requiring the Kansas highway patrol to make multiple vehicle checks within a set time period for certain salvage vehicle pools and allowing salvage vehicle pools and dealers to apply for ownership documents for vehicles that are disclaimed by insurance companies, prohibiting the towing vehicles outside the state of Kansas without prior consent, requiring an interstate search of registered owners and lienholders prior to sale of vehicles less than 15 years old and requiring publication in the newspaper seven days prior to sale of vehicles and property at auction.
- SB37 - Updating producer licensing statutes pertaining to appointment, examinations, fees, licensing, renewal dates, continuing education, suspension, revocation and denial of licensure and reinstatement.
- SB38 - Establishing the Kansas pesticide waste disposal program and implementing the provisions of 2011 executive reorganization order No. 40 relating to the Kansas department of agriculture's division of conservation.
- SB39 - Changing Kansas department of agriculture division of animal health license, permit and registration renewal deadlines and allowing the animal health commissioner to recover the actual cost of official calfhood vaccination tags.
- SB40 - Prescribing powers, duties and functions of the board of education of each school district, the governing body of each community college and the governing body of each technical college related to the COVID-19 health emergency, adding the vice president of the senate to the legislative coordinating council, modifying the procedure for the declaration and extension of a state of disaster emergency under the Kansas emergency management act, prohibiting certain actions by the governor related to the COVID-19 health emergency and revoking all executive orders related to such emergency on March 31, 2021, establishing judicial review for certain executive orders issued during a state of disaster emergency and certain actions taken by a local unit of government during a state of local disaster emergency, authorizing the legislature or the legislative coordinating council to revoke certain orders issued by the secretary of health and environment and limiting powers granted to local health officers related to certain orders.
- SB41 - Establishing a $100 maximum out-of-pocket cost-share per month per covered person for prescription insulin drugs.
- SB42 - Concerning the study and investigation of maternal deaths in the state of Kansas.
- Sub SB 43 - Substitute for SB 43 by Committee on Education - Creating the Kansas promise scholarship act to provide postsecondary educational scholarships for certain two-year associate degree programs, career and technical education certificates and other stand-alone programs.
- SB44 - Expanding the low-income family postsecondary savings accounts incentive program to include military servicemembers and veterans and allowing contributions by charitable organizations.
- SB45 - Providing for abatement of property tax for certain buildings or improvements destroyed or substantially destroyed by natural disaster.
- SB46 - Providing a Kansas income tax subtraction modification for certain amounts received under employer-sponsored retirement plans.
- SB47 - Enacting the Kansas taxpayer protection act requiring the signature and tax identification number of paid tax return preparers on income tax returns and authorizing actions to enjoin paid tax return preparers from engaging in certain conduct, exempting compensation attributable as a result of identity fraud, extending the dates when corporate returns are required to be filed, providing conformity with the federal return due date for returns other than corporate returns, providing a temporary withholding option for certain teleworking employees, establishing the Eisenhower foundation contribution credit and the friends of cedar crest association contribution credit, extending the time period and expanding eligibility for the single city port authority credit, extending the time period for eligibility in the loan repayment program and income tax credit related to rural opportunity zones and defining rural opportunity zone on the basis of population.
- SB48 - Requiring certain insurance coverage for diagnostic examinations for breast cancer.
- H Sub for SB49 - House Substitute for SB 49 by Committee on Taxation - Authorizing continuation of the 20 mill statewide property tax levy for schools and the exemption of a portion of residential property from such levy.
- SB50 - Requiring marketplace facilitators to collect and remit sales, compensating use and transient guest taxes and prepaid wireless 911 fees, removing clickthrough nexus provisions, providing for addition and subtraction modifications for the treatment of global intangible low-taxed income, business interest, capital contributions, FDIC premiums and business meals, expanding the expense deduction for income taxpayers and calculating the deduction amount, providing the ability to elect to itemize for individuals, providing an exemption of unemployment compensation income attributable as a result of identity fraud, removing the line for reporting compensating use tax from individual tax returns, extending the dates when corporate tax returns are required to be filed, increasing the Kansas standard deduction and providing for an extension of the corporate net operating loss carryforward period.
- SB51 - Requiring the state department of education and the department for children and families to publish a Kansas foster care children academic report card.
- SB52 - Creating the Sedgwick county urban area nuisance abatement act.
- SB53 - Establishing the membership of the Sedgwick county charter commission which, if created, will review and recommend changes regarding the structure of county government.
- SB54 - Authorizing judges to extend protection from abuse orders for more reasons and tolling time when subject of the order is in prison.
- SB55 - Clarifying the authority of healing arts school clinics to provide healing arts services.
- SB56 - Requiring posting of a human trafficking awareness notice approved by the attorney general in certain businesses and public places.
- SB57 - Suspending statutory speedy trial rights until May 1, 2024, in all criminal cases filed prior to the effective date of this act and eliminating such rights in any criminal case filed on or after the effective date of this act.
- SB58 - Establishing the parents' bill of rights for parents of students attending elementary or secondary school in this state.
- SB59 - Modifying the crimes of selling sexual relations, promoting the sale of sexual relations and buying sexual relations by changing terminology from "sexual relations" to "a sex act."
- SB60 - Creating the crime of sexual extortion and requiring an offender to register under the Kansas offender registration act, prohibiting a court from requiring psychiatric or psychological examinations of an alleged victim of any crime, increasing criminal penalties for fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer when operating a stolen vehicle, committing certain driving violations or causing a collision involving another driver, defining proximate result for purposes of determining when a crime is committed partly within this state, removing the spousal exception from the crime of sexual battery and making fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer evidence of intent to commit theft of a vehicle.
- SB61 - Amending the tax credit for low income students scholarship program act to expand student eligibility.
- SB62 - Amending the standards for school-administered vision screenings for students, establishing the Kansas children's vision health and school readiness commission and relating to the powers and duties of the Kansas commission for the deaf and hard of hearing with regard to registration of interpreters, communication access services guidelines and adoption of rules and regulations.
- SB63 - House Substitute for SB 63 by Committee on K-12 Education Budget - Enacting the back to school act to require school districts to provide a full-time, in person attendance option for all students beginning March 31, 2021, for school year 2020-2021.
- SB64 - Amending the private and out-of-state postsecondary educational institution act to clarify the state board of regents' authority and provide additional student protections and institutional accountability.
- SB65 - Enhancing the high performance incentive program by decoupling the KIT and KIR workforce training programs and by providing for the transferability of the tax credit.
- SB66 - Amending the angel investor tax credit with respect to the definition of qualified securities, tax credit limitations and amounts, investor requirements and extending the date that credits may be allowed, and also amending the tax credit for expenses incurred to make a residence accessible to persons with a disability by increasing the credit.
- SB67 - Permitting funeral escorts to direct traffic for funeral processions and requiring drivers to yield the right-of-way and move over for authorized utility or telecommunication vehicles.
- SB68 - Establishing a fee on firefighter distinctive license plates.
- H Sub SB 69 - House Substitute for SB 69 by Committee on Transportation - Providing for the love, Chloe foundation distinctive license plate and establishing a fee on firefighter distinctive license plates.
- SB70 - Making exemption permanent for certain cash rebates on sales or leases of new motor vehicles and excluding discounts and coupons from the sales or selling price for sales tax purposes.
- SB71 - Establishing income tax and privilege tax credits for contributions to the Eisenhower foundation.
- SB72 - Requiring appraisal courses for county appraisers and members of the state board of tax appeals to be courses approved by the Kansas real estate appraisal board.
- SB73 - Requiring the attorney general to carry out certain duties related to investigating corruption committed by a public officer or public employee.
- SB74 - Requiring the attorney general to carry out certain duties related to investigating sexual abuse committed by a minister of religion.
- SB75 - Requiring a duly ordained minister of religion to report certain abuse and neglect of children.
- SB76 - Establishing the golden years homestead property tax freeze act to provide a refund for certain increases in residential property taxes.
- SB77 - Enacting the audiology and speech-language pathology interstate compact.
- SB78 - House Substitute for SB 78 by Committee on Insurance and Pensions - Updating the national insurance commissioners credit for insurance reinsurance model law, codifying the national insurance commissioners credit for reinsurance model regulation and updating certain terms and definitions relating to the insurance holding company act, service contracts and surplus lines insurance. Eliminating certain requirements relating to the annual submittal of certain documents by out-of-state risk retention groups, extending the time frame to submit certain documents by professional employer organizations, abolishing the utilization review advisory committee and replacing it with URAC.
- SB79 - Providing the state fire marshal with law enforcement powers and requiring an investigation of deaths resulting from fire.
- SB80 - Requiring changes to electric rates for transmission costs to be approved through an electric utility's general rate case proceedings.
- SB81 - Requiring the state corporation commission to provide the legislature with an annual report of the electric rates of electric public utilities in the region.
- SB82 - Limiting utilization review conducted by health plans under certain circumstances involving the treatment of mental illness or substance abuse disorder.
- SB83 - Allowing certain exceptions to the confidentiality of state child death review board documents.
- SB84 - House Substitute for Substitute for SB 84 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs - Authorizing sports wagering under the Kansas expanded lottery act and historical horse race machines under the Kansas parimutuel racing act.
- SB85 - Requiring notification to the governor and the legislature of missing foster care youth.
- SB86 - Establishing the Kansas extraordinary utility costs loan deposit program and the Kansas economic recovery loan deposit program and amending the city utility low-interest loan program by providing for electronic repayment of loans, cash basis exception, payment frequency, loan security and an ending date for making loans.
- SB87 - Discontinuing apportionment of countywide retailers' sales tax imposed for general purposes between the county and cities located therein.
- SB88 - House Substitute for SB 88 by Committee on Financial Institutions and Rural Development - Establishing the city utility low-interest loan program, allowing cities to apply to the state treasurer for loans from state unencumbered funds for extraordinary electric or natural gas costs incurred during the extreme winter weather event of February 2021.
- SB89 - Exempting the transport of agricultural forage commodities from secured load requirements.
- SB90 - Amending the Kansas rural housing incentive district act to permit bond funding for vertical residential renovation of older buildings in central business districts and by changing the definitions of an eligible city or county.
- H Sub for SB91 - House Substitute for SB 91 by Committee on Commerce, Labor and Economic Development - Providing liability protection for businesses, municipalities and educational institutions that participate in high school work-based learning programs and providing that schools are responsible for injuries to students participating in such programs.
- SB92 - Creating the Kansas equal access act to authorize the use of medical marijuana.
- SB93 - Requiring the allocation of sufficient school district moneys to improve academic performance of underachieving students.
- SB94 - Requiring all voting systems for elections to use individual voter-verified paper ballots.
- SB95 - Exempting motor vehicle odometer reading recording requirements when such recording requirements are exempted by federal law and expanding the definitions of all-terrain vehicles and recreational off-highway vehicles.
- SB96 - Repealing the provision of Kansas residency for purposes of tuition and fees at a postsecondary educational institution for individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States.
- SB97 - Defining "purposes of sepulture" for purposes of the laws governing cemetery corporations.
- H Sub for SB98 - House Substitute for SB 98 by Committee on Financial Institutions and Rural Development - Enacting the technology-enabled fiduciary financial institution act, providing requirements, fiduciary powers, duties, functions and limitations for such financial institutions and the administration thereof by the state bank commissioner and creating an income and privilege tax credit for certain qualified distributions from technology-enabled fiduciary financial institutions.
- SB99 - House Substitute for SB 99 by Committee on Transportation - Increasing the bond amount required for a vehicle dealer license and providing for display show licenses under the vehicle dealers and manufacturers licensing act.
- Sub SB 100 - Substitute for SB 100 by Committee on Transportation – Excluding the additional 90-day wait period driver’s license suspension for certain offenses.
- H Sub for SB101 - House Substitute for SB 101 by Committee on Transportation - Approving the operation and use of electric-assisted bicycles and regulating the use thereof.
- SB102 - Requiring earlier notice of anticipated release from custody of a person who may be a sexually violent predator to the attorney general and a multidisciplinary team and specifying where such person will be detained during civil commitment proceedings.
- SB103 - Amending the Kansas power of attorney act regarding the form of a power of attorney and the duties of third parties relying and acting on a power of attorney.
- SB104 - Requiring a court order be issued directing a child to remain in a present or future placement for certain children in need of care.
- SB105 - Prohibiting denial of a petition for expungement due to the petitioner's inability to pay outstanding costs, fees, fines or restitution.
- SB106 - Enacting the revised uniform law on notarial acts and repealing the uniform law on notarial acts.
- SB107 - Enacting the uniform fiduciary income and principal act (UFIPA).
- SB108 - Creating the veterans benefit lottery game fund and transferring moneys to veterans service programs.
- SB109 - Requiring the Kansas commission on veterans affairs office to submit an initial application for a VA state veterans home construction grant.
- SB110 - Authorizing the issuance of bonds for the construction of a state veterans home.
- SB111 - Allowing a Kansas itemized deduction for wagering losses for income tax purposes.
- SB112 - Providing a sales tax exemption for sales of farm products sold at farmers' markets.
- SB113 - Creating the distracted driving violation and prohibiting the use of a wireless telecommunications device while operating a motor vehicle.
- SB114 - Allowing governmental entities and self-insurers to reject uninsured motorist and personal injury coverage.
- SB115 - Authorizing the county to abate or credit property tax when commercial property is negatively affected by temporary government restrictions on use during a state of disaster emergency.
- SB116 - Decreasing the Eisenhower legacy transportation program alternate delivery project threshold, authorizing usage of federal stimulus funds and KDOT bonding authority.
- SB117 - Enacting the Kansas electricity bill reduction bonds act and authorizing the state corporation commission to issue securitized ratepayer-backed K-EBRA bonds for electric utility property.
- SB118 - Providing for the dissolution of special districts and the assumption of responsibilities by a city or county.
- SB119 - Changing time to request full and complete opinion from the state board tax appeals, requiring the state board of tax appeals to serve orders and notices by electronic means if requested by the party, prohibiting valuation increases of certain property in appeals, establishing the burden of proof of judicial review in district court, extending the time a board member may continue to serve after such member's term expires, authorizing an appointment by the governor of a member pro tempore under certain conditions, requiring appraisal directives to require compliance with uniform standards of professional appraisal practice, providing for notice and opportunity to be heard prior to removal from county appraiser eligibility list and providing notification when person no longer holds office of county appraiser.
- SB120 - Establishing the joint committee on child welfare system oversight.
- SB121 - Updating certain provisions of the Kansas dental practice act.
- SB122 - Modifying certain rules of evidence in the code of civil procedure related to authentication of records and documents.
- SB123 - Creating a process to terminate the parental rights of a person whose sexual assault of another has resulted in the conception of a child.
- SB124 - House Substitute for SB 124 by Committee on Commerce, Labor and Economic Development - Expanding STAR bonds by adding rural redevelopment projects and major business facilities, prohibiting public officials from employment with a developer, providing for public notice of hearings on city or county websites, posting of certain documents and links on websites, disclosure of names of developer, disclosure of state, federal and local tax incentives within a STAR bond district, changing certain project financing, investment and sales provisions, adding visitor tracking plan requirements and additional feasibility study requirements with oversight by the secretary, requiring approval by the secretary for real estate transfers, requiring district contiguity and extending the sunset date.
- SB125 - Authorizing mail ballot elections for propositions to amend the constitution of the state of Kansas.
- SB126 - Authorizing the sale of alcoholic liquor by class A clubs at special events under the club and drinking establishment act.
- SB127 - Modifying the eligibility requirements for restricted driving privileges, increasing the age for eligibility to renew drivers' licenses online to 65, allowing drivers' license renewal notices to be sent electronically, authorizing a waiver of traffic fines for manifest hardship situations and excluding the additional 90-day wait period for driver's license suspension for certain offenses.
- SB128 - Prohibiting disparate treatment by pharmacy benefits managers of certain pharmacies and pharmaceutical services providers.
- SB129 - Providing for the licensure of dental therapists.
- SB130 - Amending the definition of "race" in the Kansas act against discrimination to include traits historically associated with race, including hair texture and protective hairstyles.
- SB131 - Regulating funeral processions and permitting funeral escorts to direct traffic for funeral processions.
- SB132 - Amending credits to on court-imposed fines for community service to the statutory minimum wage.
- SB133 - Exempting the retail sale of electricity by public utilities for electric vehicle charging stations from the jurisdiction of the state corporation commission.
- SB134 - Requiring state agencies to draft and implement minimum staffing plans.
- SB135 - Providing membership in the KP&F retirement system for security officers of the department of corrections.
- SB136 - Abolishing the death penalty and creating the crime of aggravated murder.
- SB137 - Expanding the military spouse and service member’s expedited licensure law to all applicants who have established or intend to establish residency in Kansas, providing for licenses in an emergency declared by the legislature, allowing telemedicine by out-of-state healthcare providers and permitting the use of electronic credentials.
- SB138 - Establishing certification and funding for certified community behavioral health clinics.
- SB139 - Permitting the administration of certain tests, questionnaires, surveys and examinations regarding student beliefs and practices on an opt-out basis and providing conditions therefor.
- SB140 - Updating membership and requirements of the Kansas state employees health care commission to better reflect the current population of individuals eligible to participate in the state healthcare benefits program.
- SB141 - Enacting the Kansas uniform directed trust act.
- SB142 - Amending certain department of wildlife, parks and tourism statutes by requiring coast guard-approved personal flotation devices as prescribed by the secretary of wildlife, parks and tourism in rules and regulations and updating the reference to the guidelines of the American fisheries society in the commercialization of wildlife statute.
- SB143 - Updating definitions and increasing maximum functional unit license and storage fees relating to grain and public warehouse laws.
- SB144 - Making the high-density at-risk student weighting of the Kansas school equity and enhancement act permanent by removing the sunset.
- SB145 - Authorizing the Kansas department of wildlife, parks and tourism to purchase land in Kingman county.
- SB146 - Providing that the highway patrol will provide the administration and oversight of state certified ignition interlock manufacturers and their service providers.
- SB147 - Defining and providing a sales tax exemption for nonprofit integrated community care organizations and providing a sales tax exemption for friends of hospice of Jefferson county.
- SB148 - Exempting grocery stores from sales tax assessments for community improvement districts.
- SB149 - Providing for reimbursement of property taxes from county government for business shutdown or capacity limitation caused by the county.
- SB150 - Defining and prohibiting certain deceptive lawsuit advertising practices and restricting the use or disclosure of protected health information to solicit individuals for legal services.
- SB151 - Enacting limitations on contingency fee agreements in certain civil actions.
- SB152 - Providing for joint liability for costs and sanctions in third-party funded litigation, requiring certain discovery disclosures and requiring payment of certain costs for nonparty subpoenas.
- SB153 - Establishing election procedures for the imposition of term limits on members of the board of county commissioners.
- SB154 - Increasing reimbursement rates for providers of home and community-based services under the intellectual or developmental disability waiver, making appropriations for such rates and providing for legislative review of the waiting list for such services.
- SB155 - Expanding newborn screening services and increasing transfers from the medical assistance fee fund to the Kansas newborn screening fund.
- SB156 - Prohibiting the carrying of a concealed handgun in the state capitol.
- SB157 - Requiring election commissioners currently appointed by the secretary of state to be elected.
- H Sub for SB158 - House Substitute for SB 158 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs - Creating the Kansas medical marijuana regulation act.
- SB159 - Appropriations for FY 2021, FY 2022, and FY 2023, for various state agencies; authorizing the payment of certain claims against the state; authorizing certain transfers and capital improvement projects.
- SB160 - Enacting the fairness in women's sports act to require that student athletic teams only include members who are of the same biological sex unless designated as coed.
- SB161 - Providing for the use of personal package delivery devices on sidewalks and crosswalks, exempting such devices from motor vehicle regulation and limiting additional municipal regulation.
- SB162 - Providing for an emergency expansion of the employment security board of review with a sunset of June 30, 2024.
- SB163 - Amending unemployment insurance disqualification provisions relating to dates disqualification begins, recovery from illness or injury and part-time employment for an educational institution.
- SB164 - Concerning an employer's maximum liability for permanent total disability compensation and requiring an employer to pay such disabled employee during the continuance of such disability from the date of maximum medical improvement for the lifetime of the employee at the weekly rate of the compensation in effect on the date of injury for which compensation is being made.
- SB165 - Removing the requirement of residency for election commissioners.
- SB166 - Authorizing county election officers to transmit advance voting ballots up to 40 days prior to the election.
- H Sub SB 167 - House Substitute for SB 167 by Committee on Transportation - Requiring drivers to yield the right-of-way and move over for authorized utility or telecommunication vehicles.
- SB168 - Updating certain provisions of the prescription monitoring program act relating to program data, storage and access, increasing the membership of the advisory committee and providing for setup and annual maintenance fees for program data integration
- SB169 - Authorizing the legislative coordinating council to prohibit the carrying of concealed handguns in the state capitol.
- SB170 - Enacting the psychology interjurisdictional compact to provide for interjurisdictional authorization to practice telepsychology and temporary in-person, face-to-face psychology and enacting the physical therapy licensure compact and authorizing criminal history record checks in the physical therapy practice act.
- SB171 - Providing for adjusted sales tax rates for food and food ingredients.
- SB172 - Creating the crimes of trespassing on a critical infrastructure facility and criminal damage to a critical infrastructure facility and eliminating the crime of tampering with a pipeline.
- SB173 - Extending the high-density at-risk student weighting, requiring certain transfers to the at-risk fund of a school district and establishing requirements for school district at-risk fund expenditures and for identification of students eligible to receive at-risk programs and services.
- SB174 - Updating scope of practice requirements for advanced practice registered nurses without a supervising physician, imposing requirements therefor and updating certain licensure requirements.
- SB175 - Enacting the rural emergency hospital act to provide for the licensure of rural emergency hospitals and establishing the rural hospital innovation grant program to assist rural hospitals in serving rural communities.
- SB176 - Enacting the Kansas home inspectors professional competence and financial responsibility act and providing for registration for home inspectors with oversight by the attorney general.
- SB177 - Changing provisions of the employment security law including creation of the unemployment compensation modernization and improvement council, development of a new unemployment insurance information technology system, provision of tax information to claimants, publication of trust fund data, the maximum benefit period, the charging of employer accounts for benefits paid, employer contribution rate determination and schedules, abolishment of the employment security interest assessment fund, crediting of employer accounts for fraudulent or erroneous payments, transfers from the state general fund to the unemployment insurance trust fund for improper benefit payments, changes to the shared work compensation program and other unemployment trust fund provisions.
- SB178 - Providing for trust company charter conversions.
- SB179 - Designating February 15 of each year as Susan B. Anthony Day in the state of Kansas.
- SB180 - Providing a sales tax exemption for certain purchases by disabled veterans.
- SB181 - Creating the elevator safety act to require inspections of elevators and licensure for elevator installation and repair.
- SB182 - Requiring electronic filing of campaign reports by candidates for state office unless an exemption is granted for cause.
- SB183 - Requiring equipment and other personal property purchased with campaign funds by a candidate terminating their candidacy be sold or purchased by the candidate for fair market value and the money disposed of in the same manner as residual funds.
- SB184 - Authorizing any registered voter to apply for permanent advance voting status.
- SB185 - Clarifying the authority of the Kansas commission for the deaf and hard of hearing with regard to registration of interpreters, establishing guidelines for communication access services and authorizing the adoption of rules and regulations.
- SB186 - Permitting the secretary of transportation to contract with the Kansas turnpike authority to enforce toll payments and permitting the secretary of transportation to use tolls to support public transit and other improvements on a toll project.
- SB187 - Prohibiting internet social media terms of service that permit censorship of speech.
- SB188 - Enacting the national popular vote interstate compact for electing the president of the United States.
- SB189 - Requiring use of the fourth edition of the AMA medical guide to determine impairment for awarding workers compensation benefits.
- SB190 - Creating the Kansas protection of firearm rights act to restore the right to possess a firearm upon expungement of certain convictions.
- SB191 - Providing for the appointment of election commissioners in the four largest counties by the board of county commissioners instead of the secretary of state.
- SB192 - Requiring relinquishment of firearms pursuant to certain court orders related to domestic violence.
- SB193 - Expanding the definition of compensable personal injury in workers compensation law to include mental injuries suffered from physical injury, emotional shock or after a series of work-related events.
- SB194 - Removing an employment security law restriction on leasing of certain employees by client lessees of lessor employing units.
- SB195 - Increasing the penalty for certain violations of criminal discharge of a firearm when a person was present in the dwelling, building, structure or motor vehicle at which the offender discharged a firearm and when a person less than 14 years of age was present in the dwelling, building, structure or motor vehicle at which the offender discharged a firearm.
- SB196 - Requiring courts to order a defendant to pay certain restitution when the defendant's offense resulted in the incapacitation or death of a victim who has a minor child or children.
- SB197 - Requiring law enforcement agencies to increase data collection and reporting on racial profiling and other biased policing.
- SB198 - Amending Kansas open records act provisions regarding access to certain law enforcement audio and video recordings and enacting the police and citizen protection act regarding use of body cameras by law enforcement officers.
- SB199 - Providing for short-term, limited-duration health plans.
- SB200 - Expanding the pharmacist scope of practice to include initiation of therapy for certain conditions, updating provisions of the prescription monitoring program act relating to program data, storage and access and increasing the membership of the advisory committee.
- SB201 - Authorizing voter registration for individuals 16 years of age or older.
- SB202 - Enacting the COVID-19 taxpayer and small business owner relief act including the UI fraud protection act exempting unemployment compensation income attributable to identity fraud, the retail storefront small business owner rebate act providing a refundable credit for certain retail storefront property tax and the small business property tax increase relief act establishing a payment plan for certain extraordinary increases in property taxation.
- SB203 - Allowing injured employees to designate their healthcare provider and requiring the employer to pay for the services of such healthcare provider with regard to workers compensation.
- SB204 - Prohibiting a court from requiring psychiatric or psychological examinations of an alleged victim of any crime.
- SB205 - Enacting the uniform partition of heirs property act to prescribe procedures and requirements for partition of certain real property.
- SB206 - Enacting the fairness in condemnation act to require the condemning authority to provide the property owner notice of a planned condemnation proceeding, an offer for purchase and a court review of compliance with this act.
- SB207 - Providing additional regulation and restrictions for out-of-state doctors to practice telemedicine in the state of Kansas.
- SB208 - Creating the fairness in women's sports act to require that female student athletic teams only include members who are biologically female.
- SB209 - Restrictions on third party solicitations to registered voters to file an application for an advance voting ballot.
- SB210 - Reducing the number of members of the house of representatives to 120.
- SB211 - Allowing physicians to have patients sign a liability waiver for off-label use of prescription drugs.
- SB212 - Granting civil immunity for exposing another to infectious disease due to a lack of immunization, prohibiting an employer from taking adverse employment action based on an employee's immunization status, prohibiting the secretary of health and environment from requiring additional immunizations to attend a child care facility or school.
- SB213 - Prohibiting an employer from taking any adverse employment against against an employee because of the employee's vaccination status.
- SB214 - Making it a crime for a physician to perform gender reassignment surgery or hormone replacement therapy on certain children.
- SB215 - Transferring the authority for postsecondary driver's education programs and driver training schools to the department of revenue and authorizing the board of education of a school district to contract with transportation network companies to provide certain transportation services.
- SB216 - Extending the eligible time period for rural opportunity zones loan repayment program and income tax credit.
- SB217 - Adding certain counties to the list of eligible rural opportunity zone counties.
- SB218 - Providing restrictions, lender reporting and other requirements for alternative small installment loans made under the UCCC.
- SB219 - Changing law pertaining to real estate brokers and salespersons including the definition of broker, licensure, actions that require licensing, exemptions, application of licensure provisions to trusts, Kansas real estate commission administrative fines, cease and desist orders and subpoena authority.
- SB220 - Increasing the penalty for battery committed against a utility worker.
- SB221 - Establishing the follow the student tax credit that would allow an income tax credit for taxpayers with eligible dependent children not enrolled in public school.
- SB222 - Excluding hypothetical leased fee when determining fair market value for property taxation purposes.
- SB223 - Allowing the exercise of eminent domain for the purpose of conducting carbon dioxide in pipes.
- SB224 - Establishing maximum length for trains to operate in Kansas and providing for penalties for violations.
- SB225 - Providing affiliation with the Kansas police and firemen's retirement system by the Kansas department of wildlife, parks and tourism for membership of certain law enforcement officers and employees.
- SB226 - Providing a sales tax exemption for area agencies on aging for certain purchases of tangible personal property and services.
- SB227 - Providing dental benefits for medicaid enrollees and making technical updates to the dental practices act.
- SB228 - Allowing retailer to retain the state rate of sales and compensating use tax from movie ticket sales and concession sales.
- SB229 - Providing for payment of interest in civil actions for wrongful conviction and directing the attorney general to seek damages for the state from any person who knowingly contributed to the wrongful conviction and prosecute ouster and criminal proceedings as warranted.
- SB230 - Creating the crime of deprivation of rights under color of law and providing a civil action for victims.
- SB231 - Increasing criminal penalties for hate crimes.
- SB232 - Providing for COVID-19 hazard pay for teachers.
- SB233 - Increasing sales tax collection thresholds relating to time frames for filing returns and paying sales tax by certain retailers.
- SB234 - Requiring same appraisal methodology for real and personal property residential mobile homes for property taxation purposes.
- SB235 - Enacting the back to school act to require school districts to provide a full-time, in person attendance option for all students beginning on March 26, 2021.
- SB236 - Establishing the Kansas commission for the United States semiquincentennial.
- SB237 - Requiring the secretary of health and environment to establish a task force to study and report on uncompensated healthcare.
- SB238 - Substitute for SB 238 by Committee on Public Health and Welfare - Requiring emergency medical services operators be overseen by medical directors or physicians; clarifying duties and functions of the state board of pharmacy; providing for confidentiality of investigations, inspections and audits; establishing fees on out-of-state facilities; defining telepharmacy and requiring the adoption of rules and regulations related thereto.
- SB239 - Authorizing the secretary for children and families to request a waiver from certain limitations under the food assistance program.
- SB240 - Requiring drug rebate revenues associated with medical assistance enrollees to be deposited into the state general fund and monthly reporting thereof.
- SB241 - Allowing a child placed up for adoption following termination of parental rights to remain eligible for state-provided health insurance.
- SB242 - Consolidating certain mortgage lending provisions, removing duplicate provisions from the uniform consumer credit code and incorporating such provisions into the Kansas mortgage business act.
- SB243 - Enacting the peer-to-peer vehicle sharing act to provide insurance, liability, recordkeeping and consumer protection requirements for peer-to-peer vehicle sharing.
- SB244 - Providing for enhanced regulation of pharmacy benefits managers and requiring licensure rather than registration of such entities.
- SB245 - Providing for the financing of electrical corporations through the issuance of securitization bonds.
- SB246 - Providing statutory procedures and limitations related to forensic evidence collection and clarifying liability for unlawful conduct under the Kansas tort claims act.
- SB247 - Enacting criminal justice reform measures related to hiring, firearms certification and psychological testing of law enforcement officers
- SB248 - Updating certain definitions, referral to specialty services and coordination of care provisions in the Kansas telemedicine act.
- SB249 - Creating additional reporting requirements for all state agencies for certain information technology projects.
- SB250 - Amending the Kansas cybersecurity act to require security training for all state agencies and provide for certain information to be provided to the joint committee on information technology.
- SB251 - Updating statutes relating to the powers, duties and functions of the state board of pharmacy.
- SB252 - Creating fulfillment house licenses to authorize storage and shipping services provided to winery special order shipping licensees.
- SB253 - Allowing a farm winery licensee to transfer and receive bulk wine and produce fortified wine.
- SB254 - Authorizing certain licensees under the Kansas liquor control act and the club and drinking establishment act to sell and serve cereal malt beverages.
- SB255 - Allowing the director of alcoholic beverage control to suspend or revoke a license under the Kansas liquor control act or the club and drinking establishment act.
- SB256 - Changing the start time for Sunday sales of alcoholic liquor from 12 noon to 10 a.m. and removing restrictions on sales on certain holidays.
- SB257 - Allowing clubs and drinking establishments to sell beer and cereal malt beverage for consumption off the licensed premises.
- SB258 - Clarifying the license terms and electronic submission of tax payments, reports and documentation for holders of a special order shipping license.
- SB259 - Providing that the testimony of an examining healthcare provider may be submitted in evidence by the provider's medical report in workers compensation cases.
- SB260 - Requiring an elected office holder or candidate for office to remove endorsements from social media within 90 days of a written request by an individual or organization.
- H Sub for SB261 - Substitute for SB 261 by Committee on Agriculture -- Prohibiting the use of identifiable meat terms on the labels of meat analogs when such labels do not include proper qualifying language to indicate that such products do not contain meat.
- SB262 - Authorizing a vote in Sedgwick county to allow the operation of electronic gaming machines at a racetrack gaming facility and prohibiting betting on greyhound races.
- SB263 - Eliminating the reduction of child day care services assistance tax credit in subsequent years and limitations on eligible corporations and providing a credit for employer payments to organizations for child day care services access.
- SB264 - Enacting the Kansas fights addiction act to establish a grant program for the purpose of preventing, reducing, treating and mitigating the effects of substance abuse and addiction.
- SB265 - Providing a KPERS death and long-term disability employer contribution moratorium.
- SB266 - Amortizing the state and school KPERS unfunded actuarial liability over a 24-year period and eliminating certain level-dollar employer contribution payments.
- H Sub for Sub SB267 - House Substitute for Substitute for SB 267 by Committee on Appropriations - Appropriations for FY 2022, FY 2023, FY 2024, FY 2025, FY 2026 and FY 2027 for various state agencies.
- SB268 - Making supplemental appropriations for fiscal years 2021 through 2032 for various state agencies and revising the pooled money investment portfolio repayment schedule.
- SB269 - Prohibiting the sale, slaughter and acquisition of live dangerous regulated animals, including nonhuman primates and wolves as dangerous regulated animals and requiring sufficient distance and barriers between dangerous regulated animals and the public.
- SB270 - Prohibiting the hiring of certain law enforcement officers with history of serious misconduct allegations and making certain law enforcement disciplinary records public records.
- SB271 - Extending the time that victims of childhood sexual abuse have to bring a cause of action.
- SB272 - Requiring sexual assault evidence collection procedures to include a urinalysis test to determine the presence of controlled substances that may have been used to commit the alleged sexual assault.
- SB273 - House Substitute for Substitute for SB 273 by Committee on Judiciary - Enacting the COVID-19 small business relief act to provide funds for impacted small businesses, create the COVID-19 small business relief fund of the legislative coordinating council and the COVID-19 small business relief claims board, require certain counties to establish and administer a county COVID-19 small business relief fund and certain cities to establish and administer a city COVID-19 small business relief fund, require a study by the legislative division of post audit and prohibit compensation for intangible losses related to the COVID-19 public health emergency under the Kansas emergency management act.
- SB274 - Amending the scope of practice, discipline by the board, and license renewal procedures for naturopathic doctors.
- SB275 - Allowing naturopathic doctors to engage in the corporate practice of medicine.
- SB276 - Providing considerations in family law, adoption, foster care, guardianship and child in need of care proceedings for a parent or prospective parent who is blind.
- SB277 - Authorizing continuation of the 20 mill statewide property tax levy for schools and the exemption of a portion of residential property from such levy.
- SB278 - Requiring recipients of a distinctive license plate fee to file a report detailing money received and expenditures.
- SB279 - Establishing the wind generation permit and property protection act and imposing certain requirements on the siting of wind turbines.
- SB280 - Modifying the distribution of the levy on fire insurance business premiums to the state fire marshal fee fund, the emergency medical services operating fund and the fire service training program fund.
- SB281 - Changing unemployment insurance disqualification provisions for fraud, part-time employment for educational institutions and receipt of pensions.
- SB282 - Providing income tax credits for aerospace and aviation program graduates and their employers and a credit for school and classroom supplies purchased by teachers, enacting the Kansas affordable housing tax credit act and the Kansas housing investor tax credit act, providing homestead property tax refunds to certain persons based on the increase in property tax over the base year property tax amount and increasing the extent of the property tax exemption for residential property from the statewide school levy.
- SB283 - Continuing the governmental response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Kansas by extending the expanded use of telemedicine, the authority of the board of healing arts to grant certain temporary emergency licenses, the suspension of certain requirements related to medical care facilities and immunity from civil liability for certain healthcare providers and certain persons conducting business in this state for COVID-19 claims until March 31, 2022.
- SB284 - Amending the Kansas emergency management act to authorize a state of disaster emergency to continue for no longer than 21 days unless ratified by concurrent resolution of the legislature and provide for extensions for specified periods not to exceed 30 days each.
- SB285 - Providing for the alpha kappa alpha distinctive license plate.
- H Sub for Sub SB286 - House Substitute for Substitute for SB 286 - Continuing the governmental response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Kansas by extending the expanded use of telemedicine, the suspension of certain requirements related to medical care facilities and immunity from civil liability for certain healthcare providers, certain persons conducting business in this state and covered facilities for COVID-19 claims until January 20, 2023, creating the crime of interference with the conduct of a hospital and increasing the criminal penalties for battery of a healthcare provider.
- SB287 - Enacting the Kansas medical marijuana regulation act and enacting the Kansas innovative solutions for affordable healthcare act to expand medical assistance eligibility.
- SB288 - Enacting the technology-enabled trust bank act, providing requirements, fiduciary powers, duties, functions and limitations for trust banks and the administration thereof by the bank commissioner and creating an income and privilege tax credit for certain qualified distributions from trust banks.
- SB289 - Enacting the frontline service pay act to provide additional compensation to Kansas employees at high risk of exposure to COVID-19 and who are engaged in essential work for the state of Kansas.
- SB290 - Increasing healthcare stabilization fund minimum professional liability insurance coverage requirements, changing the membership of the board of governors of such fund and adding options and increasing time for service of process thereon.
- SB291 - Increasing the minimum wage by $1 per year to $15 an hour by 2027.
- SB292 - Limiting who may return an advance voting ballot and the number of such ballots a person may return.
- SB293 - Creating the transparency in revenues underwriting elections act to criminalize the receipt and expenditure of private moneys by election officials.
- SB294 - Creating the Roy'Ale Spencer firearms safety act to require firearms to be safely secured and establishing criminal penalties for violations of the act.
- SB295 - Giving counties the authority to adopt prioritized COVID-19 vaccination plans separate from state guidelines.
- SB296 - Adjusting the rate of sales and compensating use tax on food and food ingredients and implementing additional formulaic adjustments to tax rate.
- SB297 - Prohibiting cities from collecting solid waste fees against vacant lots or other vacant property and prohibiting cities and counties that establish annual fees from billing these fees on the ad valorem tax statement.
- SB298 - Updates to the controlled substances act.
- SB299 - Increasing the compensation of members of the state banking board.
- Sub SB300 - Substitute for SB 300 by Committee on Judiciary - Amending the Kansas racketeer influenced and corrupt organization act to add a person who has engaged in identity theft or identity fraud to the definition of "covered person" and add identity theft and identity fraud to the definition of "racketeering activity."
- SB301 - Establishing the office of the child advocate within the office of the attorney general and the joint committee on child welfare system oversight.
- SB302 - Authorizing counties to impose an earnings tax.
- SB303 - Prohibiting boards of county commissioners, boards of trustees or employees from restricting visitors of residents of a county home for the aged or patients in a county hospital and permitting such residents and patients to waive state, city or federal restrictions on right to receive visitors.
- SB304 - Removing the sunset provision in the COVID-19 contact tracing privacy act.
- SB305 - Requiring each law enforcement agency that utilizes automated license plate recognition systems to adopt and maintain a detailed, written policy relating to the use and operation of such systems and prescribing restrictions and requirements relating to the collection, storage and sharing of captured license plate data.
- SB306 - Providing a sales tax exemption for certain purchases by county ambulance service districts.
- SB307 - Requiring that advance voting ballots be returned to the county election office by the day of the election.
- SB308 - Providing for the right of individuals to not wear face coverings in places of public accommodation, refuse vaccinations and access off-label medications.
- SB309 - Designating a portion of United States highway 69 as the AMM2c Walter Scott Brown memorial highway.
- SB310 - Establishing the Kansas reapportionment commission to propose reapportionment plans for congressional, senate, representative and board of education districts and imposing requirements for enactment of such plans.
- Sub SB311 - Substitute for SB 311 by Committee on Assessment and Taxation – Providing a sales tax exemption for certain purchases and sales by the Johnson county Christmas bureau association.
- SB312 - Changing election law regarding bond law elections, eliminating the requirement that county commissioners reside in the county, clarifying mail ballot provisions and repealing obsolete election laws relating to the presidential preference primary and certain elections-related corporate contribution restrictions.
- SB313 - Providing for the use and regulation of autonomous motor vehicles and establishing the autonomous vehicle advisory committee.
- SB314 - Reconciling conflicting amendments to certain statutes.
- SB315 - Creating the Kansas medical marijuana regulation act to regulate the production, distribution, sale and possession of medical marijuana.
- SB316 - Authorizing municipalities to adopt local zoning regulations that establish a minimum distance between group homes in single family residential zones.
- SB317 - Authorizing certain individuals with revoked licenses to be eligible for restricted driving privileges.
- H Sub for SB318 - House Substitute for SB 318 by Committee on Taxation – Providing a sales tax exemption for purchases to reconstruct, repair or replace certain fencing damaged or destroyed by natural disasters.
- SB319 - Requiring judicial foreclosure tax sales by public auction to be held in person at a physical location in the county.
- SB320 - Making and concerning appropriations for fiscal year 2022 for the department of corrections; appropriating moneys that had been lapsed in fiscal year 2021 in the evidence-based programs account.
- SB321 - Prohibiting the use of restraints during hearings under the revised Kansas juvenile justice code and authorizing exceptions if the court holds a hearing and makes certain findings on the record.
- SB322 - Eliminating the crediting to the Kansas public employees retirement fund of 80% of the proceeds from the sale of state surplus real estate.
- SB323 - Establishing requirements for instruments that convey a wind or solar lease or easement and requiring that certain disclosures be provided to landowners.
- SB324 - Establishing procedures that may be used to void or terminate leases or easements for electricity generation using wind or solar energy resources.
- SB325 - Establishing requirements relating to zoning and recordation of wind and solar energy resource easements and leases.
- SB326 - Providing an income tax credit for qualified railroad track maintenance expenditures of short line railroads and associated rail siding owners or lessees.
- SB327 - Excluding separately stated delivery charges from the sales or selling price for sales tax purposes.
- SB328 - Providing an income tax rate of 4.75% for individuals.
- SB329 - Authorizing the state treasurer to determine account owners and designated beneficiaries for an ABLE savings account, adding who may open such an account and requiring compliance with the federal internal revenue code.
- SB330 - Authorizing the construction of a memorial honoring Kansas gold star families.
- SB331 - Updating the version of risk-based capital instructions in effect.
- SB332 - Prohibiting the use of a mobile telephone while operating in school or construction zone or by individuals less than 18 years of age.
- SB333 - Requiring the secretary of transportation to study the use of zipper merges on highways.
- SB334 - Amending provisions of the technology-enabled fiduciary financial institutions act relating to procedures when undercapitalized or insolvent, fees and assessments, applications, examinations, insurance and capital requirements and disclosures to consumers and requiring such institutions to be mandatory reporters for purposes of elder abuse.
- SB335 - Exempting certain business entities that provide health insurance in the state but are not subject to the jurisdiction of the commissioner of insurance from payment of the annual premium tax.
- SB336 - Updating certain investment limitation requirements to provide increased options for Kansas domiciled life insurance companies investing in equity interests and preferred stock.
- SB337 - Converting the conditional charter issued for the pilot program under the technology-enabled fiduciary financial institutions act to a full fiduciary financial institution charter.
- SB338 - Restricting property and sales tax exemptions on property leased by the Kansas city area transportation authority to a private developer.
- SB339 - Providing a 0% state rate for sales and use taxes for sales of food and food ingredients, providing for the levying of taxes by cities and counties and discontinuing the nonrefundable food sales tax credit.
- SB340 - Amending the Kansas promise scholarship act by clarifying the responsibilities of the state board of regents and postsecondary educational institutions and authorizing designation of additional programs and fields of study.
- SB341 - Removing federal impact aid from the determination of local foundation aid in the Kansas school equity and enhancement act and removing excluding Fort Leavenworth school district and virtual school students from the capital improvement state aid determination.
- SB342 - Providing a 0% state rate for sales and use taxes for sales of food and food ingredients and providing for the levying of taxes by cities and counties, providing an exemption from sales and use taxes for sales of farm products sold at farmers’ markets, and discontinuing the nonrefundable food sales tax credit.
- SB343 - Providing considerations for in family law, adoption, foster care, guardianship and child in need of care proceedings for parents or prospective parents who are blind and updating the term "hearing impaired" to "hard of hearing" in statutes related to persons with hearing loss.
- SB344 - Providing an exception to criminal liability when a defendant has a mental disease or defect so as not to know the nature of the act or that such act was wrong.
- SB345 - Authorizing the animal health commissioner to impose a civil penalty for violations related to transporting animals into the state.
- SB346 - Allowing for the on-farm retail sale of milk and milk products, authorizing the secretary of agriculture to declare an imminent health hazard, extending certain milk and dairy license fees and establishing certain standards for milk.
- H Sub for SB347 - House Substitute for SB 347 by Committee on Commerce, Labor and Economic Development - Enacting the attracting powerful economic expansion act to provide for tax and other incentives to attract projects in specified industries, or for national corporate headquarters, that involve a capital investment of at least $1,000,000,000, providing for a reduction in the Kansas corporate income rate triggered by the first agreement under the act, limiting the number of agreements and requiring state finance council approval of agreements.
- SB348 - Exempting the practice of threading from the practice of cosmetology.
- SB349 - Limiting increases on electric retail rates and providing certain exceptions.
- SB350 - Allowing rate recovery by electric public utilities for certain electric generating facilities.
- SB351 - Providing for the use of electronic poll books in elections and the approval of such books by the secretary of state, making fraudulent use of electronic poll books a crime, prohibiting electronic voting systems or electronic poll books from having the capability of connecting to the internet, requiring election judges to check for any such connection and providing a deadline for post-election voting equipment testing and for notice of such testing on county websites.
- SB352 - Enacting the community defense and human trafficking reduction act to regulate sexually orientated businesses and human trafficking and to impose criminal penalties for violations.
- SB353 - Establishing certain setback and construction requirements for wind energy facilities and certain operating conditions for existing wind energy facilities.
- SB354 - Excluding discounts and coupons from the sales or selling price for sales tax purposes.
- Sub SB355 - Substitute for SB 355 by Committee on Redistricting - Proposing congressional redistricting map ad astra two.
- SB356 - Proposing congressional redistricting map united.
- SB357 - Proposing congressional redistricting map blue stem.
- SB358 - Amending the public water supply project loan program's definition of "project" to remove the definition's current exclusion of projects that are related to the diversion or transportation of water acquired through a water transfer.
- SB359 - Expanding the eligible uses for the 0% state rate for sales tax for certain utilities and the levying of sales tax on such sales by cities and counties and authorizing cities and counties to exempt such sales from such city or county taxes.
- SB360 - Enacting the Kansas assistance animals in housing act.
- SB361 - Concerning an employer's maximum liability for permanent total disability compensation and requiring an employer to pay such disabled employee during the continuance of such disability from the date of maximum medical improvement for the lifetime of the employee at the weekly rate of the compensation in effect on the date of injury for which compensation is being made.
- SB362 - Requiring local boards of education to document and consider the school needs assessment and state assessments in the budget process.
- SB363 - Requiring school districts to annually publish on the internet a list of training materials and activities used for student instruction and teacher professional development at each school of the school district.
- SB364 - Modifying the rules of evidence to require courts to allow certain persons with specialized training to testify on the issue of impairment.
- SB365 - Requiring courts to order domestic violence offender assessments for first-time offenders convicted of domestic battery and requiring courts and prosecutors to provide relevant documents to the certified batterer intervention programs completing such assessments when assessments are ordered or required under the Kansas criminal code or the Kansas family law code.
- SB366 - Creating a mechanism to seek relief from the Kansas offender registration act requirements for drug offenders, allowing expungement of offenses when such relief is granted and requiring registration as a sex offender for certain violations of the crimes of breach of privacy, internet trading in child pornography and aggravated internet trading in child pornography.
- SB367 - Requiring officers to file copies of receipts with the court when property is seized under a search warrant and providing requirements and procedures for destruction or disposition of dangerous drugs and return or disposition of weapons.
- SB368 - Requiring registration as a sex offender for violations of the crime of internet trading in child pornography or aggravated internet trading in child pornography.
- SB369 - Establishing the Kansas affordable housing tax credit act providing income, privilege and premium tax credits for qualified low-income housing projects.
- SB370 - Creating the defend the guard act to establish when the Kansas national guard may be released into active duty combat and to prohibit COVID-19 vaccination requirements for national guard members.
- SB371 - Revoking authority to suspend driving privileges for the nonpayment of fines from traffic citations.
- SB372 - Prohibiting the state school for the deaf from dismissing or transferring any student who gains access to hearing.
- SB373 - Making appropriations to the university of Kansas medical center for fiscal years 2022, 2023 and 2024 for conducting COVID-19 clinical trials at the midwest stem cell therapy center.
- SB374 - Discontinuing the property tax exemption for new developments of renewable energy resources.
- SB375 - Enacting the Kansas housing investor tax credit act and expanding Kansas housing programs to facilitate economic development by providing tax credits for investment in residential housing projects in underserved rural and urban communities to accommodate new employees and support business growth.
- SB376 - Expanding Kansas housing programs to facilitate economic development by broadening the Kansas rural housing incentive district act to allow use of bond proceeds for construction of residential dwellings and buildings and to include the city of Topeka, increasing availability of loans or grants to rural communities for moderate income housing, establishing a program for urban communities for moderate income housing and permitting housing developments to include manufactured or modular housing.
- SB377 - Authorizing technology-enabled fiduciary financial institution insurance companies within the captive insurance act and providing for the requirements and operations thereof.
- SB378 - Regulating the retail sale of fireworks all year and extending the time period for seasonal retail sale of fireworks.
- SB379 - Providing for the use and regulation of autonomous motor vehicles.
- SB380 - Revising certain definitions relating to exceptional children by replacing emotional disturbance with emotional disability.
- SB381 - Allowing for the prescribing and dispensing of medications for off-label use to prevent and treat COVID-19 infections.
- SB382 - Applying licensure provisions for real estate brokers and salespersons to trusts and authorizing the Kansas real estate commission to issue cease and desist orders.
- SB383 - Establishing the Kansas property value protection act to provide for compensation to nonparticipating landowners near wind and solar farms for diminution of real property value under certain conditions.
- SB384 - Providing an income tax credit for certain qualified property taxes levied on homesteads.
- SB385 - Requiring registration as a sex offender for certain violations of the crimes of breach of privacy, internet trading in child pornography and aggravated internet trading in child pornography.
- SB386 - Limiting fees for copying and staff time under the Kansas open records act and providing for waiver or reduction of such fees.
- SB387 - Reinstating social worker applicant option for board-approved postgraduate supervised experience and allowing master's and clinical level licensees to take baccalaureate addiction counselor test.
- SB388 - Requiring the use of the United States postal service when returning an advance ballot by mail.
- SB389 - Requiring all voting systems for elections to use individual voter-verified paper ballots with a distinctive watermark.
- SB390 - Requiring the secretary of state and local election officers to develop an affidavit to be signed by election workers regarding handling of completed ballots.
- SB391 - Requiring the secretary of state and county election officers to develop a ballot system showing the number of years an incumbent has served in the office.
- SB392 - Terminating the transfer of remaining unencumbered moneys in the securities act fee fund exceeding $50,000 to the state general fund.
- SB393 - Requiring school districts to annually publish on the internet a list of learning materials and activities used for student instruction at each school of the school district and providing a penalty for violations thereof.
- SB394 - Requiring all advanced voting ballots be returned by 7 p.m. on election day.
- SB395 - Protecting private property from unauthorized access by certain government officials and unauthorized surveillance.
- SB396 - Creating the constitution and federalism defense act to establish a joint legislative commission to evaluate the constitutionality of federal mandates.
- SB397 - Creating a procedure for appointment of delegates to a convention under Article V of the Constitution of the United States and prescribing duties and responsibilities therefor.
- SB398 - Requiring child care facilities and schools to grant religious exemptions from vaccination requirements without inquiring into the sincerity of the religious beliefs.
- SB399 - Adding maternity centers to the definition of healthcare provider for purposes of the healthcare insurance provider availability act.
- Sub SB400 - Substitute for SB 400 by Committee on Financial Institutions and Insurance - Updating certain requirements and conditions relating to the creation, modification and termination of trusts in the Kansas uniform trust code and updating the definition of resident trust for tax purposes.
- SB401 - Providing an annual KPERS cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) on the occurrence of certain investment returns and increases to the consumer price index as certified by the KPERS board or executive director as designated by the board.
- SB402 - Providing a post-retirement cost-of-living adjustment for certain KPERS retirants.
- SB403 - Providing sales tax authority for Wilson county.
- SB404 - Authorizing a vote in Sedgwick county to allow the operation of electronic gaming machines at a racetrack gaming facility and authorizing the operation of historical horse race machines by parimutuel licensees.
- SB405 - Authorizing the state historical society to convey certain real property to the Shawnee Tribe.
- SB406 - Creating the back the blue act to authorize the issuance of protective orders to prohibit the acquisition and possession of firearms in order to reduce law enforcement officer deaths.
- SB407 - Updating income eligibility requirements for the state children's health insurance program.
- SB408 - Increasing the criminal penalties for multiple thefts of mail; specifying that the crime of burglary includes, without authority, entering into or remaining within any locked or secured portion of any dwelling, building or other structure, with intent to commit another crime therein; providing guidance to determine how offenders under the supervision of two or more supervision agencies can have supervision consolidated into one agency; requiring an offender who raises error in such offender's criminal history calculation for the first time on appeal to show prejudicial error and authorizing the court to correct an illegal sentence while a direct appeal is pending; and transferring the responsibility to certify drug abuse treatment providers that participate in the certified drug abuse treatment program from the department of corrections to the Kansas sentencing commission.
- SB409 - Prohibiting certain restrictions on freedom of worship by governmental entities and public officials, limiting related state of disaster emergency powers of the governor and state of local disaster emergency powers of counties and cities and limiting related powers of the secretary of health and environment and local health officers.
- SB410 - Requiring the state capitol and legislative meetings to be open to the public.
- SB411 - Prohibiting certain restrictions on the operation of private businesses by governmental entities and public officials, limiting related state of disaster emergency powers of the governor and state of local disaster emergency powers of counties and cities and limiting related powers of the secretary of health and environment and local health officers.
- SB412 - Increasing the criminal penalties for violation of a protective order.
- SB413 - Authorizing staggered sentencing for certain offenders convicted of domestic battery.
- SB414 - Authorizing staggered sentencing for certain offenders convicted of driving under the influence.
- SB415 - Defining "primary aggressor" for domestic violence purposes in the Kansas criminal code, the Kansas code of criminal procedure and the protection from abuse act.
- SB416 - Requiring law enforcement officers investigating alleged domestic violence to conduct a lethality assessment.
- SB417 - Establishing minimum and maximum permit renewal fees for certain solid waste disposal areas and processing facilities.
- SB418 - Prohibiting the modification of election laws by agreement except as approved by the legislative coordinating council.
- SB419 - Allowing certain employees from the department of corrections to attend the Kansas law enforcement training center and including special agents of the department of corrections in the definition of law enforcement officer under the Kansas law enforcement training act.
- SB420 - Allowing victims of childhood sexual abuse to bring a civil action for recovery of damages caused by such abuse at any time and reviving claims against any party for such damages that occurred on or after July 1, 1984.
- SB421 - Transferring a total of $1,125,000,000 from the state general fund to the Kansas public employees retirement fund during FY 2022 and FY 2023, allowing the state finance council to stop such FY 2023 transfers and eliminating certain level-dollar KPERS employer contribution payments.
- SB422 - Appropriations for FY 2023, FY 2024 and FY 2025 for various state agencies.
- SB423 - Modifying how reasonable allowance for use is calculated for nonconforming vehicle warranty refunds.
- SB424 - Requiring independent investigations and reports for incidents of law enforcement officer-involved deaths and use of aggressive force.
- SB425 - Directing the Kansas department for children and families to share certain information with investigating law enforcement agencies.
- SB426 - Eliminating the reduction of child day care services assistance tax credit in subsequent years following facility establishment and limitations on eligible corporations and providing a credit for employer payments to organizations for child day care services access.
- SB427 - Making technical amendments to the campaign finance act, extending the time frame for investigative hearings before the governmental ethics commission, and allowing federal officials to assist commission investigations.
- SB428 - Extending the time frame for governmental ethics commission hearings once probable cause is found and allowing federal officials to assist commission investigations.
- SB429 - Requiring electronic filing of campaign reports by candidates for state office unless an exemption is granted for cause.
- SB430 - Allowing income tax net operating loss carryback from sale of certain historic hotels.
- SB431 - Increasing extent of property tax exemption from the statewide school levy for residential property to $100,000 of its appraised valuation.
- SB432 - Providing a back-to-school sales tax holiday for sales of certain school supplies, computers and clothing.
- SB433 - Establishing a property tax exemption for antique utility trailers.
- SB434 - Creating exemptions in the open records act for records that contain captured license plate data or that pertain to the location of an automated license plate recognition system.
- SB435 - Expanding law enforcement officers' jurisdiction to include situations when an illegal act is observed that the officer reasonably believes will jeopardize the safety of any person without immediate action.
- SB436 - Ensuring a right to in-person visitation at medical care facilities and adult care homes, prohibiting certain public health orders related to isolation and quarantine, stay-at-home orders, curfews and face masks, limiting isolation or quarantine orders to recommendations and providing criminal penalties for certain violations, limiting state of disaster emergency powers of the governor and state of local disaster emergency powers of counties and cities related to stay-at-home orders, curfews and face masks and limiting powers of the secretary of health and environment and local health officers.
- SB437 - Prohibiting certain acts by business entities, governmental entities or public officials based upon a person's vaccination status or possession of an immunity passport, amending the Kansas act against discrimination to define unlawful employment practices related to vaccination status or possession of an immunity passport and limiting powers of the secretary of health and environment and local health officers.
- SB438 - Requiring audits of any federal, statewide or state legislative race that is within 1% of the total votes cast and requiring randomized audits of elections procedures used in four counties in even-numbered years.
- SB439 - Requiring a county election officer to send a confirmation of address when there is no election-related activity for any four calendar year period.
- SB440 - Establishing when an occupational therapist may treat a patient without referral from a physician and requiring occupational therapists to maintain professional liability insurance.
- SB441 - Enacting the biological laboratory accident transparency act.
- SB442 - Requiring wireless communication vendors activate push notifications from a minor's wireless communication device to a parent's wireless communication device when a minor's wireless communication device downloads an application.
- SB443 - Making appropriations to the department of administration in fiscal year 2022 for the purpose of legally defeasing or cash redeeming certain bonds at their first optional redemption date.
- Sub SB444 - Substitute for SB 444 by Committee on Ways and Means - Appropriations for FY 2022, FY 2023, FY 2024, FY 2025, FY 2026 and FY 2027 for various state agencies.
- SB445 - Prohibiting the use of additional ballot boxes for the return of advance voting ballots.
- SB446 - Allowing restricted driver's license holders beginning at age 15 to drive to and from religious activities held by any religious organization and providing for the electronic renewal of nondriver's identification card.
- SB447 - Designating a bridge on K-126 as the Dennis and Jane Crain overpass.
- SB448 - Adopting the national association of insurance commissioner's amendments to the unfair trade practices act excluding commercial property and casualty insurance producers, brokers and insurers from prohibitions on giving rebates as an inducement to sales.
- SB449 - Providing for an exemption from continuing education licensure requirements for certain insurance producers.
- Sub SB450 - Sub for SB 450 by Committee on Financial Institutions and Insurance: Eliminating the crediting to the Kansas public employees retirement fund of 80% of the proceeds from the sale of surplus real estate, authorizing state educational institutions to sell and convey real property given to such state educational institutions as an endowment, bequest or gift and authorizing the state board of regents to adopt policies relating to such sale and conveyance.
- SB451 - Requiring an individual to maintain enrollment on a tribal membership roll to receive a free permanent hunting license.
- SB452 - Including those who receive a high school equivalency (HSE) credentials for performance-based payments for certain postsecondary educational institutions.
- SB453 - Requiring unlicensed employees in adult care homes to complete certain training requirements, reinstating the social worker applicant option for board-approved postgraduate supervised experience, allowing master's and clinical level licensees to take the baccalaureate addiction counselor test and requiring the behavioral sciences regulatory board to accept a master of social work degree from Fort Hays state university as from an accredited college or university.
- SB454 - Amending the advanced practice registered nurse authorized scope of practice to permit the prescribing of drugs without a supervising physician.
- SB455 - Allowing K-12 students to transfer to and attend school in any school district in the state.
- SB456 - Regarding the teacher service scholarship program; making and concerning appropriations for the program for fiscal years ending June 30, 2023, June 30, 2024, June 30, 2025, June 30, 2026, and June 30, 2027, for the state board of regents to fund such scholarships.
- SB457 - Requiring a waiver of extradition proceedings as a condition of bond.
- SB458 - Requiring precinct committeemen and committeewomen to report certain personal contact information to the county clerk.
- SB459 - Providing for the order of the eastern star distinctive license plate.
- SB460 - Requiring a forensic medical evaluation of an alleged victim of child abuse or neglect as part of an investigation, creating a program in the department of health and environment to provide training and payment and defining child abuse review and evaluation providers, networks and examinations and child abuse medical resource centers.
- SB461 - Enacting the delivery service liability act and assigning liability when delivery drivers cause damage to the property of others while carrying out their duties.
- Sub SB462 - Substitute for SB 462 by Committee on Assessment and Taxation - Eliminating the prohibition of a surcharge when purchases are made with a credit or debit card and requiring notice of surcharge for use of credit cards.
- SB463 - Providing a remittance credit to retailers for the collection of sales and compensating use tax.
- SB464 - Discontinuing state property tax levies for the Kansas educational building fund and the state institutions building fund and providing for financing from the state general fund.
- SB465 - Enacting the responsible gun ownership act and creating the crime of unlawful storage of a firearm.
- SB466 - Prohibiting certain acts by places of public accommodations based upon a person's vaccination status or possession of an immunity passport and prohibiting governing bodies of any city or county, public officials of any city or county and local health officers from requiring that a person wear a face mask based on an epidemic or other public health reason.
- SB467 - Enacting the making work pay act to increase the Kansas minimum wage.
- SB468 - Directing the capitol preservation committee to develop and approve plans for a mural honoring the 1st Kansas (Colored) Voluntary Infantry regiment.
- SB469 - Permitting certain persons convicted of a felony to be eligible for food assistance.
- SB470 - Requiring a prevailing wage for state public works construction contracts by state agencies and permitting cities and counties to require a prevailing for such contracts.
- SB471 - Imposing certain health insurance coverage requirements for screening and diagnostic examinations for breast cancer, expanding eligibility for medicaid postpartum coverage to 12 months and requiring children's health insurance coverage eligibility to be tied to current federal poverty income guidelines.
- SB472 - Expanding medical assistance eligibility and providing requirements therefor.
- SB473 - Increasing criminal penalties for escape from custody and aiding escape involving sexually violent predators.
- SB474 - Permitting an ambulance to operate with one emergency medical service provider in rural counties.
- SB475 - Establishing the Kansas hope scholarship program to provide educational savings accounts for students.
- SB476 - Restricting the amount of fees on a utility bill for a board of public utilities.
- SB477 - Requiring the state corporation commission to provide certain information upon request to customers of a board of public utilities.
- SB478 - Establishing requirements for wind energy conversion system obstruction lighting to mitigate the visual impact of such lighting systems.
- SB479 - Authorizing a permanent memorial commemorating the Kansas suffragist movement to be placed in the state capitol and establishing the Kansas suffragist memorial fund.
- SB480 - Prohibiting public utilities from recovering any dues, donations or contributions to any charitable or social organization or entity through customer rates.
- SB481 - Establishing construction, notification and health and safety requirements for commercial-scale and limited-scale solar energy conversion systems.
- SB482 - Enacting the firearm industry nondiscrimination act to prohibit certain government contracts with companies that discriminate against firearm entities and firearm trade associations.
- SB483 - Increasing criminal penalties for theft and criminal damage to property involving remote service units such as automated cash dispensing machines and automated teller machines.
- SB484 - Enacting the fairness in women's sports act to require that student athletic teams only include members who are of the same biological sex unless designated as coed.
- SB485 - Expanding the scope of uses of campaign contribution moneys under the campaign finance act to include family caregiving services.
- SB486 - Expanding the scope of the campaign finance act to include candidates for board membership for school districts and community colleges in certain counties.
- SB487 - Proposing congressional redistricting map jayhawk two.
- SB488 - Eliminating the division of vehicles modernization surcharge.
- SB489 - Removing certain regulatory authority concerning infectious or contagious diseases from the secretary of health and environment.
- SB490 - Expanding options for legal surrender of an infant to include infant refuge cribs.
- SB491 - Permitting workers compensation benefits for first responders who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.
- SB492 - Providing immunity from civil liability for the person who files a citizen-initiated grand jury petition and requiring such person to be the first witness called by such grand jury.
- SB493 - Prohibiting cities and counties from regulating plastic and other containers designed for the consumption, transportation or protection of merchandise, food or beverages.
- SB494 - Providing that the employment status of a driver of a motor carrier does not change as a result of the inclusion of safety improvements on a vehicle.
- SB495 - Establishing the salt parity act to allow pass-through entities to elect to pay state income tax at the entity level.
- SB496 - Establishing the parents' bill of rights for parents of students attending elementary or secondary school in this state.
- SB497 - Authorizing the attorney general to coordinate training regarding a multidisciplinary team approach to intervention in reports involving alleged human trafficking for law enforcement agencies and requiring training on human trafficking awareness and identification for certain child welfare agencies, juvenile justice agencies, mental health professionals and school personnel.
- SB498 - Establishing the animal facilities inspection program under the supervision of the secretary of agriculture.
- SB499 - Requiring a second student count for virtual school enrollment, increasing certain virtual school state aid amounts and providing for additional state aid for certain students who transfer to virtual schools.
- SB500 - Permitting the creation of long term care facilities for children in continued crisis.
- SB501 - Requiring able-bodied adults without dependents to complete an employment and training program in order to receive food assistance, requiring state agencies to conduct cross-checks to verify public assistance recipient eligibility and to receive public assistance, requiring the department for health and environment seek approval to eliminate mandatory hospital presumptive eligibility, requiring hospitals to follow standards established for presumptive eligibility determinations and requiring state agencies to make data from fraud investigations into food assistance and medical assistance publicly available on such agencies' websites.
- SB502 - Providing for separate licensure authority for maternity centers.
- SB503 - Providing requirements for judicial tax lien foreclosure sales and expanding costs that may be included as redemption fees.
- SB504 - Providing that worker's compensation benefit reductions due to retirement benefits funded by the employer shall apply to retirement benefits that the employee begins receiving after the injury to reduce permanent disability benefits and exempting benefits under the federal social security act.
- SB505 - Enacting the protect home-based work act prohibiting the enactment or enforcement of zoning regulations that are barriers to home-based work.
- SB506 - Providing for the north central Kansas down syndrome society distinctive license plate.
- SB507 - Continuing in existence certain exceptions to the disclosure of public records under the open records act.
- SB508 - Eliminating certain level-dollar KPERS employer contribution payments.
- SB509 - Providing a refund of state sales tax paid on certain purchases to reconstruct, repair or replace buildings and improvements damaged by certain disasters.
- SB510 - Enacting the Kansas vacant property act to prohibit municipalities from imposing any fees or registration requirements on unoccupied residential or commercial property.
- SB511 - Providing public employees and professional employees certain rights with respect to withholding of public employee organization and professional employee organization dues.
- SB512 - Eliminating the division of vehicles modernization surcharge.
- SB513 - Allowing certain property used as a thrift store to qualify for a property tax exemption.
- SB514 - Establishing the Kansas historic site fund checkoff.
- SB515 - Requiring nondiscrimination in school district classroom instruction, public access to learning materials and removal of inherently divisive concepts from state board of education policies, guidelines and other materials.
- SB516 - Providing for sales tax exemption for hygiene products.
- SB517 - Requiring public agencies to allow certain persons to listen to audio recordings or to view video recordings made at a juvenile detention facility or juvenile intake and assessment services facility and that relate to an incident in which a juvenile was seriously injured or died while in such facility.
- SB518 - Enacting the Kansas reliable energy investment protection act, requiring the KPERS board to divest from investments with entities boycotting energy companies and prohibiting state contracts with companies boycotting energy companies.
- SB519 - Increasing the Kansas standard deduction for income tax purposes.
- SB520 - Providing an income tax credit for school supply expenditures by teachers.
- SB521 - Prohibiting motorcycle profiling by law enforcement agencies.
- SB522 - Standardizing firearm safety education programs in school districts.
- SB523 - Authorizing certain transfers from the state general fund to the Kansas public employees retirement fund in fiscal years 2022 and 2023 and requiring state finance council approval for such fiscal year 2023 transfers.
- SB524 - Providing membership in the KP&F retirement system for certain security officers of the department of corrections and for certain law enforcement officers and employees of the Kansas department of wildlife and parks.
- SB525 - Requiring at least 65% of moneys provided by the state to be expended in the classroom or for instruction.
- SB526 - Providing for a sales tax exemption for construction or repair of buildings used for human habitation by the Kansas state school for the blind and the Kansas state school for the deaf.
- SB527 - Providing a sales tax exemption for certain purchases and sales by certain nonprofit organizations that provide substance use disorder treatment or support to foster children and licensed foster families.
- SB528 - Requiring school districts to provide a reimbursement to teachers for classroom supplies.
- SB529 - Providing for the electronic renewal of nondriver's identification cards.
- SB530 - Establishing the Kansas rail safety improvement act providing for safety requirements for railroad operations and crossings.
- SB531 - Enacting the massage therapist licensure act to provide for regulation and licensing of massage therapists.
- SB532 - Allowing candidates for nonpartisan offices to have such candidate's political party provided with the candidate's name on the ballot.
- SB533 - Increasing the period of time that a person is disqualified from driving a commercial motor vehicle for certain violations and prohibiting prosecuting attorneys from concealing certain traffic violations from the CDLIS driver report for holders of commercial driver's licenses and commercial learner's permits.
- SB534 - Enacting the reduce armed violence act to increase the criminal penalties for certain violations of criminal possession of a weapon by a convicted felon that involve firearms.
- SB535 - Requiring law enforcement agencies to determine whether applicants have been employed in law enforcement and examine certain records.
- SB536 - Requiring the attorney general to investigate allegations of misconduct by a prosecuting attorney that may have contributed to a wrongful conviction and, if the evidence warrants, prosecute any appropriate criminal charges and commence ouster proceedings against such prosecuting attorney.
- SB537 - Requiring state agencies, political subdivisions, state contractors and vendors to disclose certain contracts, gifts or grants received from foreign sources and state educational institutions to screen certain foreign applicants seeking employment in certain research positions, prohibiting agreements with or accepting grants from certain foreign countries of concern and establishing research integrity offices and international travel and approval programs at state educational institutions.
- SB538 - Eliminating the local ad valorem tax reduction fund.
- SB539 - Permitting naturopathic doctors and acupuncturists to engage in the corporate practice of medicine.
- SB540 - Expanding the selective assistance for effective senior relief (SAFESR) income tax credit for certain residential property taxes paid.
- SB541 - Prohibiting a governmental entity or public official from ordering or otherwise requiring a person to wear a face mask as a response to a contagious or infectious disease and from restricting worship services or activities; providing that orders and similar actions by public officials relating to gathering limitations and business restrictions shall not exceed 30 days in duration at a time before being renewed or allowed to expire; prohibiting school officials from issuing or requiring use of a COVID-19 vaccination passport or discriminating against a student based upon COVID-19 vaccination status; requiring schools to recognize exemptions from vaccination requirements; prescribing powers, duties and functions of the board of education of each school district, the governing body of each community college and the governing body of each technical college related to contagious or infectious disease and modifying judicial review provisions related thereto; and removing the sunset provision in the COVID-19 contact tracing privacy act.
- SB542 - Establishing a property tax revenue neutral rate complaint process, authorizing the county clerk to limit the amount of ad valorem taxes to be levied in certain circumstances, establishing a deadline for budgets to be filed with the director of accounts and reports and requiring roll call votes and publication of information.
- SB543 - Allowing the carryforward of certain net operating losses for individuals for Kansas income tax purposes.
- SB544 - Requiring state legislators to spend a week volunteering at a public school or consult with a teaching team prior to requesting a bill that impacts curriculum or school finance and prohibiting state legislators who have children in a nonpublic school from requesting a bill that diverts state funding from school districts to nonpublic schools.
- SB545 - Requiring nonpublic schools to participate in certain assessments and publish on their website performance accountability reports and longitudinal achievement reports.
- SB546 - Providing for the use and regulation of autonomous motor vehicles and establishing the autonomous vehicle advisory committee.
- SB547 - Exempting broadcast satellite service and providers of streaming content from the video competition act and providing requirements relating to audits of video service provider franchise fees.
- SB548 - Excepting matters relating to the administration or processing of individual water rights and applications from the advice and assistance that groundwater management districts may provide.
- SB549 - Allowing certain water right holders to withdraw from a groundwater management district under certain circumstances.
- SB550 - Authorizing certain individuals with revoked driver's licenses to be eligible for restricted driving privileges.
- SB551 - Establishing the division of pet animal facilities inspection within the department of agriculture under the administration of the pet animal facilities director.
- SB552 - Enacting the modernization of recovery through website outreach act to authorize the state treasurer to publish information regarding real property that counties have foreclosed for nonpayment of taxes.
- SB553 - Enacting the Kansas thrift savings plan act and establishing terms, conditions, requirements, membership elections, accounts, benefits, contributions and distributions related to such act.
- SB554 - Amending the definition of land devoted to agricultural use for property tax purposes to include incidental agritourism activity and zoos.
- SB555 - Allowing for the proration of value for property tax purposes when certain personal property is acquired or sold prior to September 1 of any tax year and discontinuing the collection of unpaid municipal utility fees using the property tax roll.
- SB556 - Providing for a Kansas income tax subtraction modification for the federal work opportunity tax credit and the employee retention credit disallowance.
- SB557 - Changing the scope of crimes that may be expunged to exempt an individual from the crime of criminal possession of a weapon by a convicted felon.
- SB558 - Establishing a procedure for a petition for restoration of a person's firearms rights by a person whose prior conviction prohibited the possession of firearms and that has been expunged.
- SB559 - Limiting the liability of optometrists and ophthalmologists who report information to the division of vehicles relating to a person's vision.
- SB560 - Enacting the medical marijuana regulation act to regulate the cultivation, processing, distribution, sale and use of medical marijuana.
- SB561 - Proposing the state senatorial redistricting plan Eisenhower.
- SB562 - Proposing the state senatorial redistricting map bluestem.
- Sub SB563 - Substitute for SB 563 by Committee on Redistricting - Proposing state senatorial redistricting plan liberty three, state representative redistricting plan free state 3F and state board of education redistricting plan apple seven.
- SB564 - Requiring lobbyists to disclose any pending or current litigation against a client that would affect proposed legislation when discussing such legislation with a legislator or when testifying before a committee.
- Sub SB565 - Substitute for SB 565 by Committee on Assessment and Taxation - Providing an income tax rate of 4.75% for individuals.
- SB566 - Proposing state senatorial redistricting plan freedom.
- SB567 - Allowing restricted driver's license holders to drive to and from worship services held by any religious organizations at age 15.
- SB568 - Proposing state senatorial redistricting plan free state one.
- SB569 - Updating references and corresponding changes related to 2021 Executive Reorganization Order No. 48 and the transfer of the division of tourism from the department of wildlife and parks to the department of commerce.
- SB570 - Delaying the effective date of the secretary of state's new biennial business entity filing provisions enacted in 2021 House Bill No. 2391 from January 1, 2023, to January 1, 2024.
- SB571 - Providing for the appointment of members of standing, special and select committees of the legislature by a committee on organization of the senate and a committee on organization of the house of representatives.
- SB572 - Enacting the covert firearms act and establishing criminal penalties for the possession, manufacture, distribution, transportation, shipping or receiving of certain firearms or components.
- SB573 - Proposing state senatorial district plan free state five.
- SB574 - Proposing state senatorial district plan free state four.
- SB575 - Creating a presumption that joint legal custody and maximized parenting time in temporary parenting plans are in the best interests of a child and defining related terms under the Kansas family law code.
- SB576 - Proposing state board of education redistricting plan little jerusalem badlands.
- SB577 - Proposing state board of education redistricting plan apple.
- SB578 - Reconciling conflicting amendments to certain statutes.
- SB579 - Establishing the homegrown Kansas leadership program to provide tuition assistance for individuals who earn a teaching degree or a master's degree in education and agree to teach in Kansas after earning such degree.
- SB580 - Establishing an accelerated teacher training program.
2025. Powered by KLISS. Rendered: 2025-02-15T04:14:07. Head Rev No: 893617(E)