Testimony |
- Presenter: att 34 KU rel exempt
- Topic: att 34
Testimony |
- Presenter: Office of Revisor of Statutes
- Topic: Overview Memo
Testimony |
- Presenter: Multiple Private Citizens and Organizations
- Topic: RS 2356 - additional written-only
Testimony |
- Presenter: Bob Talley
- Topic: RS 2356 - Neutral
Testimony |
- Presenter: Dan Murray
- Organization: National Federation of Independent Business
- Topic: RS 2356 - Neutral
Testimony |
- Presenter: Daran Duffy
- Topic: RS 2356 - Opponent
Testimony |
- Presenter: Eric Stafford
- Organization: Kansas Chamber of Commerce
- Topic: RS 2356 - Opponent
Testimony |
- Presenter: Kelly Sommers
- Organization: Kansas State Nurses Association
- Topic: RS 2356 - Opponent
Testimony |
- Presenter: Michael Poppa
- Organization: Mainstream Coalition
- Topic: RS 2356 - Opponent
Testimony |
- Presenter: Rachel Monger
- Organization: LeadingAge Kansas
- Topic: RS 2356 - Opponent
Testimony |
- Presenter: Office of Revisor of Statutes
- Topic: RS 2356 - Overview Memo
Testimony |
- Presenter: Tom Salt
- Topic: RS 2356 - Proponenet - submitted after meeting
Testimony |
- Presenter: Bill Mize
- Topic: RS 2356 - Proponent
Testimony |
- Presenter: Brittany Jones
- Organization: Kansas Family Voice
- Topic: RS 2356 - Proponent
Testimony |
- Presenter: Debbie Detmer
- Topic: RS 2356 - Proponent
Testimony |
- Presenter: Debra Mize
- Organization: Kansans for Health Freedom
- Topic: RS 2356 - Proponent
Testimony |
- Presenter: Gary Morgan
- Topic: RS 2356 - Proponent
Testimony |
- Presenter: Greg Short
- Topic: RS 2356 - Proponent
Testimony |
- Presenter: Joann Atchity
- Topic: RS 2356 - Proponent
Testimony |
- Presenter: Laura Klingensmith
- Topic: RS 2356 - Proponent
Testimony |
- Presenter: Lauren Shiffman
- Topic: RS 2356 - Proponent
Testimony |
- Presenter: Martin Tinker
- Topic: RS 2356 - Proponent
Testimony |
- Presenter: Tom Salt
- Topic: RS 2356 - Proponent
Testimony |
- Presenter: Shaun Heald
- Organization: Libertarian Party (4th District)
- Topic: RS 2356 - Proponent
Testimony |
- Presenter: Office of Revisor of Statutes
- Topic: RS 2356 - Representative Owen suggested change
Testimony |
- Presenter: Office of Revisor of Statutes
- Topic: RS 2356 - Senator Masterson suggested change
Testimony |
- Presenter: Multiple Private Citizens and Organizations
- Topic: RS 2356 - Written-only
Testimony |
- Presenter: Multiple Private Citizens and Organizations
- Topic: RS 2357 - additional written-only
Testimony |
- Presenter: Dan Murray
- Organization: National Federation of Independent Business
- Topic: RS 2357 - Opponent
Testimony |
- Presenter: Eric Stafford
- Organization: Kansas Chamber of Commerce
- Topic: RS 2357 - Opponent
Testimony |
- Presenter: Kelly Sommers
- Organization: Kansas State Nurses Association
- Topic: RS 2357 - Opponent
Testimony |
- Presenter: Rachel Monger
- Organization: LeadingAge Kansas
- Topic: RS 2357 - Opponent
Testimony |
- Presenter: Office of Revisor of Statutes
- Topic: RS 2357 - Overview Memo
Testimony |
- Presenter: Joann Atchity
- Topic: RS 2357 - Proponent
Testimony |
- Presenter: Martin Tinker
- Topic: RS 2357 - Proponent
Testimony |
- Presenter: Shaun Heald
- Organization: Libertarian Party (4th District)
- Topic: RS 2357 - Proponent
Testimony |
- Presenter: Office of Revisor of Statutes
- Topic: RS 2357 - Representative Miller suggested change
Testimony |
- Presenter: Multiple Private Citizens and Organizations
- Topic: RS 2357 - Written-only
Testimony |
- Presenter: Office of Revisor of Statutes
- Topic: RS 2384 - Representative Miller suggested change