Testimony |
- Presenter: Staff
- Organization: Kansas Legislative Research Department
- Topic: 50 State Comparison of K-12 and Special Education Fundiong
Testimony |
- Presenter: Tamera Lawrence
- Organization: Office of the Revisor
- Topic: Chart on IDEA and SEECA
Testimony |
- Presenter: Gabrielle Hull
- Organization: Kansas Legislative Research Department
- Topic: Estimate Historic Federal Special Ed Funding 40
Testimony |
- Presenter: Gabrielle Hull
- Organization: Kansas Legislative Research Department
- Topic: Estimated Special Ed Excess 2023 and 2024
Testimony |
- Presenter: Gabrielle Hull
- Organization: Kansas Legislative Research Department
- Topic: Headcount SPED students and All Students 2003-2022
Testimony |
- Presenter: Gabrielle Hull
- Organization: Kansas Legislative Research Department
- Topic: Historic Consensus Caseloads Estimates
Testimony |
- Presenter: Tamera Lawrence
- Organization: Office of the Revisor
- Topic: History of special ed excess costs and reimbursement percentage
Testimony |
- Presenter: Gabrielle Hull
- Organization: Kansas Legislative Research Department
- Topic: KSA 72-3422 Special Ed Funding
Testimony |
- Presenter: Craig Neuenswander
- Organization: Kansas Department of Education
- Topic: KSDE Column Explanation
Testimony |
- Presenter: Craig Neuenswander
- Organization: Kansas Department of Education
- Topic: KSDE Data All Districts SPED 2019-2022
Testimony |
- Presenter: Craig Neuenswander
- Organization: Kansas Department of Education
- Topic: KSDE Testimony SPED Excess Costs
Testimony |
- Presenter: Tamera Lawrence
- Organization: Office of the Revisor
- Topic: Memo on IDEA and SEECA
Testimony |
- Presenter: Gabrielle Hull
- Organization: Kansas Legislative Research Department
- Topic: Overview of Kansas Special Education
Testimony |
- Presenter: Chairperson Williams
- Organization: Special Committee on Education 2022
- Topic: Recommendations for Special Education Funding
Testimony |
- Presenter: Gabrielle Hull
- Organization: Kansas Legislative Research Department
- Topic: Special Ed Student Headcount by Gender, Race and Ethnicity
Testimony |
- Presenter: Kyle Carlin
- Organization: West Central Kansas Special Education Coop #708
- Topic: Special Education Budgeting and Expenses
Testimony |
- Presenter: Gabrielle Hull
- Organization: Kansas Legislative Research Department
- Topic: Special Education Catagorical Aid 2019-2022
Testimony |
- Presenter: Dave Trabert
- Organization: Kansas Policy Institute
- Topic: Special Education Funding
Testimony |
- Presenter: Leah Fliter
- Organization: Kansas Association of School Boards
- Topic: Special Education Funding
Testimony |
- Presenter: Gabrielle Hull
- Organization: Kansas Legislative Research Department
- Topic: SPED Disability Category
Testimony |
- Presenter: Kyle Carlin
- Organization: West Central Kansas SPED Cooperative #708
- Topic: SPED Funding
Testimony |
- Presenter: Dave Trabert
- Organization: Kansas Policy Institute
- Topic: SPED Funding
Testimony |
- Presenter: Staff
- Organization: Kansas Legislative Research Department
- Topic: State Total All USDS
Testimony |
- Presenter: Staff
- Organization: Kansas Legislature Research Department
- Topic: State Totals All USDS
Testimony |
- Presenter: Staff
- Organization: Kansas Legislative Research Department
- Topic: Unencumbered Cash Balances by District Number 2011-2022
Testimony |
- Presenter: Staff
- Organization: Kansas Legislative Research Department
- Topic: Weightings Attributable to Special Education Students