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Minutes for SB39 - Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources

Short Title

Changing Kansas department of agriculture division of animal health license, permit and registration renewal deadlines and allowing the animal health commissioner to recover the actual cost of official calfhood vaccination tags.

Minutes Content for Wed, Jan 27, 2021

Chairperson Kerschen opened the hearing on SB39.

Tamera Lawrence of the Revisor of Statutes Office explained the bill.

Dr. Andy Hawkins spoke in favor of the bill.  He told the committee that the bill sets September 30 as the license, permit, and registration deadline for KDA's large animal programs and provides KDA the ability to recover the actual cost of providing RFID tags for OCV use as we continue promoting and enhancing animal disease traceability within the state of Kansas and beyond.(Attachment 1)

After a brief discussion, Chairperson Kerschen closed the hearing on SB39.