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Minutes for HCR5015 - Committee on Elections
Short Title
Urging the United States Congress to reject the For the People Act of 2021.
Minutes Content for Thu, Mar 11, 2021
Chairperson Blake Carpenter opened the hearing on HCR5015 and recognized Jason Long, Assistant Revisor, Office of Revisor of Statutes. Revisor Long gave an overview of the Concurrent Resolution.
Chairperson Carpenter recognized Katie Koupal, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Communications & Policy. Ms. Koupal gave proponent testimony. (Attachment 1)
Additional proponent testimony was given by Representative Chris Croft, 8th District, Kansas House of Representatives. (Attachment 2)
Elizabeth Patton, State Director, Americans for Prosperity - Kansas, also provided proponent testimony. (Attachment 3)
Following the testimonies, conferees stood for questions.
Written-only proponent testimony was submitted by Brittany Jones, Director, Advocacy for Family Policy Alliance of Kansas. (Attachment 4)
There were no opponents or neutrals.
Chairperson Carpenter closed the hearing on HCR5015 and thanked all the presenters.
The Chairperson announced there would be a meeting next week to discuss HCR5015 and Committee members should bring forth changes at that time.
Committee Vice Chair, Representative Emil Bergquist was congratulated on his 33 years of marriage.
The meeting adjourned at 4:05 p.m.
The next scheduled meeting of the House Elections Committee is March 16, 2021.