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Minutes for HB2615 - Committee on K-12 Education Budget

Short Title

Authorizing school districts to provide alternative educational opportunities outside of the classroom for course credit.

Minutes Content for Mon, Feb 14, 2022

Chairperson Williams opened the hearing on HB 2615.

Nick Myers, Kansas Office of Revisor of Statutes, reviewed HB 2615 bill brief with the Committee. (Attachment 5)

Mr. Myers responded to questions from the Committee.

Representative Adam Thomas provided testimony in support of HB 2615.  He noted that this bill will allow students the opportunity to earn course credits sponsored by approved entities approved through the local district and state board. (Attachment 6)

Jenifer Javia, yes.every kid., provided testimony in support of HB 2615. She noted that this bill expands the educational opportunity universe without taking anything away. (Attachment 7)

Elizabeth Patton, Americans for Prosperity, provided testimony in support of HB 2615. She noted that every child in Kansas should have access to a quality education allowing them to discover, develop, and apply their unique talents to find lifelong fulfillment and contribute to their community. (Attachment 8)

Representative Thomas, Ms. Javia, and Mr. Myers responded to questions from the Committee.

Brad Neuenswander, Deputy Commissioner of the Division of Learning Services in the Kansas State Department of Education, who attended the meeting, provided feedback on how some school districts are working with local businesses and individuals to develop courses and provide another avenue for students to earn credit.   He noted that issuing credit is a local decision.  He spoke that the bill would provide a spotlight to this option and provide guidance. Mr. Neuenswander stated that there is auditing of student's records to ensure how the students are academically engaged outside the classroom.

Mr. Neuenswander responded to questions from the Committee. 

Mark Tallman, Kansas Association of School Boards, provided neutral testimony for HB 2615. (Attachment 9)

Mr. Tallman responded to questions from the Committee.

Neutral written testimony for HB 2615 was received by:

Deena Horst and Ben Jones, Legislative Liaisons, Kansas State Board of Education. (Attachment 10)

There being no further conferees, Chairperson Williams closed the hearing on HB 2615.