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Feb. 19, 2025
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2024 Statute

Section Number

65-6201 - Individuals in need of in-home care; definitions.
65-6202 - Hospice certified to participate in medicare program may hold itself out to public as hospice or licensed hospice; prohibitions; enforcement.
65-6203 - Discharges detrimental to water or soil; allocation of responsibility.
65-6204 - Background information on certain applicants for employment; secretary of health and environment to provide for processing information requested.
65-6205 - Background information on certain applicants for employment; request for information by certain entities; exemption from civil liability for certain actions taken in good faith based on such information.
65-6207 - Definitions.
65-6208 - Assessment imposed on hospital providers; rate; submission to United States centers for medicare and medicaid services; notice of approval.
65-6209 - Same; exemption for certain hospital providers.
65-6210 - Same; payment date for hospitals; delayed payment schedules; penalties.
65-6211 - Same; notice of assessment; method of payment; assessment adjustment when a hospital ceases operations.
65-6212 - Hospital provider assessments not imposed or discontinued, when; disbursement or refund of proceeds.
65-6213 - Assessment imposed on health maintenance organizations, rate.
65-6214 - Same; payment date for health maintenance organizations; delayed payment schedules; penalties.
65-6215 - Same; notice of assessment; method of payment; assessment adjustment when a health maintenance organization ceases operations.
65-6216 - Health maintenance organization assessments not imposed or discontinued, when; disbursement or refund of proceeds.
65-6217 - Health care access improvement fund; amounts credited; authorized expenditures; interest earnings; accrual accounting procedure.
65-6218 - Assessment revenues; guidelines for disbursement; supplemental funding prohibited; healthcare access improvement panel; composition, organization and annual report; federal approval of changes.
65-6219 - Administration and enforcement of act.
65-6220 - Rules and regulations.
65-6230 - Health care compact.
65-6231 - Health care freedom act.
65-6232 - Severability for certain acts.
65-6233 - Department of health and environment; rules and regulations regarding eligibility requirements for medical assistance; life insurance proceeds, collateral assignment of.
65-6234 - Term of intellectual disability; state official policy.
65-6235 - Use of cannabidiol treatment preparation with tetrahydrocannabinol.
2025. Powered by KLISS. Rendered: 2025-02-19T02:31:47. Head Rev No: 817975(I)