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Legislative Deadlines
Feb. 6, 2025
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2024 Statute

Section Number

65-6701 - Definitions.
65-6702 - Drugs or devices for birth control or fertilization lawful; political subdivisions prohibited from limiting abortion.
65-6703 - Abortion when unborn child viable; restrictions and prohibitions; civil damages and criminal penalties for violations.
65-6704 - Abortion upon minor; required information and counseling.
65-6705 - Same; written consent of certain persons required before performance of abortion; waiver of requirement; court proceedings; penalties; judicial record and report; civil action.
65-6707 - Same; severability clause.
65-6708 - Citation of act.
65-6709 - Same; abortion, informed consent required; information required to be given to women, certification of receipt; offer to view ultrasound image and hear heartbeat, certification of offer; required signage.
65-6710 - Same; materials to be published and distributed by the department of health and environment; materials to be available at no cost.
65-6711 - Same; information where medical emergency compels performances of an abortion.
65-6712 - Same; failure to provide informed consent and printed materials under act is unprofessional conduct.
65-6714 - Same; severability clause.
65-6715 - Same; act does not create or recognize a right to abortion or make lawful an abortion that is currently unlawful.
65-6716 - Required notice to patients receiving medication abortion; signage in certain facilities; contents; criminal penalty for violation; fines; civil actions against physicians.
65-6721 - Partial birth abortion; restrictions and prohibitions; civil damages and criminal penalties for violations.
65-6722 - Abortion of pain-capable unborn child; legislative findings.
65-6723 - Abortion of pain-capable unborn child; definitions.
65-6724 - Same; certain abortions prohibited, exceptions; determination of gestational age; civil action; criminal penalties.
65-6725 - Same; construction of act.
65-6726 - Abortion based on gender; prohibited.
65-6731 - Prohibition on certain funding for abortions; definitions.
65-6732 - Legislative declaration that life begins at fertilization.
65-6733 - Prohibition on certain funding for abortion.
65-6734 - Same; school districts.
65-6735 - Same; construction of act.
65-6736 - Same; no requirement to provide or right to an abortion.
65-6737 - Same; discrimination prohibited.
65-6738 - Same; applicability of act.
65-6739 - Same; severability.
65-6741 - Kansas unborn child protection from dismemberment abortion act; citation of act.
65-6742 - Definitions.
65-6743 - Dismemberment abortion prohibited; exceptions.
65-6744 - Cause of action for injunctive relief.
65-6745 - Civil action for violation of act.
65-6746 - Criminal penalties for violation of act.
65-6747 - Legal proceedings; public disclosure of name of woman, orders against such disclosure.
65-6748 - Construction of act.
65-6749 - Severability.
65-6750 - Effect of injunction or other judicial order on provisions of article 67.
65-6751 - Born-alive infants protection act; citation of act.
65-6752 - Definitions
65-6753 - Terms used in crimes against persons; inclusion of certain persons.
65-6754 - Duty to preserve life and health of child born alive during abortion or attempted abortion; obligation to report failure of duty to law enforcement, when.
65-6755 - Criminal penalty for violation of act; exception.
65-6756 - Cause of action for violation of act; limitations; damages.
65-6757 - Anonymity of woman upon whom abortion is performed or attempted; court orders.
65-6758 - Annual reports by medical care facilities; contents; penalty for failure to file.
65-6759 - Severability.
2025. Powered by KLISS. Rendered: 2025-02-06T20:50:40. Head Rev No: 817959(I)