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Legislative Deadlines
Jan. 19, 2025
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2024 Statute

Section Number

74-2606 - Meetings and office of authority.
74-2608 - Duties of office.
74-2609 - Duties of office.
74-2610 - Cooperation of other state agencies.
74-2611 - Rules and regulations.
74-2612 - Board to provide advanced training for certain employees; rules and regulations.
74-2613 - Kansas water office established; appointment, compensation and civil service status of director; powers and duties of director; application of K-GOAL.
74-2614 - Appointment of employees by director.
74-2615 - Abolishment of state water resources board and executive director thereof; powers, duties and functions transferred to Kansas water office and director; continuation of rules and regulations and orders and directives of board and its executive director.
74-2616 - Duties of department of health and environment transferred to water office and its director; continuation of rules and regulations and orders and directives.
74-2617 - Transfer of officers and employees; rights preserved.
74-2618 - Transfer of property and records; governor to resolve conflicts.
74-2619 - Custody of records transferred to office.
74-2620 - Transfer of unexpended balances of appropriations.
74-2621 - Rights saved in legal actions.
74-2622 - Kansas water authority; membership; appointment; qualifications; terms; compensation and allowances; powers and duties; application of K-GOAL.
74-2623 - Study of certain matters by authority; report to legislature.
2025. Powered by KLISS. Rendered: 2025-01-19T13:26:11. Head Rev No: 817952(I)