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Feb. 19, 2025
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2024 Statute

Section Number

74-5001a - Purpose of department.
74-5002 - Declaration of necessity and public policy.
74-5002a - Department of commerce, creation; secretary of commerce, appointment and compensation; officers and employees; location of offices; application of K-GOAL.
74-5002b - Powers, duties and functions of department and secretary of economic development transferred.
74-5002c - Successors and continuation of department and secretary of economic development.
74-5002d - Rules and regulations, orders and directives continued in effect until superseded.
74-5002e - Application of documentary references and designations.
74-5002l - Resolution of conflicts concerning disposition of property, powers, duties, functions, appropriations, personnel or records.
74-5002m - Rights preserved in legal actions and proceedings.
74-5002o - Organization of department; policies governing administration.
74-5002p - Powers, duties and functions of department of commerce and housing transferred to department of commerce; application of documentary references and designations; rules and regulations, orders and directives of secretary continued in effect until superseded.
74-5002q - Rules and regulations to provide objective scoring matrix for awarding housing tax credits.
74-5002r - Rules and regulations.
74-5002s - Division of workforce development; establishment; administration; director, appointment; annual legislative report by division monitoring unit.
74-5002t - Successors of division and director of employment and training within department of human resources; force and effect of actions performed in exercise of transferred duties; application of documentary references and designations; rules and regulations, orders and directives continued in effect until superseded.
74-5002u - Transfer of fund balances and assumption of liability for compensation and salaries by department.
74-5002v - Resolution of conflicts regarding disposition of property, powers, duties, functions, appropriations, personnel and records.
74-5002w - Rights preserved in legal actions and proceedings.
74-5002x - Transfer of officers and employees; rights and benefits preserved.
74-5002y - Authorization to contract for data processing services and training.
74-5005 - Powers and duties of department.
74-5007a - Purpose and powers of business development division.
74-5008a - Division of business development, establishment and administration; director of business development, appointment, authority and compensation.
74-5008c - Division of community development, establishment, administration and purpose; director of community development, appointment, authority and compensation.
74-5009 - Division of community development; powers.
74-5010a - Office of minority and women business development establishment and administration; assistant director for minority and women business development.
74-5011 - Same; duties; cooperation by political subdivisions.
74-5012 - Same; authorization to enter into certain agreements.
74-5014 - Organization of department; authority of division heads and personnel; appointment of officers and employees.
74-5015 - Officers and employees, retention of benefits and rights.
74-5016 - Property, records and unexpended balances of appropriations transferred.
74-5017 - Resolution of conflicts by governor.
74-5018 - Rights saved in legal actions and proceedings.
74-5020 - Department and office of secretary of economic development abolished.
74-5021 - Community resource act; citation.
74-5022 - Same; legislative findings and declaration; purpose of act.
74-5022a - Community resource act; administration of act transferred to assistant provost, division of continuing education of Kansas state university.
74-5023 - Same; definitions.
74-5024 - Same; administration of act; allocation and distribution of grants; powers, duties and functions of assistant provost; rules and regulations.
74-5025 - Same; training and technical assistance; contracts.
74-5026 - Same; application for grants; form, manner, time; approval; certified budget.
74-5027 - Same; contents of application.
74-5028 - Same; grants; amounts; limitations; allocation; reports.
74-5029 - Declaration of public policy; development of agricultural products.
74-5033 - Contracts for promotional advertising services; bidding exemption.
74-5037 - State agencies required to file copies of forms and documents required to be filed by business or commercial enterprises.
74-5038 - Same; determination of forms to be filed; maintenance of file.
74-5039 - "State agency" defined.
74-5047 - Division of trade development, establishment, administration and purpose; director of trade development, appointment, authority and compensation.
74-5048 - Division of trade development; powers.
74-5049 - Performance review of departmental activities and divisions; annual report; accountability; recommendations for accomplishment of purposes.
74-5055 - Kansas partnership fund; administration; disposition of moneys in fund; deposits, loan payments and revenue bond proceeds; Kansas development finance authority, revenue bonds authorized.
74-5056 - Loans to local governments for infrastructure improvement projects; powers and duties of secretary of commerce; project eligibility criteria; loan agreements, terms; rules and regulations; definitions.
74-5057 - Loans to local governments for infrastructure improvement projects; sources of loan repayment revenue, disposition; bonded indebtedness limitation exemptions.
74-5058 - Kansas private activity bond allocation act; citation.
74-5059 - Same; definitions.
74-5060 - Same; computation of state ceiling and allocation among governmental issuers; application, approval or denial; expiration of allocation, extension; certification of compliance with federal internal revenue code; administrative application fee; recovery of certain costs.
74-5061 - Same; governmental issuer required to report and confirm issuance; consequences of failure to comply.
74-5062 - Same; review of allocation; assistance of advisory committee.
74-5063 - Same; computation of state ceiling and allocation among governmental issuers for 1990; application, approval or denial; expiration of allocation, extension; certification of compliance with federal internal revenue code.
74-5065 - Definitions.
74-5066 - Administration of programs; powers and duties of secretary; contractual agreements authorized; costs; exemption from competitive bidding procedures; availability; goals and objectives; prohibitions on use of funds.
74-5067 - Job training agencies; proposals for participation in programs; contractual agreements; performance criteria and qualifications; exemptions from certain requirements and restrictions.
74-5068 - Cooperation and assistance required of certain state agencies.
74-5069 - Citation of act.
74-5070 - Definitions.
74-5071 - Export transactions, agreements to guarantee against commercial credit risks; memoranda of understanding; administration of act, rules and regulations.
74-5072 - Guarantees against commercial credit risks; approval of agreements; amount, limitations; effective period; conditions; priorities; application fee.
74-5073 - Export loan guarantee review committee; establishment; composition; qualifications; appointment; terms; powers and duties; officers; meetings; quorum; compensation and expenses.
74-5074 - Export loan guarantee fund; establishment; administration; uses; interest earned transferred from general fund.
74-5080 - Report of activities; preparation; submission to commerce and economic development committees; required information.
74-5092 - Short title.
74-5093 - Definitions.
74-5094 - Purposes of act.
74-5095 - Community strategic planning grant committee; composition; attached to department; compensation and expense allowances.
74-5096 - Grant administration by department.
74-5097 - Planning and action grants to city-county economic development organizations; neighborhood revitalization organizations; guidelines for competitive award of grants; limits; economic development organization report to department of commerce; annual report.
74-5098 - Authorized uses of grant proceeds; limitations.
74-5099 - Cooperative undertakings by city-county economic development organizations.
74-50,100 - Authority to award grants terminated.
74-50,101 - Evaluation of plans by secretary; report to governor and legislature.
74-50,102 - Citation of act.
74-50,103 - Definitions.
74-50,104 - Administration of act; powers and duties of secretary of commerce; rules and regulations, standards and priorities for projects; limit on project costs; notice of project approval.
74-50,105 - Project agreements between educational institutions and employers; provisions, approval; expenditures for major project investments; lien for required employer payments; deferral of program costs, limit.
74-50,106 - Review and approval of proposed agreements by secretary of commerce; eligibility.
74-50,107 - Debt service and direct funding rates for IMPACT program, limitation; crediting amounts to IMPACT program funds; duties of secretary of revenue; job creation program fund, crediting amounts from various sources.
74-50,108 - IMPACT program services fund; administration; amounts credited to fund; authorized expenditures; transfers to state general fund, when.
74-50,109 - IMPACT program repayment fund; administration; authorized expenditures; reserve accounts; transfers to IMPACT program services fund, when.
74-50,110 - Approval of IMPACT program activities for purposes of financing with bonds issued by Kansas development finance authority; sunset of authority to issue bonds.
74-50,111 - Annual report of IMPACT program activities.
74-50,112 - Same; prohibiting use of classes or training under SKILL program as basis for financial payments to educational institutions.
74-50,113 - Kansas enterprise zone act.
74-50,114 - Same; definitions.
74-50,115 - Same; sales tax exemption; requirements.
74-50,116 - Nonmetropolitan regional business program; criteria.
74-50,117 - Quarterly list of designated nonmetropolitan regions to revenue.
74-50,118 - Nonmetropolitan regions; annual report.
74-50,119 - Same; rules and regulations.
74-50,120 - Citation of act.
74-50,121 - Definitions.
74-50,122 - Application for benefits; agreement for distributions; terms and conditions; termination upon noncompliance; restrictions on use of benefits.
74-50,123 - Annual report of economic effects by secretary; loss of qualified industrial manufacturer designation.
74-50,131 - Definitions; qualifications; certification of eligibility; rules and regulations.
74-50,132 - Tax credits for qualified firms.
74-50,133 - High performance incentive fund created; matching grants provided for business assistance and consulting services; preference for qualified firms.
74-50,135 - Effective dates.
74-50,135a - Effective date.
74-50,136 - Economic revitalization and reinvestment act; purpose; definitions; project application, eligibility, approval; agreement for benefits; bond issue, conditions, funding, limitations on use of proceeds; audits.
74-50,150 - State affordable airfare fund; purpose and administration; administrative fee; duties of secretary of commerce; reports to legislature; study by legislative budget committee.
74-50,151 - Kansas economic opportunity initiatives fund (KEOIF); authorized uses; approval of expenditures; guidelines; review of proposed projects; estimates of receipts to state economic development initiatives fund; transfers to fund of amounts sufficient to fund budgeted transfers and expenditures therefrom; transfer of interest earnings; review panel, report.
74-50,153 - Business assistance programs, priority for entities providing services previously provided by certain state institutions.
74-50,154 - Tax credits for contributions to certain regional foundations providing economic development services; transfer of funds to enterprise facilitation fund; rules and regulations establishing criteria for proposals designating and selecting foundations to sell tax credits; limitations on use of funds; limitations on amount of credits.
74-50,155 - Establishing the enterprise facilitation fund; limitations on expenditures from; rules and regulations for fund disbursements.
74-50,156 - Establishing the agriculture marketing and promotions program; powers, duties and objectives thereof; agricultural value added center; trademark registration; report to the legislature; fulfillment of contracts.
74-50,163 - Agriculture marketing and promotions advisory board; members; duties.
74-50,181 - Title and citation of act.
74-50,182 - Definitions.
74-50,183 - Athletic commission, established; members, qualifications; terms; compensation.
74-50,184 - Same; background investigations; criminal history record check; fingerprinting.
74-50,185 - Inspectors, agents and other personnel; rules and regulations.
74-50,186 - Supervisory powers and duties of commission; licenses; fees; gross receipts tax; subpoenas.
74-50,187 - Rules and regulations.
74-50,188 - Athletic fee fund.
74-50,189 - Licenses; conditions of issuance.
74-50,190 - Sports contests; three judges.
74-50,191 - Medical suspensions; medical retirement.
74-50,192 - Unlicensed regulated sports; injunctions, restraining or other orders.
74-50,193 - Complaints against licensees; suspension, revocation or refusal to issue license, grounds.
74-50,194 - Contestants, license required.
74-50,195 - Certain sports exempt from regulation under act.
74-50,196 - Liability insurance, surety bond or indemnity coverage.
74-50,197 - Civil penalties.
74-50,201 - Individual development account program act.
74-50,202 - Same; definitions.
74-50,203 - Same; responsibilities of secretary and department of commerce; community-based organization proposals; administrative costs, limitations.
74-50,204 - Same; account holder; purposes for withdrawal of moneys.
74-50,205 - Same; establishment of account by financial institution; duties; deposits, limitations.
74-50,206 - Same; inappropriate purpose for withdrawal of moneys; forfeiture of matching moneys, exceptions; transfer of account upon death of account holder.
74-50,207 - Same; account earnings exempt from privilege taxation; account funds disregarded in public assistance eligibility determination.
74-50,208 - Same; income tax credit for contributions by program contributors.
74-50,209 - Qualified older Kansan; access to workforce training; strategic plan required.
74-50,210 - Title and intent of act.
74-50,211 - Definitions.
74-50,212 - Qualified company; eligibility requirements; benefits; retention incentives.
74-50,213 - Application process; agreement with secretary of commerce; participation in other programs; limitation on total amount of benefits.
74-50,214 - Documentation submitted to department of revenue; rules and regulations.
74-50,215 - Annual review of qualified company; books and records; audits.
74-50,216 - Annual report.
74-50,217 - Promoting employment across Kansas; form required to claim tax benefits; development of; contents; filing; confidentiality.
74-50,218 - Promoting employment across Kansas; audit conducted by legislative post audit; requirements.
74-50,219 - Promoting employment across Kansas; legislative members prohibited from benefiting under act; when.
74-50,220 - Recovery zone bonds; allocation; rules and regulations.
74-50,221 - Qualified energy conservation bonds; allocation; rules and regulations.
74-50,222 - Rural opportunity zones; definitions.
74-50,223 - Same; county participation, procedures; resident individuals, payment of outstanding student loan balances.
74-50,224 - Job creation program fund; expenditures; purposes; annual report.
74-50,225 - Economic development incentive programs; application fees; rules and regulations.
74-50,226 - Definitions.
74-50,227 - Format; internet access; information to be published; exceptions, reports to legislative committees, confidentiality under Kansas open records, exception.
74-50,228 - Presentations by secretary to legislative committees.
74-50,229 - Citation of act.
74-50,230 - Definitions.
74-50,231 - Credits against income tax; expiration of tax credit program; eligibility; requirements; terms and amounts; limitations; agreement with secretary of commerce; requirements and conditions of agreement; participation by apprentice not to constitute union affiliation; rule and regulation authority; annual report by secretary of commerce to legislative committees.
74-50,232 - Kansas nonprofit apprenticeship grant program; administration by secretary of commerce; eligibility; grant amounts; limitations; secretary to develop application procedures; grant terms and conditions in consultation with stakeholders; agreement with secretary required; Kansas nonprofit apprenticeship grant program fund established; administration; purpose; expenditures; funding; limitations of grants.
74-50,233 - Kansas educator registered apprenticeship grant program; definitions.
74-50,234 - Same; program development by commissioner of education, state board of education and secretary of commerce; administration by secretary; educational purpose; candidates; applicant school apprenticeship program requirements; approval by secretary; rule and regulation authority; adoption deadline; regulations to establish procedures and conditions; apprenticeship program design requirements; grant amounts and terms; reports to legislative committees; Kansas educator registered apprenticeship grant fund established; expenditures; funding limitations.
74-50,235 - Definitions.
74-50,236 - Engineering graduate incentive fund established; administration by secretary of commerce; matching requirement; purposes; expenditures; applications by institutions of higher education; requirements; grant amounts; proration; recipient institutions to provide information; reports by secretary to legislative committees; expenditures from the fund for acquisition or construction of facilities prohibited; transfers of moneys to fund; limitations.
74-50,237 - Expiration of program; abolishment of fund.
74-50,291 - Title of act; definitions.
74-50,292 - Establishment; cooperation with other entities.
74-50,293 - Members; vacancies.
74-50,294 - Duties; special committees.
74-50,295 - Meetings; quorum.
74-50,296 - Reports.
74-50,297 - Gifts and donations, fund established; transfer of certain moneys; expiration of fund.
74-50,298 - Powers; approval of actions.
74-50,299 - Member compensation.
74-50,300 - Expiration of act; donation of funds.
74-50,311 - Attracting powerful economic expansion act; title; definitions.
74-50,312 - Establishment and purpose; eligibility requirements; benefits; agreement with secretary of commerce; conditions and requirements of agreement; limitation on agreements; approval by state finance council; benefit retention requirements; rule and regulation authority.
74-50,313 - Credit against income, premium or privilege tax; amount; requirements; limitations; agreement with secretary of commerce; requirements and conditions of agreement; additional benefit provisions if approved by state finance council; remedy for breach of agreement.
74-50,314 - Payroll withholding tax retention benefit for qualified suppliers; eligibility requirements; agreement with secretary of commerce; requirements and conditions; remedy for breach of agreement; certification of continued eligibility by secretary of commerce.
74-50,315 - Reimbursement of payroll costs to qualified firms; eligibility; amount; additional amount if approved by state finance council; agreement; requirements and conditions; submission of claim; certification of eligibility by secretary of commerce; breach of agreement, repayment.
74-50,316 - Attracting powerful economic expansion payroll incentive fund; establishment; administration by secretary of commerce; use of.
74-50,317 - Reimbursement of training and education expense of new employees; eligibility; amount; agreement with secretary of commerce; annual showing of eligibility required; attracting powerful economic expansion new employee training; certification required for reimbursement; breach of agreement, repayment.
74-50,318 - Attracting powerful economic expansion new employee training and education fund; establishment; administration by secretary of commerce; use of.
74-50,319 - Sales tax exemption for qualified firms or qualified suppliers; eligibility; certification of eligibility by secretary of commerce; agreement; notice by secretary of commerce to secretary of revenue; expiration of exemption; certification by secretary of commerce required; revocation; breach of agreement, repayment.
74-50,320 - Annual report by secretary of commerce; report information regarding qualified firms and qualified suppliers; economic development measures to be provided; quarterly report to certain legislative committee chairpersons on number of potential qualifying projects.
74-50,321 - Adjustment of corporate income tax rate; certifications by secretary of commerce of agreement with qualified firm; reduction in rate by secretary of revenue; amount of reduction; report by secretary of revenue.
74-50,322 - Reimbursement of employee relocation incentives and expenses for qualified firms; eligibility; amount; submission by firm of incentive plan; approval by secretary of commerce; agreement; requirements; certification of eligibility by secretary of commerce; remedy for breach of agreement; interest on payments not allowed.
74-50,323 - Attracting powerful economic expansion Kansas residency incentive fund; establishment; administration by the secretary of commerce; use of.
74-50,324 - Expiration of program.
74-50,325 - Division of tourism, establishment; director of tourism, appointment, authority and compensation.
74-50,326 - Division successor to transferred powers, duties and functions; references to prior agency or office; rules and regulations, orders and directives.
74-50,327 - Transfer of funds.
74-50,328 - Transfer of property, property rights and records.
74-50,329 - Continuation of legal action.
74-50,330 - Transfer of officers and employees.
2025. Powered by KLISS. Rendered: 2025-02-19T09:06:15. Head Rev No: 817975(I)