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Jan. 20, 2025
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2024 Statute

Section Number

74-8901 - Citation of act.
74-8902 - Definitions.
74-8903 - Kansas development finance authority; creation; board of directors, composition, appointment, terms, chairperson, vice-chairperson; president; officers and employees; meetings; surety bonds, requirements; expenses; use of funds; dissolution.
74-8904 - Same; general powers of authority.
74-8905 - Same; issuance of bonds; authorized projects; limitations and conditions; proceeds, disposition.
74-8906 - Same; authorizing resolution; types, terms and conditions of bonds; trust indenture authorized; contract constituted by resolution and trust indenture.
74-8907 - Same; manner of bond sale; execution of bonds; seal of authority; payment of bonds, obligation of authority, security.
74-8908 - Bonds and interest exempt from taxation.
74-8909 - Pledges of authority valid and binding.
74-8910 - Exemption from liability of director, officers and employees of authority.
74-8911 - Special funds or accounts authorized.
74-8912 - Refunding bonds authorized; disposition of proceeds; manner of sale and security.
74-8913 - Reports of authority to governor and legislature, when; contents.
74-8914 - Services to authority by state agencies and officers.
74-8915 - Financial interest in contracts and agreements of authority prohibited.
74-8916 - Construction of act.
74-8917 - Bonds for loans to community mental health, intellectual disability and drug and alcohol abuse services providers.
74-8918 - Bonds for loans to public water supply systems.
74-8919 - Repayment of amounts advanced from state general fund; deferral provided.
74-8920 - Bonds for state agency or IMPACT act projects; condition precedent to issuance; involvement of pooled money investment board.
74-8921 - Bonds for projects in redevelopment districts; establishment of redevelopment district; maximum maturity of bond; feasibility study.
74-8922 - Same; preparation of redevelopment plan; submittal to board of county commissioners; responsibility for environmental remediation.
74-8923 - Same; use of bond proceeds and funds from other authorized sources.
74-8924 - Same; sources of revenue to finance the bonds.
74-8925 - Same; taxing subdivision and real property taxes defined; assessment and distribution of taxes; pledge of tax increment portion of taxes.
74-8926 - Same; transmittal of redevelopment plan to county officers; increased valuation not applicable for computation of debt limitations; certification of valuation.
74-8927 - Same; remittal of pledged revenues; credit to redevelopment bond fund; distribution.
74-8928 - Same; agreements to implement redevelopment projects.
74-8929 - Same; county sales tax authorized; collection and distribution; renewal and redistribution of tax.
74-8930 - Same; reimbursement of Wyandotte county; secretary of commerce certification of expenses.
74-8936 - Bonds for a multi-sport athletic complex; definitions; procedures; feasibility study.
74-8937 - Same; pledgeable revenues; limitations.
74-8938 - Same; collection and remittance of state and local sales tax proceeds.
74-8939 - Bonds for certain electric generation facilities.
74-8940 - Bonds for pollution control devices at certain electric generation facilities.
74-8941 - Same.
74-8942 - Bonds for tire manufacturers; definitions.
74-8943 - Same; authority of Kansas development finance authority to issue; terms and conditions.
74-8944 - Same; authorities and duties of secretary of commerce; contracts.
74-8945 - Same; disallowance of certain income tax credits.
74-8946 - Bonds for electric transmission facilities.
74-8947 - Financing for certain integrated coal gasification power plants.
74-8948 - Financing for certain refineries.
74-8949 - Financing for certain crude oil or natural gas pipelines.
74-8949a - Financing for certain integrated coal or coke gasification nitrogen fertilizer plants.
74-8949b - Financing for certain biomass-to-energy plants.
74-8949c - Financing for certain renewable electric cogeneration facilities.
74-8949d - Financing for certain waste heat utilization systems at electric generation facilities.
74-8949e - Financing of renewable generators used by certain community colleges.
74-8950 - Division of housing established; director, appointment.
74-8951 - Same; division of housing of department of commerce and housing and undersecretary for housing abolished; powers, duties and functions transferred.
74-8952 - Same; successors of division of housing of department and undersecretary for housing; application of documentary references and designations; rules and regulations, orders and directives continued in effect until superseded.
74-8953 - Same; transfer of funds or accounts appropriated for department; accrued compensation of transferred officers and employees; separate records and accounts to be maintained for division.
74-8954 - Resolution of conflicts concerning disposition of property, powers, duties, functions, appropriations, personnel or records.
74-8955 - Rights preserved in legal actions and proceedings.
74-8956 - Same; transfer of officers and employees; rights and benefits preserved.
74-8957 - Division of housing; establishment and administration; director of housing; powers and duties; state housing plan; annual report to governor and legislature.
74-8958 - Official state agency for purposes of federal acts and programs.
74-8959 - State housing trust fund; use of moneys; administration; application for and receipt and disposition of public or private grants for housing programs; transfer of moneys to fund for interest attributable therefor.
74-8960 - Financing for certain energy conservation measures.
74-8961 - Revenue bonds to finance certain capital improvement projects in Wilson county; requirements and procedures.
74-8962 - Wilson county capital improvements fund; administration; deposits and expenditures.
74-8963 - Financing for certain capital improvements for Kansas national bio and agro defense facility; bioscience development fund.
74-8964 - Same; pledge and covenant by the state
74-8965 - Same; no pledge of state's full faith and credit or taxing power; obligations on bonds not considered a debt.
74-8966 - Same; pledge agreements for payment of bonds.
74-8967 - Same; payment of bonds.
2025. Powered by KLISS. Rendered: 2025-01-20T09:44:15. Head Rev No: 817952(I)