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Feb. 18, 2025
House Status:
Adjourned until Monday, January 9, 2023 at 2:00 p.m.
Senate Status:
Adjourned until Monday, January 09, 2023 at 02:00 p.m.
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Corrections and Juvenile Justice
House Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice
Committee Assistant: Colette Niehues 785-296-7500
[email protected]
Meeting Day: Daily Time: 1:30 pm Location: 546-S
Room 546-S Audio Stream
Agendas & Minutes
Committee Documents
Committee Testimony
2021 Action Index
2022 Action Index
Bills, Resolutions and Appointments
Sponsored Bills
HB2077 - Extending the Kansas closed case task force, providing for staff assistance and renaming the task force the Alvin Sykes cold case DNA task force, extending the Kansas criminal justice reform commission, limiting the commission's scope of study and adding a public defender, and authorizing the crime victims compensation board to waive application time restrictions for certain victims to receive compensation for mental health counseling and adding certain children to the definition of victim.
HB2081 - Modifying how certain prior convictions are counted for the special sentencing rule related to possession of a controlled substance and providing concurrent or consecutive sentencing for persons convicted of new crimes while on release for a felony.
HB2083 - Requiring legislative members of the sentencing commission to be members of the senate judiciary and the house corrections and juvenile justice committees.
HB2084 - Allowing earned discharge credit for offenders on probation and limiting the maximum term of supervision on probation.
HB2092 - Removing drug offenders from the registration requirements of the Kansas offender registration act and removing the felony penalty for multiple nonpayments of fees under the act.
HB2121 - Increasing the criminal penalty for mistreatment of a dependent adult or elder person when the victim is a resident of an adult care home, adding definitions related to defendants who abscond from supervision in the criminal procedure code and for parole and clarifying that bond agents seeking discharge as a surety are required to return the person released on bond to the court in the county where the complaint subject to the bond was filed, requiring the department of corrections to develop guidance to be used by parole officers when responding to violations of parole and postrelease supervision and that incentivize compliant behavior, and authorizing court services officers and community corrections officers to provide a certification of identification to offenders for use to obtain a new driver's license.
HB2128 - Clarifying jurisdiction and supervision of offenders in a certified drug abuse treatment program.
HB2139 - Reducing the criminal penalties for most severity level 5 drug crimes and increasing the penalties for offenders in criminal history category 5-I.
HB2144 - Requiring an offender who raises error in such offender's criminal history calculation for the first time on appeal to show prejudicial error.
HB2146 - Expanding the number of presumptive probation and border grid blocks in the sentencing grid for drug crimes.
HB2147 - Allowing early discharge from prison for certain drug offenders.
HB2190 - Clarifying successive motions, new evidence and time limitations for habeas corpus claims.
HB2191 - Increasing criminal penalties for the crimes of riot and incitement to riot when the crime occurs in a correctional facility.
HB2192 - Authorizing court services officers and community corrections officers to provide a certification of identification to offenders for use to obtain a new driver's license.
HB2193 - Prohibiting an application fee for drivers' license reinstatements, removing additional suspension period when convicted of driving while suspended and limiting reinstatement fee to one per case.
HB2200 - Allowing evidence-based program account money to be used on certain children, requiring the department of corrections to build data systems and allowing for overall case length limit extensions for certain juvenile offenders.
HB2215 - Allowing persons with felony drug convictions to receive benefits under the supplemental nutrition assistance program.
HB2274 - Increasing the criminal penalty for buying sexual relations and removing provisions related to how prior convictions are counted.
HB2275 - Requiring the department of corrections to develop guidance to be used by parole officers when responding to violations of parole and postrelease supervision and that incentivize compliant behavior.
HB2276 - Removing opposite sex requirement for unlawful voluntary sexual relations.
HB2277 - Clarifying the definition of possession in the Kansas criminal code.
HB2318 - Providing for early discharge for certain offenders on lifetime postrelease supervision and changing the definition of a persistent sex offender.
HB2346 - Allowing release of defendants to a pretrial supervision entity or program and allowing fees associated with supervision to the nonjudicial salary adjustment fund at the discretion of a chief judge.
HB2347 - Making changes related to sex offenses including creating the crime of rape during a treatment session, lowering the criminal penalty for attempt, conspiracy and solicitation of certain sex offenses and changing the elements of, reducing criminal penalties and removing registration requirements for unlawful voluntary sexual relations.
HB2349 - Creating a mechanism to seek relief from the Kansas offender registration act requirements, decreasing criminal penalties for failure to register, allowing courts to waive fees associated with registration, reducing number of places a person is required to register and eliminating registration for most juvenile adjudications.
HB2350 - Expanding the number of presumptive probation and border grid blocks in the sentencing grid for nondrug crimes.
HB2360 - Removing recklessly causing fear or evacuation, lock down or disruption in regular, ongoing activities from the crime of criminal threat.
HB2361 - Authorizing the supreme court to adopt rules establishing specialty courts, creating the specialty court funding advisory committee and the specialty court resources fund.
HB2374 - Authorizing the Kansas sentencing commission to change risk assessment cut-off levels for participation in the certified drug abuse treatment program.
HB2515 - Creating a mechanism to seek relief from the Kansas offender registration act requirements for drug offenders and allowing expungement of offenses when such relief is granted.
HB2516 - Requiring an offender who raises error in such offender's criminal history calculation for the first time on appeal to show prejudicial error and authorizing the court to correct an illegal sentence while a direct appeal is pending.
HB2517 - Transferring the responsibility to certify drug abuse treatment providers that participate in the certified drug abuse treatment program from the department of corrections to the Kansas sentencing commission.
HB2580 - Authorizing legislators who are law enforcement officers to count legislative service toward continuing law enforcement education or training.
HB2581 - Creating a mechanism to seek relief from the Kansas offender registration act requirements, decreasing criminal penalties for failure to register, allowing courts to waive fees associated with registration, reducing number of places a person is required to register and eliminating registration for most juvenile adjudications.
HB2607 - Clarifying the time limitations for habeas corpus claims, requiring earlier notice of anticipated release from custody of a person who may be a sexually violent predator to the attorney general and a multidisciplinary team and specifying where such person will be detained during civil commitment proceedings.
HB2634 - Requiring a waiver of extradition proceedings as a condition of bond.
HB2654 - Providing guidance to determine how offenders under the supervision of two or more supervision agency can have supervision consolidated into one agency.
HB2655 - Requiring the secretary of corrections to establish procedures to provide inmates with an opportunity to take a nationally recognized career readiness assessment.
HB2656 - Requiring law enforcement agencies to adopt policies related to motorcycle profiling and requiring law enforcement officers to participate in training related to motorcycle profiling.
HB2657 - Enacting the reduce armed violence act to increase the criminal penalties for certain violations of criminal possession of a weapon by a convicted felon that involve firearms.
HB2658 - Replacing the list of standard conditions of probation and allowing for special conditions of probation.
HB2673 - Expanding the number of presumptive and border grid blocks in the sentencing grid for drug crimes.
HB2692 - Requiring certain appointments to the Kansas commission on peace officers' standards and training to be made with preferences to increase diversity on the commission and be made by the Kansas state conference of NAACP branches and increasing the number of people on the commission.
to download a spreadsheet compatible file of Legislator information for this committee.
Rep. Stephen Owens
Vice Chair
Rep. Eric L. Smith
Ranking Minority Member
Rep. Dennis "Boog" Highberger
Rep. John Carmichael
Rep. Blake Carpenter
Rep. David French
Rep. Cyndi Howerton
Rep. Annie Kuether
Rep. Dan Osman
Rep. Fred Patton
Rep. Samantha Poetter Parshall
Rep. John Resman
Rep. John Wheeler
Colette Niehues - Committee Assistant
Lindsay Archer - Legislative Research
Meredith Fry - Legislative Research
Natalie Scott - Office of Revisor of Statutes
Jason Thompson - Office of Revisor of Statutes
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