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Feb. 18, 2025
House Status:
Adjourned until Monday, January 9, 2023 at 2:00 p.m.
Senate Status:
Adjourned until Monday, January 09, 2023 at 02:00 p.m.
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Health and Human Services
House Committee on Health and Human Services
Committee Assistant: David Long 785-296-7488
[email protected]
Meeting Day: Daily Time: 1:30 pm Location: 112-N
Room 112-N Audio Stream
Agendas & Minutes
Committee Documents
Committee Testimony
2021 Action Index
2022 Action Index
Bills, Resolutions and Appointments
Sponsored Bills
HB2157 - Establishing restrictions on the use of step therapy protocols by health insurance plans.
HB2158 - Establishing the joint committee on child welfare system oversight, providing certain exceptions to the confidentiality of state child death review board documents, requiring visual observation of an alleged victim of child abuse or neglect as part of an investigation, exempting the caregiver of a child in state out-of-home placement from the child care assistance 20-hour-per-week work requirement, permitting the secretary for children and families to license certain family foster homes where a former foster care youth with certain juvenile adjudications resides making permanent provisions for the advisory committee on trauma and the statewide trauma system regional council to conduct closed meetings and keep privileged records regarding trauma cases.
HB2159 - Permitting the administration of certain tests, questionnaires, surveys and examinations regarding student beliefs and practices on an opt-out basis and providing conditions therefor.
HB2160 - Establishing certification and funding for certified community behavioral health clinics.
HB2161 - Renaming the Kansas state board of cosmetology, creating new categories of licenses issued thereby and extending the board's enforcement authority to non-licensees.
HB2179 - Providing for the licensure of dental therapists.
HB2206 - Updating certain definitions, referral to specialty services and coordination of care provisions in the Kansas telemedicine act.
HB2207 - Prohibiting certain licensed individuals from using conversion therapy on minors.
HB2208 - Authorizing telemedicine waivers for out-of-state healthcare providers, reducing certain requirements for licensure by the behavioral sciences regulatory board and expanding out-of-state temporary permits to practice behavioral sciences professions.
HB2209 - Enacting the psychology interjurisdictional compact to provide for interjurisdictional authorization to practice telepsychology and temporary in-person, face-to-face psychology.
HB2234 - Requiring medical directors of emergency medical services to provide medical oversight of such services and emergency medical service providers.
HB2254 - Increasing the monetary cap on irrevocable prearranged funeral agreements to $10,000.
HB2255 - Enacting the sexual assault survivor information act to require certain entities to provide information to sexual assault survivors.
HB2256 - Updating scope of practice requirements for advanced practice registered nurses without a supervising physician, imposing requirements therefor and updating certain licensure requirements.
HB2257 - Permitting physicians to decide based on their medical judgment whether to provide patients with certain information.
HB2258 - Enacting the right to family planning act to require contraceptives to be available at pharmacies.
HB2259 - Permitting the use of expedited partner therapy to treat a sexually transmitted disease.
HB2260 - Prohibiting disparate treatment by pharmacy benefits managers of certain pharmacies and pharmaceutical services providers.
HB2261 - Enacting the rural emergency hospital act to provide for the licensure of rural emergency hospitals.
HB2262 - Eliminating the requirement to provide a permit to cremate in certain circumstances and authorizing electronic permits to cremate.
HB2279 - Enacting the physical therapy licensure compact and authorizing criminal history record checks.
HB2280 - Updating statutes relating to the powers, duties and functions of the state board of pharmacy.
HB2281 - Substitute for HB 2281 by Committee on Health and Human Services - Implementing the 988 suicide prevention and mental health crisis hotline in Kansas and imposing a 988 fee on telecommunications and other voice services.
HB2372 - Establishing a medicaid ambulance service provider assessment to be imposed on ground ambulance service providers.
HB2373 - Requiring the Kansas department for aging and disability services to establish and implement a mobile crisis services program for individuals with intellectual or developmental disability.
HB2384 - Establishing the advisory committee on harm reduction to advise KDHE on reducing incidents of harm to individuals in the state.
HB2385 - Expanding the pharmacist's scope of practice to include point-of-care testing for and treatment of certain health conditions.
HB2386 - Establishing requirements for the payment and reimbursement of dental services by a dental benefit plan.
HB2463 - Substitute for HB 2463 by Committee on Health and Human Services - Prohibiting changes to the medical assistance program, authorizing the legislative coordinating council to approve such changes and requiring the extension of the current medical assistance program.
HB2544 - Excluding persons credentialed in the field of nutrition who are providing related advice from the application of the dieticians licensing act.
HB2545 - Defining non-covered dental benefits under health insurance plans.
HB2546 - Requiring health benefits plans that provide dental care services to provide certain information, accept certain claims and not reduce certain payments.
HB2552 - Defining in-state and interstate practitioners under the Kansas telemedicine act, establishing certain standards of care, requiring certain insurance coverage of in-state telemedicine services and establishing the Kansas telehealth advisory committee.
HB2573 - Updating income eligibility requirements for the state children's health insurance program and eliminating the waiting period for certain persons to participate in the program.
HB2587 - Requiring schools to establish policies and concussion management teams to prevent and manage concussions within school.
HB2695 - Prohibiting smoking in a motor vehicle when persons under the legal age to purchase cigarettes are present.
HB2698 - Establishing a legislative joint committee to study pharmacy workplace conditions and the impact of such conditions on patient safety.
HB2699 - Exempting any skilled nursing care facility for which the secretary for aging and disability services is appointed as receiver from the quality care assessment.
to download a spreadsheet compatible file of Legislator information for this committee.
Rep. Brenda Landwehr
Vice Chair
Rep. John Eplee
Ranking Minority Member
Rep. Susan Ruiz
Rep. Tory Marie Arnberger
Rep. John Barker
Rep. Emil Bergquist
Rep. Doug Blex
Rep. Suzi Carlson
Rep. Bill Clifford
Rep. Ronald Ellis
Rep. Christina Haswood
Rep. Broderick Henderson
Rep. Jim Kelly
Rep. Megan Lynn
Rep. Heather Meyer
Rep. Carl Turner
Rep. Kathy Wolfe Moore
David Long - Committee Assistant
Iraida Orr - Legislative Research
Leighann Thone - Legislative Research
Scott Abbott - Office of Revisor of Statutes
Jenna Moyer - Office of Revisor of Statutes
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