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Feb. 12, 2025
House Status:
Adjourned until Monday, January 9, 2023 at 2:00 p.m.
Senate Status:
Adjourned until Monday, January 09, 2023 at 02:00 p.m.
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K-12 Education Budget
House Committee on K-12 Education Budget
Committee Assistant: Holly Broxterman 785-296-3971
[email protected]
Meeting Day: Daily Time: 3:30 pm Location: 546-S
Room 546-S Audio Stream
Agendas & Minutes
Committee Documents
Committee Testimony
2021 Action Index
2022 Action Index
Bills, Resolutions and Appointments
Sponsored Bills
SB63 - House Substitute for SB 63 by Committee on K-12 Education Budget - Enacting the back to school act to require school districts to provide a full-time, in person attendance option for all students beginning March 31, 2021, for school year 2020-2021.
HB2067 - Requiring the allocation of sufficient school district moneys to improve academic performance of underachieving students.
HB2068 - Amending the tax credit for low income students scholarship program act to expand student eligibility.
HB2119 - Substitute for HB 2119 by Committee on K-12 Education Budget – Making and concerning appropriations for the department of education for fiscal years ending June 30, 2021, June 30, 2022, and June 30, 2023, creating and expanding school choice programs, restricting remote learning and remote enrollment and extending the statewide property tax levy for schools.
HB2131 - Making the high-density at-risk student weighting of the Kansas school equity and enhancement act permanent by removing the sunset provision.
HB2195 - Holding reimbursing employers and other employers harmless for fraudulent unemployment insurance claims and reimbursing the unemployment insurance trust fund with moneys from the state general fund for improper benefits payments.
HB2240 - Excluding U.S.D. No. 207, Fort Leavenworth, from the capital improvement state aid schedule.
HB2269 - Amending the definition of an at-risk student in the Kansas school equity and enhancement act to require at-risk funding to be determined based on a poverty metric for certain students and proficiency metric for other students.
HB2287 - Establishing the Kansas promise scholarship act to provide scholarships to students who attend postsecondary educational programs that correspond to high-need career fields.
HB2351 - Providing liability protection for businesses, municipalities and educational institutions that participate in high school work-based learning programs and providing that schools are responsible for injuries to students participating in such programs.
HB2354 - Providing public employees and professional employees certain rights with respect to withholding of public employee organization and professional employee organization dues.
HB2359 - Establishing the nonproficient student weighting in the Kansas school equity and enhancement act.
HB2511 - Authorizing certain students to participate in activities regulated by the Kansas state high school activities association and making members of or persons employed by the Kansas state high school activities association mandatory reporters of child abuse and neglect.
HB2512 - Substitute for Substitute for HB 2512 by Committee on K-12 Education Budget - Making appropriations for the Kansas state department of education for FY 2022, FY 2023 and FY 2024, establishing requirements relating to academic achievement and third-grade literacy, authorizing credits to be earned through alternative educational opportunities, requiring KSHSAA members and employees to report child abuse and neglect, requiring boards of education of school districts to consider district needs assessments and academic assessments when approving district budgets, authorizing part-time enrollment for certain students, establishing an alternative graduation rate calculation for virtual schools, providing virtual school state aid for credit deficient students and amending the age of initial eligibility for the tax credit for low income students scholarship program.
HB2513 - Requiring school districts to provide copies of certain tests, questionnaires, surveys or examinations to parents prior to obtaining consent to administer such test, questionnaire, survey or examination and prohibiting collection of personally identifiable student data.
HB2514 - Authorizing school districts to provide part-time enrollment options for certain students.
HB2550 - Establishing the student empowerment act to provide education savings accounts for certain students to use to attend participating private schools.
HB2551 - Prohibiting the state department of education from enforcing remote learning limitations and providing for the repeal of such limitations.
HB2553 - Allowing K-12 students to transfer to and attend school in any school district in the state.
HB2602 - Providing an alternative calculation of graduation rates for virtual schools based on students' earned credits at the time of enrollment in the virtual school.
HB2615 - Substitute for HB 2615 by Committee on K-12 Education Budget - Allowing K-12 students to transfer to and attend school in any school district in the state.
HB2649 - Prohibiting virtual schools from offering or providing any financial incentive for a student to enroll in a virtual school.
HB2662 - Substitute for HB 2662 by Committee on K-12 Education Budget - Establishing the parents' bill of rights and academic transparency act, requiring school districts to establish parent transparency portals to provide information on materials that are used or made available in schools, prohibiting schools from non-renewing a teacher's contract for refusing to teach against certain beliefs or practices and establishing requirements for the administration of certain nonacademic tests, questionnaires, surveys and examinations.
HB2685 - Establishing the Kansas student achievement accountability act to require students to show grade level proficiency on state assessments before promotion to the next grade level and requiring state assessments to be provided to each grade level in each school year.
to download a spreadsheet compatible file of Legislator information for this committee.
Rep. Kristey Williams
Vice Chair
Rep. Kyle Hoffman
Ranking Minority Member
Rep. Valdenia Winn
Rep. Stephanie Byers
Rep. Susan Estes
Rep. Jo Ella Hoye
Rep. Timothy Johnson
Rep. Brenda Landwehr
Rep. Jarrod Ousley
Rep. Patrick Penn
Rep. Sean Tarwater
Rep. Adam Thomas
Holly Broxterman - Committee Assistant
Amy Deckard - Legislative Research
Gabrielle Hull - Legislative Research
Tamera Lawrence - Office of Revisor of Statutes
Nick Myers - Office of Revisor of Statutes
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