Senate Status:
2021 Statute
CADET CORPS Generally, 48-401 et seq. Bearing arms, 48-203 Expenses, claims against state, 48-406 Officers, Authority of commissioned officer, 48-406 Issuance of commissions, 48-401, 48-404 Number and rank, 48-402 CALENDAR Kansas perpetual calendar, Ch. 64, Art. 11 CAMPAIGN FINANCE Generally, 25-4142 et seq. Elections, this index CAMPUS POLICE Colleges and universities, 22-2401a, 76-726 CANADA Investments, insurance companies, 40-2a03, 40-2b03 CANALS Arkansas River Compact, 82a-520 Contractors, nonresident, taxes, 79-1008 et seq. Drainage districts, 24-407 Eminent domain, 17-618 Irrigation and Irrigation Districts, generally, this index Irrigation corporations, 17-625 Levees and Flood Control, generally, this index Republican River Compact, 82a-518 CANCELLATION Definition, sales act, 84-2-106 Sales, this index CANCER Cancer registry. Health and Environment, State Department of, this index Diseases, this index CANDIDATES Elections, this index CANES Blind persons, traffic regulations, 8-1542 CANS Beverage containers with detachable tabs, unlawful, 21-6320 Roads and highways, throwing on, 8-1583 CANTEENS State institutions, 75-3728e et seq. CANVASS OF VOTES Elections, this index CAPITAL NOTES Issuance by banks, limitation, 9-1101a CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Criminal Procedure, this index CAPITOL State Capitol, generally, this index CAPITOL AREA PLAZA AUTHORITY Generally, 75-2237 et seq. Administration, State Department of, this index Memorials, capitol grounds, guidelines, standards and procedures, 75-36,104 et seq. CAPITOL POLICE Generally, 75-4503 et seq. Arrested persons, disposition of, 75-4503 Capitol complex agencies, security liaison, 75-4514 Creation, 75-4503 Officers and employees, retained in service, 75-4503a Police and fireman's retirement system, affiliation and membership, requirements, 74-4978j Powers and duties of members, 75-4503 Prosecution of persons arrested by, 75-4509 State Capitol, this index Supervision and management, 74-2105 Uniforms and badges, 75-4504 CAR COMPANIES Taxation, 79-906 et seq. CAR WASH Sales tax, 79-3603 CARAVAN Motor vehicles, distance between vehicles, 8-1523 CAREER TECHNICAL EDUCATION See, also, State Board of Regents, generally, this index Accountability, state plan of, 74-32,410 Accreditation, associations or organizations, 74-32,435 Administrators, contract nonrenewal procedures, 72-2281 et seq. Admission of students, 72-3810, 72-3812 Application, 72-3812 Denial, review, 72-3812 Out-of-state students, 72-3815 Waiver of tuition, certain dependents, 73-1216, 73-1217, 73-1218 Adult education programs. Adult Education, generally, this index Adult students, transportation, school bus use, 72-6498, 72-6499 Postsecondary programs, transfer of, 71-1507 Area advisory council, 74-32,410 Area vocational schools, Accreditation, associations, organizations, 74-32,435 Administrators, contract nonrenewal procedures, 72-2281 et seq. Associations, organizations, 74-32,435 Administrators, contract nonrenewal procedures, 72-2281 et seq. Due process, teachers and instructors, 72-2252 et seq. Professional negotiation, 72-2218 et seq. Buildings, Revenue bonds, definitions, 76-6a13 School bonds, student housing, 72-5458 et seq. Student housing, 72-5457, 72-53,113, 72-53,116, 72-53,117 Capital outlay aid, post Community colleges, Consolidation with schools. Community colleges, post Scholarships, state, 74-32,233 et seq. Due process, teachers, 72-2252 et seq. Enrollment of dependents without tuition or fees, 73-1216, 73-1217, 73-1218 Eye protective devices, 72-6281 Funds, investment, 12-1675 et seq. Municipal universities, scholarships, state, 74-32,233 et seq. Postsecondary students. See, also, Postsecondary students, post Professional negotiation, 72-2218 et seq. School bonds, housing facilities, 72-5458 et seq. State institutions under the board of regents, Scholarships, state, 74-32,233 et seq. Student housing, 72-5457, 72-53,113, 72-53,116, 72-53,117 Teachers, instructors, Due process, 72-2252 et seq. Professional negotiation, 72-2218 et seq. Workers compensation, 44-505e Area vocational-technical schools, Community colleges, consolidation with schools. Community colleges, post Johnson county, 74-32,411 Merger or affiliation with postsecondary educational institution, 74-32,467 Operating fund, transfers from, 74-32,416 Scholarships, 74-3284 et seq. Articulation agreements, 74-32,420, 74-32,421 et seq. Associations, organizations, membership authorized, 74-32,435 Bonds, 72-5457, 72-53,117 et seq., 72-5458 et seq. Broadband technology-based network, access, See, subhead, KAN-ED act under State Board of Regents, generally, this index Buildings, Capital outlay, State aid, 74-32,413 et seq. Tax levy, bonds, 72-53,113 et seq. Construction, reconstruction or renovation standards, 31-150 Fire protection inspection, 31-144 General obligation bonds, 72-5457 Pupil programs, sales, 72-1432 Revenue bonds, definitions, 76-6a13 Student housing, 72-5457, 72-53,113, 72-53,116, 72-53,117 Capital outlay aid, 74-32,413 et seq., 74-32,415 Career and educational opportunities, 72-9932 Career technical education incentive program, 72-3819 Child labor, student-learner, 38-603 Community colleges, Articulation agreements, 74-32,420, 74-32,421 et seq. Advisory boards, councils, 71-1703 Applicability of statutes, 71-1701 Approval, state boards, 71-1701 Authorization, 71-1701 Conflicts, resolution, 71-1702 Judicial, administrative, criminal actions, rights preserved, 71-1704 Operation, management and control, 71-1701 State educational institutions, counties with, 71-1701 Programs, generally, 72-3810 et seq. Located outside service area, 74-32,433 Construction programs, pupils, 72-1432 Contracts, school bus use, 72-6498 Contracts for research, 74-32,409 Data management system, 74-32,468 Definitions, 74-32,407, 72-3810, 74-32,417 Capital outlay aid, 74-32,413 Kansas training information program, 74-32,417 Division of vocational rehabilitation, department of social and rehabilitation services, functions, 76-12c01 Due process, teachers and instructors, 72-2252 et seq. Educational benefits, dependents of deceased, injured or disabled public safety officers, certain deceased, injured or disabled military personnel and prisoners of war, 75-4364 Enrollment of students, 72-3810 Waiver of tuition, Certain military dependents, 73-1216 et seq. Dependents of deceased, injured or disabled public safety officers, certain deceased, injured or disabled military personnel and prisoners of war, 75-4364 Equipment, Capital outlay aid, 74-32,413 et seq. Eye protective devices, 72-6281 Federal act, Acceptance of provisions, 74-32,405 Implementation, cooperation, 74-32,406 Fees, 72-3810, 72-3811, 72-3813, 76-731a Certain persons without legal immigration status, 76-731a Payment, methods of, 75-30,100 Waiver, Certain military dependents, 73-1216 et seq. Dependents of deceased, injured or disabled public, safety officers, certain deceased, injured or disabled military personnel and prisoners of war, 75-4364 Financial assistance, National guard educational assistance program, 74-32,145 et seq. State guard members, 74-32,145 et seq. Workforce development loan program act, 74-32,151 et seq. Funds, Allocation and distribution, 74-32,410 Capital outlay, 74-32,414 Disposition, 71-614 Grants, Non-tiered course credit hours, 74-32,468, 74-32,431, 74-32,432 Investment, 12-1675 et seq. Earnings, disposition of, 12-1677 State aid for secondary school programs, plan for 72-295 Truck driver training fund, 8-267, 8-272 Gifts, grants, bequests, 72-3816, 74-32,414 Higher education coordination act, 74-3201a et seq. IMPACT act, 74-50,102 Individual career plan of study, 72-294 Institutional improvement plans, 74-3202d Investments in major projects and comprehensive training (IMPACT) act, 74-50,102 et seq. Job training partnership act, participation, 74-32,412 Johnson county area vocational-technical school, 74-32,411 KAN-ED act. State Board of Regents, this index Kansas technology and innovation internship program, Administration, 74-32,430 Definitions, 74-32,429 Establishment, 74-32,430 Grants, 74-32,430 Rules and regulations, 74-32,430 Municipal universities, 13-13a16 Programs, generally, 72-3810 et seq. Located outside service area, 74-32,433 Out-of-state students, 72-3815 Parsons state hospital and training center, 76-1409 Performance-based incentive payments, 74-32,434 Personnel evaluation, 72-2407 et seq. Postsecondary programs, transfer agreements, 71-1507 Postsecondary students, Social security numbers, certain uses prohibited, 76-768 Professional negotiation, 72-2218 et seq. Programs, generally, 72-3810 et seq. Quality performance, indicators, 74-32,468 Approval and review, 74-3202c, 74-3202d New state funds, determination, 74-3202d Performance agreements, compliance, 74-3202d Reports, audits, inspections, 72-3817 Scholarships, Career technical workforce grant, 74-32,423 et seq. Rules and regulations, 74-32,426 Ethnic minority scholarship program, 74-3284 et seq. Nursing service scholarship program, 74-3291 et seq. Performance-based incentive payments, 74-32,434 State scholarship program, 74-32,233 et seq. School buses, Activities, 72-6498 Attendance at class, 72-6498, 72-6499 Service area, programs located outside of, 74-32,433 Social security numbers, certain uses prohibited, 76-768 State board of education, Career technical education incentive program, 72-3819 Individual career plan of study, 72-294 Performance-based incentive payments, 74-32,434 State aid for secondary school programs, plan for, 72-295 State board of regents, Career technical education incentive program, 72-3819 Data management system, 74-32,468 Funds, allocation and distribution, 74-32,468 Quality performance, indicators, 74-32,468 Approval, review, 74-3202c, 74-3202d New state funds, determination, 74-3202d Performance agreements, compliance, 74-3202d Rules and regulations, 74-32,418 Service area, approving programs located outside of, 74-32,433 State educational institutions, Articulation agreements, 74-32,421, 74-32,422 Programs, generally, 72-3810 et seq. State plan, Consumer and homemaking programs, 74-32,408 Contents, 74-32,408 Cooperative vocational education programs, 74-32,408 Curriculum development, 74-32,408 Exemplary programs of vocational education, 74-32,408 Federal act, compliance, 74-32,408 Offerings in private and nonpublic, nonprofit institutions, 74-32,408 Preparation, administration, 74-32,405 Research and training in vocational education, 74-32,408 Residential vocational education programs, 74-32,408 Rules and regulations, 74-32,408 Student housing, 72-5457, 72-53,113, 72-53,116, 72-53,117 Teachers and instructors, Criminal convictions, effect on license, 72-2165 Due process, 72-2252 et seq. Evaluation, 72-2407 et seq. Professional negotiation, 72-2218 et seq. Technical colleges. Colleges and Universities, this index Training information program, Kansas, 74-32,417 et seq. Advisory committee, 74-32,418 Reports, 74-32,418, 74-32,419 Rules and regulations, 74-32,418 Certain persons without legal immigration status, 76-731a Out-of-state students, 72-3815 Payment, methods of, 75-30,100 Waiver of, Certain dependents, 73-1216, 73-1217, 73-1218 Persons in custody of Kansas department for children and families at age 18, 74-32,161 Tuition, 72-3810, 72-3811, 72-3813, 76-731a Workers compensation, 44-505e Workforce development loan program act, 74-32,151 et seq. Eligibility, conditions and requirements, 74-32,151, 74-32,152 Financing, 74-32,160 Fund, 74-32,155 Loan, Forgiveness, 74-32,153 Obligations, 74-32,152, 74-32,158 Repayment, 74-32,154 Suspension of obligations, 74-32,157 Rules and regulations, State board of regents, 74-32,159 State treasurer, 74-32,156 CARRIERS Common Carriers, generally, this index Radio Common Carriers, generally, this index Railroads, generally, this index Motor Carriers, generally, this index CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE Generally, 60-216 CASH-BASIS LAW Generally, 10-1101 et seq. Definitions, 10-1101 Energy conservation measures, exemption from, 75-37,125 Exemptions, 10-1116 et seq., 75-37,125 School districts, 10-1116a Indebtedness in excess of funds, 10-1113 Investment of municipal funds, 12-1671 Johnson county park district, 19-2876 Lease or installment purchase agreements, 10-1116a School districts, leases and lease-purchases, inapplicability, 72-1149 CASH FUNDS Funds, this index CASH SALE Title to goods, 84-2-403 CASS COUNTY, MISSOURI Kansas City Area Transportation District and Authority Compact, 12-2524 et seq. Mo-Kan Metropolitan Development District and Agency Compact, 12-2514 et seq. CATTLE Animal Diseases, generally, this index Animals, generally, this index Domestic animal activity, assumption of risk, 60-4001 et seq. Meat inspection, Labeling of carcass or products, unlawful acts, 65-6a29 Penalties, 65-6a40 Slaughter, unlawful acts, 65-6a27 et seq. Nuisance lawsuits, immunity from, agricultural activities, 2-3201 et seq. Public livestock markets, fees, 47-1011 Slaughter, products not for human food, 65-6a33 Storage and handling of food products, 65-6a32 CAUCUS Elections, party nomination of candidates, 25-301 et seq. CAUSTIC SUBSTANCES Generally, 65-643 et seq. CEASE AND DESIST ORDERS Banks and Banking, this index Consumer Credit Code, this index Cosmetologists, this index Credit, this index Dairies and Dairy Products, this index Discrimination, this index Elections, generally, this index Ethics, State Governmental, this index Governmental standards and conduct commission, 46-289 Insurance, this index Land Sales Practices, this index Licensure of psychologists, 74-5316a, 74-5367a Mined-Land Conservation and Reclamation Act. Mines and Minerals, this index Securities, this index Securities Commissioner, this index State Fire Marshal, generally, this index Tanning Facilities, this index Workers Compensation, this index CEMETERIES AND CEMETERY COMPANIES See, also, Cemetery Districts, generally, this index Generally, 12-1401 et seq., 17-1302 et seq. Abandonment, 17-1328 et seq. Cemetery districts, 15-1014, 15-1015 Cities of third class, 15-1014, 15-1015 Contracts by municipality for maintenance, 17-1368 Counties, care of, 19-3106, 19-3107 Definitions, 17-1366 Dissolution of cemetery corporation, 17-1367 Inclusion in adjoining cemetery district, 17-1330b Lots, 12-1432 Private cemeteries, Care and maintenance, 80-936 Title vested in township, 80-934, 80-935 Townships, 80-916, 80-934, 80-936 Transfer of assets to municipality, 17-1367 Use of proceeds from sale, 17-1329 Veterans' remains, removal, 73-306 Annual statement, 17-1312a Application of act, 17-1312f Attachment, exemption of lots, 17-1302 Fees, 75-442 Interference with or refusal to submit to, 17-1312c Records confidential, 17-1312e Burial. See, Dead Bodies, generally, this index Cemetery corporations, generally, 17-1301c Cemetery Merchandise Contracts, this index Charitable organizations, 17-1348, 17-1349 Cities of first class, Improving streets outside city, 13-1011 Prevention of unintended uses, 12-1441 Cities of second class, 14-1007 et seq. Bonds, 14-1053 Cemetery transferred from private association, operation, 14-1052 Conveyance of lots, regulation, 14-1008 Ordinances and regulations, enforcement, 14-307 Private associations, 14-1047 et seq. Trespassing, 14-1009 Trust funds, authority to accept, 12-1438 Cities of third class, 15-1001 et seq. Bond issue, 15-1012 Districts, 15-1013 et seq. Donating to county, 19-3101 et seq. Fines and penalties, 15-1003, 15-1009 Control of lands, 17-1310 Conveyance of lots, prerequisites, 17-1308 et seq. Conveyance of property to Dodge City, 17-1371 Counties, 19-3101 et seq. Abandoned cemeteries, 19-3106, 19-3107 Eminent domain, 19-3104 Prevention of unintended uses, 12-1441 Tax levies, 19-3103, 19-3105, 19-3106, 19-3107 County appraisers, duties, 17-1312a Crimes, punishments and penalties, 17-1327 Cities of third class, 15-1003, 15-1009 Crypts or catacombs, sealing requirements, 17-1325 et seq. Damages, 17-1305 Dead Bodies, generally, this index Deeds and conveyances, 17-1302 Conveying cemetery to district, 15-1015 Prerequisites to conveyance of lots, 17-1308 et seq. Reinvested title, 12-1436 Default, lot purchaser, 17-1302 Inoperative district, 12-1617d, 17-1350 et seq. Districts. Cemetery Districts, generally, this index Elections, Bond issues, 12-1415 Cities of second class, 14-1007a Cities of third class, bonds, 15-1012 Debts, 12-1417 Officers, 17-1303 Townships, 80-904, 80-906, 80-910 Eminent domain, 17-1315 Cities of second class, 14-1007a Municipalities, 12-1401 Township cemeteries, chapel site, 80-919 Family burying own dead, 65-1713b Fines and penalties. See, Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante Cemetery corporation, forfeiture, 17-1312d Funds, Permanent care fund, 17-1316, 17-1317, 17-1319 et seq. Custodian, bond, 17-1321 Permanent maintenance fund, 17-1308 et seq. Audit, 17-1312a et seq. Failure to establish or maintain, 17-1312d Misuse, penalties, 17-1311a Topeka state hospital cemetery memorial gift fund, 75-37,124 General fund, oil and gas lease revenues, 55-211a Indian burial sites, unmarked burial sites preservation, 75-2741 et seq. Inoperative districts, dissolution, 12-1617d, 17-1350 et seq. Investments, 12-1438 Joint cemeteries, townships, 80-905 et seq. Lots, 17-1307 et seq. Damages to, 17-1305 Deed, delivery on death of safety deposit box lessee, 9-1504 Exemption of lots, 17-1325 et seq. Military monuments, 73-419 Owners as corporation members, 17-1303 Survey and plat, 17-1308 Title, reinvestment to city or township, 12-1428 Townships, 80-912 Mausoleums, Plans and specifications, 17-1324 et seq. Merchandise contracts, 16-320 et seq. Monuments and memorials, Cities of third class, 15-1002 Regulations, cities of second class, 14-1008 Topeka state hospital cemetery memorial, 75-37,124 Veterans, 73-301 et seq., 73-401 et seq. Mortgages, permanent maintenance fund, 17-1311 Municipal cemeteries, 12-1401 et seq. Abandonment, 12-1432 Dissolution, transfer of assets to, 17-1367 Maintenance contracts, 17-1368 Access roads, improvements, 12-1412 Board of directors, 12-1420 et seq. Bonds, improvements, 12-1413 Deeds and conveyances, reinvested title, 12-1436 Elections, 12-1417 Endowment fund, 12-1408, 12-1409, 12-1410 Custodians, bond, 12-1411 Improvements, 12-1405, 12-1413 Land, purchase of, 12-1406, 12-1407 Lots, reinvestment of title in city, 12-1428 et seq., 12-1440 Maintenance contracts, abandoned cemeteries, 17-1368 Perpetual care contracts, act inapplicable, 12-1435 Property, Acquisition by gift, 12-1419b, 12-1419c Disposition for burial purposes, 12-1419a Quieting title, 12-1431, 12-1433 Tax levy, 12-1405 Trust deeds, 12-1419 Trust funds, 12-1437 et seq. National cemeteries, acquisition of property, 27-101 Oil and gas leases, 55-211a Parks, cemetery lands for park purposes, 12-1310, 12-1311 Penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante Permanent maintenance fund, 17-1301c Accounting, attorney general order, 17-1319a Deficiencies, secretary of state approval of plan to correct, 17-1319a Not subject to legal process, 17-1311b Permanent maintenance funds, 17-1308, 17-1311, 17-1312, 17-1312a et seq. Audit, 17-1312a et seq. Custody and uses, 17-1308 et seq. Failure to establish or maintain, 17-1312d Limitations on investment of, 17-1311, 17-1312 Misuse, penalties, 17-1311a Trustees, 17-1312 Duties of, 17-1312 Trust instruments, 17-1311 When required, 17-1312 Plats, 17-1302 Prerequisite to conveyance, 17-1308 Private burying grounds, control, 17-1305 Property acquisition, 17-1349 Prosecutions, 17-1312a Receiver, appointment, 17-1312c, 17-1312d Records, Confidential, 17-1312e Trust documents, 17-1312g Registration with secretary of state, 17-1312a, 74-139 Failure, penalty, 17-1312a Reinterment, compelling, 17-1326 Religious Organizations and Societies, this index Replatting, 17-1304, 17-1310, 17-1323 Religious organizations, 17-1302a Sales, Abandoned land, 17-1328 Bulk sales, 17-1322 Certain excess lots not needed for cemetery purposes, 17-1375 District court approval, 17-1376 Lots, townships, 80-912 Secretary of state, duties, 17-1312a et seq. Social welfare, cemetery expenses, 39-713d Statement, annual, 17-1312a Stock and stockholders, 17-1307, 17-1316 Tax assessments, 79-207 Tax exemption, 79-207 Taxation, 17-1333 et seq. Cities of second class, 14-1052 Counties, 19-3105 et seq. Improvements, 12-1414 Townships, 12-1403, 80-903, 80-932 Title to property, reinvestment, 12-1428 et seq., 17-1330, 17-1335a et seq. Notice to nonresidents, 12-1429 Topeka state hospital cemetery, 75-37,124 Township cemeteries, 12-1401 et seq., 80-901 et seq. Abandoned private cemeteries, Care and maintenance, 80-916, 80-936 Title transfer, procedure, 80-934 Acquisition of cemetery by township, Attica township, 80-941 Limitations, 80-915 Exception, 80-941 Acquisition of land, 12-1403 Care and maintenance, taxation or fund, 80-932 Cemetery fund, counties under 3,100, 80-1406c Chapel, 80-917 et seq. Cities of second and third class, cooperation, 80-908 Counties of 43,000 to 48,000, acquisition of property of disorganized cemetery district, 80-940 Counties under 3,100, 80-1406c Donation to counties, 19-3101 et seq. Elections, 80-904, 80-906, 80-910 Funds provided by bond, use, 80-913 Joint cemeteries, 80-905 et seq., 80-923 Lots, cost, 80-912 Existing cemeteries, 80-915 Lots, 80-912 Site for chapel, 80-919 Unsold school land, 80-914 Records, 80-912 Reinvestment of title to lots, 12-1428, 12-1436, 12-1440 Reports, 80-913 Reversion, title of lots, 12-1428 Sinking fund, 80-907 Supplemental law, 80-909 Tax levy, 12-1403, 12-1405, 80-903, 80-907, 80-932, 80-938 Chapel site, 80-919 Topeka township, acquisition of cemetery property, 80-943 Unlawful acts, 80-913 Trust funds, authority to accept, 12-1438 Trusts, inventory and accounting, 59-1609 Unclaimed dead bodies, 22a-215, 65-901 et seq. Unmarked burial sites preservation act, 75-2741 et seq. State Historical Society, generally, this index Vaults, plans and specifications, 17-1324 et seq. Veterans, Burial, 73-301 et seq. Cemetaries, establishment and maintenance, 73-1232 Weeds, control and eradication, 2-1319 CEMETERY DISTRICTS See, also, Cemeteries and Cemetery Companies, generally, this index Generally, 15-1013 et seq., 17-1330 et seq. Abandoned cemeteries, 17-1332 Tax levy to maintain, 17-1330 Annexation of territory, 15-1017, 17-1335i, 17-1356 et seq. Annual meetings, 17-1333 Annual report, 17-1372 Application of laws, 17-1346 Authority of association, 17-1335 Board of directors, 15-1014, 15-1015, 15-1016a, 17-1344 Bond of officers, 17-1334 Compensation, 15-1014 Directors, 17-1331 et seq., 17-1337, 17-1364 Election, 17-1333a Meetings, 17-1334 Bond of treasurer, 17-1344 Bonds, issuance, 17-1335 Cities of second and third class, 17-1342 et seq. Claims, payment, 12-105a, 12-105b Deannexation of cemetery district territory, Hillsdale cemetery district, 12-1442 Deeds and conveyances, 17-1332, 17-1335h City cemeteries, 17-1341 Dissolution of districts, 17-1354 Default, lot owner, 17-1330, 17-1335a et seq. Description of property, 17-1335f Disorganization, 17-1345, 17-1356 et seq., 80-940 Dissolution, 17-1350 et seq. Establishment, Petition, 17-1330 Resolution of county commissioners, 17-1373 Exclusion of territory, 15-1018, 15-1019 Fund to procure additional land, 15-1016a Funds from sale of lots, use of, 15-1016a Gifts, permanent maintenance fund, 17-1338 Investments, Idle funds, 12-1675 et seq. Permanent maintenance fund, 17-1338 Land, acquisition of, 17-1374 Lots, Abandonment, 17-1335d Reinvestment of title, 12-1428 et seq., 17-1330, 17-1335a et seq. Unused lots, reversion, patriotic organizations, 17-1347 Machinery and equipment, purchase of, 17-1336a Name, 17-1333 Officers and employees, 17-1344 Compensation, 15-1014 Organization, 17-1331 Permanent maintenance fund, 17-1338, 17-1339, 17-1301c Perpetual care contracts, 17-1335g Petitions, Dissolution of districts, 17-1350, 17-1351 Establishment of district, 17-1330, 17-1343, 17-1345 Withdrawal of cemetery, 17-1330 Quieting title, 17-1335c et seq. Records, 17-1335b Reinterments, dissolution of cemeteries, 17-1352, 17-1353 Road improvements, 17-1336, 17-1336a Tax levies, 15-1015, 17-1330, 17-1355 After annexation, 17-1365 Exclusion of territory, outstanding indebtedness, 15-1019 Republic county, No. 23, 17-1369 Sedgwick county, 17-1370 Sumner county, 17-1370 Township districts, certain, 80-938 Townships, 15-1013 et seq., 17-1342 et seq. Tax levies, 17-1344 Treasurer, 17-1339 Annual report requirement, 17-1372 Trustees, 17-1344 Warrants, Disbursement of funds, 17-1344 No-fund, 17-1374 Withdrawal of cemetery, 17-1330a CEMETERY MERCHANDISE CONTRACTS Generally, 16-320 et seq. Accounting, action for, Attorney general may initiate, 16-326 Cemetery maintenance and merchandise, 16-336 Contract terms and conditions, 16-332 Crimes, punishments and penalties, 16-323 Misuse of cemetery merchandise trust fund, 16-323 Exemptions, 16-333 Fee Fund, 16-336 Notice of intent to sell, filing of, 16-329 Audit of, 16-325 Refusal, 16-330 Confidentiality, 16-335 Deficiencies, plan to correct, 16-326 Deposit of funds, 16-321, 16-322 Distributable earnings, 16-321 Duties of trustee, 16-322 Fees, 16-321 Quarterly reports, 16-321 Not subject to legal process, 16-328 Redeposit of funds, 16-326, 16-327 Refusal to establish, 16-331 Trust instruments, 16-322 CENSUS Generally, 11-201 et seq. Population, generally, this index Schools and School Districts, this index CENTER FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP ACT Generally, 74-99c01 et seq. Audit, subject to, 74-99c07 Board of directors, 74-99c03 Compensation, 74-99c03 Meetings, 74-99c03 Powers and duties, 74-99c03 Terms, 74-99c03 Center for entrepreneurship, Audit, subject to, 74-99c09 Criteria for funds distribution, 74-99c09 Interest-bearing accounts, 74-99c09 Administration of, 74-99c09 Disbursements, 74-99c09 Tax credit, 74-99c09 Application for, 74-99c09 Authorized for contributions, 74-99c09 Limitations, 74-99c09 Citation of act, 74-99c01 Creation and operation, 74-99c03 Definitions, 74-99c02 Duties, 74-99c04 Funds, 74-99c05 Authority to receive donations, contributions and grants, 74-99c05 Awarding of funds by center to other organizations, 74-99c05 Officers and employees, not considered state employees, 74-99c08 Compensation, 74-99c08 Travel expenses, 74-99c08 Purpose, 74-99c04 Reporting, annual financial, 74-99c05, 74-99c07 Severability, 74-99c11 CEREAL MALT BEVERAGES Intoxicating Liquors, this index CEREBROSPINAL MENINGITIS Health officer, duties, 65-202 CERTIFICATES AND CERTIFICATION Acknowledgments, deeds and conveyances, 58-2216, 58-2217, 58-2218 Animals, this index Authentication, Judgments, 60-465 Foreign, 60-3002 Records, 60-465 Sufficient evidence, 60-464 Birth certificates. Vital Statistics, this index Carriers, Indebtedness, certificates of, 66-125 et seq. Public convenience and necessity, 66-131, 66-134 Checks, this index Child support proceedings, licensing sanctions, Definitions, 74-146 Notice of contempt, 74-147 Social security or identification number required, 74-148 Convenience and necessity. See, Public convenience and necessity, post Credit unions, organization certificates, 17-2201 Curators for veterans, minors and incapacitated persons, 73-505, 73-508 Dams for collection and storage of waters, completion, 82a-407 Death certificates. Vital Statistics, this index Deposit, certificates of. See, Bank Deposits and Collections, this index Elections, generally, this index Fees, District court clerks, 28-170 Secretary of state, documents and papers, 75-409 Fertilizers, sample analysis, 2-1206 Fire extinguishers. Fire Protection, this index Foreign corporations. Corporations, this index Foreign judgments, 60-465, 60-3002, 60-3003 Indebtedness, certificates of, Carriers, 66-125 et seq. Metropolitan transit authority, 12-2808 Public utilities, 66-125 et seq. State general fund, 75-3725a Interpreters, deaf and hard of hearing, 75-5393 Investment Companies, generally, this index Irrigation and Irrigation Districts, this index Judgments, 60-465 Foreign, 60-3002 Licensing bodies, child support proceedings, licensing sanctions, Definitions, 74-146 Notice of contempt, 74-147 Social security or identification number required, 74-148 Lost or destroyed county records, 64-106, 64-107 Mail and Mailing, this index Maps and plats, 12-328, 12-403 Mined-Land Conservation and Reclamation Act, 49-406 Motor Carriers, this index Motor Vehicles, this index Municipal bonds, nonlitigation certificate, 10-108a, 10-108d Natural gas, underground storage, 55-1204 Notarial acts, revised uniform law, 53-5a01 et seq. Participation, certificates of, financing arrangements for state agencies, 75-37,101 Public convenience and necessity, Deadline for determination, 66-131 Electric utilities, foreclosure, 58-2334 Motor Carriers, this index Municipally owned utilities, 12-824 Partnerships, eminent domain, 26-101 Public utilities, 66-131, 66-134 Water utility systems, Johnson and Wyandotte counties, 19-3518 Public utilities, Indebtedness, certificates of, 66-125 et seq. Public convenience and necessity, 66-131, 66-134 Questions of law, uniform act, 60-3201 et seq. Savings and Loan Associations, this index School retirement system, service record, 72-2627 Secretary of state, copies of papers and documents, 75-409 Seeds, this index Social security number, 74-139 Social security or identification number required, 74-148 State Land Office, this index Tax redemption, 79-2403 Title, certificate of, Motor Carriers, this index Motor Vehicles, this index Secured transactions, Filing requirements, 84-9-302 Trust certificates, issuance or ownership by corporations, 50-113 Vital Statistics, generally, this index Water conditioning contractors, 12-3601 et seq. CERTIFICATION OF QUESTIONS OF LAW Generally, 60-3201 et seq. CERTIFIED CHECKS Checks, this index CERTIFIED MAIL Mail and Mailing, this index CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Accountants, this index CHANGE FUNDS Funds, generally, this index Imprest Funds, generally, this index CHANUTE, CITY OF District court, 20-3110 District court clerk, office and duties, 20-3109 Jury service, 43-112b Tuberculosis hospital. Southeast Kansas Tuberculosis Hospital, generally, this index CHARACTER AND REPUTATION Barbers, 65-1812 Credibility of witnesses, 60-422 Dentists and dental hygienists, 65-1426, 65-1455 Druggists, 65-1631 Funeral directors and embalmers, assistants, 65-1717 Optometrists, 65-1505 CHARGES Rates and Charges, generally, this index CHARITABLE RAFFLES Generally, 75-5171 et seq., Kan. Const., Art. 15, § 3d Administrator of charitable gaming, appointment, 75-5186 Annual report, 75-5188 Definitions, 75-5173 Funds, Charitable gaming refund fund, 75-5183 State charitable gaming regulation fund, 75-5182 Injunctions, 75-5180 Kansas charitable gaming act, 75-5171 et seq. Administration of act, 75-5181 Purpose, 75-5172 Violations of act, penalties, 75-5185 License to operate games, Exceptions from licensure, 75-5175 Fees, 75-5175 Disposition, 75-5182 Restrictions, 75-5175 Revocation, suspension, 75-5180 Motor vehicle raffle deemed sale, 75-5174 Operation and management of raffles, exceptions, 75-5179 Regulation, licensing and taxation of games, powers, 75-5174 Rules and regulations, 75-5181, 75-5188 Violations of law, penalties, 75-5185 CHARITIES Generally, Kan. Const., Art. 7, § 1; 17-1701 et seq., 17-1759 et seq. Cemeteries, Establishment, 17-1348, 17-1349 Property, disposition for burial purposes, 12-1419a Charitable organizations, Charitable organization and solicitations act, 17-1759 et seq. Advertising, unlawful, 17-1771 Definitions, 17-1760 Exemptions from registration, 17-1762 Fund, 17-1777 Professional fund raiser, 17-1764 Professional solicitors, 17-1765, 17-1766 Reciprocal agreements, 17-1772 Records, 17-1778 Registration, 17-1761 et seq. Fees, 17-1763 Service of process, 17-1767, 17-1770 Unlawful acts and practices, 17-1769, 17-1771 Venue of actions, 17-1775 Violations of act, 17-1767, 17-1773 Gift, devise or bequest to, 17-1738 Insurance, beneficiaries, insurable interest, 40-450 Merger or consolidation, 17-1738 Pregnancy maintenance initiative program, 65-1,159a Charters, 17-1702 Corporations, 17-1701 et seq. Incorporation, 17-1701 Powers and duties, 17-1701 Stockholder's liability, Kan. Const. Art 12, § 2 Taxation, post Directors or trustees, 17-1701 Foreign countries, devises or bequests, 59-602 Insurance, beneficiaries, insurable interest, 40-450 Lakes, lease from townships, 80-933 Motor carriers, exemptions, 66-1,109 Persons with physical disabilities, assistance, 39-1208 Public utilities, varied rates, 66-109 Railroads, reduced rates, 66-152 Securities Law, exemptions, 17-12a201 Sunflower Foundation: Health Care for Kansas, open meetings law, 75-4320c Taxation, Exemption from property tax, Kan. Const., Art. 11, § 1; 79-201 Property acquired for charitable purpose, 79-1804, 79-1805 Trusts and trustees, Bond trustee, 59-1105 Devises or bequests, 59-1609 Inventories and reports, 59-1105 Wills, devises or bequests, foreign countries, 59-602 CHARTER BOARD Corporation commission, transfer of powers and duties, 74-601b CHARTER ORDINANCE Kan. Const. Art. 12, § 5 CHARTER RESOLUTION County home rule, 19-101b CHARTERS Cooperative marketing associations, 17-1607, 17-1608 Corporations, this index News services, forfeiture, 50-206 Urban area counties, 19-2680 et seq. Wire services, forfeiture, 50-206 CHASE COUNTY Boundaries, 18-109 County buildings, financing of, sales tax, 12-187 et seq. U.S.D. No. 284, land transfer, 72-1555, 72-1556 CHATTEL MORTGAGES See, also, Mortgages, generally, this index Animals, Diseased animals, 47-632a Livestock markets, receiving or selling, 47-1005 Destruction of instruments, 58-320, 58-321 Fees, 28-115 Motor vehicles, 8-135 Oil field equipment, lien of transporter, priority, 55-214 Payment, Destruction of instrument, 58-320, 58-321 Return of instrument, 58-319 Register of deeds, Destruction of instruments, 58-320, 58-321 Return of instrument, 58-319 Satisfaction, Destruction of instrument, 58-320 Return of instrument, 58-319 Secured Transactions, generally, this index Transporter of oil field equipment, lien, priority, 55-214 CHATTELS Personal Property, generally, this index CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY CHECKS See, also, Negotiable Instruments, generally, this index; Commercial Paper, this index Bad checks, Attorney fees, 60-2610 Civil remedies, 60-2610, 60-2611 Small claims procedure, application, 61-2703 Criminal Code, 21-5821 Motor vehicle registration, 8-145a et seq. Unlawful prosecution for, 21-5822 Cash-Basis Law, application, 10-1112 et seq. Certified checks, 9-1119 Excess of amount on deposit, 9-2008 Time for presenting, 84-4-404 Combination warrant and check, public funds, 10-801 County clerks, countersignature, certain counties, 19-534 County Treasurers, this index Destroyed, lost or stolen, 84-3-312 Insufficient funds, Apportioned registration of fleet vehicles, 8-1,118 Motor vehicle registration, 8-145a, 8-145b Penalty, 8-145c Metropolitan transit authority, withdrawal of funds, 12-2821 Money, transmission of, 9-508 et seq. Municipalities, canceled checks, destruction, 12-120 No-fund, motor vehicle registration, 8-145a, 8-145b Penalty, 8-145c Service charge, definition of, 60-2610 Warrants, combination warrant and check, public funds, 10-801 Worthless check, definition of, 60-2610 CHEESE Dairies and Dairy Products, this index CHEMICAL CONTROL ACT Generally, 65-7001 et seq. Administrative procedure, 65-7009 Application of, 65-7004 Bureau of investigation, duties, 65-7008 Chemical control fund, 65-7012 Civil remedies, 65-7010, 65-7011 Procedure and review, 65-7009 Contamination, clean up, 65-7013 Liability, 65-7011 Criminal penalties, 21-5709, 21-5710 Definitions, 65-7003 Distributors, reports, 65-7007 Forfeitures, 65-7014 Fund, 65-7012 Health and environment, secretary of, Orders, procedure and review, 65-7009 Powers and duties, 65-7005, 65-7013 Illegal acts. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante Inspections, 65-7013 Liability, Clean up costs, 65-7013 Government and agents, 65-7013 Prohibited acts. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante Property, Contamination, clean up, ante Forfeiture, 65-7014 Inspection, 65-7013 Notice, potential harm, 65-7013 Purpose, 65-7002 Remediation. Contamination, clean up, ante Retailers, Informational program, 65-7008 Rules and regulations, 65-7005 Title, 65-7001 Violations. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante CHEMICALS, CHEMISTRY AND CHEMISTS Agricultural Chemicals, this index Barber school or college, 65-1810 Chemigation safety. See Agricultural Chemicals, this index Drugs and Medicines, generally, this index Emergency planning and community right-to-know. Emergencies, this index Fertilizers, generally, this index Food, Pesticide chemicals, 65-664 Preservatives, label, 65-665 Pest Control, generally, this index Plant Pests, generally, this index Waste, generally, this index Weeds, this index CHEROKEE COUNTY Ambulance services, financing of, sales tax, 12-187 et seq. Boundaries, 18-111 County buildings, financing of, sales tax, 12-187 et seq. Sale of certain land, secretary of revenue, 75-5131 Treece community relocation assistance, 49-511 et seq. Definitions, 49-511 Judicial review of determinations, 49-517 Moving expenses, 49-514 Property, purchase of, 49-514 State public trust, 49-512 Funding, 49-516 CHEWING GUM Adulteration, 65-664 CHEYENNE COUNTY Boundaries, 18-112 CHIEF JUSTICE Supreme Court Justices, this index CHIEF OF POLICE Police, this index CHILD Abuse, generally, this index Adoption, generally, this index Child Care Facilities, this index Child Custody Jurisdiction Act, this index Child Labor, this index Children and Minors, generally, this index Children in Need of Care, generally, this index Children with Intellectual Disability, generally, this index Day Care Program, generally, this index Early Childhood Developmental Services, generally, this index Juvenile Offenders, generally, this index Parents, generally, this index Separate Maintenance, generally, this index Support, generally, this index Youth Centers, generally, this index CHILD ABUSE Abuse, generally, this index Children and Minors, this index Children in Need of Care, this index CHILD CARE FACILITIES Generally, 38-112 et seq., 39-713c, 65-501 et seq. Abuse, operation by abuser, 65-516 Accommodations, 65-508 Adults, 65-510 Boarding homes, community based services, 39-1301 et seq. Boarding school, 65-503, 65-508 Changes or alterations, 65-513 Children and families, Kansas department for, Approval, 65-504 Children with intellectual or other disabilities, day care program, Defined, 39-1006 Early childhood development center, Fort Hays state university, 76-519 Eligible community organizations, 39-1007 Funds, disbursement, 39-1002, 39-1003 Grants-in-aid, 39-1005, 39-1008 Immunizations, 72-6262 School districts, 72-1421 Secretary for children and families, Funds, acceptance and disbursements, 39-1002 Standards, compliance, 39-1003 Tax credit, 79-32,190 Cities, 12-4801 et seq. Closing for violations, 65-514, 65-515 Confidentiality of records, 65-525 Counties, 12-4801 et seq. Counties of 130,000 to 185,000, 38-536 et seq. Counties over 20,000, 38-501 et seq. Counties over 120,000, 38-523 Counties over 300,000, 38-554 Counties with cities of 53,000 or over, 38-505 et seq. Counties with cities of 70,000 or over, 38-511 et seq. County attorneys, prosecuting violations 65-515 Crimes, punishments and penalties, 65-510, 65-514, 65-515, 65-516, 65-526, 65-530 Child care criminal background and fingerprinting fund, 65-516 Civil fines, 65-526 Criminal history record check, 65-516 Definitions, 65-503 Detention homes and other facilities, ante Drop-in program, licensing requirements, 65-527 Equipment, 65-508 Fees, 65-505 Fines and penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante Fingerprinting, 65-516 Fire safety, 31-132 et seq., 65-508 Food service program, 72-17,144, 72-17,146 Foster care home, Foster parents, Information on child, 38-134 Reports, 38-2261 Insurance for volunteers, family foster care, 75-5328a Placement in, 75-3329, 75-3330 Funding, 38-115 Hospitals, 65-425a Interviews, inspecting agents, 65-512 Investigations, 65-504 Johnson county, 38-555 Juvenile crisis intervention centers, 65-536 Lavatories, 65-508 Licenses and registration, 65-501, 65-504 Effect, 65-529 Exemptions, 65-501 Fees, 65-505 Limitation, modification or suspension, 65-523, 65-524 Revocation, suspension, denial, 65-523, 65-524 Notice of, 65-506 Temporary licenses, 65-504, 65-523, 65-524 Temporary permit, 65-501, 65-504, 65-523, 65-524 Online information dissemination system, 65-534 Operation, persons prohibited from, 65-516 Permit, temporary, 65-501, 65-504 Effect, 65-529 Placement agency, 65-503 Plumbing, 65-508 Policy, 65-528 Prohibited patients, 65-510 Property, 38-116 Prosecutions, 65-515 Records, 65-507 Confidentiality, 65-525 Inspections, 65-512 Registration. Licenses and registration, ante Resource and referral agency, 65-503 Rules and regulations, 65-508, 65-510 Safe sleep practices, 65-508 School-age program, licensing requirements, 65-527 School districts, 72-1421 Sewers and sewer systems, 65-508 Smoking, 65-530 Social welfare, placement by secretary, 39-713c Staff secure facility, 65-535 State child care centers, 65-176 State policy, 65-528 Subpoenas, licensure hearings, 65-504 Supplies, 65-508 Tax credit, 79-32,190 Tax exemption, 79-201b Two or more counties, 38-528 et seq., 38-541 et seq. Unlicensed, 65-506 Waterworks, 65-508 CHILD LABOR Generally, 38-601 et seq., 44-639 et seq. Children, defined, labor and industry, 44-637 Children under 14, 38-601, 38-614 Children under 16, 38-603, 38-614 Children under 18, 38-602, 38-614 Contracts, capacity, 38-104 Contracts, entertainers, 38-618, 38-619 Crimes and penalties, 38-612, 44-628, 44-640 Enforcement of laws, 44-634 Entertainers, 38-615 et seq. Infants, requirements, 38-616 Motion picture sets, 38-622 Penalties, 38-616 Trustee powers and duties, 38-621 Exempt services, 38-614 Federal aid, 38-613 Hazardous occupations, 38-602 Hearings, secretary of labor, 44-645 Hours of labor, 38-603, 38-614 Posting notice, 38-605 Indenture, unlawfully placing or receiving child from foreign state, 38-315 Investigations, 44-645 Labor, department of, 75-5701 et seq. Labor commissioner, rules and regulations, 38-602 Lottery, advertising and promotion of, prohibition, 74-8722 Minor, defined, labor and industry, 44-637 Orders, secretary of labor, 44-645 Review, 44-647 Parimutuel racing, wagering, advertising and promotion of, prohibition, 74-8839 Rules and regulations, state labor commissioner, 38-602 School food service preparation, 38-603 Secretary of labor, jurisdiction, 44-601b Student-learner, 38-603 Wages and hours, 44-639 et seq. Entertainers, 38-617 Hearings, 44-645 Investigations, 44-645 Standards, secretary of labor, 44-643 Work permits, 38-604, 38-606 et seq. Contents, 38-607 Duties of inspectors, 38-611 Exception, secondary school children, 38-604 Revocation of permits, 38-610 Termination of employment, 38-609 Working conditions, 44-639 et seq. Detrimental, unlawful, 44-640 Hearings, 44-645 Investigations, 44-645 Order, secretary of labor, 44-645 Standards, secretary of labor, 44-643 CHILD-CUSTODY JURISDICTION AND ENFORCEMENT ACT Appeals, 23-37,314 Appearance of party, 23-37,109, 23-37,210 Child-custody determination, initial, 23-37,201 Cooperation between courts, 23-37,112 Costs, 23-37,312, 23-37,317 Court communications, 23-37,112 Definitions, 23-37,102, 23-37,301 Depositions, 23-37,111 Determination, Effect of, 23-37,106 Enforcement of, 23-37,306 Registration of, 23-37,305 Enforcement, 23-37,301 et seq. Evidence, testimony outside the state, 23-37,111 Expenses, 23-37,112, 23-37,208, 23-37,310, 23-37,312, 23-37,317 Fees, 23-37,312 Full faith and credit of order, 23-37,313 Hague convention, enforcement, 23-37,302 Hearing, 23-37,310 Immunity, limited, 23-37,109 Inconvenient forum, 23-37,207 Indian child, 23-37,104 Information to court, 23-37,209 Initial child-custody determination, 23-37,201 International application of act, 23-37,105 Joinder, 23-37,205 Jurisdiction, Continuing, exclusive, 23-37,202 Declining, when, 23-37,207, 23-37,208 Inconvenient forum, 23-37,207 Initial child-custody determination, 23-37,201 Personal, 23-37,109 Priority for child-custody proceedings, 23-37,107 Temporary emergency, 23-37,204 Law enforcement role, 23-37,316 Limited immunity, 23-37,109 Modification of determination, 23-37,203 Notice, 23-37,205 Persons outside the state, 23-37,108 Order, 23-37,310 Petition, 23-37,308 Preservation of records, 23-37,112 Priority for child-custody proceedings, 23-37,107 Proof of service, persons outside the state, 23-37,108 Prosecutors role, 23-37,315 Records, preservation of, 23-37,112 Registration of determination, 23-37,305 Service of petition and order, 23-37,309 Simultaneous proceedings, 23-37,206, 23-37,307 Temporary order, 23-37,204, 23-37,304 Temporary visitation, 23-37,304 Testimony, outside the state, 23-37,111 Warrant for physical custody of child, 23-37,311 CHILDREN AND FAMILIES, KANSAS DEPARTMENT FOR See, also, Social and Rehabilitation Services, State Department of, generally, this index Generally, 75-5301 et seq. Abortion, annual report, 65-445 Abuse, definitions, 39-1430 Administrative proceedings, Hearings, Presiding officer, 77-551 Advisory committees, allowances and expenses, 75-5313 Aged persons, Home maintenance program, 39-751, 39-752 Meals, 39-711a Aging section, Preservation of orders and directives, 75-5904 Rights saved in legal actions, 75-5907 Transfers to department on aging, 75-5904, 75-5905, 75-5915 Alcohol and drug abuse, Alcoholism and intoxication treatment, funds, 41-1126, 41-2622 Kansas citizens' committee on alcohol and other drug abuse, post Assessments on hospitals and health maintenance organizations, administration of, 65-6219 Assignment of right to support, 39-709, 39-754, 39-756 Action on, 39-755 Assistance, Disposition of, 39-717 Purchase, acquisition or possession, 39-717 Recoupment from decedent's estate, 16-304 Notice requirements, 16-304 Liability, limitation, 16-311 Attorneys, 39-756, 75-2935, 75-5310 Unclassified service, 75-2935 Background checks, employees, Access to, 65-6205 Bidding exemption, service contracts, expert testimony, 75-5310a Blind persons, Division of services for, 39-708c Industries for the blind workshop, Topeka, Kansas, Civil service status of employees, 75-5345 Laid off or transferred employees, Health care benefits, 75-4378 Laid off, defined, 75-4376 Purchase of adaptive equipment for, 75-4374 Workshops, Disability benefit eligibility, 74-4927 Kansas City, sale or lease of, 75-3359 et seq. Bonds, debt service, capital improvements, 76-6b05 Central unit for collection and disbursement of support payments, 39-7,135 Child welfare system task force, 38-151 Children and minors, Abuse or neglect, reporting, program for, 38-2222 Investigation, attorney general, 75-723 Adoption assistance, 38-319 et seq., 38-335 et seq. Assessment, victims of trafficking or exploitation, 38-2287 Assistance, liability of parents, 39-718b Boarding homes, group, community based, 39-1301 et seq. Agreements by secretary, 39-1303 Definition, 39-1305 Funds, gifts, appropriations, acceptance disbursement, 39-1302 Grants-in-aid, Acceptance, disbursement, 39-1302 Agreements, 39-1307 Application for, 39-1307 Eligibility for, conditions, 39-1306 Purpose of, 39-1304 Custody of, Children in need of care, 38-2255, 38-2258, 38-2259, 38-2270, 38-2287 Change of placement, 38-2259 Trust accounts, 75-3354 Divorce liens in favor of children, assignment to secretary, 60-2204 Family foster care program, insurance for volunteers, 75-5328a Foster care, post Foster child educational assistance act, 75-53,111 et seq. Juvenile delinquents and dependents, post Juvenile intake and assessment system, contracts for services, 75-7023 Parent locator, post Records, Child in need of care cases, 38-2212 School records, 72-3439 School, nonattendance, responsibilities, 72-3121 Services to. Youth services, post Special education, 72-3403 et seq. Support, generally, this index Victims of trafficking or exploitation, 38-2287 Wards' trust fund, 75-3354 Closure, certain state institutions, procedures and benefits, 75-4370 et seq. Commissioners, deputy commissioners, appointment, 75-5310 Committee on State and Unified School Districts Purchases, generally, this index Complaints, 75-3306 Corrections and juvenile justice oversight, joint committee on, 46-2801 Costs, treatment of patients in state hospitals, 59-2006b Counties, powers and functions transferred from, 39-744 et seq. County board of social welfare, transfer of duties, 39-744 County director, transfer of duties, 39-744 County homes, 39-714 Creation of department, 75-5301 Criminal actions, not abated by reorganization, 39-745 Crippled children's commission, transfer of powers, duties, authority, 75-5638 et seq. Deaf and hard of hearing, Kansas commission for the, 75-5391 et seq. See, also, Deaf and Hearing Impaired Persons, this index Definitions, 39-702 Dental treatment and services, Donated dental services program, 75-5371 Patients and inmates of state institutions, 76-162 Department, renamed, 39-1902 Deputy secretary, appointment, 75-5310 Developmentally disabled persons, Administration of funds, 74-5505 Self-sufficiency trust fund, 75-5343 Special fund, 75-5344 Transition planning services, 75-5399 et seq. Background information, compilation, 75-53,100 Definitions, 75-5399 Local transition councils, 75-53,102 Provision of, 75-53,100 Director of mental health and retardation services. See Mental health and developmental disabilities, Commissioner of mental health and developmental disabilities, post Directors, management areas, appointment, 75-5310 Disability and behavioral health services section, transferred to Kansas department for aging and disability services, 39-1903 Disabled persons, Home maintenance program, 39-751, 39-752 Division of assets, 39-785 et seq. Provisions suspended, 39-791 Divisions, Mental health and developmental disabilities, post Services for the blind, division of, 39-708c Social services, post Vocational rehabilitation, post Youth services, post Drug abuse, Kansas citizens' committee on alcohol and other drug abuse, post Drug abuse and prevention. Secretary for children and families, post Drug abuse programs, 76-12a22, 76-12a23 Economic and employment services section, 75-3084 et seq. Economic Opportunity Office, generally, this index Employees. Officers and employees, post Epilepsy, Commission on, generally, this index Ethics, State Governmental, generally, this index Exceptional children, special education, 72-3403 et seq. Families in crisis, community resources, 38-2403, 38-2405 Family and children trust account in the family and children investment fund, 23-2510, 38-1808 Family foster care program, insurance for volunteers, 75-5328a Family services and community intervention fund, 38-2281 Foster care, Foster care student report card, 72-9944 Foster parents, information on child, 38-134 Placements in, 75-3329, 75-3330 Review boards, 38-1813 Sexual relations, unlawful, 21-5512 Tuition waiver program, Kansas educational institutions, 74-32,161 Workforce development loan program act, 74-32,151 et seq. Foster grandparent program volunteers, insurance, 75-4101 Funding, transfer to Kansas department for aging and disability services, 39-1907 Funeral and cemetery expenses, 39-714 Gifts, acceptance, 75-3316 Governmental operations and accountability law, department subject to, 75-5301 Governmental transfer program, nursing facility services, 75-4265 Grandparents as caregivers act, 38-142 et seq. Program administration, 38-144 Health Care Costs, Commission on, this index Health programs for pregnant women and children, consolidation, 65-1,159 Hearing impaired, Kansas commission for the deaf and hard of hearing, 75-5391 et seq. See, also, Deaf and Hearing Impaired Persons, this index Home and community based services programs, 39-7,100, 39-7,100a Individuals in need of in-home care, definitions, 65-6201 Persons appointed to provide attendant care services, 75-5309a Home maintenance program, 39-751, 39-752 Human trafficking, Notice offering to help victims, 75-759 Reporting to law enforcement, 38-2289 Institutions, Authority and supervision, 39-1904, 39-1905, 76-12a06, 76-12b01 Bonds, debt service, capital improvements, 76-6b05 Closed, mental health or intellectual disability, sale of real estate, disposition of proceeds, 75-6610 Closure of certain, procedures and benefits, 75-4370 et seq. Drug and alcohol abuse programs, 76-12a22, 76-12a23 Pay plan, physicians, 75-2935c Taxation, buildings, 76-6b05 Trust funds, Persons under custody, 76-172 et seq. Wards, 75-3354 Vehicles, parking and operation, 76-12a13 Interagency provision of services for children, adolescents and families act, 39-1701 et seq. Regional interagency council, 39-1704 Investigations, 75-3306 Adult abuse, 39-1443 Programs and services, recommendation of, 38-2404 Reports of abuse, neglect or financial exploitation of certain persons, 39-1404, 39-1433 Caretaker internal investigations, 39-1409 Judicial proceedings, preservation during transition, 39-745 Officers and employees, Duties, delegation, 75-5316a Unclassified service, certain, 75-5310 Juvenile delinquents and dependents, Children and minors, ante Powers, duties and functions transferred, juvenile offenders, juvenile justice authority, 75-7001 Juvenile offenders, Community based boarding homes and services, Agreements by commissioner of juvenile justice, 39-1303 Funds, grants in aid, gifts, appropriations, Acceptance, disbursements, 39-1302 Grants-in-aid, 39-1307 Juveniles, intake and assessment system, children in need of care, 75-7023 K-GOAL, application, 75-5301 Kansas citizens' committee on alcohol and other drug abuse, 75-5381 et seq. Appointment, 75-5383 Compensation, 75-5385 Duties, 75-5382 Meetings, 75-5386 Kansas tuberculosis hospital. Southeast Kansas Tuberculosis Hospital, generally, this index Larned State Hospital, generally, this index Leases of property of institutions, Neurological institute lands, to city of Topeka, 76-17c07 Long-term care, Comprehensive and coordinated system, 39-7,159 Programs, certain, transfer to secretary of aging, 75-5321a Meals for aged persons, 39-711a Medicaid fraud control act, 21-5925 et seq. Medical assistance, Conflict with federal law, 39-788 Eligibility, 39-787 Interspousal agreement, 39-787 Medical vendors' claims, fiscal year filing, 39-708a Mental health and developmental disabilities, Commissioner of mental health and developmental disabilities, 75-5308e Commission on disability concerns, ex officio member, 74-6703 Duties and authority, 75-3303, 75-5308d, 75-5308e, 75-5308f, Institutions under supervision and authority of, 76-12a01 et seq. County funds for purchase of intellectual disability services, 19-4007 Drug and alcohol abuse programs, 76-12a22, 76-12a23 Institutions under supervision and authority of, 76-12a01 et seq. Kansas tuberculosis hospital. Southeast Kansas Tuberculosis Hospital, generally, this index Larned State Hospital, generally, this index Neurological Institute, Kansas, generally, this index Norton State Hospital, generally, this index Officers and employees, 75-5309 Osawatomie State Hospital, generally, this index Outpatient mental health centers or clinics, assistance, 75-3303a Parsons State Hospital and Training Center, generally, this index Powers, duties and functions transferred to, 39-1607, 75-5308d, 75-5308f, Rainbow Mental Health Center, generally, this index Special projects, Acceptance of grants or gifts, contracts, 76-12a08 Real estate, 75-3314, 75-3315, 75-3316 Staff personnel, 76-12a04 Topeka State Hospital, generally, this index Transfer of persons admitted to institutions, 75-3328 Winfield State Hospital and Training Center, generally, this index Youth centers, control transfer, juvenile justice authority, 75-7001 Mental health and retardation services, Abolished, powers, duties and functions transferred, 75-5308d, 75-5308f Mental health program, state responsibility, 75-3304a Transitional planning services, 75-5399 et seq. Neurological Institute, Kansas, generally, this index New hires information, state directory, 75-5742 Newborn infant protection act, 38-2282 Norton State Hospital, generally, this index Nursing facilities, intergovernmental transfer program, 75-4265 Occupational center of central Kansas, Conveyance to state, obligation released, 76-12c11 Land transfer, 76-12c10 Officers and employees, 39-708c, 39-746, 75-5309, 75-5331, 75-5338 Child abuse or neglect by, 38-2226 Classified service, 75-5309 Confidential and privileged information, 39-709b Delegation of powers and duties, 75-5316a Industries for the blind workshop, Topeka, Kansas, civil service status of employees, 75-5345 Medical services coordinator, unclassified service, 75-5309a Organization of department, 75-5316a Pay plans, certain, 75-2935c, 75-5309a Persons appointed to provide attendant care services, unclassified service, 75-5309a Sexual relations, unlawful, 21-5512 Transfer, certain, juvenile justice authority, 75-7003 Unclassified service, certain, 75-2935, 75-5310 Organization of department, 75-5316a Osawatomie State Hospital, generally, this index Outreach services, 75-5321 Parent education programs, school district assistance, 72-4166 Parent locator, support collection and paternity determination services, 39-753 et seq. Application, 39-756 Crimes, 39-759 Fee, 39-756 Offenses, 39-759 Parents' location, 39-756, 39-758 Paternity, determination, 39-756, 39-7,145 Rules and regulations, 39-753 Secretary, Assignment, support rights, 39-754 Collections, disposition, 39-709 Duties, 39-753 Enforcement of support rights, 39-755 Limited power of attorney, 39-709, 39-756 Parents, location, 39-758 Rules and regulations, 39-753 Setoff of money owed, support rights, assignment, 39-754 Support, Collection services, 39-756 Enforcement of support rights, 39-755 Enforcement services, contracts, 75-5365 Matching debtors with liability insurance claimants, 75-5366, 75-5367 Payments to secretary, when, 39-754 Rights, assignments, 39-754 Unlawful acts, 39-759 Parentage established, 39-755 Parents, liability for assistance to children, 39-718b Parking and operation of vehicles, 76-12a12 et seq. Parsons State Hospital and Training Center, generally, this index Paternity, determination. Parent locator, support collection and paternity determination services, ante Paternity, voluntary acknowledgment of, program, 23-2203 Payment center, Kansas, 39-7,135 People with intellectual disability. See subhead State institutions under People with Intellectual Disability, this index Pilot project, Psychiatric and substance abuse services, 39-1611 Property, Real estate of institutions, post Sale of property, 75-3316 See, also, Secretary for children and families, Real estate, post Protective services, abuse or neglect of certain persons, 39-1405 et seq. Public information officer, 75-5310 Public policy, 39-701 Purpose of law, 39-701 Quality enhancement wage pass-through program, 39-971 Rainbow Mental Health Center, generally, this index Rate of charge, treatment of patients in state hospitals, 59-2006b Real estate of institutions, 75-3307, 75-3314, 75-3315, 75-3316 Lease of, 75-3307 Records, 39-740 Child in need of care cases, 38-2212 Custody of, 75-5319 Register of reports of abuse, neglect or exploitation of certain persons, 39-1434 Recovery of assistance paid to ineligible recipients, 39-719b Rehabilitation services, Commissioner of rehabilitation services, Commission on disability concerns, ex officio member, 74-6703 Officers and employees, appointment, 75-5309, 75-5331 Reorganization, transition, Officers, employees, 39-746 Preservation, judicial, administrative, criminal actions, 39-745 Transfer of powers, duties and functions, 39-744 Reports, Abuse, neglect or exploitation of certain persons, 39-1401 et seq. Schools, nonattendance, 72-3121 Rules and regulations, 39-1902, 39-1905, 75-5321 Donated dental services program, 75-5371 Secretary of social and rehabilitation services, 75-3304 Social welfare, 75-3304 Secretary for children and families, 39-1902, 39-1905, 75-5301 Access to records, 39-1436 Acting secretary, appointment, 75-4315a Administrative services, commissioner of, 75-5310 Admissions to institutions, 76-12a07, 76-12b02 Adult family homes, registration, 39-1501 et seq. Advisory commission on drug abuse, powers, 75-5378 Advisory committee, creation and compensation, 75-5313 Agreements, Charitable and benevolent organizations, 39-1208 Alcohol and other drug addiction treatment act, powers and duties, 65-4006 et seq. Prevention and treatment plan established, 65-4011 Acceptance of persons for treatment, 65-4024 Program development, implementation and coordination, 65-4007 Rules and regulations, 65-4013, 65-4024c Alcohol or other drug treatment facilities, 65-4013 et seq. Admission of persons, 65-4024 Injunctions, 65-4023 Licensure and renewal, 65-4013, 65-4014 Fees, 65-4013 Remittance of fees, 65-4024b Appeals, jurisdiction and procedure, 75-3306, 75-37,121 Appointment, director of economic opportunity, 74-6901 Appointment and confirmation, 75-5301 Assignment of right to support, 39-709, 39-754, 39-756 Action on, 39-755 Assistance, Disposition of, 39-717 Assistants, 75-5310 Blind persons, readers for, 76-157 et seq. Centralized payment system, 39-708c Chief administrative officers, appointment of acting, 75-4315a Chief attorney, 75-5310 Child Care Facilities, this index Children and minors, Absent parents, liability for assistance, 39-718b Community based services, 39-1302 et seq. Homes, placement, 39-713c Schools, nonattendance, 72-3121 Children and youth advisory committee. See subhead Advisory committee, children and youth under Children and Minors, this index Children's commission, transfer of powers, duties, 75-5638 et seq. Closure, certain institutions, procedures and benefits, 75-4370 et seq. Commissioners, deputy commissioners, appointment, 75-5310 Committee on State and Unified School District Purchases, generally, this index Complaints, 75-3306 Confidential and privileged information, 39-709b, 39-1436 County social welfare boards, successor to, 39-744 Criminal history record access, 75-53,105 Disclosure, penalties, 75-53,105 Custody of records, memorandum and writings, 75-5319 Delegation of powers and duties, 75-5316a Deputy secretary, appointment, 75-5310 Developmental disabilities reform act, 39-1801 et seq. Report to legislature, 39-1811 Directors, management areas, appointment, 75-5310 Disability concerns, commission on, ex officio member, 74-6703 Divorce decrees, liens in favor of children, assignment, 60-2204 Donated dental services program, 75-5371 Drug abuse and prevention, 75-5375 et seq. See, also, Alcohol and drug abuse, ante Citizens' committee on alcohol and other drug abuse, 75-5381 et seq. Cooperation of other state agencies, 75-5376 Duties, 75-5375 Information and reports, 75-5375 Reports to governor and legislature, 75-5375 Rules and regulations, 75-5375 Early childhood developmental services, coordinating council, member, 74-7801 Execution, issuance, 60-2401 Executive officer, appointment of acting, 75-4315a Expert testimony, service contracts, 75-5310a, 75-5952 Family and children trust account in the family and children investment fund, 38-1808 Fees, Disposition, 75-3320, 76-12a15 Outpatient services, 76-170 Fraudulently obtained assistance, recovery, 39-720 Funeral and cemetery expenses, recipient of assistance, 39-713d General policies, adoption, 75-5321 Gifts, acceptance of, 75-3316 Governor, reports to, 39-708c Grants-in-aid, purpose, 39-1205 Halfway houses, Acceptance and disbursement of funds, 39-1202 Authority limited by funds available, 39-1204 Eligibility for program, 39-1207 Purpose of grants-in-aid, 39-1205 Health care providers, payment schedules, 39-708c Health programs for pregnant women and children, consolidation, 65-1,159 Home and community based services programs, 39-784, 39-7,100, 39-7,100a Home health services, fees, 39-784 Home maintenance program, 39-751 Supervisors, appointment, 39-752 Homemaker program, claims for damages caused by homemaker, 46-922 Intergovernmental transfer program, nursing facility services, 75-4265 Investigations, 75-3306 Job skills program approval of, 44-706 Juvenile offenders, powers and duties transfer, juvenile justice authority, 75-7002 K-GOAL, application, 75-5301. Larned state security hospital, duties, 76-1306 Leases of real estate of institutions, 75-3307 Neurological institute lands, to city of Topeka, 76-17c07 Limited power of attorney, assignment of support rights, 39-709, 39-756 Long-term care programs, certain, transfer to secretary for aging and disability services, 75-5321a, 75-5945 et seq. Appropriations, resources, obligations, 75-5949 Officers and employees, 75-5945 Reports, 75-5940, 75-5945, 75-5954 State plan, consult with secretary for aging and disability services, 75-5945 Transition plan, consult with secretary for aging and disability services, 75-5948 Maternity Centers, this index Meals for aged persons, 39-711a Medical assistance, Attorney fees, recovery of amounts paid, 39-719a Certifying adult care home for participation, 39-782 Eligibility requirements, 39-709, 39-785 et seq. Identification of other medical benefits paid, 39-719e Life insurance proceeds, collateral assignment of, 65-6233 Managed care system, 39-7,112 Notice to the state in probate proceedings, 59-2222 Pilot project, psychiatric and substance abuse services, 39-1611 Recovery of amounts paid, 39-719a, 39-786 Statement in a petition of probate proceedings, 59-2247 Medical services, needy persons, payment, medical vendors' claims, 39-708a Mental health program, responsibility, 75-3304a Mental health reform act, 39-1601 et seq. Moneys of institutions, receipt and expenditure, 76-12a08 New hires information, state directory 75-5742 Notice of system for reporting welfare abuse or fraud, 39-760 Nursing facilities, intergovernmental transfer program, 75-4265 Officers and employees, Appointment, 75-5309 Transfer, certain, juvenile justice authority, 75-7003 Parent locator, support collection and paternity determination services, ante Parking and operation of vehicles at state institutions, regulations, 76-12a12 et seq. Parsons state hospital and training center, duties, 76-1409 Paternity, determinations. Parent locator, support collection and paternity determination services, ante Payment schedules, health care providers, 39-708c People with intellectual disability, State institutions, admission procedure, transfers among, 76-12b02, 76-12b07 Persons with physical disabilities, Employment aid, 39-1208 Purchase of products, 39-1209 Pilot project, psychiatric and substance abuse services, 39-1611 Powers and duties, 39-708c, 39-708d, 76-12c03 Appointment, subject to senate confirmation, effect, 75-5301 Juvenile offenders, transfer, juvenile justice authority, 75-7002 Transfer from county social welfare boards, 39-744 Powers and remedies, Arrearages owed, 39-7,146 Administrative levy, 39-7,150 Execution, 39-7,152 Income withholding, 39-7,147, 39-7,148 Title IV-D services, 39-7,139 et seq. Program for home maintenance, 39-751, 39-752 Protective services, abuse, neglect or financial exploitation of certain persons, 39-1401 et seq., 39-1430 et seq., 39-1437 et seq. Public information officer, 75-5310 Purchases by state and school district, 75-3320, 75-3322 Real estate, Conveyance of certain land in Miami county, City of Osawatomie, 75-3369, 75-3369a Miami county mental health center, 75-3368 Ellis county oil and gas lease, 76-14a04 Juvenile offender related, transfer, juvenile justice authority, 75-7001 Miami county interlocal agency, conveyance to, 76-187 Rainbow mental health center, convey parcels to KUMC, 75-3371 Sell, convey certain land in Saline county, 75-3366, 75-3367 Sell, convey certain land in Stafford county, 75-3365, 75-3367 Topeka state hospital property, transfer of control, 75-37,123 Winfield state hospital and training center, conveyance, 75-3370 Records, Blind persons, state board of health, 39-740 Custody of, 75-5319 Register of reports of abuse, neglect or exploitation of certain persons, 39-1434 Recovery of assistance paid to ineligible recipient, 39-719b Rehabilitation facilities, 39-1206 Acceptance and disbursement of funds, 39-1202 Authority limited by funds available, 39-1204 Eligibility for program, 39-1207 Purpose of grants-in-aid, 39-1205 Reorganization, transition, ante Report to Legislature, 39-709c Reporting abuse, neglect of financial exploitation, Toll-free telephone number, 39-1441 Rules and regulations, 39-708c, 39-709b, 39-717, 39-1613, 65-6220, 65-6233, 76-12c03, 76-12c07, 75-3304, 75-53,117 Adoption, 75-5321 Child care facilities, 65-508 Child vaccination requirements, aid to families with dependent children, 39-7,129 Community work experience program, 39-709 Disclosure of information, 39-709b Eligibility requirements for assistance, 39-709 Foster child educational assistance act, 75-53,117 Juvenile offenders, transferred, juvenile justice authority, 75-7001 Life insurance proceeds, collateral assignment of, 65-6233 Maternity centers, 65-508 Mental health centers assistance, basic services, 65-4434 Mental health treatment centers or clinics, state assistance, 75-3303a Operation of institutions, 76-12a07 Parking and operation of vehicles at state institutions, 76-12a13 Past due child support, 39-7,158 Payments to certain medical care facilities, 65-116k Prescription drugs, permanent prior authorization, 77-421 Rainbow mental health facility, admission to, 76-17a10 Self-sufficiency trust fund, 75-5343 Social welfare, 39-709g Support enforcement services, 39-756 Vocational rehabilitation, 76-12c07 School districts, tuition payments, 72-1172 Schools, nonattendance, 72-3121 Seal, 75-5320 Security hospital at Larned, 76-1306 Transfers from, 76-1306 Transfers to, 76-1307 Services for children, adolescents and families act, 39-1701 et seq. Social welfare, 75-3304 Social welfare fund, 39-710 Social workers, licensing, post Southeast Kansas tuberculosis hospital, 76-1528, 76-1529 Special projects, 76-12a08 Acceptance of grants, 76-12a08 State case registry, 39-753 State plans, 39-708c State security hospital, powers and duties, 76-1306 Subpoenas, 75-3306 Substance abuse programs, 76-12a22, 76-12a23 Support, generally, this index Assignment of right to, 39-709, 39-754, 39-756 Action on, 39-755 Collection. Parent locator, support collection and paternity determination services, ante New hires information, state directory, 75-5742 Rights of children, divorce, assignment, 60-2204, 60-2310 Support enforcement services, contracts, 75-5365 Title IV-D services, 39-753 Actions and proceedings, Administrative orders, 39-7,142 De novo review, 39-7,139 Genetic tests, 39-7,145 Waiver of rights, 39-7,141 Administrative orders, 39-7,142, 39-7,143 Change of support payee, 39-7,151 Income withholding order, 39-7,147 Hearing, 39-7,149 Modification, 39-7,148 Jurisdiction, 39-7,140 Redirecting support payments, 39-7,151 Transactions, custody, 75-5319 Tuition to school districts, payment, 72-1172 Vending facilities account, 75-3339a Vocational rehabilitation, Cooperative plan, 76-12c04 Powers and duties, 76-12c03 Vouchers, approval, 76-12c09 Welfare abuse hotline, 39-760 Workforce development loan program act, 74-32,151 et seq. Funding, 74-32,160 Secretary of social and rehabilitation services, conveyance of real estate in Ellswort county, 75-3372a Self-sufficiency trust fund, 75-5343 Senior care act, 75-5926 et seq. Senior companion program volunteers, insurance, 75-4101 Social welfare, 39-701 et seq. Social welfare fund, 39-710 Social workers, licensing, 65-6301 et seq. Southeast Kansas tuberculosis hospital, maintenance and upkeep, 76-1528 Special education, exceptional children, 72-3403 et seq. Special projects, Acceptance of grants or gifts, contracts, 76-12a08 Real estate, 75-3314, 75-3315, 75-3316 State hospitals and training centers, Closure of certain, procedures and benefits, 75-4370 et seq. Computation of costs, treatment of patients, 59-2006b Maximum rate of charge, 59-2006b Support of patients, recovery of payments, 59-2006 State institutions, Closed, mental health or intellectual disability, sale of real estate, disposition of proceeds, 75-6610 Closure of certain, procedures and benefits, 75-4370 et seq. Exceptional children, special education, 72-3403 et seq. Subpoenas, 75-3306 Substance abuse programs, 76-12a22, 76-12a23 Pregnant women, treatment priority, 65-1,165 Support, assignment of right to, 39-709, 39-754, 39-756, 39-756a Action on, 39-755 Support, collection. Parent locator, support collection and paternity determination services, ante Support, generally, this index Support enforcement services, 39-709, 39-753 et seq. Contracts, 75-5365 Task force, alleged offenders with disabilities, competency to stand trial, 22-3306 Taxation, buildings, 76-6b05 Theft, fraudulent obtaining of assistance, 39-720 Title IV-D services, 39-753, 39-758 Access to information, 39-7,136 Genetic testing, 39-7,145 Tobacco litigation settlement agreement proceeds, 38-2101 et seq. Investment and management of funds, 38-2104, 38-2105 Use of funds, 38-2101, 38-2102, 38-2103 Topeka State Hospital, generally, this index Transfer of powers, duties, functions, 39-744, 75-7001, 75-7002 Transfers to department on aging, Aging section, 75-5904 Long-term care programs and services, certain, exceptions, 75-5321a, 75-5945 et seq. Transition. Reorganization, transition, ante Vocational rehabilitation, division of, Commissioner of rehabilitation services, Advisory committee on employment of the handicapped, ex officio member, 74-6703 Officers and employees, rights preserved, 75-5331 Disabled persons, 76-12c01 Function, 76-12c01 Rehabilitation facilities, 39-1201 et seq. Waivers, home and community based services programs, 39-7,100a Wards' trust fund, 75-3354 Warrants, 39-710 Welfare abuse hotline, 39-760 Winfield State Hospital and Training Center, generally, this index Workforce development loan program act, 74-32,151 et seq. Funding, 74-32,160 Youth care, Children and minors, ante Wards' trust fund, 75-3354 Youth Centers, generally, this index Youth services, Annual report to governor, 75-5326 Children and youth advisory committee. See subhead Advisory committee, children and youth under Children and Minors, this index CHILDREN AND MINORS Abandonment, Criminal code, 21-5605 Murder in perpetration of abandonment of a child, 21-5402 Newborn infant protection act, 38-2282 Abduction of, uniform child abduction prevention act, 23-3801 et seq. Abortion, Counseling, 65-6704 Parental notice, 65-6705 Abuse. Physical or mental abuse, post Abuse, generally, this index Abused children. Children in Need of Care, generally, this index Accidents, emergency care at scene of, 65-2891 Actions and proceedings, 60-217 Child support, contempt, license sanctions, 74-146, 74-147 Custody of minor children. Divorce or Annulment, this index Damages, Malicious destruction of property, 38-120 Workers compensation, exclusive remedy, 44-501, 44-510e Limitation of actions, 60-508, 60-515 Adolescents, services for, 39-1701 et seq. Adoption, generally, this index Advisory committee on children and families, redesignated Kansas children's cabinet, 38-1901 et seq. Approval of expenditures from family and children trust account, 38-1808 Age of majority, 38-101, 38-108, 38-109, 38-110 Aggravated endangering a child, criminal code, 21-5601 Aid to families with dependent children, Eligibility requirements, 39-709 Personal representative to receive payments, 59-2801, 59-2803 Residence requirements, 39-709 Alcoholic beverages. See Children and minors under Intoxicating Liquors, this index Furnishing to minor, 21-5607 Artificial insemination, 23-2301 et seq. Assignment of support rights, 39-709, 39-754, 39-756 Assistance, social welfare, 39-701 et seq. Parental liability, 39-718b Autism, commission on, 75-138 Automobile safety restraint, 8-1343 et seq. Babies, Breastfeeding, 65-1,248 Educational literature on care, 65-153 Eye treatment, 65-153b, 65-153d Galactosemia, hypothyroidism and phenylketonuria, 65-180 et seq. Genetic diseases, 65-180 et seq. Newborn infant hearing screening act, 65-1,157a Bank deposits, 9-1204 Battered child. Physical or mental abuse, post Beer, furnishing to minors, 21-5607 Birth defects information system, 65-1,241 et seq. Blind Persons, generally, this index Boarding homes, 65-501 et seq. Children and families, department for, 39-1301 et seq. Boats and boating, operation prohibitions, 32-1125 Breastfeeding infants, 65-1,248 Budget estimates and document, state, services to children and families, 75-3717, 75-3721 Bureau of child research, university of Kansas, 76-316 et seq. Capacity, 38-101 et seq. Care and treatment, Child Care Facilities, generally, this index Child care facility operated with hospital, 65-425a Children in Need of Care, this index Children with special health care needs, post State hospitals, liability for support, 59-2006 Cereal malt beverages. See Beer, ante Child abduction. Uniform child abduction prevention act, post Child advocacy centers, 38-2227 Child welfare system task force, 38-151 Children and families, department for, Adoption assistance, 38-319 et seq., 38-335 et seq. Community based services, group boarding homes, 39-1301 et seq. Child exchange and visitation center, 23-3208, 23-3302, 75-720 Child labor, 38-601 et seq. See, also, Child Labor, generally, this index Children and youth service program, development of, 39-708c Children in Need of Care, generally, this index Children with Intellectual Disability, generally, this index Children with intellectual or other disabilities, Adoption assistance, 38-319 et seq., 38-335 et seq. Children with special health care needs, ante Day care programs, 39-1001 et seq. Children with sexual behavior problems, 38-2290 Children with special health care needs, 65-5a01 et seq. Advisory commission, 75-5643 Agreements, shared costs, 65-5a13 Application, 65-5a12 Artificial appliances and supplies, 65-5a08, 65-5a09 Bequest fund, 75-5644 Charges, approval of, 65-5a08, 65-5a09 Claims, payment, 65-5a15 Condition, determination of, 65-5a12 Cooperation, state departments and agencies, 65-5a11 Diagnostic clinics, 65-5a10 Eligibility for care, 65-5a12, 65-5a13 Fees, 65-5a05 Parents' rights not limited, 65-5a16 Priorities for certain services, 65-5a14 Rules and regulations, 65-5a08, 65-5a14 Secretary of health and environment, duties, 65-5a08 Children's advocacy center fund and assessment fee, 20-370 Children's aid societies, Custody of children, 38-306 Unlawfully placing or receiving child from another state, 38-315 Children's initiatives fund, 38-2102, 38-2103 Children's internet protection act, Kansas, 75-2589 Tobacco, this index Community based services, children and families, department for, 39-1301 et seq. Community based teenage pregnancy reduction program, 65-1,158 Conservators. Conservators and Conservatorships, this index Contracts, Capacity, 38-101 et seq. Insurance premiums, 40-237 Contributing to a child's misconduct or deprivation, criminal code, 21-5603 Control over care and upbringing by parents, 38-141 Corporation for Change, this index Credit unions, shares, 17-2213 Crimes, punishments and penalties, Child care facilities, 65-516 Crimes and Punishments, generally, this index Homes for children, 65-514 Incest, 21-5604 Indecent liberties with, 21-5506 Indecent solicitation of, 21-5508 Juvenile Offenders, generally, this index Maternity centers, 65-516 Crippled and chronically ill children. Children with special health care needs, ante Curators for veterans, minor, proposed pensioner, 73-505 Custody, legal, Child Custody Jurisdiction Act, generally, this index Children in Need of Care, this index Divorce or Annulment, this index Factors considered, 23-3203 Interference with, 21-5409 Parenting time, 23-3203 Separate Maintenance, this index Temporary, 38-2403 Damages, malicious destruction of property, 38-120 Day care. Child Care Facilities, generally, this index Deaf children. Deaf and Hearing Impaired Persons, generally, this index Death, Failure to report, criminal code, 21-5938 Juveniles, state juvenile correctional or contract facilities, investigation, report, 75-52,147 Notification of coroner and state review board, 22a-241 et seq. Reports of, 38-2223 Review board, 22a-243 et seq. Deeds and conveyances, validation, 58-2263 Default judgment, 60-255 Delinquents. Juvenile Offenders, generally, this index Dependent children. Children in Need of Care, generally, this index Deprival of parental rights. See subhead Termination of parental rights under Children in Need of Care, this index Deprived children. Children in Need of Care, generally, this index Descent and Distribution, generally, this index Detention, Jail, detention in, post Juvenile Correctional Complex, Kansas, this index Juvenile Correctional Facility at Atchison, this index Juvenile Correctional Facility at Beloit, this index Juvenile Correctional Facility at Larned, this index Juvenile Correctional Facility at Osawatomie, this index Juvenile Offenders, this index Detention homes and other facilities, Community homes, 39-1301 et seq. Counties of 130,000 to 185,000, 38-536 et seq. Counties over 20,000, 38-501 et seq. Counties over 120,000, 38-523 et seq. Counties with cities of 53,000 or over, 38-505 et seq. Counties with cities of 70,000 or over, 38-511 et seq. Educational services, provision of, grants, 72-1173 Jail, detention in, post Johnson county, 38-555 Sedgwick county, 38-554 State, placement, 39-713c Two or more counties, 38-528 et seq., 38-541 et seq. Developmentally disabled children, See, subhead Special education under Schools and School Districts, this index Community based services, group boarding homes, 39-1301 et seq. Early intervention services, 75-5648 et seq. Disappearance, Failure to report, criminal code, 21-5938 Diseases, Pupils, tests and inoculations, 72-6261 et seq. State assistance, 65-180 Division of services to children and youth. Children and Families, Kansas Department for, this index Divorce or Annulment, generally, this index Drivers' licenses, 8-237, 8-239, 8-2,100, 8-2,101 Drugs and medicines, Examination and treatment for abuse, 65-2892a Labels, 65-669 Early childhood developmental services, coordinating council on, 74-7801 et seq. Employment, Child Labor, generally, this index Neighborhood improvement and youth employment act, 44-1401 Definitions, 44-1403 Discrimination prohibited, 44-1406 Eligibility requirements for nonbusiness participants, 44-1407 Expiration of act, 44-1408 Individuals eligible, 44-1405 Purpose, 44-1402 Requirements and limitations, 44-1404 Rule and regulation authority, 44-1409 Endangering a child, criminal code, 21-5601 Endowment for youth fund, 38-2101, 38-2102, 38-2103 Exchange and visitation centers, 75-720 Executors and administrators of wills, 59-702 Eye treatment, newly born infants, 65-153b, 65-153d Family and children investment fund, 38-1808 Fiduciary security transfers, uniform act, 17-4903 et seq. Fort Hays state university, clinical facilities for exceptional children of school age, 76-513 Foster care home. Homes for children, post Foster child educational assistance act, 75-53,111 et seq. Foundlings, 65-2411 Galactosemia testing, 65-180 et seq. Gifts to. Uniform transfers to minors act, post Good Samaritan Act, application, 65-2891 Grandparents, Children in need of care. See subhead Relatives under Children in Need of Care, this index Grandparents as caregivers act, 38-142 et seq. Definitions, 38-143 Duties of secretary, 38-147 Eligibility requirements, 38-145 Persons other than grandparents, 38-146 Program administration, 38-144 Rules and regulations, 38-148 Support services, 38-147 Visitation rights, 23-3301 et seq. Guardian Ad Litem, generally, this index Guardian and Ward, this index Habeas corpus, persons entitled to prosecute writ, 60-1501 Health assessment, admission to school, 72-6267 Health care coverage for low-income children, 38-2001 et seq. Abortion, exclusion, 38-2003 Contracts, 38-2005 Eligibility for coverage, 38-2004 Funding, 38-2009 Health benefits coverage, defined, 38-2003 Kansas insurance coverage for children fund, 38-2009 Kansas state employees health care benefits program, pilot program, 75-6506a Plan, development of, 38-2001 Report to standing committees, Public health and welfare of senate, 38-2007 Children and families of house of representatives, 38-2007 Rules and regulations, 38-2002 Secretary for children and families, powers and duties, 38-2001 Health programs, consolidation, 65-1,159 Health tests, inoculations, 72-6261 et seq. Hearing-impaired and high-risk infants, early identification. See subhead Children under Deaf and Hearing Impaired Persons, this index HIV infection, screening for in newborn children, 65-6018 Homeless child, school residence, 72-3122 Homes for children. Child Care Facilities, generally, this index Hospitals, Child care facilities operated in connection with, 65-425a Children with special health care needs, 65-5a08 Host families, 38-2401 et seq. Hygiene, duties of division of health, 65-153 Hypothyroidism testing, 65-180 et seq. Immunization, 38-135 et seq. Consent under, 38-140, 38-2217, 38-2316 Definitions, 38-135 Delegation of consent, Parent, 38-136 Person other than parent, 38-137 Immunity of health care provider, 38-139 Information provided by health care provider, 38-138 Infantile paralysis, Drugs and medicine, false advertisement, 65-672 Health officer, duties, 65-202 Inoculations and health tests, school pupils, 72-6261 et seq. Infants. See, Babies, ante Infants and toddlers with disabilities, early intervention services, 75-5648 et seq. Inoculations, admission to school, 72-6261 et seq. Insurance contracts, 40-237 Insurance for low-income children. Health care coverage for low-income children, ante Interagency provision of services for children, adolescents and families act, 39-1701 et seq. Definitions, 39-1702 System of regional interagency councils, 39-1703 Convening of, 39-1703 Duties, 39-1703 Purpose, 39-1703 Rules and regulations, 39-1703 Internet protection act, Kansas, 75-2589 Interstate compact for juveniles, 38-1008 Interstate compact on placement of children, 38-1201 et seq. Intoxicating liquors, this index Furnishing to minor, 21-5607 Jail, detention in, Children in need of care, 38-2276 Juvenile offenders, 38-2332 Juveniles in the custody of the department of corrections, 38-2366 Separate facilities, 19-1919 Joint committee on child welfare system oversight, 46-3901 Judgments and decrees, default judgment, 60-225 Juvenile correctional facilities. Juvenile Justice Authority, this index Juvenile crisis intervention centers, 65-536 Juvenile justice authority, generally, this index Juvenile offenders, generally, this index Kansas children's cabinet, 38-1901 et seq., 38-2103 Kansas children's internet protection act, 75-2589 Kansas youth authority, generally, this index Labor, 38-601 et seq. See, also, Child labor, generally, this index Lead poison prevention, 65-1,200 et seq. Liens, release of, 60-2204 Limitation of actions, 60-508, 60-515 Loans to, prohibited, pawnbrokers, 16-717 Lottery, advertising and promotion of, prohibition, 74-8722 Majority, age of, 38-101 Court conferral of rights of majority, 38-108 et seq. Maple syrup urine disease, 65-180 Medical or surgical treatment or procedures, Consent, 38-122, 38-123, 38-123b, 38-2201 Medical service, Children with special health care needs, ante Minority, period of, 38-101 Miscreants. Juvenile Offenders, generally, this index Missing children, report, 75-712c Guardians, legal custodians, 75-712f Information clearinghouse, 75-712d Law enforcement agencies, 75-712c Mortality, study of causes, 65-153 Motor Vehicles, this index Motor vehicles, child safety restraints, 8-1343 et seq. Neglect. Physical or mental abuse, post Neglected children. Children in Need of Care, generally, this index Newborn infant protection act, 38-2282 Newborn screening, 65-180 Next friend, action by, 60-217, 60-1501 Nonsupport of child, Contempt, license sanctions, 74-146, 74-147 Criminal code, 21-5606 Support, generally, this index Outpatient charges, liability of parent, state hospitals, 76-170 Parent education programs, 72-4161 et seq. Parenting time, 23-3401 Parents, Custody, interference with, 21-5409 Determination of, see subhead Parentage proceedings, under Parents, this index Determination services, 39-753 et seq. Liability, Assistance to children, 39-718b Children's torts, 38-120 Services, commissioner of juvenile justice, 38-2324 Shoplifting, 60-3331 Location of, 39-753 et seq. Parentage proceedings, see Parents, this index Rights, Control over care and upbringing, 38-141 Relinquishment of, 38-112 et seq. Termination of. Children in Need of Care, this index Separate Maintenance, this index Support, generally, this index Parimutuel racing, wagering, advertising and promotion of, prohibition, 74-8839 Pensioners, proposed, curators for veterans, 73-505 Phenylketonuria testing, 65-180 et seq. Physical or mental abuse, Child care facilities, 65-516 Children in Need of Care, generally, this index Crimes and penalties, 21-5602, 21-5605 Limitations on actions, 60-523 Murder in perpetration of abuse of a child, 21-5402 Protection from abuse act, 60-3101 et seq. Reporting, 75-723, 38-2222 et seq. Placement, Agencies, use of, 39-713c Children in Need of Care, this index Foster care homes, 38-134, 75-3329 Interstate compact on placement of children, 38-1201 et seq. Juvenile Offenders, this index Private homes, 75-3329, 75-3330 Temporary care, 38-2403 Poisoning, residential childhood lead poisoning prevention act, 65-1,200 et seq. Poliomyelitis, Drugs and medicine, false advertisement, 65-672 Health officer, duties, 65-202 Pregnancy reduction program for teenagers, 65-1,158 Pregnant unmarried minor, medical care, 38-123 Prenatal tests, 65-153 et seq. Preschool, immunization, 72-6262 Probate Proceedings, generally, this index Property, malicious destruction, 38-120 Protection, order of court, 60-217 Protection from abuse orders, 60-3104 Protection from stalking, sexual assault or human trafficing orders, 60-31a04 Research protocols, informed consent, 65-4974 Residence, state institutions, waiver of requirements, 39-111 Residential childhood lead poisoning prevention act, 65-1,200 et seq. Rights, protection from abuse and neglect, 38-141 Rule in Shelley's case, 58-502 Rule in Wild's case, 58-505 Runaways. Children in Need of Care, generally, this index Safety in automobiles, system required, 8-1343 Sales, generally, this index School, nonattendance, responsibilities, 72-3121 Services, interagency provision of, 39-1701 et seq. Severance of parental rights. See subhead Termination of parental rights under Children in Need of Care, this index Simultaneous death, uniform act, 58-708 et seq. Social welfare services, Assistance, liability of absent parents, 39-718b Eligibility requirements, 39-709 Soldiers' home, admission of children, 76-1908 Special education. Schools and School Districts, this index Sports, accidents, emergency care at scene of, 65-2891 State hospitals, Liability for support payments, 59-2006 Outpatient charges, liability of parent, 76-170 Status offenders. Children in Need of Care, generally, this index Support, generally, this index Separate Maintenance, generally, this index Tattooing, cosmetic tattooing and body piercing, consent required, 65-1953 Teenage pregnancy reduction program, 65-1,158 Temporary assistance for needy families, 39-709 Definitions, 39-702 Termination of parental rights. Children in Need of Care, this index Tobacco, sale, purchase and possession, penalties, 79-3321, 79-3322 Tobacco litigation settlement agreement proceeds, 38-2101 et seq. Torts, parental liability, 38-120 Torturing child under 18, 21-5602 Traffic offenders. Children in Need of Care, this index Traffic offenses, prosecution and disposition, 8-2117 Traffic regulations, Parents permitting violation, 8-1586 Precautions of driver, 8-1535 Safety system in automobiles, 8-1343 Transfers to. Uniform transfers to minors act, post Truants. Children in Need of Care, this index Trust accounts, 75-3354 Uniform Act for Simplification of Fiduciary Security Transfers, 17-4903 et seq. Uniform child abduction prevention act, 23-3801 et seq. Abduction prevention measures, 23-3804 Abduction prevention orders, 23-3808, 23-3810 Courts, communication and cooperation, 23-3803 Custody of child, 23-3809 Definitions, 23-3802 Electronic signatures, 23-3812 Jurisdiction, 23-3805 Petition, 23-3806 Risk of abduction, factors to determine, 23-3807 Warrants, 23-3809 Uniform child-custody jurisdiction and enforcement act, 23-37,101 et seq. Uniform Transfers to Minors Act, 38-1701 et seq. Application, 38-1703, 38-1722, 38-1724 Existing custodianships, 38-1723, 38-1726 Construction, 38-1723 Custodial property, Control, 38-1710, 38-1713, 38-1714, 38-1715 Creation, 38-1710 Transfer, when, 38-1721 Custodian, Accounting, 38-1720 Compensation, 38-1716 Control of property, 38-1710, 38-1713, 38-1714, 38-1715 Death, 38-1719 Duties, 38-1714 Expenses, 38-1716 Incapacity or ineligibility, 38-1719 Jurisdiction over, 38-1703 Limitations, 38-1711 Nomination of, 38-1704, 38-1706 Refusal, 38-1719 Property, control, 38-1710, 38-1713, 38-1714, 38-1715 Receipt for property, 38-1709 Records, 38-1713 Removal or resignation, 38-1719 Single custodianship, 38-1711 Successor, 38-1719 Termination, 38-1721 Transfer of property, when, 38-1721 Definitions, 38-1702 Fiduciary, transfer by, 38-1707 Irrevocable transfer, 38-1705, 38-1712 Jurisdiction, 38-1703 Minor, Death, 38-1721 Liability, 38-1718 Transfer to, when, 38-1721 Obligor, transfer by, 38-1708 Third parties, liability of, 38-1717, 38-1718 Transfer, 38-1710 Effect, 38-1712 Fiduciary, 38-1707 Irrevocability, 38-1705, 38-1712 Obligor, 38-1708 When, 38-1721 Will or trust, 38-1706 Unlawfully hosting minors consuming alcohol, 21-5608 Unmarried pregnant minor, consent for medical care, 38-123 Venereal diseases, persons under 18, treatment, liability, 65-2892 Visitation rights, 23-3208, 23-3301 Child exchange and visitation centers, 75-720 Divorce or Annulment, this index Enforcement, 23-3401 Parentage proceedings. Parents, this index Separate Maintenance, this index Wards' trust fund, 75-3354 Wayward children. Children in Need of Care, generally, this index Wills, revocation upon birth, 59-610 Youth camp or home, Community-based services, 39-1301 et seq. Lease of park property, 19-2643 Two or more counties, 38-541 et seq. Youth residential facilities, 38-555 Youth services bureaus, 19-3904 Citizens' governing board, 19-3906 et seq. Contracts with nonprofit corporations for services, 19-3904, 19-3912 Grants, 19-3911 Tax levy, 19-3905 CHILDREN IN NEED OF CARE Generally, 38-2201 et seq. See, also, Children and Minors, this index; Juvenile Offenders, this index; Abuse or neglect, Address confidentiality program, 75-451 et seq. Crimes and penalties, 21-5602, 21-5605 Educational program, 38-2222 Investigations, 38-2226, 38-2229, 38-2230, 38-2290 Multidisciplinary team, 38-2228 Newborn infant protection act, 38-2282 Protection from Abuse Act, 60-3101 et seq. Public information program, 38-2222 Reports of, 38-2222 et seq., 75-723 Employment, penalties for reporting prohibited, 38-2224 Failure to, penalty, 38-2223 Institutions operated by the department for aging and disability services, 38-2223 Liability, immunity from, 38-2223 Mandatory, 38-2223 Restraining order, 38-2242, 38-2243, 38-2255 Subpoena, 38-2229 Address confidentiality program, 75-451 et seq. Adjudication, 38-2251 Dispositional hearing, 38-2253 Dispositions, authorized, 38-2255 Hearing, Rehearing, 38-2256 Placement, post Adoption, Consent to, 38-2268 Custody for, 38-2270 Advocate, court appointed special, 38-2206 Age, Jurisdiction, termination of, 38-2203 Presumption, 38-2203 Aid to dependent children, Eligibility, 39-709 Appeals, 38-2273, 38-2274, 38-2275 Application of code to existing cases, 38-2283 Attorney, 38-2205 Fees, 38-2205, 38-2215, 38-2275 Budget estimates and document, state, services to children and families, 75-3717, 75-3721 CASA, 38-2206 Case planning, 38-2253 Child advocacy centers, 38-2227 Child exchange and visitation centers, 75-720 Children and families services, Abuse or neglect, Children with sexual behavior problems, 38-2290 Duties, 38-2230 Investigations, 38-2226, 38-2229, 38-2230 Reporting, program of, 38-2222, 38-2223, 38-2225 Records, 38-2212 Citizen review board, 38-1813, 38-2207 Duties, 38-2208 Confidential records, 38-2209 Costs, Care of child, 38-2216 Proceedings, 28-170, 28-170a, 38-2205, 38-2215 Appeals, 38-2273 et seq. Reimbursement to county or secretary, 38-2216 Counsel. Attorney, ante County or district attorney, duties, 38-2214 Court services officers, Custody of child, 38-2231 Court statistics, report, 20-319 Criminal justice coordinating council, 74-9501 Custody, Address confidentiality program, 75-451 et seq. Costs, 38-2216 Jail, detention in. Children and Minors, this index Placement, post Protective custody, 38-2242 Taking into custody, 38-2230, 38-2231, 38-2232 Temporary custody, 38-2242, 38-2243 Deaths, reports of, 38-2223 Definitions, 38-2202 Deprival of parental rights. Termination of parental rights, post Detention homes and facilities. Children and Minors, this index Dispositions, authorized, 38-2255 District attorney. County or district attorney, ante Diversion, informal supervision, 38-2244 Docket fee, 28-170, 28-170a, 38-2215 Education, Evaluation of needs, 38-2219 High school diploma awarded, 38-2285 Kansas educational institutions, enrollment, tuition and fee waiver, 74-32,161 Schools, nonattendance, 38-2202, 72-3121 Reports, 72-3121 Workforce development loan program act, 74-32,151 et seq. Educational decisions, 38-2218 Evaluation, child or parent, 38-2219 Evidence, Age, presumption, 38-2203 Child's placement preference, 38-2262 Discovery, 38-2245 Hearsay, statement of child, 60-460 Privileges, 38-2249 Proof, degree of, 38-2250 Recorded statements, admissibility, 38-2249 Stipulations, 38-2248 Exchange of information, 38-2210, 38-2212, 38-2213 Expenses. Costs, ante Family services and community intervention fund, 38-2281 Fingerprints, 38-2221 Foster child educational assistance act, 75-53,111 et seq. Foster parents, Information on child, 38-134 Reports, 38-2261 Grandparents. Relatives, generally, post Guardian ad litem, appointment of, 38-2205 Health services, 38-2217 Hearings. Proceedings, post Home, parental, Preference, 38-2201 Removal, findings, 38-2242, 38-2243, 38-2255 Homes for children. Child Care Facilities, generally, this index Indian children, placement, 38-2203 Informal supervision, 38-2244 Information, exchange of, 38-2210 Interested party, Determination of, 38-2241 Interstate compacts, Juveniles, 38-1008 Placement of children, 38-1201 et seq. Jail, detention in. Children and Minors, this index Jurisdiction, continuing, 38-2273 Jurisdiction and venue, 38-2203, 38-2220 Juvenile correctional facilities. Juvenile Justice Authority, this index Juvenile intake and assessment system, used for, 75-7023 Juvenile Offenders, generally, this index Law enforcement, Abuse or neglect, investigations, 38-2226, 38-2229, 38-2230 Application for physical custody, 38-2232 Custody of child, 38-2231 Duties of officer, 38-2230, 38-2232 Medical services, 38-2217, 38-2219, 65-5a01 et seq. Evaluation, child or parent, 38-2219 Mental illness, 38-2217, 38-2219 Missing, reports, 75-712b et seq. Motions, 38-2234 Multidisciplinary team, 38-2228 Neglect. Abuse or neglect, ante Newborn infant protection act, 38-2282 Notice of hearing, child's grandparents, 38-2236 Orders, precedence of, 38-2284 Parent ally, 38-2247 Parents, Attorney for, 38-2205 Determination of, 38-2220 Access to information, 39-7,136 Genetic testing, 39-7,145 Evaluation of, 38-2219 Paternity, 38-2220 Rights, Relinquishment, 38-112 et seq. Termination of parental rights, post Unfitness, presumption of, 38-2271 Permanency planning, Hearing, 38-2264 Notice of hearing, 38-2265 Placement outside the home, 38-2257 Provisions of, 38-2263 Permanent custodian, Appointment of, 38-2272 Procedure, 38-2267 Request for, 38-2266 Unfitness of parents considerations, 38-2269 Voluntary, 38-2268 Petitions, Contents, 38-2234 Filing of, 38-2230, 38-2233, 38-2234 County or district attorney, 38-2214, 38-2233 Photographs, 38-2221 Placement, 38-2255, 75-3329, 75-3330 Adoption, 38-2270 Child's preference, 38-2262 Costs, payment, 38-2216 Dispositional hearing, 38-2253 Foster parents, Information on child, 38-134 Reports, 38-2261 Indian children, 38-2203 Jail, detention in. Children and Minors, this index Order to direct child to remain, 38-2260 Parental preference, 38-2201 Permanency hearing, 38-2253 Permanency planning, 38-2257, 38-2263 et seq. Permanent custodian, 38-2266, 38-2267, 38-2269 Qualified residential treatment program, 38-2291 Reintegration, 38-2255 Relatives, recommendations, 38-2252 Terminated parental rights, 38-2270 Violation of by child, 38-2260 Privileges, 38-2249 Probation officers, appointment, 20-346a Proceedings, Adjudication, 38-2251 Appeals, ante Confidentiality, 38-2247 Continuances, 38-2246 Diversion of, 38-2244 Evidence, ante Hearings, Notification of, 38-2236, 38-2239, 38-2254, 38-2265, 38-2267 Order to direct child to remain in placement, violation of, 38-2260 Permanency, 38-2264 Permanent custodian, 38-2267 Public access, 38-2247 Temporary custody, 38-2243 Termination of parental rights, 38-2267 Informal supervision order, 38-2244 Parent ally, 38-2247 Placement, ante Proof, degree of, 38-2250 Public access, 38-2247 Records, 38-2211 Rehearing, 38-2256 Stipulations, 38-2248 Subpoenas, 38-2240 Temporary custody hearing, 38-2243 Termination of parental rights, post Witnesses, Disclosure of names, 38-2245 Fees, 38-2240 Process, service of, 38-2235 et seq. Protective custody. Custody, ante Psychological evaluation, child or parent, 38-2219 Recorded statement, child victim, 38-2249 Records, Confidentiality, Penalties, immunities, 38-2209 Disclosure of, 38-2211, 38-2212, 38-2213, 38-2219 Fingerprints, 38-2221 Law enforcement, 38-2213 Missing children, 75-712d Official file, 38-2211 Photographs, 38-2221 Preservation, 38-2211 Social file, 38-2211 Records, school, 38-2218, 72-3439 Rehearing, 38-2256 Relatives, Grandparents, Custody, substantial consideration, 38-2286 Interested parties, 38-2241 Notice of proceedings, 38-2236, 38-2267 Placement, recommendations, 38-2252 Reporting, Abuse, neglect or financial exploitation, reporting, 75-723 Information system, 75-712, 75-712c, 75-712d, 75-712f, 75-712g Law enforcement, duties, 75-712c Missing children, 75-712d Residential care facilities, children and youth, 75-7028 Restraining orders, 38-2244 Runaway, 38-2232 Detention, 38-2231 Reporting and records, 38-2231 Clearinghouse, 75-712d Law enforcement, duties, 75-712c Sheltering, report of, 38-2231 Service of process, 38-2235 et seq. Statistics, court, report, 20-319 Stipulations, 38-2248 Subpoenas, 38-2240 Summons. Process, service of, ante Support, See also, Support, generally, this index Access to information, 39-7,136 Change of payee, 39-7,151 Guidelines, 38-2277 Income withholding, 38-2279 Journal entry, 38-2278 Journal entry, 38-2278 Modification, 38-2256, 38-2279 Parentage, determination of, 38-2220 Petition, 38-2234 Redirecting payment, 39-7,151 Stay of proceedings, 38-2220 Title IV-D jurisdiction, 39-7,140 Administrative orders, 39-7,142 Arrearages owed, 39-7,146 Administrative levy, 39-7,150 Execution, 39-7,152 Income withholding, 39-7,147 Modification, 39-7,148 Temporary assistance for needy families, 39-709 Definitions, 39-702 Temporary custody. Custody, ante Termination of parental rights, 38-2266 Adoption of child, 38-2270 Convicted parents wishes disregarded, 38-2269 Felonious intercourse, 38-2269 Procedure, 38-2267 Standards for, 38-2269 Unfitness, presumption of, 38-2271 Unfitness considerations, 38-2269 Voluntary relinquishment, 38-2268 Traffic offenses, 8-2117 Transfer of case, 38-2204 Treatment, 38-2217 Evaluation, child or parent, 38-2219 Truancy, 72-3121 Detention, 38-2231 Mandatory attendance, 72-3120 Reporting, 72-3121 Return to school, 38-2232 Trust accounts, 75-3354 Victims of trafficking or exploitation, 38-2202, 38-2287, 38-2289 Visitation rights, 38-2255 CHILDREN WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY See, also, Day Care Program, this index Adoption assistance, 38-319 et seq., 38-335 et seq. Community based services, group boarding homes, 39-1301 et seq. Community Mental Health and Mental Retardation Assistance, generally, this index Day care programs, 39-1001 et seq. Federal aid, state educational agency, powers, 72-5539 Fees and charges, outpatients, state hospitals and neurological institute, 76-170 Home for, lease of property belonging to state hospital, 76-1519a Infants and toddlers, early intervention services, 75-5648 et seq. Special education, exceptional children. Schools and School Districts, this index State financial assistance. Community Mental Health and Mental Retardation Assistance, generally, this index State official policy, term of intellectual disability, 65-6234 CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL HEALTH CARE NEEDS Generally 65-5a01 et seq. Advisory commission for children with special health care needs, 75-5643 CHILDREN'S RECEIVING HOME, ATCHISON Youth Center at Atchison, generally, this index CHILDREN'S TREATMENT CENTER Construction of facilities, 76-17b05 Sale of real estate for use as children's treatment center, 76-17b06 et seq. CHIROPODY See, also, Health Care Providers, generally, this index; Podiatrists, generally, this index Generally, 65-2001 et seq. CHIROPRACTORS See, also, Healing Arts, generally, this index; Health Care Providers, generally, this index Generally, 65-2801 et seq. Barber Law, exemptions, 65-1816 Incorporation, 17-2706 et seq. CHISHOLM TRAIL Highway designation, 68-1021 CHOLERA See, also, Diseases, generally, this index Hog cholera. Animal Diseases, this index CHURCHES Adoption protection act, 60-5322 Buses, 8-1730a Overtaking and passing, 8-1556a Religious Organizations and Societies, generally, this index CIGARETTE TAX Generally, 79-3301 et seq. Abatement, 75-5154 Amnesty, 79-2977 Application of act, exceptions, 79-3398, 79-33,100 Bond, surety, wholesale dealer, 79-3304, 79-3311 Cigars, sale in cigarette vending machines prohibited, 79-3321 Common carriers, 79-3312a Compact, Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska, 79-2985 Compact, Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation, 79-2984 Contraband goods, 79-3323, 79-3324a Crimes, punishments and penalties, 79-3321, 79-3322 Prosecutions, 79-3326 Sentencing, conviction, 79-3336 Damaged cigarettes, 79-3312a Definitions, 79-3301 Conviction, defined, 79-3336 Director, Carriers, shortage of cigarettes, 79-3312a Contraband goods, seizure, 79-3323 Redemption of stamps, 79-3312 Refunds, 79-3312 Tax stamps, design, 79-3311 Enforcement of law, 79-3326, 79-3328, 79-3397 Exemption, foreign cigarette sales, 79-3316 Fines and penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante Fraud, 79-3321 Free sample packages of cigarettes, 79-3313 Fund, cigarette tax refund fund, 79-3311 Imported cigarettes, information required, 79-3395 Inspections, unlawful acts, 79-3321 Invoice, Failure to produce, 79-3321 Manufacturer's salesman, 79-3304 Purchases of cigarettes, 79-3316 Licenses, 79-3304 Application for, 79-3303 Change in ownership or location of dealer establishment, 79-3303 Display of, 79-3303 Fees, generally, 79-3304 Issuance, 79-3306 Lost or destroyed, 79-3303 Penalties, 79-3322 Period of, 79-3306 Replacement of, 79-3303 Sale of cigarettes without, 79-3321 Suspension or revocation, 79-3309 Term, biennium, 79-3306 Vending machine, 79-3303 Mutilation of stamp, 79-3321 Nuisance, contraband goods, 79-3323 Ownership of business, change, 79-3303 Payment, Evidence, 79-3313 Procedures, 79-3310c Penalties, 79-3396 Permits, penalties, 79-3322 Place of business, change, 79-3303 Possession of untaxed cigarettes, 79-3321 Purchases of cigarettes, evidence, 79-3316 Railroads, License, 79-3304 Sale of unstamped cigarettes, 79-3313 Rate of tax imposed, 79-3310 Procedures, 79-3310c Records, Failure to keep and preserve, 79-3321 Failure to produce, 79-3321 Purchases of cigarettes, 79-3316 Wholesale dealers, 79-3304 Redemption of stamps, 79-3312 Refunds, 79-3312 Cigarette tax refund fund, 79-3311 Reports, cigarette sales, 79-3316 Rules and regulations, 79-3302, 79-3326 Sale in foreign state, transportation, 79-3311 Sale of cigarettes not bearing tax indicia, 79-3321 Sale of cigarettes without license, 79-3321 Sale of untaxed cigarettes, 79-3321 Sample packages of cigarettes, 79-3313 Distribution to minors, 79-3322 Seizure, contraband goods, 79-3323, 79-3324a Self-service display, Defined, 79-3301 Unlawful acts, 79-3321 Shortage in shipment of cigarettes, 79-3312a Tax stamps, Bond, surety, 79-3311 Discount, 79-3311 Evidence of payment required, 79-3313 Liability for tax, 79-3311a Redemption, 79-3312 Requirements, 79-3333 Sale, 79-3311 Transporting for out-of-state sale, 79-3311 Vending machine, 79-3301 Change of location, 79-3303 Cigars, sale prohibited, 79-3321 Key, 79-3303 License, 79-3303, 79-3304, 79-3321 Location, change of, 79-3303 Suspension or revocation, 79-3309 Vending machine operator, defined, 79-3301 Wholesale dealer, 79-3301 Bond, 79-3304 License, 79-3304 Records, 79-3304 CIGARETTES Tobacco, this index CIGARS Sale in cigarette vending machines prohibited, 79-3321 School buildings, use prohibited, 72-6285 CITIES See, also, Municipalities, generally, this index Generally, Kan. Const., Art. 12, § 5; 12-101 et seq. Abandoned property, rehabilitation of, 12-1750 et seq. Accounts and accounting. Municipal Accounting, generally, this index Administrative Procedure, generally, this index Air quality, powers and duties, 65-3010, 65-3016 Alternative-fueled vehicles, state loan program, 75-37,116 et seq. Amusement rides, 44-1601 et seq. Financial responsibility requirements, 40-4803 Local regulation of, 44-1612 Annexation of territory, 12-519 et seq., Kan. Const., Art. 12,§ 5 Municipalities, this index Bids and Bidding, generally, this index Board of public utilities, 13-1220 et seq. Boiler safety, delegation of authority to, 44-929 Bonds, Housing finance. Local Residential Housing Finance Law, generally, this index Industrial Revenue Bonds, generally, this index Kansas Development Finance Authority Act, generally, this index Limitations on indebtedness, 10-308 Municipal Bonds, generally, this index Boxing and Wrestling, generally, this index Building codes, Adoption by reference, 12-3301 et seq. Outside city limits, procedure, 12-751a Buildings. Municipal Buildings and Grounds, generally, this index Business machinery and equipment tax reduction assistance fund, 79-2978 Capital improvement fund, 12-1,118 Cemeteries, 12-1401a et seq. See, also, Cemeteries and Cemetery Companies, generally, this index Cemetery districts, Hillsdale cemetery district, deannexation of district territory, 12-1442 Census, 11-201 et seq. Central business district redevelopment. Municipalities, this index Chief of police, 12-1,120 City-manager form of government, Adoption, abandonment, 12-1039, 12-1041 City manager appointment, Powers of governing body, manager, 12-1040 City utility low-interest loan program, 75-4297 et seq. Collection of debts owed courts and restitution, 12-4119 Commercial property, rent control, purchase price control, prohibited, 12-16,120 Communication system access and equipment, leasing, 75-5073 et seq. See subhead Communication System Equipment under Transportation, State Department of, this index Consolidated street and highway fund, 12-1,119 Consolidation, Kansas City and Wyandotte county, 12-340 et seq. Contracts, Bids and Bidding, generally, this index Cities of First Class, this index Cities of Second Class, this index Cities of Third Class, this index Collection of debts owed courts and restitution, 12-4119 Contracts, generally, this index Councils, Consolidation of cities, 12-301 et seq. Defined, 12-104 Ordinances, signature or veto, 12-3003 President of council, cities of second class, 14-308 Public utilities, contract with, 66-133 County and city revenue sharing fund, 79-2964 et seq. Credit card, debit cards, acceptance, Payment of taxes, utility fees, other exactions, 12-16,125 Crime victims, bill of rights act, policies, 74-7333 Criminal justice coordinating council, 74-9501 Dangerous or unsafe structures, repair or removal, 12-1750 et seq. Dangerous regulated animals. Animals, this index Downtown redevelopment act, 12-17,121 et seq. Easements, acquisition of underlying fee interest, 12-16,103, 12-16,104 Economic development, Revenue bonds, 12-1740 et seq., 12-3801 et seq. Sales tax and revenue bonds, 12-17,160 et seq. Tax exemption, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 13 Limitations and conditions, 79-251 Tax levy, 12-1617h Emergencies, Mutual or reciprocal assistance policies, 12-16,117 Emergency Medical Services, generally, this index Emergency telephone service, 12-5362 et seq. Municipalities, this index Enterprise zones, bonds, 12-1770 et seq. Environmental contamination, cleanup, Tax increment financing, 12-1771, 12-1771a Environmental protection grant program, 75-5657 Equipment reserve fund, 12-1,117 False claims act, Kansas, 75-7501 et seq. Firearms or ammunition, regulation of, 12-16,124 Buyback programs, use of tax proceeds, 12-16,124b Concealed carry licenses issued to public employees, disclosure and record of, 75-7c23 Limitations on liability, 12-16,124a Fireworks, regulation of, 31-134, 31-503 Food, Nutrition labeling, distribution and production, regulation of, 12-16,136, 12-16,137 Food service programs, contracts with school districts, 72-17,146 Form of government, 12-184, 12-184a, 12-184b Foundations, municipally established, Investment of fund, 12-1677d Funds. Municipal Funds, generally, this index Governors of Kansas hometown heritage act, 75-5071, 75-5072 Grants or loans from the state, 12-16,108 et seq. Health care services, sales tax, 12-187 Historic theater, Sales tax and revenue bonds, 12-17,163 Tax increment financing, 12-1770a, 12-1771, 12-1774 Home rule powers, Kan. Const., Art. 12, § 5 Housing, Housing incentive district act, 12-5241 et seq. Inspections, limitations on, 12-16,138 Rent control, purchase price control, prohibited, 12-16,120 Tenant lists, restrictions, 12-16,123 Trust funds, 12-16,114 Water meters, 12-2723 Imitation firearms, 12-16,115 Improvement Districts, generally, this index Improvements, Community improvement district act, 12-6a26 et seq. Delay in payment of special assessments, 12-6,110 et seq. Additional extension for payment, 12-6,111 Bonds, 12-6,110 Collection of assessments, 12-6,112 Financial analysis, 12-6,111 Ordinance, requirements, 12-6,112 Payments during period of delay, how made, 12-6,114 Undeveloped area, defined, 12-6,113 General improvement and assessment law, 12-6a01 et seq. Improvements, this index Sewerage systems, Aquisition of systems outside city, 12-6,121 Incorporation, Kan. Const., Art. 12, § 5; 15-115 et seq. Improvement districts, inclusion, 19-2786d, 19-2786e Indebtedness, Assessed valuation, computation of, 10-308 Limitation, 10-308, Kan. Const., Art. 12, § 5 Industrial development, Bonds, 12-1741 et seq., 12-3801 et seq. Location of facilities, approval, 12-1741a, 12-1741b School districts, notice, 12-1749c Fund, 12-1617i Tax levy, 12-1617h Information technology executive council, representative member, 75-7202 Insurance, Municipal group-funded pool act, 12-2616 et seq. Risk management reserve fund, 12-2615 Intermodal transportation projects, state assistance, 75-5081 et seq. Investments, Direct investments, 12-1677b Investment policies, 12-1677b Municipal investment pool fund, 12-1677a Jails, generally, this index Judicial review of actions. Administrative Procedure, generally, this index Kansas City, unified government, 12-340 et seq. Kansas Development Finance Authority Act, generally, this index Kansas housing incentive district act, 12-5241 et seq. Knives and knife making components, regulation of, 12-16,134 Land bank, 12-5901 et seq. Advisory committee, 12-5911 Board of trustees, 12-5902, 12-5904, 12-5905 Definitions, 12-5901 Procedure to establish, 12-5902 Transfer of property to bank, 12-5906 Administration of property, 12-5907 Property tax exemption, 12-5909 Sale of property, 12-5908 Special assessments, 12-5909 Libraries, generally, this index Liquor license, retailer, nuisance convictions, reporting to the director of alcoholic beverage control, 21-6204 Loans or grants from the state, 12-16,108 et seq. State alternative fuels loan program, 75-37,116 et seq. Local Residential Housing Finance Law, generally, this index Mayor, when considered part of governing body, 12-104 Mayoral appointments, Governing body approval requirements, 12-16,128 McPherson, property no longer used by school district, 12-16,105 Motor vehicles, alternative-fueled, state loan program, 75-37,116 et seq. Municipally Owned Utilities, this index Neighborhood revitalization act, 12-17,114 et seq. Newspaper, official, 64-101 Oil and gas, mineral development, 55-1610 et seq. Paving materials, Mining or manufacturing of by cities and counties, 12-16,122 Private parties, Limitation on provision of by cities and counties, 12-16,121 Pawnbroker regulation, 16-706 et seq. Payments in lieu of taxes. See Taxation, this index Plumbers, licensure, 12-1508 et seq. Population, 11-201 et seq. Private employers, Regulation of prohibited, 12-16,130, 12-16,131, 12-16,132 Privatization of public services, 12-5501 et seq. Municipalities, this index Property, Abandoned property, transferred to city, 12-16,118 Alcoholic liquor, consumption, 41-719 Rehabilitation of abandoned property, 12-1750 et seq. Public building commission, 12-1757 et seq. Municipalities, this index Public services, privatization of, 12-5501 et seq. Purchases, Cooperative purchase agreements, 75-3739 Records, Open Public Records Act, 45-215 et seq. Preservation, government records preservation act, 45-401 et seq. Recreation Systems. Municipalities, this index Rent control, purchase price control, prohibited, 12-16,120 Revenue sharing fund, 79-2964 et seq. Sales tax and revenue bonds, 12-17,160 et seq. Full faith and credit tax increment bonds, 12-17,169 STAR bond project, Administrative fee, 12-17,164 Employment by government official, prohibition of, 12-17,180 Establishment of, 12-17,164, 12-17,166 Information for ecomomic development database, 12-17,169 Real property, Acquisition of, 12-17,172 Sale, transfer or lease to developer, 12-17,172 Rural redevelopment projects, alternative financing, 12-17,169 STAR bond project district, Division of, 12-17,171 Establishment of, 12-17,165 Real property, Addition or removal of, 12-17,171 Inclusion of, limitations on, 12-17,162 Transfer of ownership interest, 12-17,171 Scrap metal, regulation of, 50-6,109f Self-supported municipal improvement district, 12-1795 et seq. Acquisition of property, 12-17,104 Advisory board, 12-17,102 Appeal, 12-1797 Bonds, 12-17,103 Definitions, 12-1795 Dissolution of district, 12-1799 Establishment of district, 12-1796 Funds, 12-17,105 Protest petition, 12-1798 Special districts, Assumption of powes and responsibilities, 12-3921 et seq. State alternative fuels loan program, 75-37,116 et seq. State health care benefits program, Charges to employer, 75-6508 Payroll deductions, disposition, 75-6506 Storage tanks, generally, this index Storm drainage system, city-county, 12-6,102 Assessment, 12-6,103 Protest petition, election, 12-6,104 Street and highway fund, consolidated, 12-1,119 Streets and alleys, transfer of title, 12-16,116 Tax exemption, 79-201a Tax foreclosure, 79-2801 Tax increment financing, 12-1770 et seq. Taxes, Kan. Const. Art. 12, § 5 General fund, 12-101a Gross earnings tax, 12-1,101 et seq. Retailers' sales tax, 12-187 et seq. Taxation, generally, this index Telecommunications and railroad machinery and equipment tax reduction assistance fund, 79-2979 Telecommunications services from state, 75-4709 Tenant lists, restrictions, 12-16,123 Tort liability, Municipal group-funded pool act, 12-2616 et seq. Risk management reserve fund, 12-2615 Tort Claims Act, generally, this index Tourism areas, Sales tax and revenue bonds, 12-17,160 et seq. Tax increment financing, 12-1770 et seq. Transient Merchant Licensing Act, 19-2231 et seq. Transportation development district act, 12-17,140 et seq. Bonds, 12-17,149 Creation, procedure, 12-17,141, 12-17,142 Hearing, 12-17,144 Notice, 12-17,144 Definitions, 12-17,141 Excise tax, limitation, 12-17,151 Financing of project, 12-17,143, 12-17,144, 12-147, 12-17,149 Fund, 12-17,148 Kansas transportation revolving fund, 12-17,149 Limitations on actions, 12-17,146 Mail ballot election, 12-17,151, 25-432 Sales tax, 12-17,145, 12-17,147a, 12-17,148 Secretary of revenue, 12-17,150 Special assessments, 12-17,143 Transportation revolving fund loan, 12-17,148, 12-17,149 Transportation projects, state assistance, Intermodal transportation assistance revolving fund, 75-5081 et seq. Transportation assistance, state revolving fund, 75-5063 et seq. Utilities. Municipally Owned Utilities, generally, this index Fees for use of right-of-way in annexed area, 12-2016 Privatization of, 12-5501 et seq. Validating proceedings. See, Curative and Validating Acts, generally, this index Veterans, disabled parking, 8-161 Wastewater management, Committee, 65-3309 Plans, 65-3308 et seq. Zones and Zoning, this index CITIES AND COUNTIES Communications services, Restrictions on regulation of, 12-2023 CITIES OF FIRST CLASS See, also, Municipalities, generally, this index Generally, Kan. Const., Art. 12, § 5; 13-101 et seq. Accidents, educational program, 75-5740 Accounts and accounting, 13-518 Municipal Accounting, generally, this index Aged Persons, generally, this index Homes for, 12-4901 et seq. Agricultural products, 13-1238 Airports and Landing Fields, this index Ambulance, Emergency medical services, 65-6101 et seq. Equipment replacement fund, 12-110d Tax levies for purchase, 12-110b Annexation of territory. See, Municipalities this index Armories, construction, financial assistance, 48-308 Art museum board, 13-460 et seq. Attorneys. Municipal Attorneys, this index Auction of new goods, license and regulation, 58-1024 Auditors. Municipal Auditors, this index Audits and auditing. Municipal Accounting, generally, this index Bids and Bidding, generally, this index Boards and commissions, Art museum board, 13-460 et seq. Planning commission, 13-1115 Boiler safety, delegation of authority to, 44-929 Bonds. Municipal Bonds, this index Bridges. Roads and Highways, this index Budget, generally, this index Building commission, public, 12-1757 et seq. Cemeteries and Cemetery Companies, this index Central business district area redevelopment. Municipalities, this index Cities included, 13-101 Cities of second class, change to first class, 13-1702 City courts. Municipal Courts, this index Civil Service, this index Claims. Municipalities, generally, this index Clerks. Municipal Clerks, this index Colleges. Municipal Universities, generally, this index Commission form of government, Commissioners, powers and duties, 13-1708 Waterworks department, 13-2401 et seq. Consolidation of operations, 12-3901 et seq. Contracts, Employment, ordinance, 13-527 Other municipalities, contracts with, 12-2901 et seq., 12-2908 Signature and approval of mayor, 13-506 Council, Council-city manager government, Meetings, 13-1410 Messages by mayor, 13-509 Special meetings called by mayor, 13-510 Mayor-council government, post Modified mayor-council government, post Courts. Municipal Courts, this index Docks, revenue bonds, 13-1238 et seq. Drainage districts, 24-489 et seq., 24-816 et seq. Cities between 100,000 and 150,000, 13-10,128 Urban areas, 13-10,128 et seq. Drains and Drainage, this index Dwellings, insanitary and unsafe, 17-2345 Elections. Municipal Elections, generally, this index Electric plant. utilities, post Emergency Medical Services, generally, this index Eminent Domain, generally, this index Employees. Municipal Officers and Employees, generally, this index Execution, exemption of city-owned property, 12-151 Federal aid, 12-1662 et seq. Fire districts, inclusion, 19-3605 Fire-fighting equipment, Bond issuance for purchase, 12-110c Tax levies for purchase, 12-110b Firefighters, this index Flood control, 19-3307 Excavations, regulation, 19-3307 Floods, tax levy for repair of damaged property, 13-10,141 et seq. Foreign trade zones, 12-825h Establishment, 12-825h Federal grants, 12-825h Franchises, railroads, 13-1216, 13-1217 Funds. Municipal Funds, this index Government form, adoption or abandonment, procedure, 12-184, 13-103 Grain elevator, terminal docks, revenue bonds, 13-1238 et seq. Health and sanitation, 13-436 Historical collections, tax levy, 12-1661 Hospitals, this index Housing authorities, 17-2340, 17-2341 Bonds, legal investments, 17-2336 Improvements, this index Industrial development, Bonds, 12-1740 et seq., 12-3801 et seq. Fund, 12-1617i Tax levy, 12-1617h Insanitary or unsafe dwellings, determination, 17-2344 Insurance, liability, 75-6111 Jails, generally, this index Kansas Development Finance Authority Act, generally, this index Law enforcement, Tax levies, 12-110b, 12-11a03 et seq. Training, 74-5601 et seq. Law enforcement agencies, Racial or other biased-based policing, Definitions, 22-4606 Discipline, 22-4610 Policies, 22-4610 Unlawful act, 22-4609 Leases, this index Levees and Flood Control, this index Liability for damages. Tort Claims Act, generally, this index Libraries, this index Marshals, this index Master street plan, 13-1114b et seq. Mayor-council government, Adoption procedure, 12-184 Policy-making, 12-10a08 President as mayor pro tem, 13-513 Special meeting, 12-10a08 Mayoral appointments, Governing body approval requirements, 12-16,128, 13-527, 13-1347 Mayors, this index Military memorial buildings, expenses and expenditures, 73-434 et seq. Mobile radio equipment, 13-1024c Modified mayor-council government, 12-10a01 et seq. Department heads, 12-10a07 Districts, division of city, 12-10a03 Election, governing body, 12-10a02 Mayor, 12-10a04, 12-10a05, 12-10a06 President, election, 12-10a02 Monuments and memorials, veterans, 73-417 et seq. Municipal Accounting, generally, this index Municipal Bonds, this index Municipal Courts, this index Municipal judge, appointment, 12-4105, 13-628a Municipally Owned Utilities, this index Museums, art museum board, 13-460 Nuisances, Abatement, 12-1617e, 13-436, 13-1417 Special assessments, collection of, 12-1,115 Ordinances, 12-1617g Officers. Municipal Officers and Employees, generally, this index Ordinances, generally, this index Pardons, mayor granting, 13-515 Parking Lots and Facilities, this index Parks, this index Parkways and Boulevards, this index Pawnbrokers, licenses, 16-707 Payment in lieu of taxes. See, Taxation, this index Planning Commissions, generally, this index Police, this index Policemen's Retirement System, this index Ponds, draining, 12-1617e Population, 11-201 et seq., 13-101 Proclamations, 13-101 Public building commission, 12-1757 et seq. Topeka, transfer of property, 12-1764 Public Utilities, this index Township water system, transferred to, 13-1275 et seq. Racial or other biased-based policing, Community advisory boards, 22-4611b Comprehensive plans, 22-4611a Data collection, 22-4611a Railroads, this index Records, open public records, 45-215 et seq. Recreation systems. Playgrounds and Recreation Centers, generally, this index Reduction works, 13-1024a Refuse resource recovery facilities, 65-3418, 65-3421 et seq. Retirement and pensions, 74-4901 et seq. Municipal Officers and Employees, this index River terminal facilities, revenue bonds, 13-1238 et seq. Roads and Highways, this index Streets and alleys, this index Sales tax and revenue bonds, 12-17,160 et seq. School Buildings and Grounds, this index Sewers and Sewer Systems, this index Sidewalks, this index Sinking Funds, this index Social security, 40-2301 et seq.; Old-Age and Survivors Insurance, generally, this index Special improvement fund, cities over 200,000, reimbursement, 79-1950b Stay, security, 13-1407 Storage facilities, revenue bonds, 13-1238 et seq. Storm sewers and drains. Sewers and Sewer Systems, generally, this index Streets and Alleys, this index Swimming pools, revenue bonds, 13-1395 et seq. Tax increment financing, 12-1770 et seq. Taxation, this index Teachers' Retirement System, this index Tort liability. Tort Claims Act, generally, this index Tourism and convention promotion, 12-1696 et seq. Transit Systems, this index Treasurer, Bond, 13-526a Remitting moneys, 10-130 Municipal Treasurers, this index United States, Financial aid, water and light plants, 13-1261 Hospital funds, investment in bonds, 13-14b14 Utilities, revenue bonds, sale by first class cities, 13-1240 Universities. Municipal Universities, generally, this index Utilities, Contracts for purchase of gas, water or electricity, 12-825j Municipally Owned Utilities, generally, this index Rates and charges, 13-431 Township water system, transferred to, 13-1275 et seq. Vending facilities, operation by blind persons, 75-3337 et seq. Viaducts, this index Water Supply, this index Weeds, Abatement of nuisance, 12-1617e, 12-1617f Special assessments, collection of, 12-1,115 Wharves, docks and piers, revenue bonds, 13-1238 et seq. Zoning, master street plan, 13-1114b et seq. CITIES OF SECOND CLASS See, also, Cities, generally, this index; Municipalities, generally, this index Generally, Kan. Const., Art. 12, § 5; 14-101 et seq. Accounts and accounting. Municipal Accounting, generally, this index Aged Persons, generally, this index Homes for, 12-4901 Airports and Landing Fields, this index Ambulance, Emergency medical services, 65-6101 et seq. Equipment replacement fund, 12-110d Tax levies for purchase, 12-110b Annexation of territory. See Municipalities, this index Aqueducts, 12-694 Attorneys. Municipal Attorneys, this index Auction of new goods, license and regulation, 58-1024 Auditorium, military memorial, 73-447, 73-448 Audits and auditing. Municipal Accounting, generally, this index Bids and Bidding, generally, this index Boiler safety, delegation of authority to, 44-929 Bonds. Municipal Bonds, this index Boundaries, 14-101 Precincts, 14-207 Wards, 14-103 Bridges, 14-440 Budget, generally, this index Cemeteries and Cemetery Companies, this index Central business district area redevelopment. Municipalities, this index Change to city of first class, 13-1425, 13-1702 Change to city of third class, 14-901 et seq. Cities included, 14-101 City courts. Municipal Courts, this index Claims. Municipalities, generally, this index Clerk. Municipal Clerks, this index Commission form of government, 14-1101 et seq. Abandonment of plan, 12-184, 14-1807 Appointive officers, 14-1501 et seq. Ballots, primary ballots, 14-1208 Changing from commission, city of third class, 14-1103 City attorney, appointment, 14-1501 Commission-manager form of government, applicability, 14-1103 Commissioners, 14-1301 et seq. Appointment of officers, 14-1501 et seq. Bond, official, 14-1304 Finance and revenue, 14-1307 Acting mayor, 14-1404 Holding other office, 14-1302 Mayor as chairman, 14-1401 Powers and duties, 14-1102, 14-1306, 14-1307 Primary ballots, 14-1208 Relation to parks commission, 14-537 Streets and public utilities, 14-1307 Term of office, 14-1204 Vacancy, 14-1305 Departments, 14-1307 Disability of officer, 14-1504 Division into wards, 14-1103 Election for adoption of plan, 14-1806 Engineer, appointment, 14-1501 Fire chief, appointment, 14-1501 Fire department, mayor as ex officio commissioner, 14-1307 Health department, mayor as ex officio commissioner, 14-1307 Initiative, 14-1803 et seq. Leases, camping or cabin sites, 14-2001 Marshal, appointment, 14-1501, 14-1502 Municipal judge, appointment, 14-1501, 14-1502 Parks, use of land for, 14-2001 Police department, mayor as ex officio commissioner, 14-1307 Public parks, supervision by mayor, 14-1307 Public utilities, 14-1307 Qualifications, mayor and commissioner, 14-1301 Registration of voters, 14-1103 Removal from territory as creating vacancy, 14-1305, 14-1504 Residence, 14-1502 Resignation of officers, 14-1504 Salaries of officers, 14-1501 Terms of appointive officers, 14-1501 Treasurer, appointment, 14-1501 Vacancies in office, 14-1305, 14-1504 Commission-manager plan, Park land acquisition fund, 14-2004 Compensation and salaries, 14-201 Consolidation of operations, 12-3901 et seq. Continuing as, resolution, 13-101 Contracts, 14-440 Other municipalities, contracts with, 12-2901 et seq., 12-2908 Corporations, eminent domain, 17-618 Council, Mayor-council government, post Modified mayor-council government, post Municipal Council, this index Courts. Municipal Courts, this index Depots, regulations, 14-434 Disease control, 65-301, 65-302 Drains and Drainage, this index Dwellings, insanitary and unsafe, 17-2345 Elections. Municipal Elections, generally, this index Electricity, 14-531 et seq. Emergency Medical Services, generally, this index Eminent Domain, generally, this index Employees. Municipal Officers and Employees, generally, this index Engineer, 14-1501 Execution, exemption of city-owned property, 12-151 Fairs and expositions, county free fair, tax levy, 2-142, 2-143 Federal aid, 12-1662 et seq. Fire districts, inclusion, 19-3605 Fire-fighting equipment, Bond issuance for purchase, 12-110c Tax levies for purchase, 12-110b Firefighters, 14-1501 Flood control, 14-701a, 19-3307 Excavations, regulation of, 19-3307 Foreign trade zones, 12-825h Gambling places, suppression, 21-922 Gas wells, 14-1041 et seq. Governing body, General powers, 14-409, 14-423, 14-423a, 14-434, 14-440 Government form, adoption or abandonment, procedure, 12-184 Health and sanitation, 14-1307 Hospitals, this index Housing authority, 17-2339 et seq. Improvements, this index Industrial development, Bonds, 12-1740 et seq., 12-3801 et seq. Community and utility promotion fund, use, 12-825g Fund, 12-1617i Tax levy, 12-1617h Insurance, liability, 75-6111 Jails, generally, this index Johnson county, Shawnee and Mission townships, police, 19-2646 Joint township cemeteries, 80-908 Joint township parks, 80-908 Kansas Development Finance Authority Act, generally, this index Law enforcement, Mayor, 14-307 Tax levies, 12-110b, 12-11a03 et seq. Training, 74-5601 et seq. Law enforcement agencies, Racial or other biased-based policing, Definitions, 22-4606 Discipline, 22-4610 Policies, 22-4610 Unlawful act, 22-4609 Leases, this index Levees and flood control, 14-713 Regulations, 14-434 Liability for damages. Tort Claims Act, generally, this index Libraries, this index Lights and Lighting, this index Limitation of actions, Assessment for watercourse improvements, 14-701b Lighting systems, assessments, 14-536 Watercourse improvements, 14-701i Maps and plats, 12-401 et seq. Marshals, this index Mayor-council government, Council, 14-109 Bond, 14-205 Change to city of third class, 14-902 Mayor, powers and duties, 14-301 et seq. Meetings, 14-111 Number of members, 14-109 Oath of office, 14-205 Parks commission, membership, 14-537 President of council, 14-308 Qualifications, 14-109, 14-205 Term of office, 14-103, 14-201 Vacancies, 14-204, 14-205, 14-308 Policy-making, 12-10a08 Special meeting, 12-10a08 Mayoral appointments, Governing body approval requirements, 12-16,128, 14-201, 14-605 Mayors, this index Memorial buildings, repair, 73-449 Modified mayor-council government, 12-10a01 et seq. Action of council, 12-10a02 Department heads, 12-10a07 Districts, division of city, 12-10a03 Election, governing body, 12-10a02 Mayor, 12-10a04, 12-10a05, 12-10a06 President, election, 12-10a02 Monuments and memorials for veterans, 73-417 et seq. Municipal Accounting, generally, this index Municipal Bonds, this index Municipal Courts, this index Municipal judge, 12-4105, 12-4114 et seq., 14-201 Newspapers, official, 12-1651 Nuisances, Abatement, 12-1617e Special assessments, collection of, 12-1,115 Ordinances, 12-1617g Officers. Municipal Officers and Employees, generally, this index Oil and gas leases, 12-1654, 12-1655 Ordinances, generally, this index Parking Lots and Facilities, this index Parks, this index Pawnbrokers, licenses, 16-707 Payments in lieu of taxes. See Taxation, this index Planning Commissions, generally, this index Playgrounds and Recreation Centers, generally, this index Police, this index Policemen's Retirement System, this index Ponds, draining, 12-1617e Population, 11-201 et seq., 14-101 Precincts, 14-207 Proclamation, 14-101 Commission form of government, 14-1103 Property jointly acquired by two cities, Taxation for school purposes, 72-5216 et seq. Public building commission, 12-1757 et seq. Racial or other biased-based policing, Community advisory boards, 22-4611b Comprehensive plans, 22-4611a Data collection, 22-4611a Real property, delinquent taxes, 14-1060 Records, open public, 45-215 et seq. Refuse, resource recovery facilities, 65-3418, 65-3421 et seq. Retirement and pensions, 74-4901 et seq. Roads and Highways, generally, this index Sales tax and revenue bonds, 12-17,160 et seq. Sewers and Sewer Systems, this index Special assessments. Tax Assessments, this index Streets and alleys, this index Tax increment financing, 12-1770 et seq. Taxation, this index Tort liability. Tort Claims Act, generally, this index Tourism and convention promotion, 12-1696 et seq. Treasurers. Municipal Treasurers, generally, this index Tunnels, 14-701a Utilities. Municipally Owned Utilities, this index Vending facilities, operation by blind persons, 75-3337 et seq. Wards, Commission form of government, 14-1103 Division of city, 14-101, 14-103 Water Supply, this index Waters and Watercourses, this index Weeds, Abatement of nuisances, 12-1617e, 12-1617f Special assessments, collection of, 12-1,115 Zoning. Zones and Zoning, generally, this index CITIES OF THIRD CLASS See, also, Cities, generally this index; Municipalities, generally, this index Generally, Kan. Const., Art. 12, § 5; 15-101 et seq. Accidents, educational program, 75-5740 Accounts and accounting, City officers, 15-306 Municipal Accounting, generally, this index Aged Persons, generally, this index Homes for, 12-4901 et seq. Airports and Landing Fields, this index Ambulance, Emergency medical services, 65-6101 et seq. Equipment replacement fund, 12-110d Tax levies for purchase, 12-110b Annexation of territory. See, Municipalities, this index Auction of new goods, license and regulation, 58-1024 Auditorium, municipal, leasing, 15-1123 Bids and Bidding, generally, this index Boiler safety, delegation of authority to, 44-929 Bonds. Municipal Bonds, this index Budget, generally, this index Cemeteries, Cemeteries and Cemetery Companies, this index Cemeteries owned or operated by city, 12-1401 et seq. Districts, 17-1342 et seq. Census, 11-201 et seq., 15-105 Central business district area redevelopment. Municipalities, this index Cities of second class, change to third class, 14-901 et seq. Claims. Municipalities, generally, this index Clerks. Municipal Clerks, this index Commission form of government, 15-1201, 15-1202 Abandonment procedure, 12-184 Adoption of act, 12-184, 15-1704 Ballots, elective offices, 15-1304 Clerk, appointment, 15-1601 Commissioners, 15-1401 et seq. Bonds, 15-1404 Governing body, 15-1406 Holding other offices, 15-1402 Officers and employees, appointment, 15-1601 et seq. Powers and duties, 15-1202 President, acting mayor, 15-1504 Qualifications, 15-1401 Term of office, 15-1302 Vacancies in office, 15-1405, 15-1604 Departments, 15-1407 Employees and assistants, 15-1601 et seq. Fire chief, appointment, 15-1601 Fire department, mayor as ex officio commissioner, 15-1407 Marshal, appointment, 15-1601, 15-1602 Municipal judge, appointment, 15-1601, 15-1602 Ordinances continued, 15-1701 Police department, mayor as ex officio commissioner, 15-1407 Treasurer, appointment, 15-1601 Vacancies in office, 15-1405, 15-1601, 15-1604 Commission-manager plan, Changing to city of second class, 14-1103 Community buildings, Districts, 15-11b01 et seq. Consolidation of operations, 12-3901 et seq. Contracts with other municipalities, 12-2901 et seq., 12-2908 Corporations, eminent domain, 17-618 Council, Mayor-council government, post Modified mayor-council government, post Municipal Council, this index Courts. Municipal Courts, this index Depots, regulation, 15-438 Disease control, 65-301, 65-302 Dormant cities, 12-1614 Drains and drainage, public improvements, 15-731 Dwellings, insanitary and unsafe, 17-2345 Elections. Municipal Elections, generally, this index Electricity, 14-531 et seq. Emergency Medical Services, generally, this index Eminent Domain, generally, this index Employees. Municipal Officers and Employees, generally, this index Execution, exemption of city-owned property, 12-151 Fairs and expositions, county free fair, tax levy, 2-142, 2-143 Federal aid, 12-1662 et seq. Fines and penalties, mayor remitting, 15-309 Fire districts, inclusion, 19-3605 Fire-fighting equipment, Bond issuance for purchase, 12-110c Tax levies for purchase, 12-110b Firefighters, this index Flood control, 19-3307 Flowage rights, waterworks system intake, 12-852 Foreign trade zones, 12-825h Gambling places, suppression, 21-922 Gas wells, 15-1117 et seq. Government form, adoption or abandonment, procedure, 12-184 Home rule powers, Kan. Const., Art. 12, § 5; 15-124 Hospitals, generally, this index Housing authority, 17-2339 et seq. Improvements, this index Incorporation, 15-115 et seq., Kan. Const, Art. 12, § 5 Improvement districts, 19-2786d, 19-2786e Industrial development, Bonds, 12-1740 et seq., 12-3801 et seq. Fund, 12-1617i Tax levy, 12-1617h Insurance, liability, 75-6111 Investments, 15-809 Jails, generally, this index Kansas Development Finance Authority Act, generally, this index Law enforcement, Joint with townships, certain, 12-11a06 et seq. Tax levies, 12-110b, 12-11a03 et seq. Training, 74-5601 et seq. Law enforcement agencies, Racial or other biased-based policing, Definitions, 22-4606 Discipline, 22-4610 Policies, 22-4610 Unlawful act, 22-4609 Leases, this index Levees and flood control, 15-438, 19-3307 Liability for damages. Tort Claims Act, generally, this index Lights and Lighting, this index Loans, borrowing by city, 15-408 Maps and plats, 12-401 et seq. Marshals, this index Mayor-council government, Council, Election, 15-201 Improvements, loans, bonds, 15-408 Meetings, 15-106 Membership, 15-105 Messages and recommendations from mayor, 15-305 Operation as mayor-council city upon incorporation, 15-124 Term of office, 15-201 Vacancies in office, 15-201, 15-311 Policy-making, 12-10a08 Special meeting, 12-10a08 Mayoral appointments, Governing body approval requirements, 12-16,128, 15-201, 15-204 Mayors, this index Modified mayor-council government, 12-10a01 et seq. Department heads, 12-10a07 Districts, division of city, 12-10a03 Election, governing body, 12-10a02 Mayor, 12-10a04, 12-10a05, 12-10a06 President, election, 12-10a02 Monuments and memorials for veterans, 73-417 et seq Municipal Accounting, generally, this index Municipal Attorneys, generally, this index Municipal Bonds, this index Municipal Courts, this index Municipal judges, 12-4105, 12-4114 et seq. Municipally Owned Utilities, this index Newspapers, official, 12-1651 No-fund warrants, issuance, 15-112 Nuisances, Abatement, 12-1617e Special assessments, collection of, 12-1,115 Ordinances, 12-1617g Officers. Municipal Officers and Employees, generally, this index Oil and gas leases, 12-1654 Ordinances, generally, this index Pardons and reprieves, mayor's powers, 15-309 Parks, this index Payments in lieu of taxes. See Taxation, this index Planning Commissions, generally, this index Playgrounds, 15-911, 15-912, 15-913 Police, this index Ponds, draining, 12-1617e Population, 11-201 et seq. Public building commission, 12-1757 et seq. Public park property, sale to township library board, 12-1256 Racial or other biased-based policing, Community advisory boards, 22-4611b Comprehensive plans, 22-4611a Data collection, 22-4611a Records, open public, 45-215 Refuse, resource recovery facilities, 65-3418, 65-3421 Retaining classification as city of third class, 14-101 Retirement and pensions, 74-4901 et seq. Roads and highways, this index Sales tax and revenue bonds, 12-17,160 et seq. Sewers and Sewer Systems, this index Streets and Alleys, this index Swimming pools, cooperation in maintenance and operation, 15-914 et seq. Tax increment financing, 12-1770 et seq. Taxation, this index Tort liability. Tort Claims Act, generally, this index Tourism and convention promotion, 12-1696 et seq. Township, city remains part, 15-104 Treasurers. Municipal Treasurers, generally, this index Waste, resource recovery facilities, 65-3418, 65-3421 et seq. Water Supply, this index Weeds, Abatement of nuisance, 12-1617e, 12-1617f Special assessments, collection of, 12-1,115 Zoning. Zones and Zoning, generally, this index CITIZENS AND CITIZENSHIP Business agents, labor organizations, 44-804 Courses of study, 72-3214, 72-3217 Discrimination in employment, public accommodations or housing, 44-1001 et seq. Labor organization business agent, 44-804 Property rights, Kan. Const., Bill of Rights, § 7 Social welfare services, eligibility requirements, 39-709 CITY ATTORNEYS Municipal Attorneys, generally, this index CITY CLERKS Municipal Clerks, generally, this index CITY COURTS Municipal Courts, generally, this index CITY ELECTIONS Municipal Elections, generally, this index CITY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES Municipal Officers and Employees, generally, this index CIVIC CENTERS See, also, Sports Authority, Urban Area Counties, generally, this index Counties, certain, 19-15,139 et seq. Bonds, issuance, election, 19-15,140 Debt limitation, 19-15,141 Powers and duties of board, 19-15,140 CIVIL AIR PATROL, KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF Generally, 48-3301 et seq. CIVIL DEFENSE See, also, Emergency Management, generally, this index Airports and landing fields, 3-124 Counties, 19-236a Death benefits, Civil defense forces, 48-3201 Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, 58-665 Emergency Interim Executive and Judicial Succession Act, 48-1201 et seq. Emergency Interim Legislative Succession Act, 48-1301 et seq. Emergency location of governments, Political subdivisions, 48-1401 et seq. State government, 48-1501 et seq. Governmental operations, continuity, Kan. Const., Art. 15, § 13 Governor, interstate compact, 48-3202 Interstate civil defense and disaster compact, 48-3201 State fire marshal, advice and assistance, 31-143 CIVIL GOVERNMENT Courses of study, 72-3214, 72-3217 CIVIL PROCEDURE, CODE OF Generally, 60-101 et seq. In addition to heads listed below, see, also, other specific heads Abatement of actions and proceedings. Abatement, generally, this index Abuse, protection from. Abuse, this index Actions and Proceedings, generally, this index Admissions, generally, this index Adverse Possession, generally, this index Appeal and Review, generally, this index Appearance, generally, this index Attachment, generally, this index Attorney fees. Attorneys, this index Bonds, generally, this index Bonds (Officers and Fiduciaries), generally, this index Certification of questions of law, 60-3201 et seq. Class Actions, generally, this index Compromise and Settlement, generally, this index Computation of time, 60-206 Conflict of Laws, generally, this index Construction defects, generally, this index Contracts, generally, this index Costs, this index Counterclaims. Setoff and Counterclaim, generally, this index Cross-Claims, generally, this index Damages, generally, this index Death. Wrongful Death, generally, this index Declaratory Judgments and Decrees, generally, this index Default, generally, this index Default Judgments, generally, this index Defenses, generally, this index Discovery, generally, this index Dismissal and Nonsuit, this index Divorce or Annulment, generally, this index Dockets, generally, this index Equity, generally, this index Eviction. Ejectment, generally, this index Evidence, generally, this index Ex Parte Hearings, generally, this index Executions, generally, this index False Claims Act, Kansas, this index Firearm or ammunition manufacturers, 60-4501 Foreclosure, generally, this index Forensic examination, 22-3437 Garnishment, generally, this index Habeas Corpus, generally, this index Homestead, generally, this index Immunity from liability for owners of anhydrous ammonia, 60-4601 Injunctions, generally, this index Interlocutory Proceedings, generally, this index Interpleader, generally, this index Interrogatories, generally, this index Joint and Several Liability, generally, this index Judgment Liens, generally, this index Judgments and Decrees, generally, this index Judicial Notice, generally, this index Judicial Sales, generally, this index Juries, generally, this index Liens and Encumbrances, generally, this index Limitation of Actions, generally, this index Limited actions. Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, generally, this index Lis Pendens, 60-2201 Long-Arm Statute, generally, this index Mandamus, generally, this index Mechanics' Liens, generally, this index Medical Malpractice, generally, this index Motions, generally, this index Negligence, generally, this index Nuisance lawsuits, immunity from, agricultural activities, 2-3201 et seq. Parties, generally, this index Pending actions. Actions and Proceedings, this index Personal Injuries, generally, this index Physical Examinations, generally, this index Pleadings, generally, this index Pretrial Conference, generally, this index Private right of action, 60-5201 Privileges and Immunities, generally, this index Process, generally, this index Product Liability, generally, this index Quieting Title, generally, this index Quo Warranto, generally, this index Replevin, generally, this index Rules of civil procedure, 60-201 et seq. Self-Incrimination, generally, this index Separate Maintenance, generally, this index Setoff and Counterclaim, generally, this index Settlement. Compromise and Settlement, generally, this index Silica and asbestos claims act, 60-4901 et seq. Specific Performance, generally, this index Statute of limitations. Limitation of Actions, generally, this index Stay. Supersedeas or Stay, generally, this index Stipulations, generally, this index Subpoenas, generally, this index Summary Judgment, generally, this index Summary Proceedings, generally, this index Supersedeas or Stay, generally, this index Third-Party Practice, generally, this index Time, generally, this index Torts, generally, this index Trade Secrets, generally, this index Transparency in lawsuits protection act, 60-5201 Trial, generally, this index Venue, generally, this index Witnesses, generally, this index Writs, generally, this index Wrongful death. Death, this index CIVIL PROCEDURE FOR LIMITED ACTIONS Generally, 61-2801 et seq. Admission of facts and documents, 61-3101 Refusal, 61-3102 Affirmations in lieu of oath, 61-4102 Answer, 61-2904 Appeals, 61-3901 et seq. Insufficiency, 61-3907 Dismissal, 61-3909 Execution on judgment, 61-3904 Forcible detainer, 61-3906 Magistrate judge, appeal from, 61-3902, 61-3903 Procedure, 61-3902 Stay of proceedings, 61-3905 Surety, judgment against, 61-3908 When, 61-3901 Appearance, 61-2904 Time, 61-3002 Application, 61-2802 Claims exceeding, 61-2911 Code of civil procedure, 61-2910, 61-2912 Attachment, Exemptions from seizure and sale, 61-3603 Attachment and garnishment, 61-3501 et seq. Attachment, 61-3501 Garnishment, Garnishment, post Attorney fees, Refusal to admit truth, 61-3102 Civil procedure, code of, Transfer to, 61-2911 Claims for relief, Exceeding, 61-2911 Commencement, 61-2902 Conference, pretrial, 61-3201 Construction, 61-2806 Contempt, 61-3515 Hearing in aid of execution, 61-3606, 61-3607, 61-3608 Costs, 61-4001 et seq. Allowed, 61-4002 Court fees, 61-4001 Items allowed, 61-4002 Jury, 61-3202 Refusal to admit truth, 61-3102 Counterclaims, 61-2904, 61-2905 Default judgments, 61-3301 Depositions, 61-3105 Discovery, 61-3101 Interrogatories, 61-3103 Documents, Admission of, 61-3101 Production of, 61-3106 Dormant judgment, 61-3610 Eviction, Answer, 61-3806 Judgment, Appeal, 61-3808 Writ of restitution, 61-3808 Restitution, Writs, 61-3808 Trial, 61-3807 Evictions, 61-3801 et seq. Appearance, 61-3806 Answer, 61-3806 Time, 61-3805 Judgments, Not bar to other actions, 61-3802 Notice to leave premises, 61-3803 Petition, 61-3804 Scope, 61-3801 Summons, 61-3805 Evidence, Admission of facts and documents, 61-3101 Refusal, 61-3102 Depositions, 61-3105 Interrogatories, 61-3103 Subpoenas, 61-3104 Trial, 61-3202 Execution of judgments 61-3604 Execution on judgment, 61-3904 Expenses, Refusal to admit truth, 61-3102 Files of court, lost or destroyed, 61-4101 Filing, Electronic, Supreme court rules, 61-2803 Manner accepted, 61-2804 Forcible detainer, 61-3906 Foreclosure of security interest, 61-3702 Sale of property, 61-3703 Application of proceeds, 61-3705 Return of sale, 61-3704 Garnishment, Answer, 61-3508 Earnings, 61-3510 Failure, 61-3514 Other than earnings, 61-3509 Application of provisions, 61-3516 Bond, 61-3516 Earnings, 61-3507 Financial institutions holding funds, 61-3506 Judgment, 61-3516 Nature, 61-3502 Notice to judgment debtor, 61-3508 Order, After judgment, 61-3504 Before judgment, 61-3503 Financial institutions, funds held by, 61-3506 Other than earnings, 61-3505 Orders, Earnings, 61-3507 Other than earnings, 61-3505 Payment, Directions, Other than earnings, 61-3512 Earnings withheld, 61-3513 Release of funds, 61-3512 Reply, 61-3511 Interest, Judgment, 61-3303 Interrogatories, 61-3103 Judgments, 61-3302 Claim for possession of specific personal property, 61-3701 Contempt, Bench warrant, 61-3608 Hearing in aid of execution, 61-3606 Penalty, 61-3607 Default, 61-3301 Dormant, 61-3610 Enforcement, Executions or orders of sale, 61-3602 Exemptions from seizure and sale, 61-3603 Hearing in aid of execution, 61-3604 Contempt, 61-3606, 61-3607, 61-3608 Judgment debtor, order back, 61-3605 Service, 61-3609 Stay of proceedings, 61-3601 Execution, 61-3904 Foreclosure of security interest, 61-3702 Sale of property, 61-3703 Application of proceeds, 61-3705 Return of sale, 61-3704 Garnishment order, 61-3503, 61-3504 Interest, 61-3303 Modification, 61-3304 Orders, Hearing in aid of execution, 61-3604 Judgment debtor, order back, 61-3605 Replevin, 61-3701 et seq. Substitution of judgment creditor, 61-3611 Surety, against, 61-3908 Jurisdiction, 61-2802 Beyond scope, 61-2911 Jury, 61-3202 Limitation of action, 61-2902 Modification of judgments, 61-3304 Motions, 61-2903 Depositions, 61-3105 Notice, Garnishment, 61-3508 Oath, Affirmation in lieu of, 61-4102 Parties, Designations, 61-2901 Payment, Failure, 61-3515 Pending actions, effect 61-4104 Petition, Content, 61-2903 Filing, 61-2902 Summons, issuance, 61-3001 Pleadings, 61-2903 Affirmative defenses, 61-2904 Answer, 61-2904 Counterclaims, 61-2905 Estoppel, 61-2905 Rules, application, 61-2908 Service, 61-2907 Pretrial hearing, 61-3201 Proceedings, Postjudgment, set aside, 61-3302 Pretrial hearing, 61-3201 Trial, 61-3202 Process, Methods, 61-3003 Petitions, 61-2907 Pleadings, 61-2907 Application of certain rules, 61-2908 Proof of service, 61-3005 Outside state, 61-3006 Service, 61-2902 Time, 61-3004 Production of documents, 61-3106 Real Property, Eviction, 61-3801 et seq. Relief, Other, 61-4103 Replevin and foreclosure of secured interests, 61-3701 et seq. Return of service, 61-3005 Security interests, Service, 61-2907, 61-3001 et seq. Defined, 61-3004 Garnishment process, 61-3003, 61-3005 Hearing in aid of execution, 61-3609 Process, Methods, 61-3003 Time, 61-3004 Proof, 61-3005 Outside state, 61-3006 Set aside of default judgments, 61-3301 Small claims procedure, Action, commencement, 61-2704 Amount, jurisdiction, 61-2703 Appearance by nonattorney, when, 61-2707 Application of code, 61-2702 Attorney fees, appellee, 61-2709 Attorneys, use, 61-2707, 61-2714, 75-6103 Claims exceeding jurisdiction, alternatives of court, 61-2706 Commencement of action, 61-2704 Costs, 61-2710 Claims exceeding jurisdiction, 61-2706 Court, powers, 61-2712 Definitions, 61-2703 Discovery methods, 61-2707 Dismissal, claims exceeding jurisdiction, 61-2706 Docket fee, 61-2704 Appeals, 61-2709 Forms, 61-2713 Judgment form, statement of debtor's assets, 61-2707 Jurisdiction, 61-2705 Claims exceeding, 61-2706 Limitation on filing claims, 61-2704 Defense raised by defendant, 61-2714 Judgment void, limit exceeded, 61-2707 Orders, 61-2707 Pleading, 61-2705 Amendment, claim exceeding jurisdiction, 61-2706 Powers of court, 61-2712 Process, service, 61-2704 Representation by attorney, 61-2714 Resident, venue in action against, 61-2708 Trial of actions, 61-2707 Venue, 61-2708 Stay of proceedings on appeal, 61-3905 Subpoenas, 61-3104 Substitution of judgment creditor, 61-3611 Summons, Issuance, 61-3001 Time to appear, 61-3002 Time, Computation and extension, 61-2909 Transfer for hearing pursuant to code of civil procedure, 61-2911 Trial, 61-3202 Open, 61-3202 Open proceedings, 61-2805 Change, 61-3407 Corporations, 61-3403 Nonqualified, 61-3404 Improper venue, effect, 61-3409 Multiple parties, 61-3406 Nonresidents, 61-3404 Objection, 61-3408 Public utility, common carrier or transportation system, 61-3405 Residents, 61-3402 Witnesses, Depositions, 61-3105 Subpoenas, 61-3104 CIVIL RIGHTS Commission, 44-1003 Denial of, criminal code, 21-6102 Discrimination, generally, this index Discrimination in employment, public accommodations or housing, 44-1001 et seq. Exercise of religion, 60-5301 et seq. First amendment rights, 60-5320 Imprisoned persons, 21-6613 Voting, Kan. Const., Art. 5, § 2 People with intellectual disability in state institutions, 76-12b09 Restoration, discharge of parolees, 22-3722 Tort claims, payment, 75-6116 Voting, qualification, Kan. Const., Art. 5, § 2 CIVIL SERVICE Generally, Kan. Const., Art. 15, § 2; 75-2925 et seq. Academic degree requirements, 75-2975 Acting state officers, 75-118 Administration of act, 75-3746 Anniversary date, appointment, reclassifications, 75-2938a Appeals from board, 75-2929h Appeals to board, 75-2940, 75-2944, 75-2949, 75-3747 Drug screening results, availability, 75-4362 Hearing examiners, 75-2929b Procedure, 75-2929d Trainees, 75-2971 Appointments, Academic degree requirements, 75-2975 Anniversary date, reclassifications, 75-2938a Closure, certain state institutions, reemployment preference, 75-4370 Conditional, emergency or temporary, 75-2945 Laid-off employees, 75-2948 Limited term, 75-2935, 75-5733, 76-12a08 List of requisitions, vacant positions, 75-2942 Merit and fitness, 75-2943 Moving expenses, 75-3225 Persons certified eligible, 75-2939, 75-2942, 75-2943 Probationary, 75-2943 Security clearances, positions with information technology access, 75-3707e Special project positions, 75-2935, 75-5733, 76-12a08 Temporary, 75-2942 Trainee or training positions, 75-2945, 75-2971 Without using certified pool of eligible candidates, 75-2945 Appropriations, 75-2960 Attorneys for state agencies, 75-2935 Barbering, Kansas board of, Administrative officer, 74-1805a Employees, 74-1806 Board, civil service, 75-2929a et seq. Appeals to board, ante Appointment, confirmation, 75-2929a Compensation and expenses, 75-2929b Hearings. Appeals to board, ante Members, 75-2929a Officers, 75-2929b Organization, 75-2929b Procedure, 75-2929d Term of office, 75-2929a Vacancies, 75-2929a Bribery and corruption, 75-2953 Disciplinary action, grounds, 75-2949f Eligibility for appointment, disqualification, 75-2940 Campaign contributions, making or soliciting, 75-2974 Certified lists, appointments, 75-2942 Character and reputation, candidate eligibility, 75-2939 Classified exempt service, abolished, 75-2935a Classified service, 75-2935 Acting state officers, 75-118 Administration, merit basis, 75-2925 Appointments, 75-2938, 75-2942, 75-2943 Approval of compensation, 75-2938 Assignment of classes to ranges, 75-2938 Certified disaster service volunteer leave, rights and benefits retained, 75-5548 Classification of positions, 75-2938 Closure, certain institutions, procedures and benefits, 75-4370 et seq. Compensation program, philosophy statements, 75-5551 Converting positions to unclassified, Colleges and universities, procedures, 76-715a State treasurer, 75-623a Counseling, 75-2949e Discipline, procedure, 75-2949, 75-2949d et seq. Dismissals, demotions and suspensions, 75-2949, 75-2949d et seq. Eligible persons, list, 75-2943 Emergency appointments, 75-2942, 75-2945 Job descriptions, 75-2938 Layoffs, 75-2948 Limited term positions, 75-5733, 76-12a08 Longevity pay, 75-5541 Merit basis, 75-2935 Names and addresses, distribution for political purposes, 75-2974 Nondiscrimination, exception, 75-2925 Pay plan, 75-2938 Performance ratings, evaluations, 75-2943, 75-2949e Periodic wage and salary surveys, 75-2938, 75-2938b Political campaign contributions, making or soliciting, 75-2974 Position changed from unclassified service, 75-2972 Presiding officers, department of administration, 75-37,121 Probationary appointments, 75-2943 Promotions, 75-2938 Reclassification of positions, anniversary date, 75-2938a Schedule of salaries and wages, 75-2938 Special project positions, 75-5733, 76-12a08 Temporary appointments, 75-2942, 75-2945 Titles, 75-2938 Transfers, 75-2947 Unlawful uses of authority, 75-2953 Closure, certain state institutions, procedures and benefits, 75-4370 et seq. Commerce, state department of, 75-2935 Commission, powers and duties transferred, 75-2929c Compliance with law, 75-2952 Comprehensive employment and training act (CETA) positions, 75-2972 Cooperation, other governmental agencies, 75-2956a Counseling, prior to discipline, 75-2949e County extension agents, unclassified, 75-2935 County personnel advisory board, 19-4301, 19-4302 Crimes, punishments and penalties, 75-2953, 75-2957 Conviction, 75-2958 Disciplinary action, grounds, 75-2949f Eligibility for appointment, disqualification, 75-2940 Urban area counties, 19-4330, 19-4331, 19-4332 Definitions, 75-2926 Demotion of employee, 75-2944, 75-2949 Employee, rights of, 75-2944 Grounds, 75-2949d, 75-2949e, 75-2949f Performance rating system, 75-2943 Probationary employees, 75-2944, 75-2946 Reinstatement, 75-2949 Disability, leave of absence, 75-2947 Disabled persons, eligibility for appointment, 75-2939, 75-2940 Disaster service volunteer act, 75-5546 et seq. Discipline, Appeal, Civil service board, 75-2949 Whistleblower act, violations of, 75-2973 Appearance before appointing authority, 75-2949 Conduct detrimental to state service, 75-2949d, 75-2949f Deficiencies in work performance, 75-2949d, 75-2949e Drug screening program, 75-4362 Grounds, 75-2949d, 75-2949e, 75-2949f Performance evaluation, 75-2949e Procedures, 75-2949, 75-2949d, 75-2949e Prohibited, Making campaign contributions, 75-2974 Use of appeal procedure, 75-2949 Suspension without pay, 75-2949 Whistleblower act, for communications under, 75-2973 Discrimination, 75-2941 Appeal procedures, use, 75-2949 Candidate eligibility, 75-2939 Dismissals, 75-2949 Forbidden, 75-2941 Nondiscrimination policy, 75-2925 Pool of eligible candidates, 75-2939 Dismissal of employee, 75-2949 Drug screening program, 75-4362 Grounds, 75-2949d, 75-2949e, 75-2949f Performance rating system, 75-2943 Probationary appointments, 75-2946 Procedures, 75-2949 Promotional appointee, 75-2944 Disqualification, eligibility for appointment, 75-2940 Drug abuse, Advisory commission on, 75-5378 Eligibility for appointment, disqualification, 75-2940 State drug screening program, 75-4362 Education, candidate eligibility, 75-2939 Election offenses, 75-2953 Elective state office, resignation prior to taking oath, 75-2953 Eligibility, assessment of merit and fitness, Kan. Const. Art. 15,§ 2, 75-2939 Assessment, minimum standards or requirements, 75-2939 Certification of candidates, 75-2939 Cooperation, other governmental agencies, 75-2956a Disqualified candidates, exclusion, 75-2940 Drug screening, safety sensitive positions, 75-4362 Exceptions, 75-2935a Positions filled without certified pool of eligible candidates, 75-2945 Promotions, transfers, 75-2944 Suspension of requirement, 75-2945 Times and places of, 75-2939 Veterans' preference, 75-2955 Emergency, positions filled, 75-2942 Ethics, State Governmental, generally, this index Exemptions from law, 75-2935 Experience, 75-2939 Forfeiture of office, 75-2958 Fraud, eligibility for appointment, disqualification, 75-2940 Government overthrow, disqualification, 75-2940 Governor, Approval of classifications, ranges and compensation, 75-2938 Exercise of powers and functions, 75-3711 Pay plan, modification, approval, 75-2938 Handicapped persons. See also, Disabled Persons, this index Health care employees, medical center, certain nursing positions, rights and benefits, 76-396 Intergovernmental cooperation, 75-2956a, 75-4401 et seq. Investigations, 75-3746 Job descriptions, 75-2938 Juvenile justice authority, 76-3201, 76-3202 Layoffs, 75-2948 Closure of certain institutions, procedures and benefits, 75-4370 et seq. Trainees, 75-2971 Leave of absence, 75-2947, 75-3746 Abuse, grounds for discipline, 75-2949e Certified disaster service volunteers, 75-5548 Return to service, 75-2947, 75-2948 Whistleblower act, communications under, 75-2973 Leave sharing program, 75-5549 Longevity bonus payments, 75-5541 Lottery, employees, 74-8703, 74-8704 Medical center, health care employees, Certain nursing positions, rights and benefits, 76-396 Unclassified service, 79-2935 Merit basis, classified service, 75-2925 Merit system, Kan. Const., Art 15, § 2 Moral turpitude, 75-2940 Moving expenses, guidelines, reports, 75-3225 National emergency, temporary appointments, 75-2942 New positions, establishing, 75-2943 Nursing, board of, employees, 74-1106 Overtime compensation, basis, 75-5537 Patient and inmate help, charitable, penal and correctional institutions, 75-2935 Pay plan, 75-2938 Adoption, modification, approval by governor, 75-2938 Classified service, 75-2938 Closure, certain state institutions, laid off direct care employees, 75-4375 Persons appointed to provide attendant care services, department of aging and disability services, 75-5309a Salary and compensation, post Unclassified physicians, aging and disability services institutions, 75-2935c Performance ratings, system, 75-2943, 75-2949e Personnel system, reciprocal agreements, 75-2956a Pharmacy board employees, 74-1606 Physical condition, competitive examination, 75-2939 Physically disabled, 75-2939, 75-2940 Political activity, 75-2953, 75-2974 Preference, veterans, 75-2955 Priorities, layoffs, 75-2948, 75-4370 Probationary appointments, 75-2943, 75-2946 Demotions, 75-2944 Transfer, 75-2944 Procedures, 75-2949 Trainee and training programs, 75-2971 Promotions, 75-2944 Academic degree requirements, 75-2975 Dismissals, previous position restored, 75-2944 Performance rating system, 75-2943 Persons certified eligible, 75-2942 Trainees, 75-2971 Public employees retirement system, 74-4908 Purpose, Civil Service Act, 75-2925 Qualifications, Eligibility for appointment, Assessment of merit and fitness, 75-2939 Disqualification, basis for, 75-2940 Highway patrol, 74-2113 Security clearances, positions with information technology access, 75-3707e Reciprocal agreements, public agencies, bodies, 75-2956a Recruitment, moving expenses, 75-3225 Reemployment pool, Closure, certain state institutions, reemployment preference, 75-4370 Laid-off employees, 75-2948 Leave of absence, 75-2947, 75-2948 Priorities, factors, 75-2948 Reinstatement, demotion, 75-2949 Reports, Appointing authorities, 75-2950 Employment and compensation status, 75-2950 Performance evaluations, 75-2949e Resignation, prior to taking oath, elective state office, 75-2953 Retirement, Compensation for accumulated sick leave, 75-5517 Phased-retirement program, state educational institutions, 76-746 Retirement and Pensions, generally, this index Sick leave, phased-retirement program, 76-746 Return to service, Closure, certain state institutions, reemployment preference, 75-4370 Laid-off employees, 75-2948 Leave of absence, 75-2947, 75-2948 Rules and regulations, 75-2929g, 75-3746, 75-3747 Closure of state institutions, public employment relations, 75-4377 Layoffs, 75-2948 Leave, with and without pay, 75-2947, 75-3746 Performance ratings, guidelines, access, 75-2943 Probationary appointments, 75-2946 Right of demotion, 75-2944 Trainee and training programs, 75-2971 Veterans' preference, 75-2955 Salary and compensation, Certified disaster service volunteers, on leave, 75-5548 Closure, certain institutions, laid off direct care employees, 75-4375 Compensation program, philosophy statements, 75-5551 Longevity bonus payments, 75-5541 Overtime compensation, basis, 75-5542 Pay plan, 75-2938 Performance ratings, increase or decrease, 75-2943 Wage surveys, cooperation, other governmental agencies, 75-2956a Security clearances, positions with information technology access, 75-3707e Separation from service, improper activities, 75-2953 Sexual harassment, grounds for discipline, 75-2949f Sheriff's office, certain counties, 19-4303 et seq. Sick leave, Compensation upon closure of certain institutions, 75-4371 Compensation upon retirement, 75-5517 Leave of absence, 75-2947 Leave payment reserve fund, 75-5542 et seq. State department of education, status of former employees, 72-409 State employee leave sharing program, 75-5549 State pay plan, 75-2938 State registrar of vital statistics, 65-2405 Students enrolled in colleges and universities, 75-2935 Suspensions, dismissals and demotions, 75-2949 Appeals, 75-2949 Counseling, prior, 75-2949e Grounds, 75-2949d, 75-2949e, 75-2949f Probationary period, 75-2946 Reinstatement, 75-2949 Tax appeals, state board of, employees, 74-2435 Technical qualifications, 75-2939 Temporary appointments, 75-2945 National emergency, 75-2942 Tenure of office, Kan. Const., Art 15, § 2 Trainee and training programs, 75-2971 Appointments, without using certified pool of eligible candidates, 75-2945 Rules and regulations, 75-2971 Transfer, Approval, 75-2947 Performance rating system, 75-2943 Vacancies, filling, 75-2944 Unclassified service, 75-2935, 75-2935a Administrative law judges, division of workers compensation, 75-5708 Aging and disability services, Kansas department for, Deputy secretary, commissioners, chief attorney, other positions, 75-5310 Deputy secretaries, commissioners, attorneys, other positions, 75-5910, 75-5945 Persons appointed to provide attendant care services, 75-5309a Persons employed at industries for the blind workshop, certain, 75-5345 Agriculture, secretary of, 74-560, 75-3149 Bureau of investigation, director, associate director, deputy director and assistant directors, 75-711 CETA employees, 75-2972 Chief information technology architect, 75-7204 Children and families, Kansas department for Deputy secretary, commissioners, chief attorney, other positions, 75-5310 Compensation, approval, 75-2935b Conversion of classified positions, state treasurer, 75-623a Corporation commission, Conservation division, 74-606, 74-630 Executive director, 74-630 General counsel, 74-630 Transportation division, 74-615, 74-630 Utilities division, 74-614, 74-630 Executive chief information technology officer, 75-7205 Information resource manager, chief position for agency, 75-2935 Judicial chief information technology officer, 75-7206 Juvenile correctional facilities, Physicians, 76-3202 Superintendents, directors, 76-3201 Legislative chief information technology officer, 75-7207 Limited term positions, 75-2935, 75-5733, 76-12a08 Newly hired positions, 75-2935 Pooled money investment board, Director of investments, 75-4222 Investment officers and analysts, 75-4222 Securities commissioner, directors, 75-6301 Special project positions, 75-2935, 75-5733, 76-12a08 State long-term care ombudsman, 75-7304 State treasurer, designation of certain positions, 75-623a Unlawful uses of authority, 75-2953 Vacant positions, 75-2935 Voluntary transfers, 75-2935 Urban area counties, 19-4303 et seq. Vacancies, Eligibility lists, 75-2942 Notice of existence, 75-2943 Positions filled without competition, 75-2945 Promotions or transfers to fill, 75-2944 Without using certified pool of eligible candidates, 75-2945 Vacation leave, leave payment reserve fund, 75-5542 Veterans' preference, 73-201, 75-2955 Water office, employees, 74-2614 Whistleblower act, 75-2973 CLAIMS See, also, Tort Claims Act, generally, this index Adverse claims, Documents of title, 84-7-603 Investment Securities, this index Advertising Control Act of 1972, 68-2239 Bills of lading, provisions, 84-7-309 Commercial code, waiver, 84-1-306 Commercial Paper, this index Consideration, 46-918 Counties, estimate of expenditures, 19-228 Joint committee on special claims against the state, 46-912 et seq. Application required, 46-915 Filing of claim, 46-907, 46-913, 46-918 Investigation, 46-914 Liability, nonwaiver of immunity, 46-919 Procedure before committee, 46-914, 46-917 Quorum, 46-912 Recommendations, 46-915 Workers Compensation, guide for award, 46-915 Liability for injury, limitations on settlement or release, 60-2801, 60-2802 Motor fuel tax refunds, 79-3458 Multiple claims, judgment upon, 60-254 Municipalities, against, payment, 12-105b Preferred claims, bank deposits and collections, 84-4-216 Publication, statement of claims, counties, 19-228 Sales, adjustment, 84-2-515 Schools and School Districts, this index Setoff, correctional inmate restitution, 46-920 Settlement or release of liability, limitations, 60-2801 Exceptions, 60-2802 Small claims procedure. Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, this index State, against, 46-923 et seq. Acceptance and payment in different fiscal year, 46-923, 46-924, 46-925 Consideration of claims by joint committee, 46-907 Implied contract, claims based upon, 46-903 Inmates in correctional institutions, injury, property loss or damage, 46-920, 46-924, 46-925 Joint committee on special claims against the state, ante Kansas highway patrol, Payment for personal injury or property damage to persons, 46-922 Personal injury or property damage caused by negligence of state officers and employees, 46-922 Homemaker program, department for children and families, 46-922 University of Kansas medical center, 46-922 Report to legislature, 46-925 Setoff, correctional inmate restitution, 46-920 Setoff of amounts owed to state, 75-6201 et seq. See, also, Setoff and Counterclaim, generally, this index State officers and employees, injury, property loss or damage, 46-922, 46-924, 46-925 Submission of claims to joint committee, 46-907 Tools or equipment of employees, stolen, payment for, 75-5062 Tort Claims Act, generally, this index Warrants of state, canceled, 46-925 Tax exemption, 79-210 Tort Claims Act, generally, this index Warehouse receipts, provisions, 84-7-204 CLARK COUNTY Boundaries, 18-113 Sale of certain lands by secretary of revenue, 75-5129 CLASS ACTIONS See, also, Actions and Proceedings, this index Appeals, 60-223 Consumer Credit Code, 16a-6-113 Consumer protection, 50-634 CLAY COUNTY Boundaries, 18-114 Roadway construction and improvement, Financing of, sales tax, 12-187 CLAY COUNTY, MISSOURI Kansas City Area Transportation District and Authority Compact, 12-2524 et seq. Mo-Kan Metropolitan Development District and Agency Compact, 12-2514 et seq. CLEARINGHOUSE Bank Deposits and Collections, this index CLERGYMEN Marriage, generally, this index Privileges and immunities, Penitential privilege, 60-429 Witnesses, 60-407 Railroads, reduced rates, 66-152 CLERKS OF COURT See, also, District Court Clerks, this index; Municipal Courts, generally, this index Acknowledgments, deeds and conveyances, 58-2211 Amercement, 60-2604 Attorneys, lien on judgment, 7-109 Cities of first class, municipal courts, 13-628a, 13-628d Depositions, generally, this index Dismissal of action by stipulation, 60-241 Habeas corpus, issuance of writ, 60-1503 Judgments and orders, entry, 60-258 Military duty, exemption, 48-102 Notarial acts, revised uniform law, 53-5a01 et seq. Oaths and affirmations, authority to administer, 54-101 et seq. Reports, jurors and witnesses, attendance in criminal cases, 28-139 Service of process, leaving copy with, 60-205 Issuance, 60-301 Signature, 60-302 Time limitation on ruling after trial, rules, 60-252b Veterans, accounting by curator, duties, 73-509 Water, appropriations, report of referees, 82a-725 CLIMATE Water office, Kansas, compilation of information, 74-2608 Weather Modification Act, 82a-1401 et seq. CLINICS Automobile injury reparations act. Motor Vehicle Insurance, this index County mental health clinics, 65-211, 65-212 Children with special health care needs, 65-5a10 Dentists and dental hygienists, 65-1456 Fort Hays state university, exceptional children of school age, 76-513 Hospitals, defined to include clinics, 65-425a Kansas medical facilities survey and construction act, 65-410 et seq. Medical care facilities, defined to include clinics, 65-425a Primary care safety net clinic capital loan guarantee act, 65-7401 etseq. Probationers and parolees, 22-3712 Tuberculosis, examinations, 65-116b CLOUD COUNTY Boundaries, 18-115 Conveyance of public lands, Governor, certain, to C.A.R.E.S., Inc., 75-140 Fair board, 19-2699 CLOVER Testing seed, 2-1415 et seq. CLUBS 4-H Clubs, generally, this index Fraternal Associations or Societies, generally, this index Intoxicating Liquors, this index Sales Tax, this index COAL Mines and Minerals, this index Severance Tax, generally, this index CODE FOR CARE OF CHILDREN Children in Need of Care, this index CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE Civil Procedure, Code of, this index Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, generally, this index COFFEY COUNTY Boundaries, 18-116 COFFEYVILLE, CITY OF District court, 20-3108 Clerk, offices and duties, 20-3107 COLLATERAL SECURITY Consumer credit transactions, 16a-2-506, 16a-3-302, 16a-3-303 Secured Transactions, this index COLLECTIVE BARGAINING Labor Disputes, this index COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Generally, Kan. Const., Art. 6, §§ 1, 2, 3, 6; 76-711 et seq. See, also, State Board of Regents, generally, this index Academic degree, Requirements, state civil service appointments, 75-2975 Administration, delegation of authority, 76-725 Admission of students, 76-717 Dependents of deceased, injured or disabled public safety officers, certain deceased, injured or disabled military personnel and prisoners of war, 75-4364 Dependents of prisoners of war, 73-1216 et seq. Institutions outside state, programs not offered in Kansas, 76-721a Optometry, 74-3270 et seq. Persons in custody of Kansas department for children and families at age 18, 74-32,161 Requirements, 76-717b Rules and regulations, 76-717 Agricultural research-extension centers, 76-465, 76-466, 76-467 Alcoholic liquor, consumption, 41-719 Allopathic medicine, 76-825, 76-826 American sign language, 72-3251 et seq. Area vocational schools, Administrators, contract nonrenewal, 72-2281 et seq. Scholarships, state, 74-32,233 et seq. Career technical education, 74-32,423 et seq. Vocational Education, this index Articulation agreements, 74-32,420, 74-32,421 Barbers. See subhead Schools or colleges under Barbers, this index Beneficiaries, life insurance, insurable interest, 40-450 Bequests. Endowments and bequests, post Bids and bidding, Alternative project delivery building construction procurement act, 75-37,141 et seq. Art or book collections, sale of duplicates, 76-116e Oil, gas or mineral leases, state-owned lands, 76-165 Blind students, readers, 76-157 et seq. Board of regents, 74-3201a et seq., Kan. Const., Art. 6, §§ 2, 3 See, also, State Board of Regents, generally, this index Acquisition of lands or interests, 76-147, 76-213 Actions by or against, Collection services, 76-713, 76-745 Representation by attorney general, 76-713 Advisory committees, Students', 74-3229 Agricultural research-extension centers, 76-465, 76-466, 76-467 Appointment, Kan. Const. Art. 6, § 3; 74-3202a Chancellor and presidents, 76-714 Articulation agreements, 74-32,421 Assessment-sales ratio study, duties, 79-1444 Building needs, annual report, 76-6b03 Capital improvements projects, prior approval, Endowment association projects, 76-756, 76-757 Research foundations, 76-759 University of Kansas medical center property, Hospital authority projects, 76-3308a Medical center projects, private funds, 76-760 Career technical workforce grant, 74-32,423 et seq. Chairperson, 74-3202a Collection services, negotiating committee, 76-745 College level examination program, 74-32,302 Community colleges, Chart of accounts, 71-211 Consolidation, Approval of agreements, 71-1303 Order establishing new district, 71-1305 Elections, change of method, approval, 71-1410 Performance indicators, 71-801 Quality performance indicators, 71-801 State aid, 71-601 et seq., 71-1801 et seq. Off-campus instruction, approval, 71-609 Supervision, 71-801 Compensation and expenses, 74-3202a Contracts, 76-712, 76-721, 76-721a Core indicators, quality performance, 76-771 Data management system, 76-771 Defunct educational institutions, student records, 74-3262, 74-3263 Degree prospectus, 74-32,303 Degrees to be granted, 76-716 Delegation of administrative authority, 76-725 Dental hygienists, report to legislature, 74-1408 Duties, Kan. Const. Art. 6, § 2; 74-3202c et seq. Housing systems, 76-761 et seq. State educational institutions, control and supervision, 76-712 et seq. Chief executive officers, recruitment, 76-727 Closure, combination, merger, 76-712 Unclassified personnel, recruitment expenses, approval, 76-727 Easements, Authority to grant, 74-3264 Street right-of-way, Lawrence, 76-364 Education commission of the states, 72-8262, 72-8264 Employees of colleges and universities, approval, 76-715 Endowment, Property management contract, 76-363 Sale of property, 76-361 Executive officer, Duties, salary, 74-3203a Information technology executive council, 75-7202 Negotiating committee, membership, 76-745 Recruitment, 76-727 Experimental school, Emporia state university, 76-606 Faculty of distinction program, Kansas partnership for, 76-773 et seq. Fairmount towers, acquisition, 76-6a31, 76-6a32 Federal funds, 74-32,304, 76-723 Federal programs, Administration, official state agency, 74-3232 Appointment of persons, 74-3236 Higher education student loan guarantee act, 74-3235 Fees and charges, 76-719, 76-731a, 76-738, 76-742, 76-761, 76-817 Fellowships or scholarships, authority to grant, 76-719c Administration, state program, 74-3234 Advanced registered nurse practitioner students, 74-32,131 et seq. Comprehensive grant program, 74-32,120 et seq. Distinguished scholarship program, 74-3278 et seq. Ethnic minority fellowships, 74-32,112 et seq. Ethnic minority scholarships, 74-3284 et seq. Healing arts, students, 74-3265 et seq. Teacher scholarships, 74-32,100 et seq. Fire protection, providing, 76-125 Foreign institutions, post Grants, state educational institutions, Quality performance grants, 76-771 Hays, city of, lease of land for public park, 76-2007d et seq. Healing arts, financial assistance to students, Osteopathic medicine, 74-3265 et seq. Historic preservation duties, contract delegation, 75-2724 Honorary degrees, approval, 76-716 Industrial training and retraining programs, cooperation and assistance, 74-5068 Information technology projects, 75-7201 et seq. Insurance, post Kansas academy of mathematics and science (KAMS), Admittance to program, 72-3904, 72-3905 Definitions, 72-3903 Fees, 72-3904 Powers and duties, 72-3904 Sources of funding, 72-3906 Summer academies, 72-3904 Kansas partnership for faculty of distinction program, 76-773 et seq. Kansas state university, Livestock and artificial breeding research facilities, 76-4,104 Real estate, Exchange of property with KSU foundation, 76-4,105 Livestock research facilities, renovation, 76-4,104 Pottawatomie county, sale or exchange of property, 76-4,111 Riley county, sale of certain real estate, 76-4,104 Long-term infrastructure maintenance program, 76-7,101 et seq. Meetings, 74-3202b Midwestern higher education commission, membership, 74-32,265 National guard educational assistance program, 74-32,145 et seq. Negotiating committee, collection services, 76-745 Official hospitality, limits, procedures, 75-3731a Oil, gas or mineral leases, 76-164 et seq. Optometry, admission agreements with students, 74-3270 et seq. Orders, 76-712 Osteopathic medicine, Students, financial aid, 74-3265 et seq. Out-of-state institutions, 76-721a Parking and traffic, 74-3209 et seq. Ordinances, 74-3212 University of Kansas medical center facilities, 76-6a33 et seq. Permanent university, fund, administration, 76-308 Transfer from state education commission, 74-3230 et seq. Pilot investment program, idle funds of state educational institutions, 76-156b Postsecondary technical education authority, 74-32,401, 74-32,403 Private grants, 76-724 Private institutions, post Programs offered, determination, 76-716 Property, Authority to grant easements, 74-3264 Certain rainbow mental health center parking conveyed to KUMC, 75-3371 Conveyance and exchange, Kansas university endowment association, 76-3,103, 76-3,108 Property in Ellis county, 76-521 Conveyance to Sedgwick county, certain lots, 76-398 Dedication to public and city of Wichita, certain tracts, 76-3a25 Holding, 76-722 Management contract, estates of Edwina P. Trigg and J. L. Porter, 76-363 Sale and conveyance, property in city of Lawrence, Douglas county, 76-3,104, 76-3,106 Sale and conveyance, property in Riley and Nemaha counties, 76-4,106 Sale and conveyance, property in Scott county, 76-4,101 Sale of, 74-3254 Sedgwick county, conveyance to, 76-398 Transfer to investing agent, 74-3254 Purchases, Generally, 75-3739 et seq. Pilot project, 76-769 Qualifications, 74-3202a Quorum, 74-3202b Reciprocal agreements with institutions of other states, 74-3219, 74-3221, 74-32,194 Records, defunct educational institutions, 74-3262, 74-3263 Research and development enhancement act, 76-777 et seq. Residence requirements, 74-3202a, Kan. Const. Art. 6, § 3 Right of privacy policies, 72-6311 Rules and regulations, 76-712 Community resource act, 74-5022a, 74-5024 Federal education acts, 74-32,304 Law enforcement, 76-726 National guard educational assistance program, 74-32,147 Postsecondary tiered technical education state aid act, 71-1810 Residence of students, 76-729, 76-730 Revenue bonds, medical center, 76-812 State education commission, 74-3240 Waivers, tuition and fees, persons who were wrongfully convicted, 74-32,195 Workforce development loan program program, 74-32,159 Sale of property, Fort Hays state university. See subhead Real estate, under Fort Hays state university, post Friedson estate, 76-180 Kansas state university. See subhead Real estate under Kansas state university, post Mineral interests, Riley county, 76-455, 76-456 One-half or less interest in any devise, 74-3254 Porter estate, 76-361 Transfer to investing agent, 74-3254 Trigg estate, 76-361 University of Kansas, land in Maryland, 76-397 University of Kansas, land in Wichita, 76-395 Wichita state property, 76-3a23 Scholarship funds, Advanced registered nurse practitioner students, 74-32,131 et seq. Agreements, 76-363 Career technical workforce grant, 74-32,426 Distinguished scholarship program, 74-3278 et seq. Ethnic minority scholarships, 74-3284 et seq. Honors program, 74-32,240 et seq. Osteopathic medical students, 74-3265 et seq. State program, administration, 74-32,237, 74-3234 Teacher scholarships, 74-32,100 et seq. Sedgwick county, conveyance of property to, 76-398 State normal school fund, administration, 76-604 Student activity fees, 76-719, 76-731a Student Loan Guaranty Act, 74-32,247 et seq. Student loans, Federal funds, 76-728 Federal loan guarantee act, 74-3235 National direct student loan audit dispute fund, 76-744 Programs, approval, 76-728 Student records, defunct educational institutions, 74-3262, 74-3263 Students' advisory committee, 74-3229 Term of office, 74-3202a Overlapping terms, Kan. Const. Art. 6, § 3 Traffic and parking regulation, 74-3209 et seq. University of Kansas medical center facilities, 76-6a33 et seq. Travel, out-of-state, prior approval, when, 75-3208 Travel expenses, 74-3202a Treasurer, 74-3204a Trust, termination of certain, 76-353 Trusts, receiving and executing, 76-722 Tuition, fees and charges, Kan. Const. Art. 6, § 6 Bond debt service fees, limitation, 76-742 Certain persons without lawful immigration status, 76-731a Fixed by regents, 76-719 Refunds of, 76-738 Tuition grant program, administration, 74-3233 Waivers, persons in custody of Kansas department for children and families at age 18, Reimbursements to educational institutions, 74-32,161 Reports to legislature, 74-32,161 Tuition waiver gifts, grants and reimbursements fund, 74-32,161 Waivers, persons who were wrongfully convicted, 74-32,195 Unclassified personnel, Phased-retirement program, 76-746 Vacancies, Kan. Const. Art. 6, § 3 Washburn university, duties, 13-13a40 et seq. Withholding or set-off of amounts owed state by employees, 76-741 Work-study program 74-3274 et seq. Workforce development loan program act, 74-32,151 et seq. Bonds, Buildings, 76-6a13b. See, also, specific institutions Debt service, 76-6b02, 76-6b12 Fees and charges, use, 76-6a13f Health education facilities, 76-6a13e Health services, University of Kansas, 76-6a13c Housing systems, state educational institutions, 76-765 Covenants and agreements, 76-6a19 Higher education loan programs, nonprofit corporations, 74-32,252 Income and revenues, Disposition, 76-6a21 Pledged, 76-6a15 Kansas Development Finance Authority Act, generally, this index Payment, 76-6a17 Recreational building at Kansas state university, 76-6a29, 76-6a30 Registration, 76-6a17 Revenue, Debt service, 76-6b02, 76-6b12 Revenue bonds, Buildings, 76-6a13 et seq. Housing systems, state educational institutions, 76-765 Medical center. University of Kansas, post Revenues pledged, 76-6a15 Covenants and agreements, 76-6a15, 76-6a19 Disposition, 76-6a21 Priority of liens, 76-6a15 Sales, 76-6a17 Student unions, Nonprofit corporations, tax exemption, 76-6a10 Renovation, KU, 76-6a37 Satellite facilities at university of Kansas, 76-6a29, 76-6a30 Book and art collections, trade or sale of duplicates, 76-116d, 76-116e Broadband technology-based network, access, See, subhead KAN-ED act under State Board of Regents, generally, this index Buildings, Kan. Const., Art 6, § 6; 76-6b02 Alternative project delivery building construction procurement act, 75-37,141 et seq. Budget request, building needs at educational institutions, 76-6b03 Comprehensive rehabilitation and repair fund, Transfers to, 76-6b12 Construction, 76-6a13a et seq. Bids, 75-3740, 75-3741, 75-6901 et seq. Contracts, retention of moneys, satisfactory completion, 75-6909 Correction of mistakes, project bids, 75-6901 et seq. Health education buildings and facilities, 76-6a13d et seq. Health services building, 76-6a13e Investigations, 75-718 Projects financed with non-state moneys, 76-7,125 et seq. Research foundations, 76-759 State educational institution project delivery construction procurement act, 76-7,125 et seq. Construction standards, 31-150 Deferred maintenance. See, Maintenance, this subhead Deferred maintenance support fund, transfers to, 76-719 Defined, bond issues, 76-6a13 Dormitories and student union buildings, post Educational building fund, Debt service, 76-6b02, 76-6b12 Endowment associations, 76-756, 76-757 Energy conservation, Capital improvement projects, standards for, 75-1259 Improvements for, financing, 75-37,111 et seq. Federal aid, 76-6a12 Fire protection inspection, 31-144 Housing systems, 76-763 Infrastructure finance program, 76-7,116 et seq. Inventory of buildings, 76-7,103 Obsolete buildings, 76-7,108 Kansas educational building fund, 76-6b02 Transfers, 76-758 Long-term infrastructure maintenance program, 76-7,101 et seq. Maintenance, Infrastructure finance program, 76-7,116 et seq. Administration of, 76-7,118 Bonds, Contributions, tax credit, 79-32,261 Limitations, 76-791, 76-7,119, 76-7,120 Loan agreements, 76-7,120 Definitions, 76-7,117 Loan agreements, 76-7,120 Long-term infrastructure maintenance program, 76-7,101 et seq. Reports, 76-7,118 Tax credits, 79-32,261 Long-term infrastructure maintenance program, 76-7,101 et seq. Administration of, 76-7,103 Definitions, 76-7,102 Infrastructure maintenance fund, 76-7,104 Oversight of projects, 76-7,105 Reports, 76-7,103 Transfers of moneys, 76-7,106, 76-7,107 Privately-financed buildings, 76-790 Projects financed with non-state moneys, 76-7,125 et seq. State educational institution project delivery construction procurement act, 76-7,125 et seq. Bids, 76-7,128 Building codes, fees, building permits,zoning requirements, 76-7,130 Change orders, 76-7,129 Construction management at-risk procurement processes, use of, 76-7,131 Construction manager, selection of, 76-7,132 Construction services, selection of, 76-7,132 Contracts, 76-7,128 Definitions, 76-7,126 Exemptions, Procurement committee, 76-7,131 Rules and regulations, 76-7,133 Statutory requirements, 76-7,127 Obsolete buildings, 76-7,108 Privately-financed buildings, Maintenance costs, 76-790, 76-7,125 et seq. State educational institution project delivery construction procurement act, 76-7,125 Space utilization, 76-7,103 State educational institution project delivery construction procurement act, 76-7,125 et seq. Research foundations, 76-759 Revenue bonds, Debt service, 76-6b02, 76-6b12 Definitions, 76-6a13 Tax credits, contributions, 79-32,261 Taxation, Kan. Const., Art 6, § 6; 76-6b01. See, also, specific bold subject headings University of Kansas, post Campus police, 22-2401a, 72-6146, 76-726 Kansas police and firemen's retirement system, 74-4986f Campus transportation systems, Fees and charges, 74-3213 Center for innovative school leadership, 76-767 Consultation with school districts, costs, 76-767 Director, 76-767 Member universities, 76-767 Reports to legislative committees, 76-767 Centers of excellence. Kansas technology enterprise corporation, generally, 74-8103 et seq. Chancellor and presidents, Appointment, 76-714 Compensation, 76-714 Easements, granting or conveying, 74-3264 Recruitment, 76-727 Reserve officers' training corps programs, selection committee, 74-3255 Residence, alcoholic liquor, consumption, 41-719 Supervision over state biological survey, 76-339 Title, 76-714 Traffic and parking regulation, 74-3209 et seq. Collection services, negotiating committee, 76-745 Community colleges, Accounting procedures, Municipal Accounting, generally, this index Accounts, chart of, 71-211 Accreditation, associations, organizations, 71-210 Administrative officers, 71-701 Licensure, certain prohibitions, 72-2161 Personnel evaluation, 72-2407 et seq. Adult education, 74-32,253 et seq. Adult education fund, 71-614, 71-617 Adult supplementary education fund, 71-614, 74-32,261 Advisory council, 71-701 Advice and recommendations on establishment, 71-1103 Alcoholic liquor consumption, 41-719 Annexation of territory, 71-1201, 79-1807 Approval withdrawal, by state, 71-802, 71-1807 Articulation, Agreements, 74-32,420, 74-32,421 Transferable courses, identification of, 71-221 Associations, organizations, affiliation authorized, 71-210 Athletic associations, 71-210 Blind students, readers, 76-157 et seq. Board of trustees, 71-701, 71-1403 Alcoholic liquor consumption, 41-719 Candidates, 71-1414 Composition, 71-1403 Contracts, Teacher due process, 72-2252 et seq. Transportation, 72-6498 Cowley county community college, additional member, 71-1403 Elections, post Expenses, 71-201 Insurance, student, 71-1601, 71-1602 Land, acquisition of, 71-201 Meetings, 71-201 Member-districts, 71-1407 Member-positions, 71-1407 Personnel, evaluation, 72-2407 et seq. Powers and duties, 71-201 Professional negotiations, 72-2218 et seq. Property, acquisition and disposition, 71-201 Residence of members, 71-1407 Retirement incentive programs, employees, 71-212 et seq. Right of privacy, 72-6311 Seven-member plan, Adoption, implementation, 71-1403a Candidates, 71-1414 Residence, 71-1407 Voting plans, 71-1420 Tax levies, capital outlay, 71-501 Terms of office, 71-1412 Assumption or retention upon consolidation, 71-1307 Buildings, 76-6a13 Higher education loan programs, nonprofit corporations, 74-32,252 In lieu of capital outlay levy, 71-502 Registration, 10-107 Boundaries, change of, effective date for tax purposes, 79-1807 Broadband technology-based network, access, See, subhead, KAN-ED act under State Board of Regents, generally, this index Budgets, 71-611 et seq. Authority, 71-612 Exceeding, penalties, 71-615 Tax levies, 71-204 Taxpayer and student transparency data, publication of, 71-222 Buildings, Construction standards, 31-150 Fire protection inspection, 31-144 Campus, defined, 71-701 Campus police, 72-6146 Capital outlay fund, 71-501 et seq. Bonds, 71-502 Establishment, sources, 71-501a Fees, 71-301 Tax levy, 71-501, 71-507, 71-508 Tuition, 71-301 et seq. Career Technical Education, this index Cash-Basis Law, 10-1101 et seq. Claims, payment, 12-105a, 12-105b Computerized information search services, 72-271, 72-272 Consolidation, 71-1301 et seq. Bonded debt, assumption or retention, 71-1307 Boundaries, 71-1305 Contracts, 71-1302 et seq. Definitions, 71-1309 Election, 71-1303 et seq. Election of new board of trustees, 71-1306 Transfer of property and funds, 71-1308 Vocational education schools, 71-1701 et seq. Advisory boards, councils, 71-1703 Applicability of statutes, 71-1701 Approval, state boards, 71-1701 Authorization, 71-1701 Conflicts, resolution, 71-1702 Judicial, administrative, criminal actions, rights preserved, 71-1704 Operation and control, not affected, 71-1701 State educational institutions, counties with, 71-1701 Contracts, 71-201 Consolidation, 71-1301 et seq. Content, 71-1302 Kansas law, application, 71-201b Mandatory provisions, 71-201c Prohibited provisions, 71-201a, 71-201b Teacher due process, 72-2252 et seq. Transportation, 72-6498 Vocational education programs, transfer of, 71-1507 Courses, Transferable courses, identification of, 71-221Credit hour, 71-601 et seq. State agency agreements, educational services, 75-3099 State aid, post, this subhead COVID-19 operations, 48-925d Curriculum limitation, state aid, 71-606 Deduction from payrolls, 72-2241, 72-2242 Definitions, 71-701 Defunct institutions, student records, 74-3262, 74-3263 Dependents, deceased persons, service during Vietnam conflict, 73-1218 Designation, official, 71-120 Driver training motor vehicles, 72-4005 et seq. Driver's training course, 8-235c Due process, teachers, 72-2252 et seq. Educational service agreements, state agencies, 75-3099 Elections, 71-1401 et seq., 71-1419 Attachment of territory, 71-1201 Board of trustees, 71-1408 Change of method, 71-1409 Campaign expenses, 25-901 et seq. Canvass, 71-1419 Method of election question, 71-1411 Certificate of election, 71-1419 Certification of results, consolidation, 71-1305 Change of method, 71-1404, 71-1405, 71-1409 Approval by electors, 71-1411 Canvass, 71-1411 Determination, 71-1405, 71-1406 Petition, 71-1410 Report of, 71-1411 Conduct, with other elections, 71-1416 Consolidation, 71-1303 et seq. County election officer, duties, 71-1411 et seq. Cowley county community college, additional member, 71-1422 Date of elections, 71-1413 Definitions, 71-1402 Application of school election act, 25-2002 Election officers, 71-1413, 71-1418, 71-1419 Establishment, 71-1103, 71-1104, 71-1107 Filing, fees, time, 71-1414 Laws applicable, 71-1107, 71-1419 Methods, Defined, 71-1402 Specified, 71-1403 Nonpartisan, 71-1419 Notice, 71-1418 Plan of change, 71-1405, 71-1410 Plan of change of method, 71-1411 Primary, when required, 71-1415 Tax levies, capital outlay, 71-501 Voting plans, 71-1420 Write-in candidates, 71-1415 Eminent domain, 71-201 Employee benefits contribution fund. 12-16,102 Employees, Evaluation documents, 71-218 Evaluations, 71-215 et seq. Personnel evaluation procedure, 71-216, 71-217 Establishment, 71-1103 et seq. Expenditures, Cash-Basis Law, 10-1101 et seq. Eye protective devices, certain courses, 72-6281 Faculty of distinction program, Kansas partnership for, 76-773 et seq. Higher education loan program, 74-32,252 Fees, 71-301 Amounts charged, publication of, 71-222 Other charges, payment by credit card, 75-30,100 Fort Leavenworth Military Reservation, instruction at, 71-205, 71-206 Full-time equivalent, 71-601 Funds, Adult education fund, 71-614, 71-617 Adult supplementary education fund, 74-32,261 Transfer from general fund, 71-614 Capital outlay fund, 71-501 et seq. General fund, Definitions, 71-611 Limitation on expenditures, 71-1809 Transfer authorizations, 71-614, 71-1809 Motorcycle driver safety fund, 8-267, 8-272, 71-614, 71-1508 Postsecondary technical education fund, 71-1808 Transfers from general fund, 71-1809 Transfer upon consolidation, 71-1308 Truck driver training course fund, 71-1509 Vocational education, 71-614 Workers compensation, 44-505e Governing body. Board of trustees, this subhead Higher education loan programs, 74-32,252 Hutchinson, public radio repeater station, 71-1510 Indebtedness, Cash-Basis Law, 10-1101 et seq. Institutional improvement plans, 74-3202d Instructors, Due process, 72-2252 et seq. Evaluation, 72-2407 et seq. Professional negotiation, 72-2218 et seq. Insurance, Contracts for benefit of students, 71-1601 et seq. Group insurance, 72-1891, 72-1892 Health maintenance organizations, 72-1891 Self-insurer, 72-1891 et seq. Interlocal agreements, 12-2910 KAN-ED act. State Board of Regents, this index Law enforcement officers, 72-6146 Law enforcement training, 74-5601 et seq. Lease-purchase, 71-201 Lease-purchase agreements, 10-1116c Leases, 71-201 Minimum standards, 71-1102 Motor vehicles, Driver training, 72-4005 et seq. Registration of vehicles owned or leased by, 8-1,134 Motorcycle driver safety fund, 8-267, 8-272, 71-614, 71-1508 New community colleges, 71-1101, 71-1102 Moratorium on establishment, 71-1108 Nursing service scholarship program, 74-3291 et seq. Off-campus instruction, Fort Leavenworth Military Reservation, 71-205 Funds, use, 71-206 Location, Approval, 71-609 State educational institutions, authorization, 71-609 Out-district tuition, conditions, 71-609 State aid, conditions, 71-609 Oil, gas, minerals, sale of, proceeds, 71-501a Operating expenses, Budget authority, 71-612 Definitions, 71-611 Transfers from general fund, 71-614, 71-1809 Operating grants, 71-620 Organization, 71-1101 Out-district state aid. State aid, this subhead Payroll deductions, 72-2241, 72-2242 Performance agreements, compliance, 74-3202d Performance indicators, 71-801 Personnel evaluation, 72-2407 et seq. Planning, statewide, 74-3202c, 74-3205d Powers and duties, 71-201 Prisoners of war, dependents, 73-1216, 73-1217 Private institutions, post Professional negotiation, 72-2218 et seq. Property, 71-201 Transfer upon consolidation, 71-1308 Valuation, 71-1102 Property valuation, state aid, 71-603 Publications required, Scholarships, 71-222 Taxpayer and student transparency data, 71-222 Transferable courses, 71-221 Quality performance, indicators, 71-801 Approval, review, 74-3202c, 74-3202d Performance agreements, compliance, 74-3202d Quality performance grants, 71-620 Records, Defunct institutions, 74-3263 Destruction, 72-1629 Establishment, filing, 71-1107 Regents, state board of, Supervision, 71-801 Residence of students, State aid determination, 71-406, 71-407 State determination, 71-406 Tuition and fees, certain persons without lawful immigration status, 76-731a Retirement accounts, 72-2243 Retirement benefits, 71-1502 Retirement incentive programs, 71-212 et seq. Right of privacy policies, 72-6311 Scholarships, 71-203 Amounts disbursed, publication of, 71-222 Career technical education, 74-32,423 et seq. Honors program, 74-32,240 et seq. State, 74-32,233 et seq. Security officers, 72-6146 Service area, acquisition of land, 71-201 Social security numbers, certain uses prohibited, 76-768 Standards, 71-1102 State agencies, services agreements, 75-3099 State aid, 71-601 et seq., 71-1801 et seq. Apportionment, 71-604 Curriculum limitation, 71-606 Distribution, 71-605 Educational services agreements, state agencies, inapplicability, 75-3099 Enrollment, certification, 71-603 Exception to payments, 71-609a Grants, 71-620 Loss of entitlement to, 71-802, 71-1807 Nonresident students, considered residents, 71-407 Off-campus instruction, limitations, 71-609 Operating grants, 71-620 Property valuation, 71-603 Quality performance grants, 71-620 Residence of students, 71-407 State board, Establishment of consolidated district, 71-1305 Licensure, certain employees, prohibition, 72-2161 State plan, 71-701 Student centers. Vocational Education, this index Student records, defunct institutions, 74-3263 Student tuition, 71-701 Amounts charged, publication of, 71-222 Dependents, Persons killed in action, Vietnam conflict, 73-1218 Prisoners of war, 73-1216, 73-1217 Out-district, ante Waiver, Persons in custody of Kansas department for children and families at age 18, 74-32,161 Persons who were wrongfully convicted, 74-32,195 Supervision, board of regents, 71-801 Tax sheltered annuities, 72-2243 Taxation, 71-204 Adult education programs, 71-617 Capital outlay funds, 71-501 Employee benefits, 12-16,102 Tax rate and total revenue, publication of, 71-222 Teachers, Evaluation, 72-2407 et seq. Professional negotiation, 72-2218 et seq. Technology innovation and internship program, 74-32,429, 74-32,430 Territory, 71-1102 Addition of, 71-1201 Transportation, School buses, Activities, 72-6498 Attendance at class, 72-6498, 72-6499 Vocational education courses, 72-6490 Truck driver training course fund, 71-1509 Truck driver training fund, 8-267, 8-272 Tuition, 71-301 et seq. Out-district tuition, ante Payment by credit card, 75-30,100 Student tuition, ante, this subhead Tuition and fees, certain persons without lawful immigration status, 76-731a Vietnam conflict, dependents of deceased persons, Enrollment without tuition or fees, 73-1218 Vocational Education, generally, this index Voting plan. Elections, ante Workforce development loan program act, 74-32,151 et seq. Comprehensive grant program, 74-32,120 et seq. Administration, 74-32,124 Advisory committee, 74-32,124 Amount of grant, 74-32,122 Application for grants, 74-32,125 Apportionment of grants, 74-32,124 Approval, 74-32,123, 74-32,124 Award of grants, 74-32,121 Base funding, allocation, 74-32,124 Certification, 74-32,123 Definitions, 74-32,120 Discontinued attendance, 74-32,123 Duration, limitation, 74-32,121 Evaluation, 74-32,124 Fund, 74-32,123 Payments, 74-32,123 Reports, 74-32,124, 74-32,125 Rules and regulations, 74-32,124, 74-32,125 State scholarships, financial resource, 74-32,239 Constitution of Kansas, Kan Const. Art. 6 Contracts, Community colleges, ante Federal research projects, direct and indirect cost reimbursements, 76-739, 76-740 Operation and function of institution, 76-721 Postgraduate training programs, Allopathic medicine, 76-825 Reciprocal agreements with other state institutions, 74-3221 Research and development activities, bid exemptions, 76-770 Scholarships, osteopathic medicine, 74-3265 et seq. School bus use, 72-6498 Sponsored research projects, 76-751 et seq. State, Filing with legislative research department, 75-3711b Finance council approval required, certain, 75-3711b Technology licensing agreements, 46-294 Coordination act, higher education, 74-3201a et seq. Corporations, educational, Private institutions, post Courses of study, Admissions of students in institutions outside Kansas, contracts, 76-721a Training teachers, 72-2151 et seq. Crimes and penalties, prosecutions, traffic and parking violations, 74-3215, 74-3216 Damages, oil, gas or mineral leases, 76-166 Data management system, state educational institutions, 76-771 Definitions, revenue bonds issue, 76-6a13 Defunct educational institutions, 74-3262 Degrees, Determination of, 76-716 Honorary degrees, approval, 76-716 Delegation of authority, 76-725 Distinguished scholarship program, 74-3278 et seq. Amount, 74-3280 Applicant responsibilities, 74-3283 Award of scholarships, 74-3279, 74-3282 Definitions, 74-3278 Duration, 74-3279 Enrollment, certification, 74-3281 Evaluation of program, 74-3282 Fund, 74-3281 Payment, 74-3281 Reports to governor and legislature, 74-3282 Dormitories and student union buildings, 76-6a01 Bond issues, construction, definitions, 76-6a13 Construction by nonprofit corporations, 76-6a01 Emporia state university, generally, post Fort Hays state university, generally, post Kansas state university, generally, post Leases, 76-6a02 Pittsburg state university, generally, post Rentals and fees, 76-6a05 School dormitory fund, 76-6b08 University of Kansas, generally, post Wichita state university, generally, post Drainage district, submitting plans to state engineering school, 24-515 Driver's training course, license, 8-235c Driveways, traffic regulation and control, 74-3209 et seq. Easements, Granting or conveying, 74-3264 Street right-of-way, Lawrence, 76-364 Economic development, investments in major projects and comprehensive training (IMPACT) act, 74-50,102 et seq. Education commission, abolished, 74-3230 et seq. Education professional development act, 72-2544, et seq. Educational building fund, Appropriations, 76-6b02 Capital improvement projects, Architectural fees, 75-1269 Engineering fees, 75-1269 Eminent domain, 76-6a14 Employees. Officers and employees, post Classified employees, conversion to unclassified service, 76-715a Employees, appointment, compensation, 76-715a Emporia state university, Administration, 76-725 Admission of students, 76-717, 76-717b Buildings, Annual tax levy, 76-6b01 Construction, 76-6a01 et seq. Student union, 76-6a13a, 76-6a13b Center for innovative school leadership, joint venture, 76-767 Contractual authority, 76-721 Control by state board of regents, 76-712 et seq. Employees, appointment, compensation, 76-715 Endowments or bequests, 76-724 Experimental school, 76-606 Fees and charges, 76-719, 76-731a Gifts, 76-724 Housing systems, 76-761 et seq. Lands, Board of regents, generally, ante Conveyance of certain, 76-616b, 76-616c, 76-616d, 76-616e, 76-616f, 76-616h, 76-616i, 76-616j Library, public printing copy, 75-1023 Name changed to, 76-735 Normal school fund, 76-604 Organizational safekeeping accounts, 76-732 et seq. Prisoners of war, dependents of, 73-1216, 73-1217 Programs offered, determination, 76-716 Property, holding, 76-722 Recruitment of personnel, expenses, 76-727 Site, selection of, 76-602 Trusts, receiving and executing, 76-722 Tuition, fees and charges, 76-606, 76-719, 76-731a Certain persons without lawful immigration status, 76-731a Refunds, 76-738 Waiver, persons in custody of Kansas department for children and families at age 18, 74-32,161 Vietnam, dependents of persons killed in, 73-1218 Endowed professorship, Kansas partnership for faculty of distinction program, 76-773 et seq. Endowment associations, Capital improvements, 76-756, 76-757 Kansas partnership for faculty of distinction program, 76-773 et seq. State colleges and universities, 76-156a Endowments or bequests, 76-724 Investment, 76-156a, 76-410, 76-718a Property management contracts, 76-363 Sale of property, 76-361 Energy conservation, Capital improvement projects, standards for, 75-1259 Improvements for, financing, 75-37,111 et seq. Enrollments. Admission of students, ante Ethnic minority fellowship program, 74-32,112 et seq. Administration, 74-32,118 Agreements, 74-32,115 Award and amount, 74-32,114 Citation, 74-32,112 Definitions, 74-32,113 Fund, 74-32,119 Legislative findings, declaration of purpose, 74-32,112 Legislative intent, Declaration, 74-32,112 Review of, 74-32,118 Obligation of applicant, 74-32,115 Failure to satisfy, 74-32,116 Postponement, when, 74-32,117 Satisfaction, when, 74-32,117 Recommendations to legislature, 74-32,118 Rules and regulations, 74-32,118 Ethnic minority scholarship program, 74-3284 et seq. Examinations, Accreditation for training teachers, 72-2152 Extension specialist, Duties, 76-464 Unclassified civil service, 75-2935 Eye protective devices, use, 72-6281 Faculty, Due process, 72-2252 et seq. Kansas partnership for faculty of distinction program, 76-773 et seq. Phased-retirement program, 76-746 Recruitment, 76-727 Retirement plan, 74-4925 et seq. Substantial interests, statements, 46-247 Faculty of distinction program, Kansas partnership for, 76-773 et seq. Family Practice Residency Training Programs, 76-366 et seq. Federal aid, Buildings and equipment, 76-6a12 Community colleges, 72-5537, 72-5538 Student aid programs, Termination proceedings of postsecondary institutions participation, 76-3110 University of Kansas, 76-327, 76-338 Federal funds, 76-723 Higher education loan program, 74-32,252 Fees and charges, Kan. Const., Art. 6, § 6; 72-3810, 76-719 Campus transportation systems, 74-3213 Certain persons without lawful immigration status, 76-731a Community colleges, 71-301 Parking facilities, 74-3213 Payment by credit card and other methods, 75-30,100 Refunds, 76-738 Residence of students, 48-3601, 76-729, 76-730 Vocational education, 72-3810 Waiver, graduate students, 76-719c Fellowships and scholarships for graduate students, 76-719a, 76-719b, 76-719c Advanced registered nurse practitioner students, 74-32,131 et seq. Ethnic minority fellowship program, 74-32,112 et seq. Kansas-Rhodes scholarship program, post Osteopathic medical students, 74-3265 et seq. Field houses, bond issues, 76-6a13 Finance of, permanent tax levy, Kan. Const., Art. 6, § 6; 76-6b01 et seq. Financial assistance, Allopathic medicine, 76-825 Career technical workforce grant, 74-32,423 et seq. Comprehensive grant program, 74-32,120 et seq. Distinguished scholarship program, 74-3278 et seq. Ethnic minority fellowship program, 74-32,112 et seq. Foster child educational assistance act, 75-53,111 et seq. Definitions, 75-53,112 Eligibility for assistance, 75-53,113, 75-53,115, 75-53,120 Report to legislature, 75-53,118 Rules and regulations, 75-53,117 Tuition waivers, reimbursement of institution, 75-53,114 Higher education loan program, 74-32,252 Kansas postsecondary education savings program, 75-640 et seq. See, also State Treasurer, this index Low-income family postsecondary savings accounts incentive program, 75-650 See, also, State Treasurer, this index Professional service scholarships, Advanced registered nurse practitioner service scholarship program, 74-32,131 et seq. Nursing service scholarship program, 74-3291 et seq. Optometry students, 74-3270 et seq. Osteopathic medical service, 74-3265 et seq. Reserve officers' training corps programs, 74-3255 et seq. Teacher service scholarship program, 74-32,100 et seq. State guard members, 74-32,145 et seq. State scholarship program, 74-32,233 et seq. Students, school of medicine, 76-380 et seq. Veterinary training program for rural Kansas, 76-4,112 Work-study program, 74-3274 et seq. Financial benefits, Dependents of deceased, injured or disabled public safety officers, certain deceased, injured or disabled military personnel and prisoners of war, 75-4364 Prisoners of war, dependents of, 73-1216, 73-1217 Vietnam, dependents of persons killed in, 73-1216 et seq. Fire protection, 31-132 et seq., 76-125 Food service programs, contracts with school districts, 72-17,146 Conditions, limitations, 72-17,147 Foreign institutions, Private and out-of-state postsecondary educational institutions, post Fort Hays state university, Acceptance of land grant, 76-502 Administration, 76-725 Admission of students, 76-717, 76-717b Buildings, 76-6a01 et seq. Health and recreational facility, 76-6a13a, 76-6a13b Center for innovative school leadership, joint venture, 76-767 Clinical facilities, exceptional children of school age, 76-513 Contractual authority, 76-721 Control by state board of regents, 76-712 et seq. Dedication of moneys, 76-718 Early childhood development center, inc., lease of land authorized, 76-519 Employees, appointment, compensation, 76-715 Endowment foundation, 76-156a Endowments or bequests, 76-724 Investment, 76-156a Fees and charges, 76-719, 76-731a Funds, deposit in state treasury, 76-509 Gifts, 76-724 Housing systems, 76-761 et seq. Joint use of land and buildings with Fort Hays agricultural experiment station, 76-505 Leasing land, use of rent received, 76-504 Library, public printing, copy, 75-1023 Name changed to, 76-737 Oil, gas or mineral leases, 76-514 et seq. Organizational safekeeping accounts, 76-732 et seq. Prisoners of war, dependents, 73-1216, 73-1217 Programs offered, determination, 76-716 Property, holding, 76-722 Real estate, 76-504, 76-505, 76-522, 76-523 Board of regents, generally, ante Ellis county, property in, sale to city of Hays, 76-522, 76-523 Legal description, correction, 76-524 Exchange and conveyance of, 76-521 Exchange of land with city of Hays, 76-520 Recruitment of personnel, expenses, 76-727 Report of receipts and expenditures of certain funds, 76-720 Sternberg museum, Kansas wildlife art series, 74-7901 et seq. Trusts, receiving and executing, 76-722 Tuition, fees and charges, 76-719, 76-731a Certain persons without lawful immigration status, 76-731a Refunds of, 76-738 Waiver, persons in custody of Kansas department for children and families at age 18, 74-32,161 Vietnam, dependents of persons killed in, 73-1218 Foundations and foundation subsidiaries, Gifts of personal property to state universities, 76-718b Funding for remedial courses, 76-7,151 Funds, Animal research facility debt service fund, 76-832 Community colleges, ante Comprehensive rehabilitation and repair fund, Transfers to, 76-6b12 Housing system operations fund, 76-762 Housing system repairs, equipment and improvement fund, 76-762 Housing system suspense fund, 76-762 Infrastructure maintenance fund, 76-7,104 Investment of, 76-718a Kansas comprehensive grant fund, 74-32,123 Kansas educational building fund, 76-6b02, 76-758 Kansas university medical center development plan area account, 76-342 National direct student loan audit dispute fund, 76-744 National direct student loan funds, 76-743 School dormitory fund, 76-6b08 Service clearing fund, 76-754, 76-755 Sponsored research overhead fund, 76-753 Student loan guarantee act, 74-32,246 et seq. University of Kansas, permanent university fund, 76-308 Gifts, acceptance, expenditures, 76-724 Gifts of personal property to state universities, Foundations and foundation subsidiaries, 76-718b Goods and services, purchases of, 76-769 Graduate students, Advanced registered nurse practitioner students, 74-32,131 et seq. Distinguished scholarship program, 74-3278 et seq. Ethnic minority fellowship program, 74-32,112 et seq. Fellowships and scholarships, grants, 76-719a et seq. Medical school. See University of Kansas, post Osteopathic medicine, 74-3265 et seq. Grants, state educational institutions, 76-771 Haskell Indian college, tuition and fees at state colleges and universities, 76-731 Healing Arts. See subhead Accredited schools under Healing Arts, this index High school graduate, admission requirements, 76-717b Higher education coordination act, 74-3201a et seq. Higher education loan programs, 74-32,252 Honors scholarships, Kansas, 74-32,240 et seq. Hospital authority. University of Kansas Hospital Authority, this index Hospitals. University of Kansas, post Housing systems, 76-761 et seq. Meningitis vaccination, 76-761a Immigration status, certain persons without legal, rates of tuition and fees, 76-731a IMPACT act, 74-50,102 et seq. Indians, tuition and fees at state universities and colleges, 76-731 Institutional improvement plans, 74-3202d Insurance, Aircraft, Kansas state university, 76-218, 76-491 University of Kansas, 76-391 Allopathic medicine, training program, medical center, 76-826 Clinical programs, liability insurance, 74-3245 Disability insurance, medical residents and students, 76-834 Dormitories and student union buildings, 76-6a07 Life insurance beneficiaries, insurable interest, 40-450 Purchase by state board of regents, 75-4101 Purchase by state educational institutions, exception, 75-4101 Regents educational communication center, vehicles and equipment, 76-489 Student group health and accident insurance coverage, board of regents, 75-4101 Student health facilities, 76-747 Student housing and union facilities, 76-6a07, 76-747, 76-764 Study abroad program, 76-749 University press of Kansas, book inventory, 76-394 Women's intercollegiate athletics, 76-750 Internships, postgraduate medical training programs, Allopathic medicine, 76-825 Investment, idle funds of state educational institutions, pilot program, 76-156b Junior colleges. Community colleges, generally, ante KAN-ED act. State Board of Regents, this index Kansas challenge to secondary school students act, 72-3220 et seq. Kansas college of technology. Kansas state university—Salina, college of technology, ante Kansas Development Finance Authority Act, generally, this index Kansas partnership for faculty of distinction program, 76-773 et seq. Kansas postsecondary education savings program, 75-640 et seq. Kansas state college of Pittsburg. Pittsburg state university, post Kansas state teachers college of Emporia. Emporia state university, ante Kansas state university, Acceptance of provisions of congressional law donating public lands, 76-408 Administration, 76-725 Admission of students, 76-717, 76-717b Agricultural extension service, Wildlife damage control section, 76-459 et seq. Agricultural extension work, acceptance of federal act, 76-435 Agricultural research-extension centers, 76-465, 76-466, 76-467 Agriculture, research and development, acceptance of federal act, 76-434, 76-435a Agriculture, state department, cooperation, 74-504 Art objects collection donated to Deines cultural center, 76-490 Board of regents, generally, ante Bluemont central college association, Ceding real estate to state, 76-409 Transfer of library and apparatus, 76-407 Center of excellence, sustainable agriculture and alternative crops, 76-4,103 Coliseum, 76-6a36 Collections of specimens, 76-407 Community resource act, 74-5021 et seq. Contractual authority, 76-721 Control by state board of regents, 76-712 et seq. Dairy department, inspection of dairy herds at state institutions, 76-412 et seq. Department of agriculture, National poultry improvement plan, 2-907 Dodge City forestry station, reversion of title to Ford county, 76-433 Dormitories and other buildings, 76-6a01 Drainage district plans submitted to engineering school, 24-515 Employees, appointment, compensation, 76-715 Endowments or bequests, 76-416, 76-417, 76-724 Investment, 76-156a, 76-410, 76-718a Experiment stations. Agricultural Experiment Stations, generally, this index Extension councils, 2-608 et seq. Extension systems and agriculture research programs, County agents, unclassified civil service, 75-2935 Separate state agency, budget purposes, 75-3717d Fees and charges, 76-719, 76-731a Tuition, fees and charges, 76-731a Certain persons without lawful immigration status, 76-731a Gifts, 76-724 Hogs, Feeding facilities, studies, 65-1,195 Swine technology center, 76-487, 76-488 Housing systems, 76-761 et seq. Investment of funds. Endowments or bequests, ante Kan-grow engineering fund, 76-7,141 Kansas forest service, 76-425a et seq. See, also, subhead, Kansas forest service under Forests and Forestry, this index Land. See Real estate, post Lespedeza, biology and control of sericea lespedeza, 76-4,102 Library, 76-407 Public printing, copy, 75-1023 Livestock feed lots, research studies and surveys, 47-1506 Location, 76-409 Meat and livestock program, international, 76-478, 76-479 Military training, 76-436 National bio and agro defense facility, Conveyance of land, 76-4,113 National bio and agro-defense facility fund, 74-99b34 Organizational safekeeping accounts, 76-732 et seq. President, 76-725 Appointment, compensation, title, 76-714 Prisoners of war, dependents, 73-1216, 73-1217 Property, holding, 76-722 Real estate, Chase County, sale of land in, 76-492, 76-492a Chase county tract, conveyance, 76-4,100 Colorado land, sale of, 76-454 Conveyance of land to United States department of homeland security, 76-4,113 Dickinson county, sale of certain, 76-486 Endowment association, 76-472, 76-473 Exchange of land with, 76-451 et seq., 76-474 et seq., 76-477 Lease of land to or from, 76-443 et seq. Sale of land to, 76-437c Exchange of property with KSU foundation, 76-494 Kingman, Sedgwick and Reno counties, sale of property in, 76-4,109, 76-4,110 Morton county, sale of certain real estate, 76-437b Nemaha county, sales of certain real estate, 76-4,106 Pottawatomie county, sale of certain, 76-486, 76-4,111 Public lands granted by congress, 76-418 Riley county, sale, conveyance or exchange of property in, 76-480, 76-495, 76-4,106, 76-4,107, 76-4,108, 76-4,110, 76-4,113, 76-4,114,76-4,115, 76-4,116, 76-4,117 Schwab estate, 76-446 et seq. Scott county, sale of land in, 76-4,101 Topeka, city of, sale of real estate to, 76-437a Washington county tract, conveyance, 76-4,100 Recruitment of personnel, expenses, 76-727 Regents educational communication center, insurance for vehicles and equipment, 76-489 State agricultural university fund, 76-410a State land office tract books, 75-2802 Student recreational building, construction, 76-6a29 et seq. Student union and other buildings, 76-6a01 et seq. Swine. Hogs, this subhead Trusts, receiving and executing, 76-722 Tuition, fees and charges, 76-719, 76-738 Refunds, 76-738 Waiver, persons in custody of Kansas department for children and families at age 18, 74-32,161 Veterinary medical center, 76-751, 76-756 Budget, 75-3717c Peer review committee, 76-493 Veterinary medical center, budget, 75-3717c Veterinary medicine, dean of, assisting livestock commissioner, 47-610 Veterinary training program for rural Kansas, 76-4,112 Vietnam, dependents of persons killed in, 73-1218 Water resources, division of, information and assistance, 74-510 Kansas state university—polytechnic campus, Administration, 76-725 Admission of students, 76-717 Aircraft, 76-217, 76-218, 76-219 Buildings, construction, 76-6a01 et seq. Chief executive officer, 76-714, 76-727 Contracts, 76-721 Control by state board of regents, 76-213, 76-712 et seq. Courses and curriculum, 76-213, 76-716 Degrees and certificates, 76-213 Dormitories and other buildings, 76-6a01 et seq. Endowments, bequests, gifts, grants, 76-156a, 76-724 Investments, 76-156a Fees and charges, 76-719, 76-731a Funds and moneys, 76-718, 76-720, 76-732 et seq. Housing systems, 76-761 et seq. Kansas state university of agriculture and applied science, merger, 76-205 Lands and buildings, acquisition and disposition, 76-213, 76-220, 76-221, 76-222, 76-223 Name change, 76-205 Official designation, 76-205 Programs, determination of, 76-716 Property, holding, 76-722 Retailers' sales tax, use, 76-213 Trusts, receiving and executing, 76-722 Tuition, fees and charges, 76-719, 76-731a, 76-738 Certain persons without lawful immigration status, 76-731a Kansas technical institute. Kansas state university—Salina, college of technology, ante Kansas university. University of Kansas, post Law enforcement training center. University of Kansas, post Leases of real property, 76-769 Library, Cooperation and resource sharing, 75-2575 et seq. Public printing, copy, 75-1023 Life insurance beneficiaries, insurable interest, 40-450 Loans, Parents of students, 74-32,252 Student loans, post Lottery, advertising and promotion of, limititations, 74-8704 Machinery and equipment, federal aid, 76-6a12 Medical center. University of Kansas, post Medical education, Student aid programs, generally, post University of Kansas, generally, post Medical school. University of Kansas, post Meningitis vaccination, 76-761a Midwestern higher education compact, Commission, Kansas membership, 74-32,265 Expiration date, conditional, 74-32,266 Text of compact, 74-32,264 Military service scholarship program, 74-32,227 et seq. Applicant responsibilities, 74-32,230 Awards, 74-32,229 Definitions, 74-32,228 Fund, 74-32,232 Qualifications, 74-32,229 Rules and regulations, 74-32,231 Military training, 76-436 Reserve officers' training corps programs, 74-3255 et seq. Morrill Act, military training, 76-436 Municipal Universities, generally, this index National guard educational assistance act, 74-32,146 Assistance amount, 74-32,148 Conditions for eligibility, 74-32,149 Definitions, 74-32,146 Repayment, 74-32,149 Negotiating committee, collection services, 76-745 Nurse educator service scholarship program act, 74-32,219 et seq. Oaths, officers and employees, 75-4308 et seq. Officers and employees, 76-715 Classified employees, Conversion to unclassified service, 76-715a Leave time, 76-715b Compensation and salaries, 76-715 Agency payroll deduction plans, 75-5536 Biweekly pay plan, 75-5509 Deductions, 75-5501, 75-5531 et seq. Withheld until oath filed, 75-4311 Withholding or setoff of amounts owed state, 76-741 Intergovernmental exchange of, 75-4401 et seq. Oaths, 75-4308 et seq. Phased-retirement program, 76-746 Recruitment, 76-727 Technology licensing agreements, 46-294 Travel out-of-state, prior approval, when, 75-3208 Unclassified service, 75-2935 Official hospitality, state agencies, 75-3731a Oil, gas or mineral leases, 76-164 et seq. Optometry, Admission agreements with students, 74-3270 et seq. Admission of students, institutions outside Kansas, contracts, 76-721a Repayment fund, 74-3272a Osteopathic medicine, students of, financial aid, 74-3265 et seq. Scholarships, 74-3266 Service obligation, 74-3266 Out-of-state colleges and universities, Private and out-of-state postsecondary educational institutions, post Out-of-state institutions. Foreign institutions, ante Parents of students, loan program, 74-32,252 Parking and traffic, 74-3209 et seq., 76-6a33 et seq. Patent depository library, 74-8116 Permanent university fund, 76-308 Perpetual funds, administration, 76-604 Personnel, generally, this index Phased-retirement program, 76-746 Pittsburg state university, Administration, 76-725 Admission of students, 76-717, 76-717b Buildings, construction, bonds, definitions, 76-6a13 Contractual authority, 76-721 Dormitories and other buildings, 76-6a01 Employees, appointment, compensation, 76-715 Endowment or bequests, 76-724, 76-756 Investment, 76-156a Fees and charges, 76-719, 76-731a Gifts, 76-724 Housing systems, 76-761 et seq. Library, public printing, copy, 75-1023 Name changed to, 76-736 Organizational safekeeping accounts, 76-732 et seq. Prisoners of war, dependents of, 73-1216, 73-1217 Programs offered, determination, 76-716 Property, holding, 76-722 Recruitment of personnel, expenses, 76-727 Trusts, receiving and executing, 76-722 Tuition, fees and charges, 76-719, 76-731a Certain persons without lawful immigration status, 76-731a Refunds of, 76-738 Waiver, persons in custody of Kansas department for children and families at age 18, 74-32,161 Vesting of property and rights, 76-736 Vietnam, dependents of persons killed in action, 73-1218 Planning, statewide, 74-3202c, 74-3205d Police officers, university, 22-2401a, 76-726 Kansas police and firemen's retirement system, 74-4986f et seq. Postsecondary education savings program, Kansas, 75-640 et seq. Postsecondary technical education authority. Technical colleges, post. Poultry improvement association, cooperation, 2-907 Presidents, Administration, 76-725 Appointment, compensation, title, 76-714 Residence, alcoholic liquor consumption, 41-719 Prisoners of war, dependents, 73-1216, 73-1217 Privacy, right of students, 72-6311 Private and out-of-state postsecondary educational institutions, 74-32,162 et seq. Academic degree, Institutions qualified to award degree, standards, 74-32,165 Branch campus, 74-32,168 Certificates of approval, required, 74-32,167 Application, 74-32,168 Conditions, 74-32,172. 74-32,177 Appeal and hearing, 74-32,172 Judicial review, 74-32,173 Contents, 74-32,170 Nonrenewal, notice of, 74-32,170 Ownership, change in, 74-32,170a Provisional certificate, 74-32,168 Refusal of issue, 74-32,171 Appeal and hearing, 74-32,171 Refusal to issue, 74-32,171 Judicial review, 74-32,173 Renewal, 74-32,170 Revocation, 74-32,172, 74-32,177 Appeal and hearing, 74-32,172 Judicial review, 74-32,173 Standards, 74-32,169 Surety bond, 74-32,175 Voluntary application, 74-32,164a Closure requirements, 74-32,170 Court-appointed receiver, 74-32,170b Definitions, 74-32,163 Exemptions from act, 74-32,164, 74-32,164a Fees, 74-32,181 National guard educational assistance program, 74-32,145 et seq. Ownership, change in, 74-32,170a Private and out-of-state postsecondary educational institution fee fund, 74-32,182 Prohibited acts, penalties, 74-32,177, 74-32,178 Reciprocity agreement, authorized, 74-32,194 Representative of institution, registration of, 74-32,174 Denial, 74-32,174 Renewal, 74-32,174 Revocation, 74-32,174 Rules and regulations, 74-32,165, 74-32,169 Scholarships, Career technical education, 74-32,423 et seq. Comprehensive grant program, 74-32,120 et seq. Honors program, 74-32,240 et seq. Nursing service, 74-3291 et seq. State program, 74-32,233 et seq. Teacher service, 74-32,100 et seq. Statewide data collection system, 74-32,184 Tuition, promissory notes, 74-32,180 Violations of act, Civil fine, 74-32,178, 74-32,178a Contracts voided, 74-32,179 Injunction, 74-32,178 Refund of moneys, 74-32,179 Programs, Contracts, admission outside Kansas, 76-721a Determination of, 76-716 Property, Sale of, 74-3254 State surplus property program, 75-6601 et seq. Transfer to investing agent, 74-3254 Public broadcasting, radio and television, grants, 75-4912 et seq. Public institutions of higher learning, definition, Kan. Const. Art. 6,§ 2 Publications, extra copies of certain, 75-1023 Purchases, Generally, 75-3739 et seq. Goods and services, 76-769 Sales and use taxes, exemption, 76-784, 79-3606 Qualification of educational personnel. See Interstate Agreement on Qualification of Educational Quality performance, Indicators, Approval and review, 74-3202c, 74-3202d Compilation, coordination, 74-3205d Performance agreements, compliance, 74-3202d Quality performance grants, state educational institutions, 76-771 Readers for blind students, 76-157 et seq. Real estate. See specific university Reciprocal agreements, 74-32,194 Board of regents and foreign institutions, 74-3221 Reduced service program, faculty, 76-746 Refunding bonds, 76-6a18 Regents. Board of regents, ante Religious student associations, religious exercise, 60-5311 et seq. Cause of action, 60-5313 Definitions, 60-5311 Discrimination prohibited, 60-5312 Research, Agreements with umbilical cord banks, 65-1,249 Johnson county education research triangle authority, 19-5001 et seq. Research and development enhancement act, 76-777 et seq. Aviation research facilities, 76-789 Board of regents, powers and duties, 76-780 et seq. Projects, 76-782 Bonds, 76-783 Research foundations, capital improvement projects, 76-759 Research projects, 76-4,102, 76-739, 76-740, 76-751 et seq., 76-770 Residence of students, 76-729, 76-730 American Indians, 76-731 Reimbursement of non-resident tuition, 76-729 Retirement plan, 74-4925 et seq. Contributions, employer, 74-4925e Revenue bonds. Bonds, ante Rules and regulations, Residence of students, Reimbursement of non-resident tuition, 76-729 Traffic and parking, 74-3209 et seq., 76-6a33 et seq. Work-study program, 74-3276 Sales tax, exemptions, 79-3606 Scholarships, Administration, 74-3234 Community colleges, 71-203 Comprehensive grant program, 74-32,120 et seq. Distinguished scholarship program, 74-3278 et seq. Ethnic minority scholarship program, 74-3284 et seq. Honors program, Kansas, 74-32,240 et seq. Kansas promise scholarship program, 74-32,271 et seq. Agreement, 74-32,276 Appropriations, 74-32,274 Eligibility, 74-32,275 Eligible programs, 74-32,273 Fund, 74-32,277 Requirements, 74-32,275 Rules and regulations, 74-32,272 Scholarship amount, 74-32,274 Military service scholarship program, 74-32,227 et seq. Professional service, Advanced registered nurse practitioner service scholarship program, 74-32,131 et seq. Nursing service scholarship program, 74-3291 et seq. Optometry students, 74-3270 et seq. Osteopathic medical service, 74-3265 et seq. Reserve officers' training corps programs, 74-3255 et seq. Teacher service scholarship program, 74-32,100 et seq. Rhodes scholarship program, ante State program, 74-32,233, et seq. School dormitory fund, uses, 76-6b08 Secondary school students, Kansas challenge to, 72-3220 et seq. Social security numbers, certain uses prohibited, 76-768 Speed limits, 74-3211 Stadia, bonds, 76-6a13 State board of regents. Board of regents, ante State educational institution project delivery construction procurement act, 76-7,125 et seq. Bids, 76-7,128 Construction management at-risk procurement processes, use of, 76-7,131 Construction manager, selection of, 76-7,132 Construction services, selection of, 76-7,132 Procurement committee, 76-7,131 Contracts, 76-7,128 Bids, 76-7,128 Change orders, 76-7,129 Definitions, 76-7,126 Exemptions, Building codes, fees, building permits and zoning requirements, 76-7,130 Statutory requirements, 76-7,127 Procurement committee, 76-7,131 Rules and regulations, 76-7,133 State educational institutions, Control and supervision, 76-711 et seq. Funds, idle, pilot investment program, 76-156b Historic preservation duties, contract delegation, 75-2724 Surplus property program, state, exemption, 75-6606 State historical society, loans or material, 75-2702 State library of Kansas board, members, 75-2546 Streets, right-of-way easement, Lawrence, 76-364 Streets and alleys, traffic regulation and control, 74-3209 et seq. Student activity fees, use, 76-719, 76-731a Student aid programs, Comprehensive grant program, 74-32,120, et seq. Ethnic minority fellowship program, 74-32,112 et seq. Federal funds, expenditures, 76-723 Healing arts, students, Allopathic medicine, 76-825 Osteopathic medicine, 74-3265 et seq. Higher education loans, 74-32,252 Loan guarantee act, 74-32,246 et seq. National guard educational assistance program 74-32,145 et seq. Professional service scholarships, Advanced registered nurse practitioner service scholarship program, 74-32,131 et seq. Nursing service scholarship program, 74-3291 et seq. Optometry students, 74-3270 et seq. Osteopathic medical service, 74-3265 et seq. Reserve officers' training corps programs, 74-3255 et seq. Teacher service scholarship program, 74-32,100 et seq. Scholarships, Distinguished Kansas scholars, 74-3278 et seq. Ethnic minority scholars, 74-3284 et seq. State scholars, 74-32,233 et seq. Workforce development loan program act, 74-32,151 et seq. Student loans, 74-32,246 et seq., 74-32,252 Federal funds, 76-728 National direct student loan audit dispute fund, 76-744 National direct student loan funds, 76-743 Obligation binding on minors, 74-32,251 Student Loan Guaranty Act, 74-32,247 et seq. Student loan reserve fund, 74-32,247, 74-32,248 Student records, defunct educational institutions, 74-3263 Student union and other buildings, 76-6a01, 76-6a02 Alcoholic liquor, consumption, 41-719 Tax exemptions, 79-201a Students' advisory committee, 74-3229 Surplus property program, state, 75-6601 et seq. Tax exemptions, 79-201 Alumni association property, 79-201 Bonds, 76-6a22 Buildings and bonds, construction of dormitories and student union buildings by nonprofit corporations, 76-6a10 Kansas state university foundation, 79-201a Moneys and credits, 79-201 Sales tax, 79-3606 Taxation, Community colleges, ante Permanent tax for institutions of higher learning, Kan. Const., Art. 6,§ 6; 76-6b01 Wichita state university, 76-3a07 Teacher training, accreditation, 72-2151 et seq. Eligible colleges and universities, 72-2153 Standards, maintenance, 72-2152 Teachers, Due process, 72-2252 et seq. Retirement plan, 74-4925 et seq. Scholarship program, 74-32,100 et seq. Technical colleges, Articulation agreements, 74-32,420, 74-32,421 et seq. Bonds, 74-32,452 Broadband technology-based network, access, See, subhead, KAN-ED act under State Board of Regents, generally, this index Career Technical Education, this index Contracts, Governed by Kansas law, 74-32,454 Indemnification or hold harmless provisions, 74-32,453 Mandatory provisions, exceptions, 74-32,455 Courses of instruction, 74-32,452 COVID-19 operations, 48-925d Definitions, 74-32,407, 72-3810 Degrees, certificates, diplomas, 74-32,452 Designated names, 72-3815, 74-32,460, 74-32,461, 74-32,462, 74-32,464, 74-32,465 Change in designation, 74-32,457 Employees, transfer of, 74-32,466 Endowed professorship, 76-773 et seq. Faculty, transfer of, 74-32,466 Faculty of distinction program, 76-773 et seq. Flint Hills technical college, official designation, 74-32,460 Funds, General operating fund, 71-1808 Governance, 74-32,452 Governing board, powers, 74-32,452 Right of privacy policies, 72-6311 Transfer of faculty or employee, 74-32,466 Grants, Non-tiered course credit hours, 74-32,468, 74-32,431, 74-32,432 Institute of technology, Articulation agreements, 74-32,420, 74-32,421 et seq. Technology innovation and internship program, 74-32,429, 74-32,430 KAN-ED act. State Board of Regents, this index Manhattan area technical college, official designation, 74-32,462 Motor vehicles, Registration of vehicles owned or leased by, 8-1,134 National guard educational assistance program 74-32,145 et seq. North Central Kansas technical college, official designation, 74-32,461 Northeast Kansas technical college, Merger or affiliation with postsecondary educational institution, 74-32,467 Official designation, 74-32,463 Northwest Kansas technical college, official designation, 74-32,464 Postsecondary technical education authority, 74-32,401 Board of regents, duties, 74-32,403 Duties, 74-32,402 Executive director, 74-32,402 Vice-president of workforce development, 74-32,402 Privacy, right of students, 72-6311 Programs, generally, 72-3810 et seq. Located outside service area, 74-32,433 Rules and regulations, 74-32,451 Salina area technical college, official designation, 74-32,465 Social security numbers, certain uses prohibited, 76-768 Statutory applicability, 74-32,456 Supervision, 74-32,451 Teaching staff, 74-32,452 Technology innovation and internship program, 74-32,429, 74-32,430 Tuition, fees and charges, Certain persons without lawful immigration status, 76-731a Payment by credit card, other methods, 75-30,100 Waiver of tuition, certain dependents, 73-1217, 73-1218 Waivers, Persons in custody of Kansas department for children and families at age 18, 74-32,161 Persons who were wrongfully convicted, 74-32,195 Washburn institute of technology, Defined, 74-32,407 Funds, Postsecondary technical education fund, 71-1808 Wichita state university campus of applied sciences and technology, official designation, 74-32,458 Workforce development loan program act 74-32,151 et seq. Technology, Kansas state university—Salina, college of technology, ante Traffic and parking, regulation, 74-3209 et seq., 76-6a33 et seq. Training expenses, payment by state agencies, 75-5519 Training information program, Kansas, 74-32,417 et seq. Transcript of high school record, 76-717b Transportation, School bus fees, 72-6499 Students, school district bus use, 72-6498, 72-6499 Travel and expense allowances, research and development activities, 76-770 Out-of-state, prior approval, when, 75-3208 Recruitment of personnel, 76-727 Trusts and trustees, Board of trustees, termination of certain trusts, 76-353 Bond trustee, 59-1105 Holding and executing, board of regents, 76-722 Inventories and reports, 59-1105 Trust funds, Kansas university medical center, 76-818 Tuition, fees and charges, Kan. Const. Art. 6, § 6 Certain persons without lawful immigration status, 76-731a Community colleges, ante Dependents of certain Vietnam veterans, 73-1216, 73-1217, 73-1218 Emporia state university, 76-606 Fixed by regents, 76-719 Payment by credit card and other methods, 75-30,100 Reciprocal agreements, 74-3219 Refunds, 76-738 Residence of students, 76-729, 76-730 State agencies, payment, 75-5519 Veterans, 48-3601 Waivers, Persons in custody of Kansas department for children and families at age 18, 74-32,161 Persons who were wrongfully convicted, 74-32,195 Umbilical cord banks, research agreements with, 65-1,249 University engineering initiative act, 76-7,136 et seq., Annual report, 76-7,140 Board of Regents, Powers, generally, 76-7,139 Capital improvement projects, 76-7,140 Definitions, 76-7,138 Engineering facilities, 76-7,140 Kan-grow engineering funds, 76-7,141 Purpose, 76-7,137 Sales and use tax exemption, 76-7,142 Secretary of Commerce, Powers, generally, 76-7,139 Report, 76-7,139 University of Kansas, Administration, 76-725 Admission of students, 76-717, 76-717b Aircraft, insurance, 76-391 Biological survey, state, 76-338, 76-339 Buildings, Bonds, definitions, 76-6a13 Construction, investigations, 75-718 Contracts and leases, 76-6a13g, 76-6a13h Fees and charges, use, 76-6a13f Health education facilities, 76-6a13d et seq. Health services building, 76-6a13c Humanities building, 76-6a13a, 76-6a13b Plans, approval, 76-6a13h Bureau of child research, 76-316 et seq. Chancellor, 76-714 Administration, 76-725 Geological survey, ex officio director, 76-323 State biologist, appointment, 76-339 Control by state board of regents, 76-712 et seq. Coroners, cooperation with, 21-2502 Deeds and conveyances, 76-333 Easements, street right of way, Lawrence, 76-364 Employees, appointment, compensation, 76-715 Endowment association, Conveyance and exchange of property, 76-3,103, 76-3,108 Property, exchange with board of regents, 76-345, 76-390 Property management contract, 76-363 Sale of property, proceeds from, 76-395 Scholarship funds, 76-363 Endowments or bequests, 76-724 Federal aid, State biological survey, 76-338 Training firefighters, 76-327 Fees and charges, 76-719, 76-731a; Kan. Const. Art. 6, § 6 Fire service training commission, 76-327a Duties, 76-327d Fire service training program, Firefighters, training, 76-327 et seq. Duties, 76-327e Fund, 76-327c Funds, permanent university fund, 76-308 Geological survey, state, 76-322 et seq. Cooperation with Kansas water office, 74-2610 Geologist, state, 76-323 Hospital authority, University of Kansas Hospital Authority, this index Hospitals, Building fund, 76-328 Medical center, generally, post Obstetrical patients, 65-203 Housing systems, 76-761 et seq. Insurance. Insurance, ante, this heading Journalism department head, directing state information and publicity bureau, 76-319 Kan-grow engineering fund-KU, 76-7,141 Law |