Senate Status:
2021 Statute
LABELS Brands, Marks and Labels, generally, this index LABETTE COUNTY Boundaries, 18-150 Community correctional conservation camp, 75-52,132 Redevelopment districts within federal enclave, 19-4901 et seq. Road, vacating, 68-151 Township fire departments, 80-1919 et seq. LABOR, STATE DEPARTMENT OF Generally, 75-5701 et seq. Administration, 75-5701 et seq. Advisory boards, commissions, committees, Allowances and expenses, 75-5724 Members, 75-5724 Powers, duties, functions, 75-5724 Agricultural labor relations board, 44-820 Attached to department of labor, 75-5712 Budgeting, purchasing, management, 75-5712 Powers, duties, functions, 44-820, 75-5712 Rules and regulations, orders and directives, preserved, 75-5712 Amusement rides, 44-1601 et seq. Amusement ride safety fund, 44-1617 Compliance audits, 44-1602 Investigation of serious injury, 44-1618 Penalties, 44-1610 Permits, issuance of, 44-1616 Permits for certain rides, issuance of, 44-1620 Apprenticeship council, Establishment, organization, expenses, 44-661 Powers and duties, 44-662 Assistant secretaries, staff assistants, 75-5702 Child Labor, generally, this index Child support information, new employees, reports, 75-5743 Disability Concerns, Commission On, generally, this index Displaced Homemakers, generally, this index Division of workers compensation, Administrative law judges, 75-5708 Assistant attorney general, 44-5,124 Assistant directors, 75-5708 Director of workers compensation, 75-5708 Establishment and administration, 75-5708 Employees, generally, this index Employment, generally, this index Employment Agencies, generally, this index Employment Security, generally, this index Factories, generally, this index Governmental operations accountability law, department subject to, 75-5701 Human trafficking, notice offering to help victims, 75-759 K-GOAL, 75-5701 Labor and Employment, generally, this index Labor Disputes, generally, this index Labor management relations, 44-801 et seq. Labor Organizations, generally, this index Labor relations act, 44-801 et seq. Manufacturers and Manufacturing, generally, this index Mines and Minerals, generally, this index Public employees relations board, Attached to department of labor, 75-5713 Budgeting, purchasing, management, 75-5713 Powers, duties, functions, 75-5713 Powers and duties of secretary, 75-4323 Rules and regulations, orders and directives, preserved, 75-5713 Term of office, 75-4323 Records, Workers compensation director, availability, 74-711 Secretary of labor, Advisory boards and committees, appointment, 75-5724 Agreements, secretary of revenue, 75-5133a Amusement rides, 44-1601 et seq. Compliance audits, 44-1602 Enforcement actions, 44-1619 Fines, 44-1610 Permits, 44-1616 Permits for certain rides, 44-1620 Rules and regulations, 44-1614 Appointment, subject to senate confirmation, effect, 75-5701 Boiler safety act, transfer of powers and duties, 44-931 Children and youth advisory committee. See subhead Advisory committee, children and youth under Children and Minors, this index Commission on disability concerns, ex officio member, 74-6703 Disqualification for employment security benefits, determination, 44-706 Educational program, accidents, 75-5740 Human trafficking, Education plan, 75-759 Notice offering to help victims, 75-759 Report, 75-759 Investigations, 75-5702 Job skill program, approval of, 44-706 K-GOAL, application, 75-5701 Labor and Employment, this index Mediation, state labor disputes, duties, 75-4332 Mediators in labor disputes, appointment, 75-4332 Misclassification of employee as independent contractor, 44-766 et seq. Factors to be considered, 44-768 Information sharing with Department of Revenue, procedure, 44-767 Penalties, 44-768 Report, 44-769 New hires information, state directory, duties, 75-5742 Occupational safety and health standards, study of state enforcement of federal standards, 75-5744 Organization of department, 75-5723 Professional negotiation, schools and community colleges, 72-5413 et seq. Rules and regulations, 72-5432 Subpoena power, 72-5432 Public employees relations board, duties, 75-4323 Records, workers compensation director, availability, 74-711 Rules and regulations, 44-1614 Sale of Kansas City office building, 76-186 Substance abuse treatment program, approval of, 44-706 Workers compensation, Accident prevention programs, inspection, 44-5,104 Court reporters, appointment, fees, 44-552, 44-555 Soldiers' Home, generally, this index Special investigators, 75-5702 Veterans, generally, this index Veterans Affairs, Kansas Commission on, generally, this index Wages, generally, this index Workers Compensation, generally, this index Workforce development loan program act, 74-32,151 et seq. Funding, 74-32,160 Workweek, generally, this index LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT See, also, Labor, State Department of, generally, this index Advertisements, discrimination, 44-1009 Agricultural employment relations, Actions for damages, 44-830 Agreement, memorandum of, 44-825, 44-826 Agricultural labor relations board, 44-820 Activation, deactivation, 44-820 Final orders, enforcement, 44-829 Hearings, investigations, and elections to determine appropriate unit, 44-823 Powers and duties, 44-820 Controversy concerning prohibited practices, 44-829 Impasse, meet and confer proceedings, 44-826 Definitions, 44-819 Disputes, 44-826 Impasse, duties of board, 44-826 Dues check-off, 44-819 Agreement to extend right, 44-827 Employee organizations, 44-819, 44-821 Appropriate unit, designation, 44-823 Certified or recognized, 44-823, 44-824 Rights of members, 44-821 Employer rights not affected, 44-822 Fact-finding board, 44-826 Injunction, 44-829 Judicial review, board actions, 44-829 Legislative policy and objectives, 44-818 Memorandum of agreement, 44-825, 44-826 Organizations, employee, 44-819, 44-821, 44-823 Appropriate unit, designation, 44-823 Recognition, 44-823 Prohibited practices, 44-828, 44-829 Actions for damages, 44-830 Rights of employer not affected, 44-822 Agricultural labor relations, Agricultural labor relations board, 44-820 Attached to department of human resources, 75-5712 Budgeting, purchasing, management, 75-5712 Powers, duties, functions, 44-820, 75-5712 Rules and regulations, 75-5712 Alcoholic beverage control director, qualifications of employees, 41-204 Aliens, employment illegal, 21-6509 Apprentices, 44-639 et seq. Apprenticeship council, Establishment, organization, expenses, 44-661 Powers and duties, 44-662 Arbitration and Award, generally, this index Athlete agent act, uniform, Uniform Athlete Agents Act, post Attorney fees, blacklisting former employee, 44-119 Attorney general, working conditions, enforcement, 44-636 Back pay, substandard wages, 44-623 Blacklisting, employee, 44-117 et seq. Business agents, registration, 75-4336 Cease business operations, emergency control, 44-620 Centers of excellence, generally, 74-8103 et seq. Child labor, 38-601 et seq. See, also, Child Labor, this index Child support information, new employees, 75-5743 Choice of employment, 44-609 Cities of first class, 13-527 Classification of groups without valid business motive, 44-1009 Collective bargaining, 44-614 Subject to modification, 44-609, 44-614 Commerce, State Department of, generally, this index Commission salespersons, payment of commissions, 44-341 et seq. Conditions of employment, 44-819 Agreements, memorandum of, 44-825 Legislative policy, 44-818 Construction of laws, 44-626, 44-809a, 44-813 Continuity of operation, 44-606 Contractors, 44-317 Payment of wages, 44-317 Contracts, certain employments, 44-609 Modification by secretary, 44-609 Correctional Institutions, this index Correctional institutions, state, prison-made goods, 75-5273 et seq. Corrections, state department of, refusing employee time off to vote, 25-418 Crimes, punishments and penalties, 44-618, 44-619 Apprentices, minors and women, 44-640, 44-648 Blacklisting former employees, 44-118 Business operations, limit or cessation of, 44-616 Dangerous working conditions, 44-636 Discharge of employee under order of isolation or quarantine, 65-129d Disclosing confidential information, 44-635 Discrimination, 44-615 Employer, 44-808 Inadequate wages, apprentices and minors, 44-640 Inducing certain violations, 44-619 Injury by joint action, 44-615 Inspection of criminal history, requiring, 22-4710 Migrant workers, 44-129 Minimum wage and maximum hour law, 44-1210 Refusal to testify, 44-635 Witnesses and complaints, coercion, 44-615 Damages, blacklisting former employee, 44-119 Dangerous working conditions, 44-636 Death benefit plan, trust, 58-1101, 58-1102 Deceased employees, payment of wages, 44-318 Defined, old-age and survivors insurance for public employees, 40-2302 Disability benefit plan, trust, 58-1101, 58-1102 Discharge of employee, Bankruptcy, due to, 75-4316 Discrimination, 44-1009 Domestic violence, 44-1132 Wage garnishment, due to, 60-2311 Discrimination, 44-1001 et seq. Disability, 44-1009 Domestic violence, 44-1132 Reasonable accommodation, 44-1009 Sex, wages, 44-1205 Disputes. Labor Disputes, generally, this index Division of workers compensation. Labor, State Department of, this index Election to adopt act governing public employment, 75-4321 Elections, time off for employees to vote, 25-418 Employee organizations, 75-4324, 75-4325, 75-4327 Annual report, 75-4337 Recognition, 75-4327, 75-4328, 75-4329 Employers, Failure to pay wages, 44-315 Immunity for employment references, 44-119a Report required, 44-770 Employment Agencies, generally, this index Employment practices, 44-320 Employer's duty, 44-320 Request by employee, 44-320 Employment program, older Kansans, 75-5741 Employment retaliation claims. False Claims Act, Kansas, this index Employment Security, generally, this index Examiners, technical expertise, 44-622 Export Finance Act, Kansas, generally, this index Factory, defined, 44-637 Fairs, state fair, 2-205 Fines and penalties, see Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante Forcing employer to join employer organization, 44-809a Fraudulent representation upon employment, occupational diseases, 44-5a03 Group insurance. Insurance, this index Handicapped persons, Disability Concerns, Commission on, generally, this index Workers compensation fund to facilitate, 44-566 et seq. Hospital and medical facilities survey and construction, 65-413 Hours of labor, Child Labor, this index Jail prisoners, 22-4603 Maximum. Minimum Wage and Maximum Hour Law, post Orders of secretary, certain controversies, 44-607, 44-608 IMPACT act, 74-50,102 Impasse, 75-4332 Industrial conditions, relations, investigations, 44-624 Industrial safety, inspections, 44-636 Injunctions, 60-904 Dangerous working conditions, 44-636 Insurance, employer's liability, 40-1102 Inventions, employees, 44-130 Investigations, industrial conditions, 44-624 Investments in major projects and comprehensive training (IMPACT) act, 74-50,102 et seq. Job expansion and investment credit act, 79-32,153 et seq. Labor, secretary of, powers and duties, 75-4323 Labor, State Department of, generally, this index Labor controversies, certain employments, 44-603 et seq. Complaints, investigations and findings, 44-607 Compulsory process, 44-611, 44-622 Controversies, nonpublic interest industries, 44-621 Emergency control and operation, certain industries, 44-620 Employments regulated, 44-603 Public welfare findings, 44-606 Fines and penalties, 44-618, 44-619 Hearing examiners, 44-622 Labor unions, recognition, 44-614 Minimum or standard wage orders, 44-623 Nonpublic interest industries, controversies, 44-621 Notice of hearing, trial or investigation, 44-610 Orders, 44-608 Cease or limit business operations, 44-616 Contracts affected, 44-609 Judicial review, 44-612 Modification, 44-608 Notice, 44-608 Wages, 44-623 Rehearings, 44-608 Review and enforcement proceedings, 44-612 Secretary of labor, Cease or limit business operations, 44-616 Contract modifications, 44-609 Hearings, 44-610 Investigations, Industrial conditions, 44-624 Seasonal market conditions, 44-616 Judicial review, 44-612 Minimum or standard wage orders, 44-623 Oaths and affirmations, 44-622 Orders, 44-616 Service, orders, 44-608 Unlawful acts, see Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante Labor Disputes, generally, this index Labor Organizations, generally, this index Landlord and tenant, termination of tenancy, 58-2504 Limit business operations, emergency control, 44-620 Market conditions, investigations, 44-616 Maximum hours of labor. Minimum Wage and Maximum Hour Law, post Mediation, labor disputes, 44-817 Metropolitan transit authority, 12-2823 Migrant workers, Aliens, employment illegal, 21-6509 Crew chiefs, Registration, 44-127 Violation of act, 44-129 Definitions, 44-125 Kansas state employment service, information, 44-127, 44-128 Names, 44-127 Registration, crew chiefs, 44-127 Social security numbers, 44-127 Violation of act, 44-129 Wage payment, 44-126 Mines and Minerals, generally, this index Minimum wage and maximum hour law, Advisory committee, 44-1207 Application, other laws, 44-1212 Attorney fees, 44-1211 Cause of action, 44-623 Collective bargaining, effect on, 44-1213 Costs, 44-1211 Definitions, 44-1202 Discrimination, Complainants, 44-1210 Sex, 44-1205 Exemptions, 44-1203, 44-1204, 44-1207 Hours, maximum, 44-1204 Orders affecting, 44-608, 44-623 Records, requirements, inspection, 44-1209 Review of administrative agency's actions, 44-1208 Rules and regulations, 44-1207 Special permits, 44-1207 Violations, penalties, 44-1210 Wages, Claims, assignment to secretary, 44-1211 Liability, employer, 44-1211 Minimum, 44-1203 Exemptions, 44-1203, 44-1204, 44-1207 Overtime, 44-1204 New hires information, state directory, department of labor, 75-5742 Nonprofit corporations, promoting interest and welfare of labor, 17-1722, 17-1723 Occupational disease, workers compensation, 44-5a01 et seq. Oil and gas pipelines or leases, liens, 55-207 et seq. Older Kansans employment program, 75-5741 Orders, Publication, 44-645 Working conditions, apprentices and minors, 44-645 Organizations, employee labor, 75-4324, 75-4325, 75-4327 Annual report, 75-4337 Business agents, registration of, 75-4336 Recognition, 75-4327, 75-4328, 75-4329 Pay periods, Form of payment, 44-314 State Officers and Employees, generally, this index Penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante Pension plan, trust, 58-1101, 58-1102 Person, defined, 44-637 Picketing. Labor Disputes, this index Prisoners, 22-4603 Prison-made goods, 75-5273 et seq. Professional employer organization registration act, 44-1701 et seq. Profit sharing plan, trust, 58-1101 et seq. Protected rights, 44-813 Public employee relations board. Public employment, post Public employment, Agreement, memorandum of, 75-4330, 75-4331 Arbitration, memorandum of agreement, 75-4330 Civil Service, generally, this index Closure, certain state institutions, implementing procedures, 75-4377 Conditions of employment, Agreements, memorandum, 75-4330 Legislative policy, 75-4321 Deductions, state employee organization dues, 75-5501 Definitions, 75-4322 Disputes, 75-4332 Fact-finding board, appointment, 75-4332 Election to be bound by act, 75-4321 Employee organizations, 75-4324, 75-4325, 75-4327 Annual report, 75-4337 Business agents, registration of, 75-4336 Recognition, 75-4327, 75-4328, 75-4329 Employer rights not affected, 75-4326 Fact-finding board, 75-4332 Grievances, Legislative policy, 75-4321 Procedure, 75-4330 Impasse, 75-4332 Injunction, 75-4334 Legislative policy and objectives, 75-4321 Mediation, 75-4332 Mediators, appointment, 75-4332 Memoranda of agreement, 75-4330, 75-4332 Memorandum of understanding, 75-4331 Organizations, employee, 75-4324, 75-4325, 75-4327 Annual Report, filing fees, 75-4337 Business agents, registration of, 75-4336 Recognition, 75-4327, 75-4328, 75-4329 State employee dues, payroll deductions, 75-5501 Prohibited practices, 75-4333, 75-4334 Public employee relations board, Appointment of personnel, 75-4323 Attached to department of labor, 75-5713 Compensation and expenses, 75-4323 Contracts for performance of functions, 75-4323 Final orders, enforcement, 75-4334 Injunction, 75-4334 Labor, state department of, 75-5701 et seq. Mediation, 75-4332 Membership and terms of office, 75-4323, 75-5713 Powers and duties, 75-4323 Prohibited practices, proceedings to determine, 75-4334 Rules and regulations, 75-4323, 75-4327 Secretary of labor, powers and duties, 75-4323 Public employer, application of act, 75-4335 Rights of employer not affected, 75-4326 Rules and regulations, 75-4323, 75-4327 Supervisory employees, membership in employee organization, 75-4325 Termination of application of act, 75-4321 University of Kansas hospital authority, public agency, 76-3311 Public works, defined, 44-637 Records, wages paid, 44-623 Registration, Business agents for employee organizations, 75-4336 Regulation of labor, definitions, 44-637 Retirement plan, trust, 58-1101, 58-1102 Rights and remedies, 44-625 Roads and Highways, this index Seasonal occupations, investigations, 44-616 Secondary boycotts, 44-809a Secretary of labor, 75-5701 et seq. See, also, Labor, State Department of, this index Agricultural labor relations board, nominations, 44-820 Apprentices and minors, standard working conditions, 44-643 Carriers, accident investigations, 66-132 Claims under wage payment act, 44-313 et seq. Assignment for collection, 44-324 Hearings, 44-322a Compensation, employers and employees, 44-620 Compulsory process, 44-611, 44-622, 44-635 Confidential information, 44-635 Construction of laws, 44-626 Controversies, nonpublic interest industries, 44-621 Disqualification for employment security benefits, determination, 44-706 Emergency control of industry, 44-620 Emergency determination by secretary, 44-620 Employees' safety, 44-636 Enforcement of laws, 44-634 Fees, witnesses, 44-635 Incidental fund, 44-635 Inspection, working conditions, 44-636 Inspectors and clerical personnel, 44-646 Interrogatories, 44-635 Investigations, 75-5702 Job skill program, approval of, 44-706 Jurisdiction, Child labor laws, 44-601b, 44-634 Factory, mill and mine inspection, 44-601b, 44-631 Industrial health and safety laws, 44-634 Industrial inspections, 44-601b Regulation of labor and industry, 44-601, 44-626 Mine maps and plans, filing, 49-201 Oaths and affirmations, 44-611, 44-622, 44-635 Interrogatories, 44-635 Orders, Review, 44-647 Unsafe working conditions, 44-636 Public utilities, accident investigations, 66-132 Reciprocity, collection of wages, 44-327 Reports to governor, 44-634 Rules and regulations, Wage payments, 44-325 Standard working conditions, apprentices and minors, 44-643 Statistics, state and municipal officers, 44-638 Substance abuse treatment program, approval of, 44-706 Wage payment act, enforcement and administration, 44-322 et seq. Collection from out-of-state employer, 44-327 Fees, 44-635 Working conditions, apprentices and minors, 44-645 Separation, payment of wages, 44-315 Separation or segregation without valid business motive, 44-1009 Special investigators, 75-5702 State fair, 2-205 State supervision, 44-603 Stock bonus plan, trust, 58-1101, 58-1102 Strikes. Labor Disputes, generally, this index Subcontractors, 44-317 Payment of wages, 44-317 Suspend business operations, emergency control, 44-620 Teachers, generally, this index Trade Show Promotion, generally, this index Traffic regulations, employees violating, 8-2102 Trust of personal property, 58-1101, 58-1102 Unemployment compensation. Employment Security, generally, this index Uniform Athlete Agents Act, 44-1516 et seq., Administrative penalty, 44-1531 Athlete agents, Registration requirements, 44-1519, 44-1520 Attorney General, referral of violation, 44-1532 Certificate of registration, Denial, grounds for, 44-1521 Issuance, 44-1521 Renewal, 44-1521 Suspension, denial or refusal to review, 44-1522 Suspension, grounds for, 44-1521 Citation of act, 44-1516 Civil remedies, 44-1530 Criminal conduct by an athlete agent, 44-1529 Definitions, 44-1517 Fee fund, 44-1533 Fees, 44-1524 Notice to educational institution, 44-1526 Required form of contract, 44-1525 Required records, 44-1528 Right to cancel, 44-1527 Rules and regulations, 44-1535 Service of process, 44-1518 Subpoenas, 44-1518 Temporary registration, 44-1523 Void contracts, 44-1519 Unions. Labor Organizations, generally, this index Unlawful acts. See Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante Veterans, preference, 73-201, 73-231 Vocational Rehabilitation, generally, this index Wages, Assignment to secretary, 44-324 Binding settlement agreement, 44-316 Claims under wage payment act, Assignment to secretary, 44-324 Collection, out-of-state employer, 44-327 Court proceedings, 44-324 Determination of validity, 44-322a Hearings, notice and procedure, 44-322a Collection, out-of-state employer, 44-327 Deductions from, 44-319 Discrimination in, sex, 44-1205 Disputes, determination, 44-322a, 44-324 Fair wage, certain employments, 44-609 Migrant workers, 44-126 Minimum standard, certain controversies, 44-607, 44-608, 44-623 Minimum Wage and Maximum Hour Law, ante Overpayment, action, 44-623 Payment of, 44-313 et seq. Deceased employees, 44-318 Disputes, determination, 44-322a Employer's duty, 44-320 Interest on, assessment, 44-323 Migrant workers, 44-126 Notice to employees, 44-320 Order, 44-322a Request by employees, 44-320 Statement of deductions, 44-320 Undisputed amount, 44-316 Violations, 44-323 Waivers prohibited, 44-321 Prevailing wages, 19-1417, 68-110 Release, Condition for payment, 44-316 Retirement plan, automatic enrollment, 44-319a Substandard, action, 44-623 Unclaimed balances, 44-316 Withholding of, 44-319 Weeds, machinery and equipment operators, costs, 2-1322 Work-study program 74-3274 et seq. Working conditions, Apprentices, 44-639 et seq. Certain industries, public interest, 44-609 Dangerous, 44-636 Detrimental, apprentices, minors, 44-640 Order of secretary, certain controversies, 44-607, 44-608, 44-623 Standards, apprentices and minors, 44-643 Workers Compensation, generally, this index Workshop, defined, 44-637 Exception, private homes, 44-637 LABOR DISPUTES Generally, 44-801 et seq. Advertising, unlawful, 44-615 Barber shop business regulation, 65-1824 Business agent, defined, 44-802 Cease business operations, 44-616 Closed shop agreements, 44-809 Collective bargaining, 44-609, 44-614 All-union agreements, 44-809 Discrimination, 44-801 Elections, rules and regulations, 44-816 Forcing employer to bargain, 44-809a Rights of employees, 44-803 Violation of agreement, 44-809 Collective bargaining unit, definitions, 44-802 Compensation and expenses, mediators, 44-817 Complaints, right of employee, 44-809 Confidentiality, dispute resolution process, 75-4332 Conspiracy, quitting employment, 44-617 Construction of laws, 44-626, 44-809a, 44-813 Contracts, collective bargaining, 44-614 Controversies, public interest industries, 44-603 et seq. Complaints, 44-607 Compulsory process, 44-611 Emergency control of industry, 44-620 Evidence, 44-607 Examiner, technical expertise, 44-622 Hearings, Notice, 44-610 Rehearings, 44-608 Industries regulated, public welfare, 44-603, 44-606 Investigations, 44-607 Notice, 44-610 Judicial review and enforcement of orders, 44-612 Nonpublic interest industries, 44-621 Notice, hearing or investigation, 44-610 Orders, temporary, 44-607 Secretary of labor, Compulsory process, 44-611 Emergency control of industry, 44-620 Investigations, findings, orders, 44-607 Nonpublic interest industries, 44-621 Oaths or affirmations, 44-611 Orders, 44-608 Violation, misdemeanor, 44-618 Service, Findings, 44-607 Notice of investigations, 44-610 Orders, 44-608 Unlawful acts, Cease or limit business operations, 44-616 Discrimination, 44-615 Fines and penalties, 44-618 Inducing violation of law, 44-619 Injury by joint action, 44-615 County officers and employees, 75-4321 et seq. Crimes, punishments and penalties, 44-615 et seq. Cease or limit business operations, 44-616 Disclosing confidential information, 44-635 Discrimination, boycott, picketing, advertising, 44-615 Inducing violation of law, 44-619 Injure witness or litigant, 44-615 Investigations, refusal to testify, 44-635 Orders of secretary, violation, 44-618 Discrimination, 44-615 Egress from premises, picketing, 44-809 Elections, strikes, 44-809, 44-816 Emergency control of industry, 44-620 Employment Security Law, suitable work, 44-706 Fact finding, mediation, 75-4330, 75-4332 Felonies, 44-619 Fines and penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante Hearing examiners, 44-622 Human Resources, State Department of, generally, this index Inducing violation of law, 44-619 Ingress to premises, picketing, 44-809 Injunctions, 60-904 Labor, State Department of, generally, this index Limit business operations, 44-616 Lockouts, suitable work, employment security, 44-706 Mediators, appointment and duties, 44-817 Misdemeanors, 44-618 Investigations, refusal to testify, 44-635 Municipal officers and employees, 75-4321 et seq. Nonpublic interest industries, 44-621 Occupying property unlawfully, 44-809 Order, cease or limit business operations, 44-616 Picketing, 44-617 Domicile of employee, 44-809 Force and violence, 44-809 Unlawful, 44-615 Propaganda, unlawful, 44-615 Protected rights, 44-813 Public officers and employees, 75-4321 et seq. Reports to governor, secretary of labor, 44-634 Rights and remedies, 44-625, 44-803, 44-809 Rules and regulations, 44-816 School officers and employees, 75-4321 et seq. Secondary boycotts, 44-809a Secretary of labor, Mediators, 44-817 Rules and regulations, 44-816 Seizing property unlawfully, 44-809 Settlement, mediation, 44-817 State officers and employees, 75-4321 et seq. State supervision, 44-603, 44-606 Strike Vote Act, 44-809 Supreme court, review and enforcement proceedings, 44-612 Township officers and employees, 75-4321 et seq. Unspecified industries, reference, 44-621 LABOR ORGANIZATIONS Generally, 44-801 et seq. Acting as representative without authority, 44-809 Actions, 44-811 All-union agreements, 44-802, 44-809 Amendment of constitution or bylaws, filing, 44-805 Failure to file, penalties, 44-806a Annual report of employee organizations, 75-4337 Assessments, Annual reports, 44-806 Illegal acts, 44-809 Business agents, 44-802 Acting without license, 44-809 Constitution and bylaws, filing, 44-805 Employee organizations, 75-4336 Fees, registration certificate, 44-804 Illegal acts, 44-809 Qualifications, 44-804 Reports, annual, 44-806 Revocation or suspension of license, 44-810 Bylaws, filing copy with secretary of state, 44-805 Failure to file, penalties, 44-806a Child support information, new employees, 75-5743 Closed shop agreements, 44-809 Collective bargaining unit, defined, 44-802 Compensation and salaries, annual reports, 44-806 Constitution, filing copy with secretary of state, 44-805 Failure to file, penalties, 44-806a Construction of laws, 44-626, 44-809a, 44-813 Conveyance of real estate, 44-811a County attorneys, business agent's license, suspension or revocation, 44-810 Crimes, punishments and penalties, 44-809, 44-814 Dues, 44-809 Failure to file constitution, bylaws, annual report, 44-806a Inducing violation of law, 44-619 Labor disputes, 44-618 Defined, discrimination, 44-1002 Definitions, 44-802 Discrimination, this index Dues, Annual reports, 44-806 Illegal acts, 44-809 Elections, 44-802 All-union agreements, 44-809 Interference, 44-809 Reports, annual, 44-806 Rules and regulations, 44-816 Secret ballots, 44-809 Strikes, 44-809 Electronic filings, documents, rules and regulations, 75-443 Employment security law, joining or not, 44-706 False statements, license application, 44-809 Fees, 44-812 Annual reports, 44-806 Business agent's registration certificate, 44-804 Filing fee, annual reports, 44-806 Financial statements and annual reports, 44-806 Fines and penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante Forcing employer to bargain, 44-809a Forms, annual reports, 44-806 Grievances, rights of employee, 44-809 Group life insurance, 40-434 et seq. Human rights commission, Kansas, representative on, 44-1003 Inducing violation of law, 44-619 Injunctions, 44-814 Intimidation of employees, 44-809 Labor, State Department of, generally, this index Legal entity, 44-614 Licenses, false statements in applications, 44-809 Metropolitan transit authority, contracts, 12-2825 Officers, reports, 44-806 Penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante Protected rights, 44-813 Public employees, 75-4324, 75-4325, 75-4327 Business agents, registration, 75-4336 Prohibited practices, 75-4333, 75-4338, 75-4339 Recognition, 75-4327, 75-4328, 75-4329 Purchase of real estate, 44-811a Recognition, secretary of labor, 44-614 Records, 44-807 Registration of business agents, employee organizations, 74-139, 75-4336 Reports, Annual report of employee organizations, 75-4337 Annual report of labor organizations, 44-806, 44-806a Child support information, new employees, 75-5743 Rights and remedies, 44-625, 44-803 Rules and regulations, 44-816 Secondary boycotts, 44-809a Secret rituals, exemption from filing, 44-805 Service of process, 44-811 Soliciting membership without authority, 44-809 State officers and employees, 75-4324 et seq. Union agreements, elections, 44-816 Unlawful acts, Employer, 44-803 Labor disputes, 44-618 LABOR RELATIONS ACT Generally, 44-801 et seq. Labor, state department of, 75-5701 et seq. Labor, State Department of, generally, this index LABORATORIES Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), reports, 65-6002 Bureau of Investigation, generally, this index Certification, environmental analyses, 65-1,109a Confidential information, 65-1,108a, 65-6002 Approval to perform certain tests, 65-1,108 Certification to perform environmental analyses, 65-1,109a Department of transportation, testing, 68-404 Environmental analyses, certification to perform, 65-1,109a Heart of America regional computer forensics laboratory, 28-176 HIV screening, pregnant women and newborn children, 65-6018 Kansas Medical Facilities Survey and Construction Act, 65-410 et seq. Office of laboratory services. Health and Environment, State Department of, this index Pesticide Law, exemptions, 2-2440, 2-2441a Rules and regulations, 65-1,107 Serological tests, 65-153f, 65-6018 LAETRILE Generally, 65-6b01 et seq. LAKES AND PONDS See, also, Dams and Reservoirs, generally, this index; Waters and Watercourses, generally, this index Boats and Boating, generally, this index Cities, draining, 12-1617e Leases, townships, 80-933 Parks, generally, this index Playgrounds and Recreation Centers, generally, this index Pollution, 12-3101 et seq. Roads and highways, state highways, 68-406 Soil Conservation Districts, generally, this index Townships, Bonds for restoration, 80-937 Leases, 80-933 Water Pollution, generally, this index LAND Conveyance of easement, prohibition of, 58-3208 Defined, landowner liability, recreational areas, 58-3202 Land Sales Practices, this index Land Surveyors, generally, this index Land Surveys, generally, this index Public Lands, this index Real Estate, generally, this index State Land Office, generally, this index LAND AND WATER RECREATIONAL AREAS Liability, Adjacent property owner, 58-3214 Landowner, 58-3201 et seq. Responsible party, 58-3212 Recreational trails, 58-3211 et seq. LAND BANKS Land bank. Cities, this index Land bank. Wyandotte County, this index LAND PATENTS Generally, 58-2101 et seq. Railroads, recording, 58-2248 LAND SURVEYORS See, Surveyors, this index See, also, Technical Professions, this index LAND SURVEYS Generally, 19-1405 et seq., 58-2001 et seq. Coordinate system of 1983, Kansas, 58-20a01 et seq. Corners and boundaries, Establishing and reestablishing, 19-1411, 19-1412, 19-1422, 19-1423 Appeals, 19-1426 Quarter sections, 19-1409 County Surveyors, generally, this index Subdivision plats, review and certification, 58-2005 Land survey advisory committee, Abolition, 74-131, 74-132, 74-135, 74-137, 74-138 Fees, land survey fee fund, 58-2011 Records, duty to furnish by local government agencies, 58-2010 Rules and regulations, 58-2009 Landmark, tampering with, criminal code, 21-5816 Monumentation, Corners in subdivision boundary, 58-2001 Corners used in control, 58-2002 Exterior corners, 58-2001 Monuments, type of, Definitions, 58-2001 Planning commission, review and approval of subdivision plats, 58-2005 Plat of survey, review and certification, 58-2005 Plats of subdivisions, Information submitted with, 58-2004 Review and certification, 58-2005 Public survey, 75-2809 Locating certain points, 58-2003 Recordation of reference measurements, 58-2003 Records, 19-1407 Road surveys, 19-1420 Register of deeds, public survey reference measurements, recordation, 58-2003 State land surveying services, see Land Surveyors, generally, this index Subdivision of land, monumentation, 58-2001, 58-2002 Plats, Information submitted with, 58-2004 Recordation, monumentation prior to, 58-2001 Review and certification, 58-2005 United States government surveys, Plats and field notes, 19-1418 Resurveys, 19-1422 LANDFILL GAS Property tax, exemption, Landfill gas and production property, 79-201 LANDFILLS See subhead Solid waste under Waste, this index LANDLORD AND TENANT See, also, Residential Landlord and Tenant Act, generally, this index; Leases, generally, this index Generally, 58-2501 et seq. Affidavit, attachment, 58-2527, 58-2528 Assignment of term, 58-2511 Reentry, 58-2512 Buildings, purchase by landlord or removal by tenant, 58-2501, 58-2501a Coparcenary, 58-501 Actions, rents and profits, 58-2522 Repairs and improvements, contribution, 58-2521 Credit agreements, 36-208 Employer, termination of tenancy, 58-2504 Estate pur autre vie, rents, 58-2518 Executors and administrators, rents, 58-2519 Exemptions, waiver, 58-2530 Farm tenants, 58-2531 et seq. Agriculture, generally, this index Landlord's liability for certain tenant improvements, 58-2506a Termination of tenancy, 58-2506 Forcible detainer. Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, this index Housing projects, 17-2345 Cities of first class, 17-2336 et seq. Improvements, purchase by landlord or removal by tenant, 58-2501, 58-2501a Joint Tenants, generally, this index Judgments and decrees, attornment, 58-2514 Lien on crops, 58-2524 et seq. Life estate, rent, 58-2517 Military personnel, termination of tenancy, 58-2504 Nonpayment of rent, termination of tenancy, 58-2507 Occupant without special contract, rent, 58-2520 Protections, crime victims, 58-25,137 Public utilities, Separate water meters, 58-25,127 Reentry, 58-2512 Rent, Attornment, 58-2513 Coparcenary, actions, 58-2522 Damages, judgment in actions for possession, 60-1001 Dependent on life of another, 58-2518 Executors and administrators, 58-2519 Exemptions, waiver, 58-2530 Homes for the aged, individuals or corporations, 19-2112 Housing projects, municipalities, 17-2346, 17-2347 Lien on crop, 58-2524 et seq. Life estate, 58-2517 Nonpayment, termination of tenancy, 58-2507 Notice, termination of tenancy, ante Occupant without special contract, 58-2520 Payable at interval, 58-2503 Probate proceedings, collection, 59-808, 59-1401 Public utilities, report, 66-122 Real estate bid in by county by tax sale, 79-2706 et seq. Statute of frauds, 33-102 Residential Landlord and Tenant Act, generally, this index Service of notice, 58-2510 Sublessees, remedies, 58-2515 Tenancy at will, 58-2501, 58-2504, 58-2511, 58-2512 Tenancy by sufferance, 58-2509, 58-2511, 58-2512 Tenancy from year to year, 58-2502, 58-2505 Termination of tenancy, Lease for less than three months, 58-2508 Lease for three months or longer, 58-2507 Military personnel, 58-2504 Nonpayment of rent, 58-2507, 58-2508 Notice, service of, 58-2510 Specified in contract, 58-2509 Tenancy at will, 58-2504, 58-2509, 58-2512 Tenancy by sufferance, 58-2509, 58-2512 Tenancy from year to year, 58-2505 LANDOWNER Defined, watershed districts, 24-1202 Recreational areas, liability limitation, 58-3201 et seq. Recreational trails, 58-3211 et seq. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS See, also, Technical Professions, this index Board, state board of technical professions, 74-7001 et seq. Business entities, 74-7036 Certificate of authorization, 74-7001, 74-7036 Cancellation, reinstatement, 74-7025 Fees, 74-7009 Renewal, fees, 74-7025 Revocation, reinstatement, 74-7026 Appeals, 74-7028 Child support proceedings, licensing sanctions, Definitions, 74-146 Notice of contempt, 74-147 Social security or identification number required, 74-148 Corporations, 74-7036 Crimes, punishments and penalties, 74-7001 Definitions, technical profession, 74-7003 Examinations, 74-7009, 74-7013, 74-7017 Exemptions, 74-7035 Fees, 74-7009 Application, 74-7018 Cancellation, reinstatement, 74-7025 Continuing education, 74-7013, 74-7025 Denial, 74-7028 Examinations, 74-7009, 74-7013, 74-7017 Fees, 74-7009, 74-7025, 74-7026 Loss or destruction, reissue, 74-7025 Reciprocity, 74-7024 Renewal, 74-7025 Suspension or revocation, reinstatement, 74-7026 Appeal, 74-7028 Unlawful practice, 74-7001 Rights and privileges saved, 74-7040 Roster of registered architects, annual, 74-7010 Seal, 74-7023 Social security or identification number required, 74-148 Technical professions fee fund, 74-7009 LANE COUNTY Conveyances, irrigation purposes, 42-612 LANSING CORRECTIONAL FACILITY Correctional Institutions, this index LARCENY Crimes and Punishments, this index LARNED STATE HOSPITAL Administration, 76-12a06 Camp Pawnee, lease to girl scouts, 75-3323 Educational service agreements, 75-3099 Employees, Battery against, 21-5413 Employees, appointment, class of service, 76-12a05 Exceptional children, special education, 72-3403 et seq. Fee fund, 76-1302a Grants and gifts, 76-12a08 Kansas soldiers' home, transfer of patients, 76-1936 Kansas veterans' home, transfer of patients to, 76-1958 Lease of property, camp Pawnee, girl scouts, 75-3323 Location, 76-1303 Medical reports of patients, 76-12a10 Release, fees, 76-12a10 Operation and management, 76-12a01 et seq. Parking and operation of vehicles, 76-12a12 et seq. Patients, reception, rules and regulations, 76-1301 Physician, appointment and salary, 76-12a03 Privatization, prohibition against, 75-3373 Real estate, Lease of, 75-3307 Title, 75-3314 Security hospital. Larned State Security Hospital, generally, this index Security police officers, 76-12a16 Training, 76-12a17 Special education, exceptional children, 72-3403 et seq. Staff personnel, 76-12a04 Substance abuse programs, 76-12a22, 76-12a23 Superintendent, 76-12a02 State security hospital, acting as superintendent, 76-1306 Taxation, buildings, 76-6b05 Transfer of certain patients to state security hospital, 76-1307 Trust fund, persons under custody, 76-172 et seq. LARNED STATE SECURITY HOSPITAL Bonds, debt service, new hospital, 76-6b05 Buildings, 76-1306 Commitment of persons acquitted because of lack of mental state, 22-3428 Contraband, traffic in facility, 21-5914 Costs, proceedings and transportation, persons committed under criminal procedure acts, 22-3805 Employees, appointment, class of service, 76-12a05 Establishment, 76-1306 Inmates, transfer of inmates of other institutions to, 75-5209 Management, 76-1306 Medical reports of patients, 76-12a10 Operation in connection with and as part of Larned state hospital, 76-1306 Parking and operation of vehicles, 76-12a12 et seq. Patients, reception, 76-1301 Physician, appointment and salary, 76-12a03 Purpose, 76-1306 Security police officers, 76-12a16 Training, 76-12a16 Substance abuse programs, 76-12a22, 76-12a23 Staff personnel, 76-12a04 Superintendent, 76-1306 Traffic in contraband, criminal code, 21-5914 Transfer of patients from other state institutions, correctional institutions, diagnosis and treatment, 22-3805, 75-5209 Transfer of patients to institutions under secretary for children and families, 76-1307 Trust fund, persons under custody, 76-172 et seq. LAUNDRIES Dry Cleaners and Launderers, generally, this index LAW ENFORCEMENT See, also, Peace Officers, generally, this index; Police, generally, this index; Law Enforcement Officers, generally, this index Abuse, neglect or financial exploitation of certain persons, reports, 39-1401 et seq., 39-1430 et seq. Elder and dependent adult abuse multidisciplinary teams, 75-782 Agencies. Counties, this index Airport authorities, 3-168 et seq. Alvin Sykes cold case DNA task force, 21-6901 Assistance, Criminal background checks, 65-1696 Fingerprints, 65-1696 Body camera recordings, disclosure, 45-254 Call location information, wireless telecommunications carrier, 22-4615 Campus police, state educational institutions, 76-726 Cities, tax levies, 12-110b, 12-11a03 et seq. Cities of third class and townships, joint law enforcement department, 12-11a06 et seq. Communication system access and equipment, leasing, 75-5073 et seq. See subhead Communication System Equipment under Transportation, State Department of, this index Consolidated law enforcement, 19-4401 et seq. See, also, Counties, this index Counties, tax levies, 12-11a01, 12-11a02 Criminal justice coordinating council, 74-9501 Criminal justice information system, Kansas, 74-5701 et seq. Domestic violence, Domestic violence protection orders act, uniform interstate enforcement of, 60-31b01 et seq. Policies, adopted by law enforcement agencies, 22-2307 Liability, 22-2308 Educational benefits, dependents of deceased, injured or disabled public safety officers, 75-4364 Emergency medical services, communications, 65-6114, 65-6115 Equipment, purchase and repair, 12-110a Eyewitness procedures, 22-4619 Human breath testing, unlawful acts, 65-1,109 Human trafficking, training, 75-756 Improvement districts, agreements with sheriff to provide police protection, 19-2786h Interlocal agreements, 12-2901 et seq. Interrogations, policies, 22-4620 Juveniles. Juvenile Offenders, generally, this index Kansas intelligence fusion center, 48-3701 et seq. Kelsey Smith act, call location information, 22-4615 Law Enforcement Training Center, generally, this index Missing and Unidentified Persons, this index Motor vehicle information, furnishing, fees, 74-2012 Multijurisdictional law enforcement agreements, 19-828 Peer support counseling session communication privilege, 60-473 Police protection, interlocal agreements, 12-2904 Polygraph exam, certain victims, prohibition, 22-4614 Records, Child in need of care, 38-2212, 38-2213 Juvenile offenders, 38-2310 Sexually violent crimes and pornographic materials, 22-4618 Request for assistance from foreign jurisdiction, 48-3602 Stalking, policies, adopted, 22-2310 Tax levies, 12-110b Cities, 12-11a03 et seq. Townships and cities of third class, joint department, 12-11a06 et seq. Training. Law Enforcement Training Center, generally, this index Vehicle camera recordings, disclosure, 45-254 Wireless telecommunications carrier, call location information, 22-4615 LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS See, also, Police, generally, this index Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), disclosure of information to, 65-6004 Adjutant general, powers of officers employed by, 22-2401a Aircraft pilot's license, 3-204 Alcoholic beverage control, director and agents, powers and duties, 41-201 Appointment, 74-5607a Horsethief reservoir benefit district, 82a-2212 Penalties, failure to meet requirements, 74-5617 Permanent, Provisional, 74-5607a Registration required, central registry, 74-5611a Applicants, disclosure of records, 75-4379 Assistance, Criminal background checks, 65-1696 Fingerprints, 65-1696 Boats and Boating, this index Campus police, state educational institutions, 76-726 Capitol police, 75-4503 et seq. Central registry, 74-5611a Certification, 74-5607a Censure, 74-5616 Provisional, 74-5607a Reprimand, 74-5616 Submission of information, 74-5617 Suspension, revocation or denial, 74-5616 Children and minors, pupil identification, 72-53,106 Communication system access and equipment, leasing, 75-5073 et seq. See subhead Communication System Equipment under Transportation, State Department of, this index Community colleges, 72-8222 Law enforcement training, 74-5601 et seq. Conservation officers. Wildlife and Parks, Department of, this index Continuing education, 74-5607a Responding to stalking allegations, 74-5607a Corrections officers, state, powers, 75-5247a Crimes and Punishments, generally, this index Criminal justice coordinating council, 74-9501 Criminal justice information system, Kansas, 74-5701 et seq. Criminal Procedure, this index Defined, County law enforcement agency, 19-4402, 19-4425 Training center, 74-5602 Disaster emergency, duties, 48-934 Domestic violence committed by, 74-5602, 74-5605, 74-5616, 74-5617 Drug screening program, state, 75-4362 Educational benefits, dependents of deceased, injured or disabled public safety officers, 75-4364 Employment, criminal arrests and convictions, records and disclosure of, 12-4516 Firearms, certification of transfer, 48-1906 Firefighters, 31-157 Forfeiture of office, 74-5607a Health insurance, continuation of, 40-2140 Highway Patrol, generally, this index HIV infection, Disclosure of information to, 65-6004 Immunity from liability, Employment security benefit claimant's identity verification, 44-777 Immunity from liability for damage to vehicle in custody, driving under influence, 8-1011 Infectious disease, Disclosure of information, 65-6004 Jurisdiction, 22-2401a Liquid fuel carriers, enforcement of laws, 55-515, 55-517 Mayor, 13-508 Memorial to, state capitol grounds, 75-2250, 75-2251 Missing and Unidentified Persons, this index Motor carriers, 66-1,131 Motor fuel carriers, enforcement of laws, 55-515, 55-517 Municipal courts, 12-4111 Native American Indian Tribes, powers of officers employed by, 22-2401a Nonresident violator compact, 8-1219, 8-1222 Pawnbrokers, examination of premises and contents, 16-718 Peer support counseling session communication privilege, 60-473 Police, generally, this index Powers, 22-2401a Profiling. Racial and other profiling, post Provisional appointment, 74-5607a Public crisis or emergency. Emergencies, generally, this index Qualifications, 74-5605, 74-5616, 74-5617 Exception, 74-5605 Height restriction, 44-1110 Racial or other biased-based policing, Comprehensive plans, 22-4611a Data collections, 22-4611a Unlawful act, 22-4609 Railroad policemen, 66-524 Registry, 74-5611a Purpose, 74-5611a Report of officer resignation or termination, 74-5611a Agency immunity from civil liability, 74-5611a Request for assistance from foreign jurisdiction, 48-3602 School districts, 72-8222 Law enforcement training, 74-5601 et seq. Security police officers, Kansas department for aging and disability services institutions, 76-12a16 Training, 76-12a17 Sexual relations, unlawful, 21-5512 Sheriffs, generally, this index State law enforcement agencies, retirement or resignation, personal sidearm purchase, 75-6613 Suspension, failure to complete annual training, 74-5607a Termination from position, report, 74-5611a Training. Law Enforcement Training Center, generally, this index Training reimbursement fund, local law enforcement, 74-5620 Volunteers, Discharge of employee, 44-131 Warrants, execution of, 22-2305, 75-5217 Wildlife and Parks. See subhead Conservation officers under Wildlife, Parks and Tourism, Department of, this index LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING CENTER Generally, 74-5601 et seq. Administration, 74-5603 Annual education or training requirement, 74-5607a Applicants for admission, 74-5605 Pretraining evaluation, 74-5604a Qualifications, 74-5604a, 74-5605 Exception, 74-5605 Rejection, unqualified applicants, 74-5604a Statement certifying qualifications, 74-5605 Applicants for certification, Fingerprinting, 74-5607 Municipal university police officer, 74-5605 Qualifications, 74-5604a, 74-5605 Exception, 74-5605 Railroad policemen, 74-5605 School law enforcement officers, 74-5605 State, county or city law enforcement personnel, 74-5605 Statement certifying qualifications, 74-5605 Tribal law enforcement agency, 74-5605 Central registry, 74-5611a Names of officers appointed, 74-5611a Purpose 74-5611a Record of continuing education or training, 74-5607a Report of officer resignation or termination, 74-5611a Agency immunity from civil liability, 74-5611a Certification, Persons trained in other jurisdictions, 74-5608a Reinstatement of, 74-5622 Suspension, revocation or denial, 74-5616 Term of, 74-5622 Code of conduct, 74-5603 Community colleges, 72-8222 Law enforcement training, 74-5601 et seq. Continuing education or training, 74-5607a Responding to stalking allegations, 74-5607a Definitions, 74-5602 Director, 74-5602 Certification, persons trained in other jurisdictions, 74-5608a Reports, persons attending academy, 74-5611 Responsibility, 74-5603 et seq. Waiver of courses, 74-5608a Director of police training, Responsibility, 74-5603 et seq. Establishment, 74-5603 Extension of program, 74-5604a Fingerprinting, required, 74-5607 Firefighters, 31-157 Full-time, defined, 74-5602 Local law enforcement training reimbursement fund, 74-5620 Kansas commission on peace officers' standards and training, 74-5603, 74-5606 Application for civil enforcement of act, 74-5617 Certification of law enforcement officers, 74-5607a Censure, 74-5616 Conditions of, 74-5607a Provisional, 74-5607a Reprimand, 74-5607a Code of conduct, 74-5603 Composition, appointment, 74-5606 Contracts, 74-5607 Director of the commission, 74-5603 Powers and duties, 74-5603 Privileges, 74-5603 Duties and powers, 74-5603 et seq. Fingerprinting of applicants, 74-5607 Fund, 74-5619 Meetings, 74-5607 Racial or other biased-based policing complaints, 22-4611 Retirement system, Affiliation with Kansas police and firemens retirement system, 74-5623 Authorized leave of absence, effect of, 74-5623 Determination of benefits, 74-5623 Duties of department of administration, 74-5623 Duties of governor, 74-5623 Military service, 74-5623 Written election, 74-5623 Rules and regulations, Firearms, 74-5607 Subsistence allowance, travel expenses, 74-5607 Law enforcement, defined, 74-5602 Law Enforcement Officers, generally, this index Law enforcement training commission, 74-5606 Application for civil enforcement of act, 74-5617 Code of conduct, 74-5603 Composition, appointment, 74-5606 Continuing education, rules and regulations, 74-5607a Contracts, 74-5607 Duties, powers, 74-5603 et seq. Meetings, 74-5607 Rules and regulations, firearms, 74-5607 Subsistence allowance, travel expenses, 74-5607 Location, 74-5603 Part-time, defined, 74-5602 Penalties, failure to meet requirements, 74-5617 Personnel, 74-5603 Police officers, 74-5602 Continuing education, annual requirement, 74-5607a Hours required for certification, 74-5607a Permanent appointment, 74-5616 Certification required, 74-5607a, 74-5616 Provisional appointment, 74-5607a Registration, required, 74-5611a Termination from position, report, 74-5611a Pretraining evaluation, applicants, 74-5604a Purpose and function, 74-5603 Qualifications of applicants, 74-5605 Registry, 74-5611a Reimbursement of training costs, 74-5609a Reports, Officers terminated from positions, 74-5611a Persons attending academy, 74-5611 Rules and regulations, 74-5603 Continuing education or training, 74-5607a Suspension, revocation or denial of certification, 74-5606, 74-5616 School districts, 72-8222 Law enforcement training, 74-5601 et seq. Sheriffs, certification required, 19-801b Termination, position of officer, report, 74-5611a Training center, defined, 74-5602 Training courses, 74-5604a Continuing education, requirement, 74-5607a Course for full-time and part-time officers, 74-5604a Curriculum, program, 74-5603 Office of sheriff, 74-5604a Pretraining evaluation, applicants, 74-5604a Procedures regarding stalking, 74-5604a Regional bases, 74-5604a Sheriffs, undersheriffs and deputy sheriffs, 74-5604a Waiver, certain persons, 74-5608a Training schools, Certification by associate director, 74-5604a Local schools, certification, 74-5604a Tuition, 74-5609a Waiver, certain hours or courses, when, 74-5608a LAW EXAMINERS, BOARD OF Attorneys, this index LAW LIBRARIES County law libraries, 20-3126 et seq. Board of trustees, 20-3127, 20-3130 Branch libraries, 20-3131 Clerk of district court, duties, 20-3129 Counties designated urban areas, 20-3127 Election, 20-3126 Establishment, 20-3126 Fees, liability for, 20-3129 Filing of pleadings, 20-3126 Investments of idle funds, 20-3130 Joint law libraries, 20-3132 Librarian, 20-3128 Maintenance, 20-3128 Registration of attorneys, 20-3126 Treasurer, 20-3127 Use of library, 20-3127 Information Network of Kansas, generally, this index Joint law libraries, 20-3132 State library, 75-2534 et seq. Supreme court law library. See subhead Law library under Supreme Court, this index LAWN AND GARDEN EQUIPMENT Kansas lawn and garden equipment dealership act, 16-1401 et seq. Contracts, Change of contract, 16-1403 Good cause, 16-1406 Effect of act on contract, 16-1409 Equipment not required to be repurchased, 16-1404 Liabilities, 16-1405 Notice of termination, 16-1407 Dealership transfer, approval, 16-1407 Remedies, 16-1410 Dealership transfer, approval, 16-1407 Definitions, 16-1402 LAWRENCE, CITY OF Easement along Kansas river, 82a-213 Haskell institute and industrial school, 27-107 State-owned land, lease for airport purposes, 76-329, 76-329a LAWS Common Law, generally, this index Ordinances, generally, this index Popular Name Laws, generally, this index Statutes, generally, this index Uniform Laws, generally, this index LAWYERS Attorneys, generally, this index LEAD Poisoning, residential childhood lead poisoning prevention act, 65-1,200 et seq. Unlawful sale, lead arsenate, 2-2203 LEAGUE OF KANSAS MUNICIPALITIES Generally, 12-1610c et seq. LEASES See, also, Landlord and Tenant, generally, this index Airport authorities, park land, airport purposes, 13-1348b Airports and Landing Fields, this index Alienees of lessors and lessees, remedies, 58-2516 Athletic fields, cities of first class, 13-1357 Auditorium, cities of third class, 15-1123 Camp Pawnee, wheat belt council, girl scouts, 75-3323 Cash-basis law, 10-1116b Cities of first class, Hospitals, 13-14b02 Levee property, 13-1074 et seq. Military memorial parks or athletic fields, 13-1357 Park land, airport purposes, 13-1348b Parking facilities, 13-1388 Cities of second class, Campsites, 14-2001 Gas drilling site, 14-1041 et seq. Hospitals, this index Parking facilities, 13-1388 Cities of third class, Gas drilling sites, 15-1117 et seq. Municipal auditorium, 15-1123 Commercial code, uniform commercial code, post Community colleges, 71-201 Conservators and Conservatorships, this index Consumer lease, defined, 16a-1-301 Counties, this index County buildings, memorials for veterans, 73-407 County hospitals. Hospitals, this index Dairy products, unfair trade practices, 50-503 Disclosure, Consumer leases, 16a-3-201 Security interests, 16a-3-301 Ellsworth home for aged, leasing property to Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society, 76-14a02 Equity skimming, 21-6504 Evidence, record of notice, 58-2236 Executors and administrators, real estate, 59-1409 Fairs and Expositions, this index Farm leases, 58-2531 et seq. Fire districts, townships over 17,500, special equipment, 80-1534 Fort Hays state university, 76-504 Garbage and refuse collection and disposal purposes, townships, 80-2201 Garbage collection facilities, 12-2102 Gas leases. Oil and Gas Leases, generally, this index Homes for the aged, Cities of third class, 12-4911 Individuals or corporations, 19-2112 Homestead, incapacitated persons, 59-2314 et seq. Hospitals, cities of second class, 14-644, 14-679, 14-687 Housing bond obligees, 17-2355 Housing projects, 17-2345 Incapacitated persons, 59-1715 Homestead, 59-2314 et seq. Industrial development, municipal property, 12-1708b, 12-1708a Industrial districts, 19-3808 Interlocal agreements, public agencies, 12-2907 Irrigation, Continuance of use, 42-310 Kansas state university, leasing land to or from state college endowment association, 76-443 et seq. Lakes, townships, 80-933 Landlord and tenant. Residential Landlord and Tenant Act, generally, this index Lease-purchase agreements, personalty, consumer protection, 50-680 et seq. Levee property, cities of first class, 13-1074 et seq. Library board, 12-1225 Machinery and equipment, purchase from industrial revenue bonds, sales tax exemption, 79-3603 Medical facilities, 65-424a, 65-424b Memorial buildings, 73-407 Metropolitan transit authority, 12-2805, 12-2806 Equipment, 12-2809 Military memorial parks or athletic fields, cities of first class, 13-1357 Mined-land conservation and reclamation act, 49-406 Mines and Minerals, this index Motor Vehicles, this index Municipal housing bond obligees, 17-2355 Municipal property, 12-1708a, 12-1708b, 12-1736, 12-1738 Municipal universities, 13-13a13, 13-13a17 Norton state hospital, 76-1519a Oil and Gas Leases, generally, this index Optometrists, entering into, 65-1502 Parking Lots and Facilities, this index Parks or playgrounds, Cities of first class, 13-1348b, 13-1356 et seq. Hays, city of, 76-2007d et seq. Lands for, 12-1301 Township, 80-933 Probate Proceedings, this index Public Lands, this index Railroads, this index Real estate, trusts for benefit of state or local political subdivisions, 58-2433 Records, notice, 58-2236 Refuse collection and disposal facilities, 12-2102 Rent. Landlord and Tenant, this index Safe Deposit Boxes, generally, this index School districts, 72-8225 Cash-basis law inapplicable, 72-8225 Secured Transactions, generally, this index Soldiers' home, farm lands, 76-1939 State buildings and grounds, Currently not required for governmental purposes, 75-3686 Ad valorem taxation, exemption, 75-3686 Liquor and vending facilities laws, application, 75-3686 Notice, publication, 75-430a Office space, state agencies, 75-3651 State lands. See subhead Leases under Public Lands, this index Statute of frauds, 33-105 Sublessees, remedies, 58-2515 Tangible personal property, sales tax, rate, 79-3603 Tax sales, property bid in by county, 79-2706 et seq. Telegraph companies, 17-1905 Townships, this index Trusts and trustees, 59-1715 Uniform Commercial Code, 84-2a-101 et seq. Acceleration, 84-2a-109 Acceptance of goods, 84-2a-515 Notice, effect, 84-2a-516 Revocation, 84-2a-517 Accessions, 84-2a-310 Alienability of interest under lease contract, 84-2a-303 Anticipatory repudiation, 84-2a-402 Refraction, 84-2a-403 Application of other law, 84-2a-104 Assurance of performance, 84-2a-401 Cancellation and termination, rights and remedies, 84-2a-505 Casualty to identified goods, 84-2a-221 Cover, substituted goods, 84-2a-518 Creating a security interest, 84-1-203 Creditors, rights, 84-2a-308 Damages, Incidental and consequential, 84-2a-520, 84-2a-530 Liquidation, 84-2a-504 Market rent, proof of, 84-2a-507 Nondelivery, nonacceptance, repudiation, default and breach, lessee, 84-2a-519, 84-2a-528 Rent, action for, 84-2a-529 Residual, interest, 84-2a-532 Specific performance, 84-2a-521 Default, Cover, substituted goods, 84-2a-518 Damages, 84-2a-504 Notice, 84-2a-502 Procedure, 84-2a-501 Risk of loss, 84-2a-220 Statute of limitations, 84-2a-506 Waiver or renunciation of claim, 84-2a-107 Definitions and index, 84-2a-103 Delivery, stoppage of, 84-2a-526 Enforceability, 84-2a-301 Excused performance, 84-2a-405 Procedure, 84-2a-406 Finance lease, Beneficiary of supply contract, 84-2a-209 Irrevocable promises, 84-2a-407 Fixtures, 84-2a-309 Formation, 84-2a-204 Offer and acceptance, 84-2a-206 Frauds, statute of, 84-2a-201 Goods, Accessions, 84-2a-310 Fixtures, 84-2a-309 Identification, 84-2a-217 Possession, 84-2a-525 Sale or sublease, 84-2a-305 Subsequent lease, 84-2a-304 Title, 84-2a-302 Identification, 84-2a-217 Improper delivery, 84-2a-509 Insecurity of performance, 84-2a-401 Insolvency of lessor, rights of lessee, 84-2a-522 Installment lease contract, 84-2a-510 Insurance and proceeds, 84-2a-218 Jurisdiction of law, 84-2a-106 Lessee, Damages, 84-2a-519 Improper delivery, rights of, 84-2a-509 Insolvency of lessor, 84-2a-522 Installment lease contract, rejection by, 84-2a-510 Rejected goods, duties of, 84-2a-511, 84-2a-512 Remedies, 84-2a-508 Specific performance or replevin, right to, 84-2a-521 Waiver of obligations, 84-2a-514 Lessor, Damages, Incidental, 84-2a-530 Nonacceptance, failure to pay, repudiation or default, 84-2a-528 Rent, action for, 84-2a-529 Residual interest, 84-2a-532 Disposal of goods, 84-2a-527 Identification of goods, right to, 84-2a-524 Possession of goods, 84-2a-525 Remedies, 84-2a-523 Stoppage of delivery, 84-2a-526 Liens, priority, 84-2a-306, 84-2a-307 Modification, 84-2a-208 Offers, 84-2a-205 Parol or extrinsic evidence, 84-2a-202 Performance, Anticipatory repudiation, 84-2a-402 Retraction, 84-2a-403 Assurance, 84-2a-401 Excused, 84-2a-405 Procedure, 84-2a-406 Insecurity, 84-2a-401 Substituted, 84-2a-404 Rejected goods, 84-2a-511, 84-2a-512 Remedies of lessee, 84-2a-508 Rescission, 84-2a-208 Risk of loss, 84-2a-219 Default, 84-2a-220 Sale or sublease, 84-2a-305 Seals, 84-2a-203 Specific performance or replevin, lessee's right to, 84-2a-521 Statute of limitations, 84-2a-506 Subordination by agreement, 84-2a-311 Subsequent lease, 84-2a-304 Substituted performance, 84-2a-404 Tender or delivery, improper, 84-2a-513 Third party, standing to sue by lessee and lessor, 84-2a-531 Title, certificate, application of article 2a of code, 84-2a-105 Unconscionable contracts or clauses, 84-2a-108 Waiver, 84-2a-208, 84-2a-514 Warranties, Conflict, 84-2a-215 Exclusion, 84-2a-214 Express, 84-2a-210 Fitness for a particular purpose, 84-2a-213 Interference and infringement, 84-2a-211 Merchantability, 84-2a-212 Modification, 84-2a-214 Third-party beneficiaries, 84-2a-216 United States, this index Urban renewal, 17-4748, 17-4750 LEAVENWORTH, CITY OF United States buildings, 27-108 Waterworks board, 13-2414 et seq. Collections and accounts manager, 13-2420 Election, 13-2415 Employees, 13-2421 Meetings and records, 13-2417 Members, terms, vacancies, 13-2416 Parking facilities, 13-2429 Powers and duties, 13-2418, 13-2427, 13-2428 Production and distribution manager, 13-2419 Rates, 13-2422 Sinking fund, 13-2422, 13-2423 Treasurer, 13-2424 Validation of prior ordinances, 13-2414a LEAVENWORTH COUNTY Boundaries, 18-152 Conveyance of public lands, 76-176 et seq.; see, Public Lands, generally, this index Abandoned channel, 76-182 County codes and resolutions, enforcement of, 19-101d Extension councils, election, 2-611 Kansas City Area Transportation District and Authority Compact, 12-2524 et seq. Tax levy for, 12-2535 Mo-Kan Metropolitan Development District and Agency Compact, 12-2514 National military home, jurisdiction, 27-110 Township fire departments, 80-1919 et seq. LEGACIES AND LEGATEES Probate Proceedings, generally, this index LEGAL DISABILITY Defined, statutory construction, 77-201 Persons under, limitation of actions, 60-508, 60-515 LEGAL HOLIDAYS Holidays and Days of Commemoration, generally, this index LEGAL PUBLICATION Publication, this index LEGISLATIVE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES, DIVISION OF See, also, Legislative Coordinating Council, generally, this index Generally, 46-1212a et seq. Advisory council on intergovernmental relations, transfer of records and property, 74-5911 Director of legislative administrative services, 46-1212a et seq. Appointment and compensation, 46-1212a Moneys deposited in special revenue fund, 46-1207a Payrolls and vouchers, preparation of, 46-150, 46-152 Publications, sale and disposition, 45-316, 46-1207a Legislative special revenue fund, proceeds deposited in, 46-1207a Removal, 46-1212a State agency publications, duties, 46-1212c Surplus property, proceeds of sale deposited in special revenue fund, 46-1207a Travel authorization, 46-1211a, 46-1212a Employees and assistants, 46-1212a Retirement benefits, 46-1212b Officers and employees of joint committee on legislative services and facilities, transferred to, 46-1212b Personnel documents and records, administering, 46-1212a State capitol, Offices in capitol, unique office numbers, 75-2267 Transfer of functions from joint committee on legislative services and facilities, 46-1212a LEGISLATIVE APPORTIONMENT Apportionment, generally, this index LEGISLATIVE BUDGET COMMITTEE Generally, 46-1208 Appointment and duties, 46-1208 Federal coronavirus relief funds, 75-5745 Investigative committees, 46-1001 Kansas sports hall of fame, board of trustees report on financing, 74-2916 Legal services, submission of request for proposal to, 75-37,135 Legislative studies, 46-1206 LEGISLATIVE COORDINATING COUNCIL Authority, 46-1202 Capitol, Maintenance and repair, approval, 75-3763 Space and facilities, assignment, 75-3765a Capitol area plaza authority, report by governor, 75-2241a Chairperson, 46-1201 Committees, 46-1205 See, also, Legislature, this index Compensation of members, 46-1209 Interim studies, 46-1205 Notice of meetings, 75-430 Investigative committees, 46-1001 Legislative budget committee, 46-1208 Compensation and salaries, 46-1209 Compulsory process, 46-1001 et seq. Authority to use, 46-1005 Committees, authorization, 46-1205 Criminal accusations, referral, 46-1015 Expenses of members, 46-1209 Legislative budget committee, 46-1208 Prosecution by attorney general, 46-1015 Reports, 46-1207 Rules adopted by coordinating council, 46-1202 Travel authorization, 46-1209 Computer services, legislative information system, 46-1501 et seq. Contract for audit of actuarial services of public employees retirement system, 46-1204 Contracts for personal property or services, 46-1204 Documents and other papers, 46-1207a Education commission of the states, legislative members, compensation, 72-6014 Emergency management, powers and duties, 48-924, 48-925 Employees, 46-1213 Retirement and Pensions, generally, this index Expenses, 46-1209 Functions, 46-1202 Fund, legislative special revenue, deposits in, 46-1207a Hiram Price Dillon house, use and assignment of space, 75-3682 Judicial survey and study, assistance, 20-153 Legislative Administrative Services, Division of, generally, this index Legislative counsel, office of, 46-1222a Legislative Research Department, generally, this index Legislative stationery and printed materials, proceeds deposited in special revenue fund, 46-1207a Legislature employment security fund, 75-5745 Federal coronavirus relief fund, 75-5745 Notice, 46-1201 Place, 46-1209 Votes required for action, 46-1202 Members, 46-1201 Compensation, 46-1209 Expenses, 46-1209 Travel authorizations, 46-1209 Midwestern higher education commission, membership, 72-60b02 Minutes, preparation and distribution, 46-1201 New employment security information technology system, Expenditure of funds, review and report, 75-5746 Parking, legislative needs, 75-4506 Powers, 46-1202 Public employees retirement system, contract for audit of actuarial services of 46-1204 Publications, sale or disposition, 46-1207a Legislative special revenue fund, proceeds deposited in, 46-1207a Reports, Alternative form or manner of reporting, certain, Publishing on internet, 75-3048 Submission on CD-ROM, electronically readable media, 75-3048 Annual, 46-1207 Committee studies, 46-1207 Professional or consultant services acquisition, 75-37,132, 75-37,135 Purchases, procurement procedure waivers and delegations, 75-3739 Procurement negotiating committees, contracts, 75-37,102 State agencies, program, activities, 75-3046, 75-3048 Studies, 46-1207 Publication, 46-1207 Revisor of Statutes, generally, this index Rules, 46-1202 Services, contracts for, 46-1204 State capitol, Capital improvement project, 75-2262 Parking upon grounds, 75-4506 Space and facilities, assignment, 75-2243a Supreme court chamber, 75-2243a Studies, Initiation, 46-1206 Reports, 46-1207 Retail rates, electric public utilities, 66-1287 Supreme court chamber, 75-2243a, 75-3763 Travel by officers and employees, 46-1211a Vice chairperson, 46-1201 Vote required for action, 46-1202 Vouchers, preparation by director of legislative administrative services, 46-1209 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Transition to legislative coordinating council, 46-1217 et seq. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL, OFFICE OF Generally, 46-1222a LEGISLATIVE POST AUDIT COMMITTEE Audits, 46-1101 et seq. Combined audits, 46-1123 Computer assisted mass appraisal system (CAMA), 74-2023 Confidentiality, when public, 46-1128 Economic development incentive program evaluations, 46-1137 Employee use funds, 75-3080 Federal audit services, 46-1118 Firms, 46-1122, 46-1123, 46-1125, 46-1126, 46-1127 Governmental competition, study of economic impact of taxation and exemption, 79-2990 Governmental operations accountability law, 74-7285 Institutions, canteen, benefit and work therapy funds, 75-3728f Kansas water pollution control revolving fund, audit of, 65-3322 Performance audits, 46-1108, 46-1114, 46-1136 Purposes, 46-1108 Public employees retirement system, Kansas, 46-1136 Records, 46-1114 Access to, 46-1106 Sports hall of fame, state of Kansas, 74-2912 State agencies, 46-1106 Technology, 46-1135 University of Kansas hospital authority, 76-3305 Vehicle information processing system (VIPS), 74-2023 Veterans claims assistance program, 73-1237 Veterans preference laws, 73-201c Violations, prosecution, 46-1106, 46-1116 Venue, 46-1117 Bills, introduction of, 46-1101 Canteen fund, benefit funds, work therapy funds, subject to post audit, 75-3728f Chairperson, election, 46-1101 Charges, audit services, 46-1118 Compensation and salaries, 46-1104 Confidential or privileged information, 46-1106 Audit reports, 46-1128 Excise tax returns and reports, 75-5133 Contract audit committee, 46-1120 et seq. Contracts, state, audits of persons contracting, 46-1114 Definitions, 46-1112 Division of post audit, 46-1103, 46-1120 et seq. Annual budget, 46-1103 Compensation and expenses, 46-1104 Employees, 46-1103 Compensation, 46-1103 Criminal history record check, 46-1103 Kansas technology enterprise corporation, 74-8111 Kansas venture capital, inc., audit of, 74-8209 Monumental building surcharge, exemption, 75-37,161 Veterans claims assistance program, 73-1237 Established, 46-1101 Federal audit committee, abolished, 46-1120a Federal audit services, Specifications established, 46-1123 State agencies, 46-1118 Fiscal audits, Federal audits, 46-1118 Funds, Audit services fund, 46-1118 Withholding, failure to furnish records, 46-1115 Gifts, grants, person receiving, audits, 46-1114 Governmental operations accountability law, 74-7283 et seq. Governor, Records, audit of 75-103 Request for audit, 46-1109, 46-1113 Information for audit, failure to furnish, 46-1115 K-GOAL, 74-7283 et seq. Legislation, introduction of, 46-1101 Legislative studies, initiation, 46-1206 Legislature, audit on request of, 46-1109, 46-1113 Local government, subdivisions, agencies, instrumentalities, audits, 46-1114 Meetings, 46-1101 Members, 46-1101 Compensation, 46-1104 Expenses, 46-1104 Payrolls, approval, 46-1104 Performance audits, 46-1108, 46-1114 Pooled money investment board, 75-4256 Post audit, division of. Division of post audit, ante Post auditor, Appointment, 46-1102 Compensation and expenses, 46-1102, 75-3212 Duties, 46-1106, 46-1114, 46-1115 Governmental operations accountability law, 74-7285 Qualifications, 46-1102 Removal from office, 46-1102 Tax information, access to, 74-2424 Income tax, 79-3234 Privilege tax, financial institutions, 79-1119 Public employees retirement system, Kansas, 46-1136 Quorum, 46-1101 Records, 46-1114 Access to, 46-1106 Failure to make available, 46-1115, 46-1116 Governor's, audit of, 75-104 Reports, 46-1106 Confidentiality of audit reports, 46-1128 Economic development incentive program evaluations, Information transfer to secretary of commerce, public database, 46-1137 School finance performance audits, 72-5173 Vice-chairperson, Election, 46-1101 Powers, 46-1101 Violations, prosecution, 46-1116 Venue, 46-1117 Vouchers, approval, 46-1104 Whistleblower act, 75-2973 LEGISLATIVE RESEARCH DEPARTMENT Applications or agreements for nonstate funds, state agencies, notice, copies filed, 75-3050, 75-3051 Assistants and employees, 46-1210, 46-1217 Legislative employees, 46-1213 Budgets of state agencies, information filed, 75-3717, 75-3717b Capital improvement budgets, state agencies, filed, 75-3717b Claims against the state, staffing joint committee, 46-916 Compensation and salaries, 46-1210, 46-1213, 46-1216 Travel allowances, out-of-state, 75-3216 Contracts of state educational institutions, filing, 75-3711b Duties and functions, 46-1210 Employees, 46-1210 Establishment, 46-1210 Ethics, State Governmental, generally, this index Expenses, 46-1210, 46-1213, 46-1216 Federal cash management fund, interest payment reports, 75-3083 Joint estimates of revenue, Automated tax systems, 75-5147 State general fund, 75-6701 Legislative council, research department, reference to, 46-1219 Records and property of legislative council, 46-1220 Travel of officers and employees, 46-1211a, 75-3216 LEGISLATURE Acts, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 20 Kansas register, 64-103, 75-430 Kansas Statutes Annotated, 77-131 et seq. Session laws, 45-310 Adjournment, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 8 Disagreement between houses, Kan. Const. Art. 1, § 5 Senate impeaching public officer, 37-112 Veto after, 45-304b Reconsideration of bill, 45-304b Administrative regulations, Copies, 77-430 Submission of copies to joint committee on administrative rules and regulations, 77-426 Administrative services. Legislative Administrative Services, Division of, generally, this index Alternative health care board, proposed, 65-7214 Appointments, confirmation of, procedure, 75-4315d Apportionment, Kan. Const. Art. 10, § 1 House of representatives, 4-3,731 et seq. Senate, 4-4,451 et seq. Supreme court jurisdiction, 20-101a Table, preceding 4-101 Appropriations, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 24. See, also, Appropriations, generally, this index Veto by governor, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 14, 45-307 Appropriations committee, see Ways and means and appropriations committees, post Approval by, Radioactive waste disposal site, acquisition of, 65-3449 State educational institutions, closure or merger, 76-712 United States government, acquisition of property, 27-101 Water, State water plan, 82a-906 Withdrawal and use, contracts, 82a-1307 Arkansas River Compact, 82a-520 Articles of impeachment, public officers, 37-102 et seq. Attorney general, furnishing legal opinions, 75-704 Attorneys, employment by legislative coordinating council, 46-1204 Audits, Legislative Post Audit Committee, this index Request, 46-1109 Bills and resolutions, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 20 Approval, majority vote, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 13 Approval by governor, 45-303 Bills becoming law without approval of governor, 45-305 Carried or held over to succeeding session, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 8 Copies, enrolled bills, 45-301 Crimes, amendment or creation, fiscal impact statement, 74-9106 Delivery from one body to another, 45-309 Effective date, appropriation bills, 75-6702 Enrolled bills and resolutions, 45-301 Delivery to secretary of state, 75-103 Printing, 45-301 Specifications, 45-314 Taking from secretary of state's office, 75-404 Fiscal notes and impact statements, 74-9106, 75-3715a, 75-3715b Held over, consideration, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 8 Items of appropriation of money, Veto, reconsideration, 45-308, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 14 Certificate of passage notwithstanding veto, 45-308 Judicial notice, 60-409 Kansas register, publication of bills, 45-312 Legislative information, 46-1501 Omnibus reconciliation spending limit bill, 75-6702 Prefiling, 46-801 et seq. Introduction, effect, 46-804 Printing and distribution, 46-803 Presentation to governor for approval, 45-302 Time, 45-302 Printing of, 45-301, 45-314, 45-317, 75-1005 Specifications, 45-314 Types, 45-317 Publication, 45-310, 45-312, 64-103, 75-430, 77-131, et seq. Reconsideration by legislature, 45-304 Secretary of state, Delivery to, 75-103 Removal from, 75-404 Signing legislative documents by officers, 45-302 Statutes, generally, this index Veto by governor, 45-304; Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 14 After adjournment, reconsideration, 45-304b Items of appropriations of money, 45-307 Reconsideration by legislature, 45-307, 45-308 Journal entries referring to, 45-304a Passage over veto, 45-304 Pocket veto prohibited, 45-305 Reconsideration by legislature, 45-304 Veto after adjournment, 45-304b Reconsideration, 45-304b Board of regents, constitutional requirements, Kan. Const. Art. 6,§ 2 et seq. Budget, Advice and assistance of director of budget, 75-3715 Report of governor, 75-3720, 75-3721 Ways and means committees, post Budget committee, 46-1208 Candidates for office, certain solicitations prohibited, 46-236 Claims against the state, 46-907, 46-912 et seq. Joint committee on special claims against the state, 46-907, 46-912 et seq. Prisoner of war dependents, educational benefits, 73-1216 Tort Claims Act, generally, this index Colleges and universities, building needs, reports and recommendations, 76-6b03 Committees, 46-1205 Administrative rules and regulations, joint committee on, 77-436 Appropriations committee, see Ways and means and appropriations committees, post Confirmation oversight committee, 46-2601 Continuing committees, 46-134a Corrections and juvenile justice oversight, joint committee on, 46-2801 et seq. Juvenile justice commissioner, reports and recommendations, 75-7024 Economic development, 46-1601 et seq. Fiduciary financial institutions oversight, joint committee on, 46-4001 Information technology, joint committee on, 46-2101, 46-2102 Interstate cooperation committees, 46-401 et seq. Investigating. Investigating committees, post Joint committee on child welfare system oversight, 46-3901 Joint committee on Kansas security, 46-3301 Joint committee on state-tribal relations, 46-2302 Composition and duties, 46-2303 Legislative Budget Committee, generally, this index Legislative post audit. Legislative Post Audit Committee, this index Legislative studies, initiation and referral, 46-1206 Meetings, Calling, 46-1207 Open to public, 75-4317 et seq. Minority party representation, 46-1205 Pensions, investments and benefits, joint committee on, 46-2201 Reports. See Reports, generally, infra Rules and regulations, joint committee, 77-426, 77-436 Security, joint committee on Kansas security, 46-3301 Special claims against the state, joint committee on, 46-907, 46-912 et seq. State building construction, joint committee on, 46-1701, 46-1702 Capital improvement budget estimates, 75-3717b Reports, presentations, Capital improvements, Correctional industries, 75-5282 Endowment association projects, 76-756, 76-757 Hospital authority projects, 76-3308a Medical center projects, 76-760 Research foundations, projects, 76-759 School construction, 75-2321 Change orders, 75-1264 Changes in fee guidelines, projects, 75-1263 Colleges and universities, maintenance projects, 76-7,101 et seq. Energy audits, state-owned real property, 75-37,128 Federal funds projects, 75-3717b Infrastructure finance program, 76-7,116 et seq. Long-term infrastructure maintenance program, 76-7,101 et seq. Projects, monthly progress, 75-1264 Real property inventory system, department of transportation, 75-3516 State office space leases, 75-3765b Technical colleges, maintenance projects, 76-7,116 et seq. Washburn university, maintenance projects, 76-7,116 et seq. State treasurer, accounts and books, inspection, 75-609 Statewide broadband expansion planning task force, 66-1286 Study, 46-1205 Telecommunications, Composition, powers and duties, 66-2017 Ways and means and appropriations committees, post Communications from state employees, whistleblower act, 75-2973 Compensation and salaries, 46-137a et seq., 46-1209, 75-3215 Commission on, 46-3101 Committees, 46-1209, 75-3212, 75-3213 Appropriations and ways and means committees, 46-134a Chairpersons, 46-137b, 75-3718a Interim committees, 46-1209, 75-3212 Division of legislative administrative services, 46-1212a Emergency interim successors, 48-1311 Employees, 46-150 House of representatives, 46-137a et seq., 75-3213 Impeachment of public officers, 37-114, 37-115 Legislative coordinating council, 46-1209, 75-3212 Meetings, attendance, 46-137d, 46-1209, 75-3215 House of Representatives, at call of Speaker, 46-161 More than one meeting on same day, 75-3213 Senate, at call of President, 46-161 Vacancies, meetings to fill, 46-161 Members, 46-137a Officers, Additional salaries, 46-137b Subsistence allowances, 46-137e Travel allowances, out-of-state, 75-3216 Orientation meetings, members-elect, 46-146a Out-of-state travel, 75-3208, 75-3212, 75-3216 Pages, 46-158 Per diem, 46-137a, 75-3212, 75-3213 Preorganizational meetings, 46-144, 46-145 Candidates for office, 46-145 Members-elect, 46-144 Senate, 46-137a et seq., 75-3213 Subsistence allowances, 46-137a, 46-137e, 75-3212, 75-3213 Vacancies in office, meetings to fill, 46-161 Warrants, 46-137c Approval, 46-137c Compensation commission, 46-3101 Compulsory process. Investigating committees, post Computer services, legislative information system, 46-1501 et seq. Concurrent resolutions, See, also, Bills and resolutions, ante Legislative studies, initiation, 46-1206 Publication in session laws, 45-310 Rules and regulations of state agencies, legislative concern, 77-426 Conflict of Interests. See Ethics, State Governmental, this index Constitutional provisions, Kan. Const. Art. 2, §§ 1 to 30 Convening of, 46-157, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 8 Commencement of terms, 46-156, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 2 Enemy attack, 48-1309 Coordinating council. Legislative Coordinating Council, generally, this index Counsel, legislative, 46-1222a Crimes and penalties, Censure or expulsion of members, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 8 Impeachment, 37-101 et seq., Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 27, 28 Immunity of members, 46-125 et seq; Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 22 Removal of property from hall of house of representatives, 75-2207, 75-2208 Criminal justice coordinating council, 74-9501 Depositions involving legislators, 46-128 Districts, House of representatives, 4-3,731 et seq. Senate, 4-4,451 et seq. Table, preceding, 4-101 Documents and papers, See, also, Legislative documents, post Altering a legislative document, criminal code, 21-5827 Deposit with secretary of state, 46-1207a Legislative information system, 46-1501 et seq. Sale or disposition, 46-1207a Proceeds deposited in special revenue fund, 46-1207a Domicile and residence, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 4 Drug screening program, 75-4362 Early childhood developmental services, coordinating council on, 74-7801 et seq. Education, Kan. Const. Art. 6 Election, House of representatives, post Senate, post Emergency interim legislative succession act, 48-1301 et seq. Emergency management, powers and duties, 48-924 Employees. Officers and employees, post Ethics, State Governmental, generally, this index Expenses, 46-137a, 46-153, 75-3215 Travel expenses, post Fees, impeachment proceedings, 37-108 Fiscal notes for certain bills, budget director's duties, 75-3715a, 75-3715b 4-H club camp fund, 74-3206 Governmental operations accountability law, 74-7283 et seq. Governor, Budget report, 75-3720, 75-3721 Messages of governor, 75-102, 75-3721 Hazardous radioactive waste, site approval, 65-3449 Health care stabilization fund oversight committee, 40-3403b House of representatives, Adjournment, ante Appointment, filling vacancy, 25-3903 Apportionment, Kan. Const. Art. 10, § 1 Districts, 4-3,731 et seq. Table, preceding 4-101 Assistant majority leader, additional compensation, 46-137b Capitol area plaza authority, membership, 75-2237 Chief clerk, Presentation of bills to governor, 45-302 Signing of legislative documents, 45-302 Committees, ante Compensation and salaries, ante Convening of, 46-157, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 8 Court proceedings, privileges of members, 46-125 et seq. Districts, 4-3,731 et seq. Apportionment, Kan. Const. Art. 10, § 1 Census, 11-201 Table, preceding, 4-101 See, also, Elections, generally, this index Campaign finance act. Elections, this index Certificate of election, 25-3211, 46-143 Determination of, Kan. Const., Art. 2, § 8 Filing nomination papers and declarations of candidacy, 25-208 Reports, list of members, 25-3210 Residence, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 4 Term of office, 25-321, 46-156, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 2 Vacancies, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 9; 25-321, 25-3903, 25-3904, 25-3905, 25-3906 Emergency interim legislative succession act, 48-1301 et seq. Film services commission, membership, 74-9201 Impeachments, 37-101 et seq. Interstate cooperation committee, 46-402 et seq. Majority leader, Compensation, additional allowances, 46-137b, 46-137d, 46-137e Finance council membership, 75-3708 Selection and authority, 46-145 Meetings at call of speaker, compensation and expenses, 46-161 Midwestern higher education commission, membership, 72-60b02 Minority leader, Appointments, Advisory council on aging, 75-5911 Capitol area plaza authority, 75-2237 Commission on disability concerns, 74-6703 Film services commission, 74-9201 Kansas sentencing commission, 74-9102 Compensation, additional, 46-137b, 46-137d, 46-137e Finance council membership, 75-3708 Preorganizational meetings, 46-145 Selection and authority, 46-145 State agency reports, frivolous litigation, assessment of costs, 75-3079 Oath of office, emergency interim successors, 48-1306 Ouster, emergency interim successor, 48-1310 Preorganizational meetings, 46-142 et seq. Qualifications, Kan. Const. Art. 2, §§ 4, 5, 8 Determination of, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 8 Removal of property from hall, 75-2207, 75-2208 Residence, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 4 Resignation of member, 46-160 Roll-call system and equipment, 46-601 et seq. Speaker, Appointments, Advisory council on aging, 75-5911 Capitol area plaza authority, 75-2237 Commission on disability concerns, 74-6703 Film services commission, 74-9201 Kansas sentencing commission, 74-9102 Persian Gulf War veterans health initiative board member, 73-1223 Water authority, Kansas, 74-2622 Claims against the state, meetings authorized, 46-918 Compensation, additional, 46-137b, 46-137d, 46-137e Finance council membership, 75-3708 Governorship, succession to, 48-1204; Kan. Const. Art. 1, § 13 Interstate cooperation committee, chairperson, 46-402 Organizational meetings, 46-145 Orientation meetings, 46-146a Reports to, 75-5620 Signing of legislative documents, 45-302 State agency reports, frivolous litigation, assessment of costs, 75-3079 Vouchers, approval, 46-153 Speaker pro tem, compensation, additional, 46-137b, 46-137d, 46-137e Term of members, 46-156; Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 2 Vacancies in office, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 9, 25-321, 25-3903 Voting, mechanical or electrical voting equipment, 46-601 et seq. Waiver, privileges of members in court proceedings, 46-127 Immunities, 46-125 et seq.; Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 22 Impeachment of public officers, 37-101 et seq. Compensation, travel and subsistence expenses, 37-114, 37-115, 37-117 Information system, legislative, 46-1501 et seq. Information technology projects, 75-7201 et seq. Insurance, mandated health benefits, impact report, 40-2248, 40-2249 Interim committees. Committees, ante. See, also, Legislative Coordinating Council, generally, this index Interstate cooperation commission, 46-404 Chairperson, 46-404 Membership, 46-404 Interstate cooperation committees, 46-401 et seq. Investigating committees, 46-1001 Authorization, information to witness, 46-1010 Compulsory process, 46-1002, 46-1004 Contempt of legislature, 46-1014, 46-1015, 46-1016 Penalties, 46-1014 Counsel for witnesses, 46-1012 Criminal accusations, referral to attorney general, 46-1015 Inherent legislative power not limited, 46-1016 Meetings, 46-1002 Open to public, 75-4317 et seq. Oaths, administration, 46-1007 Perjury, 46-1015 Powers, when exercised, 46-1002 Record, preservation, 46-1011 Rules, 46-1002 Subcommittee, minimum size, 46-1002 Subject of inquiry, 46-1005 Testimony, Publication, 46-1002 Questions, 46-1009 Record, preservation of, 46-1011 Secrecy, 46-1002 Witnesses, 46-1006 Counsel, 46-1012 Payment of fees, 46-1006 Statements, written, 46-1013 Joint committees. See Committees, ante Journals, 45-116 Distribution, 45-116 Fees for delivery, 75-436 Sale price, 45-116 Veto messages, 45-304, 45-304a Judgments and decrees, legislative personnel involved, 46-127a Judicial notice, legislative personnel, 46-127 K-GOAL, 74-7283 et seq. Leadership conferences, 46-146a Legislative Administrative Services, Division of, generally, this index Legislative Budget Committee, generally, this index Legislative Coordinating Council, generally, this index Legislative counsel, 46-1222a Legislative documents, Approval, 45-313 Expenses of publication, 45-316 Signatures by officers, 45-302 Legislative information system, 46-1501 et seq. Function, scope, 46-1501 Information services, 46-1503 Purchases, contracts, application of laws, 46-1503 Supervision, operation, 46-1501 Legislative post audit. Legislative Post Audit Committee, this index Legislative Research Department, generally, this index Legislative special revenue fund, 46-1207a Library services, state library, 46-1212 Meetings, open to public, 75-4317 et seq. See, also, Meetings, generally, this index Adjournment, public policy, 75-4317 Members, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 2 et seq. Members-elect, Gifts, favors and services, Acceptance prohibited, 46-236 Solicitation prohibited, 46-237 List, 25-3210 Orientation meetings, 46-146a Preorganizational meetings, 46-142 et seq. Compensation and expenses, 46-144 et seq. Notice, 46-143 Midwestern higher education commission, membership, 72-60b02 Mileage. Travel expenses, post National conference of state legislatures, participation, 46-408 Oath of office, emergency interim successors, 48-1306 Oaths and affirmations, impeachment of public officers, 37-109 Office space, 75-3765a Officers and employees, Compensation and salaries, 46-150 Deferred compensation plan, 46-1302 Employment, 46-150 Legislative administrative services, duties, 46-1212a Legislative coordinating council, 46-1213 Pages, compensation, 46-158 Payrolls, preparation, 46-152 Personnel records, 46-150 Public employees retirement system, 74-4914, 74-4927l Retirement, benefits, 46-1213, 74-4914 Vouchers, preparation, 46-152, 46-153 Omnibus reconciliation spending limit bill, 75-6702 Orientation meetings, compensation and expenses, 46-146a Pages, compensation, 46-158 Parking upon capitol grounds, 75-4506 Payrolls, approval, 46-153 Per diem, compensation and salaries, ante Post audit. Legislative Post Audit Committee, this index Preorganizational meetings, 46-142 et seq. Chairperson of each house, 46-142 Compensation and expenses, 46-144 Members-elect, 46-142 et seq. Officers of house, senate or party, 46-145 Meetings, 46-145 Selection of, 46-142 Notice by secretary of state, 46-143 Privileges and immunities, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 22 Court proceedings, 46-125 et seq. Emergency interim successors, 48-1311 Public employees retirement system, Employment or appointments by, 74-4914 Publications, Bills and resolutions, 45-310, 45-312, 64-103, 75-430 Kansas register, 64-103 Sale or disposition, 46-1207a Proceeds deposited in special revenue fund, 46-1207a State agencies, listing and distribution, 46-1212c Statutes, Kansas Statutes Annotated, 77-131 et seq. Supplements to K.S.A., 77-163 et seq. Qualifications for office, Kan. Const. Art. 2, §§ 4, 5, 8 Determination of, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 8 Residence, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 4 Questions of law, legal opinions by attorney general, 75-704 Quorum, enemy attack, 48-1312 Radioactive hazardous waste, site acquisition, 65-3449 Reapportionment. Apportionment, ante Records, preservation act, 45-410 Regular sessions, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 8 Compensation and expenses, members, 46-137a, 46-137d Reports, 46-1212c, 75-3044 et seq. Agricultural production loan deposit program, 75-4270 Agriculture, committees on, sericea lespedeza research, 76-4,102 Angel investor tax credit act, 74-8135 Attorney general, abuse, neglect and financial exploitation of persons unit, 75-723 Cancer research and public information trust fund, 76-841 Center for innovative school leadership, activities, 76-767 Client assessment, referral and evaluation (CARE) program, 75-5940 Commerce, dept. of, annual report, 74-5049 Compensation commission, 46-3101 Economic development incentive program information database, 74-50,227 Economic development programs, secretary of commerce, 74-50,228 Energy audits, state-owned real property, 75-37,128 Form or manner of reporting, Publishing on internet, 74-5049, 74-50,151, 74-8004, 74-8204, 75-3048, 75-3739a Submission on CD-ROM, electronically readable media, 74-5049, 74-50,151, 74-8004, 74-8204, 75-3048 Foster child educational assistance act, 75-53,118 Health and environment, state department of Kansas, 75-7405 Health care benefits program, pilot program, certain low-income children, 75-6506a Health care data, 65-6807 Inmate and juvenile deaths in state facilities, investigation reports, 75-52,147 KAN-ED act, annual report, 75-7226 Kansas economic development initiatives fund, annual report on projects, 74-50,151 Kansas guardianship program, 74-9603 Kansas postsecondary educational savings program, 75-644, 75-646 Kansas sports hall of fame, board of trustees report on financing, 74-2916 Kansas venture capital, inc., annual report, recommendations, 74-8204 Long-term care services, 75-5946, 75-5954 Low-income family postsecondary savings accounts incentive program, 75-650 Mandated health insurance benefits, impact study, 40-2248, 40-2249 Minimum admissions standards, 76-717a Offenses committed by sex offenders in custody, secretary of corrections, 75-52,148 Optometry practice, 74-1505 Pregnancy maintenance initiative program, 65-1,159a Qualified industrial manufacturer act, 74-50,122 Quality care improvement panel, 75-7435 Real property inventory system, department of transportation, 75-3516 Regents, state board of, 74-3202c Sanitation rules and regulations, tattooing, body piercing, tanning facilities, 74-2706 Senior services trust fund, 75-4267 Trauma, advisory committee on, 75-5664 Tuition waiver program, persons in custody of Kansas department for children and families at age 18, 74-32,161 University of Kansas hospital authority, financial and audit reports, 76-3311 Workforce development, commerce, division monitoring unit, 74-5002s Republican River Compact, ratification, 82a-518 Research. Legislative Research Department, generally, this index Residence requirement, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 4 Resignation of member, 46-160 Resolutions. Bills and resolutions, ante Retirement and pensions, 74-4991 et seq. See, also, Retirement and Pensions, this index Certain legislative members, 74-4927l Certain members not under social security, 74-4998a Deferred compensation, 74-4911f Employees, certain, 46-1302 Deferred compensation, 74-4911f Legislative service applied, 46-159 Legislator employed by other participating employer, 74-4915b Membership, legislators, 74-4991 et seq. Rights, duties, liabilities, benefits, 74-4993, 74-4998a Special members, 74-4998b et seq. Rules and regulations of state agencies, resolution expressing concern, 77-426 Salaries. Compensation and salaries, ante School district state financial aid, Priority in legislative budgeting process, 72-64c03 Reviews of school district finance, 72-5172 School finance, Kan. Const. Art. 6, §6 Schools and School Districts, generally, this index Senate, Absence, impeachment proceedings, 37-110 Adjournment, ante Appointments, confirmation of, 75-4315b Administration, secretary of, 75-3702a Aging and disability services, secretary for, 75-5903 Alcoholic beverage control, director, 75-5117 Bank commissioner, 75-1304 Banking board, 74-3004 Children and families, secretary for, 75-5301 Commerce, secretary of, 74-5002a Confirmation oversight committee, 46-2601 Corporation commission members, 74-601 Corrections, secretary of, 75-5203 Court of appeals judges, 20-3020 Credit union administrator, 17-2233 Health and environment, secretary of, 75-5601 Highway patrol superintendent, 74-2113 Indigents' defense services, state board of, 22-4519 Kansas bureau of investigation, director of, 75-711 Kansas development finance authority, board of directors, 74-8903 Labor, secretary of, 75-5701 Librarian, state, 75-2535 Lottery, Kansas, Executive director, 74-8703 Military forces, Adjutant general, 48-203 General officers, 48-208 Pooled money investment board, members, 75-4221a Procedure, 75-4315b Public employee relations board, 75-4323 Public employees retirement system, board of trustees, 74-4905 Racing and gaming commission, 74-8803 Executive director, 74-8805 Regents, state board of, 74-3202a Revenue, secretary of, 75-5101 State historical society, executive director, 75-2701 Tax appeals, state board of, 74-2433 Transportation, secretary of, 75-5001 Water authority, Kansas, chairperson, 74-2622 Water office, Kansas, director, 74-2613 Apportionment, Kan. Const. Art. 10, § 1 Districts, 4-4,451 et seq. Table, preceding 4-101 Assistant majority leader, additional compensation, 46-137b Capitol area plaza authority, membership, 75-2237 Committees, ante Compensation and salaries, ante Convening of, 46-157, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 8 Court proceedings, privileges of members, 46-125 et seq. Districts, 4-4,451 et seq. Apportionment, Kan. Const. Art. 10, § 1 Table, preceding 4-101 Election, 25-101, See, also, Elections, generally, this index Campaign finance act. Elections, this index Certificate of, 25-3211, 46-143 Determination of, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 8 Filing nomination petitions and declarations of candidacy, 25-208 Reports, list of members, 25-3210 Residence requirement, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 4 Terms of office, 25-321, 46-156, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 2 Vacancies, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 9; 25-321, 25-3903, 25-3904, 25-3905, 25-3906 Film services commission, membership, 74-9201 Highway committee chairperson, turnpike authority member, 68-2003 Impeachment of public officers, 37-101 et seq. Interstate cooperation committee, 46-401 et seq. Majority leader, Authority of nominated candidate, 46-145 Compensation, additional, 46-137b, 46-137d, 46-137e Finance council membership, 75-3708 Meetings at call of president, compensation and expenses, 46-161 Midwestern higher education commission, membership, 72-60b02 Minority leader, Appointments, Advisory council on aging, 75-5911 Capitol area plaza authority, 75-2237 Commission on disability concerns, 74-6703 Film services commission, 74-9201 Kansas sentencing commission, 74-9102 Compensation, additional, 46-137b, 46-137d, 46-137e Finance council membership, 75-3708 Preorganizational meetings, 46-145 State agency reports, frivolous litigation, assessment of costs, 75-3079 Number of members, 4-101 Oath of office, emergency interim successors, 48-1306 Ouster, emergency interim successor, 48-1310 Preorganizational meetings, 46-142 et seq. President, Appointments, Advisory council on aging, 75-5911 Capitol area plaza authority, 75-2237 Commission on disability concerns, 74-6703 Film services commission, 74-9201 Kansas sentencing commission, 74-9102 Persian Gulf War veterans health initiative board member, 73-1223 Water authority, Kansas, 74-2622 Claims against the state, meetings authorized, 46-918 Compensation, additional allowances, 46-137b, 46-137d, 46-137e Finance council membership, 75-3708 Governorship, succession, 48-1204 Interstate cooperation committee, chairperson, 46-401 Organizational meetings, 46-145 Orientation meetings, compensation and expenses, 46-146a Reports to, 75-5620 Signing of legislative documents, 45-302 State agency reports, frivolous litigation, assessment of costs, 75-3079 Vouchers, approval, 46-153 Qualifications, Kan. Const. Art. 2, §§ 4, 5, 8 Determination of, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 8 Regents, state board of, confirmation of appointment, 74-3202a Resignation of member, 46-160 Secretary, Presentation of bills to governor, 45-302 Signing of legislative documents by, 45-302 Studies, initiation, 46-1206 Term of members, 46-156; Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 2 Commencement, 46-156, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 2 Filling vacancy, 25-321 Vacancy in office of, filling, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 9, 25-321, 25-3903 et seq. Vice-president, compensation and expenses, additional, 46-137b, 46-137d, 46-137e Waiver, privileges of members in court proceedings, 46-127 Ways and means committees, post Services and facilities. Legislative Administrative Services, Division of, generally, this index Session laws, 45-310 et seq. Distribution, 45-106 Sessions, Adjournment, Disagreement between houses, Kan. Const. Art. 1, § 5 Without consent of other house, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 8 Bills and resolutions, consideration, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 8 Change of place, enemy attack, 48-1308 Commencement, Date, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 8 Time, 46-157 Compensation and expenses, members, 46-137a, 46-137d Duration, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 8 Extension, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 8 Regular sessions, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 8 Special, 46-1401 et seq.; Kan. Const. Art. 1, § 5 Soil conservation districts, 2-1902 State agency publications, current listing, 46-1212c State educational institutions, approval of closure or merger, 76-712 State employees, communications, reports, 75-2973 State institutions, building needs, reports, 76-6b03 Studies, Commissioned by, 46-1226 Committees, ante Initiation, 46-1206 Reports, 46-1207 Subsistence expenses, 46-137a et seq., 75-3212, 75-3215 Exemptions, when, 75-3216 Impeachment of public officers, 37-114, 37-115 Surplus property, Proceeds, disposition, legislative special revenue fund, 75-6612 Surplus personal property, certain disposition, 75-6612, 75-6613 Term of members, 46-156; Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 2 Commencement of terms, 46-156; Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 2 Filling vacancies, 25-321 Tie votes, offices of governor and lieutenant governor, determination, 25-3209 Certification of results, publication, 25-3211 Records, 25-3211 Report by secretary of state, 25-3210 Travel expenses, 46-137a et seq., 46-1209, 75-3212 et seq. Committees, 46-1209, 75-3212, 75-3213, 75-3215 Exemptions, 75-3216 Impeachment of public officers, 37-114, 37-115 Interim committees, 46-1209, 75-3212, 75-3213, 75-3215 Meetings on same day, 75-3213 Out-of-state, 46-1209, 75-3208, 75-3212, 75-3216 Ways and means and appropriations committees, 46-134a, 75-3213, 75-3214, 75-3718a Vacancies, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 9 Filling, 25-321, 25-3901 et seq. Meetings to fill, compensation and expenses, 46-161 Veto of bills by governor, 45-304; Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 14 Certificates of passage notwithstanding veto, 45-308 Items of appropriation of money, 45-307 Reconsideration by legislature, 45-308 Messages, journal entries, 45-304a Reconsideration by legislature, 45-304 Vouchers, approval, 46-153 Water plan storage act, contracts for withdrawal and use, filing, 82a-1307 Ways and means and appropriations committees, Budget, Advice and assistance of director of budget, 75-3715 Hearings on tentative budget, attendance of chairpersons or representatives, 75-3718a Chairpersons, Compensation for office, 46-137b Finance council membership, 75-3708 Compensation and salaries, 46-134a, 75-3213, 75-3214, 75-3718a Continuing committees, 46-134a Meetings, 46-134a Omnibus reconciliation spending limit bill, 75-6702 Reports, Automated tax systems, 75-5147 Data processing acquisitions, university of Kansas medical center, 76-3,100 Information technology projects, changes, cost overruns, 75-7211 Kansas sports hall of fame, board of trustees report on financing, 74-2916 Moving expenses paid for state personnel, 75-3225 Pilot project, psychiatric and substance abuse services, 39-1611 Professional services acquisition, 75-37,132, 75-37,135 State purchasing procedures and delegations, 75-3739, 75-37,102 State institutions, visit by members, 46-134a Subcommittees, meetings, 46-134a Travel expenses, 46-134a, 75-3213, 75-3214, 75-3718a Vacancies, 46-134a Whistleblower act, 75-2973 LETTERS OF CREDIT Generally, 84-5-101 et seq. Actions and proceedings, Damages, 84-5-111 Injunction, 84-5-109 Jurisdiction, choice of law and forum, 84-5-116 Limitation of actions, 84-5-115 Remedies, 84-5-111 Adviser, obligations, 84-5-107 Amendment, 84-5-106 Form, 84-5-104 Applicant, subrogation, 84-5-117 Application and scope of UCC, article 5, 84-5-103 Effective date of act, 84-5-118, 84-5-119 Assignment, Proceeds of letter of credit, 84-5-114 Transfer, post Beneficiary, Successor of a beneficiary, 84-5-113 Transferee beneficiary, notice to, 84-5-107 Warranties, 84-5-110 Cancellation, 84-5-106 Form, 84-5-104 Commercial code, uniform, application and scope of article 5, 84-5-103 Confirmation, form, 84-5-104 Confirmer, rights and obligations, 84-5-107 Damages, breach or dishonor, 84-5-111 et seq. Definitions, 84-5-102 Contract for sale, 84-2-106 Midnight deadline, 84-4-104 Sales act, 84-2-325 Dishonor, Issuer rights and obligations, 84-5-108, 84-5-109 Remedies, 84-5-111 Rights of seller, 84-2-325 Effective date of act, 84-5-118, 84-5-119 Enforceable, 84-5-106 Expiration, 84-5-106 Export Finance Act, Kansas, generally, this index Forgery, 84-5-109 Form, requirements, 84-5-104 Fraud, 84-5-109 Honor, Issuer, rights and obligations, 84-5-108, 84-5-109 Injunction, 84-5-109 Issuer, Rights and obligations, 84-5-108 Fraud and forgery, 84-5-109 Subrogation, 84-5-117 Jurisdiction, forum for settling disputes, 84-5-116 Limitation of actions, 84-5-115 Nominated person, Obligations, 84-5-107 Subrogation, 84-5-117 Notice, Issuer, rights and obligations, 84-5-108 Transferee beneficiary, 84-5-107 Pesticide business license, 2-2448 Proceeds of a letter of credit, assignment, 84-5-114 Remedies, wrongful dishonor, 84-5-111 et seq. Repudiation, remedies, 84-5-111 et seq. Revocation, 84-5-106 Subrogation of rights, 84-5-117 Successor of a beneficiary, 84-5-113 Form, 84-5-104 Proceeds of a letter of credit, 84-5-114 Warranties, 84-5-110 LEVEES AND FLOOD CONTROL See, also, Improvements, generally, this index Generally, 12-635 et seq., 19-3301 et seq., 24-801 et seq. Appeal, administrative decision, 12-643 Appraisers, reports, 12-640 et seq. Assessments. Special assessments, post Bids and bidding, improvements, 12-638 Contracts, retention of moneys, satisfactory completion, 75-6909 Mistakes in bids, correction or withdrawal, procedures, 75-6901 et seq. Bonds, 19-3303 Appeal, administrative decision, 12-643 Cities of first class, 13-1238 et seq., 24-816 et seq. Cities of second class, limitation, 12-646 Cities of third class, limitation, 12-646 Consolidated districts, Missouri lands ceded to Kansas, 24-1105 et seq. Internal improvements, 12-644, 12-645 Petitioners for levee construction, official bonds, 24-802 Bridges, 19-3308 Flood damage, repairs, 68-1413, 68-1414 Chief engineer, duties, 12-636, 12-637 Cities, powers, 19-3307 Cities of first class, 24-489 et seq. Bonds, 13-1238 et seq. Contracts for improvement, 13-1243, 13-1244 Lease of levee property, 13-1074 et seq. Cities of second class, Limitation, bonded indebtedness, 12-646 Regulation, 14-434, 14-701a, 14-713 Cities of third class, 15-438 Limitation, bonded indebtedness, 12-646 Compensation and salaries, 24-812, 24-814 Construction of levees, 24-403 Contracts, 24-809 Drainage districts, 24-407, 24-408, 24-418 et seq., 24-496 Petition, 24-802 Specifications and estimates, 24-807 Contracts, 12-635, 12-638, 13-1243, 13-1244 Drainage districts, 24-449 Federal agencies, 24-448 Foreign municipalities, 24-111 et seq. Levee construction, 24-808, 24-809 Nonresident contractors, taxes, 79-1008 et seq. Railroads, 24-450 et seq. Retention of moneys, satisfactory project completion, 75-6909 United States, 19-3301 et seq. Counties, Contracts with federal government, 19-3301 Counties between 85,000 and 130,000, 24-481 et seq. County commissioners, powers, 24-801 Crimes and punishments, Citizen's refusal to work, 24-811 Damaging works or improvements, 24-456, 24-815 Failure to secure approval of improvements, 24-126 Culverts, 19-3308 Damages, Indemnity insurance, 19-3304 Obstructing watercourses, 24-206 Works or improvements, 24-457 Dams and Reservoirs, generally, this index Definitions, 24-101a District court, Appeal, 12-643 Petition to court, 24-701 et seq. Drainage Districts, generally, this index Harbor line property, 24-479 Emergencies, duty of citizens to work, 24-811 Eminent domain, 19-3302, 24-467, 24-802 Cities of first class, 13-1023, 24-490 Damages, assessments, 24-810 Drainage of surface waters along highways, 24-108 Harbor line property, 24-470 et seq. Railroad property, 24-438 Viewer's report, 24-818 Eminent domain, authorization, 12-638 Excavation near flood control works, 24-132 Penalty for failure to obtain permit, 19-3310 Regulation, permits, 19-3307, 19-3309 Expenses, indemnity insurance, 19-3304 Fines and penalties, citizen's refusal to work, emergencies, 24-811 Flood control, projects, financial assistance, 82a-1701 et seq. Flood detention storage, 82a-405 et seq. Funds, Consolidated districts, Missouri lands ceded to Kansas, 24-1106 Duties of county treasurer, 24-818 General Improvement and Assessment Law, 12-6a01 et seq. Halstead, city of, flood control improvements fund, 12-646b Harbor lines, 24-470 et seq. Highways. Roads and highways, post Improvements, Approval by chief engineer, 24-126 Protection from flood waters, 12-635 et seq. Sales tax, 19-3311 Indemnity insurance, 19-3304 Installment payments, assessments, 24-816 Interest, bonds, 24-816 Interlocal agreements by public agencies, 12-2904 Joint districts, 24-601 et seq. Judgments and decrees, improvements, 12-643 Kansas river, 24-132 Leases, cities of first class, 13-1074 et seq. Maintenance and repair, County commissioners, 24-124 Drainage districts, 24-407 Tax levies, cities, 12-646a Taxation, 19-3305 Missouri levee districts, consolidation with state districts, Missouri lands ceded to Kansas, 24-1101 et seq. Municipal bonds. Bonds, ante Nonresident landowners, 24-458 et seq. Obstructions, Officers and employees, Missouri lands ceded to Kansas, 24-1110 Political subdivisions, financial assistance, 82a-1701 et seq. Application for, 82a-1703, 82a-1704 Budget process, 82a-1703 Conditions of, 82a-1702, 82a-1704 Definitions, 82a-1701 Eligibility for, 82a-1702, 82a-1704 Projects, financial assistance, 82a-1701 et seq. Railroads, Assessments, 24-810 Construction of levee, drainage districts, 24-407 Contracts, 24-450 et seq. Elevating tracks, 24-437 Eminent domain, 24-438 Special assessments, 24-816 Removal of obstructions, 24-815 Repairs, 24-810 Drainage districts, 24-429 Taxation, 19-3305 Roads and highways, 19-3308 Drainage of surface waters along highways, 24-108 Federal flood control projects, 68-151a et seq. Rules and regulations, 24-813 Sales tax, 19-3311 Service of process, foreign municipalities, contracts, 24-113, 24-114 Sewer outlets for municipalities, flood gates and pumping apparatus, 24-452 Soil Conservation Districts, generally, this index Special assessments, 12-645 Apportionment, 24-810 Cities of first class, 24-816 et seq. Disclosure, 12-6,123 Missouri lands ceded to Kansas, 24-1112 Validating acts, cities of first class, 24-819 Street railways, Construction of levee by drainage district, 24-407 Special assessments, 24-816 Supervisors, 24-811 Appointment by board of county commissioners, 24-811 Authority to summon labor for emergency work, 24-811 Compensation, 24-812 Duties, 24-811 Term of office, 24-811 Tax levies, maintenance and repair, city, 12-646a Taxation, 19-3305 Consolidated districts, Missouri lands ceded to Kansas, 24-1105 et seq. Highway surface waters, construction of levees, 24-108 Levee construction, 24-810 Railroad contracts, 24-450a Special assessments, ante Townships in counties of 6,300 to 6,500, tax levy, 80-1429 United States, Contracts with, 19-3301 et seq. Leases, 27-117 United States army corps of engineers, Constructed dikes or control works, 12-646a Viewers, special assessments, 24-816 Water office, Kansas, duties, 74-2608 Watershed development, 24-901 et seq. LEWIS AND CLARK EXPEDITION Highway designation, 68-1020 LIABILITY Immunity, see Privileges and Immunities, generally, this index Insurance, this index Motor Vehicle Insurance, generally, this index Schools and School Districts, this index Screening panels. See Professional Malpractice Liability Actions, this index LIBEL AND SLANDER Abatement of action, death of party, 60-1802 Crimes and Punishments, this index Insurance business, 40-2404 Pleadings, 60-209 Statute of limitations, 60-514 Survival of action despite death of party, 60-1803 LIBERAL, CITY OF Land of Oz, 68-1029 LIBRARIES Generally, 12-1215 et seq. Blind persons, library services, 75-2534, 75-2537 Board, 12-1222 et seq. Bonds, 79-4002 et seq. Building, site and equipment, 12-1249 Certain counties, 12-1249 Site, building and equipment, 12-1221 Topeka public library, 12-1259 Treasurer's bond, 12-1285 Urban area counties, 12-1257 Bookmobiles, 13-1024c Broadband technology-based network, access See, subhead, KAN-ED act under State Board of Regents, generally, this index Budgets, 12-1215 Building fund, Certain cities, first class, 12-1217 Cities between 120,000 and 150,000, 12-1254, 12-1255 Buildings, site and construction, Bonds of county, 12-1249, 12-1250, 12-1251 Capital improvement fund, 12-1258 Cities of second class, county commissioners' duties, bonds, 12-1249 Capital improvement fund, 12-1258 Capital outlay, limitation on expenditures from state aid funds, 75-2558 Centers for research libraries, publications of state agencies, 75-2566 Central library materials purchasing, state library, 75-2588 Children's internet protection act, Kansas, 75-2589 Cities, 12-1218 et seq. Cities of first class, 12-1215 Bookmobiles, 13-1024c Capital improvements, 12-1217 Maintenance and support, certain cities, 12-1217 Parks, 13-1335 Cities of second class, buildings, county, 12-1249 County bonds for buildings, 12-1249, 12-1250, 12-1251 Library building, governing body duties, 12-1249 Cities of third class, sale of property to township library board, 12-1256 Counties, 12-1218 et seq., 12-1225 Bonds for library building and equipment, 12-1249 State librarian aiding, 75-2542 Urban areas, Approval of budgets, tax levies and improvements, 12-1669, 12-1670 Bonds, 12-1257 County clerk, duties, 12-1215 County commissioners, cooperation with cities of second class, 12-1250 Definitions, 12-1218 Depository libraries, 75-2567 Districts, 12-1236 et seq. Elections, 12-1220 County bonds, library building, 12-1249 Regional library, 12-1231 Separate library, 12-1235 Eligible libraries, grants-in-aid to, 75-2553, et seq. Eudora community library district act, 12-1294, et seq. Board of directors, 12-1295 Appointment, 12-1296 Duties, 12-1298 Meeting, 12-1299 Bonds, Election required, 12-12,102 Budget, Tax levy, Pretest petition, 12-12,103 Powers and duties, 12-12,100 Facilities, use of services by counties and cities, 12-1250 Federal grants or funds, acceptance, 75-2562 Fines and penalties, 12-1228 Funds, 75-2551 Grants-in-aid, 75-2553 et seq. Acceptance of federal grants or funds, 75-2562 Apportionment and distribution of fund, 75-2555 Computation, 75-2555 Definitions, 75-2554 Determination of amounts and eligibility for, 75-2556 Distributions, dates, 75-2556 Expenditure reports to state library, 75-2559 Expenditures from state aid funds, limitation on, 75-2558 Federal grants or funds, independent application for and receipt of, 75-2562 Notice of noncompliance with act, 75-2560 Payment, certification of amounts, warrants, 75-2557 Reports, distributions and expenditures, 75-2561 Withholding aid by state librarian, 75-2560 Withholding grants-in-aid or funds expended in violation of act, 75-2558 Handicapped persons, library services, 75-2534, 75-2537 Improvement fund, tax levy, 79-4001 Independence area library district act. Library districts, post. Information Network of Kansas, generally, this index Interlibrary cooperation and resource sharing, 75-2575 et seq. Interlocal agreements by public agencies, 12-2904 Johnson county, Board, 12-1222 County treasurer, duties, 12-1225a KAN-ED act. State Board of Regents, this index Kansas children's internet protection act, 75-2589 Kansas state university, 76-407 Law Libraries, generally, this index Law library. Supreme Court, this index Librarian, employment, 12-1225 Library boards, 12-1225 Cities of second class, 12-1249, 12-1250 Corporate status of board, 12-1223 Johnson county, 12-1222, 12-1225 et seq. Regional library, 12-1232, 12-1233 Library districts, Acceptance of grants, 12-1248 Accounting. Municipal Accounting, generally, this index Agreement to transfer property to, 12-1236 Annual meeting, 12-1239, 12-1240 Board of directors, 12-1241 et seq. Bonds, issuance, election, 12-1244 Building and equipping library, election, 12-1244 Cities of third class and townships, 12-1236 et seq. Consolidation of operations, 12-3901 et seq. Directors, election, terms, 12-1238 Elections, 12-1236, 12-1237, 12-1238 Buildings, site and equipment, 12-1244 Voters, qualifications, 12-1241 Establishment, 12-1236 et seq. Grants, agreements to receive, 12-1248 Independence area library district act, 12-1281 et seq. Board of education, Duties, 12-1288 Financial records, 12-1288 Tax levy, 12-1288 Board of trustees, 12-1283 Annual reports, 12-1287, 12-1288 Appointment, 12-1283 Audit, 12-1288 Budget hearings, 12-1288 Existing contracts and obligations, 12-1283 Expenses, 12-1283 Organization of, 12-1285 Powers and duties, 12-1284, 12-1286, 12-1287 Terms, 12-1283 Treasurer's duties, 12-1285 Citation of act, 12-1289 Creation, 12-1282 Definitions, 12-1281 Leavenworth and Leavenworth county, 12-1276 Payments to other municipalities, 12-1276 Powers and duties, 12-1276 Tax levy, 12-1276 Name, 12-1242 Petition, 12-1236 Tax levies, 12-1247 Topeka and Shawnee county, 12-1260 et seq. Board, 12-1262 Powers and duties, 12-1265 Bonds, 12-1268 Budget, 12-1267 Capital improvements, 12-1268 Bonds, 12-1268 Contracts with other municipalities, 12-1269 Creation, 12-1261 Definitions, 12-1260 Governing body, 12-1262, 12-1263, 12-1264 Powers and duties, 12-1265 Payments to certain libraries, 12-1266 Powers and duties, 12-1265 Rules and regulations, 12-1265 Tax levy, 12-1267 Treasurer, 12-1246 Local libraries. Grants-in-aid, ante Maintenance and support, certain cities, first class, 12-1217 Medical library, University of Kansas medical center, 76-6a35 Municipal tax levies, general improvements, 79-4001 et seq. Municipalities, tax levy, 79-4001 et seq. Museum property act, 58-4001 et seq. Neighborhood revitalization act, 12-17,114 et seq. Parks, cities of first class, 13-1335 Patent depository library, state, 74-8116 Private books or collections, use, 12-1229 Public printing, distribution of copies, 75-1023 Publication collection and depository system, 75-2566 et seq. Regional system of cooperating libraries, 75-2547 et seq. Definition, 75-2548 Exclusions, petition of taxing district, 75-2550 Executive board, 75-2550a Finances, 75-2551 Grants-in-aid, ante Participating board, 75-2548, 75-2551 Petition for establishment, 75-2549, 75-2550 Powers and authority, 75-2549a Rules and regulations, state board, 75-2548, 75-2550a Standards, 75-2552 State board, 75-2548 Powers and authority, 75-2549 et seq. Rules and regulations, 75-2552 System board, 75-2548, 75-2550 Cash-basis and budget laws, applicability, 75-2551 Powers, 75-2550 Representatives, 75-2550 Tax levies, 75-2551 System librarian, defined, 75-2548 Validation and establishment of certain systems, 75-2549b Reports, 12-1225 Schools and school districts, 72-1416 Gifts, acceptance, 12-1252, 12-1253 Payment of interest, tax levy, 12-1252 Kansas City U.S.D. 500, 72-1623, 72-1623a Librarian and library services and facilities, 72-1416, 72-1417 State historical society, loans of material, 75-2702 State Library, generally, this index Supreme court law library. See subhead Law library under Supreme Court, this index Tax exemptions, 79-201 Tax levies, Cities between 120,000 and 150,000, 12-1254 Urban area counties, 12-1257 Taxation, 79-4001 et seq. Cities, 12-1215 Collection, 12-1220 Contracts for library services, 12-1230 Gifts, payment of interest upon, 12-1252 Regional library, 12-1234 Telecommunications services, fees, state library, 75-2588 Township library board, park property, purchase, 12-1256 Townships, 12-1218 et seq. Carnegie libraries, 80-808 Unified school districts, operating, 72-8115 Continuance of disorganized districts, 72-8115 Use, cities of second class and counties, 12-1250 Workshops and conferences, state library, 75-2588 Wyandotte county, Director of revenue, duties, 12-1226 Library fund, 12-1226 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Publications of state agencies, 75-2566 LICENSE NUMBER PLATES OR TAGS Motor Carriers, this index Motor Vehicles, this index LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSES Nurses, generally, this index LICENSES AND PERMITS Abstracters, this index Adult Care Homes, this index Agricultural Machinery and Equipment, this index Agricultural products, grading and inspection, 74-534 Animals, this index Applicants for licensure, consideration of felony convictions, 74-120 Applications, contents, 65-1815 Architects, this index Auctioneers. See subhead New goods under Auctions and Auctioneers, this index Banks, exercise of trust authority, 9-1601 et seq. Barbers, this index Behavior analysts, 65-7501 et seq. Boats and Boating, this index Bonded warehouseman, 82-163 et seq. Boxing and wrestling, 74-2902, 74-2903 Buildings, moving on highways, roads, 17-1914 et seq. Carriers, permit to transact business, 66-131, 66-134 Certification of seeds and plant parts. Seeds, this index Certified public accountants. Accountants, this index Charges against county treasurer, 19-312 Separate statement, different funds, 19-313 Charitable gaming, 75-5175 Child support proceedings, licensing sanctions, Definitions, 74-146 Notice of contempt, 74-147 Social security or identification number required, 74-148 Cigarette tax, 79-3301 et seq. Civil defense activities, reciprocity, 48-3201 Commercial feeds, tonnage reports, fees, 2-1004 Consumer loans, 16a-2-302 et seq. Cosmetologists, this index Counselors, this index County attorneys, duties, 19-714 County clerks, charges against county treasurers, 19-312, 19-313 County engineers, professional engineer's license, qualifications, 68-501 Cremation, coroner's permit, 65-2426a Dairies and Dairy Products, this index Dams, changes or constructions, 82a-301 Dentists and Dental Hygienists, this index Derricks, moving on highways, roads, 17-1914 et seq. Detectives, Private detectives and agencies, 75-7b01 et seq. Cities prohibited from licensing, 75-7b18 Driver training instructor, 8-274, 8-277 Driver training school, 8-274 et seq. Cancellation, suspension, revocation or refusal to issue, 8-279 Drivers' licenses. Motor Vehicles, this index Druggists, this index Dwellings, moving on highways, roads, 17-1914 et seq. Eggs, Inspection fee, 2-2507 Unlawful acts, 2-2503 Electronic credentials, 48-3406 Issuance, 48-3406 Requirements to display, post or produce, 48-3406 Third-party electronic credential system, 48-3406 Engineers, this index Feeds, commercial, tonnage reports, fees, 2-1004 Felony conviction of applicant, consideration, 74-120 Fish and Game, this index Funeral Directors and Embalmers, this index Garbage or trash collectors, 12-2110 Groundwater exploration and protection act, 82a-1206 et seq. Hawkers and peddlers, 19-2201 et seq. Healing Arts, generally, this index Highway advertising control act of 1972, 68-2236 Fees, 68-2236 Highways and roads, moving buildings or other structures, 17-1914 et seq. Hog cholera virus, 47-629 Hospitals, this index Houses, moving on highways, roads, 17-1914 et seq. Industrial hemp, Processing, 2-3907 Production, 2-3906 Research, 2-3902, 2-3906, 2-3907 Commercial industrial hemp act licensing fee fund, 2-3903 Insurance, this index Insurance Agents, Solicitors or Brokers, this index Interpreters, certification, deaf and hard of hearing, 75-5393 Intoxicating Liquors, this index Irrigation and irrigation districts, 42-701 Johnson county park district, fishing and boating, 19-2873 Labor organizations, applications, 44-809 Licensing bodies, child support proceedings, licensing sanctions, Definitions, 74-146 Notice of contempt, 74-147 Social security or identification number required, 74-148 Licensing for those with experience or credentials from another jurisdiction, 48-3406 Appeal, Kansas judicial review act, 48-3406 Application to licensing body, 48-3406 Exceptions, 48-3406 Procedure by licensing body, deadlines for issuance, 48-3406 Reports to legislature, 48-3406 Director of legislative research, submission of information to, report by, 48-3406 Requirements, 48-3406 Temporary permits, 48-3406 Liquefied petroleum motor fuel tax user or dealer, 79-3495, 79-3496 Liquid fuels carriers, 55-506 et seq. Live plant dealers, 2-2120 et seq. Marriage, this index Medical care facilities, 65-425 et seq. Mental health technician programs, 74-1106 Merchant or security police, municipal license, 12-1679 Metropolitan transit authority, 12-2805 Military service member, Educational requirements, Distance education, 48-3408 Emergency medical services, providers, 65-6129 Practical nurses, 65-1116 Extension of, 48-3401 et seq. Military spouse, issuance of, 48-3406 Mined-land conservation and reclamation act. Mines and Minerals, this index Mobile homes, 8-143 Motor Carriers, this index Motor fuel user, interstate, 79-34,115 et seq. Motor vehicle fuel carriers, 55-506 et seq. Motor Vehicles, this index Municipal, motor vehicles, 12-143 et seq. Municipal accounts, 75-1128 Municipal public accountants, 75-1119, 75-1119a Musical compositions, Performing rights, 57-201 et seq. Royalties, 57-221 et seq. Nonresidents, Licensing for those with experience or credentials from another jurisdiction, 48-3406 Nuclear energy development and radiation control act, 48-1607 et seq. Nurses, 65-1115 et seq. Nursing programs, professional and practical, 74-1106 Oil and Gas, this index Optometrist, 74-1504 Parimutuel Racing, generally, this index Park districts, fishing and boating, 19-2894 Parks and recreation centers, 19-2803a Pawnbroker regulation, 16-706 et seq. Peddlers, farm products exemption, 12-1617 Pesticide business license, 2-2440, 2-2440a Pesticides, sale for experimentation, 2-2207 Pharmacists. Druggists, this index Pilots, aircraft, 3-201 et seq. Podiatrists, this index Professional counselors. Counselors, this index Professional licenses, Limitation on consequences for first violation of driving under the influence, 74-149 Public utilities, permit to transact business, 66-131 Recording on books, 66-134 Radioactive waste disposal facility, low-level, 48-1620 et seq. Real Estate Brokers and Salespersons, this index Records, destruction, 12-120 Refuse collection and disposal, 12-2110 Respiratory Therapy, this index Rivers and streams, obstructions in streams, 82a-301 et seq. Sanitary codes, 19-3702 Septic tank cleaning, 19-3709 Sewage hauling, 19-3709 Sewers. See subhead Counties under Sewers and Sewer Systems, this index Social security number, 74-139 Social security or identification number required, 74-148 State institutions, spur railroad tracks, 76-139 Taxicab or transit operators, 8-235 Temporary emergency licenses, emergency declared by legislature, 48-3606 Tobacco products distributor, 79-3373 et seq. Tractors with movable tracks, 8-1742 Trash collectors, 12-2110 Travel trailers, 8-143 Viatical settlement broker or provider, 40-5003 Warehouse receipts, issuance, 84-7-201 Warehouses and Warehousemen, this index Water, appropriation for beneficial use, 82a-708a, 82a-708c Water conditioning contractors, 12-3601 et seq. Water Pollution, this index Water well contractors, 82a-1205 et seq. Waters and Watercourses, this index LIENS AND ENCUMBRANCES Generally, 58-201 et seq. Abandonment, 58-215 Actions, 58-205 Adult care homes, receivership, 39-960, 39-961 Agisters' liens, 58-207 et seq., 58-221 Agricultural production input lien, 58-241 et seq. Agricultural Products, this index Aircraft, 23-3121, 58-201, 58-202 Airports and landing fields, bonds, 3-133 Animal diseases, examining records to determine claimants, 47-632a Animals, this index Apartment houses, property of tenants, 36-201 et seq. Apartment ownership act, 58-3109, 58-3123 Apportioned registration of fleet vehicles, Delinquent quarterly installments, 8-1,115 Unpaid fees, 8-1,104 Artisans' liens, 58-201, 58-202 Assignment, actions, 58-205 Assignment of rent of real property, 58-2343 Attorneys, fees, workers compensation claims, 44-536 Auctions, 58-212 Agisters, 58-220 Bailees, 58-208 et seq. Satisfaction, 84-7-403 Banks, Dishonored documentary draft, 84-4-504 Safe deposit box contents, default, 9-1506 Baptists, extinct churches or religious societies, 17-1711, 17-1713a Bills of lading, 84-7-307 Enforcement, 84-7-308 Boats, 23-3121 Bonds, Airports and landing fields, 3-133, 3-148 Colleges and universities, 76-6a15 County and township bonds, 10-1001 Metropolitan transit authority, trust agreements, 12-2808 Public utilities, 10-1205 Townships, fire department purposes, 80-1910 Broomcorn, seeding and baling, 58-218 Carriers, this index Cattle, feeding, 58-207 Chattel Mortgages, generally, this index Child support arrearages, 23-3121 Children, divorce decree, release of lien, 60-2204 Christian churches, extinct churches or religious societies, 17-1714, 17-1716 City property, 12-151 Cleaning establishments, 58-222 et seq. Colleges and universities, bonds, 76-6a15, 76-6a18 Condominium ownership, 58-3109, 58-3123 Construction equipment, 58-201, 58-202 Contractors, 60-1101 et seq. County park districts, revenue bonds, 19-2896 Credit unions, shares, 17-2212 Crop production input lien, 58-241 et seq. Delivery of goods ex-ship, satisfaction, 84-2-322 Divorce decree, lien in favor of minor children, 60-2204 Documents of Title, this index Drainage Districts, this index Electric cooperatives, 17-4624, 17-4626 Carriers, 84-7-308 Warehouse, 84-7-210 Estates, garnishment, first lien, 60-732 Executions, generally, this index Expedited determination, 58-4301 Expedited process, forms, 58-4301, 58-4302 Express companies, 58-208 et seq. False lien, filing, 21-5940 Farm implements, 58-201, 58-202 Feeding, livestock, 58-207 et seq. Foreclosure, 58-202 Agisters, 58-220 Cleaning establishment, 58-222 Oil field equipment, 55-215 Residential real property, Notice to recorded equitable interest holder, 60-1103 Service by publication, 60-307 Forwarding merchant, 58-208 et seq. Fraudulent liens Civil action, 58-4302 Garments, cleaning and repairing, 58-222 et seq. Garnishment, creation of first lien, 60-732 General index, 19-1205 Goods under document of title, 84-7-602 Harvesting, 58-203 et seq. Hogs, feeding, 58-207 Homestead, probate proceedings, 59-401 Hospitals, personal injury damages recovered by patients, 65-406 et seq. Hotels, 58-208 et seq. Property of guests, 36-201 et seq. Household goods, cleaning or repairing, 58-222 et seq. Improvement Districts, this index Income taxes, 79-3235 Indexes kept by register of deeds, 19-1205 Inheritance tax, sale of decedent's estate, 59-1410 Innkeepers, property of guests, 36-201 Insurance, this index Intoxicating liquors, license, 41-326 Irrigation and Irrigation Districts, this index Judgment Liens, generally, this index Kansas grain commodity commissions act, 2-3007, 2-3008, 2-3012 Lien statement, filing, 58-204 Lienholder, defined, traffic regulations, 8-1431 Limitation of actions, 58-2254 Liquefied petroleum motor fuel taxes, interest and penalties, 79-34,100 Liquid fuel carriers, sale of confiscated vehicles, 55-516 Lis pendens, 60-2201 Livery stables, 58-207 Livestock, Feeding, 58-207 et seq. Production input, 58-241 et seq. Manufactured homes, 58-227 Mechanics' Liens, generally, this index Medical assistance, social welfare, 39-709, 39-786 Metropolitan transit authority, trust agreements, 12-2808 Mined-land conservation and reclamation act, 49-428 Mobile homes, 58-227 Mortgages, generally, this index Motor carriers, default in fees, 8-143a Motor fuel carriers, 55-516 Motor fuel tax, 79-3413 Motor vehicles, 23-3121 See, also, Motor Vehicles, this index Abandonment on private property, 8-1102 Certificate of title, 8-135 Notice, when required, 58-247 Parking violations on state grounds, 75-4510 Release of lien, 8-1,157 Municipal property, 12-151 Municipal utilities, private plants, 12-811 Notice of sale, 58-211 Agisters, 58-220 Cleaning establishment, 58-222, 58-223 Nuisances, costs, 22-3904 Oil and Gas, this index Oil and Gas Leases, this index Oil and Gas Pipelines, this index Partition, 60-1003 Pending actions, Lis pendens, 60-2201 Notice in other counties, 60-2203a Perishable goods, sale, 58-209 Personal property, 58-201, 58-202 Personal property taxes, 79-2101 Certain counties, 79-2017 Counties over 100,000, 79-2017 Priorities and preferences, 58-203, 58-218 Agisters' liens, 58-220 Apartment ownership act, 58-3123 Artisans' liens, 58-201 Probate Proceedings, this index Proceeds of sale, 58-210, 58-213 Agisters, 58-221 Cleaning establishment, 58-225 Public utilities, revenue bonds, 10-1205 Publication, Expenses, 58-207 Notice of sale, 58-211 Proof of publication, 58-214 Quieting title, 60-1002 Railroad rolling stock, 58-201, 58-202 Railroads, this index Railway companies, 58-208 et seq. Real estate, judgment lien, 60-2202, 60-2418 Real estate improvements, 60-1101 et seq. Recording, notice of claim, agister, 58-220 Records, removal, 58-202 Safe deposit box contents, default of lessee, 9-1506 Sale, Agister's lien, 58-220, 58-221 Cleaning establishment, 58-222 et seq. Ex-ship delivery, 84-2-322 Satisfaction of lien, 58-207 et seq. Sales contracts, warranties, 84-2-312 Sales or compensating tax, 79-3617 Secured Transactions, generally, this index Self-service storage act, stored property, 58-816, 58-817 Services, 58-201 Sewers and Sewer Systems, this index Social welfare, medical assistance, 39-786 Provisions suspended, 39-791 Stage companies, 58-208 et seq. State, 75-417 Street Railways, this index Structures unfit for habitation, cost of repairs or improvements, 17-4759 Subcontractors, 60-1103 Suppliers, 60-1103 Tax Liens, generally, this index Tax payment, jointly owned land, 79-426 Threshing or husking, priority, 58-203 Townhouses, townhouse ownership act, 58-3710 Trust, notice of record, 58-2403 Trust agreements, metropolitan transit authority, 12-2808 Trust companies, safety deposit box contents, default of lessee, 9-1506 Turnpike bondholders, revenues, 68-2009 Turnpike tolls, lien on vehicle, 68-2020 United Brethren in Christ, abandoned property of church or religious society, 17-1716d Venue, sale of property, 60-601 Veterans' curators, investments by curator, 73-512 Veterinary services, preference, 47-836 Waiver, special contract, 58-215 Warehouse Receipts, this index Warehouses and Warehousemen, this index Water supply, bonds, townships, 80-1602 Weeds, control and eradication, 2-1319, 2-1320, 2-1332 LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Generally, 75-301 Compensation and salaries, 75-3103, 75-3111a Travel allowances, out-of-state, 75-3216 Constitution of Kansas, Art. 1, §§ 1, 11, 12 Declaration of intention to become candidate, 25-4004 Form, 25-4006 Secretary of state, filing with, 25-4004 Duties, 75-301 Department head, when, 75-303 Qualifications for appointment, 75-303 Election, 25-101, 25-101a, Kan. Const. Art. 1, § 1 See, also, Elections, generally, this index Application of election laws, 25-4002 Validity, 25-3002 Campaign finance act. Elections, this index Canidate, qualifications, 25-101a Declaration, intention to become candidate, 25-4006 Joint election with governor, Kan. Const., Art. 1, § 1; 25-4003 Nomination petitions or papers, 25-4004, 25-4005 Party nominations, 25-301 State election board, member, 25-2203 Tie votes, legislative determination, 25-3209 Vacancy in party candidacy, filling, 25-3905, 25-3906 Secretary of state, notification, 25-3908 State party delegate convention, 25-3905, 25-3906 Write-in candidates, 25-612, 25-617 Affidavit, 25-305, 25-305b, 25-3002 Emergency management, powers and duties, 48-924 Employees, 75-3103 Ethics, State Governmental, generally, this index Gifts and favors. Ethics, State Governmental, generally, this index Oath of office, 75-301 Office space, 75-3765a Proclamations, warrants and requisitions, signature in governor's absence, 75-106 Retirement and Pensions, generally, this index State election board, member, 25-2203 Successor to governor, 48-1204, Kan. Const. Art. 1, §§ 11, 13 Term of office, 25-4001, Kan. Const. Art. 1, § 1 Travel expenses, 75-3103, 75-3216 Vacancy in office, 75-127, Kan. Const. Art. 1, § 11 LIFE ESTATES Cities of first class, parking stations, 13-1376 Common law, 58-502, 58-503, 58-505 Death of life tenant, termination, 59-2286 Personal property, protection of remainderman's interest, 59-1506 Rent, 58-2517 Roads and highways, benefit districts, petitions, 68-701 Rule in Shelley's case, 58-502 Rule in Wild's case, 58-505 LIFE INSURANCE Insurance, this index LIGHTS AND LIGHTING Generally, 14-531 et seq., 15-711, 15-712 Animal-drawn vehicles, 8-1718 Bicycles, 8-1592 Bonds, Street lighting facilities, 13-1234b Street lights, 13-1234c, 13-1234d Traffic lights and signals, 13-1234b, 13-1234c Cities of second class, 14-531 et seq. Cities of third class, 14-531 et seq. Street lighting, 15-712 Counties, street lights, contracts, 19-2721 et seq. Eminent domain, damages, 26-513 General Improvement and Assessment Law, 12-6a01 et seq. Hospitals, contracts by cities, 12-152 Motor Vehicles, this index Parks and parkways, 13-1341 Railroads, this index Roads and Highways, this index Sales tax, 79-3603 Exempt sales, 79-3606 State supervision. 44-603 Street lighting facilities, bonds, certain cities of first class, 13-1234b Street lights, Cities of first class, bonds, 13-1234d Cities of second class, 14-535 Cities of third class, 14-535, 15-712 Contracts by cities, 12-152 Taxation, public utility property, 79-422 Traffic lights and signals, bonds, certain cities of first class, 13-1234b Traffic Rules and Regulations, this index Unincorporated towns and villages, taxing districts, 19-2716 et seq. Working conditions, investigations, 44-636 LIMESTONE Agricultural Liming Materials, this index Mines and Minerals, this index LIMITATION OF ACTIONS See, also, Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, generally, this index Generally, 60-501 et seq. Absconding defendant, 60-516, 60-517 Absentees' estates, return of absentee after final settlement, 59-2705 Adverse possession of realty, 60-503 Affirmative defense, pleadings, 60-208 Agisters' liens, foreclosure, 58-220 Airports and landing fields, Johnson county airport, 3-302 et seq. Asbestos claims, 60-4904 Assault and battery, 60-514 Asset seizure and forfeiture act, Kansas standard, 60-4120 Attachment, official bond or undertaking, 60-511 Auction of new goods, 58-1018 Bank deposits and collections, 84-4-111 Forgery, 84-4-406 Behavioral sciences, malpractice reports, 74-7510 Bonds (officers and fiduciaries), 60-511 Business trusts, 17-2037 Childhood sexual abuse, 60-523 Children and minors, 60-508, 60-515 Cities of Second Class, this index Civil penalties, Failure to pay compensation when due, 44-512a, 44-512b Claims against governmental entities. Tort Claims Act, generally, this index Colleges and universities, bond issues, contesting validity, 76-6a25 Computation of time, 20-172, 60-206 Concealed defendant, 60-517 Consumer credit code, 16a-3-404 Contracts, Part payment or acknowledgment of liability, 60-520 Unwritten expressed or implied contracts, 60-512 Written agreements, contracts or promises, 60-511 Corporations, officer or director, against, 60-513 Counterclaims and crossclaims, effect, 60-213 County claims, 19-308 County street lights, special assessments, contesting, 19-2730 Criminal prosecutions, 21-5107 Dalkon shield damage actions, 60-524 Death, person under disability, 60-515 Deeds and Conveyances, this index Discharge from employment, 60-514 Discrimination, filing complaints, 44-1005 Drainage districts, 24-434 Execution sales, realty, 60-504 Extension of period, actions limited to two years, 60-513 False imprisonment, 60-514 Five-year limitations, 60-511 Forcible entry and detention, 60-506 Foreclosure, Agisters' liens, 58-220 Trust deed, 58-2253 Foreign state, actions originating therein, 60-516 Forgery, 84-4-406 Fraud actions, 60-513 Gas production, protests, 15-1122 Governmental entities. Tort Claims Act, generally, this index Harvesting lien, 58-205 Health care providers, 60-513 Defined, 60-513d Hospitals, claim on personal injury damages recovered by patients, 65-408 Improvement districts, contesting special assessments, 19-2769 Improvements, special assessments, challenges under federal civil rights statutes, 12-6,105 Incapacitated persons, workers compensation, 44-509 Income tax, 79-3230 Injunction, Official bond or undertaking, 60-511 Suits stayed by, 60-519 Insurance, Hospital claim, personal injury damages, 65-408 Life insurance, 40-412 Medical malpractice, 40-3409 Interest, part payment, 60-520 Ionizing radiation, 60-513 et seq., 60-513b Latent damage, 60-513c Joint debtors, part payments or acknowledgments of liability, 60-520 Juvenile offender cases, 38-2303 Kansas public employees retirement system, 60-522 Legal disability, persons under, 60-515 Real property actions, 60-508 Letters of credit, 84-5-115 Levee districts, contesting validity of consolidation, Missouri lands ceded to Kansas, 24-1102 Libel or slander, 60-514 Liens, enforcement, 58-2254, 60-1002 Lighting systems, assessments, 14-536 Lost or destroyed court records affecting title to property, 60-2505 Malicious prosecution, 60-514 Marketable Record Title Act, 58-3409 Mechanics' liens, 60-1105, 60-1111 Medical malpractice, service upon board of governors, 40-3409 Metropolitan transit authority, personal injuries, 12-2836 Mill dams, erecting and maintaining, 82a-114 Mortgages, this index Motor carriers, tax protest, 79-6a10 Municipalities, this index New action, 60-518 Notaries public, action against notaries and sureties, 53-5a22 Occupational diseases, 44-5a17 Modification of award, 44-5a19 Oil and gas leases or pipelines, enforcement of liens, 55-210 Oil field equipment, lien of transporter, enforcement, 55-215 One-year limitation, 60-514 Parking Lots and Facilities, this index Parks, contesting of assessments, 13-1333 Personal actions, 60-510 et seq. Personal property, taking, detaining or injuring, 60-513 Persons under legal disability, 60-515 Political subdivisions, 60-521 Probate Proceedings, this index Professional services, failure to render, 60-513 Psychologists, reports and investigations, 74-7510 Public employees retirement system, 60-522 Public lands, exception, 60-509 Railroads, discriminatory rates or charges, 66-154e Real property actions, 60-1002 Trespass action, 60-513 Revised statutes of 1923, adoption, 77-111 Right to work, damages for violation of, Kan. Const. Art. 15, § 12; 44-831 Road contractor's bond, state highway system, 68-410 Roads and Highways, this index Sales Act, 84-2-725 Sales by executors, administrators or conservators, 60-505 Sales tax, 79-3609 School employees' retirement system, certain cities, 72-1764 School lands, 72-2111 School retirement system, refunds or installments, 72-5524 Securities, Criminal prosecutions, 17-12a508 Service assessments, municipal, 12-6a17 Sewers and Sewer Systems, this index Sexual abuse, childhood, 60-523 Sidewalk assessments, townships, 68-133 Silica claims, 60-4904 Social workers, reports and investigations, 74-7510 Special assessments, challenges under federal civil rights statutes, 12-6,105 State, 60-521 Tort Claims Act, generally, this index State lands, exceptions, 60-509 State school retirement system, refunds or installments, 72-5524 Statutory penalty or forfeiture, actions upon, 60-514 Street lights, special assessments, 19-2730 Tax Assessments, this index Tax deeds, 58-2269 Tax foreclosure, vacating or setting aside, 79-2804b Tax sales, repealed statutes, 79-2910 Taxation, protesting payment, 79-2005 Teachers' retirement system claims, certain cities, 72-1764 Three-year limitation, 60-512 Township sewer assessments, contesting validity, 80-2007 Trust deeds, assignment or release, 58-2253 Two-year limitations, 60-513 Warrants for payment of money, 10-801 et seq. Water districts, counties under 50,000, 19-3540 Watercourse improvements, 14-701b, 14-701i Watershed districts, Attacking validity of incorporation, 24-1207 Contesting special assessments, 24-1217 Workers Compensation, this index Wrongful death actions, 60-513 LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES See, Corporations, this index LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Generally, 56-1a01 et seq. Actions on behalf of partnership. See, Derivative actions, post Additional partners, admission of, General partners, 56-1a251 Limited partners, 56-1a201 Agent. Resident agent, post Amendments. Certificate of limited partnership, post Annual report, Applicable law, 75-447 Domestic limited partnerships, 56-1a606 Extension, When have extension for filing annual income tax report with IRS, 56-1a610, 56a-1204 Filing, when, 56-1a608 Foreign limited partnerships, 56-1a607 Assets, distribution of, 56-1a304 Dissolution of partnership, 56-1a454 In-kind distribution, 56-1a355 Interim distributions, 56-1a351 Limitations on, 56-1a357 Right to, 56-1a356 Withdrawal of partner, 56-1a354 Assignment of partnership interest. Partnership interest, post Business, Control of, 56-1a203 Nature of, 56-1a106 Transactions with limited partners, 56-1a107 Certificate of limited partnership, 56-1a151 et seq. Cancellation, 56-1a153, 17-7908 Consolidation of two or more instruments on file, 56-1a160 Contents, 56-1a151 Correction, certificate of, 17-7912 Execution of, 17-7908 Failure or refusal, 17-7917 False statements, 56-1a157 Fees, 56-1a605 Foreign limited partnerships, generally, post Integration of two or more instruments on file, 56-1a160 Limited partners, delivery to, 56-1a159 Notice of partnership, 56-1a158 Restated or amended and restated certificate, 56-1a160 Signing of, 17-7908 Power of attorney, 17-7916 Termination, 56-1a153 Consolidation of two or more instruments on file, 56-1a160 Construction of uniform act, 56-1a601 Contributions, Form, 56-1a301 General partner, 56-1a254 Liability for, 56-1a302 Type, 56-1a301 Copies of documents, fees, 56-1a605 Creditors, Liability to, 56-1a203, 56-1a204, 56-1a253 Rights upon assignment, 56-1a403 Death of partner, 56-1a405 Definitions, 56-1a101 Derivative actions, 56-1a551 et seq. Expenses, 56-1a554 Plaintiff, 56-1a552 Pleading, 56-1a553 Right, 56-1a551 Dissolution, 56-1a451 Distribution of assets, priority, 56-1a454 Judicial dissolution, 56-1a452 Winding up, 56-1a453 Distribution of assets, 56-1a304 Dissolution of partnership, 56-1a454 In-kind distributions, 56-1a355 Interim distributions, 56-1a351 Limitations on, 56-1a357 Right to, 56-1a356 Withdrawal of partner, 56-1a354 Effective date, 56-1a603 Fees, 56-1a605 Foreign limited partnerships, Activities that do not constitute doing business, 17-7932 Attorney general, enforcement, 17-7937 Annual report, 56-1a607 Fees, 56-1a605 Law governing, 17-7930 Liability, post Registration, 17-7931 Amendments, 17-7935 Attorney general, enforcement, 17-7937 Cancellation, 17-7936 Changes, 17-7935 Execution of, 56-1a509 Failure to register, effect, 56-1a507 Fees, 56-1a605 Reports, annual, 56-1a607 Resident agent, 17-7925, 17-7934 Service of process, post Filings with secretary of state, 17-7905 Formation, 56-1a151 et seq. Franchise tax, 79-5401 General partner, Additional partners, admission of, 56-1a251 Assets, distribution of, ante Assignees, 56-1a404 Business transactions with partnership, 56-1a107 Classes or groups, rights, powers and duties, 56-1a255 Contributions, ante Death of, 56-1a405 Distribution of assets, ante Incompetency, 56-1a405 Liability, post Losses, sharing of, 56-1a303 Powers, 56-1a253 Profits, sharing of, 56-1a303 Removal, 56-1a252 Voting, 56-1a255 Withdrawal, 56-1a252, 56-1a352 Dissolution, 56-1a451 Distribution of assets, 56-1a354 et seq. Incompetency of partner, 56-1a405 Integration of two or more instruments on file, 56-1a160 Liability, Contributions, 56-1a302 Return of, 56-1a358 False statements in certificate, 56-1a157 Foreign limited partnerships, 56-1a509 Obligations of partnership, General partner, 56-1a204, 56-1a253 Limited partner, 56-1a203, 56-1a204 Limited partners, Actions on behalf of partnership. See, Derivative actions, ante Additional partners, admission of, 56-1a201 Assets, distribution of, ante Assignees, 56-1a404 Business, control of, 56-1a203 Business transactions with partnership, 56-1a107 Certificate, delivery to, 56-1a159 Classes or groups, rights, powers and duties, 56-1a202 Contributions, ante Death, 56-1a405 Derivative actions, ante Distribution of assets, ante Incompetency, 56-1a405 Information, right to, 56-1a205 Liability, ante Losses, sharing of, 56-1a303 Name, use of, 56-1a203 Profits, sharing of, 56-1a303 Suits on behalf of partnership. See Derivative actions, ante Voting, 56-1a202 Withdrawal, 56-1a353 Distribution of assets, 56-1a354 et seq. Losses, sharing of, 56-1a303 Foreign limited partnership, 17-7918, 17-7933 Limited partners, use of, 56-1a203 Right to exclusive use, 17-7923 Notice of partnership, 56-1a158 Office, change of, Domestic limited partnership, 17-7926, 17-7927 Office, registration of, Domestic limited partnership, 17-7905, 17-7926 Foreign limited partnership, 17-7924, 17-7934 Partners, General partners, ante Limited partners, ante Partnership interest, Assignment, 56-1a402 Assignee's rights, 56-1a404 Creditors' rights, 56-1a403 Nature of, 56-1a401 Personal liability. Liabilities, ante Personal property, partnership interest, 56-1a401 Powers, general partners, 56-1a253 Process. Service of process, post Profits, sharing of, 56-1a303 Reports. Annual reports, ante Resident agent, Domestic limited partnership, 17-7925 Resignation of resident agent, appointment of successor, 17-7928 Foreign limited partnership, 17-7925, 17-7934 Resignation of resident agent, failure to appoint successor, 17-7929 Resident agent, service of process, 17-7915, 56-1a510, 60-304 Restated certificate, 56-1a160 Service of process, 17-7915, 60-304 Foreign limited partnerships, 56-1a510 Suits on behalf of partnership. See Derivative actions, ante Tax. Franchise tax, ante Telefacsimile filing, 17-7914 Termination. Certificate of limited partnership, ante Title of act, 56-1a01 Uniform act, application of, 56-1a601, 56-1a604 Voting, General partners, 56-1a255 Limited partners, 56-1a202 Winding up. See Dissolution, ante Withdrawal of partner, 56-1a252, 56-1a352, 56-1a353 Distribution of assets, 56-1a354 et seq. LINCOLN COUNTY Boundaries, 18-153 LINN COUNTY Boundaries, 18-154 Health care facilities and services hospital district No. 1, addition to home for aged, 80-2554 Hospital district formation, 80-2556 Marais des Cygnes massacre memorial park, 76-2021 Mine Creek historical park, 76-2040 et seq. LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS Oil and Gas, this index Weights and Measures, this index LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM MOTOR FUEL TAX Motor Fuel Tax, this index LIQUID FUELS Motor carriers transporting, licenses, 55-506 et seq. Motor Fuel Tax, generally, this index LIQUIDATION Banks and Banking, this index Corporations, this index Savings and Loan Associations, this index Trust Companies, this index LIQUOR Alcoholism. Alcohol and Drug Abuse, generally, this index Intoxicating Liquors, generally, this index LIS PENDENS Generally, 60-2201 LITTER Crimes and Punishments, generally, this index LITTLE WAGNER ACT Generally, 44-801 et seq. LIVESTOCK Animal health commissioner, generally this index Animals, generally, this index Brands and marks, 47-414 et seq. Abandonment, 47-417 Adoption, 47-417 Age brand, 47-420 Animal health commissioner, 47-416, 47-428 Brand books, 47-424 Certificate of brand title, 47-417 Certified copy of record, 47-419 Crimes, punishments and penalties, 47-421 Definitions, 47-414 Digital branding, 47-420 Feedlot brand, 47-420 Fees, 47-417, 47-417a, 47-420, 47-422, 47-448 Forfeited brands, 47-417 Herd brand, 47-420 Inspection areas, 47-417a Inspections, 47-428 Entry upon private lands, 47-428 Inspection areas, 47-417a Inspectors, 47-417a Reciprocity, 47-448 Records, 47-416, 47-420, 47-422 Sales, 47-422 Serial brand, 47-420 Special investigators, 47-416a Strays, proceeds, 47-429 Transfers, 47-422 Unrecorded brand use, 47-420 Certificates, Brand title, 47-417 Transportation into state, 47-607 Confined feeding facilities, Feeding facilities, post Damages, driving along highway, 47-120 Dead animals. Animals, this index Dealers. Animal Dealers, this index Deliveries in motor vehicles, 47-1101, 47-1102 Feeding facilities, permits, 65-171d Fees, 65-166a Hogs, 65-1,178 et seq. Advisory committee, 65-1,197 Application for permit, 65-1,179 Chemigation, 2-3302, 2-3305, 2-3307, 2-3318 Closure, plan for, 65-1,189 Dead animals, Composting, 65-1,199 Plan for, 65-1,188 Definitions, 65-1,178 Denial of permit, 65-1,193 Emergency response plan, 65-1,184 Employee training, 65-1,186 Fees, 65-166a Groundwater monitoring, 65-1,181 Health and environment, department of, Advisory committee, 65-1,197 Reports to legislature, 65-1,198 Rules and regulations, 65-1,198 Hearing, public, 65-1,179 Inspection, 65-1,191 Kansas state university, duties, 65-1,195 Lagoons, Closure, plan for, 65-1,190 Release from, report, 65-1,183 Standards, 65-1,181 Study, K-State, 65-1,195 Lime limits, Issuance of permit, 65-1,179 Manure management, 65-1,181 Land application, 65-1,182, 2-3302, 2-3305, 2-3307, 2-3318 Study, K-State, 65-1,195 Release, report of, 65-1,183 Odor control, Plan for, 65-1,187 Vegetative screening, 65-1,181 Operator, Financial ability, 65-1,189, 65-1,190 Training, duties, 65-1,183, 65-1,186 Penalties, 65-1,193 Plans, retention, Preparation, 65-171d Retention, 65-1,185 Public notice, comment, 65-1,179 Records, retention, 65-1,185 Reports to legislature, 65-1,198 Revocation of permit, 65-1,193 Rules and regulations, 65-1,198 Separation distances, 65-171d, 65-1,192 Manure application, 65-1,182 Water, 65-1,180 Standards, application of, 65-1,192, 65-1,194, 65-1,196 Suspension of permit, 65-1,193 Training, operator, employees, 65-1,186 Violations, penalties, 65-1,193 Waste management, 65-1,181 Land application, 65-1,182, 2-3302, 2-3305, 2-3307, 2-3318 Study, K-State, 65-1,195 Release, report of, 65-1,183 Water, separation distances, 65-1,180 Wells, Monitoring, 65-1,181 Separation distances, 65-1,180 Poultry, 65-171d Feedlots, 47-1501 et seq. Animal health board, 47-1508 Animal health commissioner, 47-1506 Crimes and penalties, 47-1509 Definitions, 47-1501 Planning assistance, 47-1511 Feeds. Commercial Feeds, generally, this index Fees, Brand inspection, 47-417a Brand registration, 47-417 Herd or serial brand permit, 47-420 Funds, Livestock brand fee fund, 47-429 Hogs, generally, this index Feeding facilities, permits, ante Inspection act of 1969, 65-6a18 et seq. Inspections, Brand inspection, 47-428 Brand inspection areas, 47-417a Brand inspectors, 47-417a Reciprocity, 47-448 Transporting into state, 47-607 Rules and regulations, 47-607d Liability of producer, actions arising out of consumption of meat product, 65-6a57, 65-6a58 License or permit, Feedlot, 47-1503 Serial or herd brand permit, 47-420 Shipments into state, 47-607, 47-607a Livestock dealer, 47-1804 Bonding, 47-1808 Penalties, 47-1807 Registration of, 47-1805, 47-1806 Markets, see subhead Public livestock markets, under Animals, this index Meats, this index Public livestock markets, 47-1001 et seq. Bond, 47-1002 Crimes and penalties, 47-1005, 47-1010, 47-1014 Fees, 47-1011a Inspections, 47-1008 License, 47-1002 Purchase for slaughter, 47-1801, 47-1802 Records, Brands and marks, 47-416, 47-420, 47-422, 47-424 Running at large, Taking up by sheriff, 47-122a Unlawfully driving livestock, 47-121 Unlawfully runnng at large, 47-122 Sales, Brand books, 47-424 Brands, 47-422 Secure holding area, 47-122a Strays, Proceeds from sale, 47-429 Proof of ownership, 47-428 Swine technology center, 76-487 et seq. Taxation, this index LIVING WILL Generally, 65-28,101 et seq. LOAN BROKERS Generally, 50-1001 et seq. Bond, 50-1003 Contracts, Requisites, 50-1007 Rescission, return of consideration, 50-1014 Crimes and punishments, 50-1013 Definitions, 50-1001 Disclosure documents, 50-1006 Evidence, copies admissible, 50-1010 Exemptions, 50-1016 Disposition, 50-1005 Fraud, filing statements, 50-1018 Liability, 50-1012 Penalties, civil, 50-1011 Record requirements, 50-1015 Registration, 50-1003 Denial, suspension or revocation, 50-1008 Exemptions, 50-1016 Renewal, 50-1004 Securities commissioner, Powers, 50-1009 Prosecutions, 50-1013 Special investigators, 50-1009 Service of process, 50-1003 Civil, penalties, 50-1011 Crimes and punishments, 50-1013 LOANS Agricultural production, Kansas agricultural production loan deposit program, 75-4268 et seq. Alternative-fueled vehicles, state loan program, 75-37,116 et seq. Automobile, physical damage insurance, 40-298, 40-299 Banks and Banking, this index Cities of third class, improvements, 15-408 College students, Higher education guarantee, 72-7402 et seq. Institutions under board of regents, 76-728 Consumer Credit Code, generally, this index Consumer Loans, this index Cooperative marketing associations, 17-1605 Credit Unions, this index Federal Home Loan Banks, generally, this index Guarantee loans, primary care safety net clinic capital loan guarantee act, 65-7401 et seq. Guaranteed loans, 17-5001 Tax levies to repay, 68-1135 Insurance, this index Insured loans, 17-5001 Interest, generally, this index Kansas agricultural production loan deposit program, 75-4268 et seq. Kansas Development Finance Authority Act, this index Life insurance policy loans, 40-420 Monopolies and unfair trade, 50-112 Dairy products, 50-503 Pawnbroker regulation, 16-706 et seq. Rural water districts, financing projects, 82a-619 Savings and Loan Associations, this index Sewer systems, Water Pollution Act, 12-3104 State alternative fuels loan program, 75-37,116 et seq. State emergency fund, municipalities, 75-3713a Statute of frauds, 33-104 Urban renewal, 17-4748 Veterans' curators, investments by curators, 73-512 LOBBYING Ethics, State Governmental, this index School districts, 72-53,108 Reports, Public funds, 46-295 LOCAL AD VALOREM TAX REDUCTION Fund, 79-2959 et seq. Pledges, water pollution control projects, Contribution for water pollution control projects from, 65-3306 LOCAL CARTAGE CARRIERS Motor Carriers, this index LOCAL RESIDENTIAL HOUSING FINANCE LAW Generally, 12-5219 et seq. Bonds, Covenants, 12-5225 Form, 12-5226 Interest, 12-5224 Investment in, 12-5232 Issuance, 12-5222, 12-5224, 12-5225, 12-5231 Liability for, 12-5227, 12-5228 Ordinance, 12-5224 Payment, 12-5228 Pledges, 12-5227 Tax exemption, 12-5230 Tax levies unauthorized, 12-5228 Validity, 12-5226 Definitions, 12-5221 Governing bodies, Cooperation, 12-5231 Joint action, 12-5230 Powers, 12-5222, 12-5231, 12-5233 Standards, establishment, limitations, 12-5222 Loans, 12-5222 Mortgagors, qualifications, 12-5221 LODGES Corporation, powers and duties, 17-1701 et seq. Fraternal Associations or Societies, this index Insurance code, exemption, 40-202 LODGING ESTABLISHMENTS Generally, 36-501 et seq. Advisory committee on food service and lodging standards, Abolition, 74-131, 74-132, 74-137, 74-138 Agriculture, department of, regulation by, 74-581 et seq. Alcoholic beverages. Intoxicating Liquors, this index Civil penalties, 36-515b Contracts for enforcement, 36-510 Inspection fee disallowed, 36-510 Inspection reimbursement fund, 36-512 Credit agreements, 36-208 Crimes, punishments and penalties, 36-515 Civil penalties, 36-515b Definitions, 36-501 Discrimination, generally, this index Dogs, Accompanying disabled persons, 39-1108 Accompanying hearing impaired persons, 39-1107 Physical therapy dogs, qualified handler, rights, 39-1110 Fees, Inspection by municipality, 36-510 Reimbursement fund, 36-512 Licenses, 74-139 Lodging establishments, 36-502 Lodging fee fund, 36-520 Renewal, 36-505 Fire marshal, contract for enforcement, 36-510 Fire protection, 31-132 et seq. Food service inspection reimbursement fund, 36-512 Gas stove connections, requirements, 36-132 Misdemeanor violation, 36-134 Hearing impaired persons, Dogs accompanying persons, 39-1107 Smoke detectors, 36-517 Hearings, Civil penalty, 36-515b Temporary suspension of license, 36-515a Violations, 36-519 Injunctions, 36-515 Inspections, Lodging establishments, 36-518 Reimbursement fund, 36-512 Intoxicating Liquors, this index Licenses, 74-139 Denial, 36-502 Hearing, Temporary suspension of license, 36-515a Lodging establishments, 36-502 Renewal, 36-505 Suspension, 36-510, 36-515, 36-515a Temporary suspension without notice or hearing, 36-515a Lodging Establishments, this index Municipalities, contract for enforcement, 36-510 Fee disallowed, 36-510 Inspection reimbursement fund, 36-512 Civil penalty, 36-515b Temporary suspension of license, 36-515a Rules and regulations, 36-506 Secretary of health and environment, Powers, duties and functions of secretary of food service and lodging board transferred to, 75-5626 Rules and regulations, 36-506 Smoke detectors, hearing impaired persons, 36-517 Standards, Enforcement, 36-510 Lodging establishments, 36-506 Violation, 36-515, 36-515b, 36-519 Theft of services, 21-5801 Transfer of powers and duties, 74-5,104 et seq. LOGAN COUNTY Boundaries, 18-155 St. John county, name changed to Logan county, 18-155a LONG-ARM STATUTE Procedure in procuring service, 8-402 Service of process, 60-308 Motor vehicles, 8-401 et seq. LONG-TERM CARE OMBUDSMAN Administration, department of, Budget estimates, inclusions, 75-7301 Technical assistance, advice, 75-7301 Aging and disability services, Kansas department for, Budget estimates, inclusions, 75-7302 Financial assistance, agreements, 75-7302 Lending surplus property, 75-5908 Long-term care ombudsman act, 75-7301 et seq. Short title, 75-7314 State long-term care ombudsman, office of, 75-7301 et seq. Access, Facilities, residents, 75-7308 Advisory council on aging, 75-5914 Agreements and contracts, 75-7302, 75-7304, 75-7305 Bidding exemption, certain, 75-7305 Limitation on privatization, 75-7305 Attached to department of administration, 75-7301 Continuation of policies, orders and directives, 75-7304 Prior office abolished, 75-7304 References in statutes, contracts and documents, 75-7304 Transfer of functions, personnel and property, 75-7304 Budget estimates and expenditures, 75-7301, 75-7302 Communication with ombudsman, prohibit actions against individuals for, 75-7313 Complaints, investigation, 75-7306 Training required, 75-7307 Confidentiality of information, records and reports, 75-7310 Conflicts of interest, procedures, 75-7305 Crimes and penalties, 75-7313 Definitions, 75-7303 Education programs, 75-7306 Entry into facilities, 75-7308 Financial assistance, secretary of aging, 75-7302 Grants or donations, 75-7305 Independent state agency, 75-7304 Information, release of, procedure, 75-7306 Interference with lawful ombudsman activities, 75-7313 Investigative, legal, training or other services, 75-7305 Legal counsel, 75-7305 Officers and employees, 75-7304 Ombudsman, Access, Facilities, residents, 75-7308 Records, 75-7309 Advocate of facility residents, 75-7306 Appointment, subject to senate confirmation, effect, 75-7304 Authority, 75-7301 Good-faith performance of duties, nonliability, 75-7312 Powers and duties, 75-7304, 75-7305, 75-7306 Qualifications, 75-7304 Release of information, procedure, 75-7306, 75-7310 Reports to legislature and governor, 75-7306, 75-7310 Term of office, 75-7304 Public education, services, 75-7305 Recommendations and reports to legislature and governor, 75-7306 Records and documents, Confidentiality of, 75-7310 Regional long-term care ombudsman, Access, Facilities, residents, 75-7308 Records, 75-7309 Appointment, 75-7304 Good-faith performance of duties, nonliability, 75-7312 Legal counsel, 75-7305 Training, 75-7306 Remedies on behalf of residents, pursuit of, 75-7305 Training programs, 75-7306, 75-7307 Visits with residents, right of access, 75-7308 Volunteer ombudsman, Access, Facilities, residents, 75-7308 Records, exceptions, 75-7309, 75-7311 Authorization procedures, 75-7306 Good-faith performance of duties, nonliability, 75-7312 Unlawful actions, interfering with ombudsman, 75-7313 LONG-TERM CARE SERVICES Comprehensive and coordinated system, 39-7,159 LOTTERIES Bingo, regulation authorized, Kan. Const. Art. 15, § 3a Crimes and Punishments, this index LOTTERY, STATE Generally, Kan. Const. Art. 15, §§ 3, 3c, 74-8701 et seq. Abolition, 74-8723 Administration, secretary of, duties, 74-8705 Administration of, 74-8703, 74-8704 Advertising, promotion of, Athletic sporting events, limitations, 74-8704 Children and minors, employment prohibited, 74-8722 Standards, 74-8722 Unsolicited, 74-8722 Athletic sporting events, advertising limitations, 74-8704 Attorney general, 74-8705, 74-8710, 74-8715 Audits, Confidentiality, 74-8779 Contracts, 74-8778 Financial compliance. 74-8774 Kansas lottery audit contract committee,74-8775 Performance, 74-8779 Reports, 74-8779 Security, 74-8774 Background investigation, information, 74-8705 Children and minors, certain employment prohibited, 74-8722 Children and minors, employment of, 74-8725 Commission, 74-8709 Compensation, expenses, 74-8709 Duties, 74-8705, 74-8706, 74-8709, 74-8710 Meetings, 74-8709 Rules and regulations, 74-8710 Kansas expanded lottery act, 74-8709, 74-8710 Terms, 74-8709 Contracts, 74-8703, 74-8704, 74-8705 Renewal or extension, 74-8705 Definitions, 74-8702 Director of administration, 74-8703 Director of marketing, 74-8703 Director of sales, 74-8703 Director of security, 74-8703 Employees, Conflict of interests, 74-8716 Criminal arrests and convictions, records and disclosure of, 12-4516, 74-8704 Fingerprinting of, 74-8704 Law enforcement powers, 74-8714 Relatives of, unlawful acts, 74-8719 Removal from employment, 74-8716 Unlawful acts, 74-8716 Executive director, 74-8703 Abolition of office, 74-8723 Conflict of interests, 74-8716 Deputy executive director, 74-8703 Employees, Minors, undercover agents, 74-8725 Instant bingo vending machine agreements, 75-5189 Personal secretary, 74-8703 Powers and duties, 74-8703, 74-8704, 74-8706 Relatives of, unlawful acts, 74-8719 Removal from office, 74-8716 Special assistant to, 74-8703 Tax information, access, 74-2424 Unlawful acts, 74-8716 Federal bureau of investigation, 74-8704, 74-8705 Financial reports, 74-8706 Funds, Lottery operating fund, 74-8711 Lottery prize payment fund, 74-8712 State general fund, loans from, 74-8713 Transfer of, 74-8706, 74-8711, 74-8712, 74-8713 Games, limits, 74-8710 Gaming facility, Manager, Criminal arrests and convictions, records and disclosure of, 12-4516 Income tax, prizes subject to, 74-8720 Kansas bureau of investigation, 74-8704, 74-8705 Kansas expanded lottery act, 74-8733 et seq. Commission, Rules and regulations, 74-8705, 74-8710, 74-8740, 74-8744, 74-8748 Conflict of interest, certain public officials, others, criminal penalties, 74-8762 County election required, waiver, certification, 74-8737, 74-8738, 74-8743 Criminal history records check, 74-8763, 74-8769 Electronic gaming machine, lottery facility games, Certification, confiscation, 74-8750 Electronic gaming machine income, distribution, 74-8747 Electronic gaming machine operating criteria, 74-8749 Electronic gaming machines, total number, 74-8744 Electronic gaming or lottery facility games, Age restrictions, 74-8757 Exemption from federal act to prohibit transportation of gambling devices, 74-8771 Expanded lottery act revenues fund, 74-8768 Expanded lottery receipts fund, 74-8766 Gaming facility management contracts, Problem gambling and addictions fund, 74-8734 Gray machines prohibited, criminal penalties, 74-8761 Information and data, confidential, 74-8745 Inspections, investigations, Executive directors, Kansas lottery, Kansas Racing and Gaming Commission, 74-8752 Kansas racing and gaming commission, Lottery gaming at parimutuel location, 74-8736 Live greyhound racing purse supplemental fund, 74-8767 Live horse racing purse supplement fund, 74-8767 Local taxes and sales taxes prohibited on revenues, 74-8770 Lottery commission, Executive director, duties, 74-8744 Gaming facility management contracts, 74-8734 City, county share of revenues, 74-8734 Gaming zones, 74-8702, 74-8734 Limit on number of lottery gaming facilities, 74-8734 State share of revenues, 74-8734 Lottery gaming enterprise, Eminent domain prohibited, 74-8734 Lottery gaming facilities, Alcohol, wine, spirits, cereal malt beverage sales permitted, 74-8739 Lottery gaming facility, racetrack gaming facility, Revenue bonds, tax increment financing tax abatements prohibited, 74-8753 Lottery gaming facility, review board, duties, 74-8735 Lottery gaming facility manager, 74-8734 Consent to any action, garnishment, 74-8755 Manipulating games, criminal penalties, 74-8759 Parimutuel licensee locations, Electronic gaming machine requirements, 74-8746 Problem gambling, posting signs, toll free number, 74-8764 Racetrack gaming facility management contracts, 74-8741 Approval, 74-8742 State and state officials, held harmless, insurance, 74-8754 Wager, loan and credit restrictions, criminal penalties, 74-8756, 74-8758, 74-8760 Minority business enterprises, major procurement contracts, 74-8705 Multistate lottery, 74-8731 et seq. Executive officer, statement of substantial interest, 46-247, 46-280 Oaths and depositions, 74-8704 Prizes, 74-8704, 74-8706, 74-8710, 74-8720 Confidentiality, 74-8720 Eligibility to claim, 74-8720 Nonmonetary prizes, purchase, 74-8712 Null and void, 74-8719 Payees, 74-8720 Set-off procedures, 74-8712 Unclaimed prizes, 74-8720 Procurement negotiating committee, 74-8705 Promotional services, 74-8704 Purchases, 74-8703, 74-8704, 74-8705 Retailers, Application fees, 74-8708 Background investigations, 74-8705 Bids, proposals, 74-8705 Books, records, memoranda, access to, 74-8704 Compliance checks, use of minors, 74-8725 Financial stability, surety, 74-8704 Qualifications, 74-8708, 74-8710 Selection, 74-8708 Unlawful acts, 74-8716, 74-8718 Revenue, state department and secretary of, 74-8703, 74-8705 Rules and regulations, 74-8710 Sales tax, retailers, exemption, 74-8721 Securities commissioner, investigations, 74-8705 Security, 74-8704, 74-8706, 74-8708 State setoff program, 75-6201 et seq. Gaming facilities, agreements, 75-6204 Withholding prizes, 75-6217 Subpoenas, 74-8704 Temporary staffing and management functions, 74-8703 Tickets and shares, 74-8704, 74-8706, 74-8708, 74-8710 Null and void, 74-8719 Unlawful acts, 74-8716, 74-8717, 74-8718, 74-8719 Unsolicited advertising, 74-8722 Veterans benefit game, 74-8724 Video lottery machines, games prohibited, 74-8710 LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE COMPACT Generally, 65-34a01 et seq. LOYALTY OATHS Public officers and employees, 75-4308 et seq. LUMBER Timber and Lumber, generally, this index LUNCHES Food service programs. Schools and School Districts, this index LYON COUNTY Boundaries, 18-156 County buildings, financing of, sales tax, 12-187 et seq. Fire district, board of directors, 31-302 Flint Hills advisory council, 32-847 Law enforcement facility, bonds exempt from debt limitation, 10-307 Property, vacation of, 19-26,102 Township fire departments, 80-1919 et seq. Vacation of property, 19-26,102 |